jeopardy! unit 3 by: kristen m. elizabeth c. julia m

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Jeopardy!Unit 3

By:Kristen M.

Elizabeth C.Julia M.

Byzantine Empire

Vocab #1 Catholic Church

Feudalism in Japan

Vocab #2 Islam Feudalism in Europe

Final Jeopardy

Vocab 1$100

Define a Golden Age

What is…A time of peace and prosperity with little to no war and advances in math, science, art and literature?

Vocab 1$200

A series of rulers from the same family.

What is…Dynasty

Vocab 1$300

The difference between latitude and longitude.

What is…Latitude lines run from east to west but measure north to south.Longitude lines run from north to south but measure east to west.

Vocab 1$400

Name three Philosophers.

What is…1.Plato2. Socrates3. Aristotle

Vocab 1$500

What is the difference between a market economy and a mixed economy?

What is…A market economy is _____ and a mixed economy is

Feudalism in Japan$100

This period was known for etiquette.

What is…Heian Period

Feudalism in Japan $200

The agreement in the social structure in feudal Japan was _________ for ___________.

What is…Loyalty for Protection.

Feudalism in Japan $300

A Japanese feudal lord who owned a lot of land. Had vassals for the shogun.

What is…Daimyo

Feudalism in Japan $400

A warrior that needs to follow the order of the bushido.

What is…Samurai

Feudalism in Japan $500

The Heian Period lasted during these times.

What is…(704-1185)

Vocab 2$100

What’s the difference between monotheism and polytheism?

What is…Monotheism is belief in one God and polytheism is belief in many Gods.

Vocab 2$200

In Chinese history, the divine approval thought to be the basis of royal authority.

What is…The Mandate of Heaven

Vocab 2$300

What’s the difference between a traditional economy and a command economy?

What is…A command economy is an economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions.A traditional economy is an economy based on custom and tradition.

Vocab 2$400

What’s the difference between a monarchy and a theocracy?

What is…A monarchy is a government in which power is in the hands of a single person while a theocracy is a government controlled by religious leaders.

Vocab 2$500

A system of departments and agencies formed to carry out the work of government.

What is…Bureaucracy

Roman Catholic Church$100

How did monks and nuns improve life during the middle ages?

What is…They cared for the sick and poor.The monks copied books to keep the learning alive.

Roman Catholic Church $200

How did monks and nuns improve life during the middle ages?

What is…They cared for the sick and poor.The monks copied books to keep the learning alive.

Roman Catholic Church $300

Why did some people want to reform the church during medieval times?

What is…It had grown corrupt.

Roman Catholic Church $400

The major difference between the Roman and Eastern Orthodox church.

What is…The authority of the Pope was superior to that of the kings.

Roman Catholic Church $500

Exclusion from one’s religious group.

What is…Excommunication


I am the founder of Islam and my followers are Muslims.

What is…Muhammad

Islam $200

The religious book of Islam is the ________.

What is…The Quran (Koran)

Islam $300

No alcohol consumption, no pork and no gambling are examples of this.

What is…Lifestyle Choices in Islam

Islam $400

Faith, prayer, fasting, alms and hajj are these in Islam.

What is…The Five Pillars

Islam $500

The rise of Islam began in ______, __________ by the Prophet ___________.

Fill in the blanks.

What is… 1. Mecca2. Saudi Arabia3. Muhammad

Feudalism in Europe $100

Name two out of the three reasons why the Catholic Church was important?

What is…1.) The Church provided a sense of stability, unity and order 2.) Recorded births deaths and marriages.3.) Kept learning alive

Feudalism in Europe $200

When a manor runs independently it is __________.

What is…Self Sufficient

Feudalism in Europe $300

A code for knights that stressed courage, loyalty and devotion.

What is…Chivalry

Feudalism in Europe $400

Social Structure in Feudal Europe:

King -> Lord -> _______ -> Knights -> _______

Fill in the blanks.

What is…1. Vassals2. Serfs

Feudalism in Europe$500

The ______ provide ______ with housing, farmland, and protection, in exchange for serfs tending to the lords ______ and taking care of


What is…1. Lords2. Serfs3. Land (manor)

Final Jeopardy

A government in which the ruler has unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary manner.

What is…Autocracy

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