january e. - university of hawaii · clde'nt to r_tabllabment of anoat ae cguntlq on 1 j.nuary...

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JANUARY e. 1947


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IN THE DAYS of oar cone and bt'Ctic yoatb we can r_1I that tbe pmapect of aee... )'ear In tbe ollln« broulht out an IIOrU of dlalope from ....,.w.rd frlendl aboutItralllbtenioll up and lIyln, nlbt In tbe form of resolution.. Tbe point of .n tbll. wet1lCOllect, w.. to ...rt tbe Ntw Year 011' nllbt, wltb • c1..n .I.te to ltart markln.. op.Perhap. the euetcm b.. dlnppeared or perbaPi It 11 eontlned to ,ooth. .UboUllb Wb,we can't lI«Ure out. It l.-eml Uke • loud Idea to u. Itlll. StUl r('4:ollectlnlt. we "mem'ber tb.t a loud man,. people pTe quite. bit o f thon,bt to It .nd came up wltb .omed.ndlea. Tbe,. .ort of took InTentory 00 tbe paat ,.ear and, for th.. onl, time duylncthe y...y. f.Cf>d them.eITe. f.lrly .nd Iquarely, .dmltted their put faulta .nd m.de •Terbal. If not .ctlTe, ell'ort to eorrect thfOm. Appl,.lnll thll to oay.1 cb.ractl!ra we haTedreamed np a few rnolutlon. tbat mlltht .ppl,. to .n1 or u••nd not onl)' benelH u.but oth.. r n'Tal characters .round UII. We mlltht , ro r In.tance, relOlTe to be moreeonllderate of the 10,. who . Ief'p, below UII, or next to UI or In t he lime dorm. Tbll"'ou ld COYfOr a multitude or t houl\:btlell .Ina. Tbat charmlnlt fellow down .t tbe endo r the dorm tb.t entfOrt.lnl h.U the .re. with b la radlo--that'l bll of h im, we'll. dmlt-but tbtre .re lIahle to be. fe w gu,••round wbo ba ye .....tcb or ju.t got offone. Thtn there 'l the . ha/llie who leapi Into tbe top bu ok like h,,'. mountlo, OldP.ln t, .nd let 'l out t he . hrlll cry of the Vlglla nle! . T bll lime charactl'r dl.mou ntlIn the morning ul lng the r. ce of tbe bunk below .. a Itlrrup. Th la m. kfOa for Itralnedrel.Uonl lometmel .nd the poor J oe und e rneatb I. liable to bite. S tartlnll; with JUli tthe. e t wo 101.11 ex.mple. we rould e l.bora te but we bardl)' think It neCE'IIl11ry. W eb.ye onl,. to tblo k o r how we'd like t he ot her p,. to be t b en do It ouraelTes. (Andt hat II' le tl·h . ndfOd way or quotlnll the Gol deo Role.) A partlnl rfO m. rk to mell, cook.,hOWe Te r , t he,. could relOlTe to re!traln tbE'm.eITel .nd connne their tarlf' t pr.ctlceto the rlne ran,e .nd pln ·ball marbln"l.

'WHILE WE were mullinl oyer resolutlonl one Itoud out aboTe a U the reaL Andwe're KOlnll t o let It done rlllht now. We.re jolnlnlt the MARC H OF DIMES. W efOCfOOtl1 recelTed aeTeral clip .h('fOtl (that'l wh.t edltora ateal from) Includlnl tbepubliclt,. for the camp.lp and tbe,. c.n UI lOme YE'ry IntflrelUnll dope. Wfl don'thaTe room to print eTerytblnl we re<:elYed but we11 Phi on .. mucb .. we can andkHp our ll.n,era croned tbat tbe men'le eeu 'Cl'08l .nd tbat Ford IIlandera eetbf'hlnd the procram Ind liTe wltb • real po.h. TIle MARCH OF DIMES, .. eTeryooeIhould kno..., II tbe hnd ralllnll campal," or tbe N.tlon.1 Found.tlon for Int.ntlleParal,.II!. Tbl. ,.ear'. campal," II acbeduled between tbe 15tb and 10tb of tbl. montb.The neE'd for more .nd more foodl for tbe Il.lbt &plnlt polio ~o be ooderatoud ... benIt I. realiled tbat neo with the IIr..t Itrldea that haTe been m.de In tbe treatmeot.nd care of polio TlcUml lUI broullbt fortb the worat epidemic In tbe blltory of theN.tlonal rOQnd.tlon. It II "Ulnated that tbere were 24.00(1~ In lUI. Comparethll w1tb tbe total or %7,263~ In 1111, tbe worat epidemic on record and you bITeenoullh reaaon to ' bell ont a dime. Tbroullb tbe MARCH OF DI)IES In recent ,.earatbe deatb nte of polio baa been cut conlldtrabl,. To do thl l and furtber tbe I,bta.pInlt tbll dread dll_ more .nd more mone,. I. required. A bit .bout tbe dll"":Inr.ntlle Paral,..la II tbe .mooc tbe moat unpredictable of diaeue.. It II .n .catelafectlon cauled b,. a yl~n orpnllm 10 am.n that eTen tbe moat po...erfuloptical mlcro.cope baa t.Ut'd to reTeall.. pr_nce. Peraonl of all ..... m.,. contract

.......... c:..p If....._ a.,ok.DIp'. EoII,","",1 boo I " 1

The Ford IslanderCAl'TADf I. L Dtnltrr, t71Jf.

c. a .... 0lIe..

CONOL M. T. MAaTDf. t71Jf.~MOI'" ora-.

LT. nO} H. P. O·.ITO. cse., tmnI...... I. ' _ ... os-.

A ..m..... .......p:rpoor pubJs.hed .......·_ llol:rby lhe Pub1lo: bllor_1tori Departm.-ll ond In tuncotIIpl~ wllh 1M Secr.tary 01 lb. N'"T·. dr.""Iar len." 6-1'1', ot 11 Do: ~ , I~. Pub­Iiahed lor "- dMtritNtloD m 1M US. Ncmd AJrS_. Pearl Harbor , Imd... d1reclloa ot 1M eo­~11l9 Olke, and piDled _rdcIlIy cd M

Uf*lH III 1M OoYern_l. EdItorial 0l!Ic-N."- III. Ad- ' , bOlloa Bldo . ~l/. T.Ie~"".

ror cooUnulnl Ita Important r"e&rcb .ndlid to the I t rlck t n II tbe .nou.1 M.rcbor Dimes. Tbe people of tbe Vnlted Stateab,Te been moat Ilenerou. In th. p..t Intbe l uppor t of tbll procram. It I. bopedby the Found.tlon that the,. ...111 be evenmore lIeoerou. tbla 1ear. Peace baa cometo the world but the dreaded eDt"m,. Jo·r.ntlle Paral,.t., fa .t I.r,e .nd .tllIreaplo, • hanNt or deatb amon, unau..pectlq YlcUma.

