keap project plan 1a

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Project Acronym: KEAPVersion: 1aContact: Mark HedgesDate: 28 February 2008


ProjectProject Acronym KEAP Project ID

Project Title KCL Enterprise Architecture Project

Start Date 01/01/2008 End Date 31/12/2008

Lead Institution KCL, Centre for e-Research

Project Director Dr. Mark Hedges

Project Manager & contact details

Dr. Mark HedgesCentre for e-ResearchKing's College London26 - 29 Drury LaneLONDON, WC2B 5RLTel: 0207 848 1985Fax: 0207 848 1989Email: mark.hedges at

Partner Institutions (None)

Project Web URL TBD

Programme Name (and number)

JISC Circular 02/07: Appendix D, Enterprise Architecture Group Pilot Call

Programme Manager Myles Danson

DocumentDocument Title Project Plan

Reporting Period n/a

Author(s) & project role Dr. Mark Hedges, Project Manager

Date 28/02/2008 Filename document.doc

URL n/a

Access Project and JISC internal General dissemination

Document HistoryVersion Date Comments

0a 01/01/2008 Initial draft (rough)

1a 25/02/2008 First draft with all sections included

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Project Acronym: KEAPVersion: 1aContact: Mark HedgesDate: 28 February 2008

JISC Project Plan

Overview of Project

1. BackgroundIn support of the College’s Strategic Plan for 2006-2016, Information Systems and Services (ISS) at King’s College London (KCL) is carrying out a five-year programme, "Connected Campus" (CC), to create a comprehensive framework for the support of institution-wide teaching, research and administration.

To support this programme, KCL has established the Centre for e-Research (CeRch), part of whose role will be to develop an integrated e-infrastructure to support research processes across the College, a three-year (2008-10) project that forms part of the overall CC programme. The Centre plans to take a service-orientated approach to developing this infrastructure, and also is likely to play a significant role in developing an overall service-oriented architecture for the College. The KEAP project will thus form part of a broader programme at KCL.

2. Aims and ObjectivesThe broad aim of the project is to pilot an Enterprise Architecture approach to the CC programme, by applying and evaluating the TOGAF approach to the work. The project will address the specific domain of research, although project experience will be spread to other parts of ISS to enable the approach to be applied in other domains if appropriate (although this will be outside the scope of the project).

The research infrastructure project, and the CC programme of which it forms a part, will continue beyond 2008. If, as we hope, the TOGAF methodology proves appropriate to the work, KCL will continue to employ the approach during the programme, and to this end we aim to spread knowledge of TOGAF among selected IT staff at KCL.

3. Overall ApproachAlthough the College aims to apply a service-orientated approach broadly within its overall CC programme, it would clearly be infeasible to address this within the constraints of the current project. Instead, the project will restrict its scope to those components of the infrastructure that lie within the remit of the Centre for e-Research, namely those that support research processes within the College, together with the interfaces between this e-research infrastructure and other components. Furthermore, within the scope of the project the methodology will be applied in detail only to a selected set of business processes within the research domain.

The project staff will not directly address the application of the methodology outside the research domain. However, to supplement this detailed application of EA/TOGAF to the research domain, the project team will seek to involve other ISS staff, who will be encouraged to apply the approach while not working directly under the aegis of the project. Knowledge gained from training courses, and the experience of both KEAP and other projects in the programme, will be passed on to these staff, who will also be encouraged to make use of the training material available from the Open Group. This will be facilitated via the existing Team Leaders Development Forum (see Section 12).

Within the research domain, the project will take the following approach: Gather and specify requirements for the business processes required to carry out and to support

research within KCL. For convenience, these will be broken down into five categories: research planning and administration, research collaboration and communication, scholarly publishing and open access, management of research data and other digital material, digital preservation.

Identify the legacy systems at KCL (external to the research domain) with which research processes will need to interact, and specify the interfaces for these interactions;

Apply TOGAF to: (i) analysis of selected business processes (and data) in the research domain; (ii) specification of an SOA for the applications and technology required to support these business

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processes. Document and evaluate the utility of TOGAF as applied during the project.

4. Project OutputsThe tangible deliverables are expected to be:

Output Timescale CommentsQuarterly progress reports 31 March 2008

30 June 200830 September 2008

Final report 31 December 2008Project Website 1 March 2008 until 31

December 2008Outputs arising from applying the TOGAF methodology, including business process, application, data and technology models, both “as is” and “to be”. This may include additional material containing guidance on developing service-oriented architectures and enterprise architectures.

