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Post on 25-Mar-2020






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3' Ml^3^^*°$** w * * % tf' $*M lpt»!e^e, J p o ^ • * > . , *

-No. 19 Old Series,

•51 «4'l'U7iit ^'W$ BJKcV

»««#r how T a t w n ^ ' * f * i m i i . »f niediciite le

h?-fjffiffi*t'-pf ' " j l o u i e t h *

'«• in lliii city "IhereiUnied «ilh. n^difce

s.hjind««r i%t -

%te*i|a»<ftj * re from strict 'te <>ff>i(d, j ^

-prirlor iroalj.

ty*ndi<»te— ill) erert, cure ««i. * But, iht re Liihoniritic I of hot'•-«?» sment be pef. MtPKisitPcet.

•n<it«MMm o f a g « i : \

'* «r«l,,Btif«' imni iHtwul

eure. Silat

rt« and jwtfftt r flWJWHt.

p«Mii|Uii!«. bpftrff«|«!lff.

;»f of rcuie, fcc, •rift the »b»Ti irular* Hill bf jcltre»(r«f«

©.rail undt«i j imridd «k«' - i h » t all «1rf F «(Wl.t»*eirfl1

G. C V.utU ! uno"n the earit b'.'UilhAAiHptMf mite. - PiH ip | bottle, l a l T F ]

j j I ) r . G. C, •f., Bilfliito,' V ni m«rt CM»< mil rHmll »f C o u n l i n d * . , (be fcl!o«rip(

•Oi^RliKfc-;-Brown, fl4M|i-. J. E* )y.amrf.. JI, Boon»/iH«!

I 'I Lift'Fflli

^•tihler-medr *, k««ir» i t •r'» L i b R l l t y now *(l».ilt»C x arte of III. 1 fgnn'lj m<Sdt* M in. (i*e.<-

am l l w i t |>iil« c their s i n e

• \ "

^:fe^.Series;ToL ir-^p, ,$fc :J "TEHS 1 « M M T l g E L

Published at Romcj Oncifla tynirty, N. t.

• . T E ' R ' M , i / •' . - __ TjoJWail tadOi^io Subscribers^l,50,if paid

within three months from the date-ofeubscrip-t l i o n ; «r $2,00 at. the. expiration of the year.-E-.' Village Subscribers $2,00 per annum. i

~ No piper discqnkin,,PlP!UunJes?'ft die o'ptiori o f the prop^rietors)tilM))-ji;|f^ragM-are paid. .

All letters and com[pyili1|a)|fon8Tpr'tho editor!

must be free of jjosl|i|'c, •. f f ' | ' '!

' I 1 T E I D"T '.A! D V E R T I B I.M O .

1 square 1 week $ *«• 3 weeks 1

I month 3 , 6 " 9 "

50 0(1

1 25 3 25 6 00 7 OO

Yearly AdvbrLisomonts One square . . $ b 5 Q One e ighth Rol. ifl 0 | | Quarter c o l u m n 12 UO .Half • " 18 OO One •'.' 3lftO0


, Wholesa le ai)it retail daalers in

DRY GOODS, GRocElryxsc CROCKERY, r l A R D W A r l E , 1 I R O U , S T E E L , HAILS. ,

• i_.4jc_ii-y.^4rJcX'^—k-tii~ _ —•' &M(A tithtoftite. .Gdnal.JamcsjSl., Rami. '•

'<Mn;«mY4nmi SJS^gifee?."^:^^



Aimttrong** Block, Strut It Side of Eric Canal,

R O M E , Where t h e ; tro prepared at all l imes to erectile

with neatness and despatch, and on reason, able terms, cverg_doficrijitieiih .of

LlfFM PBBSS P1WW. t y Work duno night or day aa tbepccenity

.of the case demand*. . •>


i*mstrong's Block, Rome. 'All orders from adis tance punctual ly attended to

^Jliraim Shepard, ' CL.OCK and WATCH REPAIRER

H a s removed his establishment three door east of Stanwix' Halt, where , Cloelt,8 and Walcfies ^vill be repHired to order,

Rome", January 99th, 1845'. . 441 f

•vrpr'TCE.—niY ACCOUNTS FOR -L^ llie VVafehouse at /tome." .are fr» the,

.luindsbf Mr. G E O . E . Ydu«ii, who'.will at-erd to their Collection und Settltnient.


I H t L ' S I I K S , B K I J S t I . E S .

HA L B ^ N A J L , TOOTJH, F L E S H f>mnb, Henrth, Hat, Carneii Hair,

Palfit. VaKnibh, Hfrsf, Scrub iintl Shoe Crushes. H E O D i . E l T & P E C K ' S

1rV'fiolenle tnd Retail Dealer* in Ili'iigi', Med ci'r»c», PaiiilH, Clio, Dye Slufist'W^idovv.GlkBK P*tc»il Medicine*, Perfumery, UrtTshvi,* Tar 1'itcU.Oakuiii. &c, AI»oChuKUj|'aioily Gm

-rr.cn c*rPt»re;

II. J.Cl|XA»U. (

tkuu. &c, AlwCliu„er. ,o . iyOr«. . - | U g B « B C E X T F l R E F A V - I V C D R .

4D»rni„ic*-StreV», Rome,,-». Y. . • »* ' « d ''f ^ c n l m ^ L h c ^ i ^ ^ ^


Office in iho A r c a d e . "Where they wilt punctually ati(?r,dfo all calls

in tho hriobf Uieir prufcsjiVon. '* 21 jr I

J~~ w M. j a H N S O N ,

A N D - ' . pJnatO.VJMLK UJIK-iiKESSjElt,

In t h e Basement of Rtanw 1 Hal l ,

A t t n r n c r mid OfMrn^r-Hnr-tTt—fit


trruEJir . coirux' conwissiasEn. air

OfRceirt Arm*liotis ,9i Illncfe,. 2»• - r — - ^ -.-•-- - -,-, - ^ = r

. W I G 11 T ' S

CJap, aiul Fur Hat, (Jap, aiul Fur Store, l # r c n w w d lit the s t o « pirmcrly <M>r'u|iied \>r A. • S | ie i icer , .no\t donr to-M 'dgc & D«»ly'» " a " 1 -

wrcrtl amrc, on l l io street l eading to the Canal and ttad Ituad. ' H o m e . Oct . 2 d . lMo, . ; 28-f


Solicitors and €ouseilorg.

3ALVERT C O M s r u C K . { R S » " E -' -OEee in Annslrongs brick block, dver the Cant! Collector's office. - ,


A T T O R N E Y S ' & . C O U N S E l i L o R S




From Tho Tribunor


p«- a , . W . FATTEN, V. S, AltMV-,


FaWner's Ahoy ! Plaster rPisistcr 1!

f J B O U N J l . . P L A C E R ronsunl ly ^ * hiindattlievSloilrriMilLs.Onejdfl Csstle.

