january 28 2018 the fourth sunday in ordinary time st. joseph catholic...

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January 28 2018

The Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time

St. Joseph Catholic Church,

7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois

Catholic Schools Week Jan. 28 to Feb. 3

St. Joseph Catholic School 5641 S. 73rd Ave.

Summit, Illinois 60501 708-458-2927

Last week, we heard in the Gospel Jesus beginning to proclaim the Kingdom of God. In the Gospel this week, we see the effect of the coming of the Kingdom of God in Jesus. Following the call of His first Apostles, Jesus enters into a synagogue in the town of Capernaum on the Sabbath. There, Jesus taught with authority. While teaching in the synagogue, Jesus encounters a man with an unclean spirit. Jesus rebukes this unclean spirit and orders this unclean spirit to come out of the man. We see today’s Gospel story beautifully illustrated in the image below. Jesus, on the left, is freeing the man of the evil spirit. The convulsing man is seen on the right, and black, winged creature (unclean spirit) is seen above him, leaving him in peace. This passage from Mark’s Gospel shows the power and authority of Jesus over unclean spirits.

What is an unclean spirit? In the Greek version of the Gospel, the word is pneuma akathartos. Pneuma is the Greek word for spirit, and akathartos means unclean. Kathartos means clean or pure. Put the letter a in front of this word and it becomes the opposite: akathartos = impure or foul. The Greek word has a connotation associated with the demonic. Why? God is pure and holy. The devil and fallen angels are not pure; they are not holy because they are tainted by sin. Unclean spirits are foul and impure, thus, the opposite of God. The Fourth Lateran Council teaches: “the devil [that is Satan] and the other demons were created good by God, but they became evil through their own fault.” Whoever denies Satan also denies sin and does not understand the actions of Christ. The late Fr. Gabriel Amorth, renowned chief exorcist in Rome, attests that unclean spirits are real. Fr. Amorth quotes Pope Paul VI, “one of the greatest needs today is the defense from the evil that we call the devil.” There are many reasons why the influence of the devil and unclean spirits are increasing. According to Fr. Amorth one of the biggest factors is consumerism. The majority of people have lost their faith due to materialistic and hedonistic lifestyle. Fr. Amorth goes on further saying that tarot cards, mediums, fortune tellers, voodoo, Wicca, witchcraft, the occult, or any other fascination with the spirit world, or the dead, can attract and encourage evil spirits. We should stay away from these activities, but how many Catholics participate in them? In addition, no one should ever play with Ouija board games, because this is a well-known way that demons are invited into the world. Fr. Amorth testifies it is not a game, but very dangerous. Sometimes, people will call a priest to bless a house because of something strange happening there. However, no one in that house goes to Confession ever, no goes to Mass every Sunday, and no one prays. A house blessing is not magic. Exorcists like Fr. Amorth, say that if people are not actively practicing their faith, then these house blessings will do them no good. Fr. Amorth says that best protection against demons and evil spirits is to attend mass regularly, go to confession and have a regular, consistent prayer life. We receive grace from Jesus, through the sacraments and prayer, and by genuinely living by God’s commandments.

Please do not litter the church with refuse and garbage. The church is God’s house. Do not drop and leave your used tissues on the pews and floors. Last week, after Mass, there were empty water bottles left under the kneelers under the pews (like the one you see in this picture). Is this what you do at home? Do you leave trash lying on the floor at home? Don’t do this in church! Who do you expect to clean up after you? Father Bob? Yes, Father Bob has to do everything, including being your housekeeper. This is very rude and bad-mannered behavior to God and other parishioners. Do not bring food or drink into church. Do not chew gum, and then leave your gum stuck to the pews and floors. Please have some respect for God, God’s house the church, and other parishioners.

This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Please consider sending your family’s children to our Catholic school. Unlike public schools, God is allowed in our school. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Good Help, help us with her maternal care and St. Joseph pray for us! Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

