key stage 3 learning

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Key Stage 3 Learning Programmes

Year 7 2015-2016

Key Stage 3

Page 2 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Dear Parent / Carer This booklet has been produced with YOU in mind. Many parents tell us that they really want to help their children get the most out of school by supporting them in their studies. The intention is that, by referring to this booklet, you can see at a glance just what it is that your child is studying in school – this includes:

what is being covered in lessons at any time of the year in all their subjects – the work is typically broken down into half-termly units

what your child should gain from their experiences – including “Ask your son or daughter if they can….” sections

details of homework

how they will be assessed at the end of each unit of work The aim of providing the information contained in this booklet is to help you to help your child. The information will also be available on our website shortly and all our students will be issued with a paper copy when they start the new school year in September. We hope that you find the information of benefit and would welcome any feedback on any aspect. Please email or make contact via telephone on 0151 336 3902 NB: a few regular abbreviations found here include: KS3= Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9); AFL= Assessment For Learning; VLE= Virtual Learning Environment (our own, web-based resource base) APP=Assessing Pupils’ Progress

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English …………………………………………………………………….…. 4 Mathematics …………………………………………………………..….….10 Science …………………………………………………………….…..…….13 Art & Applied Design ………………………………………………..….…..20 French …………………………………………………………….……..…...24 Geography ……………………………………………………………………30 History …………………………………………………………………..…....33 Home Economics ……………………………………………………....……39 IT & Computing ….…..…………………….…………………………………42 Religious Education ………………………………………………………....48 Performing Arts:

Drama ………………………………………………….......53

Music ……………………………………………………….56 Physical Education ………………………………………………………..59 Personal Development ……………………………………………………72

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Subject: ENGLISH

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Poetry - Reading

Description of lessons:

Weeks 1 to 2: The scheme begins with a diagnostic assessment of students’ reading skills

through Journey to a Poem. This task requires students to infer and deduce meanings using evidence in the text, identifying where and how meanings are implied. Students read and respond to a poem and a piece of autobiographical writing by Grace Nichols.

Weeks 3 to 4: Following on from feedback on their APP assessment task, students work on their targets identified through a range of activities.

Weeks 5 to 6: An anthology of poetry is given to students and a range of reading skills are developed.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can:

Skim and scan a text, selecting the most relevant information;

Select quotations to support their ideas; Identify a range of language devices such as metaphors and similes;

Analyse the structure of a text;

Comment on a writer’s overall purpose;

Evaluate the impact a text has on its intended audience.


Accelerated Reader;

Poetic terms activity; Analytical language – revision of terms and their spellings;

Reading and annotation of poems from poetry anthology;

Creation of own poem based on poetic methods Research based home work


Diagnostic ‘Active Marking’ assessment; Hinge questions;

Questioning; Peer and self-assessment;

Reading assessment focused questions;

Exit passes.

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Subject: ENGLISH

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


Nighthawks - Writing

Description of lessons: Weeks 1 to 2: The scheme begins with a diagnostic assessment of students’

writing skills through an APP entitled Eye Witness Account. This task requires students to write an eyewitness account of a volcanic eruption, using information from a fact sheet. As preparation for the task, they study a journal entry about a storm at sea, identifying the language features that make it an effective account. Pupils write the opening of their eyewitness account as a shared class composition. They then complete their account independently, drawing on what they have learned from the journal entry and selecting information from the fact sheet.

Weeks 3 to 4: Following on from feedback on their APP assessment task, students work on their targets identified through a range of activities.

Weeks 5 to 6: Students analyse and explore a variety of writing models, identifying linguistic and structural features, leading to them planning and creating a final descriptive piece of writing using Dennis Hopper’s Nighthawks image.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Skim and scan a text, selecting the most relevant information;

Select quotations to support their ideas;

Identify a range of language devices such as metaphors and similes;

Analyse the structure of a text;

Comment on a writer’s overall purpose;

Evaluate the impact a text has on its intended audience;

Plan and edit their writing;

Organise their writing in order to engage a target audience and match a specific purpose;

Employ a range of punctuation.


Accelerate Reader;

Independent writing tasks;

Sentence structure tasks;

Redrafting and applying of targets.


Diagnostic APP assessment;

Hinge questions;


Peer and self-assessment;

Reading assessment focused questions

Variety of writing tasks;

Exit passes.

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Subject: ENGLISH

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Study of a Novel

Description of lessons: Weeks 1 to 2: The scheme begins with a diagnostic assessment of students’

reading skills through an APP entitled Extract Analysis. This task requires students to demonstrate their understanding of a text, particularly the overall impact on the intended audience.

Weeks 3 to 4: Students work towards targets from assessment using a novel or shorts stories as a context for their learning.

Weeks 5 to 6: Reading of a novel (Coraline, Wilderness, Private Peaceful, Kensuke’s Kingdom, Clay, Saffy’s Angel, Cirque Du Freak ) Students develop a range of reading skills as they read, analyse, annotate and explore the themes,

ideas, language and structure within their chosen text.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Skim-read to find key information; Select quotations on a character / theme / idea;

Select relevant information to answer assessment focused questions on a passage of the novel;

Explore sections of a text, making prediction;

Identify genre in a text;

Explore writer’s use of sentence structure in a key passage; Discuss a writer’s use of figurative language in a key passage;

Question the writer’s motives with presentation of characters e.g. what did the author want us to think about this character when he/she acted in this way?


Accelerated Reader; Reading of the novel;

Annotation of extracts;

Chapter notes and analysis grid; Tension graph;

Quotation quest.


Diagnostic APP assessment;

Hinge questions;


Peer and self-assessment;

Reading assessment focused questions;

Written tasks;

Exit passes.

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Subject: ENGLISH

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Speaking and Listening: Dragon’s Den

Description of lessons: Weeks 1 to 2: The scheme begins with a diagnostic assessment of students’ speaking and

listening skills through a group discussion task and paired presentations. Weeks 3 to 4: Following on from feedback on their assessment task, students work on

their targets identified through a range of activities. Weeks 5 to 6: Students are given a variety of tasks to allow them to hone their presentation

and group discussion skills, including drama pieces.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Adapt language to match audience and purpose;

Use gesture and tone to engage;

Listen sensitively to others and respond intelligently;

Move talk forward, asking questions and challenging ideas.


Accelerate Reader;

Independent writing tasks;

Script writing;


Redrafting and applying of targets


Diagnostic APP assessment;

Hinge questions;


Independent, paired and group oral tasks;

Peer and self-assessment;

Reading assessment focused questions

Written tasks;

Exit passes.

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Subject: ENGLISH

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Introduction to Shakespeare

Description of lessons: Weeks 1 to 2: The scheme begins with a diagnostic assessment of students’ reading skills

through a variety of plays. Students trace the development of themes, values and ideas in text, analysing the overall structure to identify how key ideas are developed.

Weeks 3 to 4: Following on from feedback on their assessment task, students work on their targets identified through a range of activities.

Weeks 5 to 6: Students are introduced to the world of Shakespeare through a range of activities. They will be introduced to extracts from a number of Shakespeare’s plays, analysing and appreciating language and stagecraft.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Discuss the impact of the way in which Shakespeare staged his plays;

Understand and analyse the way in which Shakespeare crafts language and structure within his plays;

Understand the main themes and ideas explored in Shakespeare’s plays;

Select relevant information and quotations from a text;

Appreciate the significance of Shakespeare’s texts across time;

Understand characterisation.


Accelerated Reader;

Research project; Reading assessment specific tasks;

Linguistic and structural devices activity;

Sequencing tasks.


Diagnostic APP assessment;

Hinge questions; Questioning;

Peer and self-assessment;

Reading assessment focused questions; Written tasks;

Exit passes.

