j3 en manual 1.3en

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  • 7/29/2019 J3 en Manual 1.3en



    Users Guide ver. 1.3 EN

  • 7/29/2019 J3 en Manual 1.3en


    + Copyright Notice

    Thank you or purchasing a COWON product.

    We do our utmost to deliver DIGITAL PRIDE to our customers.

    This manual contains information on how to use the product and the precautions to take duri

    If you familiarize yourself with this manual, you will have a more enjoyable digital experience.

    Introduction to website

    + The address o the product-related website is http://www.COWON.com.

    + You can download the latest inormation on our products and the most recent rmware updates ro

    + For rst-time users, we provide an FAQ section and a user guide.

    + Become a member o the website by using the serial number on the back o the product to registerYou will then be a registered member.

    + Once you become a registered member, you can use the one-to-one enquiry service to receive onliadvice. You can also receive inormation on new products and events by e-mail.

  • 7/29/2019 J3 en Manual 1.3en



    + COWON is a registered trademark o COWON SYSTEMS, INC.

    + COWON SYSTEMS, INC. owns the copyright to this manual, and any unauthorized distribution o it

    whether in part or in its entirety, is strictly prohibited.

    + COWON SYSTEMS, INC. complies with laws and regulations related to records, disks, videos and galso encouraged to comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

    + As soon as you purchase the product, visit the website (http://www.COWON.com), and become a ber. You will benet rom various member services.

    + This manual is based on product specications, and various exemplary texts, illustrations, pictures, and H/W and S/W specications contained herein can be altered without any prior notice by the co

    BBE inormation- BBE Sound, Inc. owns the license to the BBE name and inormation as applied to this product, in

    USP4638258, 5510752 and 5736897.

    - BBE and the BBE symbol are registered trademarks o BBE Sound Inc.

    + Copyright Notice

  • 7/29/2019 J3 en Manual 1.3en



    Before you start!Precautions

    Package Components

    Names of Parts and Functions

    Power Connection and Charging

    Connecting and Disconnecting the PC

    Firmware Upgrade

    Basic UseButtons









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    SettingsJetEffect 3.0







    AdditionalProduct Specification

    Converting Files Using COWON MediaCenter JetAudio


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    6 COWON J3

    As these precautions are provided for the correct use of the product as well as user safety, bize yourself with them. The company will not be held responsible for any accident that may ofailure to heed these precautions. The following information applies commonly to all productsand produced by COWON SYSTEMS, INC.

    + Do not use this product or other purposes than those described in this manual.

    + Handle manual, product package materials, accessories, etc. with care to prevent cuts and injuries to your b

    + Do not view videos, pictures and texts stored in your player while driving a vehicle or your saety. Operating oplayer is also dangerous and may cause atal accidents while driving.

    + The wearing o earphones while operating a vehicle, exercising, or walking may impair driving, mask or preveo emergency signals, alarms, announcements, the approach o vehicles and human speech. Doing so may depending on the region.

    + Do not use detergent or other chemicals on the product surace as it may cause ading. In this case, wipe thcareully with a sot cloth.

    + Do not expose the player in either cold weather o under 0 C or hot temperature over 40 C such as inside amay cause atal damages to your player.

    + Do not expose the player to water or keep it in a damp or humid location or an extended period o time. I throm moisture as described above, product ailure is then classied as a users misuse.

    + Take extra care not to apply external shock or pressure when using products with displays (LCD, AMOLED, oranty may be voided i damage occurs due the aorementioned circumstances.

    + PrecautionBefore you start!

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    7 COWON J3

    + Do not attempt to disassemble the player. Disassembly will void the warranty and the unit will be permanentlyany warranty services.

    + Do not mix directions when connecting USB cables or AC adapters to your player or PC. Connecting USB cmay damage your player or PC. Also, do not bend or press connection cables with heavy objects.

    + I you smell something burning or eel excessive heat while using the product, press the RESET button to stocontact the place o purchase.

    + Touching the player with wet hands may cause damages and malunctions. Handle the power plug only withwise an electric shock may occur).

    + Listening at high volume (85 dB and above) or an extended period o time may harm your hearing.

    + For your protection, use the player in a well lit area where LCD screen will not overly strain your eyes.

    + Using the player in places with high occurrences o static electricity may cause malunctions.

    + In case o using this device primarily or a storage device, it is recommended to back up all data beore use.