Fr. Bob’s Briefs

La semana pasada, escuchamos en el Evangelio a Jesús comenzar a proclamar el Reino de Dios. En el Evangelio de esta semana, vemos el efecto de la venida del Reino de Dios en Jesús. Siguiendo el llamado de Sus primeros Apóstoles, Jesús entra en una sinagoga en el pueblo de Cafaraum el día de descanso. Ahí, Jesús enseñó con autoridad. Mientras enseña en la sinagoga, Jesús encuentra a un hombre con un espíritu inmundo. Jesús reprende al espíritu y le ordena que éste salga del hombre. Vemos la historia del Evangelio de hoy bellamente ilustrada en la imagen a continuación. Jesús a la izquierda, está liberando al hombre del espíritu maligno. El hombre convulsionado se ve a la derecha y la criatura alada negra (espíritu inmundo) se ve por encima de él, dejándolo en paz. Este pasaje del Evangelio de Marcos muestra el poder y la autoridad de Jesús

sobre los espíritus inmundos. ¿Qué es un espíritu inmundo? En la versión griega del Evangelio, la palabra es pneuma akathartos. Pneuma es la palabra griega para espíritu y akathartos significa inmundo. Kathartos significa limpio o puro. Pon la letra a delante de esta palabra y se convierte en lo opuesto: akathartos = impuro o sucio. L a palabra griega tiene una connotación asociada con lo demoníaco. ¿Por qué? Dios es puro y santo El diablo y los ángeles caídos no son puros; no son santos porque están manchados por el pecado. Los espíritus inmundos son sucios e impuros, por lo tanto, lo opuesto a Dios. El Cuarto Concilio de Letrán enseña: "el diablo [que es Satanás] y los otros demonios fueron creados buenos por Dios, pero se volvieron malvados por su propia culpa." Quien niegue a Satanás también niega el pecado y no comprende las acciones de Cristo. El difunto P. Gabriel Amorth, reconocido exorcista jefe en Roma, testimonia que los espíritus inmundos son reales. P. Amorth cita al Papa Pablo VI, "una de las mayores necesidades hoy es la defensa del mal que llamamos el diablo". Hay muchas razones por las cuales la influencia del diablo y los espíritus inmundos están aumentando. Según el p. Amorth uno de los mayores factores es el consumismo. La mayoría de las personas ha perdido su fe debido al estilo de vida materialista y hedonista. P. Amorth continúa diciendo que las cartas del tarot, médiums, adivinos, vudú, Ouija, brujería, lo oculto, o cualquier otra fascinación con el mundo de los espíritus o los muertos, pueden atraer y alentar a los espíritus malignos. Debemos mantenernos alejados de estas actividades, pero ¿cuántos católicos participan en ellas? Además, nadie debería “jugar” con la tabla Ouija, porque esta es una forma bien conocida de que los demonios sean invitados al mundo. P. Amorth testifica que no es un juego, pero es muy peligroso. A veces, la gente llamará a un sacerdote para bendecir una casa debido a algo extraño que sucede allí. Sin embargo, nadie en esa casa se confiesa nunca, no va a misa todos los domingos y nadie reza. Una bendición de la casa no es magia. Exorcistas como el Padre Amorth, dice que si las personas no están practicando activamente su fe, entonces estas bendiciones de la casa no les servirán de nada. P. Amorth dice que la mejor protección contra demonios y espíritus malignos es asistir a la misa con regularidad, ir a la confesión y tener una vida de oración regular y constante. Recibimos la gracia de Jesús, a través de los sacramentos y la

oración y el vivir genuinamente según los mandamientos de Dios. Favor de no tirar basura en la iglesia. La iglesia es la casa de Dios. No tire o y deje sus pañuelos usados en las bancas y el piso. La semana pasada, después de la Misa, había botellas de agua vacías debajo de los reclinatorios (hincaderas) debajo de los bancas (como la que ves en esta imagen). ¿Es esto lo que haces en casa? ¿Dejas la basura tirada en el suelo en casa? ¡No hagas esto en la iglesia ¿A quién esperas que limpie despuési? ¿El Padre Bob? Sí, el Padre Bob tiene que hacer todo, incluso ser su ama de llaves. Este es un comportamiento muy grosero y maleducado para Dios y otros feligreses. No traiga comida o bebida a la iglesia. No mastique chicle, y luego deje su goma pegada en las bancas y pisos. Por favor tenga respeto por Dios, la casa de Dios, la iglesia y otros feligreses.

Esta semana celebramos la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas. Por favor considere enviar a sus hijos a nuestra escuela católica. A diferencia de las escuelas públicas, Dios está permitido en nuestra escuela. ¡Que la Santísima Virgen María, Madre de la Buena Ayuda, nos ayude con su cuidado maternal y San José ore por nosotros! Vivat Jesús! ¡Viva Jesús!