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Subject: ENGLISH

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Travel Writing

Description of lessons: Weeks 1 to 2: The scheme begins with a diagnostic assessment of students’ writing skills

through a variety of descriptive tasks. Students will use images to base their descriptive writing pieces on (links to new GCSE Spec).

Weeks 3 to 4: Following on from feedback on their assessment task, students work on their targets identified through a range of activities.

Weeks 5 to 6: Students are introduced to the world of extracts of travel writing. through a range of activities, analysing and appreciating language, using it as a model for

their own. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Discuss the impact of travel lanscapes and how they can inspire writing; Understand and analyse the way in which travel writers craft language

Understand the main features of travel writing

Select relevant information and quotations from a text;

Analyse the structure of a text;

Comment on a writer’s overall purpose;

Evaluate the impact a text has on its intended audience;

Plan and edit their writing.


Accelerate Reader;

Independent writing tasks;

Sentence structure tasks;

Redrafting and applying of targets.


Diagnostic APP assessment;

Hinge questions;


Peer and self-assessment;

Reading assessment focused questions

Variety of writing tasks;

Exit passes.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Number 1, Shape 1, Algebra 1, Data 1, Number 2, Algebra 2 and Revision.

Description of lessons: Number 1 - Place value and Paper and Pen Calculations. Algebra 1 - Number Patterns and Sequences and Series. Shape 1 - Area & Perimeter and Properties of Shapes. Data 1 - Mean, Median, Mode and Range. Number 2 - Operations with Negative Numbers, Order of Operations and Rounding Numbers. Algebra 2 - Algebraic expressions.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Find the perimeter of shapes. Recall and use the formulae for the area of a triangle and a rectangle. Recall the definition of a circle and identify parts of a circle.

Recall and use formulae for the volume of cubes and cuboids.

Homework: Homework will cover the topics above. Up to 2 homework’s will be given each week for a duration of up to 50 minutes in total.

Assessment: Summary Assessment 1 – Number1, Algebra1, Shape1 Diagnostic Assessment 1 – Data1, Number2

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Algebra 2, Shape 2, Data 2, Number 3 and Algebra 3.

Description of lessons: Algebra 2 - Algebraic manipulation and Solving Equations. Shape 2 - Angles (measuring, drawing, labelling) and Angle Facts. Data 2 – Probability. Number 3 - Fractions, Decimals, Percentages. Algebra 3 - Co-ordinates.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Calculate areas of composite shapes made from triangles and rectangles. Find circumferences of circles and areas enclosed by circles. Find the perimeters and areas of semicircles and quarter circles. Find the area of a sector. Find the length of an arc. Solve a range of problems involving areas including cost of carpet type questions. Calculate the volume and surface area of a cylinder and other prisms.

Homework: Homework will cover the topics above. Up to 2 homework’s will be given each week for a duration of up to 50 minutes in total.


Summary Assessment 2 – Algebra2, Shape2. Diagnostic Assessment 2 – Data 2, Number3, Algebra 3.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Shape 3, Number 4 and Data 3.

Description of lessons: Shape 3 – Transformations/3D Shapes. Number 4 - Number Properties Ratio & Proportion. End of Year Exam - Revision and Prep for End of Year Exam. Data 3 - Data Collection Project.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Expand and factorise linear expressions. Multiply pairs of expressions in brackets (expand quadratics). Recap solving linear equations. Solve simultaneous equations. Draw and interpret: - Pie charts - Stem and Leaf diagrams - Scatter Graphs

Homework: Homework will cover the topics above. Up to 2 homework’s will be given each week for a duration of up to 50 minutes in total.

Assessment: Summary Assessment 3 – Shape3, Number3. End of Year Exam.

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Subject: SCIENCE

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Introductory safety and skills Unit Cells Particles

Description of lessons: Safety and Skills unit: Week 1 Safety in Science Week 2 An introduction to the use of Science equipment Week 3 Presenting and analysing data Assessment Week 4 –Week 15

Teacher 1 Teacher 2

Cells Particles


Week 15 Year 7 Baseline test

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …


Use a microscope to

enable them to

make diagrams, and

know that

microscopes have

developed over time

Use a microscope to enable them to

make detailed diagrams.

To know that microscopes have

changed over time and be able to

calculate magnification

Use a microscope to enable them to

make detailed diagrams.

To know that microscopes have

changed over time and be able to

calculate magnification

To be able to describe an electron


To use a microscope

to enable them to

make a diagrams of

animal cell.

They should be able

to name some of the

organelles present in

animal cells

To use a microscope to enable them

to make labelled diagrams of an

animal cell

They should be able to name and

locate organelles on a diagram of an

animal cell

To use a microscope to enable them to

make detailed diagrams of animal


They should be able to name

organelles present and explain their


Be able to calculate magnification of

the cells

Use a microscope

to observe their own

onion epithelial cell

and be able to make

a diagram of their


Use a microscope to observe their

own onion epithelial cell and make

a labelled diagram of their cell.

Be able to identify animal and plant

cells and explain how they have

identified them

Use a microscope to observe their

own onion epithelial cell and make a

detailed diagram of their cell.

Be able to calculate the length of one

onion cell using a micrometre

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Be able to identify if

cells are animal or

plant cells

Be able to name and

locate some

organelles found in

plant cells

Be able to name and locate

organelles found in a plant cell

Be able to identify animal and plant

cells, explain how they have been

identified and suggest their function

Be able to name, locate and explain

the functions of the organelles found

in plant cells

Be able to name

some specialised

cells and link them

to their function

Be able to name some specialise

cells and explain how their structure

enables them to complete their


Be able to name specialised cells and

explain how the presence, absence or

number of certain organelles link the

cell to a function.

Be able to define



Be able to name

some unicellular


Be able to define unicellular


Be able to name some unicellular

organisms and name some

adaptations of unicellular organisms

Be able to define unicellular


Be able to name some unicellular

organisms and explain their


Students can name

the major organs

and list some of the

tissues that that they

are made up of.

Students can name

some body systems

Students can name and locate all of

the major organs and explain their

function and how tissues are

organised into organs and organ


Students can name some body

systems and their functions

Students can locate all of the major

organs and make a detailed

explanation on the tissue structure and


Students can name some body

systems and explain the organs they

are made up from help them function

as a system

Be able to describe

simply that

substances can

move in and

between cells.

Can describe diffusion and explain

how diffusion causes substances to

move in and between cells with

reference to particle theory.

Can describe diffusion and explain

how diffusion causes substances to

move in and between cells with

reference to particle theory.

Students can use this knowledge to

explain findings of demonstrations or

practical activities.


Identify where the metals

and non-metals are found

on the periodic table.

State the meaning of an


State the atomic model

proposed by Dalton and

how all elements are


Explore the development of ideas of

the atom and explain why Dalton’s

model is the best.

Can describe the physical

properties of solids, liquids

and gases.

Can represent all 3 states of

matter as a diagram and

describe how some of the

physical properties relate to

the models.

Explain how the physical properties

of substances relates to the particle


Represent the states of

matter as a diagram.

Classify materials based on

their physical properties

Evaluate the limitations of the

particle models related to the physical


Describe what happens

when a solid changes into a


Describe what happens

when a solid changes into a

liquid and a liquid into a


Use a particle model to explain

changing of state and therefore the

change in properties.

Collect data of changing of


Represent the changing

states as a graph of data.

Explain the graph in terms of the

particle models

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State the meaning of

diffusion and use example

of smell moving.

Explain how gases can

diffuse using the particle of

matter model.

Relate the ideas of diffusion in gases

to the diffusion in liquids and give

examples of when this happens.

Relate the properties of a

balloon to the particle

nature of a gas.

Describe what is happening

on the surface of the balloon

to account for the pressure.