    COWON SYSTEMS Inc. is not responsible or any data loss due to hardware ailure.+ All data stored in the player may become deleted when being serviced. Our Service Center does not back up

    players. Please note that COWON SYSTEMS, Inc. is not responsible or any data loss rom products entrust

    + Keep the player in cool and ventilated places, away rom direct sunlight as it may cause deormation and damcircuitry or LCD screen.

    + For your own saety, it is recommended that customers use the USB power adaptor and USB cable approveSYSTEMS, Inc.

    + I you are using a product that comes with an AC power adaptor, please use the genuine charger oered by

    + PrecautionBefore you start!

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    8 COWON J3

    + When connecting to a PC, use only USB ports on the mother board or a USB Host card. Using an external Uguarantee proper operation (e.g. USB ports on a keyboard or an external USB hub).

    + When ormatting the built-in memory, select the le system specied in the manual.

    + Be sure to disconnect the power supply to the PC and USB power adaptor during lightning or thunder storm

    to the user or the risk o re hazards.+ Keep the player away rom magnets and direct magnetic elds, as they can cause malunctions.

    + Do not drop or expose the product to hard impact. This may result in malunctions and/or unit ailure, voiding

    + I you nd any abnormalities with the battery such as swelling, press the RESET button immediately to stop thcontact the place o purchase.

    + The price o the product may fuctuate due to unexpected commercial conditions. COWON SYSTEMS, Inc. compensate or any price fuctuation.


    EJECT procedure must be perormed when removing the product rom the PC.

    + PrecautionBefore you start!

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    9 COWON J3

    COWON J3


    Manual CD, Quick Guide

    USB CableTV-Out Cab


    + Package ComponentsBefore you start!

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    10 COWON J3

    + Names of Parts and FunctionsBefore you start!

    Power / Hold


    AMOLED Display


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    11 COWON J3

    - COWON J3 will be charged quicker through AC adaptor i the product is turned o. Display will remain blank in this cas

    - When charging the player or the rst time or the player has not been charged or an extended time, ully charge the ba- COWON J3 has a built-in Lithium Polymer battery. To prolong the lie o the battery, it is recommended that you charge

    requently, as opposed to ully discharging and then charging the device.

    - When connected to a USB hub, the player may not charge properly. Please try connecting the player directly to a USB

    - For saety during charging, use USB cable approved by COWON SYSTEMS, Inc.


    + ChargingBefore you start!

    1. Connect between PC and USB/EXT port using USB cable.The battery will be ully charged in about 3.5 hours.

    2. Charging by COWON approved AC adaThe battery will be ully charged in abou

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    12 COWON J3



    3 4


    + Connecting and Disconnecting the PCBefore you start!

    1. Use the USB cable to connect COWON J3 to the PC.

    2. COWON J3 displays the ollowing image i properly connectedto the PC.

    3. Also make sure to check My Computer or Windows Explorerto see i COWON J3 is properly connected to the PC.

    4. Copy desired video, music, or other les to COWON J3.

    5. When done, click the icon on the system tray to saelyremove COWON J3 rom the PC.

    6. Click the popup message.

    7. Saely remove the hardware and discon

    -Number o les and olders recognizable

    COWON J3 : up to 12,000 olders / 12,000 les

    (music/video le: 8,000 + others: 4,000)

    MicroSD card : up to 12,000 olders / 12,000 le

    (music/video le: 8,000 + others: 4,000)

    - Disconnect the product ater per orming Sael


    - The ollowing message may appear randomly, bthat the product is malunctioning. Please try ag

    - I your operating system does not display the S

    Hardware window, disconnect the player a ter

    are completed.

    - Only simple le transer operation is available o

    - When you disconnect the player rom Mac, ma

    remove hardware unction to avoid atal damag

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    13 COWON J3

    Firmware is the sotware that is embedded within thehardware.

    Upgrading it can enhance system stability and provideadditional eatures.

    Please be advised that Beta (unocial) rmware versionsmay cause system malunction.

    How to upgrade the rmware1. Download the latest rmware rom the SUPPORT section

    o the website (http://www.COWON.com).

    2. Use the USB cable to connect COWON J3 to the PC.

    3. Unzip the downloaded rmware and copy it to the rootolder o COWON J3.

    4. Perorm Saely remove the hardware unction on yourPC and disconnect the USB cable.* COWON J3 rmware can only be updated i the power

    adaptor is connected.