N . B. The subscribers will exchange Gr«*iind Plaster f..r r*ine Lumber or Produce

." • B U S ; W F . L L . $ - D 0 D 6 . C Oneida PIKUIP, Marrl, r>. |"^>—<lQm6

JIHSSSO'TOOJLI . 'S K i i l i n o r y S t o r o H o m o v o d .

-has-rc-iii(>*«d Irf tbei^rirprtn'coVJhntgf1; "Do-" iy S t C o V S l o r e . corner, of Dominick iind iHmeJ sfaegr wht-re sTielvillifispflie. fl£liet

eiTGieslock of 5ITllineVt*^ood3

" Consialios in piirt of I h e following arti-c lc t . v i z : Velvets,"Sniurn, S i lk s , Luces , Bibbonn, Flowers, Plumr-n, f)rrtvge. Gimp, Cord^iGcivals . Gloees, Mills, ^«iiaft jihd Lc»horn fl«l», &c. A . U'-FOOLE.

Uoroe, January 12, 18-16. _42tf

•FASflWN^-fOfi Am. I t . W A I / K B B would nidst respecirully inform the Gentlemen of Romp a n * Ttirnmr, that he "llWST recelveif froip N e w York the Inlcst nnd'-most ap» {Irsveil fif-lnoiis for apriiiR and summer. Ur-'lin^iJ-^)rCfelt^cdii cltoTce lr»roT riiil'ir«tririimin»«"selecl-

- J w ill greiit c« ie which lie would be glnd I u x o l n n ^ e f o r Cash.

i i r ea l care (alien in cutl ins for those w ho >v^E>toln«"e their work done by w o m t a or at horii c and sumrble trimmings put u p o' very lew price*.

Shop ir» Mirrill's Drick Block, opposile Ihc Northern Hotel, ,., ..

i":-«iic, 18JG. - < ' • fa<ldt

lh«'llirB*iii«r •ilfr »rt t«^* sir c«*e*et* f ' fthii *itTMr-'irtcraHRariw

d iht«e booki ..iw t .ba i t .

^l,»lor«:lir«Pf ; ^ s « i l l ' * e r ' '

n W i n l h ^ l k

Solicitor* im Chance ry « . O M E , X » t r .

3 l§ce on Janies Street," iearly opposite the JJftriTicrrt Hotel. S."V»N TJRES»« J. Ikl. ELWO-ID.

. ._ S C l i O O t , B O O K D E P O T .

U T J- H A N C O C K , C O R N E R O F .T T . J a m c n i n d IJnminick St«„ h a s ill c t tnn-uvo- *l»i!k—«>f -Sdiotil- Bnotor^-fArrr iiftTeT^ffif IVrappinj Pj-pcr.'and lilack Ink. A l f o a l a r g c issortment o f Schoo l Stal ionerv, IFhirh lie «l' If r» t o llie trade w/iolcsale d»d ri ta i l at Now York pri.:r*. IV. J . H J t f C O C K .

M. B. R a g s « a n t e d in c \cbango . lor books. P a p e r etc.

Millinery Sto(e Removed. . RS. B A K E R « A S . . 1 i Y C O N S E nnence o f the recent fire, nenmvedio

Thou bast passed from my heart like the dew •"'••- -;«re»^flq.s{«says.. : ,, •_ p k e tho bloom "from the bud^-like -thfjjight-• r from llio day. Oh Na'd i8.t,lie gloom which thy memories'loavs, As tho cload-lhat- -Jiariga--dark-an-tho—brow o/'

•- • -tjie e v e | '"' " . . Tho gleam has g^iao out from the depth of those


Like a-slar that hath set never more to arise ; And the ray of hn4 hope which" so gliateri'd in


It is quei)cb'd,oh ! Alcida.'departed with thine.

Aleida, Aleida, a stray lamb of the foJaU , Thare'salttjo ef the fleece which should no'er-

have been, tpld :' ... ' a • . . i „ There's »l iearl- lhri l l ing story of passion ' a n d

thtt, , ; . Which Echo , deep blushing, h^th murmurod t o

- ^ • • i ' " • • . • ' - . - ' _ . . '

By thesnosi? of t h a t han_d which-1'vo trembled l o tough, i •" , _L^.'

By the roi'ejpf that cheek which I'vo lauded s o mildly _ .

By t h e blue 'of t h a i eye , and thy lips happy . t one—^ • _ ,

Ateida ! Ateida! c o m e back to. tWneown ! . ^ • " ' ' ' "•

Come back t o Iho homo or' thy innocent mirth. Where thy mother .ails sad by tho desolate


And thy lil-wer-hair'd father tho winter eve long 4.<npat'mplly ytiarna for tby dceen.'.aof sang, RoUrn, lliotieilCang'd one^oneejnore with t i y

•mile, . -And thy insy.ohcek'ji brolher shall greotlhec — : tho'w'tiilo! ' ' • - ' ' "

—T-h-ree or^(ow-iA4fS-eP-\v-ft-pp—^^vfflHfer jmion-jaclc at.the Tore, la ,y. , in"pride o f powef" on the .npj>le Hud§.gp ; and si i l l further .off the folds of 5)t.<Geprge's4 red-cross bannar'dropped at t|te flag.-siaiLof, Fort St. George , the head qui.iners o i i b e British commiinderiin-clii&f, Sir Meary Cltntojh "

,^ I&t< la4; tof.„f4l RtbiB.F1>t y o u jol4-yloB^--legged Virg-infdti, will Jack ' "ArcTifbaTJ trudge, till he's-drank succes s to thai fla« yonder. God bless it, niy hearty ! ' '— And downi he sealed liiiTiiielf, at the.sarit** t ime-applying.to his lips a huge canteen , of at least u gallon size, such as in for­mer days farmers c a n i e d to the fields-till­ed wiih cider, H .. . J

•" Mr.. J a c k \rohiba,lJ, 1 reckon...you" are thoderajely fu-H o' .wlTjjskey n o w . — Tha i nose ofyotfjrs, if it sUysh ing in t h e suj-, will blaze, a s s u r e as lerrapia' grow llfTald V i r g i n n y . "

" -You be d— ! and.oJjj_yjrg.jnny. and terrapins 106. I had a. taste bi't'lm lal ier l l i ingslast carmiaign, when we went souih ;"and hung inebu^rl . iljcruglit t h e ine,at and"1 he bones had the iWle and lo'ok of y o u n g niggers . The mast bge-f of o ld England lorever! Here g o e s — hie -^ l i i c—hicum!"

