ken gehl county supervisor

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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As a.lember of the Common Council of the fastest-growing communitv in Milwaukee County, I have tackled the big issues in Oak

Creek like the new Drexel Avenue interchange, oetpil/civic center, 27'ln st, Lakefront redevelopment, departmentaiconsolidation,smart outsourcing, and groundwater contamination.

Milwaukee County government is broken - its finances are a mess, its roads are not adequately maintained, its parks don't get theupkeep they require, its relationship with the Sheriff's department is dysfunctional, and its landmarks like the Zoo, Domes, and ArtMuseum struggle for financial security.

With a proven ability to work with others, and not beholden to special interests, I have the experience to drive

compensation and benefit reform to address the Count/s long-term liabilities without impacting staffing and

service levels. And as a Council member where we have not raised taxes for four straight years and driven projects

with significant tax base and job creation, I have the skill to successfully and independently represent the 9'n

Milwaukee County Supervisory district.

My wife and I are proud residents of Oak Creek; my wife is a 30+ year NML-Franklin veteran and l've beenwith Robert W. Baird in downtown Milwaukee for the past eight years. Our four kids attend Oak Creek-Franklin schools.

vote Ken GehlCounty Supervisor

Remember to VOTE -- Tuesday, April 3Authorized and paid for by Friends of Ken Gehl; Mike Swerdlow Treasurer

call/Email 414570-080L kaeehl@hotmail.comVisit:

As your new g'" District County supervisor, l'll bring my experience as an Alderman in Oak Creek as wellas my 20+ year career in finance to help solve the County's long-standing financial and bureaucraticproblems and provide the much-needed representation for the neglected gth district. My history and

voting record show that I have a proven ability to work with others for the good of my constituents in a

reasoned and consensus-building approach that is not beholden to special interests.

For example, as Alderman I have:

1) Balanced budgets with no tax increases the past four years while opposing obnoxious new fees2) Supported sound road building/reconstruction projects

3) Approved economic development plans for 2,500 new jobs and 5250 million in new tax base

4) Led the reform ofTlF district implementation and advocated new public/private partnerships

5) Supported significant reconfiguration of benefit/compensation plans to slash unfunded liability

As your County Supervisor, I will push for the continued downsizing of County Government and itscompensation and benefits, demand EMS funding be restored, advocate the proper reconstruction ofSouth 76'n and 13tn Streets, make certain our parks and County attractions are properly maintained, and

finally make sure the gth district sees the benefit of the millions we send downtown each year in

property and sales taxes.

Supported and endorsed by:

Oak Creek Mayoral candidate Steve Scaffidi

Former Oak Creek Mayor Dale Richards

Franklin Alderman Steve Olson

Franklin businessman Ted Grintjes

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