Explain why balloons burst

when sat on.

Explain in detail how the surface is

affected by the particles and state the

effect of changing pressure on the

shape of the balloon.

State the similarities to

particle models relating to

changing state.

Identify and describe where

the model does not fit the

particle model ideally.

Evaluate the model describing and

explaining all the pros and cons of the


State the meaning of

diffusion and use example

of smell moving.

Explain how gases can

diffuse using the particle of

matter model.

Relate the ideas of diffusion in gases

to the diffusion in liquids and give

examples of when this happens.

State the meaning of


Draw a graph and use this to

relate the effect of

temperature on viscosity.

Explain why different liquids are

different viscosities and link the

experiment results to the particle

motion of liquids at different



Students can carry out a

dissection of a flower, and

label most of the organs

with some functions stated.

Students can carry out a

dissection of a flower and

label all organs correctly,

with functions of most


Students competently dissect a

flower, label all organs correctly, with

the function of each organ explained.

Students can write a simple

description of how

fertilisation takes place in a

flower. Students can give a

basic explanation of wind

and insect pollination.

Students write a more

detailed description of how

fertilisation takes place in a

flower Students give more

detailed explanation of how

plants are pollinated by the

wind and by insects

Students write a detailed description

of how fertilisation takes place in a


Students give detailed explanation of

how plants are pollinated by the wind

and by insects including advantages

and disadvantages of each method.

Students can list some

different methods of seed

dispersal and identify the

correct method for some of

the seeds provided.

Students can describe most

methods of seed dispersal

and identify the correct

method of dispersal for most

of the seeds provided with

some explanations of reason

why they came to their


Students can describe all methods of

seed dispersal in detail and identify

the correct method of dispersal for all

of the seeds provided with good

explanations about why they came to

their conclusions.

Students can label most

parts of the male and

female reproductive system

and state the function of

some parts. Students can

draw simple diagrams of

egg and sperm with labels.

Students can label all parts

of the male and female

reproductive system and

state the function of all

parts. Students can draw

diagrams of egg and sperm

with labels and some

information about how they

are adapted to their function

Students can label all parts of the

male and female reproductive system

and explain the function of all parts.

Students can draw diagrams of egg

and sperm with labels and detailed

information about how they are

adapted to their function

include basic information

about fertilisation,

more detailed information

about fertilisation,

more detailed information about

fertilisation, and formation of twins

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basic information about,

changes to the foetus as it

develops and need for

healthy lifestyle during


information about, changes

to the foetus as it develops

and basic functions of the

placenta and need for

healthy lifestyle during

pregnancy. explanation of

how substances pass from

the mother to the baby

a comparison of baby and mothers

blood to show how substances pass

from the mother to the baby, stages in

foetal development

Name substance which can pass

across the placenta and their effects

explanation of how substances pass

from the mother to the baby

basic information about

what happens at birth

more detailed information

about what happens at birth

more detailed information about what

happens at birth and what happens to

the mother’s body at birth.

Students can list changes in

males and females

Students can describe

changes in relation to

reproductive capabilities

Students can explain changes in terms

of hormones and reproduction

Students can state simply

what happens at each stage

of the menstrual cycle.

Students can describe what

happens at each stage of the

menstrual cycle with some

explanation of why these

things happen.

Students describe fully what happens

at each stage of the menstrual cycle

linking what is happening with the

reason why it is happening.


Questions/worksheets to test knowledge/understanding of a topic

One challenge per term.

Research for work which will be done in the following lessons

Writing up evaluations of work already completed

A learning task of Scientific Vocabulary.

ICT tasks

Revision for forthcoming assessments.

Independent learning task

To complete tasks set using the Key stage 3 Doddle on line resource.


Continual assessment of key skills and subject knowledge

Level assessed tasks

Baseline assessment December 2015

Summative test June 2016

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Subject: SCIENCE Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


Atoms, Elements and compounds, Forces, Fields, Pure and Impure

Description of lessons:

Week 1 -12

Teacher 1 Teacher 2

Atoms elements and compounds Fields

Pure and impure

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …


Give brief definitions for atoms and elements. Give a basic overview about how ideas on atoms have developed over the years. List the names of the subatomic particles.

Give definitions for atoms and elements. Talk about how ideas about atoms have developed over the years. Name the subatomic particles found in atoms and state where in an atom they are found.

Give definitions for atoms and elements. Talk in detail about how ideas about atoms have developed over the years. Name the subatomic particles found in atoms, state where in an atom they are found and give their charges/symbols.

Explain compound formation in terms of atoms.

Be able to record observations

Explain compound formation in terms of atoms joining and be able to draw diagrams to represent molecules

Explain compound formation in terms of atoms joining, e.g. using equations, diagrams, models

Be able to represent reactions with word equations

Be able to recognise an element from its symbol ( not the more unusual ones)

Give the names of the groups and be able to recognise symbols of more common elements. Describe the origin of the symbols of the more common elements.

Give the names of the groups in the Periodic Table and be able to recognise symbols of more common elements. Describe the origin of some of the more unusual symbols Eg: Pb.

Be able to write the formulae of simple compounds and write word equations for their formation

Be able to write the formulae of more complex molecules eg including brackets

Be able to use formulae in symbol equations and balance them

Be able to describe what happens to the mass during a physical change

Be able to explain, in terms of particles why no mass is lost or gained

Be able to calculate conservation of mass problems

Be able to describe observations and record data

Be able to describe why some reactions appear to gain mass and some to lose and how this can be explained by conservation of mass

Be able to carry out calculations from data and explain in terms of particles why mass has been conserved.


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Students recognise the size and distance of objects in the universe is different

Students can arrange objects in order of scale and recognise the need for units such as the light year

Students use units of metres and light years to explain the scale of the universe.

Students to know that our Sun is a star and there are many galaxies of stars.

Students to understand the origin of all galaxies and stars.

Students can explain how a star works and explain the place of our Sun in the universe.

Students know what a year is and what a day is and that the day length is affected by seasons

Students know why a year is 365 days and why the length of a day changes over the course of a year.

Students apply the ideas of day and year to other countries and other planets.

Students know that gravity is an attractive force and is different on different planets.

Students understand and can calculate weight on planets.

Students can apply the formula to different situations and explain why the force is different from different objects.

Students know that magnetism is a non- contact force that can attract and repel.

Students understand when magnets attract and repel.

Students can explain and use magnets in different situations.

Students know that a field pattern can be represented by iron filings or a plotting compass

Students understand and use a plotting compass to show the field of a magnet and know what this means.

Students can plot magnetic fields between magnets and explain what the field lines show.

Students know that the Earth has a magnetic field and this can be used to navigate.

Students understand how to use a compass and understand why it works.

Explain other uses of the Earth’s magnetic field and compare the compass to other methods of navigation.

Students know how to construct an electromagnet with a coil and an iron core.

Students understand how to make the electromagnet stronger.

Students can compare and explain the factors affecting the strength of electromagnets.

Students can construct a D.C. motor and know how to make it work.

Students understand the factors affecting the power of a D.C. motor.

Students can compare the D.C. motor to the loudspeaker and explain the differences.


Be able to carry out experiment and record observations

To be able to explain results and explain what is meant by a pure substance and a mixture

Be able to describe the key features of a mixture and recognise air and seawater as an everyday example.

Be able to explain why it is difficult to separate a pure substance but easy to separate a mixture

Be able to carry out the experiment and record observations. Know what is meant by soluble and insoluble.

Know what is meant by soluble and insoluble and be able to classify substances according to results

Be able to explain what is happening in terms of particles

Define the terms solute, solvent and solution. Draw and label a diagram of particles of salt dissolved in water.