00 .·ord III.nd tbe !IIarcb 01 DlmNcampal«o ...111 be conducted b1 Chapl.lnO'Dr,..n, wbo Uri" .n b'ndl to join thla. ·ortb, caule .nd not pili up the M.rcbor Dime. box...

Jct.ProIJelle,1 Airliuer ToFly Lolltlon-N.Y. by 1950

(CNS)- A Jet·propelled "Queen Elba·bet b or t he Air" will be l'Iylnll t he Lon·don·New Yor k route b1 1950, acoordlnllto G. Georfrey Smith, • Drltlab rorketexpert_

Smltb predicted. %90,OOO·pouod planewltb • Z3Q.foot wlnglpread .nd poweredb,. ellbt PI turbine.. Defore 1150, bfOclaimed that Encland would bave a fou r·iet model capable of 400 mpb.

Humors on 2.Year HitchesFalse Says Rupers

(SEA)-DuPera baa denied tbat an,.1E'I'1II.tlve or admlnlatratlve .cUon I,oontempilled on termln.tloo of two ,.earenUltmenta, rumor .nd .cuttlebutt to tbeeootrary notwllblllndlnll.

Letlera to "All Handl" m'IlI:o:lne b.vebeen requ('l tln J!: Inform.tloo on tbe IUb­ject ror tbe put lew montb••od DuPeraoUlclally .nlwered .11 .ucb Querlel wltb.n unqu.llfled tbumb.odown .nlWf'r.

In onlcl.1 I.ncuale. Dul'erl "Id, " No1f'lllllaUon or .dmlnl.tratlve .ctlon orthl. n.ture II contempl.ted, .nd therumon referred to .bould be ron.lderedral"e."

ofUcera of N.vy .nd W.rlne Corps.No. 63J-ConcfOrnl permlallon for ex·

pendlture or Recreation Fundi for partlf'l.No. 63t-Concerna Warlne Corpa pa,.

.ccounta.No. U S-Promotion of orrteen.No. U6--ConcernB claim, for uouaed

leaYtl.No. 631-Concerna .urplul propert,. .No. U S-Deals with a cCOUotlnll a)'.

tem..No. 63t--Dlret'UTe .nd InatrucUonl In·

cldE'nt to r_tabllabment of anoat a e­CGuntlq on 1 J.nuary un.

Tbe lIn Marcb or Dime., .nnual fundrailln, drive or the N.Uonal Foundationtor Inf.nllie P.ral,.lla, will be beld J.ou·.ry 15-30 tbl. )'ear.

The need for fund i , .ccordln, to recentreportl , h.1 nevey been lTeater••Inee tbenation h.1 jUlt emerlled from tbe woratepidemic of Polio In the blatory of tbe. 'oundatlon. Tbe Found.tlon w.a founded10 1938 to .pearbead .nd co-ordln.te thebailie 'Ialnlt tbfa dlae"e.

Tbe 1946 1'0 110 epidemic WII .e«lndonly to the lTeat epidemic of 1916, tbe. ·orat In recorded blatory, Tbe Foundation.nd Itl chapteu were c.Ued upon .1 nev­fOr berore to .UPpl, e:o:pelilive equipment,perlOnlle! .n deTer,. otber a id k oown tomodern .clence to lbe at rlekeo. Tbe . ·ou n­dation wal a ble to do tbl. becaulle of thellenNOU. eontrlbutlonll to tbe 1946 Ma r cbof Dime• . T he need In 19n will be evengreater. The tllh t .galn"t polio beeomealuere...lnll, Dece"lry. more researchmuat be puabed ror wa rd, more eqUipmentmuat be lorth«lmln& and more peraonnelmu.t be trained to .erve the nation andovercome thll dread dl"ea"e. MlIllona otdollan have been .pent on reaearcb totrace the caule of Inr.nllle paralyllia.Tbe Foundation will continue III re­aea reb pro.ram until that cauae Ia dl.covered and eonquered.

The onl,. me.o. tbe Found.tlon bal



On 24 Decem ber. al apeclal quarter lo t he .bove men were preaented. Iwarda by Clpta ln J . R. Dlld le1, US N, Commanding Ofncer. Th.honored men Ire, left t o right : K . W . Hilmer, TMV3. who receIved the Nl vy Unit Cltltion. John E. Si rber. AOM2c. who received. n All' Meda l and Iw o gold .tlra In Ilell of t he ir .econd Ind t hird All' medall. Lt. O. c. r W . Meyerlo US N, who recel ...ed I he Prel l­dcnUat UnIt Cit ation I nd Robert H. Strl d le,.. ARM2,. who received t h e Air Medal, a per manent citation I nd t he Pre . ld enUal UnitCit ation . Follow lne the preaentatlon•• Caplai n Dud le)' wl.hed IU n..... 1 . nd civilian peraon nel of the Nava l Air St.lion I Mer ryCh f"l . t m. a I nd Hl pp,. New Yea r.

AlNav ReviewTbe followloc AL....... b,TfI beoen re­

relved .Ince I..t date 01 Ia.ue :No. 114 - Ur,e. wider publlclt)' on

SROTC·L."'tACP procram. Qu.llfled en ­Ulted peraonoel are urJ!:ed to take .d·,,&nlalte or tbll opportunlt,. to .ttalncomml..lon. (Conlult Peraoonel Office)

No. 6ls--Ult of ot!lcen of 1Ioledicai .ndSuppl,. Corp. r@COmmended for temporar)'.ppolntment to Rear Admiral.

No. 616--LIIt of noncomml..loned of·flcE'n .ppolnted to rank oj Wa r r . nt Of·tlcer for tempor.ry lervlce.

No. 611-Concernl traolfer or UeBervea nd Temporar)' USN Dfflcen to He(UlarNavy.

No. 6 IS-Coneern. t ra vel by prlvatel1ow ned veblcle.

No. 619-Dellre. recommfOndaUonl of.ult.ble nODeomml. ! loned ortlcera ofMa rine Corpa ror tempora ry \\' a r ran to mcar rank.

No. 62Q--Authorlzes Commlndlng Ot·tlce n to nomln. te a ppllc'nt. for NROTC­I. NACP progr. m b,. de.patch.

No. 621-Dealrel appllc.tlon. tor .ee·olltl 11 month. post ....r courae at theNaval W.r College.

No• . 6%%, 6%3, 6U-Not yet recelyed.No. 6Z5-Cb.nCel wordlns or AINu

61%-46.No. 6Z6--Uat of orrtcera of M.rlne

Corpa .elected fo r promotion.No. 6%7-"J .end Greetlnp to the men

and women or lbe United States NaT1.nd M.rthe Corp.. To aU bandl I ell'tend my alncere wtab for. joyou. Chrllt·mal and HaPP1 New Year. J .mel For·restal."