    5. When you turn on the product, the rmware upgradeprocess will start.

    6. Successul rmware upgrade can be conrmed byturning on the product, the version o rmware will beshown at start up.

    + Firmware UpgradeBefore you start!

    7. The current rmware version can be checkeSettings - System - Inormation.

    - Fully charge the player beore upgrading th

    - Do not turn the player o beore the rmwbeen completed. It may damage the prodany warranty.

    - Back up any important data beore the rmas any data stored on the device may be dprocess. COWON accepts no liability or a

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    14 COWON J3

    + ButtonsBasic Use

    1. Press and Hold: Power On/O

    2. Briefy Press: Hold On/O

    - Touchscreen and buttons are disabled in Hold mode.

    - Setting the product in Hold can prevent unwanted operations.

    3. Briefy Press Twice: Display O

    - Press the button once more to switch back to Display On.

    1 2

    Volume UP (+)

    Volume DOWN ()


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    15 COWON J3

    Earphone/Speaker Usage Indicator

    + DisplayBasic Use

    COWON J3 enables intuitive control on Capacitive Touchscreenand provides three main menus (Dynamic Square,Counting Text, Smart Widget) o distinguished styles.

    Icons to change the menu style are displPower O/Sleep Mode button to the let.selected rom Dynamic Square, Counting


    Play Status Indicator


    Quick Player



    Battery Indicator

    Quick Player displays music and recordeables the user to play/pause music and rthe current requency inormation when t

    Power O/Sleep ModeDrag to the let toselect the main menu

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    16 COWON J3

    Counting Text

    Counting Text is an

    Convenience is enhproperties (e.g. numnumber o video leetc) o each item be

    Text icons move to tilted, while the propare xed and do no

    To activate a text icit, then it can be moand set to the desir

    + DisplayBasic Use

    Menus are displayed in Dynamic Squareicons. The auto pivot unction using agravity sensor is supported. To activatean icon, touch and hold it, then it canbe moved to the desired position.

    To reset icon positions to the initia lalignment, swing sot to the let.

    Dynamic Square

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    17 COWON J3

    Smart Widget

    Smart Widget is a congurable menu thacustomize the menu with desired unctio

    Any icon such as Music, Pictures, Calendcan be set directly on the menu screen. TBox, then the Shortcuts and Widgets tabTouch and hold the desired icon rom eadisplayed on the Smart Widget main scre

    To delete an icon on the Smart Widget mand drag the icon to the Recycle Box.

    Smart Widget menu can be consisted o can be used in various ways. To use the select the shortcut icon that appears wheRecycle Box.

    + DisplayBasic Use

    Recycle Box

    Shortcuts Widgets

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    18 COWON J3

    + MusicBasic Use

    1 Move to the main menu.

    2 Switch to List, Music Favorites and Music Bookmarks.

    Add a f ile to Favori tes during the p layback.* Up to 256 files can be added to Favorites.

    Add Bookmarks dur ing the p layback.When a bookmark is added at a specific pomusic is being played, the music can be staposition.* Up to 256 bookmarks can be added.

    Tracks in the designated boundary wi ll be p

    Tracks in the designated boundary wi ll be p

    Music files will be played in normal order sh

    Music files will be played in random order.

    Only currently playing music file will be playe

    Only files within the currently playing folder w* Sub folders will be included automatically.

    All music files in COWON J3 will be p layed.

    Playback speed can be set.* Playback speed of currently playing file can* Pitch correction is supported. Please see

    information on pitch correction.





    Show the setup Icons.



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    19 COWON J3

    + MusicBasic Use


    Set JetEffect 3.0

    - JetEffect menu can be set.

    - In the User mode, it can be customized by usinof JetEffect.

    - If the value of each JetEffect parameter is extre

    background noise can be occurred.- Please see p.31 or BBE introduction at www.CO

    information on JetEffect.

    The matrix browser can be used by ti lting horizon

    The previous/next track selection is possibl e wi th

    Lock the swing motion or matrix browser.

    Set a segment to repeat during the playback.


    Touch the Album Art to vi ew the detailed file information

    * The album image is displayed on the playback screen for a fiimage presented in ID3 tag, and the J3 basic album image iswithout an album art image.


    Play/pause the music file.

    It functions the same as the Play/Pause button on the rig

    6 Select the next track or fast forward. * Please sinformatioInterval a7 Select the previous track or rewind.

    Ater selecting the landscape mode , the matrixbrowser can be used by tilting the device. Drag it inthe tilted position to move to a desired page.Play/Pause o the currently selected music is possiblewith Quick Player.