Define the terms solute, solvent and solution. Draw and label a diagram of particles of salt dissolved in water. Explain why mass is conserved.

Define the terms solute, solvent and solution. Explain why mass is conserved. Describe and explain that when dissolving occurs, matter is not lost and hence mass is conserved.

Record observations from diffusion experiments. Be able to draw the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases.

Be able to use diagrams to explain diffusion

Use scientific knowledge and understanding to explain diffusion in terms of particles

Produce a sample of salt from rock salt safely, with some assistance.

Plan how to produce a sample of salt from rock salt safely without assistance, and explain any change in mass between start and end materials.

Plan how to produce a sample of salt from rock salt safely without assistance, and explain any change in mass between start and end materials. Explain finding and justify the methods used.

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Use distillation to separate a solvent from a solution.

Use distillation to separate a solvent from a solution. Use the idea of boiling points to explain in simple terms how distillation works.

Use distillation to separate a solvent from a solution. Use the idea of boiling points to explain how distillation works using scientific language (evaporation, condensation, and distillate.)

State that fractional distillation can be used to separate many substances from a solution.

State that fractional distillation can be used to separate many substances from a solution. Make predictions about the FD demo described using information from the demo and last lesson.

State that fractional distillation can be used to separate many substances from a solution. Make predictions about the FD demo described explain predictions in terms of boiling points, viscosity and volatility.

Use chromatography to separate and identify different substances.

Use chromatography to separate and identify different substances. Use the idea of solubility to explain how chromatography works. Interpret chromatographs.

Use chromatography to separate and identify different substances. Use the idea of solubility and particles to explain how chromatography works. Interpret chromatographs and explain what the evidence is showing.

Give simple definitions for pure and impure substances. State that pure substances cannot be separated into simpler substances.

Give definitions for pure and impure substances making reference to the properties of pure/impure substances. Explain that pure substances cannot be separated into simpler substances – giving an example. Recognise pure/impure substances from mpt/bpt graphs.

Give definitions for pure and impure substances making reference to the properties of pure/impure substances. Explain that pure substances cannot be separated into simpler substances – giving an example. Recognise pure/impure substances from mpt/bpt graphs and explain the shapes of the graphs in terms of changes happening at each stage


Questions/worksheets to test knowledge/understanding of a topic

Research for work which will be done in the following lessons

Writing up evaluations of work already completed

a learning task of Scientific Vocabulary.

ICT tasks

Revision for forthcoming assessments.

an independent learning task

To complete tasks set using the Key stage 3 Doddle on line resource.


Continual assessment of key skills

Assessed tasks within each unit.

Summative assessment June 2016

Key Stage 3

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Subject: ART Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: IDENTITY Students will develop work centred on the theme of:” IDENTITY.” They may look at forms of identity such as: passports, numerical identity, genetics or portraits. They will consider the work of selected artists or designers to influence their outcomes.

Description of lessons: Task 1: Students will be introduced to the theme of identity Task 2: Research work of relevant artists and designers Task 3: Colour theory- students look at colour relationships and the colour wheel. Task 4: Students will be taught to record from observation using primary and secondary

sources. Task 5: Explore the properties of a range of materials, processes and techniques. Task 6: Students will develop a personal response to the given theme. Task 7: Some students will complete extension activities.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can:

Understand the term “identity” and how we are identified in society.

Explain aspects of colour theory that they have covered in the classroom.

Use specialist vocabulary to describe and analyse the work of an artist/craftsperson they have studied in their lessons.

Demonstrate the techniques they have acquired in the lesson.

Homework: 4 Core homework – 1 colour theory, 1 –tone, 1-mark-making, 1-researching an artist In addition student will receive 4 homework over the year which are specific to the theme selected by the teacher as well as an extended research homework

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their ability to:





Key Stage 3

Page 21 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: ART Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: OTHER CULTURES Students will develop practical work centred on the theme of ”Other Cultures” They will look at a range of works which might include: African Masks, Aboriginal Patterns, Indonesian shadow puppets etc.

Description of lessons: Task 1: Introduction to the theme. Students make a personal response to primary and

secondary sources linked to the theme of Other Cultures. Task 2: Drawing as research. Students work from primary and secondary sources,

exploring the properties of different media and identifying the potential for recording from observation.

Task 3: Critical studies. Students are introduced to the work of an artist craftsperson or designer who has produced artefacts linked to the theme.

Task 4; Develop ideas: Students use their drawing research and the influence of their chosen artist to develop concepts in two or three dimensions including printmaking.

Task 5: Refine ideas. Students select the most appropriate idea to improve and refine, making modifications where appropriate.

Task6: Evaluate. Students consider how successfully they have used media, materials and techniques as well as the influence of the selected artist craftsperson or designer. Evaluation can be written or through class discussion.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can…

Describe what they understand about the way artefacts are created in other cultures.

Describe the properties and potential of media material and techniques they have tried in the classroom.

Use specific vocabulary to describe the work of artists they have studied in class.

Explain how their work has been influenced by something or someone.

Identify their strengths and areas for development.

Homework: 4 Core homework – 1 colour theory, 1 –tone, 1-mark-making, 1-researching an artist In addition student will receive 4 homework over the year which are specific to the theme selected by the teacher as well as an extended research homework

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their ability to:





Key Stage 3

Page 22 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: DESIGN STUDIES Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: STORAGE BOX Students will design and make a storage box using the techniques learnt during the workshop safety unit. They will research aspects of Indian Textiles to create a design for the box lid.

Description of lessons: Task 1: Safety in the workshop introduction. Task 2: Introduction to Indian pattern design. Task 3: Existing product analysis. Task 4: Initial design ideas for box lid. Task 5: Measurement and sawing of Scots Pine to create 4 finger joints. Task 6: Nailing and gluing of 3mm MDF base to Pine frame. Task 7: Indian pattern polystyrene prints onto 6mm MDF lid. Task 8: Design and create a locked lid. Task 9: Finishing skills using sandpaper and wire wool. Task 10: Sealing of the storage box using bees wax. Task 11: Product evaluation.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can:

Explain aspects of the design process and the correct name and use of tools, machines and equipment.

Use specialist vocabulary to describe and analyse the techniques used in creating the storage box.

Demonstrate the techniques they have acquired.

Explain how different materials have different qualities.


CORE: Health and Safety in the workshop

CORE: Health and Safety symbol design

CORE: Poster design

CORE: Keywords in Design Studies

Indian Pattern research

Storage unit research

Extended Homework task

Assessment: Use tools, equipment, materials and techniques with an appropriate level of skill and understanding. Research, document and present ideas on the style of an Indian culture. Present a personal, informed response through the creation of a final outcome. 4 ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES:





Key Stage 3

Page 23 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: DESIGN STUDIES Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: COAT HOOK Students will design and make a coat hook, which can be mounted and used around the house to hang; coats, jumpers, hats and anything else they can think of. They will research illustrator Jon Burgerman to create a character design for the base of the hook.

Description of lessons: Task 1: Introduction to the theme. Students make a personal response to primary and

secondary sources linked to Jon Burgerman and existing products. Task 2: Drawing as research. Students work from primary and secondary sources,

exploring the style of Jon Burgerman, experimenting with different media and identifying the potential for recording from observation.

Task 3: Critical studies. Students are introduced to existing products and engage in both independent and group critical analysis.

Task 4; Develop ideas: Students use their newly acquired drawing techniques, research into existing products and influence of their chosen artist to develop concepts in two or three dimensions.

Task 5: Refine ideas. Students select the most appropriate idea to improve and refine, making modifications where appropriate.

Task 6: Evaluate. Students consider how successfully they have used media, materials and techniques as well as the influence of the selected designer. Evaluations will be individually written and discussed with peers.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can:

Explain why it is important to undergo research into existing products before it is made.