Ongoing, from 31 March 2008 until 31 December 2008.

Documents will be issued in draft form as they are produced. Final versions will be created for the end of the project.

Contributions to the e-Framework, possibly including the following: domain maps and models, good practice and process models, service-based composite applications, SUMs and Services, supporting scenarios.

Ongoing, from 31 March 2008 until 31 December 2008.

Documents will be submitted to the e-Framework team once internally reviewed. Creation of final versions may extend beyond the end of the project, depending on the e-Framework team’s timescales.

Case study, evaluating the project and making recommendations based on the project’s findings

31 December 2008

A less tangible output will be a body of knowledge and experience regarding enterprise and service-orientated architectures and their applicability in HE environments, and in particular the use of the TOGAF methodology to develop such architectures.

This knowledge and experience will be disseminated among KCL staff, and (via JISC, Open Group, and the other projects in the Enterprise Architecture programme) to the wider HE community, so that:: KCL staff can continue to apply the methodology (or parts of it) after the project is

complete; the methodology can be applied to components of KCL’s architecture that are not the

responsibility of CeRch or of the KEAP project (that is to say, components that lie outside the research domain);

KCL’s experience as an early adopter can help to support wider take-up in the HE community.

5. Project OutcomesThe Connected Campus programme will have impact on all communities throughout KCL, whether in research, teaching, learning or administration. Consequently, any advantages gained from applying the TOGAF methodology during the project will have similarly extensive impact.

By the end of the project, KCL will have started a process of developing a service-orientated e-infrastructure for the College, a process that will continue after project completion. At this stage of the project, of course, it cannot be guaranteed that the methodology will be appropriate; indeed, evaluating the approach in the context of an HE institution is one of the purposes of the project. Even

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if applying the full methodology to the programme proves to be not entirely successful, however, the project is still expected to bring benefits to the institution. It is very likely that some form of service-orientated approach is appropriate to KCL’s institutional architecture, and using a formal approach to such an implementation will produce a more robust and effective result. The project will also improve the understanding of SOAs, their potential and shortcomings, and cost issues (including cost-benefit tradeoffs) among IT staff and senior management.

The experience and knowledge gained from the project will also be useful to the wider community, both to other HE institutions who are considering applying a similar Enterprise Architecture approach to their own systems, and to JISC who will be able to use the project outputs to inform future developments and funding programmes.

In summary: The project is evaluating the TOGAF methodology – the comprehensive suitability of TOGAF is

not a criterion of success. We anticipate and hope that::

At least some components of the methodology will prove useful. We will apply the methodology in detail to selected business processes within the research

domain We will gain sufficient knowledge and experience to apply the methodology to other

processes and domains within the wider CC programme.

6. Stakeholder AnalysisStakeholder Interest / stake Importance

KCL Chief Information Officer and the Senior Management Team at KCL

Overall responsibility for information strategy. Direct and explicit interest in the success of the project. Significant financial investment in the CC.


Research community within KCL Providers of information and users of the systems and information.


Teaching and learning communities within KCL Providers of information and users of the systems and information.


Professional Services communitywithin KCL

Providers of information and users of the systems and information.


CeRch Leaders of research and development for the CC.


JISC, particularly the JISC/DEST e-Framework Programme

A case study into the applicability of Enterprise Architectures in HE. Services, SUMs and Guides contributedto the e-Framework by the project. Other benefits, as in Paragraphs D7 and D8 of the call.


Corresponding communities in other institutions Results of project may influence adoption of methodology in other institutions.


Open Group Case study of applying the TOGAF methodology in an HE institution that is at an early stage of implementing a cross-institution service-orientated


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7. Risk AnalysisRisk Probability


(1-5)Score(P x S)

Action to Prevent/Manage Risk

Staffing Problems (inability to attract and retain staff withappropriate skills and experience)

1 3 3 – The proposed senior staff are already employed by CeRch. The junior staff member will be part of the new core team CeRch, and the recruitment process has already begun (interviews early Jan. 2008). Relevant expertise is spread among a number of other CeRch staff.– Spread project experience to other CeRch staff. Create a clear project plan and document current work to ensure knowledge is not lost.

Difficulties getting staff to buy into the TOGAF frameworkand the Open Group approach.