" But, J a c k Archi-bale, this kind o f enpering ain't going lo answer, I'm a deserter, recollect ; and if one or*olher jpf^bur partigsionrtracfiTsa M , I'm sure to-be hung up like'a Richmond herrin', for niaking a bolt to llie king's s i d e , — A n i all to save you, you w h e l p ! "

" Whelp , you. call mo, do y o u ? — W h e l p — h a ! I*m one of John p u l l ' s full grown roasirli_. and can closn your

&QJft-L liao't JtujliyLsUtcr—t isHBattaoHbrgct-SheToveiJieJr Aleida—she worships her yet,

TVIdtlft t^lBtdilTnoalic^r-yeXneier a bride I. l-speak^nol-x«n;lrntei'fice —'t Wero idlolo chide: Do I weep? 't in nut ivi uknru—1 fain-w-oul4-

Virgiuny peepe is wiih an upp&r-cni. d'ye-seerT-^Trlve-ilrat L r a tvliitc-.washed rebel !"

_ A-rchibnld hnd.mannged lo gp,tup.on Iris -) flg^nd--ptrt-lrifflse4f-Trnr^^^ utdeT Tt vvas but forn niinute, iu'We'ver.

The l iquor bad nearly 'dot»e m wp/;b ^OTrhiy l i ? a g j ~ ^ r ^ i l a i i g a bloTv ai7nl?i Ike cirmpinTfon, which the falner m e r e l y xe-tnriied.vviih a pu.sii. Itf; l^ll m lull r e l i s h

full with (bo tear-dropi&f

mingle thy namo with Ita

refrai But the fountain ia

. p»m I And _roy lute, as t

tone, Dremhcj t «aund through my .chamber that's

Mournful and lone ; Oh (Jpd ! how J've loved thee, "torrgue never

• may tell I . 1

Aleida ! Aleida!-farewell 1—fare thO'Wel'i !' n„r~i!ri, J«» |S» 1- .tB ; ! _ ; . .

!&\tsf*ltarit o\i5^ —From thn N . Y.-Snnday-'FmTCK—

«lx hundred riven, under -the c6mmatid o f One,Qol. JolMisoBy-'had- feeeri-captu-reth— one o f i h e .-olditTS of the garrison, John Archibald, made Iws escape next inor-ning tr> u W w o m h r f b u t not Imowii ig i-x-aql.y'hi^ route,' w . n rctakui by scoulijij" patiy of L i e ' s dragoons, men patrulliag lowur.di) U.ickpnsaulr.

Major L e e h,d long m ^ i t a l e d a n at-tack >n Pow !es Hook, ami iho "sticccis of N fiyne at Stony Point only made him

The-Ming pf frwles Hook, if Maiat'lfinriy-tcf^inialv, 1779.

Powlus Elqol(,_Paulu4 1 1 ^ ^ or j p r -sey Cixy ns it is .now c a l l e r v l j : a s ra'tlier a differem looking"place seventy -years a,go from tv hut it iiow presenis , A few straggling h o u s e s , aa old windmil l used for grinding^.wheat .for the use of the British"Tre&pytR NW\v Yorlt,^8om"e" en-trenci imcius , a bioelc house and bar rucks for the garrison, consiiinted the entire raagjuficeP^of-Jers^it^^^

ent sta to Jersey C i t y s t a n d s on a p'eninsuln,

formed on o n a s i d e by the wide indenture

muu"panl(5j and what not, o f renowned Comm'Jiiipas.w, to say'nothing o f Pavonia -and Ahar>iimus. Ia fbimea Ujnes^aiex-"i reme high sides, she w a t e r s formednear-


Infeiiijes i- l f i*

D . ( sir

Stephin Tan Jlraar, Examiner in Chancery

B A l t M I S 3c , W O O D \ V O I t T i f ,


Roirie, Oneida Cou nly,

fjftce o»er Barnard's and Welnuirc's; Store" -JaoriCk^tTcet, ~~ ~

Wheeler Bdfnc*, Oicitr Fl ArWoSdWoflh. ,

HWfflMfcHirieifr EOMlt-

m^htr i » -

'«nd • f l iif tfpwi rfg-iUfcilri|B|/r0W isrrfl, yrffcW* isiblir, te w» tt tovtiVwnf


i f c ^ r i f e : * ^ 0 N B * T ^ _Wlin are hf»«-jH^B^^rfj-a««rjnrriTrjTbTfe tli?" public in (h'e best possible planner and on reaspn;il|le_iemis.

Tlijose who wrjaji lo take .passage in J lie Cars will And it for their conve&ience foslop j»t tilifc. House whrre Itieyc.an hit r.Mp.if In

i ^ ^ a ^ ^ P ^ r ^ n ^ a ^ ^ r ^ s ^ ^ ^ c f f . - S r c . Together w i l k a general and exlehs.lve

^oT%roiTt~ ( ) f £ 5 wcer ie sT J ^rockt i : yj atii Hiicware; Kails-, Strr V^hich" we are ^te !

pared lo se l l at t h e j p r y l o v e s ! pricef •" Rome, Sept. 9 , 1845.

ZJ ,

T a t e l h e Car?, on. iheir arriral at any linns tbtfing-t^c^j^ht^ir-dtrt^ ; ~

• HCjiS ASD BTABt-HTG AiffACHRD-Rqme,Aj )r ir i5 ih 1845. - 4m6

BLEJSTi^B^ - "iMgl

l*.jen»STed his Tailoring Eatai l ishnieat ,

i v h r t S i i " r ^ n i ^ * P ^ , d w a i t u P o B aH

^i«Tfrilsne«v Uriclc Uliok. (up ilnirs) where *hci will coniiriue the Millinery business in the rno'l la*hi-in.tbh style.

S h e takes '.bis occa«on to ntarr* her sin-r*&* thanks to i e r fiierids—and -patrons for Hie liberal- palruinngc she has received, and <olicif.4its continuance- Her loss atth'eje-cenj fire h^s been Considerable, considering tipr meansj arid she would consider it a rwir-liculnr favor il ber patrons and friends would pay whMerer may be her due. -42i

N E W F A L L ' G O -D D §

V-HOWIiANH BILL k CO. ' Ane JOMtjieceiwhg, their -Fall- -slock i>\- -

-oud-S-aroong w^jcij may-be fooird~a: gre;sL

i A.

SRE&SGOODS consisting of Cashmpres^MaJiltn n p l a i r n ^

Iy a coMipleio channel-sovr^r ihe n e t k si land, . a n l i i o " Powles Hook almost a n isl­ands Acro*s,ihrs neck the Brit ish troops had d u g a ditch ^ n d thrown up a n e a ;

tretichnient, to k e e p off -any sudden ui--tao'k thai rrrighl b e made by the Ameri­cans, w hose tioopers and scou-la l a y be-twcpn the Pass . i fo and HaLkensack riv­ers—though in fact all that part of Jersey-was a kind o l " debufeable l<nd|" where both par l i es met, " fought and plunderedT

more i o the annoyance of the itihabilanls than io each other, T h i s , it will remem­bered,- was in the days of the revolution.