Explain the design process, in particular why you design before you make.

Name the tools and equipment they are using and how to use them safely.

Explain how they can achieve a quality finish to their product.

Suggest ways they could improve their product’s design and/or construction.


CORE: Health and Safety in the workshop

CORE: Health and Safety symbol design

CORE: Poster design

CORE: Keywords in Design Studies

Jon Burgeman research moodboard

Existing products research moodboard

Assessment: Completed detailed plans for making Critical product evaluations detail and accuracy Initial, refined and final designs Quality of completed product 4 ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES:





Key Stage 3

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Subject: FRENCH

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Je me présente

Description of lessons:

Week 1. To be able to gain an understanding of French culture. Week 2. To be able to understand classroom commands and greet people. Week 3. To be able to ask someone their name, give and spell your name. Week 4. To be able to ask someone their age, give yours and recognise number up to 31. Week 5. To be able to recognise months, ask someone when their birthday is and give yours. Week 6. To be able to introduce other people giving their name, age and birthday Week 7. Revision and half termly test

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Name different French speaking countries.

Greet you in French.

Introduce themselves and spell their name.

Say how old they are.

Say when their birthday is.

Ask questions in French


Learn topic specific vocabulary.

Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise.

Research a cultural aspect of France or a French speaking country.

Write a summative description of themselves.

Consolidation/revision tasks on line on

Revision/preparation for half termly assessment.


In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback.

Observation of students in class.

Student assessment in AfL & own target setting.

Assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task in week 6

Formal end of year assessment in June.

Departmental progress monitoring.

Whole school Academic review.

Key Stage 3

Page 25 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: FRENCH Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Je présente ma famille

Description of lessons:

Week 8. To learn family members. Week 9. To introduce members of your family. Week 10. To learn pets and to recognise colours. Week 11. To introduce and describe pets. Week 12. To describe your personality and others’s personality. Week 13. Revision and half termly test

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

name different pets in French

name different colours in French

name different family members in French

say what their personality is like

talk about other people in the family


Learn topic specific vocabulary.

Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise.

Research a cultural aspect of France or a French speaking country.

Write a summative description of themselves.

Consolidation/revision tasks on line on

Revision/preparation for half termly assessment.


In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback.

Observation of students in class.

Student assessment in AfL & own target setting.

Assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task in week 6

Formal end of year assessment in June.

Departmental progress monitoring.

Whole school Academic review.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: FRENCH Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: On se décrit

Description of lessons:

Week 14. To learn hair and eye colours Week 15. To learn hair types and lengths and describe yourself Week 16. To describe other people hair and eyes Week 17. To learn body shapes and heights Week 18. To describe your physical appearance as well as others’ Week 19. Revisions and half termly test

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Colours relating to hair and eyes

Adjectives to describe physical appearance and personality

describe themselves and other people

use connectives and negatives


Learn topic specific vocabulary.

Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise.

Research a cultural aspect of France or a French speaking country.

Write a summative description of themselves.

Consolidation/revision tasks on line on

Revision/preparation for half termly assessment.


In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback.

Observation of students in class.

Student assessment in AfL & own target setting.

Assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task in week 6

Formal end of year assessment in June.

Departmental progress monitoring.

Whole school Academic review.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: FRENCH Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Là où j’habite

Description of lessons:

Week 20. To learn types of area and town sizes. Week 21. To learn types of accommodation Week 22. To learn rooms in the house and describe your accommodation Week 23. To express your opinions about where you live. Week 24. To describe where other people live. Week 25. Revisions and half termly test.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Name areas and towns sizes

Name types of accommodation and rooms in the house

Give a detailed description of where they and others live

Give positive and negative opinions about where they live and their accommodation


Learn topic specific vocabulary.

Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise.

Research a cultural aspect of France or a French speaking country.

Write a summative description of themselves.

Consolidation/revision tasks on line on

Revision/preparation for half termly assessment.


In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback.

Observation of students in class.

Student assessment in AfL & own target setting.

Assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task in week 6

Formal end of year assessment in June.

Departmental progress monitoring.

Whole school Academic review.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: FRENCH Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Ma vie scolaire

Description of lessons:

Week 26. To learn school subjects and express your opinion about school subjects Week 27. To say when and at what time you have specific subjects (basic time) Week 28. To describe a typical school day Week 29. To compare school in the UK and school in France Week 30. Revisions and half termly test

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

name 5 school subjects

give 5 positive & 5 negative views on school subjects

what day they have a particular subject

tell basic time(at 10 o’clock)

tell the difference between school in the UK and school in France


Learn topic specific vocabulary.

Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise.

Research a cultural aspect of France or a French speaking country.

Write a summative description of themselves.

Consolidation/revision tasks on line on

Revision/preparation for half termly assessment.


In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback.

Observation of students in class.

Student assessment in AfL & own target setting.

Assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task in week 6

Formal end of year assessment in June.

Departmental progress monitoring.

Whole school Academic review.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: FRENCH Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Revisions and final assessments

Description of lessons:

Week 31. Revisions of term 1 topics Week 32. Revisions of term 2 and 3 topics Week 33. Assessments preparation Week 34. Assessments Week 35. Present tense study and cultural end of year project Week 36. Present tense study and cultural end of year project

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Introduce themselves fully

Describe themselves and others giving details of their physical appearance and personality

Describe where they live and expression their opinion about it

Describe a typical school day and express their opinion about it


revise topic specific vocabulary

complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise

consolidation/revision tasks on line on

present tense revision


in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback

observation of students in class

student assessment in AfL & own target setting

assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task in week 6

departmental progress monitoring

whole school Academic review

Key Stage 3

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: What is Geography and map work? Map Skills

Description of lessons: Introduction to the course and course goals Our changing planet Your place on the planet It’s all Geography Mental mapping Aerial photos Map symbols Direction on maps Scale on maps Grid references Height on maps Using all the skills

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Tell you the course goals.

Describe their planet.

Describe the types of Geography.

Draw a mental map.

Identify features on an aerial photo.

Name different map symbols.

Use a map to form directions to major points.

Tell you grid references from a map.

Use a map to describe the height of different point.


Choose a place and describe it.

Create a poster to sell planet Earth to an alien.

Be a Geography detective.

Draw a mental map.

Investigate Google Earth.

Assessment: Map skills exercise.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Local Geography including local issues. UK Geography and Weather and Climate.

Description of lessons: Welcome to the Wirral Local issues Assessment test Physical Geography of the UK Weather and Climate Weather maps The climate of UK and the North West Microclimate field work and assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Describe the main geographical features of the Wirral.

Explain two local issues.

Be able to describe local tourist attractions.

Be able to describe how tourism benefits our community.

Locate the main physical features of the UK.

Explain weather features and how we show them on maps.

Describe the climate of UK and the North West.

Describe the microclimate of Neston High School.


Create a poster or leaflet advertising the Wirral to visitors.

Prepare debate presentations.

Create a poster for Wirral Way users.

Metal map exercise.

Keep a weather diary.

Write a postcard describing the weather on a typical day.

Assessment: Summative test. Carry out field work and map results and explain results.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Waterworld UK Settlement, Shopping and Sport.

Description of lessons: The water cycle How rainfall reaches rivers The river basin River floods Water Aid Assessment Settlement location and growth Settlement land use zones Where we shop New shopping trends The Geography of sport London 2012

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain the water cycle.

Describe a river basin.

Explain why rivers flood and how humans respond.

Explain the work of Water Aid.

Describe settlement growth and zones.

Identify how we shop now and in the future.

Explain the importance of sport using London 2012 as a case study.


Describe how a water molecule goes around the water cycle.

Research a UK river.

Create a newspaper front page on river floods.

