jan mar 2014 prayer diary

Post on 24-Oct-2015






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Africa Inland Mission’s

Jan - Mar 2014 www.aimint.org/eu


Christ-centred churches among all African peoples


1-4 JanuaryNew Members

5-11 JanuaryPeople focus: The Rangi

12-18 JanuaryCountry focus: Chad

19-25 JanuaryMobilising Region: Europe

26 Jan-1 FebMinistry focus: Creative Access

2-8 FebruaryCountry focus: D R Congo

9-15 FebruaryMinistry focus: Agriculture

16-22 FebruaryPeople focus: The Ik

23 Feb-1 MarchMobilising Region: U.S.A.

2-8 MarchMinistry focus: Bible Translation

9-15 MarchMinistry focus: Rift Valley Academy

16-22 MarchSynergy Short-term

23-31 March People focus: The Rendille

Each of our Prayer Diaries covers 13 weeks, with each week focusing on a particular

theme – a country, an unreached people group, or a type of ministry. There is a brief introduction, prayer items for each day and a single summary prayer focus for those who use the diary weekly.

God instructed Abraham: ‘Leave your homeland and your family and go to a

land that I will show you.’ What would it mean to be told to do such a thing today?

Where will I go?•

How will I know when I’m there?•

What will I do while I am there?•

How will I get there?•

How will I earn my living?•

These are no doubt some of the questions aspiring mission partners ask themselves when becoming aware of the call to service overseas. In trying to answer them, it’s helpful to be surrounded with friends who will pray for guidance, for what God would have you do.

But how can friends best support you in prayer? One obvious answer is to form a prayer group, a small team with a keen interest in what God is calling you to do, and the people groups you will work among.

E-mails, letters and photographs maintain enthusiasm and provide a sense of personal involvement and excitement at what God is doing in the mission partner’s life and work. And the group can respond with messages as a means of providing a deep sense of support: ‘We’re standing with you’.

If you don’t already belong to a prayer group, why not join one?

Brian Box, AIM Prayer Group Host, Bishopbriggs

People & Places is AIM Europe’s Annual Personnel Directory. If you would like to get to know some of our Mission

Partners better, we have included references to pages in People & Places when personnel are related to the weekly prayer theme. Contact us if you would like a copy, or view it online:



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1 Give thanks for this family, who have responded

willingly to God’s call to serve him in Africa. Pray for them as they begin to make the mental, emotional and practical adjustments that will be necessary, as they prepare for this life-changing move.


2 We anticipate that the Hofmanns will be available

for assignment from the autumn of 2014. Please pray for them in this time of preparation, that they will now God’s peace concerning their future, as decisions are made about where they will serve in Africa.


3 Please pray for provision of the necessary prayer and

financial support to enable the Hofmanns to begin their assignment. Pray for them as

they speak with family, friends and church members, that God will stir the hearts of many to commit to supporting them in the years ahead.


4 Please continue to pray that, during 2014, God will

prompt many more people to respond in obedience to his call to go and make disciples among Africa’s unreached people. Pray especially for more single men, who are still the most under-represented group among our mission partners.

1-4 January


Give thanks for the Hofmann family and

pray for those at AIM involved in discerning where best they can serve. Pray for God’s wisdom to direct the decision-making process and for peace of heart and mind for the Hofmanns as they prepare for the move to Africa.

OfficeNews:In December, we welcomed a new member of staff, Claire Lister, into the finance team as Supporter Finance Officer. Give thanks for her appointment, which brings the team back to full strength. Please pray for her as she settles into her role.

Laura Perbet is now on maternity leave awaiting the birth of her first child, due in early January. Please pray for a safe delivery and God’s blessing on Laura and her husband, Seb, in this new stage of life.

Marcella Bernales completed her time as Synergy Co-ordinator at the end of December. Please pray for her and her husband, Joe, as they move back to the USA, and for God’s leading in the appointment of Marcella’s successor.

Jurgen & Katja Hofmann | p.21

Find out more about our Mission Partners in People & Places

New Members:

Jurgen & Katja Hofmann are from The Netherlands and have four young children, Vanya (9), Issa (7), Abbey (5) and Dani (2).

They are members of Evangelishe Gemeente ‘De Ambassade’ and also of Bridgnorth Baptist Church, following a period living in the UK. Jurgen trained and worked as a baker, but is currently undertaking theological studies, whilst Katja is a lawyer. Details of an assignment for Jurgen and Katja still need to be worked out, probably with a TIMO Team or Curriculum Based Team, at least initially.