    In the page, select albums or music les to play. Click thealbum on the let side to move to the previous item.

    Matrix browser

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    20 COWON J3

    + VideosBasic Use


    1 Move to the main menu.


    Touch once to swi tch to the PreviewList. The number of file lists andbackground image can be set fromthe Preview List. Touch any file name,

    then List/Background setting icons willbe displayed.* The time required to create the

    Preview List may take longer if file sizeis large or there are many file lists.



    A bPre

    Touch the Preview List once more to switch to the te

    Touch on the text list view in tex t to switch to Fa

    3 Sync adjustmentAdjust sync betweenfile by 0.5 sec.

    Subtitle color Select the subtitle co

    Subtitle height Set the subtitle heigh

    Subtitle size Set the subtitle size.

    Subtitle selectionSelect Subtitle 1/ Su* This option is used

    are available for su

    Subtitle On/Off Set subtitle On/Off.


    Show thesetup Icons.

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    21 COWON J3

    + VideosBasic Use


    ScreenAspect Ratio

    Select screen aspect r(16:9), 4:3, Original Size

    BrightnessSet the brightness leve* Brightness can be se

    to Level 7.


    Turn TV-Out On/Off.* TV out is optional.* The icon is enabled o



    Select the clear/soft vid

    Menu barbrightness

    Set the brightness of thon the video.

    BoundarySelect to Play one file/Pfolder/Play all files.

    Once/RepeatSelect to Play once/Respecified range.


    Set the playback speed* It can be set within th



    Turn pitch correction O* Pitch correction is su

    for further information

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    22 COWON J3


    Set JetEffect 3.0 (See p.31)

    During the playback, preview the video by ePreview thumbnail to play the video from the* For preview configuration, it can be selecte

    24 divisions.

    Add a f ile to Favori tes during the p lay* Up to 256 files can be added to Fav

    Add Bookmarks dur ing the p layback.When a bookmark is added at a speduring the playback, the video can bespecified position.

    * Up to 256 bookmarks can be added

    Capture and save video screen images.* The captured screen images are saved as

    the Browser - Recordings - Video Capture

    Set the playback boundary to repeat.

    4 Play or pause the video file.

    5 Select the next file or fast forward.* To

    ico6 Select the previous file or rewind.

    + VideosBasic Use

    6 4 5

    12 3

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    23 COWON J3

    1 Move to the main menu.

    2 View the pi cture l ist or go to t


    A background co

    can be selected.


    Slide show the image files in t


    Set the slide sho

    Set the slide sho


    Turn the pivot On/Off.

    7 Rotate images by 90 degrees

    8 Set the current image to wallp

    9 Zoom in/out the current image

    + PicturesBasic Use

    2 13

    4 6 7 8 9


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    24 COWON J3

    1 Close the file list.


    Switch to the List or Bookmark


    Search Files inFiles including

    Use the Case option for sear

    A background be selected.

    4 Move to the Root folder.

    5 Move to the upper list.

    6 Delete a text file or bookmark.

    7 Zoom in/out the current text.


    Move to the main menu.9

    Turn auto scroll On/Off.

    10 Set an auto scroll interval. (3 sec

    11 Change background color.

    12 Add a bookmark at the current

    + DocumentsBasic Use

    * Save the text file in the Documents folder.

    * Move text by line Drag the screen upward and dow

    Move text by page Touch the upper/lower part on t

    Full screen Touch the central area of the screen.

    1 83

    4 5 6 7 10 11 129


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    25 COWON J3

    + FlashBasic Use

    Execute Flash les (extension: sw) stored in COWON J3. Asimple Flash game or animation can be played.

    To stop a fash le, press the Play/Pause button on the right.+//L/R buttons are allocated as ollows: up/down/let/right.

    The button allocation is applicable only when using fash lescreated in compliance with COWON J3 buttons.

    When a fash le is played while music is played, the audio othe fash le will not play.

    To play audio o the fash, play the fash le ater the musichas stopped.

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    26 COWON J3

    1 Move to the main menu.


    Search files in the cincluding subfolders

    The Case Sens itive/used when searchin

    * Searching is not supported fthe browser.

    A background colorbe selected.

    3 Add the selected file to Favori tes.

    4Zoom in/out the current text.

    5 Move to the Root folder.

    6 Move to the upper list.


    Delete the list.

    * This function is supported only for in the browser.