No. 6ZS--C.ncell AINu 611. (See.bove)

No. 6tt-Llat 0' otflcera aeleeted fortranlrer to replar N• .,.,..

No. no - Cbl1ltmaa I'l'M"Un, fromPresident Trum.n.

No. 6U-COncern. IbJpment of peraon·...al elfeeu of Nanl peraonnel frotn outalde~ooUnental limit&.

No. P%-Refera to replatloD.l 10vern·Iq tran.fflY of r-r'T8 and temporary


• •

polio, It II not confined to cblldren. JUltbow the Ylrua enten the bod,. II not ell'.rU, known. Ooce loalde. bo...e ..er. ItIlDe. d lrectl,. to tbe neuron. (nerve celli).nd de.tro,.. them. Deltructlon of Iarllenumbera of th_ cell. cau," paral,.1a.Tbe N.tlonal Found. Uon. throullb contri­butions to the MARCH OF DIMES, .up'porta ,.r·round aclentlflc reaMJ'Cb. edu·cation .nd epidemic .Id In tbe ftsb .splnat polio. Eacb of UI can .tart tbeNe... l 'ear on rI«bt with. dime for tbeMARCH OF DIMES. R.D.D.

(CNS) - Prelldent T rum.n, eom ment·Inl!: on the anou.1 M. rcb or Dlmel drive,laid tb.t t he tllbt 'Ilalo.t dl"ea. e II 0 0

IMa Important than the Illbt ac.lost w.r,povert,.. lTeed Ind prejudIce.

He IIld, N'\\'e cao bf' proud 01 the wa,.In wblcb American people b.ve IUllportedthe tllbt .galnat Inf.ntlle par.IYIlII. Dytbelr eontrlbutlons, I. r «e .nd .man, tbe,have «Iven the N.tlon.1 F ounda tion rorInr. ntlle P.raIYIII • mandate to carry OnIn the Iplrlt o r la founder-Fr.nklln D.RooaeyelL"

PT-t_ _ l

09110 Sunday. ChapolCo.....0630. ID:lO Sundcoy, Chot-I06J0 Da:tly, Chat-I. Coaleul.... boolo,. all dally



conTlnced that It 11 wb.t )'ou w.nt­tben Itet Itolns .nd Itet IL Vour IUCCf'Sa.nd tbe T.lue ,.OU ,.ounelf pl'N!I on)'our I!:oal are the element....blch .houldm.ke nn • h'PP1 ,ear for ,.ou.

President Racks Dime Drive

con:R PICTURET he covel' exempllfllea wll.t e Vlryo"e

h.1 bun thin k ing. Th l. I. the )'ear ever)'_ona ha , loo ked forward too. No o"e be·lIeved very mloiCh thlt 1941 would be any.t hine but I )'ear of uplleav.1 and a ,t"'e·e le to get back to normat. or what theythouellt would be normal for poetw.r.T ile element 0' cllinge WI' In 1941, butv lrtuall , e ver)'one f/ e " re d confld entl )'t hlt "th lnea w ill be .qllared awa)' b,.1M7." Chid J ohnlOn of A4R'1 Eng Ineer.Ing Department renecll the mood of look.Ing ahead to a 1'0'" future I' he alt.drea mily eating Into the bright pro.pect.Thl. I. th. year Ihal w ill aee lulomoblle.pour of the a..embly lIne.. hlr1f.t~et

It e m. appear In trad itional America"Ibundance, perhlpa a partial rel ief fromthe draetlc houllne Ihortage Ind the nnalIdJultment In Ihe econom ic bllince 0'IIvlnliJ COlli a nd wage.. T hla would "emtoo much to a.k. T h..e '1" t he thine'AmerlClnl fouehl a nd died for. they Ireon. w ith t he four f re edom. . If It I.reallred t hl t to have a"d to hold t h eaet hln ga la a continuoul P/'1)CCII of coope r.t lon, telmwork I nd cour'ee, t ile ..meth ln ga It l ook to win them , then lu rel)'It II not t oo m uch to alk.


TheSkipper's Columnb)' Capt- In J. R. Dud l. )'. USN,Command Ing Officer

W ltb the flrtt Illue of lIn I wlsb aUb.ods • Tery b.pp)' .nd prollperoUIl NewVe.r.

Pro!pertt,. fa not me&aund 10 monf'1or m.terlal 001,. but can be ronaldf'redto Inrlude • Ilute of mind. We abould.11 of UI conduct our d.lI,. liT'" 110 th.twe .chleTe the relul.. we dNlre. Andfor 1941 let 01 .11 detertntne th.t tbeeod of tbfa year will lind an of UI Ina bf'tter aUuaUoo than we aNi today.MIke lure you know wb.t ,.ou wlnt­then make eTe..,. dfOrt to IcbleTe tbat«011. Tbll time. now, tod" II tbe timeto make eertefe that the «OIl you ptfor yourHlf Ia worthwblle. If yon Ire


L". ,.e. AMP2L r. 0"-. Aoaa•






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I 1



The Ch rll t mal I pl r tt Wall elrly In com ing t o Ford Il la nd Ind everyone Iblorbed plenty of It . T he Alle mbly a nd Repair Chriltmalpa rty w a l t he bl gg eat affai r a nd featured a fu ll enterta inment bil l, co nple te wi t h h ull dancerl ( top le ft) . Dl nc ing t opped off t hereve lry to th e Imoot h rh ythml of the HA S Rh ythm K in gl unde r the direc tion of Chief H e lfe .., S upply hId the Chu m mlelt a nd gIl" _eat plrty with . genial Sarita Clau. do li ng out pre aent, t o t he hI PPY leve n·copiu-of.everyt h ing peop le . ( Top r ight ) The r eI I t hr illo f Ch r il lm l ' WII hId by Ford 1, la nd ' a br ight I nd eager amlll fry. When Santa Clau. dropped Irl on t hem fr om t he Nort h Pole t hey

. Kpr elled a varie ty of relctlonl of a w e, au rpr lle a nd deli ght. T he FO R D ISLANOER'S photo fiend Eddie O kon, waa on hand t o catcht he eKprelliona II t he gay fel low fr om the north ap peared, ( lower left ) , a nd Il ler when he p relen ted a bea m ing younglt e r I g ift.

The m ight y fo' AS RON Gremli n qu inte tcontinued undefeated In the gervtce8aaket ball League by scoring an hn pr ea­etve Vic tory over Dlock Center n ·13. LeoLe nt sch . s t a r forward , led hi li teamma tes(0 thei r third stra igh t win, w hile playinghis last game for F ASRON before I",a vl ngror home. Calv in H utt and Ma c McQuiret ea m ed up In t he bac kcou rt 10 form Rdefense t hat held the oppone nts 10 thei rsce nt 13 points, Thla victory l!ut fo'AS HON10 the lead for ta l! honors In Ihe " 8'·Division.