‘And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”’ Romans 10:15Office Staff| p.24


Each daily prayer item is based on a TIMO value and its outworking among the Rangi.


5 Relating: Greeting is a major value of the Rangi, so daily

we shake people’s hands and speak about ourselves and how the other person is doing and their family and neighbours. Hospitality is another value as we exchange invitations to meals, homes and parties. Pray that these relationships are a big door opener for gospel seekers.


6 Learning: This is part of our daily routine. We learn the

culture, language and everything else that the community does. We do all that the community members do: attend funerals, offer comfort, join in community gatherings and parties. Pray that our learning will create a desire in the Rangi to learn about Jesus.


7 Teaching: We’re a multi-cultural team: Africans teach

African culture to Westerners, whilst Westerners teach Africans. The same applies in the community. The community

teach the team and the team teach the community. And, importantly, the team teaches in the Busi secondary school. Pray that how and what we teach truly reflects Jesus.


8 Serving: The community needs our time, personal

help and cars. Our cars have helped with hospital runs, and other community needs. We’ve served the living by carrying their corpses. We also serve one another as a team, following our team verse: ‘Consider others better than yourselves.’ Pray that we might have servant hearts.


9 Giving: We have given ourselves for the Rangi. We’ve

also given our time, energy and cash to the needy. The word says, ‘Blessed are the poor (needy) in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God.’ We strongly believe that giving is God’s gift of love (John 3:16). Pray that our giving might point to Jesus, God’s greatest gift.


10 Preaching the good news on a daily basis is our

intentional goal. Our personal testimonies say a lot, but quoting Scripture means that the word of God is helping the Rangi people. We also get invitations to preach in villages which have churches. Pray that our preaching will be faithful to God’s word.


11 Praying: We prayer walk as well as have group

devotions and personal prayers. Without it we lack strength to serve God. God knows that when we pray, he is glorified and he extends his grace to us. Prayer reminds us that we can do nothing apart from God. Please pray with us and for us.

5-11 January


From 12 December to 19 January a TIMO-Quest

team are living among the Rangi. Pray that the Questers will help the team members to realise how far they have come with learning, training and relating, and that the team will enable the Questers to see how much there is to learn from their new culture.

People focus: The Rangi

In 1998, a TIMO team marked the start of evangelical witness to the Rangi. Education has provided a good opening for the gospel. In 2004,

the Tanzanian government opened many secondary schools, but hadn’t enough qualified teachers. The Rangi 2 TIMO team began in 2011. Praise God that there have been opportnities in the Busi secondary school. Most of the old Rangi say that Islam has blinded many to the point of never having a good education. Now they want to take their children to Christian schools.



12 We thank God for those who have committed to

pray for people groups in Chad and for progress in the work of the gospel among them. Pray for fruit from the seed sown and that believers would grow in their faith and be effective witnesses to their own people.


13 Wellspring Academy caters for missionary

families who might not otherwise be able to serve God in Chad. God answered prayer in calling Alasdair & Angela Lunan and Jennifer Straw to join the head teacher, Debbie, for this academic year. Please continue to pray for more teachers, especially for 2014-2015.


14 John & Pam Propst thank God for answered prayer.

Many Church districts have now purchased discipleship materials for training pastors. Please pray for leaders to move forward and that churches will use the materials to grow spiritually and in their vision for outreach to the unreached.


15 Doctors Ann, Catherine and Andy help to train

nursing students clinically at Bebalem Hospital. Pray for guidance in choosing students to disciple and befriend. They hope some will work in Health Centres among UPGs after graduation. Pray for students to learn good health care in a society with many sinful values.


16 Praise God for competent and compassionate care

from staff at the Hospital where

Joan Mackenzie works, just outside the capital. Many from UPGs pass through its doors. Pray that staff would consider both physical and spiritual needs and for opportunities to share the gospel, as God leads.


17 Naomi Duff praises the Lord for answering

prayer for a rental property for a rehabilitation centre to give spiritual, emotional and practical input for motivating vulnerable women. Naomi and Anne continue chronological Bible storying with them. Pray that God would speak to hearts and the women will have faith and courage to respond to him.


18 Praise God for the successful opening of

Markas al Muna last August. It was an answer to prayer that the cultural centre came to fruition with the overwhelming welcome and support of local authorities. Pray for the Holy

Spirit to work in the hearts of the UPG that attend the centre, that they would know the true hope found only in Jesus.