    5 6 73 4

    + Browser


    Basic Use

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    27 COWON J3

    + Radio



    4 55

    Show the setup icons.

    1 Move to the main menu.

    2Show the searched channels. Register the chaor delete the registered channel.


    Select Stereo/Mono

    Search the received FM frequeregister it in Preset.

    Set JetEffect 3.0. (See p.31)

    Select a country.

    Record the radio signal being r

    4 Set or reset the Preset mode.


    Touch briefly to move by 0.1MHz. Or touch andto move by 0.1MHz and stop searching at a chreceiving sensitivity. In the Preset mode, it movprevious channel.

    * Frequency gap is set to 0.1MHz or 0.05MHz depending o

    * Touch the Play/Pause button briefy to use the Mute unctbutton once more to reset it.

    Basic Use

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    28 COWON J3

    + RecorderBasic Use

    1 Move to the main menu.


    Select Mic/Line-in recording.

    Set quality of recording file. Higher Brecording quality but requires a large

    Set the recording volume.


    Start recording. It can be paused during recobutton to enable Auto Save function.* When recording starts, the level meter is dis

    of the screen.


    Play a recorded file.

    * The LI

    4 3



    Show the setupicons.

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    29 COWON J3

    + UtilitiesBasic Use

    CALCULATOR Touch based calculator.

    NOTEPAD Write a simple memo or draw a picturetool eects such as a highlighter and bare supported.

    HUNTERA simple Flash game using a gravity sea level, you can play the game o avoidtilting the COWON J3.

    TYPIST Create memos using the keyboard.

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    30 COWON J3

    1 JetEect 3.0 Select rom 39 JetEect 3.0 presets.

    2 Display Set COWON J3 Display parameters.

    3 Time Set Time/Alarm/Timer.

    4 Music Set music parameters.

    5 Video Set video parameters.

    6 Recording Set recording parameters.

    7 Bluetooth Connect COWON J3 to the Bluetooth Headset.

    8 System Set system parameters.

    + SettingsBasic Use

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    31 COWON J3

    Select your sound eect rom 39

    JetEect presets.

    Normal / BBE / BBE ViVA / BBE ViVA 2 / BBE Mach3Bass /BBE MP / BBE Headphone / BBE Headphone 2 / BBE Headphone 3 /Rock / Jazz / Classic / Ballad / Pop / Club / Funk / Hip Hop / Techno / Blues

    Rap / Wide / X-Bass / Hall / Vocal / Maestro / Feel the Wind / Mild Shore / CryReverb Room / Reverb Club / Reverb Stage / Reverb Hall / Reverb Stadium /User 1 / User 2 / User 3 / User 4

    4 user-dened presets with

    equalizer, BBE+, Stereo Enhance,

    Reverb, etc.

    User 1 / User 2 / User 3 / User 4

    BBE+ is the most sophisticated

    and powerul sound technology

    available or MP3 and PMP

    devices. Optimized or headphoneplayback o compressed audio

    material, BBE+ brings listeners

    closer to the natural presence and

    impact o a live perormance

    than ever beore.

    EQ Filter: Each band o the equalizer can be adjusted in detail..

    BBE: Sound eect that renes the sound quality.

    Mach3Bass: Provides deeper, tighter, and more musically accurate bass reque3D Surround: Provides the three-dimensional surround sound eect.

    MP Enhance: Restores and enhances the harmonics lost through compression.

    Stereo Enhance: Enriches the stereo sound.

    Reverb: Maximizes the natural and live presence o the sound.

    + SettingsBasic Use

    * You may hear distort ion or noise when using extreme settings o JetEect 3.0. For more inormation about JetEect 3.0www.COWON.com

    1. JetEect 3.0

    B i U

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    32 COWON J3

    + SettingsBasic Use

    Language Select a preerred language or COWON J3.


    Set a preerred ont type or COWON J3.

    A TTF ont le can be used as a user ont by changing the le namele and copying in the SYSTEM older. When the user ont is appliedmay be a little delayed or characters may be truncated. Characters mwhere multi-language data is not available or the user ont.

    Time display Set Elapsed/Remaining time display.

    Auto display o

    Set a time to hold display on.

    The display will be automatically turned o i no action is taken durintime.

    Brightness Set the display brightness

    TV standard Select TV-out standard (NTSC/PAL).

    2. Display

    B i U

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    33 COWON J3

    + SettingsBasic Use

    TimeSet the current time.