NFIP Chapters Use ~Iolley(CNS) - wcal chapters of tbe National

Foundatlon ror In fantile Pa ra lYlI ls reta in60 pe r cent or the money raised a nnuallyIh rough the March of Dimes to providerequ ir ed a id for " polio" vtcume regartl- ......- ..leu of II ge , creed or color. ASllls tallce In-'eludes payment for hospitali za tion, med-Ical, nursing and physical t herapy s er vice.

F.I. Fight Flickersby " Ca nvu bac k" Ra pkin

The scut t febut t a rou nd the boxings ta ble hall It th a t \VllI a rd Grallt [weeWl1lle), wbo Is 8uPpospd t o flg bt AndyMaran In the coming boxing amoker, ' •m igh t wtnd up challenging the new mtd-PaeJrlc f lyw eight cham p, crowned a t Ka-neoha a fl'W weeks ago . v.,' (>. are hopingt his Is t rue because Gra nl Is In lop sh a pea nd would make a rea l bid for the fltl e .The Cham p, who, Incid entally. III a Ma ·rlllf' , would certa in ly have bla ha nds tullw ith W ee Willie .

The figh ts to be Includ ed In t he co m ingsm oke r should make a /l:ood show. ChuckIioblnaon, who won his las t flghl at Ka ­noobe. wl1l be fealured In aile of Ih ebou Is . Ford Island boxers w ill contendIn th ree other bouts. Geor ge Green, "hUtyweuerwetgbt, who fought a hard lOll ingba ttle In his Iaet figh t, J ulio )'1artel,lightweight, who III probably o ne or Ihpbette r boxers on the Fo rd Island squada nd your ow n " Ca nvasba ck" Hopk in. willbe Ihe t h r ee re ur es en te t tve e. C hief Neff,tra tner lind manager of the team. co n­s id{'rs t he boys to be In fa ir sha pe, thlnkewe should ta ke a majori ty of t he bouts .

W e a r e looking Iurward to a larg{' tu rn­ou t for the sm oke r. It wut be t he rlrst tobe held here for som e lim e and everyeffort Is helng made to make It a me­morable one for Fo rd ISlanders , Therewill be rerree nmente for a ll hands . Iftne neceaaa ry cooreraucn Is forthcomingfrom Ford Islanders we IIhllUld be able 10bri ng bo xi n g g lo ry ba ck 10 Ford Iela nda nd once more fo ster t he cham ps of th eI'actrto. Let's all gel ou t to the s mok erand cheer the men on !

There hall bee n a surprllllngly goodturnout for t he boIlng team but t her e'aalways room for more. All handa whomight be Interested In boxing a re Invitedtn turu out and put on the glove s.

lllount-Terry Combo TakeOfficers' Tennis Tourney

Lt. Cmdr. T . E. Bloun t a nd his doublespa r t ne r L t . Cmdr. H . L . Terry defeatedthe tea m of C mdr. M. T . Martin and Cmd r.C . Il Md'ar land In a hard fough t mat chto take t he double s te nnis cbamptonebmhere all F or d b land . The fi oal matchsco r es were 6·4, 8-6 and 1·5.

T he championship match waa markedby the out s tand ing performance of C mdr.Martin at the net but the Blou nt ·Te r r yteam played constetem and s lea dy tennts..·h lch proved too much fo r U1e lr oppon­ents. T he match show ed the ch a m pionshipcalibre of both teams a nd was a titt lngcttruax to one of th e moat eucceeerut ten­nls t curnameuta held by the Offl c(' rs'Te nn is C lu b.

Fo llow in g the malch Captain J . H. Dud­ley, USN, Commanding O mcer , pre sentedt ro nnt ee to the winning team and to L t.(Jg) L. G. Richards , t he Winner of thesingles tournament.

The Intere st shown In the r ece nt tour­num e ut Is protnlaf ng active resutte. As ing les tenure ladder Is now be ing pl a yedoff and It III expected that a Ford Islandtennis t eam will be cboaen from the topra nk ing Ford leland otnoe r ne t men . Tbeteam, If fo rmed , will play agains t a num­ber of Army and Navy tea m s In the a rea.

(CNS )-I'hllosopher S t. Thomas Aq ul·nas cOlisldered the quelltlon of cos meticsback In t he 131b century, lIe approvedt be lr use.


(CNS)-The hot atyle I 'lll Ing ba nd maybe a m e mory only, any day now. Tb edrHt to ew ee t mus ic Is very c enntte ac­cording to recor ders a nd band lea der s.

Leader J<' r a nkle Ma llters t e ll s tha twhen bill band blasls ou t with a "Jum p"t Ulle , t he dancers either leave the flooro r c rowd a round t he ha nds ta nd to watch .


" Ca nvu ba ek" Ropk in, FO RD ISLAN DER fig ht .c rl be ( left ), a nd Tony T ob in , bothlight hea vyweight . of t he Ford 1, la nd bo xing . quad, m Ix It up • bit In the r in g inpr epariltlon for t he co mi ng .moke r.

T he fo'o r d Island ba ske t ba ll quinte thead ed for a cbempfon eb tp 8S t hey eweptdow n th e floor to overwh elm Kaneohela st wee k by 8 46-36 scot-e. It put t hel alnnde ra In flrnt place In the " C" Le aguewith tour wins and no defeats. One morew in In the lea gue and they would be ae tfor the lIeml-fl na l~ pla yoff agains t t heF'leet Post OU lce learn, wlnnere ot the" A" L eagu e.

T he pr esent basketbat l league III allN av y and Marine and III dlvlded 10 romdivi sions . The cham pionship contest wlllbe l!la}·e (! by t he winners 01 the eem t­tlnals .

Ens ign 'W ells, Ford Island basketballcoach. stated tbat a ft er the present lea guewaa com ple ted an Ail-Service Leaguewill be organized . Ford Island will bere pre..ented by only one team for t hewhole le la nd . The tal! players of a ll ba s­ketbatl teams on Ford bland will be ae­lee t ed. WIth th ese t o choose from, EnsignWells espect s to be able to put a cham­pions hip tea m on t he floor and equal th ereco rd of t he champlooshlp Ferd IalandFootball t eam.


T he . Imple elellance of the new T homa a Montllome l'Y M. r k Memorial Chap'l o n Fordlaland becko na the fa ithful to worsh ip. T h e new Ch.pel w" dedlc.ted In a form,lded Ication ceremony a nd aer vlce on 22 Decem ber 1946. Chrlltm.. aerv lce. or theProtestant .nd C. t ho llc f. lt h. were he ld In the new Chapel . Bot h fa lthl w ill conti n ueto hold aervlcea he re .