Country focus: Chad

Chad has about 130 people groups; over half are still unreached. Since arriving in 1989, AIM has worked alongside

the Evangelical Church of Chad (EET) to bring the gospel to some of those people groups. Praise God for the training of Chadian missionaries who serve God throughout Chad. For many years there has been a special focus on about five of these unreached people groups (UPGs). Pray for wisdom, the right contacts and clear guidance, as two new groups are considered.


Praise God for the current TIMO team in Chad and

pray for two new teams among UPGs. The door is still wide open for more people to serve God in outreach in Chad. Pray that the Chadian Church’s vision for the unreached will increase, including the need for cross-cultural training. Pray that God will call some members to serve him in unreached areas.

12-18 January

Mission Partners in Chad | p.5aimint.org/eu/peopleandplaces

See People & Places to learn more about our Mission Partners working in Chad



19 Andrew Chard represented AIM at

Mission-Net, a Europe-wide missions event. Pray that contacts made result in new and strengthened partnerships with mission organisations in Europe and more people are mobilised to reach the unreached in Africa.


20 Give thanks for the long service of Serge

& Catherine Gutierrez. Serge has been AIM’s Director for France and promoted mission in a number of churches, with a particular emphasis on prayer. Pray for them as they hand over the work and continue to minister in their church.


21 Pray for Gilles Bonvallat (People & Places p.25),

as he takes up his new role as AIM Director for France and Switzerland, and for Myriam,

as she supports him. Pray for their re-adjustment back to France, that they will form good relationships with our existing partner missions and establish new ones. Pray for more people called to serve God in francophone Africa.


22 Pray for Andrew Chard, travelling to Denia,

Spain today. He is staying with Tim & Bonnie Cook and meeting leaders from their church, who are exploring potential partnership with AIM, particularly in CANs. Please pray that the meetings go well and that Andrew preaches clearly at their church this coming Sunday.


23 Give thanks for the small AIM Holland mobilising

office team, who work so hard on the mission partners’ behalf. Pray particularly for Bert Dijkstra, Director for the Netherlands

(People & Places p.25), who heads up the work. Praise God for growth in long-term members from Holland, including two new couples last year.


24 Please pray for our team working in the South

of France among the African Diaspora. Pray that doors would open for them to share the gospel and their lives with the community. Pray also that the national Church may catch more of a vision for this ministry.


25 Give thanks for our mainland Europe mission

partners, already serving with AIM or awaiting assignments. Please pray for them as they already have to operate in English - a second or third language - before they can begin to learn the language(s) of the people they will work with in Africa.

19-25 January


Give thanks for the partnerships between

AIM and various missions in mainland Europe and the many mission partners already serving in Africa as a result. Pray for the strengthening of the existing relationships and the development of new ones.

Mobilising Region: Europe

AIM Europe has a long history of working in partnership with several mission organisations in mainland Europe

to mobilise those God is calling to serve him in Africa. These include DMG and VDM in Germany and SMG, SMM, FREE and WEC International in Switzerland. New contacts have been made in Norway, and in countries where we already have links. After several years in Rwanda, Gilles and Myriam Bonvallat will be working in French-speaking countries in Europe to mobilise people to serve in francophone Africa.

European Mobilisers| p.25aimint.org/eu/peopleandplaces

See People & Places to learn more about our European Mobilising Team



26 Once a week we meet with our colleagues for

a sabbath time of worship. This has been so sweet for us after a couple of years of worshipping alone as a family or just the two of us. Pray that it is truly a time of meaningful worship, encouragement and engaging with our Father.


27 We have reason to believe that the security

situation here has improved greatly since 2011/12. Pray for us and our colleagues that we will continue to live being vigilant, but praise, too, that things have improved. Pray for our ongoing protection and wisdom for personal security.


28 Our new colleagues are doing a great job with

language and living in a simpler way. They’ve all faced challenges in their homes (at times) with what seems to them as a lack of

basic amenities. Pray for them (and us!) to have a positive attitude and to hold on to God’s calling on their lives.


29 We praise our Father that our work permits

have been granted for three years. We’re now trying to arrange work permits for our six colleagues. There have been some encouragements in the process, but still some way to go. Praise for our leaders and administrators in our regional offices, who navigate these things on our behalf.


30 Our second curriculum unit is on “prayer and

spiritual warfare”. This will run through to early February. Pray that we might learn more about how to be instruments for revival here and how to live in readiness for the battle that is raging in the spiritual realms.


31 When we’re tired and weary we’re particularly

prone to discouragement. It’s easy in this spiritually oppressed context to allow this discouragement to overwhelm us. Pray that we might know God’s peace and presence each day and that we might make wise decisions regarding our limitations; also that we can encourage each other.