1 3 3 – The TOGAF framework is a good fit for much of the planned KCL e-infrastructure.– The plan has the full support of key KCL staff: Karen Stanton, Chief Information Officer & College Librarian, and Prof. Keith Hoggart, Vice-Principal (Arts & Sciences).– Use the ISS Team Leaders Development Forum (see Para. 3.4) to involve relevant staff with TOGAF approach.

A complete solution cannot be devised using the selectedapproach within the project time constraints.

2 3 6 – The absence of a complete solution is not a failure, as one aspect of the project is to investigate potential problems.– Liaise closely with the JISC programme support, Open Group working groups (in particular the new HE Working Group), and the mentor representative from Open Group.– While keeping in mind the broader view, attempt at least to achieve a solution in a subset of the problem space.

Failure to meet project milestones.

1 2 2 – Produce project plan with clear objectives.– Assess project continually and reschedule when necessary.

Delays in getting e-Framework components approved by the e-Framework team.

2 1 2 The project team will continue to be employed at KCL beyond the end of the project, and will continue to work on e-Framework components as part of their work.

External dependencies – problems with getting required support from JISC.

1 3 3 Liaise closely with JISC programme management.

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Project Acronym: KEAPVersion: 1aContact: Mark HedgesDate: 28 February 2008

Time limitations – training for TOGAF is only being supplied in mid-April (over 25% of the way through the project).

3 2 6 – Select a subset of business processes to analyse using TOGAF.

8. Standards

The use of standards is critical to the proposed work, and we will keep in mind the standards in the JISC Standards catalogue (, as well as other standards, throughout the project. That said, it would be inappropriate at this stage to limit ourselves to specific standards; this section will be updated as the project progresses, as particular standards are deemed appropriate.

Given the objectives of the project, standards related to service-orientated architectures (e.g. WSDL, SOAP, UDDI) are likely to be particularly relevant. We will use open, non-proprietary standards wherever possible.

9. Technical DevelopmentThe project will apply the TOGAF methodology in its implementation of an EA/SOA for the research domain at KCL.

At the current stage of the project, it is not possible to specify the particular technologies that will be used. However, open source components and open standards will be used as far as possible, although we may be constrained in this by the need to integrate existing proprietary components. This section will be updated in later versions of the document as more information becomes available.

10. Intellectual Property RightsIPR in all documents produced will be retained by the authors and KCL, except in so far as they incorporate other material that affects this status. They will be made freely available on an open-source licence, except where they contain commercially confidential information.

Any software created by the project will be made available to the community on an open-source basis on the GPL licence. We will respect the licence model of all third party software incorporated – as far as possible, only software made available under open source licences will be used in this way.

Any non-open source third-party material to be used will be listed here at a later date, along with how we will obtain permission to use it, and any legal implications for the project outputs.

Project Resources

11. Project PartnersNone.

12. Project ManagementProject team:

Mark HedgesDeputy Director of Centre for e-Research, King’s College LondonProject role: Project Manager, nominated senior staff member for project (see Paras D24-D26 of call)0.3 FTE, 0.05 FTE of which will be spent on project management 6 of 16Document title: document.docLast updated: 8-Apr-23

Project Acronym: KEAPVersion: 1aContact: Mark HedgesDate: 28 February 2008

Sheila AndersonDirector of Centre for e-Research, King’s College LondonProject role: Consultant0.05 FTE7 020-7818-1981

Omar RadwanSystems Analyst, Centre for e-Research, King’s College LondonProject role: Activities in Para. D27 of call.0.4 FTE

Programme Support Cohort:

Programme Manager Myles DansonOpen Group David Rosee-Framework Phil Nicholls and Alex HawkerCETIS Scott WilsonCase Study Coordination & Synthesis Gaynor Backhouse & Paul Anderson (JISC TechWatch)InfoNet Interest Patrick Bellis (JISC Infonet)TOGAF Trainer TBAEvaluation TBAUCISA Interest TBA

Training needs:

The project team will require training in TOGAF. It is anticipated that JISC will supply this (see Para. D28 of call).

Management framework:

Mark Hedges will be Project Manager. The Systems Analyst will report to the Project Manager, who will in turn report to the Director of CeRch, Sheila Anderson.