Create a poster/letter persuading people to support Water Aid.

Learn the settlement zones and describe the zone they live in.

Identify shopping trends now and the possible changes in the future.

Write a radio advert for Radio 1.

Draw graphs for a class survey on what sports do you do and watch.

Create a poster on London 2012 positives and negatives.

Assessment: Summative test

Key Stage 3

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Subject: HISTORY Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: What is History? How did the Normans gain control of England ( Whole school theme - Identity)

Description of lessons:

1. What is History? – key concepts / processes / terms 2. Sources – primary and secondary 3. What is chronology? 4. What is bias? 5. Why was there a crisis over the English crown in 1066? 6. The battle of Stamford Bridge 7. The battle of Hastings 8. Biased newspaper assessment x2 9. Gaining control of England- How did William conquer? 10. Did William experience any opposition after Hastings?

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain the significance of the study of history.

Give the correct definitions for the key historical terms.

Give the correct century for 5 key dates you have selected.

Explain why historians have to be careful when examining evidence.

Discuss the claimants to the English throne.

Recall the events of Hastings

Describe how the Normans took control of England


Key terms - heads and tails exercise /learn the key terms.

Significance of a historical event poster

Campaign slogan for a claimant to the English throne

Hastings missing words passage

Assessment: Hastings Newspaper- Students will complete a biased newspaper article on the Battle of Hastings. Students will be expected to write in detail an account of Hastings including key dates, individuals and places whilst writing from a Norman or Saxon point of view.

Key Stage 3

Page 34 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: HISTORY Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


Ruling – How did Medieval monarchs keep control?

Description of lessons:

1. Castles – Motte and Bailey 2. Stone keep castles 3. Feudal system 4. Domesday book 5. Crime and punishment 6. Murder in the cathedral 7. Why was Beckett murdered 8. King John and Magna 9. Robin Hood

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Give 3 push / pull factors for invading England.

Describe the main events of 1066.

Explain the significance of the Norman invasion

Give reasons for trusting a historical source

Describe how William I used terror to control

List the similarities between the feudal system and rewards and sanctions used in Neston High school

Explain the significance of the Norman conquest


Invaders speech

Research events of 1066

Biased newspaper account – Harold’s death / obituary

Design a modern day feudal system

Letter of complaint about the changes to the church.

Assessment: AFL –.Causation – Did Harold deserve to lose the English throne?

Key Stage 3

Page 35 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: HISTORY Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


Power and control – How did Medieval monarchs keep control? Who had the power: - the Crown or the Church? Did the people have any power?

Description of lessons:

1. How did William I keep control? – motte and bailey castles 2. How did castles develop? – stone keep castles, methods of attack and defence 3. How strong is my castle? - Castle design and evaluation 4. What was William the conqueror really like? – Afl task 5. Murder in the cathedral 6. Why was Thomas Becket murdered? 7. Could the barons control the king? – King John and the Magna Carta 8. Like father, like son? – Henry III 9. What can we learn from the stories of Robin Hood?

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Describe a motte and bailey castle (draw the castle they have described)

Give reasons why castles developed

Explain the most successful methods of attack and defence

Explain why the painting of Runnymede hangs in the House of Commons

Make links with the Magna Carta and the origins of parliament

Reflect on two things they have learned about rights and responsibilities then and now


Chose a site to build a castle

Castle shopping! – design your own castle

Produce a persuasive speech reporting the murder of Thomas Becket

Research – United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

Interpretation – Simon De Montfort- hero or villain?

Assessment: AFL task – interpretation task- William I

Key Stage 3

Page 36 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: HISTORY Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


What was it like to live in the middle ages? How hard was medieval life?

Description of lessons:

1. How did people live in England? – What were English villages like? 2. Was life hard for medieval peasants? – Afl 3. How healthy and Hygienic were towns in the middle ages? – Cessville 4. What were hospitals like and how were the sick treated in them? 5. How hard was life for medieval women? 6. How did the system of law and order change? 7. The peasants’ revolt 1381: why? 8. The peasants’ revolt 1381: what happens next?

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Prioritise the main reasons for poor hygiene in the middle ages

Explain why medieval medicine developed

Reach a judgement on how hard life was in the middle ages for women

Give causes for the Peasants Revolt

Describe the consequences of the revolt and its impact

Compare and contrast their life and life in the middle ages


Medieval diary accounts

Luttrell Psalter evaluation

Cessville report

Law and order comparison

Peasants’ Revolt news story

Assessment: AFL – Was life hard for medieval peasants? – source evaluation

Key Stage 3

Page 37 of 73 Unitised Scheme of Work Neston High School

Subject: HISTORY Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


Moving and Travelling What were people’s beliefs in the Middle Ages?

Description of lessons:

1. What did medieval people fear? – medieval religious beliefs 2. The Black Death – causes and consequences 3. How did people travel in England? – robbers and bandits 4. What was the impact of Arab culture in the middle ages? 5. Where and why did people go on pilgrimages? 6. Why was Jerusalem so important in the middle ages?- going on a crusade 7. Why were the Jews persecuted in the middle ages? 8. Massacre 1190!

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain differences between medieval and modern religious beliefs

Describe why the Black Death spread

Explain how travelling has changed

Select the most dangerous aspect of travel in medieval times

Decide whether the Canterbury Tales is a reliable source

Suggest a similarity and a difference between Muslim and Christian pilgrimages

Explain why the York Massacre occurred


Design a medieval pathway to heaven / or design a modern day doom painting.

Medieval traveller story / murder report

Pilgrims speech

Crusade advertisement

Research- Clifford’s Tower, York

York Tourist Board – explanation for Clifford’s Tower

Assessment: AFL task - source analysis and evaluation.

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Subject: HISTORY Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


Diversity – Who are the British?

Description of lessons:

1. Who are the British? – chronology of movement and settlement of the diverse peoples of the United Kingdom

2. Do we speak English or French? – impact of Norman conquest 3. Has there always been racism and prejudice? - What was life like for black people in

Tudor England? 4. Why did people want to leave Stuart England? – the Pilgrim fathers 5. What effect did the Irish potato famine have upon immigration / emigration? 6. How have children been affected by migration? - the impact of World War Two – the

Kinder transport 7. Why did World War Two lead to mass migration? -the SS Wind rush 8. Who are the British? - Awards / Presentations

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Define key terms- diversity, immigration, emigration, migration

Explain the significance of the Neston High school badge

Discuss their own family history / heritage (previous Identity project)

Explain the changes in the English language as a result of the Norman conquest

Identify links between reactions of people in the past to the present day.

Give reasons for migration

Explain the consequences of the movement and settlement of the diverse peoples of the UK


Biased account – Elizabeth I and the Blackamoors

Pilgrim Fathers news round

Kinder transport research – Significance of Sir Nicholas Winton

Research task – Who are the British Awards / presentation

Assessment: AFL – Historical enquiry – synoptic theme - changes over time

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Health, Safety and Hygiene Using equipment safely Basic skills: Cutting and cake making. Rubbing-in method, preparation of vegetables and pastry making. Safe use of larger pieces of electrical equipment. Planning and evaluating practical sessions.

Description of lessons: Hygiene and Safety Personal hygiene and food storage Correct use of equipment / fruit salad demonstration Focused practical task: Fruit Salad Accurate Weighing and Measuring Cake making: All in one sponge pudding demonstration Focused practical task: All in one sponge pudding Rubbing in method: demonstration of scones. How to plan for a practical. Focussed Practical Task: Scones Disassembly of scones – sensory analysis and comparison tests Preparation of vegetables: demonstration of soup Focused Practical Task: Soup How to write an evaluation – review of target setting Pastry making: demonstration of short crust pastry Focussed Practical Task: dish using short crust pastry

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Identify potential hazards in the kitchen.