1We regularly get the opportunity to pray with

people. It’s often hard to find the right words to pray in our new language. Pray for progress in this that we might be more confident in praying in a way that points people to our heavenly Father and to know his Son.

26 Jan-1 Feb

Ministry focus: Creative Access“Creative Access” ministry may be likened to a pilot flying

under the radar to escape detection. However this analogy breaks down because a pilot’s aim is usually to get in and out as quickly as possible; it’s a ‘hit and run’ approach. Creative Access ministry is exactly the opposite. It takes a long time to build trust and develop relationships through which the gospel can be shared. These prayer requests came from just two mission partners, but illustrate the challenges of Creative Access ministry.


AIM Europe currently has ten people working in

Creative Access areas. Names and photos will not appear in our literature or on our website. This anonymity can lead to them being under-supported in prayer, when they are probably among those who need it most. Please pray; the Lord knows their names.

Mission Partners in CANs| p.9aimint.org/eu/peopleandplaces

See People & Places to learn more about our Mission Partners working in Creative Access situations



2 Pray for Shalom University of Bunia (unishabunia.org).

Praise God that the Ferdinandos finished well and are back in the UK, after investing much in preparation for a PhD level theology degree. Pray for all the students who study at Shalom, that they will have the training and passion for reaching out to unreached people.


3 Pray for the Commission, which works closely with

existing church structures to encourage the spiritual development of the Zande church toward a more Christ-centred, culturally appropriate theology and impacting Zande believers in South Sudan, CAR and the DRC.


4 In August 2014, we have a wonderful opportunity

to place a new team in Banda, encouraging and assisting the Zande churches to disciple believers and potentially reach out to the Mbororo. Our hope is to prepare team members for future ministry in Central African Republic and the general Zande area.


5 Wendy Atkins will move to Banda to lead this team.

Since 1992 Wendy has worked in the ministries of the ethno arts, leadership training, trauma healing, and supporting national outreach ministry to the Mbororo. Please pray for more team members – we do have a Vision and Strategy paper for anyone interested.


6 Praise God for the wonderful work of the church health

ministry in establishing and managing hospitals, clinics, etc.

We have had no response to personnel requests for specialist medical personnel to help in training, over the past year, and one person who had previously committed has decided not to come. FRIday 7 FEBRUARY

7 Continue praying for a French-speaking Unit Leader,

experienced in cross-cultural ministry, and with a vision for the Congolese and those in CAR. Please pray for the Lord to lead and guide.


8 Pray for the Congolese, as they face fighting in the

southeast near the Uganda and Rwanda borders; many are suffering and lots have been displaced. Pray that any solutions that are proposed to help them will enhance their dignity and bring them into a vibrant relationship with Christ.


The extensive unrest and turmoil in Central African

Republic (CAR) has caused us to postpone a planned team there, and place some of the personnel slated for that team on a ‘preparation team’ in Banda, DRC. Often what one country faces has an effect on a neighbouring country.

2-8 February

Mission Partners in DRC | p.5aimint.org/eu/peopleandplaces

See People & Places to Learn more about our Mission Partners working in DRC

Country focus: DR Congo

The first AIM missionaries came to the Democratic Republic of Congo more than 100 years ago. A mighty church, the

Communauté des Églises au Centre de l’Afrique (CECA 20), has arisen with vision, passion and good organisation, despite many hardships of war, unrest, poor infrastructure and strong traditional beliefs. We believe the Church can be the powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship; our intent as AIM is to support and encourage them in their vision, primarily through training and empowerment.


9 The extension team regularly travels to communities

across Lesotho to teach the benefits of Farming God’s Way. They meet people where they are, understand their needs and make regular follow-up visits to ensure best practices are being implemented. Pray for safe travel and that they will inspire farmers to adopt CA*.


10 Growing Nations is at the forefront of research

into CA in Lesotho. This includes research into sustainability, crop varieties, integration of livestock and use of cover crops as an alternative to more expensive fertiliser. Pray for continued funding and for partners to help develop best practices.


11 The demonstration farm at Maphutseng

enables farmers to see what can be achieved and be taught the principles of Farming God’s Way. Growing Nations employs Rorisang Moliko as a trainee farm manager. Please pray for him as he develops in his new role.


12 Pray for the AIM team working with Growing

Nations, including Heather & Barry Mann (People & Places p.18) who train and equip the Basotho staff. Heather is Growing Nations CEO, developing the finance team and overall strategy, whilst Barry develops media & communications for the project.