The Director of CeRch (who will act as consultant on the project) will be responsible for liaison with ISS as a whole regarding the project. She is part of the ISS Leadership Team which has responsibility for strategic level decision making, developing and leading strategic projects, collaborative working across teams within ISS, and discussing and deciding on future developments. The Leadership Team meets on a monthly basis and the project will be a regular item for reporting and discussion, in particular, to discuss how the outputs from the project are integrated into future planning and decision making. Colleagues from across ISS will be involved and cross-team collaborations will be formed as appropriate, to action outcomes from the project work.

The Leadership Team will establish a cross ISS Working Group to discuss and implement the problems questions and decisions arising from the project. The planning process will be an integrated part of the CC implementation plan and will inform both current activity and future plans. Regular reports on the outcomes of the project will be provided to the CC Programme Board to help inform their decision making, and to provide guidance back to the project on further developments.

ISS has a Team Leaders Development Forum that brings together team leaders responsible for running services and implementing strategic decisions and plans. This Forum will be used to inform and provide training for Team Leaders (and their staff where appropriate) in the TOGAF methodology and the resulting architecture. This will ensure that as an enterprise architecture is developed for King’s, staff are fully briefed on the impact and the requirements for its further development and implementation, and are involved in the decision making process.

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Project Acronym: KEAPVersion: 1aContact: Mark HedgesDate: 28 February 2008

13. Programme SupportSupport will be required from the JISC programme, as specified in para D28 of the call. To recap, this support will include: Additional funding (over and above the project funding) for KCL to take out Open Group Silver

Membership for one year (additional 10,000 euros); Additional funding (over and above the project funding) for the attendance for two people at two

Open Group Conferences; A training course on TOGAF methodology; Workshops in Enterprise Architecture and process modelling methods and tools; Software licences for Enterprise Architecture tools; Access to a senior Open Group representative for support and mentoring; Access to a working group of HE peers participating in the TOGAF initiative (the new HE

specialist Working Group); Support in the development of case studies; An evaluator who will work with the institutions and synthesise their findings and

recommendations into a final evaluation report.

Additional support required (from JISC and/or Open Group) Detailed case studies of applying TOGAF in practice, which the project could use as “worked

examples”. Advice on specific tools to be used.

14. BudgetThere are no changes to the budget included in the proposal.

Detailed Project Planning

15. WorkpackagesSee Appendix B.

16. Evaluation PlanIndicate how you will evaluate the quality of the project outputs and the success of the project. List the factors you plan to evaluate, questions the evaluation will answer, methods you will use, and how success will be measured. Expand as appropriate on how you will conduct the evaluation.

Timing Factor to Evaluate Questions to Address Method(s) Measure of SuccessOngoing Quarterly reports Internal project

reviewEnd of project

Case Study Internal project review

Ongoing Documentation arising from applying TOGAF methodology.

Internal project review

Ongoing e-Framework components (SUMs etc.)

Internal project reviewReview by e-Framework team (when submitted)

End of project

Contribution of project and TOGAF methodology to CC project as a whole.

Internal KCL review

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17. Quality PlanExplain the quality assurance procedures you will put in place to ensure that project deliverables meet quality expectations and acceptance criteria. Complete the table below for each of the major deliverables providing as much detail as possible. Repeat the table as many times as necessary to accommodate all deliverables.

Output Quarterly Reports & Final ReportTiming Quality

criteriaQA method(s) Evidence of


responsibilitiesQuality tools (if applicable)

When complete

Accurately represents progress of project to date.

- Internal project review.- Review by JISC.

- Record of internal review.- Acceptance by JISC.


Output Case StudyTiming Quality

criteriaQA method(s) Evidence of


responsibilitiesQuality tools (if applicable)

When complete

Utility for other institutions. Comprehensibility. Clarity.

- Internal project review.- Review by JISC.

- Record of internal review.- Acceptance by JISC.


TOGAF output documentationTiming Quality

criteriaQA method(s) Evidence of


responsibilitiesQuality tools (if applicable)

When complete

Fitness for purpose

- Internal project review.- Review by JISC.

- Record of internal review.- Acceptance by JISC.


When submitted to e-Framework.

Fitness for purpose

Review by e-Framework team (in relevant cases).

Acceptance by e-Framework team


Output e-Framework componentsTiming Quality

criteriaQA method(s) Evidence of


responsibilitiesQuality tools (if applicable)

When complete

Fitness for purpose

Internal project review

Review documentation


When submitted to e-Framework.