Explain the importance of food safety and hygiene.

Wash- up correctly.

Describe how to use the claw and bridge cutting techniques.

Demonstrate the rubbing-in method.

Prepare a selection of vegetable using the correct techniques and equipment.

Explain what an evaluation is.


Design and poster to highlight the key hygiene and safety rules for the food room.

Choose appropriate ingredients for practical lessons.

Evaluation of fruit salad.

Sensory evaluation of scones.

Produce a basic time plan for soup practical.

Evaluation using star profile for soup.

Produce a detailed time plan for short crust pastry dish.


Teacher assessment of current NC level.

Peer assessment.


Question and answer.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Function of ingredients used for bread. Skills and techniques used to make bread rolls. Use of sensory analysis when evaluating products. Design and Make Assignment – Pizza Project Packaging and advertising

Description of lessons: Theory of bread making and sensory analysis of breads. Demonstration: bread making. Focussed Practical Task: bread. Alternative bread products. Demonstration: pizza. Introduction to Design and Make Assignment – design a pizza. History of pizza making and researching skills and techniques. Demonstration of different pizza bases. Designing a pizza. Focussed Practical Task: Own pizza design idea. How to develop a design idea to improve the quality of the product. Focussed Practical Task: Improved pizza design. How to package and advertise food products – focus on pizza.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … • Identify the ingredients used to make bread and their function. • Discuss alternative bread products and their origin. • Explain where pizza’s originated and traditional ingredients used to make them. • Discuss the different bases and toppings which could be used on them. • Describe the use of research and a specification when designing a food product. • Discuss with you how their pizza can be improved. • Explain why packaging is important and advertising misleading.

Homework: • Produce a mood board of different varieties of bread. • Research popular pizza bases and toppings. • Design a pizza your family would like to eat. • Complete evaluation to establish how their pizza needs to be improved. • Collect some pizza packaging and advertising to use in class. • Final Pizza project evaluation.

Assessment: • Teacher assessment of current NC level. • Peer assessment. • Self-assessment. • Question and answer.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Function of ingredients used for a roux sauce. Skills and techniques used to make a cheese sauce. Developing design ideas. Healthy Eating Healthy Eating Restaurant style cooking Presentation of food dishes

Description of lessons: Roux sauce: demonstration of macaroni cheese or cauliflower cheese. Focussed Practical Task: roux sauce. Introduction to catering module – Health Eating. Why is there a need for health eating? What is it? Demonstration: preparing and presenting a lunchtime dish, suitable for a restaurant. Focussed Practical Task: Lunchtime dish. Demonstration: preparing and presenting a dessert suitable for a restaurant. Focussed Practical Task: Chosen dessert. Presentations of dishes made and evaluations. Focussed Task: Hygiene and safety in the kitchen. Completion of all files, organisation of work and final levelling.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Family factors which affect food choice when meal planning.

Explain what a roux sauce is and how it thickens.

State clearly what healthy eating means.

Show you a range of presentation skills suitable for use in a restaurant.

Identify savoury and sweet dishes suitable for a lunchtime menu.

The importance of food presentation.


Evaluation of roux sauce dish.

Research the ‘Eat well Plate’.

Research possible savoury and sweet dishes which could be served on a lunchtime menu.

Evaluate the quality of presentation skills used and dishes made.


Teacher assessment of current NC level.

Peer assessment.


Question and answer.

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Subject: COMPUTING Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: File Management Basic Skills covering Microsoft Office Packages

Description of lessons:

Receive and use username and password. Set up folders to be organised in the year.

Discuss health and safety issues in ICT, a Health & Safety poster will be created on Microsoft Publisher.

Introduction to using Microsoft PowerPoint. Pupils will then make a presentation about themselves.

Continuing the ‘About Me’ presentation using more advanced features in the package.

Using Microsoft Publisher to create a leaflet about the school.

Word processing task.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain the need for file management.

Discuss how to prevent health and safety issues arising.

Explain measures that are used to stay safe when using computers.

Discuss what features they have used on their work.

Homework: Health & safety in the ICT classroom.


All students will have a target level.

Observation of students in lesson.

Questioning during lessons.

Completed worksheets during lessons and homework.

Final assessment for unit in week 6 of term.

Students may use feedback from staff to improve their work at ICT support clubs during lunch or after school.

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Subject: COMPUTING Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Harry Plotter – spreadsheet modelling

Description of lessons: Introduction to spreadsheets, keywords, features and project ‘Hogwalk’s Houses’ – spreadsheet formatting ‘Hogwalk school test’ – Introduction to using formulas ‘Concocting spells’ – Using formulas effectively ‘Stationary Shop’ – Creating charts and using formulas ‘Delivering letters’ – assessment task

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Define: cell, column, row and formula.

Explain the benefits of using a spreadsheet rather than a calculator.

Explain how spreadsheets may be used in society.


How may spreadsheets be used in society?

Using video tutorials to learn new formulas.

Evaluation of spreadsheet project.


All students will have a target level.

Observation of students in lesson.

Questioning during lessons.

Completed worksheets during lessons and homework.

Final assessment for unit in week 6 of term.

Students may use feedback from staff to improve their work at ICT support clubs during lunch or after school.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: File Management Health and safety in ICT Staying E–Safe

Description of lessons: Receive and use username and password. Discuss health and safety issues in ICT. What is cyber bullying? How to stay safe when using the internet. How to stay safe using mobile technologies. How to stay safe when using social networking and chat rooms.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain health and safety issues when using ICT.

Discuss how to prevent health and safety issues arising.

Explain how to stay e-safe when using ICT.

Discuss what to do if they receive unpleasant e-mails or text messages.

Explain how to report abuse online.


What is ‘Cyber bullying’?

‘What would you do if?’

Collecting text and images to prepare for making an e-safety movie.


All students will have a target level.

Observation of students in lesson.

Questioning during lessons.

Completed worksheets during lessons and homework.

Final assessment for unit in week 6 of term.

Students may use feedback from staff to improve their work at ICT support clubs during lunch or after school.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Data handling – Superhero project Using MS Access to interrogate a database

Description of lessons: Introduction to project, database functions and advantages and keywords. Testing a hypothesis using a database. Find a superhero for a movie using a database. Designing and creating data capture forms. Data types. Using a database to perform queries.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

List two benefits of using a computerised database rather than a manual database.

Define: fieldname, record, file, data type and query.

Explain how to query a database.


Who uses databases?

Design of a data capture form.

Data types.


All students will have a target level.

Observation of students in lesson.

Questioning during lessons.

Completed worksheets during lessons and homework.

Final assessment for unit in week 6 of term.

Students may use feedback from staff to improve their work at ICT support clubs during lunch or after school.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Control systems – creating a game using Scratch animation

Description of lessons: Introduction to control systems: their purpose and uses. Introduction to Scratch animation software and tutorials. Create ‘Shark game’ and other tasks. Plan and begin to create their own game. Create game in Scratch. Refine and complete game in Scratch using peer feedback.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain the advantages of control systems.

Discuss the game they are making and how they have programmed it.

Show you their game.


Use video tutorials to improve their understanding.

Planning their movie.

Evaluating their movie.


All students will have a target level.

Observation of students in lesson.

Questioning during lessons.

Completed worksheets during lessons and homework.

Final assessment for unit in week 12 of term.

Students may use feedback from staff to improve their work at ICT support clubs during lunch or after school.

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Subject: COMPUTING Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Improve your level – Students use staff feedback from all units attempted to improve their level of attainment.

Description of lessons: Students use staff feedback from all units attempted to improve their level of attainment.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain how to refine search criteria using a search engine.

Explain how to plan and create a podcast.