C"I"ln Mutt, AOM3

FASRON FEATURESCalvin H utt , AOMJ. wbo la curn-ntb

bandllnr tbe trick }Db of lranaportatlondlepalcher for r ASROS·1I I_ a qult'tfelloW but t he atlll w.tpra run deep.H e's been .round and ,~n plenty ofecuon, altbou«b he I. rath.r rt' lurtanito talk .bout b lmlel f.

H utl . who baUa from Ealelll ne. SouthDakota. enUalt'd In the N."1 In J.nua ry.1943. 8ln('e Iben he b.. ,pent 33 month.ovt'raeaa. DurinK that time he 11''' .boardUSS STTKAU DA\' and BaW action atth e InvlIllon of GUlLm, BalJMn. Ulllhia.AnKard, Pel t'll u lind the l'hlll l' pin el . Inthe Pblllppln t"1 the I hl p ..... hit b1 aKamlka r.t" lind wall for ce ll to re lllrn toP..arl n . r hor for n>1,alra. It 11'11 ba ('k Intbe Ih lck of It. howev('r . wlt b Hutt aboard,for t b e ba ttle of Llnl!:1l1en Gulf ancl th t'Invall ion of I.u ton. A. aln t he I hl p Willh it hy a Kamlklr.e . Thl. Ume . 11 bllndlIL bando ned "hlp, bu t , u pon nnlllng t b lL t"he would remain I noa t tbey returneda board.

After bE>lnc towed to Leyte fo r r epllirsHutt returned to t he I tllt"l for IL w.. \1earned I..ave. W hIm he re ported ba ckfor dut, be 11''' len t to Tok10 car f}'lnCP . W: a over and br ln gln l" Nck U. S.t roop• . After thla tour h e wa. atAtlonedILt Ala mf'da with CASU·& and trom therehe came 10 F A8RON·II.

H II ribbon. for . 11 t bll ac tlon Indudet be All la Uc·Paclflc r lh OOn with 6 .tara.the P blll ppin e LlberaUon ribbon with 2.tan. Amt" ri can Tbe.tre. PTelld.nt!alUnit Cltallon wllb a blue .nd bronl e ltar.Japanese OI"cupatlon.1 ribbon and he b..two lettera of commend.tlon.

Aside from bls n>CUllr dutlea a. dl.patcber, Hut t, b.. etven much of blltime to the baalr.etball team In . ·AS ROS .where be I. pla1lnS' an outAtandlnc S'8Jl1e.t CU.rd. H I. defenll"e .klll and natural."reaahen... combined with hi. PI: 'eellent Iboollnc ,blllt, hal pu lled t beGn>mllnl out of tbe bole more than once.

Hutt will be retumlnl to the ltAteato lebool tbla month.. lie 11'111 be mlu.ed.round FABRON.

Cont in ue d f ro m lalt I......

Art.r rootlnc out .11 the Japa we could Dnd alonll tbe ~rb we h.rd that t berew.re lUll lOme Jape bldlnl out on tbe .hore on tht" other aide of C.dll. Lt. Ra('kllnctook u. back to camp wbere we ph-ked up the ""t of our outfit. 'We went to curad'l"lneed camp on a commandeered truck and whllll'd ,lonl the hllbwa,. to Sleaka Im.n fllbln" rlllaS'e. wben> tbe n-m.lnlnc J.p. wen> ..Ill to be.. On tb. wa1 we meta lo nc Cadillac IImOUIlne and were IUfllrlafld to see Captain Bautt-ta and II"nral ofoar olber omeera Itf"P out of t . we mt"ntaUy mad. note lhat we would ecmmandeer our­11"1,," one aa BOOn aa we could. Tb.re 11''' more pN'Ulnlt oo.ln_ at tbe moment,thouCb, .nd we continued our aearl"b. At Rleaba we met dlaappolnlmo:ont becauMl 11'.were unable to Dnd any Jape. " ' e atarted ba('k and found out from some people.alklnl alonc tbe road tbat tbe Jap'. aome tutrteee of Ibem. bad puaed. walklncand unarmed. JUllt after we bad paaal'd on our 11'.' 10 81caba. Ra('kllnl pn;JmpU,.lhouted to tb. drreer to lltep on tbe IIU. Tho:- truck. unaeeuetomed to such lpeeda.roared like a bull but forCf'd aht'ad .. the drh"r hit Ihe lIoorboarda wltb hll fool.W e lurched .Ionc.t ....b.t aeemed like a terTtf11nc epeed.

we camfO to Mlnabono bridge and sereamood to • atop. we bad to r;et ol! tbet ru ck and continue our aearcb on foot. AI we pllE'd 011' the truck bulletA bepn toIIlpatter and wbilltle around UR. We leaped for the can.11 b1 the Iide of tbe road .ndanswert"d wltb a volle1 of rille fire . Some of the bo1l bt"r:-n to cr.wl .cros. tbe bridll:e.k.epl ns ... clo"" to tbe aldel .. JlOI'lible to take adv.ntaltt" of the lleant prot. ctlo n tberalUnl"l afforded. T be relt follo wed b1 twOl a nd th reell until we had a n made It. cro.. t he bridge. Tbere were no callualtl..-. The J . p lire W.1I "t'r,. light and Rackll nco rdt' red t hai Ihe m.,.n ad"ance II rapldl, a. pol8lhle. Wt" d id n't h.ve mucb time. theJap prrllOn wu Onl1 about a m ile away a nd lhe olhl' rll tbere ml"ht rome out toInvelltir:a te (they wert" u naware tbat t heir f(>lIow 1I0idiera had bl'en Itranded In tbata n>.). " ' e were only eleven r illea and fI"e pl"lollll. A••oon al we I':ot acrOlll the brid gewe dl "pt' n ed and. eacb o n bll own, made ou r wa1 Into t he can. fields be tween UI andthe t"nerny.

l wu nerVO Ull. It ....aln·t IlO bad whl."n you could afOe yo ur comllanlonl. At le.."t"01.1 k new t hen tba t yo u weren't al ont'. Now on l1 th" r uatll nc of the cane IdenUlIed, no tbf>r mlln a nd thl l wal n't mu('h com fort beca ulle my Ima ltlnatlon wa l work in g over·t ime lind I could a lmost convillce myaelf that Ih e rUl tling WILS a Jap. I liked it eve nleall ....h en t he fir ing Itopped complt'te11. All wall I tl ll elct'pt for tbe RUght, n erre­wra ('k ln g rulltle o f tbe cane . I edll;ed toward o ne of the men u ncon"clou lll , . T heQuell tl on l ru nning throush my h..ad m ad e me break Into a cold II weat. " Wbo Wallbeblnd the ru lltllng! Wa. there .nyone there a t a ll? What would he do ! Would b eI hoot me or ru n h ili ba yonet through me!

We lInally r ea ('hed the other t'nd o f t he cant" fl t'ld . a rtt'r what aeemed like boun .l felt rather foolli h with aU my fean now that It WII OVE'r. SUII, tbere In front ofUI 11'' ' t be Fa bri ca p rtlson.