13 Growing Nations is running the first Farming

Quest from 10-28 February for AIM members. Participants will receive three weeks’ intense

training in Farming God’s Way, with the aim of them implementing the principles in their places of ministry. Pray it will be a beneficial and inspirational experience for all.


14 The resident students programme trains ten

young farmers each year. They spend two weeks training and two weeks implementing that teaching at home each month. It’s been amazing to witness the fantastic results and changed lives. Pray that first year students will learn effectively and can teach others during year two.


15 Pray for the Basotho staff and team as Growing

Nations looks to develop future vision and strategy. Pray they will be able to change mindsets, influence school curriculums and obtain the necessary funding to continue. Pray also that other organisations will complement Growing Nations, work rather than providing farmers with mixed messages.

9-15 February


Growing Nations showcases AIM’s

agriculture work in Africa, through transformational development, leadership and Farming God’s Way training. Pray that the minds and lives of farmers and communities will be transformed, demonstrating God’s love to all they come in contact with.

Ministry focus: Agriculture

AIM missionary, August Basson, started practising and teaching Farming God’s Way using Conservation Agriculture*

(CA) methods in Lesotho 12 years ago, to meet the needs of hungry parishioners. Today Growing Nations’ vision is to provide ‘Transformation through Sustainable Agriculture’. Training and equipping pastors and farmers in Lesotho and across Africa through transformational development and leadership teaching, agricultural extension work, a demonstration farm and resident student programme, all help achieve their vision. Visiting AIM members are also trained to take the teaching back to their places of ministry.

Barry & Heather Mann | p.18aimint.org/eu/peopleandplaces

Find out more about our Mission Partners in People & Places


16 Pray for Terrill & Amber Schrock of SIL, who

have been living among the Ik since 2008, learning Icetod and developing a grammar of the language. They are fostering two little Ik girls and learning more of the culture in the process. (schrockandawe.blogspot.com)


17 Bible translation work, that Terrill began with

three Ik men, has had to be

temporarily put on ‘hold’. Pray for them as they continue to look for ways to see the Ik have the Scriptures in their language, and also as they look at other ways to minister to the people.


18 We thank the Lord for answered prayer, as Heidi

& Christoph Rauch, a German couple, who have been working with DIGUNA (German mission organisation) in Arua, West Nile, Uganda, for some years, have agreed to lead the team. Pray for them as they prepare themselves to lead a multicultural team in English.


19 We pray that the Church of Uganda (Anglican)

will place a couple on the team, possibly from the West Nile diocese of the COU where the Rauchs are working. This would be the first time they would be involved in sending long-term missionaries elsewhere. Pray for the process.


20 Pray for all the possible team members. A Vision

and Strategy paper has now been written and we pray that this will mobilise many to pray and some to join the team. We expect a mix of AIM and DIGUNA members to join.


21 After a survey was done in May 2013 by a number

of significant ‘players’, it was felt the best place to situate the team would be along a ridge in Kapalu and Tulutul. Pray for Heidi & Christoph as they liaise with the community, that agreements will happen.


22 There are some Christians among the Ik, but, by and

large, Christianity has a surface influence. The portions of the Bible already translated by SIL have so far not really been used or valued. Please pray for the hearts of the Ik to be hungry for God’s word.

16-22 February


Praise the Lord for the decision to place a TIMO

team by mid-2016 to live among the Ik in Kapalu and Tulutul. We desire to see team members trained and equipped in cross-cultural ministry and, together with Ik believers, plant and nourish other gospel-centred communities and be a vibrant part of the global Church.

People focus: The Ik

A small marginalised group, the Ik of north east Uganda have often been at the mercy of neighbouring people groups. The majority

of Ik do not know the way to Christ, even though they have had some influence of Christianity in their area. There is a great need for authentic gospel-centred communities, where believers are discipled and grow in their faith among them.

Mobilising Region: U.S.A.

‘Nothing so constant as change’ has been our reality over the past couple of years, with a relocation of our Headquarters

from Pearl River, New York, to Peachtree City, Georgia in August 2011, and more recently, a change of U.S. Director from Ted Barnett, who served for 26 years, to Wade Ewing. Wade, with his wife, Sue, has served in a number of ministries, including AIM AIR, Personnel, and Finance. God has been faithful through these changes, and we are excited and grateful to have a part in his purposes.


23 Praise God with us for the provision of Wade

Ewing as our new U.S. Director. Pray for Wade as he continues to learn his new role, and that God would give him wisdom in every facet of leading the AIM U.S. Mobilising region.


24 Two years ago, AIM U.S. relocated from New York

to Georgia. Pray that God would use us in our new community to be a light for him, and that we would be a helpful resource and ministry partner for the many local churches in our community.