Gowiboys;slriTnTe-ryarlcl Jer"se.y torjes - a i s o r n a d e i t aru+e \tf a|)rrear obcasioh-atty'on -the scene ; and', betwixt frien'd anfj'fde,lhe people within twenty mjles o f Powies H o o k w e r e in a constant slate

were c a r r i e d off without hesltnii»m," lite


._ ceriLlOllC^JLke^^ab^iirJbet^jjas^emoye'ii-his Sliiit, Leather and -Finding ^Uislablish-menl,"td"L S. Parker & Co's'jbldcfe, on the south side o f Ihe.Krie Canal, irt tbev i l lagt "F Rome, opposite. -Arm^rtfng's J d o c k , hrhe'relie w i l l kexp on hand ^ts usu-sil S n o e s Lw.iUw.nhd FindiwjrV-ftl^ftf •'tfhteli lie~rrrr

p^h2inssb:t|tpietl%t=gnn^ jaria-fiayj in«s- gar­dens- r>h+nile*ed-o^ their growing., vegeta­bles, and a l l the d o m c s i i j portion ol the* iiifin y».rd—such a"s sheep, hogsi ind poul­try— di^ap4>«ared on ll ie . approach o f a foraging party. P a y w a s out of the ques-liunu-"'-^"—^ {4-.1-.—'.'- . . . .• '. . . - • -•—"

sell at a very Srhall advance/from c o s t . *

.Rome, J a n . 6, J948."

AgrifcidtoiiJ ¥areliijuse RentBrodr

— v . „ „ | j rocrEit ) under the; fii'm o f Ec trnrrislocli &. C o . , snd opened ii Stow a t So. S*T>esw street, where they wilt be ready t o iiirnisli

S P ' f i JEL%-UB-: . •4* 1 1 k t o f t o f S h l E D S a D d l A l P l i f c t V l E t V : ^ used e n theJarW, 61" the 'be^Njualilies and at reasonable prices. His "old friends and customers are respectfully requested to send "tlffir ^ j r ^ V - ^ - ^ - ^ ^ - ^ - r -# f8 Itfj

E . C O M S T O C K .

eU RRA^TS^lTRONfl, RAISIN'S Mace and other spice*, at ?

D U D L E Y & PECK'S .

enough to be Heard by lheoihers3?=!!JQejajl d r u n k ! - H e c a n ' t w a k e for -oiie hour, certain " '.?

— H e - l o a d no-dooners^id^his,' tJi^,4ial-fcAa=±Be=s»dj a dozen hold looking-fe l lows, in l l | e b l u ^ coats afljdsdatlot f»c.ing^oil Le le?s_ ira goons, c | m e from the ihiokeron meVrocky f t e r ^ r 1 t | 'ajid^aT-irtea* Tiife[r"°^p1p1uTioii' \v|fn^a)ji|he endearihe'rita of jov ia l com­rades." ' •.-.-•

" Why, Duke,- you are -ge t t ing on fa, rnoiisly,. -?We_tr^clie(l^o-u-.t4ie-'ea-r-l.y-pa-r-i-pf ihe dajr, but somehow we lo^t sight of you just bt;lotv Fort L e e and dared n o i come loo c l o s e , " said o n e , who.appeared to b e the leader of. tlie party.

" The bellow w.»u,!d; stop at 'the "Bid LHS Ferry lory block liDUse'and refill h i s o a n -teen, Sprgeatil ) but lor that we should lia-ve"bcen at P o w i e s flook anlliOiir a AYhere is' tho m a j o r orfjj}_ihe ^cjrps-Does-«eve-r*iltitig look n f h l ?"

. " The afl'air c u l d ' n u l o o k better Dutee All defieods upon y o u . '1 h i s j e l l o w a p pears to be'drunk enough, and the s;un i* only three hours high. Y o u rriu.st hg; iijto the garrison-li^.sundowri m y l u d . '

, c Well, Duke Oiove .wi l l rnajiage that. V n w tell m e n l iule-pf o u r s i i u a p o n . Jl I've got l o g o , I'd like lo die knowing si,R-cess. If they find me out, my I inn*, 1 reckon, would be short \ but I'd ljke_to know- how "t i l ings l ie ." - r - -

' " Very Well," rsaid lheser»ehnt , " s | p p under this tree, dui of evesdrop|ii( ig,tU)ti )oti shall hear, L e e v ^ i i h l l i r e e h u n d r u i l ufihe'corpse, is on fhe m a r c h , through the private mountain road*. T h e suiu«' Sic transit gloria muiuli. nriiTinfr o f men from Siirltng'iS dt .i l > hfa^ ~~— "~——'---

Jl i iekensack, 'counti-y, tyi me d o w n t h e _ _ _ _ i , „ dpTTfieTe/HToTueiti^n foraging, paTfy.— Stirling himself, with a Imdy o f iin-n a t "tliT^nrv? '• br-idgp.-ove-r. -the Ha<,k"^nsnck, flnafdraTuT^teinKTm^Re^ enemy above. 1 f hoy oarYtes oiri-u,i> g-fr

vanoed .wi t l f l j i s troo.p.-i, crtrsseql~t-ho-d"iioh, to-te: awd..v-ih.e--ab.attis,—and-efliered +IK; rfTain Works-

»The resistance' was not strong, owin;;.

w a s talcen,,. and t.wo redoTibis"ciipr.tir<'d with their cannon, besides n e a r l y / t w o h u nd reldrjnen a rj(i^ev.e't^!Wj3i?ri»%sa, prisoners, -.. Major h.ulherlaiid, the com-ihander, wTobse quarters were^ near th<> river,'llirewjiinisell'mdih ii bo.4yjof l'lp'n-sians into a,.red,dlubt, and comoifnEed a l>r4d{-^ftre-u-peir1teer-prpv:pntinxr his firr.-iher.-advance. T h e ships of 'war in ilu:

river also beg.in to fire, and the alarm d r u m s w e r e sotmdinjj in" Mew Yi.rk ; so the commahde'r of ihe American for^ces, being thfn within the British'- Jih'ei-; di­rected a retreat with ihej)iisoner.-<,jvhicr w a s effected-Ay' rapid .'moveinents, SOMI .a-fiei' dayl ight , up to the new bridge OA'PI ihfe'ilticskrn&ack, where'Siiili i i i^sbripa'dr lin-rj a deiachtnent under Col. Bal l , y;ave h im final pioleclton. *

A m o n g llie prisoners was Jasok Arch­ibald ; and in rfplv lo Grove, who.nsi<* d h im what he "iho,ught abuut rebels de. seri.'ng ? " he answered-:^ , ' " - G i v e ns lhe whiskey, , lad. -Here's'

to y o u ! Im-ight frave known 'uvuulcf turn out a d—-ji Y a n k e e trick !"

F o r this exploit,. Major Henry Lee re. eeived fioni Con^rers a gb'ld medal, ttnjd. ) l a riivariuke Grave re'iipived Tiout his commander a handsnino broadsword, and was'prnmoiid lo a corne'tcy. U huninong the residents o f J e r s e y City k t v w n n \ . thing of the rapture of Powies Hook 1—

ain J i m winked "his eatp're'ssTv£w7n(jr/ andr nod at his' fcroTrJeTr «T1[narTadF''sbft two blasted'big things splashing andBgclji; pling in the water aiori<>sjdhi ?"

affltes83roa*n»«es^ ^^^fk^\t0m^im^§sWnf^l^SiWil^rW^

l'ronrnho N e w Yurlt Spirit of the T i m e s .