    Please set the correct time to make the best use o the Alarm and Scheduled Recording


    Repeat Set alarm once or daily.

    Duration Select rom Always on /20 min /40 min /60 min /80 min /100 min /120

    Mode Select rom O /Music alarm /FM alarm /FM recording.


    Sleep Timer Automatically turn o the power at the specied time even though a l

    Auto oPower automatically goes o i there is no action taken during the spectime. This unction is disabled while the product is in use.

    3. Time

    B i U

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    34 COWON J3

    4. Music

    + SettingsBasic Use

    Skip interval Set an interval to skip (track /3~30 sec) when you touch the icons briefy.

    Seek interval Set the ast orward/rewind speed when you touch and hold the icons.

    Resume Set to play the le rom the previously played location.

    Play speed Set the playback speed.

    Pitch correctionCompensate or the change o intonation o an audio signal when adjusting the playMusic mode(50%~150%).

    Fade in Set the ade-in eature to gradually increase the volume when resuming to play a le

    LyricsTurn On/O lyrics i the lyrics are applied to the les. I turned on, lyrics will be dispthe playback. For more inormation on lyrics application, check the LDB manager scowon.com.

    B i U

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    35 COWON J3

    5. Videos

    + SettingsBasic Use

    Skip interval Set the skip interval (1~5).

    Resume Set to play the le rom the previously played location.

    Play speed Set the playback speed.

    Pitch correctionCompensate or the change o intonation o an audio signal when adjusting the playVideo mode (50%~150%).

    Subtitle Turn On/O the subtitle display.

    Subtitle language Select a subtitle language (All / Language 1/ Language 2).

    Tone Set the video quality sharpen/soten.

    B si Us

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    36 COWON J3

    6. Recording

    + SettingsBasic Use

    Line-in qualitySet the quality (32~256k) o line-in recording. Higher BPS provides betquality but requires a larger le size.

    Mic qualitySet the quality (32~256k) o Mic recording. Higher BPS provides bettebut requires a larger le size.

    FM radio qualitySet the FM Radio recording & scheduled FM Radio recording quality. Hprovides better recording quality but requires a larger le size.

    Line-in volume Set the volume level (1~5) or line-in input.

    Mic volume Set the volume level (Auto, 1~5) or microphone.

    Auto syncCreate a le by detecting audio input.

    A new le will be created to record i there is no sound or the specie

    Basic Use

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    37 COWON J3

    7. Bluetooth

    + SettingsBasic Use

    * For PIN (Private Identication Number) inormation, please contact the Headset manuacturer.

    * This eature is only compatible with Bluetooth headset. Once paired, Bluetooth unction will remain in operation even whclosed. There may be a delay in synch between video and sound when playing certain kinds o high resolution movies. Vsound, ade-in, and audio L/R control will not work.

    Search or Bluetooth headsets in COWON J3s proximity. Be sure to have the Bluetooth mode. Pair the COWON J3 with the discovered Bluetooth headset to use. Please reer to

    or its pairing instructions.

    Turn On/O the Bluetooth mode. Enabling Bluetooth eature may reduce the battery caprate than usual.

    Delete the selected Bluetooth headset.Deleted headset must be re-searched and re-paired in order to use it again with COWON

    Enter the PIN number or pairing with the device. Ater pairing, you can select a specied

    Basic Use

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    38 COWON J3

    8. System

    + SettingsBasic Use

    Hold modeSet hold mode (hold all/hold touchscreen only). In touchscreen hold mode, buttons recognized while the touchscreen is not recognized.

    Sleep mode

    State o reduced activity that requires only minimal power consumption.

    Sleep mode also eliminates the time consumed or initial booting. Maximum standbsleep mode is approximately 350 hours. However, the battery capacity may reduce the sleep mode does consume power. Turn the device o i you do not use it or experiod o time.

    Beep Set the touch sound (O/ Water drop/ Balloon / Bell 1/ Bell 2).

    Audio L/R Adjust the audio volume balance o let /right.

    SpeakerSet speaker O/ On/ Auto. When set to Auto, it automatically switches to earphon

    depending on earphone connection.

    DB Update Update the le list o the device.

    Load deaults Restore all settings to the actory deault, except or the language setting.

    InormationVersion: Current rmware version.Total space: Total capacity o internal memory.Free space: Remaining memory o internal memory.