25 Each year, AIM U.S. works with candidates from

across America, as they seek God’s direction for their role in fulfilling the Great Commission. In 2013, we sent almost 60 men and women to Africa to serve in a wide range of ministries.


26 Praise God with us for 140 men and women

who have gone to Africa in 2013 through our short-term programme. While short-term ministry meets specific needs on the field, it also often results in personnel choosing to serve in full-term ministry. Pray that more will do so.


27 With over a billion users, Facebook is certainly

a force in our world. We’re grateful to have it as a tool for communicating how believers can connect and serve through Africa Inland Mission. Pray that the right people will see the right posts and respond!


28 Praise God for our U.S. African Ministry Team,

who serve among Africans living throughout the United States. Many of those they work with are students; others are refugees or have immigrated to the U.S. for other purposes. Pray for good relationships, opportunities to share Christ, and to disciple believers.


1 We’re so grateful for the many prayer and financial

supporters who faithfully partner with us. Pray that God would bless them richly and continue to give them vision for his work around the world.

23 Feb-1 Mar Weeklyfocus

God is at work in Africa! And part of that work

begins in the United States. We’re excited to have a part in mobilising men and women for ministry in Africa, and for the privilege of serving our missionary personnel through the respective departments of our U.S. Headquarters. Please pray for us as we seek to equip and serve more Mission Partners.

‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’Matthew 28:19-20a

Wade & Sue Ewing



2 Pray for AIM members on oral Bible storying teams, who are

in the crucial phase of building relationships with local people and learning their language. Deep relationships and good communication are key to effective storying ministry and neither can be achieved without hard work and perseverance.


3 As team members deepen their understanding of the

local culture through friendships and language learning, pray that the Holy Spirit would give them profound insights into the way that local people view the world. Understanding the local ‘worldview’ will help them choose the right way to translate key biblical concepts such as ‘sin’ and ‘forgiveness’.


4 Pray for team members as they help local people to

‘craft’ stories in their mother tongue. The stories need to be (1) accurate (in conveying the message of the Bible), (2) understandable (to local people) and (3) natural-sounding (in the local language). This takes hard work and Holy Spirit help.


5 Storying teams need specialist help from

translation consultants. As well as checking that the translated stories are accurate, understandable and natural-sounding, the consultant can advise on worldview issues and storytelling strategies. Pray for the provision of such consultants and for fruitful relationships between teams and their consultant.


6 Pray that storytelling teams would plant seeds that grow

into storytelling movements that produce Christ-centred churches amongst unreached African people groups. Pray that such churches would develop a vision for having the whole Bible in their heart language.


7 Where Africans do have access to the Bible in their

mother tongue, pray that denominational distinctions and differences in dialect would not prevent churches and Christians from engaging with God’s word in a way that will transform lives and whole communities.


8 Bruce Rossington is working as a translation consultant

in Cameroon. Pray for him and his family (People & Places p.21) as they work with Cameroonian Christians who are translating the Bible and Bible stories

into some of the country’s 273 languages. Pray that the Lord would show Bruce how best he can contribute to the translation work that AIM is doing.

2-8 March


Oral Bible storying is a powerful way to present

the gospel to an unreached people group who prefer to communicate orally rather than in writing. As Bible stories are translated, shared, memorised and retold in a community setting, traditional beliefs are challenged and the Good News about Jesus is communicated in its biblical context.

Bruce & Jan Rossington| p.21aimint.org/eu/peopleandplaces

Find out more about our Mission Partners in People & Places

Ministry focus: Bible Translation

How can there be a Christ-centred church among an African people group unless those people have access to the Good

News about Jesus Christ in a language that they fully understand and which speaks to their heart? Throughout the continent, AIM is partnering with African Christians who are translating the Bible into their ‘heart language’ and AIM teams are presenting the gospel to unreached people groups using oral Bible stories that have been translated into the ‘mother tongue’.



9 This year’s overarching theme in RVA’s Sunday worship

services is ‘Worship as a Way of Life’. Pray that as we progress through the year, everyone in the RVA community will continue to embrace a vision of worship as a whole-life response to God’s mercy (Romans 12:1).


10 Pray for the boarding students and their

families as they navigate through the challenges and hardships of separation while school is in session. Also pray for the missionary staff who are called to love, nurture, and disciple these students each day.


11 Pray for the school’s outreach ministry, and

the staff and students who are regularly serving in weekly ministries to street kids, orphans, and hospital patients in the Kijabe area. Also pray for the RVA community to continue to grow in building relationships and partnering in ministry with local churches and people in the community.