.. Ait A rkiiiisas Original. - I n a back woods seTlJ'emMi-ifl -Ark-an-^nis-; ItvtifT- ^vn-ra^rrrnrr^-t«IujJti-aU4?-Jit«i4-dUtiugnPtti- as-'J+si—arvd-Nirth—•J-mi 'find-

and in a f o w nioment^, afier va-cio«s at-temptd to raise, turned- e v e r ' -muttering " \ \ help, h a ,'^cjosed bis peepers !"'~6*fl• J .sundry other drunken sentehcesj arid then look to sunning most soundly.

It m a y be as well to state who the.«e two individuals were. On the night of ihe I6 ih of July- , - ihree days before Gen­eral W a y n e l inds tomed and takon £lt>~ noy Puuit i n a m..stbril l iunt a l i a c k , and

die entire g a r r i s o j ^ e o r i ^ H r j g of abnnt tan

tained the consen; o f \Vn-hiu»mii l o tin deriake it. Towards night on the J a y of llto Iciiptiire -af.aVrc4i-il>*Wr-.Vi-iFm*4uk^ Grove, one o f his dragoons, and ihe pris­oner; were reported t o Lee as missing.'' As i h e latter had been put under i.l_ie_

doubt but the two h,ad gQ'tlu.ofT in com pany.

" I cannot orJer a pursuit now," said or bay, extending towards Huboken , and l L e e , whi le o n the march ; " w e shaft a iHne ollinr sido Tio the c lass ic waters.' calch the rascal -before Ihey reach "lite

lower bridge, of the H a c k e n s a c k . " - t T h e orderlysergeati l o f the tr6rip could

only m u t j e r . _ £ X e r y w^li," sir V a s he

riOTJinoar a j e ^ U J b ^ . i a r ^ ^ a t e f : e u .» r^0"'1 <W ^ the world, V t j J a ^ lTnek^nsa7k,V« i=.lr» >!>» pTi<ni.iPr^juafyL- present »»• one "CI ^nmiliJjuLUJiJxuiui^ajul So far , not 'iho l e a s , idea of Hie plan h a - " e o o l | fi8hl; " m l h a d " ? ,

ln a J ' - v 8 , , " » n h w So !

rrnfthVil ihri.niifmy;'] "- VVherr is lite- aTt«ck t o b o nintle 2" " T o n i g h t , or to-morrow m»r»i}nii —

most pri ibablysomo llire© ho.urs - licfort-diiyUttlit. Ad cl'-pend on you ( und. yoj»r sign.il."

';• Well , the s igna l [ underslai ld, ser*-^eant. : I n o n e h : > u r m y ^lpepiIpg c int­rude yonder will be roady u> prow-i'd.-— Toll ititwnoJQr I shnll do my jftvt. I f we gel-al P o w i e s Ho.»k bnlore tl»rk, irp

will ruin tho major's p lans ; so yotist-e 1. Tj|ratt~kr'fp_iiH'"companion a Utile grnngv . Ilerneniber, I shal l "t'o thy pi ln for ili»« good qf Congress, I lie country , and old

*Vfrjimny"ni liaTliciiTurT"' • .

Ou»' of the parly now i b r . w nf th i s hav­ersack, snrne cold mini and biscuit wrr«* produced—which, w iill_jijiltle n.d cidi-r br.iudy the sergeant had ptckrd u p nt a farm house on h i s rpulri, was^. soon ,di*-patched-!r,and as the surt bni»n' In "il'io»

ihe more ambiuou^, nnJ he .Tfjn.iljjfL'jk*^ liti -nhadaws across ihe rock, hai.ils w e n \ h a k e n , and the d.ragnoiiN unJ-tbeir 4-eader ili.-<nppenred ii.) i h e ihiekri i - If* ttrirrrrfmrres after, OroTF slifmk i l ls

red-c-onied coni| iani6ifh?avilv,'v\ ho, rous­ed rro.ni Jits ifjumbers, looked about him J a i ^ r a m i u ^ o L i i ^ ^ his'head a liti le'stupified, bm<©llierw1se perfectly sober..

" O b ! my.old companion, is it Thank you —thank y o t i ! v Y m s r ncnial whiskey i s tl—TI stronjr.



ag.iin.loak: hid bUlion, but he urougattlie" tntiji-r had suddenly goi ipio very sslack discipline,^. M^rmaduke Grove h a d not deserted without^,reason,; as the sequel will s h o w . WeTTixnsT irow bring the rea­der back to the l.wo soldiers-

The-dragoon had seated hirpself upon a log which lay along the edge o f ihe heights, anib drawing from one pocket a pipeand tinder box, and from another a few l e a v e s o f " O l e Virg inny ," he crush­ed them, a n d , filling his pipej struck a fight ami c o m m e n c e d smoking. Mean-iniie the British soldier-lay in deep s leep, b re"ut h i tig hea vi Lyr-pand. jLS-,aiie—sun—fell \-t

QO-bls-s+aJ-wart Frame atid surTbrbwn-ed though stii l . sonrewhal lloria" feaTures jhe Virgiginiarj ihuttered—

" A fine figure .of a man ! I w.onder iwv-4y-j^he^se-4i3ilTn -BTrHr^tr^So^iritrjclr t a l o n - t h e i r l imbs , whi l e we modnrainT

J ^ i i i ^ x e ^ a - , U e > H ^ ^ s ^ f l * s . - -Bei ie^Tt^ H a ! ha!-—a' good-«,ne ! i l e Uii.trks 3Mar-maduke Grove has d'.-seited. - A fine desertion 1 think tbe Brit ishers wil l find t i ! " '

, W h y does the dragoon sucldenly start,, take'his pipe from l i isnioulh-^and listen:

sonl i -VPIiv.