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    39 COWON J3

    Capacity 4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB (Flash memory, FAT32 file system)1)

    Display 16,000,000 Colors, Capacitive Touchscreen, 3.3 16:9 Wide AMOLED (480X272)

    Size and Weight 56.0(W) x 106.5(H) x 9.9(T) mm / 76g


    Color Black, White


    Battery Built-in rechargeable lithium polymer battery

    Playback Time Music Max 64 hours / Video Max 11 hours2)

    Battery charging USB : 3.5 hours(5V/500mA or higher)


    CPU Pentium lll 500MHz or higher

    OSWindows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000 / ME: Support all functions

    MAC OS 10.x / Linux v2.4 or higher: File transfer only

    USB Port 2.0 High Speed


    G-Sensor Supports auto pivot

    MicroSD card slot

    Built-in Speaker

    + Product SpecificationAdditional


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    40 COWON J3


    Frequency R ange 20Hz~20,000Hz

    Max Output Stereo, 29mW + 29mW (16 earphones)

    S/N Ratio 95dB

    File Format MP3/2, WMA, OGG, FLAC, APE, WAV

    Audio Codec

    MP3 : MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 3, ~320Kbps, ~48KHz, Mono/Stereo

    WMA : ~320Kbps, ~48KHz, Mono/Stereo

    OGG : ~Q10, ~44.1KHz, Mono/Stereo

    FLAC : Compression Level 0 ~ 8, ~44.1KHz, Mono/Stereo

    APE : Fast,Normal,High16 B its, Version 3.97 ~3.99

    WAV : ~48KHz, 16bit, Mono/Stereo

    Meta Tag ID3 V1, ID3 V2.2/V2.3/V2.4, Vorbis Comment

    JetEffect 3.0

    39 Presets (35 Presets + 4 User Presets)

    BBE+ BBE, Mach3Bass, 3D Surround, MP Enhance

    Special Effect Stereo Enhance, Reverb

    EQ 5 Band Equalizer (EQ Filter)Lyrics LDB 1.0, 2.0


    File format AVI, WMV, ASF

    Video codecDivX 3/4/5, Xvid SP/ASP, WMV 7/8/9

    (Some files may not be played properly depending on the video resolution, frame, bit rate a

    Video resolution 480x272, 30 fps (Recommended)

    Audio codec MPEG1 Layer 1/2/3, WMA

    Subtitle SMI

    + Product SpecificationAdditional


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    41 COWON J3

    AV OUT

    Method Video : Composite, Audio : Stereo

    Video Format NTSC / PAL

    Photo File Format: JPG, No limits.(Progressive format: less than 1M pixel)

    Document Viewer File Format: TXT, No limits.(Exception : UTF-8 Unicode (big endian))

    FM Radio Frequency Range 87.5~108 MHz (KR,US,EU), 76~108 MHz (JP)

    Recording Mic / Line-in / FM Radio

    Bluetooth Bluetooth 2.0 Stereo Headset, A2DP/AVRCP3)

    1) The storage capacity may be dierent rom the actual capacity due to the space o the system used or the2) The play time based on the test environment o the company may be dierent rom the actual play time.3) FM radio does not support Bluetooth. Uncertied Bluetooth headsets, receivers, etc. may not be compatibl

    + Product SpecificationAdditional


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    42 COWON J3

    1. Install and run the COWON MediaCenter - JetAudio. 2. Click Convert button on the top right hanFrom drop-down menu, select Convert Vi

    3. From the Convert Video window, click Adles to convert.

    4. Check the selected video les in the list.

    + Converting Video Files Using COWON MediaCenter - JetAudiAdditional


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    43 COWON J3

    - Movie les that do not play properly on the product may need to be converted by COWON MediaCenter - JetAudio.Beore doing so, please make sure that the movie les play properly on the PC rst.

    - Files already damaged beore conversion may not work on COWON J3 even i the conversion process is successul.

    - Conversion time may vary depending on PC perormance, source le size and codec types.

    - Preview allows checking the converted video beore starting conversion.

    - To convert a le with subtitles or to change settings on subtitles, click on Convert Options.

    - SMI les or subtitles must have the same le name as its video le.(e.g. COWON_J3.avi / COWON_J3.smi

    5. Ater checking the target older location to save theconverted les and other settings, click on Start tostart the video conversion process.

    + Converting Video Files Using COWON MediaCenter - JetAudiAdditional

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    44 COWON J3

    + I am still conused even ater reading the manual.