Ll. Rackllnc w.. dllllUllted th.t we hlld foun d no one In the cane 1I1'1d . "So luck: 'be m uttE'red. Under m,. brt'atb T Nld. " T ba n k God. no bad IUl"k elth..r:·

W e r et ur ned to tbe truck and drove ..dl ,. back to camp. After rellt1nll .nd eatlnct he u aua l meal of corD and II&It lI'b we lou nl ed around. rnally Rackllng lpoke up." You know. that',. Iwell car nautillta hu . we ou«ht to cet u. one too."

That aame afternoon we had • c.r. We rod. around untll nllhtfan tbeD brougbtIt to our new campllte.

We h.d picked. big boulle on a 1011' hlllwltb opt"n country a l laro...nd I1S. f'rom t bewindowl we could wateb tbe blllbwa,.1 and Ilea wbat 11''' p8IIllnc. MOlt of tbe menwere alr.d,. tbere wben we col tbere and had .quared tblnea awa,.. We lettled Intoour UIUal rouUne.

Earl,. tbe next momlnc Rackllnll lent two men on bora.back to keep wat('h alonct he blCbwa,. for .ny l iChI of J.p• . D,. ten o'c1ock one o f tbpm eamf! ridlnc back atbreakneck .peM In a cloud of dual. Wben we "11' blm. we reached for our cuna.ItrapPf"d them on and were read,. to CO b,. the Ume be reined In at Ibe camp.

Bro.t b leeal,. be .hauted to UI from tbe harM!. ..Japl," be panted, "about fort1J a pa w.lkln&" .lonc the blllbway. Golnl towards CadIL"

W lt bout .nother word we all took ol! for tbe bllbwa, and at_red a courae that.ou ld land us abead of the J.pa. In a poalUon to Intercept tb.m. About tift,. ,ard.

" om tbe road we picked • lpot to attack and depl01ed and waited. Lt. RackJincwarned u. all In a low "olce. "Don't fire until ,.ou're l1,""n tbe ord.r." Vl e noddedand Ia,. tbere waltlnc for tbe J.pl to Ibow.

(Conti nued In Nut I..... . )


* * ** * *by Wa r ren Mill e r

We bave been not!clnl that IOUle of • bruab.tbe ahop. In A&.R bave rea1l1 S'otten that II E RE AND T HERE IN A. R • . • EdNew Year aplrit. Tbe Enctne.-rin. Office, lIamllton, Sbop 491 (luck, CU1) tlew toShop H5 and lOme In the 300 Dhlalon Lo. Anlele. for tbe hollda,.l. Tbere'..N! eportlnc brand new paint joba. We Qultt' a debate and bandJinl" of oddl alunderatand tb.t moat of It la belnl done to wbelber be will be .fnlle wben bevoluntarily. The men .re dolnl" a banc· returna . • . Jim (J11 never come back)up job too. t.F la back tn;Jm t be .tate. and ct"lnl

We are lure tbat tbe wbole deparim.,.nt bl. all In 8tAtlatlca . •• T . J. Cannon.jolu u.ln wtablnc. tond Alob••nd cood AMMI . of ReprodueUon. ~ehed , wireluck to LL Rltcble, fonner A.R PerIOD' tb, otber d., Informlnl blm that beDel Officer. And we hope tb't the pa.- waa lbe lather of , baby bo1 nam~

IUrell of the BOQ Officer post be ba. t.wrence Ronald. Our concratulatlon.Ulumed are Cl"ffner and more frultrul. and. word of caution not to dub outWe enjoyed bla Ita,. In the A&.R DEopart· and bu,. that blc,.c1e •. • lL E. " Hoot"ment and know lb.t be 11'111 be mlu.ed. Connell la back from tbe bOlpltailn cood

Inclde ntall,.. tbOle fane,. Cbriatmaa abape and la bard .t work In Reproduc-,.Iena th.t were .pro.d throulbout tbe tlon •• .department were tbe b.ndlwork of Lelloy Orand ta currentl, el:pectlnl bll wlteB. Tlml.n. 82. wbo I, ""ry band1 wllb Cont inued on pa ll' •

Ford lsland Family Affairs


Mr. and Mn. V. •' . Jonea and Mr. andMra. C. F.. Drown were ro-hOllll at a10vt>ly Chrlatmaa party on 20 December.The ft>,thltl_ tucluded a tasty frlt'd('hlrken dinner and an el('hanle of pre­RntA bet...een tbfO CUHtl: Mr. and Mra.Hay Jean, Yr. and Mra. Ted H... tebtna.)lr. and lira. ... W. Harbert. ~r. and)Ira. V. r. .rcnee and Mr. and Mra. C. E.Brown.

)lr. and ),Ira.. Ted Hutebtn••mer­tamed Mr. and Mra. Johnny Carlyle andMr. and )Ira. Dob JanM'n from Kant'Obeon Chrilltm.. Da,..

I.t . and Mra. D. C. IIlllman were bOltand bOlte.. at an enjoyable CbrlatmasE"e party. Can.,.ra enjoyed the ell nOIand .nacka and played pmea thro"'lboutthe eVl'nlne. Tbe entire po... p attendedHllb Ma.. at tbe New CbaJM'J. TbelUestalncl ...ded ; Lt . and )I .... 1"1.11 Terry.1.1 . and !lin. K. C. Deere. Mr. and !.Ira..ByroD HarTta. liIr. and Mra. Y . Yo' . Ha r­bert, Mr. Q. W. Rlvello. R. V. Cooper.W. D. Abel•• D. W. 'rereune, G. O.wens. D. V. Will. and H K. flo.·ell.

Mr. and Mra.. Ted MIII.r bad tbetrcbarmlnl turkey dinner Cbrlllimaa Evearter wblch everyone pla,.ed blnlo at theC PO Club.

Mr. and Mra. B. E. H unl entertalnt'dMr. and Mrs . W. D. na.a• •on Jlmm,.and Mr. and Mr• . Ray )dnfflt wllb at ... rke1 d inner a nd &"amea on Chr1l;tmaa.

Or('bldl to Mra . l,l('b t . n wal ne r andMn . l.ord fo r the twoautltu l muale onOOth SundllY. t he Z2nd and on Cbriatmas.:ve . An add itional bount1 of thanks toeveryone III the ('hol r . The muale a ndalnKlng le nt to the ,.,.rv l('e added lw-autyIl nd IlO It>mnlty.

Open bou"e wall be ld on Chrilltmllllday a t Admiral and Mrl . Swltr.er'l atnoon Ind In t he eveni ng at Co lonel a nuMn . I'ot tl ng" r ·•.

Commander and Mn . Ma rtin are cur·re nt ly playing bOllt to Mra. )dartln'smothl'r a nd aunt who are ht're as houseS'Uetitl. We eltE'nd a be.rt y Aloha toboth of them.