Fitness for purpose

Review by e-Framework team

Acceptance by e-Framework team


18. Dissemination PlanTiming Dissemination Activity Audience Purpose Key Message

Ongoing Project website and blog. - Other projects in the EA Programme.- Wider JISC community

Provide frequent updates on project progress and experience.

Ongoing Participation in JISC JISC community Spread experience

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programme events of applying TOGAF approach to HE.

Ongoing Participation in Open Group events

- Open Group- TOGAF community (& potential users)

Spread experience of applying TOGAF approach to HE.

Ongoing Presentations and papers at other conferences and workshops.

Wider IT and HE communities

Spread experience of applying TOGAF approach to HE.

End of project

Case Study - JISC community- Open Group- TOGAF community (& potential users)

Provide evaluation of TOGAF with respect to its suitability to an HE environment.

19. Exit and Sustainability PlansProject Outputs Action for Take-up & Embedding Action for Exit

Knowledge and expertise acquired by project staff

- Project staff will continue to implement and advise on SOA at KCL.- Projects staff will document their knowledge and experience as far as possible, to enable dissemination to other institutions.

- Ensure knowledge & expertise is documented.- Ensure knowledge & expertise spread among other KCL staff so that they can in turn apply it in their work.

Documentation Make publicly available, e.g. on CeRch and JISC websites

e-Framework components Submit contributions to e-Framework website

Ensure components

Project Outputs Why Sustainable Scenarios for Taking Forward

Issues to Address

Case study Useful to other institutions considering use of TOGAF.

- Make case study available.- Presentations at workshops and conferences

e-Framework components

Useful to other institutions implementing an SOA (whether or not using TOGAF).

Include in e-Framework website.


Appendix A. Project BudgetAs in proposal (unchanged).

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Appendix B. Workpackages

WORKPACKAGES Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1






1: Project Management

2: External Liaison3: Requirements3: EA / TOGAF

Implementation4: EA / TOGAF


Workpackage and activity Earliest start date

Latest completion date

Outputs (deliverables in bold) Milestone Responsibility


WORKPACKAGE 1: Project Management

Objective: To manage and coordinate activities; to report; to assess risks and opportunities as the project progresses; to liaise with stakeholders within ISS.

01-01-08 31-12-08

1.1 Develop a detailed project plan with timescales, deliverables, and milestones 01-01-08 29-02-08

Project Plan Version 1a delivered. MH

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1.2 Create website and JISC web template01-01-08 31-03-08

WebsiteJISC web template


1.3 Periodically update website as project progresses01-01-08 31-12-08

Website updates MH/OR

5.1 Case study (Sections 1 and 2)01-03-08 31-03-08

Case study (Sections 1 and 2) MH

1.4 Quarterly report for JISC, covering January to March 2008. 01-03-08 31-03-08

Progress Report 1 MH

1.5 Quarterly report for JISC, covering April to June 2008. 01-06-08 30-06-08

Progress Report 2 MH

1.6 Quarterly report for JISC, covering July to September 2008. 01-09-08 30-09-08

Progress Report 3 MH

1.7 Final report for JISC.01-12-08 31-12-08

Final Report MH

WORKPACKAGE 2: External Liaison

Objective: Liaison external to project: KCL/ISS, JISC and JISC-supported groups (e.g. EA programme and e-Framework), Open Group

25-02-08 31-12-08

4.1 Liaison with other KCL/ISS groups to spread knowledge. 14-04-07 31-12-08


2.1 JISC events 25-02-08 31-12-08

See timeline in Appendix C. MH/OR

2.2 Open Group / TOGAF events25-02-08 31-12-08

See timeline in Appendix C. MH/OR

WORKPACKAGE 3: Requirements 01-02-08 30-07-08Note: requirements documentation may pass through several iterations in liaison

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Objective: To gather and analyse requirements for the research domain at KCL.

with research & research-support staff.

3.1 Interviews with targeted research and research-support staff. 01-02-08 30-07-08

Interview notes. MH/OR/SA

3.2 Focus groups addressing requirements, involving CeRch and research/research-support staff. 01-02-08 30-07-08

Focus group notes. MH/OR/SA

3.3 Requirements for interaction with legacy systems.01-02-08 30-07-08

Requirements documentation. MH/OR/SA

3.4 Requirements for research planning and administration. 01-02-08 30-07-08

ditto MH/OR/SA

3.5 Requirements for research collaboration and communication. 01-02-08 30-07-08

ditto MH/OR/SA

3.6 Requirements for scholarly publications and open access. 01-02-08 30-07-08

ditto MH/OR/SA

3.7 Requirements for data management and processing 01-02-08 30-07-08

ditto MH/OR/SA

3.8 Requirements for long-term preservation of digital resources. 01-02-08 30-07-08

ditto MH/OR/SA

3.9 Identify set of key business processes for further analysis. 01-05-08 30-07-08

List of business processes. MH/OR/SA

WORKPACKAGE 4: EA/TOGAF Implementation

Objective: To apply an EA/TOGAF approach to designing an SOA for the KCL research domain.