    COWON website(www.COWON.com) provides supportor users o COWON products with FAQ (Frequently AskedQuestions). Users are strongly encouraged to check out thewebsite or urther inormation regarding product usages

    and rmware upgrades. For individual inquiries, please con-tact us on-line as we will try to help you as best as we can.

    + I would like to set the device as actory deault.

    There are two choices when setting the device as actorydeault.1. Connect the device to PC and ormat as FAT32 le

    system. Note that this procedure will erase the data inthe device.

    2. Delete the PARAM.CFG le in the System older.

    + The player does not turn on.

    I the battery is completely discharged, charge the batterybeore you start the player. The charging time may varydepending on the batterys discharge status. I the playerdoes not work at all, press the RESET button on the rearside. For your inormation, RESET will just disconnect thepower and does not damage the product or delete any lesstored on the device.

    + Troubleshooting

    + The touch pad and buttons do not wor

    Check i the power switch is positioned to H

    + I cant hear any sound.

    Check i the volume is set to 0. Check i thavailable in the player. I there is no le in thewill not hear any sound. Please note that cowill result in a noise or discontinued playbacthe earphones are connected properly. Impearphone jack can cause a noise.

    + Files that I have stored do not appear i

    Each mode shows you a list o playable lesles that you have stored, select the Browsenote that System older will not appear in th

    + Album image is not displayed in Music

    In order to display album image, the image hin the ID3 tag o the music le. You can edit ing COWON MediaCenter - JetAudio. A JPGthe same name as the relevant music le shthe player. Alternatively, a JPG image le nacan be stored in the relevant older.

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    45 COWON J3

    + Troubleshooting

    + Video wont play.

    Movie les that do not play properly on the product mayneed to be converted by COWON MediaCenter - JetAudio.

    + FM Radio does not work.

    The products earphones work as the FM Radio antenna.Straightening the earphone cable will result in better radioreception. FM Radio reception may be poor at locationswhere FM Radio transmissions are shie lded. I FM Radiodoes not work where reception should be possible, pleasecontact our service center.

    + There is too much noise in my recordings.

    The product uses ultra-small interna l microphone, so itmay be more susceptible to noise during recordings. The

    microphone should not be covered with anything duringrecording.

    + Characters on the display are corrupted.

    Set your preerred language again in Settings > Display >Language. I the problem persists, set the current ont tothe system ont. COWON products are developed basedon the Korean Windows OS, and this may cause corruptiono some special onts or languages on the display.

    + Computer cannot recognize the player

    Try the RESET button in the back. I you expdisconnection or unstable connectivity, condirectly to the USB port o the PC, rather thahub. As COWON products use the USB con

    power system, unstable power supply can cailure.

    + Memory capacity o the player is dierthan specied.

    The memory capacity indicated by Windowrom that indicated by the memory manuaccapacity will be reduced rom the original sispace o the memory should be used as thenormal operation.

    + The player does not play properly whe

    For the player to unction properly, it requirespace or saving settings and other system charging with a genuine COWON adapter.

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    46 COWON J3

    This equipment has been tested and ound to comply withthe limits or a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15o the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmul intererence in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and

    can radiate radio requency energy and, i not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmulintererence to radio communications. However, there isno guarantee that intererence will not occur in a particularinstallation. I this equipment does cause harmul intererenceto radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment o and on, the user is encouragedto try to correct the intererence by one o the ollowingmeasures:

    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and


    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different

    rom that to which the receiver is connected.

    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician

    or help.

    + FCC Information to User


    Modications not expressly approved by the por compliance could void the users authority equipment.

    FCC Compliance Inormation:This device compl ies with Part 15 o the FCC Ris subject to the ollowing two conditions: (1) Tnot cause harmul intererence, and (2) this devany intererence received, including intererencundesired operation.


    FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:

    This equipment complies with FCC RF radiatioorth or an uncontrolled environment. This equinstalled and operated with a minimum distancbetween the radiator and your body. This transco-located or operating in conjunction with antransmitter.

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    The rechargeable batteries have limited number o chargecycles, and it will require a replacement as capacity to holdpower will eventually diminish.The rechargeable batteries in COWON products should bereplaced only by ocial COWON service centers. Pleasecontact batteryreplace@cowon.com or more inormation onocial COWON service centers.

    COWON products contain built-in rechargeand must be separately disposed rom houDisposing the products with regular waste o environment due to the waste batteries local authorities or specied locations/guidand waste batteries, and dispose them in cregulation/guidance.

    + Battery Replacement + Product Disposal

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