Informes del Padre Bob

W zeszłotygodniowej Ewangelii, Jezus zaczyna głosić nadejście Królestwa Bożego. W dzisiejszym czytaniu, widzimy w Jezusie efekty tego nadejścia. Powoławszy Swoich pierwszych Apostołów, Chrystus w dniu Szabatu wszedł do synagogi w Kafarnaum. W trakcie nauczania w synagodze, Jezus wypędza nieczystego ducha z napotkanego mężczyzny. Pan karci tego ducha i każe mu iść precz. To wydarzenie pięknie ilustruje załączony obraz. Stojący po lewej Jezus, wypędza złego ducha. Po prawej widać mężczyznę w konwulsjach, a nad nim jest widoczny oddalający się, uskrzydlony, czarny kształt (nieczysty duch). Ten fragment z Ewangelii Marka pokazuje, jaką władzę miał Jezus nad złymi duchami. Czym jest zły duch?

W greckiej wersji Ewangelii znajduje się określenie: „pneuma akathartos”. Pnuema oznacza „duch”, a akathartos „nieczysty”. Kathartos znaczy „czysty”. Jeśli umieścimy na początku literkę „a”, uzyskamy przeciwieństwo: „nieczysty”. To greckie słowo posiada demoniczne konotacje. Bóg jest czysty i święty. Diabeł i upadłe anioły nie są czyste, są skażone grzechem. Dlatego stanowią przeciwieństwo Boga. Według nauk IV Soboru Laterańskiego: „Diabeł (czyli Szatan) oraz inne demony zostały stworzone przez Boga jako istoty dobre, a stali się źli z własnej winy”. Kto neguje Szatana, ten zaprzecza także istnieniu grzechu i przeczy wszelkim działaniom Jezusa. Świętej pamięci ojciec Gabriel Amorth – uznany watykański egzorcysta – zaświadcza o istnieniu duchów nieczystych. Ojciec Amorth powtarza za papieżem Pawłem VI, że jedną z najpilniejszych potrzeb współczesności jest obrona przed diabłem. Istnieje wiele przyczyn, z powodu których wpływ Szatana i duchów nieczystych jest coraz większy. Według ojca Amortha, jedną z najważniejszych jest tu konsumpcjonizm. Ludzie utracili wiarę z powodu materialistycznego i hedonistycznego stylu życia. Co więcej – fascynacja rzeczami oraz zjawiskami związanymi ze światem duchów i śmiercią (takimi jak karty tarota, medium parapsychiczne, praktyki voodoo, ruchy wiccańskie, czarnoksięstwo, czy okultyzm) mogą być zachętą dla diabła. Od wymienionych praktyk powinniśmy się trzymać jak najdalej; jednak jak wiele katolików się w to angażuje? Nie powinno się też nigdy grać w gry planszowe Ouija, gdyż bardzo często są one bramami do naszego świata dla duchów nieczystych. Zdaniem ojca Amortha, nie jest to żadna gra, lecz bardzo niebezpieczne narzędzie. Czasami ksiądz zostaje wezwany do domu, aby go poświęcić, gdyż dzieją się w nim niewytłumaczalne rzeczy. Okazuje się jednak, że mieszkańcy tego domu ani razu nie byli do Spowiedzi, nikt tam nie chodzi do kościoła na niedzielne Msze, ani nikt się nie modli. Domowe błogosławieństwo to nie magiczne zaklęcie. Żadne błogosławieństwo nie pomoże, jeśli ludzie nie praktykują swojej wiary na co dzień. Ojciec Amorth potwierdza, iż najlepszą obroną przed siłami nieczystymi, jest regularna obecność na Mszy Świętej, przystąpienie do Spowiedzi, oraz stałe i owocne życie modlitewne. Łaskę Bożą otrzymujemy poprzez sakramenty, modlitwę i życie według Jego Przykazań.

Prosimy nie zaśmiecać kościoła. Kościół to Dom Boży. Prosimy nie rzucać zużytych chusteczek na podłogę ani ławki. W zeszłym tygodniu, po liturgii, znaleźliśmy pod klęcznikami i ławkami butelki po wodzie mineralnej (takie jak ta na zdjęciu). Czy tak samo zachowujecie się we własnym domu? Czy tam też śmiecicie? Nie róbcie tego w kościele! Spodziewacie się, że proboszcz po Was posprząta? Oczywiście – ksiądz Bob zajmuje się tu wszystkim i musi być też Waszym sprzątaczem. Takie zachowanie to oznaka kompletnego braku szacunku do Boga i innych parafian. Nie przynoście do kościoła jedzenia i napojów. Nie żujcie gumy podczas Mszy, ani nie zostawiajcie jej potem przyklejonej do ławek. Okażcie trochę szacunku do Boga, Domu Bożego, czyli kościoła, oraz dla innych parafian. W tym tygodniu obchodzimy Tydzień Szkół Katolickich.

