jelastic reselling option for hosting providers and msps

Post on 11-Jan-2017



Devices & Hardware



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Jelastic Reselling Program

New business opportunities

Business Growth Issues

•  New markets exploration risks

•  Lack of expertise and knowledge to handle new

business opportunities

•  Lack of sales and marketing force

•  Budget limitations to speed up growth

Better Hardware Utilization

Hoster’s Sales Network helps to attract new customers and utilize HW more efficiently

Easy Way to Boost Revenue

More Marketing Activities

New Opportunities More Sales Higher Total


New Markets Exploration

How Resellers may help to open new markets: •  Provide necessary legal presence •  Bring essential business experience and market knowledge •  End users support and region administration

Resellers: Your Sales Community

•  Use resellers to extend your business to new markets and grow faster on current market with minimal additional investments

•  Strengthen your team and grow your business acquiring small resellers that demonstrate best performance

•  Learn from resellers and use their best marketing and sales practices in your business

Benefits for Resellers

Zero investments to start the business:

•  no installation fee •  no investments in HW •  no minimal commitment (or much less than regular)

Out-of-the-box hosting business: •  production ready PaaS, DevOps, Docker support •  billing system •  marketplace

Case #1: Hoster’s infra

Responsibility Hoster: provides ready to use, customized Jelastic platform, training, marketing support as well as 24/7 technical support

Reseller: generates demand, attracts new customers

Case #1: Reseller’s infra

Responsibility Hoster: provides Jelastic orchestrator, training, consulting, marketing support as well as limited technical support

Reseller: provides reliable and sufficient infrastructure as well as 24/7 end users support, generates demand, attracts new customers

Best Practice Value Kit

•  Business kit: marketing and sales best practices

•  Admin guide: how to manage end users within admin panel

•  Support guide: how to provide high quality support to end users

Jelastic Release v.4.6 March, 2016

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