12 Pray for the staff and students who are

involved in ongoing mentoring relationships, and for this ministry to continue multiplying. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work actively in all of these relationships to continually transform mentors and mentees more fully into the image of Jesus.


13 Pray for us as we seek to make prayer for

unreached peoples more a part of the fabric of our community

life. Pray that God will continue to show us his heart for the nations, and that we will be receptive to his work of moulding our hearts to reflect his heart.


14 Pray for God’s continued provision of staffing

needs. As the number of specialised missionary staff required for RVA to function adequately is quite large, there are often challenges in finding staff to meet certain needs. Pray especially for RVA’s administration and AIM’s sending regions as they seek God’s provision in meeting these needs.


15 Life and ministry can be very demanding at

RVA, with long days and much activity lived in close community. Pray that staff and students will overcome busy schedules and continue to grow in intimate, abiding relationships with

Jesus through consistent habits of daily prayer, devotion, and reflection upon God’s word.

9-15 March

Ministry focus: Rift Valley Academy

Rift Valley Academy (RVA) is a boarding school for children of missionaries, located in Kijabe, Kenya (www.rva.org).

RVA’s 500 students represent 30 different nationalities, and their parents serve with approximately 80 different mission organisations across the continent of Africa. RVA is vital to global missions because many of these missionaries would not be able to continue serving in their ministry locations without the nurturing care and excellent Christ-centred discipleship and education that the school provides for their children.


Spiritual Emphasis Week at RVA resulted in many

students surrendering their lives to trust Jesus as Lord and Saviour, solidifying their commitments to follow Christ, and/or acknowledging a sense of God’s calling to a life of ministry. Pray for these students to be encouraged in their commitments as they walk by faith.

Peter & Katy Wilson| p.12aimint.org/eu/peopleandplaces

Find out more about our Mission Partners in People & Places


16 Praise God for the number of people serving

on the Synergy programme this quarter. Pray that they would all feel valued and be aware of their part in God’s plan where they are working.


17Pray for those just starting placements,

that they quickly build good relationships with colleagues and nationals. For those who have been on placement for a while, pray that they would be supported and sustained by the relationships they have made.


18 Pray for those who have just started placements:

Mary Theresa (MT), Seraina, Rachael, Penny, Fiona, Jannina, P & J . Pray that they would settle in well and would not be overwhelmed by culture-shock.


19 This is about the six month mark for our STers

who are serving for one year – Paul & Di, Manuel, the Lunan family, Jean-Christophe, Laura and Steve. It is common for many to experience tough cultural adjustments about this time.


20 Samuel Mercer has just completed a medical

elective at Kapsowar. Pray for him as he re-adjusts to life back home and processes what he has learned and experienced.


21 Please pray for the launch of a new Friends

of Synergy programme through which former Synergists and their friends can commit to regular prayer and financial support. Pray that this may contribute to the growth of the Synergy programme itself.


22 Please pray for a new Synergy Co-ordinator to

succeed Marcella Bernales, who returned to the USA in February. Pray for Marcella and husband, Joe, as they re-adjust after several years away.

16-22 March

Short-termers currently serving with Aim Europe:Jean-Christophe MarwedeFreie Bibelgemeinde Lübeck (Evangelisch Freikirchlich), Germany -Street children, Safina, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Alasdair, Angela & Peter LunanDunblane Free Church - Teaching, Wellspring Academy, N’Djamena, Chad

Steve TittertonCornerstone Church, Nottingham - Teaching & discipleship, Korr, Kenya

Fiona PhilipELT Baptist Church, London - English teaching & youth outreach, Madagascar

Laura ShirleyCatshill Baptist Church - Teaching, Haven of Peace Academy, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Mary Theresa (MT) ClancyGrosvenor Baptist Church, Dublin - English teaching, Madagascar

Seraina ClemensThe Evangelic Church Wohlen and The Evangelic Church Bremgarten - Teaching Assistant, MCA, Madagascar

Rachael HolyomeSt Leonard’s Church, Exeter - Teaching & youth discipleship, Dwelling Places, Kampala, Uganda

Penny JenningsSt. Mary’s, Callington - English teaching, University of Shalom, Bunia, DR Congo

Beth ButlerChildren & youth ministry, Kenya

Jannina StalderChrischona, Locarno - Teaching Assistant, MCA, Madagascar

Samuel MercerHoly Trinity Platt, Manchester - Medical elective, Kapsowar, Kenya

Paul & Di AllcockAbove Bar Church, Southampton - Pastoral care & support, Mbarara, Uganda

P & J (no names for security reasons - sensitive ministry area) - Bible teaching, Kapsowar, Kenya

Manuel HambuchEvangelische Apostelkirchengemeinde Oberhausen Tackenberg, Germany - Street children, Safina, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

WeeklyfocusPlease pray for the lasting impact of Synergy on those they work with and on Synergists themselves.