Rozważcie proszę posłanie swoich pociech do naszej katolickiej szkoły. W przeciwieństwie do szkół publicznych, nasza szkoła jest otwarta na Boga. Święta Maryjo, Matko Nieustającej Pomocy, miej nas zawsze w Swojej opiece. Święty Józefie, módl się za nami.

Vivat Iesus! Chwała Jezusowi!

Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza

MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 29 8:30 a.m. †Shenita, Teresita & Tobias Narea/Terry & Esther Collins Tuesday, January 30 8:30 a.m. †Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, January 24 8:30 a.m. †Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish Thursday, February 1 8:30 a.m. No Mass Friday, February 2 8:30 a.m. Vocations to the Priesthood †Sr. Ernestine/Anniversary/Dee Kountis †Miguel & Rosita Narea/Terry & Esther Collins 7:30 p.m. St. Joseph Parishioners Saturday, February 3 8:30 a.m. St. Joseph Parish Benefactors 5:00 p.m. †Peggy Neligan †James Baricovich/Ellie Wesolowski †Clarence Donarski/Darlene & Family †Frank Kuncic/Wife †Miguel Sanchez †Bernadine Tlapa/St. Joseph Adult Choir Felicitas Sanchez/Birthday Blessings Sunday, February 4 7:30 a.m. †Margaret Powers Kurcz †Patrick Jude Kurcz †Joseph P. Kurcz For intention known to God 9:30 a.m. People of St. Joseph 11:00 a.m. †Angel & Socorro Prieto and Rudolfo Prieto †Juana Guzman and Maria Avalos †Teresita Morales †Francisco Romo 12:30 p.m. †Jan Karcz †Stanislaw Karcz †Jan Leja †Stanislaw Maryniarczyk

Weekly Collection Report Weekly Parish Budget $ 9,500.00 Sunday Collection Jan. 21, 2018 $ 6,134.00 Special Donations $ 218.00 Building Fund Jan. 21, 2018 $ 2,235.81 Thank you for your generosity Gracias por tu generosidad Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace

COMMUNION MINISTERS Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 5:00 PM. Deacon Ben, J. Bambera, G. Kujawa, R. Podrebarac Sunday, Feb. 4, 2018 7:30 AM Sr. Agatha, R. Kosowski 9:30 AM J. Jagielski, S. Maloy, J. Sheehan, G. Zaja 11:00 AM Olivia De La Torre, Hermila Duque, Victor Duque Lety Jimenez ********************************************************** ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 5:00 p.m. Sayuri Cruz, , Madyn Dron, Sam Dudlo Sunday, Feb. 4, 2018 7:30 a.m. Jasmine Escoto, Saul Garcia 9:30 a.m. Lea Baena, Lilly Baena, Josh VanOrt 11:00 AM Alexandra Garcia, Lupita Garcia, Maria Elena Zambrano ********************************************************** LECTORS Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018 5:00 PM J. Bambera Sunday, Feb. 4, 2018 7:30 AM E. Dominguez 9:30 AM S. Madonna 11:00 AM Juanita Castro - First Reading Ricardo Castro - Second Reading

St. Joseph School: A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service.