hoftfiong have I bt-en asleep ? Thesui> is getting low, and I suppose we <">ugli« lo h « v e been at P o « l e s by this' time.-^-

ifjdrse tfis drrnterng,' sayTf"" How^ever-

iiieanilioat Hi* was lonkt'd upon, cnnsr qu.eiyJvi.in IILS iu imediaie ai-igliLoj-hxicd as- 3oii»uhjrahli) o l - a Uaveler^ N'^l «--«* prii icipalj^ reinitrltiiblc for his ifnenip a d mirntion for, u-'n+f—j-t»piieit-ftb<i-fttnn%,rf—tr/ his learned brniher's opinions nod ndcicr. NHRvNediViid IisMittly si ihl at h o m e " in­tending t o lhir*j»sT*' -whiin J i m pfrfonn d the par!''I Ihe pro/li^ioiH a.>n u'Jrnml.— Hut one limo wiirn Jim wat about ^!a'i it!g, l io.detrli i i inudto «v.iil_ hiuw^lf ,.f h i -bruttier's ettigri'foca and litimvl<^M> trf

the w'oilJ, lo seu a I ill If Ufa ,him-.t •'. Bf|t>hrand early oni% lino lull niiniThjj, clu'l in ihe hri'iili! nrfcu bhinkiM tM.it, an JI h/itud liiiniiiieiM»ai l'

lwhirh lotni^ihe jpr%s'. cTpiiTfi'ii' u»s" hi" the "ooslTTini' nl' ili,> rtu-ifiUJisof thfir seeii'ic, and itmuufil t>n twra rutv boiii-d steeds, ihev* -inrt' d-flii t in Alis-ii-si|>pi, a ml reached n "mii-ll town <i|. its bunks on die nfternoo.i ol,ilu« foil iwit g day1.^ JIIM .n*wthey arrived liie " ( i e j u JarkSon!' had hnulcd up to ilm miniitlu't-levee, and lay piuTuig amrpii l . iula^ r at io jurking ret ina tiu+es-afid negrors-nvprhfr bow, HIIII lo'ikmg for nil -the World liter nn iftfrrmrl btgfnrrrrp hmi^n^wtrh Ifr li i lehm w a l l k n o r k e d mil. Now was tin lime for J i m io di<pl.iy his knuwled'/r-. «'o tltsmouniin>{ froiil. _hi3-hocso_unil—gi4»i^" \ e d ihe reins lo bold and having cniiiu>n ed him in wail until ho h i d assurrd fitni-' se l fof ' lhe uh-ip*nce of all ilniHri>i, he leis­urely sauniere in lown lowii'rds. Ihe 1ioa! It w a s q pleasant siirht to srr the ihe ai i .pfknowinyiie.-*-! and determinaiion not u> be taken in — with which he noild.^l i>-every oue> he mel , at the sa'rtie t ime wink mg -tvirh irtTngln e y e , and -j^rltinjt f*'"'

peated' his wink. " And was there a' s^mall boat '^olU^iha^beiiiad^ */>4 up,-..

" Yea* said M r . T. x'~-""!'!'»" . / ' - -:-' - ' " N e d , " sa't'd J im, solerrrnly, and con.-cerftratihg-al-1 h i s j o w e r s . ioj.ahe^deter­mined w i n k — « I Jciiowed-jt wto \he t , AM'JIL •_ flsltyoitme'^lT^.P' ' .

•*• ' ' G u G r s G i T T i r s . "

' Ways at the World.s "Fle ' s only a mechanic , n o m a t t o r i f hi

has. broken-his l e g . " „ '

True—but a niecha'tiic h a s s o m e f e e l . inS- - . "' • ",lie's a dirty.Irish boy—don't stop.thd -horses—d.rive_Q,ver h im, if h e df>.es'nt.-^et' o m . o f thejYa^ry''-..,, '$ - - G ; -"" - .-

Huti l ie Irish b^has . •parents , ft*»may bi.^ ' w h o l o v e ' h i m as te'riderly a s y.Qudoyotir ' o w n ch i ldren .

"Push h i m a s i J e - w h a t b a s i n e s a has. a . a i g g e r on-ihe walfef"

^ S t o p — t h a t ' b l a c k m a n £art thinjt and „ f e e l . . His heait may bo a s tender as y o u r ' s . «,, ( _

Turn her nut of doors—-sJie's a mis', .-•. e r a h l e o l d h a g . a - ' '• «-

Dp you know that? P e r h a p s shs-'sl ' h o n e s t l y poor. " •

"l!.»x bis ears—ho's only pa's f innren. t i c e ." . . "• " v

But -he's'no l e s s entitled to, fund-*)!**; '.(»ive her jhe__

kilche'n jjirl. ad^=sh&-3-

oit lv n

Suit she lean Te-IMi y^bud . food a s w a l l a s vnti. '

The worJd—ihe selftsli artrj. im&eUo«»-^ w J i r - w J i e eanJmt-d^rTCFtr^— WVInry^, mi love for our fel low, «-r«n


trr ! ^ s r ° - ^ i ^ ' A l ^ y . - O H ^ f l ^ o ^ y ) i i - t r g ^ lv>rliii)Bte--m) boivels o f h'i:,"r>tpTiift innJfHAl.1

,tl»e sail and dejected-. W e crush thp poor — c h e a t tim" igrfnranl, a nil r idicule" tho-td • . ^rtrrrh ive not Doen iij^ifiiLiLs. dur<*el.vei»

nmgliiu| lo see you.1' ^frfTiTnTrrTiTmiTtfeTc^Tjllirird i n |hp**l

-ivirds iliaii in iill'tho >vi'Miiyj_.sp£e^r«MnifJ

:i law sl)op, and y e u h e etpressinrr is<,ri • Ihf tip-end of a!nio«5i overy orte's r<»ngu.e>,

r.j)lie_an ins tance ; M-.dam has picklesi •>r. «iiii«irigPH t o m u k e , nntl ii 6j3 tn h e r c a r s i i pun ainj .kenlrs , whent.MrM, Sotrhd.milV

r- wnr ^vrrti h e r .NJ^{i»l^--aniM»^a41-dfes«!d—~ o f a i n e a i l v »s if thev had j tut lipen for ^x-TTrnrrrh.s ituprisrujeil

Blow i

luue goes ngain ; I must have a 'ns-Ht ot the dog's hair that hit m e . " l i e "look n hearty drmk . frnm'Vhe canieen^ ' i a d Ihe swo m e n immediate ly .pursued l iteirj' iur-ney. !

It was afierninhlfi i l l when they r e a c h ­ed i h e neck &!_iiinrfi beforp niplliirwiPtl, whibh formed the - penvtisula orj w h i c h Powies Hook lies". • Thedi i ch ' Which had been dn» ncioss fry the soldiers was near. Iy full ol water from the riven, and tht-

-. drawbridge wn-» Ivoistpd that Ted over it. A c a l l frnm the British soldier was soon answered, the drawbridge- lowered , and

I'het wo..p_asseff o v e r . A bou 11 hi rty_^mceji from this w a s a row of ahli'lit^, and' l a front of all was a Dreek f i r d a h l e ordy in

gntreurhmenl looked much more forini-

in a hnndbuj.;— HIP: I HI extrcincly glud i n ' s e o

L'-"-'- =-J— — u'i'-'n.'-i!!ll--r-;-k* -atjlrpyiirigJiL^-l Ti -.^ Fn hrrfTi-ari HIIO wi-dins her a n d , a l l h -r brood n t-h.e- we !fl<e i o have s t il il. H IWJJ we iu'iir a-person s - iy ," d o oj.ll again nnd-seo «IP, ' - ' i t sounds s o much Ir-'te J i h n show lh« gen>ijem in I h e vvav o i ' . VTIUTP i» no such 'tiling.as polita-n ••<•*, T o be whi t the ra.-thi'uMahle world o .II-) polite, \Ve niii i«npcessii i i ly be adtvp-o ;rilp, .Tfm frrjirrjfnlHFcIeTisTio at s incer^ i i f is bliiniiip-«, aru 'La^ncere m a n w i l l • it --vpr.-rravet-he rranr4tiiclr#*.'! . ". .""