14-04-07 30-09-08

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4.1 Apply TOGAF to analysis of selected business processes. 14-04-07 30-09-08

TOGAF modelling outputs MH/OR

4.2 Apply TOGAF to design of SOA to support selected business processes. 14-04-07 30-09-08

TOGAF modelling outputs MH/OR

4.3 Produce e-Framework components (both existing e-Framework and upper level knowledge base). 14-04-07 30-09-08

e-Framework components (which may include the outputs from 4.1 and 4.2).



Objective: To evaluate the application of EA/TOGAF within the KCL research domain.

01-08-08 31-12-08

5.2 Evaluation of EA/TOGAF application.01-08-08 08-12-08

Evaluation outputs. MH/OR

5.3 Case study (full)01-10-08 08-12-08

Case study (full) MH/OR

5.4 Case study (full + requested revisions)09-12-08 31-12-08

Case study (final) MH/OR

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Appendix C. TimelineDate: Week beginning 25/2/08Participants: Project staff (2) plus entire support cohortTask: Programme Kick Off MeetingDuration: 1 dayLocation: LondonAims: Group familiarisation, expectations, aspirations, complete key dates, present projects

and work plans

Date: 29/2/08Milestone: Project Plan delivered to Programme Manager according to JISC TemplateMilestone: Project Web Site in placeMilestone: JISC Web Site Template delivered to Programme Manager

Date: Week beginning 31/3/08 or week beginning 7/4/08Participants: Project staff (2), support cohort for day 1Task: TOGAF TrainingDuration: 3 or 4 days anticipatedLocation: TBAAims: Training course to meet needs of projects with opportunity to certify

Date: 31/3/08Milestone: First quarterly project report delivered to Programme Manager

Date: 20/4/08 – 25/4/08 (starts Sunday evening)Participants: Project Staff (2), support cohortTask: Open Group ConferenceDuration: 3 – 4 daysVenue: Glasgow Radisson SAS HotelAims: Opportunity to meet others active in the field. Opportunity to

undertake group work. Open Group to arrange agenda in consultationwith projects and cohort

Date: Week beginning 12/5/08Participants: e-Framework staff, Project Staff (2) plus Programme ManagerTask: E-Framework workshop project staffDuration: 1 DayLocation: TBAAims: Familiarisation with e-Framework, identification of project linkages

and opportunities, engagement with EF, agree dates for further input between projects and EF Staff

Date: Week beginning 23/6/08Duration: Up to 3 daysParticipants: Project staff (2), support cohort for day 1Task: Bespoke Workshop: According to needs analysisLocation: TBAAims: Trainer to scope with projects and support cohort

Date: 30/6/08Milestone: Second quarterly progress report delivered to Programme Manager

Date: 17/7/08Duration: 1 dayParticipants: Project staff (2) plus entire cohortTask: Mid point gatheringPage 15 of 16Document title: document.docLast updated: 8-Apr-23

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Location: TBAAims: Show and tell / present on progress and issues arising

Date: 30/9/08Milestone: Third Quarterly Progress Report delivered to Programme Manager

Date: Week beginning 6/10/08Duration: 1 dayParticipants: Project staff (2) plus entire cohortTask: Peer evaluationLocation: BirminghamAims: Address quality of approaches and outputs. One day of preparation

work expected.

Date: 19/10/08 – 22/10/08Duration: 3 daysParticipants: Project staff (2), Open Group, Programme ManagerTask: Open Group ConferenceVenue: MunichAims: Networking / training opportunity. Projects and support cohort to determine.

Date: 10/12/08Duration: 1 dayParticipants: Project staff (2) plus entire cohortTask: Wrap up meetingAims: Final wrap up meeting – progress reports and case studies / synthesis discussions

and agreements

Date: 31/12/08Milestone: Final deliverables due

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