5641 S. 73rd Ave., Summit 708-458-2927

Mr. Lawrence Manetti, Principal

Catholic Schools Week: January 28 to February 3

Our Catholic Schools Week celebration begins TODAY! Following our 9:30 a.m. Mass join us for our Open House, join us for refreshments and a tour of our school. Enrollment information will be available. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2018 is: “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” We at St. Joseph are a community committed to academic excellence, faith development and commitment to service. You’ll have an opportunity to see those characteristics in action during our Catholic Schools Week events. I hope you and your family will join us. Following are some of the highlights planned for the week. Monday we celebrate our Community - visitors from different services in our community will be with us. Tuesday we celebrate with our Children – taking a field trip to Forest Lanes in Lyons for some bowling. Children receive an ice cream treat at lunch. Wednesday we celebrate and learn about Vocations. We will also be hosting an Open House for families from 12:00 noon until 7:00 p.m. to tour and learn about our school. Thursday we celebrate our Nation – we will have our All School Jeopardy Game! Friday, we celebrate our Faculty and Staff with a special breakfast and other surprises. We hope you have an opportunity to join us for our open house. Tax Credits – This past Tuesday, the Tax Credit Scholarship Applications opened for Big Shoulders. Because of the response they have suspended taking applications. The Tax Credit Scholarships for EMPOWER Illinois open on Wednesday, January 31st at 12:00 noon until 7:00 p.m. Families should apply for Empower even if they have applied for Big Shoulders. We again will open our library from 12:00 noon until 7:00 p.m. for families who need access to a computer. If interested, please call the school office or see Mr. Manetti for more information. On Wednesday, January 31st we will be having a special fundraising night at Trianos Pizza from 4:00 – 10:30 p.m. No flyer is needed just mention St. Joseph when ordering. Thank you and have a great week. God Bless. Lawrence Manetti, Principal

You’re A Winner! Congratulations! 52 Pick-Up News


Ticket # 1217

Congratulations to the $125 winners of the 52 Pick-Up Raffle. Tickets for 2017-2018 are still available

Come by and pick one up from the rectory or school.



Read Mr. Manetti’s column to the right to find out

all the activities the students, faculty, staff and parents will be participating in.

Parents, don’t forget to fill out the Empower

Illinois for a chance at the Tax Credit Scholorship! You may be able to send your child

to St. Joseph School for free!

Visit St. Joseph this week and find out what we’re all about.

You are WELCOME here!

Parents: You are invited to explore St. Joseph School during

our Catholic Schools Week Open House TODAY! The open house begins at 10:30 a.m.

Join us for refreshments, tours and more.!

Enrollment information will be available! ************************************************************

Investigate the new I˗˟ˎ˜˝ ˒˗ K˒ˍ˜ Tˊˡ C˛ˎˍ˒˝ Sˌˑ˘˕ˊ˛˜ˑ˒˙˜ See how it may be possible to give your

children a ˏ˛ˎˎ Catholic Education!

Baptisms are held in English at 2 p.m. on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

Baptisms are held in Spanish at 12 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month.

Baptisms are held in Polish at the 12:30 p.m. Polish Mass. Please contact Fr. Bob for dates.

Baptisms will not be conducted during Lent and Advent.

News for Our Parishioners …. "Celebrating Everyday Spirituality,” a Women's Monthly Morning of Reflection will be held from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14 on the Mount Assisi Campus, 13860 Main St., Lemont. Each month's Morning of Reflection includes prayer, meditation, and time for sharing. A continental breakfast and lunch will be served. A $20 donation is requested. The event is hosted by Our Lady of the Angels Ministries and takes place on the Mount Assisi Campus. Depending on the number of attendees, the Morning of Reflection will be held in the Our Lady of the Angels House of Prayer or the Mount Assisi building. Reservations are needed by Monday, Feb. 12. For more information and reservations, call Car-rie Peters at (630) 257-7844, Ext. 223, or email her at car-riepeters2@sbcglobal.net



Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful through the mercy of God rest in peace!

News for Our Parishioners . . .

The St. Jane Senior club would like to remind members and prospective members that the club will hold its first meeting of 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 5