Ii t \ o u r vanity that irtaltes |||p vaniljr o: others intolerable.

raised fort-finger ol'liM right liaud.ni inu< h as t o say,'•< It's all v«-ry wpfl, stragrr, but they can't take me i n ; 1 .kftfiw a l t ahrttiR steatculwats I s&mM think! ' ' So Iw went on niiddTnn niid winking, until timillv, nif withoubgreal inward irepi.tation, he plat­ed h i s loot on the boiler drck. , H i r d l \ had be don? so when splash, went t in the escape'"pipes sounded their trrmrn dons phlomi), and ho was enveloped irr a o l - u d of s t eam. J i m Cntild not siand'ifris. but plmrj»:ng into thp stream soon si.onr red and dripping by his lieivililerrd hroili. er. " N e d , " s a y s lie, •' slir's blowpd, aiul I'+n- i Ive o n f y ^ne-def+a+ive- to- itrH- t+rc-ta-rr!

jro lutine.-1'- -' r" ^~

—^heTeWars-rrernerally a • aTrfirriT- wf

British troop* of about five hundred rw.en .stationed a t -Powies Hook during the rev­olution. T h e communicat ion with New-ark.^riinsvVickTB'nTrs Ferry» a'ndoiher .f»Uuic844i4h<!i't' part of J e y j e y r ^ n d e i ^ t H r

his deep" basSj a s a prppjiralofy rehearsal*] seo-you in -the mOt-itfng. • He oniy hoaj-d ior vhis nrghts- 'performance ? Haiik last night o f thai h a n g ' d o g W a y n e ' s , at-agalVi l .Th'echaitednarof-ag-rey.-sfjair -l»?k yponjSiQiiy Pin'riL. _ To-mbrrovv w e rel s e e m s to crfine~but ot tfte nleighbor- go across lo ,\eW Yo'rk ;" Cjiftre'd'beJjHi

necessary d i a l i h e Brhisji co|ijm,ander iji Ne'w~York shou ld preserve P o w i e s Honk at all ha^ard-sr-This w a s the reason why a body of troops' Tvas-trlwaya slTOoTiefJ t h e r e . " ••" '" -; •.••'''• ' '

d,t.was.in -Ihe middle of ihe afternoon \>f i"he,-l8lh o M u ! Vj j 7 7 9 , ' that• ivvo- 'soL ^TeTTcifalsed llie Weehawke/ri Road into the-edg'e of the woods that- ^extend -along­

side ridge of the rocky heights b a c k ol Hobolce i i ,about t h r e e ' m i l e s l r o n l P d w l e s H.6ok-r. Ar they .crossed' the road, one o f the t w o liibked caut ious ly around him, t h e y then struck a t once inlo the Ihickesi po-xiiott pi!: tbveTwoods^--ye|r-8ti4'I-k-eepingf ami atroThBr' along t h e oliaaifj of- heights. _ At length Tiiey-feaclledr a platfdrrrr oi rock c lear of trees a n d bushes,.frorri which they had

attenlivaFy't," Can, he* haten- b i c a U s e a sonorous buTTFng h a s just cuuiiiie nccj

J a c k Archibald was immerfralely c.ar-rind; trelbrg The c o m m aTt fter, M * j S | S u f h e r. Iniid-, and e x a m i n e d fully itwoaJfl ajipear Ibr-iTiore than n n i i o n r e lapsed hefornHif returned]o the blo'ck-house whe ie Grovt* had been left . 'When, h e did' return,, he came up to llie Jailer and s a i d —

11 C l i e c r u p , c o n i r j - J e \ i h e rnn'jeepJwTrT

tnotetecr^tife ~rl TiTnYiniT Ti sp«; * , I QQJtJOL

mome.nt al the* soldi or as if to observe that h i s / s l u m b e r is Undisturbed, -and theri

"foryou; rou rebel' 'i'lit!H-"*w'a» und ki i i^ l _rnon that is, ." *jt was£o inewbat in Uiis style that Jack.Art-hibald "muled o i l Ins

whis i les .a rnerrV noter-J ike-one-of - tht - f l a l > - , : A i fn i l l f o^cTockJtTi'at"aVd^aclv-

thrlrTjs oflfiat scaramouch o?riTieTiirest,'o Virginia mocltitig bird, in e a r l y spring. L o \ another Js^gd-camesJs tc i t , - I^4«4lie-|-

^plaltu.iiVe,ione_'-ofL;that-^ra*lAnc-hol;y^ i.he" VVhip-poor-will ;"'and"Whip-poor-

i i l - P - " W^hip^o&rvvrih^-echdes^Uuol the forest. ' ; "' , ""' -

A few braTTches are parTeo*"byrfjieleafy" s c i f e n that touches an, edge o f the rock.. andlaface is s e e n peering al the dragoon and his companion. . T h e n it passes a-w^y

~%$$, The .Virginian w e r e accorrnnodaikl wjlh a s l e e p i n g p lace in a.rempt,e'pait o f ihj?..ha_i;'rap.f»ri, nprtr. ihe ahnllis . ' _, ...

1,9th Ju ly , 11^9, Maj^r Lee, with" three hundred men , after marching: since dark, reftp-hed' \\\e creek unperceived, and hal-

idlvis detachrtreTitr H e tlien sentTan of-

s p a c e o f a f e w initiates, Pike i.fie-,shifting ;o\ y fews in a diorama*- half ii dozen faces nnd e y e s rfieet the glance of.ih.e Yirg- i t f

fieer and » feJw seleTjt-.nieiifdr.WB-i*d t o ihe dili h to reconnoitre, and note 'jf aiigln

•coul i .beheaTd of the signa-l agreed upon. l ^ u e ^ ^ _ i f r ^ ! n ^ d a - 4 i - i e ^ v - - t T i o m e h t a - a f ^

iixll .fro^,was-heard as if/bqriiihg jrcrni trie -diidln atttlin about I;w6 Wadtes ihe ' so t i i id -wa's'repeaied frorn the aba"l%s;. Jilt .ions

i > A

. ™ - n w i - ( i » i i , " l ' l " l l UlCT HU" 'MIU f V O O 1IICBI IHC EIUHUO ui,. lll.w . • • f e . . . i - _ . - - -..-•,. ^ . _ a full V ie* a / t h e i iay a n d t a r b o r o f N e t t an .~ • T h e - W . g n ' i u o h w a s trio t u a l : . for [ r ^ The officer, sent back o n e o f .his York,

if... s *;

•bie went tip to t h f «ieeping- soldier,


, " Nn—Jim bio wed.!''

