justification of songs and poems

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Thiritha muthiah (891127105144)

Justification of songs and poems.

Language is always fun to learn but children these days are afraid to enter language classes

especially the English due to the poor command or formative basis. Teachers should be

creative in presenting the lesson and attract the young learners to learn language by

providing a conducive atmosphere, language arts through songs and poetry are a dynamic

platform to learn language as it helps the young learners to express themselves by not only

using their body movements or just clapping their hand following the rhythm but it should

also by learning the subject as an entertainment rather than fleeing away from the

classroom. Selecting the accurate songs and poems can be challenging but when a teacher

focuses on the correct pedagogical principles and purposes there is no option for diverting

form the way. Different genres and types allow a teacher to be talented to use songs and

poetry in the English classroom.


I have got a mother, a father

A sister and a brother

Grandma and grandpa

And we all love each other

This is my... This is my... This is my family...

I have got a mother, a father

And two brothers

Grandma and grandpa

And we all love each other

This is my... This is my... This is my family

I have got an uncle named Jimmy

And an aunt named Jane

And a cousin named Jenny-Who flies a plane

I have got a mother, a father

A sister and a brother

Grandma and grandpa

And we all love each other

This is my... This is my... This is my family

I have got an uncle named Ray

And an aunt named Pat

And a grandma named Ruby-who has got 12 cats

This is my...This is my...This is my family...

This is my...This is my...This is my family...

Based on the Malaysian curriculum specifications of English year 3, one of the most

important aspects that a teacher should consider is integrations. The song entitled the

Family Song; (www.beaverenglish.com) gives a way for the teacher to integrate daily life

happenings with the children. The content of the song reveals the world of self, family and

friends which is one of the themes in the curriculum, where else it allows the children to

differentiate members by relating to their own family, even though being a blues genre song,

the word choices in the lyrics like mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunty, grandmother

and grandfather repetitively, allows the young learners to build intrapersonal qualities. As

they know the people around them, like in the song which consists of the family tree, it helps

them to realise the relationships among the family members and coherently develops their

personal values like respect to the elders, overall this song helps the learners to develop

their inter and intra personal qualities.

As a teacher we cannot be only using one item or kind of materials only when teaching a

language. Using songs alone in the classroom will make them bored. When it comes to

language arts undoubtedly using various types of poems would be interesting and helpful to

make the learner and learning fun.


The first to come to the garden bed,

Is a lovely butterfly of brilliant red.

Then in comes another and that makes two,

Fly right in, my friend of blue.

“The garden is fine, the best I’ve ever seen.”

Says the butterfly of spring time green.

Our garden needs a sunshiny fellow,

fly with wings of yellow.

Orange, orange you’ve waited so long,

Fly right in where you belong.

Butterflies, butterflies your such a sight,

Flying in together – a springtime delight.

So the first poem that I have chose, is a narrative poem lovely butterfly (colour butterflies,

poemhunter.com), I think this poem is really interesting and has the ability to attract the

learners by the arrangement of words. The aesthetic principle which is integrated in the

poem that is from word to word helps us to imagine the beauty of a butterfly. This poem

allows making sure the aesthetic development of an art is installed in the young learners

mind. Students by the aged 7-10 would be attracted by this poem. Which is the butterfly is

something that they see around their surrounding like in a school garden or in a playground

or in a flower garden. It’s something close to their interest and this they would be more

interested to the lesson. With the guidance of the teacher they may want to memorize it and

express to others by using this poem.

Cherry, apple, rose

Blossoms in countless colours

Each one of them pink

Paul brown

As second poem i chose a haiku. Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. It consist of

3 lines the first and last line of a haiku have five syllables and the middle line has seven

syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. Haiku poems are short and usually wriiten about thing that

are able to view or recognisable like animals and season.

I feel that a haiku poem helps a teacher to use it in the English language classroom. The

poem that i chose was written by Paul brown about cherry, apple and rose (poems

appendix). This is a simple poem which expresses the characteristics of a haiku where it is

short and develops language arts skills in our new Malaysian curriculum, KSSR, language

art is very important not only in the sense of choosing materials to teach but in purpose of

developing the aesthetic values among young learners. Haiku is not only appropriate for

young learners and suitable for for their age due to its length but in order it helps to

encourage the way of appreciating the art by itself. The lines like “blossoms in countless

colours” describe the aesthetic aspect of the cherry, apple and rose.