Short-term: Synergy

Synergy is Africa Inland Mission’s short-term programme that offers anyone over the age of 18 the opportunity to get

involved with cross-cultural mission in Africa. There are many different opportunities to serve from 3 to 12 months.


23 Praise God for helping me to settle in Korr. I’m

enjoying my role in the Christian school and have had many opportunities to share my faith. Pray that I will make good use of the time here and that my witness may point others to Christ.


24 Thank God for the new young people’s Bible

Study Group. We’re studying Romans, but many adults had no Bible. Thank God for support from the UK to begin to put Bibles into the hands of those who should put them to good use.


25 Korr AIC is a young church, with a great need

to disciple recent converts. Pray that spiritual growth amongst the Christians will be dramatic over the coming years. Pray for me as I seek to disciple potential future leaders among the children I teach.


26 Pray for Mr Letipo, Headteacher of Tirrim

Upper Primary School. Thank

God for the remarkable job he’s doing. He loves Korr, his home town. Thank God for his heart for Christ and for children. Pray for his continued health, wisdom and ability to endure when criticised.


27 Pray that the 300 children of Tirrim School may

come to love the Saviour, whom they hear so much about each school day. Pray particularly for 30 Muslim children, that they would have the courage to believe decisively in Christ as the only way to heaven.


28 Pray for the school teachers, that their faith

in Christ may deepen and their witness will point children to Jesus. Pray that they will have a real hunger for the Bible, and for unity between all the staff.


29 Praise God for the work so far in translating the Bible

into Rendille. It’s hoped that the New Testament will be launched in 2015. Pray for Pastor Joshua Turuga, who heads up this work, and for his small team.

23-31 March


Tirrim Upper Primary is a Christian school

from whose children will come future leaders of the community and church. Pray for God to use Steve and his fellow Kenyan teachers to prepare a generation with a love for Jesus at the centre of all they do.

People focus: The RendilleLast February, we asked for prayer ‘for more AIM mission partners...willing to live among and share the gospel with the Rendille.’ Part of the answer is Steve Titterton, serving on Synergy. Steve writes: ‘From August 2013 to August 2014, I’m living alongside the Rendille people in Korr, teaching in the local primary school and seeking opportunities to disciple others.’ He sent these prayer requests.


30 Korr town has no doctors; reputable hospitals

are hours away. There are community nurses in the area, but no registered nurse for the entire Northern region of Kenya. Pray for the medical needs here; for more workers and improved facilities.


31 Pray for the health, safety and well-being

of mission partners. As well as venomous snakes, scorpions, spiders, and the risk of infection, we sometimes travel through unstable areas, where warring clans exchange gunfire and have taken shots at passing vehicles.


DiaryDatesAfrica Inland Mission’s

Into Africa? SeminarElmfield Church, Middlesex. These one day seminars provide a chance to hear about the work and opportunities for service in Africa. For details contact: Amy at amy@aimeurope.net or 0115 983 8128

Scottish ConferencePerth Baptist Church 10.00am-4.00pm Speaker: Allan McKinnon, Tilsley College Adults £20; Students/over 12s £10; under 12s free. Includes hot lunch & refreshments

Irish ConferenceKilkeel, venue to be confirmed. For further details contact Alan Cousins, Ireland Mobiliser (see below)

Croydon ConferenceEmmanuel Church Hall, South Croydon 2.00-6.00pm. For further details contact Peter Oyugi, South England/Wales Mobiliser (see below)

Northern ConferenceBook the date. Details in next Prayer Diary.






European headquartersAim InternationalHalifax PlaceNottingham NG1 1QNUnited Kingdom0115 9838 120europehq@aimeurope.net


Africa Inland Mission International, a company limited by guarantee (04598557), a registered charity in England and Wales (1096364) and a charity registered in Scotland (SC037594) Registered Office: Halifax Place Nottingham NG1 1QN.

Netherlands nederland@aimeurope.net

France france@aimeurope.net

Scotland0845 270 4416scotland@aimeurope.net

South England/Wales0845 270 4418south@aimeurope.net

Ireland0845 270 4417ireland@aimeurope.net

North England/Wales0845 270 4415north@aimeurope.net


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