IITIIC- Eyt- ofl'onscicricc. That the r\'p of ennsc ience may baaj"^

vf i\'s(quick_nnii l i ^ e l y . l e i constant use'bei sa re lo kerp il oonotatlt-l y open, and there-hv ready und prepared-ro admit and l e t in 'hose heavenly b e ami wh ich are a l w a y s

j[tri>nmlng fnrtb from G o d upon i n i n d s i n - v

( e l to receive them. --And to lh.ta. _njjjr>. pT^slpt a man Ry frtirti e-vefy thin^ whicfii m i v IptJVp riih^r a louiness o r a b i a s u p -d i it; Je.t liim tj'/patj every gross act o f -s in . ; l'>r'oTre-g,rpaT.stah rri iy- a s c e r i a i n l y . a-vl speedily destroy life as forty l#ss>r \v funds . . Lei him carry a j e a l o u s e y e o v r v v e r y grovvihsj habit o( * m ; Set binn * k -jt-p aloof from all commerce and fell.o.il-sSip-wi'h any vicious a n d baseaffeclioitj^ <• esppcia l ly frotn a l l sensual i ty t^Iet h i m It -ep hini*elf untriuelipd with Ihe hel l i sh* ilrihalldwi'd hea-isorf lust and t h e ndisrsomii s treams and e^khalaiions of in^eniperance; l e t him bear imtrael-f'aoo've that sordid and lovy thiag, that utler contrndtotion"to . a44-gre-*tne.s-T -of iiii-rijl==icrrvetr3miiersisT~lTiT^"

The •peTf~oT~

s a y s Ked, ' "she" lnsnT|

blow—le i ' s go h.i>iue! ' DII.I .-pncignin ui iHst-frigJiJeiied nitj; ~|re Th^apppa+ed-, *rrW:

lowed by-hi^brmviip-rv^l-roin tlie-eyes^ of­ihe amused and astonished speei^Msar—1-. S o m e wi-cks u.fier lliejr return,'and af­ter their SPtilpmrnl ha'd-'somewhal «i t" over llie Wonderful story J im h.id 'n'tral ed ihejUj wi ih , a new hvru e n u r e d upoi. q"be sce i ie : One M r.' TboiiQisnEwiiiLUAi.

l i im dis-euslav'e htjonselt from the •peTT ihtt .world, from tba-t-" a-fnnr salera-tlis ha^-bf nd i ; ' ' . last ly , lej: him learn,sd to look a n m the honors, i h P po'm-ip, a i id^irej f m > e^ i _ 'oC'Tlle^vvrrlli', aslo"*tni'dt ihrnujjh ihpm^^—s F.ioJs^iulee_d. are a it lr^l^ r h l o w q ^ u n j i ^ l

wen chopping in -a-wonti Hl.-gaTdorj

onins, uTT rgfTttf .VTT*

Klssinpi lor sohie stj^mnnihs, und wTirTT adventures created a ^ - i o d ili-al -of f.Vcjjt rnehl among bis womle-fing fel.lu-i'V c*iizpn-Every one orowilf'd clown to lintir. i+i^siu-n»n, mid Hiiiofitr Ttn Ti?Mr -J TFTW ar»r-li"¥ti | .brothers. Ned sat iviilTopeh ears » n.• e y e s Wondeu'ng at all he heard, biil-Jrir listened with a cyiiicail s m i l e oil -h-tsfae^. liTte'a nrnffil5iv¥o\vas'i):o^lo4je hffiibu^g^S — a n d occas iona l ly chrm'ed in wii-ha vi'r\ true, Mri-Tliornpson—you nt'edn'i tell 'Ur |hat—'•we've «ef.n_a.U t'hajLJeJbrjej^and (hen he would iviiik^and ^liak h i s fingei atJN'ed.' Af leng' tn M r . T . , iuCideiitalU menTioii^TrTlre~"l)0.rsiitig of a~iiTeuiijUoa-t-TTT

-H4tetU40A< Ji is-y-a rd^__T-Ws-iU*est " S t o p Mr- Thompson," said.' he • w ink ing a t N e d f " R a d she'R' d^-^-^-d fi.ll thing like a bee-inartin - po,Ie s t u c k o j p for -vardr' ' • • : _ ; -,

'^irjif ofieTi to Lee, arid the latter in'stantly. od-

" Yes^'J rejoi'ne'd Mr. Thorrip«on: I

Ji MI again wiiik.ed at N e d . . " Andl\nVl -.-die t w o ^ r e a i b l u c k t h i n g s , f i k c i ^ k a s s e s

ears-i'n her m i d d l ^ T ' •

• ' Y e s , " replied Mr..Tv,J. f.A

., e.- _ » " -V,r ' --r^'

""i^'pr^^T " 3 % ' '-*•' 'vP'U'

M , . ; . » - . ; . . , . • ,-;x

tefis;' U j •|M>

3'- - ' •

iRTng Ventiiring thejr head otil'v t o ia?t v : 7eattve-F in"ilieir c a p s i ' v '"^ElfrRouthT

NiAOAnA. FAr.t.s.r^Fniproyemehts a t a n d nrourtd this I n t e r e s t i n g spot are id" progres" for thp en.^iijrig1 "season. O n thjg^_ jfe^PtrCTtn" Trd'c....y hue tllc_jiiecjj>iuajjr»:" ;>jjfi fi.ni, Ihfffirriihir rnnd i-i rnmnlplerl) nnd 'to -make the"clescent e a s y nd-tl s.nfe, it'*- virions wihdj.ri.g3,.E;.x.tehd-'\io. threp' i

-ftwirih* of a mi l s . It w i l l b e " b o t h n car* n a g e and tl footpntlu T o guard aga in*? acc idents ) on-the o n e s i d e j i t is protected by a s tone railing* 'Prie wfh.dle clist-bff"" t h e road will be $ 5 , 0 0 0 - ... \--, .-[

population of t'ne'Stote of P?ew Yerkj W ^Iwvvir^rb^ire-IarteTceiM^M .

c i t v of N e w York alone)cfjntairjsaboi**

16TQ0Q blacks.- ' ' . . ' ' ' . . ' L J ! """"

Pelef tiionjier, 'nrh^rTSs Bepri o j i iriAl at DeiiHam, Mass7,far m.rrderTng E J w i r # 7 W alsh i n ftoxbury i n J u n e la s t , halt bfeeit acquitted. •',.-.•' "*• ,*•


T h e r e yVere one hqndrdi^rid thtl*ty*fivn^ dest i tute "persons o f b o t h Hexes acStim" i inodated vvitfi lod^.lngf' 8.tn't-Jhe rariou*. fous-es iCW." Y ^ i t ^ ^ « * - i n r t 1 , « m g a i - a f " ^ tbe late severo snowitorniA

>' f-": . j , . . . . . , i r

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