Logeswary rajah


Justification of song ( Slippery Fish)

Based on the Malaysian Curriculum Specifications of English for year 3, one

of the most important aspects that a teacher should consider is fun learning. The song

entitled slippery fish allows a teacher to conduct the class with full of enjoyment. Through

this song we can create a variety of activities for example picture puzzles, action songs and

fill in the blanks. Through this kind of activity can make the lesson interesting and fun for the

pupil which have highlighted in pedagogical principle of the curriculum. the learning activity

that conducts through this song make the pupils enjoy the learning experience and gain

exposure to the aesthetic use of language when they discuss with each other. In other hand

the class environment will become lively especially when they sing the song by wearing the

fish masks. I chose this song because the teaching activity will help to arouse pupil’s interest

and introduce the topic differently.

In Other hand, the teacher is able to build a strong foundation of competencies in

basic literacy skills that reading, writing, listening and speaking which is also emphasise in

pedagogical principle of the curriculum that is back to basic. For an example, whenever the

students listen to the song they will listen to it attentively and able to think creatively, not only

that, I will make the students to read the text by using phonemic sound. So I think this song

is suitable for the students on improving their listening skill and able to improve their

pronunciation as well and pupil will be able to write and present their ideas by using

appropriate language, form and style.

I choose this song because it makes the students more cooperative when doing the

activities in a group. For example when recite the song in a group by replacing different sea

creatures. Through this activity involvement of the student will be more cooperative when

doing the activities in a group that is learner centred, which is highlighted in pedagogical

principle as well. In this activity with the teacher’s guidance pupil will think different ideas to

relate their sea creatures with the movement. Instead of improving the cognitive level only, it

helps to build up a good relationship between teachers and peers as well. As stated by

Wessels(1987), Teachers play an important role handling of the class, and especially on the

relationship built up between teacher and students.

Through this song I’m sure the pupils will be improve on their skills, and they able to

develop their self as well.

The poem entitled Friendship allows a teacher to conduct the class with full of

enjoyment. For example, through the poem that chooses we can come out with variety of

activities like, Hot Sitting, coir, Role Play and so on. Through this kind of activity can make

the lesson interesting and fun for the pupil which have highlighted in pedagogical principle of

the curriculum. I chose this poem because the learning activity that conducts through this

poem makes the pupils enjoy the learning and provide experience and gain exposure to the

aesthetic use of language when they discuss with each other. In other hand the class

environment will become lively especially when they role play by wearing the mask.

I hope that poem I choose is suitable for Malaysian primary school students and it

can attract children’s interest in learning English and can build a reading culture among them

as well. This is because of the three multiracial pupils are living in the same roof. For

example the poem that I choose entitle Friendship Poem, can really help the children on

understanding their relationship among each other. It also helps on understanding their

language learning potential. For example, in this poem the students can learn new

vocabulary like frown, strength and so on. Not only that they also focus on the grammar as

well that is verb. For example lifting, feeling, putting, wearing, and helping. We as an ESL

teacher have to teach them all the word that they could not understand. This will help them

to add their vocabulary and knowledge on grammar as well.

The other purpose of using this poem in the primary classroom is as a teacher we

can integrated the moral values in the lesson. From this Poem (Friendship Poem) we can

teach them the values that use with their friends. That is say thank you, feeling happy,

appreciate them. Through this poem the pupils able to learn the moral value that is they

should appreciate for having nice friends in their life. Poem can truly cultivate the purpose of

teaching moral values.

Fly, fly the butterfly,

In the meadow is flying high,

In the garden is flying low,

Fly, fly, fly the butterfly .

Fly, fly the butterfly,

In the meadow is flying high,

In the garden is flying low,

Fly, fly, fly the butterfly .

Based on the Malaysian Curriculum Specifications of English for year 3, one of the

most important aspects that a teacher should consider is using of new salient of ICT. The

song entitled Fly fly butterfly, allows a teacher to attract students attention and can

encourage pupil to use of the ICT. For example I will display the video of this song in the

power point. I chose this song because the learning activity that conducts through this song

will make the pupils enjoy. In other hand the class environment will become lively especially

display the song lively in the class. I chose this song because it will help arouse pupil’s

interest on the lesson not only task, I will encourage pupil to use of the ICT by giving an

assignments on butterfly. It helps them to improve their knowledge on using ICT.

Besides that, the language in this is very simple and easy for them to understand.

The wording will make them to memorise easily because of the repetition like fly, fly the

butterfly, In other hand, this song does not contain slang and cultural references which make

the students face difficulty on the learning process. They will be very active because they

able to involve themselves in the given activity physically and mentally because of the

easiness of the text.

I choose this song because I discovered that this song is really attract students by

arrangement of words. The aesthetic value which is integrated in this song that is from the

word by word we can make the students imagine the beauty of butterfly, how it is fly , how

attractive it is and so on. This song allows the students develop the aesthetic of an art in

their mind. This song allows pupils to realise that the butterfly is really an interesting and

attracting species. So they would give more attention on the lesson. Through this song I’m

sure the pupils will improve on their skills, and they will be able to develop their self as well.

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