MI.. McKl' nna and M1I;s Ma rtin cele­brated Chrl8tmaa with a ch.rmlnl opti"nbouae party Arter Mldnlcbt )lUI onCbrlltma. Eve.

Admiral .nd Mra. Price, Captain .nd!wi n . McDon.ld and CaptAin and Mra.Lord boated. barbecued "enllOn ,upp@ron 21 IJe.cember at Quartera K.

Our J a nu. ry acbedule for tbe OUlcer·'CI...b I. out. Let·l.n cet tocetber .ndh.ve run..

Tbe reall,. ,oun&" men of Ford Island.re 10101 to be beard trom lOOn.. Tbeflrat Ul""tlnc of lbe Cub Scout Troopbt'10I formed on Ford laland will Qll'eton g J.nuary.

A YeT)" Happ1 New Year to .U-Alohafor 11011'.



Fasrnn Fables8,. J . H . H I P'V t y

Our column lhl, time III .111M! andabfolled-and practkaU,. WTIUpo b)' •)'oun« man who prerere to remafn In­colI:'nlto-that m('ans that ... lake thebPatlnll' tOT .01thlns: be mllJht ..y. WeaflPrfflllte his coooereuoe. Ihollll.'h . be­caua" be ii' the one man 1ft know whoIII TPa Uy on t be tnetde track nytnl{ blindor nthf'r ...tee.

T he ."AS RO S Chrilltma" fell llvlt lt"lopened ('a rl y on t be enemecn of Christ ·maa Eve by Itadloman Young w ho ,,"allfound holding down an SSJ and 11f'Clarinll:In II lrhl"nl tones thai he blld t'8\l)l"h lSaTlta. Upo n lhill note we at ur k ou rl OOKUP In o ur cheek and ventured (UT't11f'r- to the bar-racks.

In thl , charming ('dUlce Wt> rc unaI hln l{lI lI:..tt lng along f l ne- rOlul1nll: a ll amet te r of fact . EH~ryone 1I . ,p m ed to bavt'Ihp IIplrl t or cele bration cornered. )lII IIlcf ill ed t he air and nondetlc rt(' l danclnll:pllrt nprs conn'rgt>d In the mt,MI.. or t he1100r. Naturally there were tho e , lIit"Bro wn. who refuaed to ~vt" lip tht'irIII...ta N'gardlPIIII of ..hat WlUI happenlnll:,and manar:ed to IInort' on th.. off·bf'at .The fury of the dance and celebrationnnally Kot G. F. Hutt ..ho .lmOtlt mad", Itto hill SAcll ... Mumy. Hybklll a ndZurga faithfully b",ld up lb.·lr c..l",bra­tlon until attpr tbey had alt.. p.I ...1 mid·pll:hl ~18AlJ. It Wall good fun and a won·dt"rful ('hrilltmaa.

To t h.. Rf'erealioD Ot-partml'nt IIhouhlIto t ht" tbankll oj a ll banda for tht' II ll. e lld ..con"lonll. ",t' an" lltl ll " 'on,jprlnlt,ho .,'- "H~ r , what ~l cCrak pn Il.·a" tryln" to,10 ....-h..n he bpnt Ol' e r to " It down on IIcha ir Iha t W'l\ll a good tpn r.,..t tlway.

Thp QUIt' lpIlt Chrl lli mall Will Il P(!IIt byour "o ld wom l'n " In ou r Su pply 1l" I.t ..al l utlwra w", r", In the m ld ll t o f Ih., achplIa nd II:roanll.

Mu rray wa n ICle d an In vll Ol 10 Na\'y110u" lnlt ror Chr18tmall a n<l t h l' dla lo ll,"u l'hall It that he wound u p .lIll'plllnll," In hilldllnll,"arf'l!.lI all'aln.

~·A nl.~~S ~'OIBLfo;S . Adft. Pl'r.llOnf1ndlnfl; on@ lI@t of blll@ tf't'tb , pl..a ll@",turn I18me to tbe " MAA 1'01111."

News From HomeClayton. Okla. (CSS)-Durl:lars who

tunneled Into the Clayton State Dankcould ha1"f' jUllt a. well dUIt coal on tht'way. "'harton Ma t hlee. Mnk callhlf'r,",porta that all tbt'y m.<lf' off with .... .33,000 P*'nnlea. The bank 'a larll:f'r ca,bdepolltt. are kt'pt In a .. fe tbat W('htunnoticed.

lIockford. Ill . (CSS)-llarl"n<I('r lIob­t'rt McCa rth y I18ld It "'lUI had enouKhwh"n somebody sto ll.' h la $20 topcoat fromt h.. tavt'rn .....here h e pil e s his trade, hutIt was addlnlt In l ull 10 Injury ..... hl' n Fra n kJ e llll ln lt8 t r ied to lIell It back to him af(' ..... hou r la te r for $1.50 ,

J l' lln lnltll den ied h e II to le th" coat but"'al h"ld on • la rce ny charlte.


New Fleet flf Trains ToSpeed Ch;l'<Ig".Seallle Run

(CSS) -Rall tr...· t'lIn~ time betweenChleall,"o and Ih" North"'Ht will eet •terrme . ho l In Ih" arm whpn the GreatNorthern RaU...ay pUI. Intn I!lprvll't' theflt1lt JlOI!llwar nt"O.'t of IraDlICOntlrlf'ntal,trellmUnE'd lralnl.

The new Dteeet-mctered Empire Build·el'1l ...111 ('lip 13 bOlita from I' retlent sehed­ult:'l1 maklplI: thl' UH -mlll' run from Ch i·cago 10 Seattle In 45 hours.

Alll,rtfolt, 8: Ilt'/mrll'l· • • .Continued from pagt' 6

In from t he II tatea a nd III ltt' tI lrlIC a lle roomcd for th l' oecaeton .. . "Country"Blount , who III jUII I ba ck from ho l1da y1{' 1I n.' , '1'l'n t most of hili t ime t rying tofind 1I0mt'OUIl " 'lI h a ftIl Jl _ ..em s he want ­...-1 10 track down a ho llt. A bi t of a farrry trom Ih.. Rame found In Ih t' Floridahomeland but ' I tII " 'orthy of Country'aerrorte ... We h"ar thaI ~Iax there)SIlf'II1,"t'1 III tralnlnllt 10 beeom.. a race-eardrht'r. H o... about It, Ma x '!

And now WI' mUllt ('orne 10 Ibt' partlnltof tbe ..aYI , Sad a a It makea Ill! Wt' can'tbelp lookln.: (or.·ard . lIgbt ly 10 our re­lurn to Ihe II lalea ne:lt monlb. To takf'ol"r •.-ben ....1.' s ho lle off w" ha\'t' IInffiIII" one of the moat popul.r mt"n In tb"A&1t Ol'partmtont. Tom Ebt>rle. Tom ballbf'(on bprp a lonll tlmt' and tht're ar""tory r.... IJPOllle In Ihl' dt'p.rtment ..hodn not kno.. him or \'ke 1Il'rsa. To ltl\"l~

you II rolillth Idea of bo'" you 'll gf't ffim­plt' l t' {'O"prall,"e by Tom we ha"" allkedhim to wrlle I.art or Ihls colum n. Thefo llowing III hi li. we how out.