in Ward Hall, 5151 S. McVicker. The St. Jane Senior Club will have a speaker from the RTA who can answer questions about the new Venture cards. The free Book Exchange will be available so members can swap out the ones they have finished reading for some fresh books to help carry them through the rest of the winter. There will be a raffle and door prize also. As always, hot beverages will be available before the meeting and afterward refreshments will be served, including pastry from Racine Bakery. Membership is open to anyone age 50 and older. Dues are $10 a year, with a $3 door fee per meeting. It’s a great way to meet new friends or catch up with old neighbors. The St. Jane Senior Club is open to surrounding parishes that do not have their own Senior Club. Worldwide Marriage Encounter is hosting a weekend for married couples Feb. 2 through Feb. 4 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel, Elk Grove Village. WWME begins with a private weekend experience, including presentations about practical tools for growing in loving relationships and continues with ongoing enrichments in the community after the weekend. For more information or to register, call (630) 577-0778, email applications@wwme-chicagoland.org, or visit the website at wwme-chicagoland.org. Those mid-life singles (mid-30s to 50s) looking to start 2018 off with a renewed sense of purpose and belonging are invited to register for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat March 2 to March 4 at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House, Mundelein. The cost is $215 for meals and a single room. For more information and to register, call (630) 222-8303, e-mail reflect.chicagoland@gmail.com, or visit ReflectRetreat.com. Little Company of Mary Hospital and Health Care Centers, 2800 W. 95th St., Evergreen Park, is offering two bereavement programs, one for children and one for adults. The children’s program will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for eight consecutive Mondays beginning March 5. This program is for children 3 to 21 years old who have lost a loved one. The program includes dinner free of charge for parents and children. Early registration is required with a one time $25 registration fee. The adult program will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. for six consecutive Wednesdays beginning March 21. Support groups are formed specific to loss. Registration is required with a one time $25 registration fee. For more information or to register, call the Pastoral Care Department at (708) 229-4299. The Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House is offering men in recovery an Ignatian, silent 12-step retreat, “Psycho-Spirituality of the 12 Steps: Grace Comes through the Wound,” Friday through Sunday, March 16 through March 18 at the retreat house, 420 W. County Line Road, Barrington, Leading the program will be Dr. Kevin McClone, PsyD., MDiv. For more information, call (847) 381-1261 or visit JesuitRetreat.org.

Congratulations to the Child who was recently welcomed into our Catholic

Family :

January 20, 2018

Alvaro Josue Santa Cruz De La Torre

And Congratulations to his

parents and godparents


7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501

(708) 458-0501 stjosephchurchsummit@yahoo.com

stjosephparishsummit.org www.facebook.com/stjosephsummit


9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

BULLETIN DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Wednesday


Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik Weekend celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA

Deacon Benedict Michalowski Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac

Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Pianist/Children’s Choir: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray Children’s Choir Director: Mrs. Bridget Ryan

Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski Facilities Director: Mr. Vincent Slisz


Saturday: 5:00 PM ENGLISH Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH



Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM

WEEKDAY MASSES 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

(8:30 AM Wednesday - School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated

8:30 AM Saturday

ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti Business Manager: Mrs. Kim Osowiec 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927 www.stjosephsummit.com www.facebook.com, then search for St. Joseph School Pk-8-Summit (New official page) ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Coordinator: Mrs. Penny Davis Assistant: Mrs. Nora Gregus (708) 458-2927 HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL 5641 S. 73rd Ave. 708-415-0458

Beatrice Aguirre Alicia Anderson Donna R. Azzaline Sophie Bakos Jim Baricovich Joseph Bartosz Stan Bartosz Laura & Phil Behm Ann Bolek Kimberly Boll Brittaney Boubin Stanislaw Brzostowski Bruce Bryers—US Military Elizabeth Cabaj Susan Castro Amal Centers Judy Centers Estella Mazzula Cronk Patricia Diaz Mary DiGangi Wladyslawa Dobros Melissa Dornbos Susan Dotson Stan Dron Don Erich Robert Erklin Mariana Flanagan Rexnalda Fonseca Esperaza Franco Helen Frank Miguel & Julia Gutierrez Silvia C. Herrera Rich S. Jandura Denise M. Jandura Chester and Virginia Janeczko Millie Jercha *Donald Johnstone Ted Kuldanek Hank Lampke Geri Lauer Susanna Lubawski Diane Macek Rich Madej George Maslona Deacon Ben and Sylvia Michalowski

Dolores Michaels Colleen Mocnik Karen Mocnik Anthony Montaneo Joyce Netecke Ed and Alice Nowak Mary D. Owens Iris Eliza Peterson Leonardo Alexandros Peterson Ricardo Piedra Meg A. Radcliff Juanita Ramos Jackson Regan Robert Regep Paul Rinaldi Carmen Rodriguez Juanita Rodriguez Bridget Rollins Jennifer Sampres *Michael Sawka Eileen Sheedy Lorraine Simich Ed Skowronski Kurt Stein Theresa Stypula Aurora Rose Swaekauski Scarlette Grace Swaekauski Pat Tichacek Josephine Tipner Ricardo Varajas Ellie Wesolowski Arlene Wilder Pamela Wojdyla Patrick J. Woods Joanna Zieba Emily Zwijak *Most recently added If you know of anyone that should be on the sick list, please call the rectory. 708-458-0501. Thank You.

San José, ruega por nosotros!

SW. Jozefie, modl sie za nami!

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

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