'fhe A& It Chrill tmaa I'a rly, held on Ih..art l'rnooll of the 23r" I.ro\·ed to be IIhow llnlt IlUrel' SIl. fo; n ll'rl ll. ln lllen t , dllnrlngalld rt'fr.." hnll'll t ll aud th " tine mU~ l c pro·vl dl'd hy C hl!'f ll tol r..r a nd hIli boys mad",It one of Ib e bt>IIt pa rll"'l we 'v.. e\'pr"et'n In A& H. The ml'lIsaltt'a of CaptainDudley and Cailiain Mulien wt're justrlll,"ht to make It a rl'!ally mt'morable oe·('allion. Am on fl; Ih.. mor.. familiar charsc·tt'n1 IItruttlnlt Ibt'lr ~ tu ff "'e notlct>d J _Tribble, on" of tht' 01l1"1 bandll in A&:Rbolh In and out of the Navy. W h iteyCordt'r, Curlt'y Hf'rkt', Ueorll':e SjIt'ncer,Mat..rlal S1*lftt'1. Georfl;t' Pacbeco. EdltbCbanlt. M.rlon lIamlln, and of rounle. bel'busband Did:. Gray('e 1t00E'gr&nt. ErmaCbt''III' and 80 many mort' that t'teryon",..ould rt'COlI':nlJ:e that we j Ullt don't ba'-etbe llpace.

A. long aa . ·e·re talking about theparty, we think II only fitting to mentlouthat. great d..al of credit goes 10 thecommltt('(lo wblcb " 'orioo ao bard to pultbe party on·r. The A.l: n civilian and~al'al jlt'rsonnel take great pl e8.llu r t' Inthanklnfl; Ibe commlttl'e mtombera for ajob wto ll done. The commltt (>e membt'r11Include : Ch ief Sid Good , J oe I'a cbl'co ,Velm a Br ad ley, 1.... Hoy Wilson , Chief milCom'f'rse, Ch lt'f II , It H. J't'lly, Ch iefW . Grovell, Chl t' f A. 8 1pt'1 and AI S mUh.

•JASl'ARY ~. 19H

Airedale UniversityBy T hol . B. Ne",

I II Ihl'rt' any way I can complete myblr;h fl('hool education ..btle In "rTlNO!

Can I prepare ror ~olll'lI:e emrence orconunce ('ollI'Re! •

C.n f takt' ('Ourtll'a that ... 111 all~IIIt meto be • mo", t'WcleDt blllt' j a ('k l' t !

W ha t can I IItudy that will h(>lp me Ind\'l1lah 1Iff'!

Will my S.vy t ra tnlng bell' me to l':f'ta job'!

Thelll! ballic queettona a llk..d by Na"ymen durlnlt t he war lta \'e rillE! 10 thefo:tl llea !1ona l Services progr am. Th" pro­Jl:"ram waR begun exp",rlm(>ntally at GlIa n·re na me In 19U and r(>cl'll'l'd IIIl{'h revor­ab1l' e cee jue nce by a ll ha ndll t hai It wallo llll'1l1l1 y Plllahltll!l(>d III ~'(' hruary , 1943,T be llro ll,"ram remained I'nU rt' ly volun­tRry 11001 develop ed stf'll.d lly unt il theI'nd of t he war. In co m bat wnlfla theESO 'II aldM ji:"reat1y In bllll<l lnR mo ralp.eh 11 rl'lIdJlltltw.. n l pamphlets OP hul ld lnlta hom.. , Informal Ion about his 110111 wa rI'dtlratlon to be paid for by h is l ' n.-l..Ra m and other ft'aturl'lI of t hl! 01 11111l:a1"" thp homHlck bluejacket .n I'ven«rt'.tt'r re8llOn for wlnnlnlt lhl' .... r .

Thollji:"h IM-gun l1.li an experlwl'nt, tbl't:ltillrational S"r'i"lcell program b... d .. mon·Il lra ted 1111 worth to tht' extt"nt th.t Ith... no"" ~n made an Intt',;ral part ofpaval lralnlng. Any ~a'l"Y man may tak..cOIT,,"pondenre coursea from Iht' Annf'd~'on"i!a In "lltllt"" or from t he t'nlveraltyof hill rholcl' witb the Sa"y pllyl nlt forIht' l('SlIOn IIl'rrlce In the I.tter callE!.

Alred a lp (:n l" e rslt y wa" f'Ilta bll sh...llInd,'r thill proltraffi and all t h.. bfoo.. jlllland 1)'1"'" of II tu<ly available 10 l hp "torv·kpmRn <Il1r lnlt the war afe 11 1111 avail­a ble In I,('act' time.

Stress Safe Atom I'nulul'l;"n( CNS) - T he lIare pl'ace t1mt' protluc '

lIUll allli t1 tlll~tlon of nUcl f'ar t"1Wrgy....111 requ ire the ul mOfl t coolIPrallon be­IWl'<' n Indu ll t r y and scl",nee, Dr . Andr e wII . I>owdy. profe llllOr of ra<llololl."Y feel" .

t;nvl llloning a Illtuatlon " a lmo't com·pllrable to a I:topla," Dr. Dowdy ex·pl.lnf'd tbat In thE! near fulu re lar!!"e­aea le projE'CtA !from IItaUonary po"'erIllanta to mobile planta fo r the propul·. Ion of battlellblp!! and lIub ma rinea l" 'nuld a f'4> m 10 bot' hOpE'ful.

Comm.. nllnfl; on atomic reHarcb·. ~on'

Irlbutloh to medicine, bt' I18ld Ihat eJ:'I>elldltun"S of two billion dollars ror tbt'production of a larll':e number of llOtopee"..111 bf'I rt'pald many tlmea from Iner_IIMcomwtorclal production and better hl'althto Ihl'! natloD. 10 \<010Jlt'll mlghl facilitatea cu rt' ror cancer and mau)' othl'r dl ·IIealleA.

1I0 ..-e vt' r, an)' rt'laxatlon o f prol to('t h 'pWtoallUre" bt' lllde ll endangering the lIv t'1Iof workt'rII, would delay ImlJOrtan t Ilro· ...d u('t1on and their Au bllf>Qquell t b.' ne rl l.,..,to mllll. Ht' lI ll lt ll o f w l'dlcal I ludle8 OilIhe da llg",r o f uranium co mllOuruls to I' ..r·1I0llnei are no w bt' lng conducled.

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