Tell you their end of year seven level of attainment.


Using video tutorials to help improve their work.

Planning a podcast.

Completing any work attempted during year seven.


All students will have a target level.

Observation of students in lesson.

Questioning during lessons.

Completed worksheets during lessons and homework.

Students may use feedback from staff to improve their work during lessons, lunch support club or after school.

Final level of attainment in week 5 of half term.

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Year 7

Year 8

Year 9





Half Term:

1st half

2nd half


What is Belief?

Description of lessons:

1. What has RE got to do with me?

2. What is belief?

3. What makes someone religious?

4. What do Christians believe?

5. What do Muslims believe?

6. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

7. What do Buddhists believe?

8. Assessment Task

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain the purpose of RE at Neston High School and the subject’s relevance in


Explain the difference between fact, opinion & belief.

Explain why people choose to be religious or non-religious, giving reasons.

Explain what Christians believe about Jesus? Connect these beliefs with their

influence of the everyday life of a believer.

Explain what Muslims believe about God? Connect these beliefs with their influence

of the everyday life of a believer, as seen in the Five Pillars of Islam.

Explain what Buddhists believe, giving reasons. Explain how the life of a believer can

reflect these beliefs.

Explain how they can make expected progress in RE.


Research: Ideas on faith. (including the life and actions of Charles Blondin)

Reflection: How does belief impact on a person’s life? What do you believe in? Why?

Revision: How can I do well in the baseline test?


Ongoing teacher assessment of participation/key work produced.

End of Module assessment task.

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Year 7

Year 8

Year 9





Half Term:

1st half

2nd half


Code Breaking!

Description of lessons:

1. Code Breaking!

2. Is it true or is it a story?

3. Religious myths

4. Interpreting symbols

5. Religious images

6. Symbolic actions

7. Religious rituals

8. Assessment task

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain how symbols and stories are used by religions and worldviews to express

their ideas.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘myth’ and how some identify the ways ‘truth’ is

communicated by myths.

Explain different religious symbols, their meaning and the impact they can have on a

believer’s life.

Explain the importance of a wider understanding symbols and their meaning, giving


Explain the use of art in communication religious ideas, using examples.

Ideas about symbolic actions, giving reasons and examples.

Explain how ritual can communicate and reinforce meaning, giving religious and non-

religious examples.

Explain how they can make further expected progress in RE.


Research: key myths and their meaning.

Reflection: The importance of symbols in everyday life. The impact symbols can have

on a person’s life (religious and non-religious).

Analysis: How can actions be symbolic? Key examples to illustrate.


Ongoing teacher assessment of participation/key work produced.

End of Module assessment task.

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Year 7

Year 8

Year 9





Half Term:

1st half

2nd half


What do people believe about God(s)?

Description of lessons:

1. How do we know God exists?

2. What do images of God symbolise?

3. What do Christians believe about God?

4. What do Jews believe about G-d?

5. The Islamic view of God

6. What do Sikhs believe about God?

7. What do Hindus believe about God?

8. Assessment Task

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain some key responses to the question of god’s existence.

Explain how images have been used to communicate ideas about God. Explain the

key meanings involved.

Explain Christian ideas about God, linking these with key teachings and effects.

Explain Jewish ideas about G-d, linking these with key teachings and effects.

Explain Muslim ideas about god, linking these with key teachings and effects.

Explain Sikh & Hindu ideas about God, linking these with key teachings and effects.

Explain common themes, similarities and differences emerging from all of the above.

Explain how they can make further expected progress in RE.


Key research: Ideas of God and reasons.

Key research: Humanist responses to ideas of God, with reasons.

Reflection: Common themes emerging from theist/atheists ideas.


Ongoing teacher assessment of participation/key work produced.

End of Module assessment task.

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Year 7

Year 8

Year 9





Half Term:

2nd half


What does it mean to be Human?

Description of lessons:

1. What makes humans unique?

2. What is ‘the soul?’

3. Buddhism and the soul.

4. The meaning of creation stories.

5. What are ‘ultimate’ questions?

6. Who was first to think about God?

7. What are human rights?

8. Assessment Task.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain different views on the nature of being human, including our uniqueness.

Explain different ideas on ‘the soul’, key reasons, its existence or otherwise, etc.

Explain Buddhist ideas on the soul, linking these with key teachings and ideas on


Explain Christian ideas on soul, linking them to key reasons and the creation story.

Explain what is meant by ‘ultimate’ questions, giving examples and some suggested


Link ideas of humanity and the soul with those of human rights, giving reasons.

Explore common themes emerging, both religious and non-religious.

Explain how they can make further expected progress in RE.


Research: Key ideas on the soul – Buddhism.

Analysis: Ultimate questions – their nature and possible solutions.

Reflection: What rights do all humans deserve? Why?


Ongoing teacher assessment of participation/key work produced.

End of Module assessment task.

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Year 7

Year 8

Year 9





Half Term:

1st half

2nd half


How can art & architecture reflect belief?

Description of lessons:

1. What do we mean by the terms ‘art’ & ‘architecture?’

2. What do both try to achieve/reflect? Why?

3. What do Hindus believe about God?

4. How are art & architecture used to express belief at the mosque? What images are

allowed / not allowed? Why?

5. What effects will this have on the worshipper? Why?

6. Christianity & art – Analysis of key images.

7. Christian Architecture – a case study: The Liverpool Cathedrals.

8. Comparison – What similarities and differences can we identify between the uses of

art and architecture in Christianity and Islam?

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain what is meant by key terms such as ‘art’ & ‘architecture’.

Explain how the above link to other ideas such as functionality, meaning & belief.

Explain what you would find (and not find) at the mosque, in terms of art &

architecture, giving reasons.

Analyse & explain how the mosque art & architecture affects and supports the


Analyse and explain key examples of how art has been used in the Christian tradition.

Explain how the two cathedrals support and reflect belief.

Compare and contrast art & architecture in Islam & Christianity, identifying and

explaining similarities and differences.


Key definitions research.

Internet research: key examples of art & architecture, with reasons.

Internet research: the effects of art & architecture on the believer.



Ongoing teacher assessment of participation/key work produced.

End of Module assessment task.

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Subject: DRAMA Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Introduction – Identity The Island (Drama is taught once a fortnight in Year 7 so these are term long schemes)

Description of lessons: Fortnight 1. Name Games / Torpedoes / Facts / The Sun Shines on & other Ice Breakers &

Identity 1 – Still Images of given groups and of selves as Year 7. Then bring images to life in a sequence to show the world of school as 7s see it Comments on the work to see how accurate a presentation of them it has been.

Fortnight 2. Introduction to Island Project. Slo Motion Whole Class Role Play of the Plane and the Crash – Still Image of wreck then Slo Mo of waking up / Survivors / Thought Tracks. 2* / Wish feedback – logged on Whiteboards / books.

Fortnight 3. Hot Seat each other as characters. Plans for Survival (shelters / fire / water / food / fishing / hunting / keeping safe / weapons etc. – show typical day sequence – can use Narration / Thought Tracks to aid delivery. Any conflict yet

Fortnight 4. Caliban - Teacher in Role as Ruler of Island – needs tribute / entertaining by survivors – must create a feast and give gifts / promises / entertain in return for place on ship home. If do not please Caliban then they will be put into slavery to work way off…Or worse…! Caliban (either Teacher or one student playing them in each group) to give decisions after tribute session from each group! Group problem solving. Responses to exercise logged in books.

Fortnight 5. Terrible truth – Caliban has lied – no places off Island – must plan own Revenge and escape. Ideas on Whiteboards and then show sequence of events. Can use Marking the Moment / Slo Motion Movement. Who leaves and who might want to stay? Discuss the climaxes in the pieces.

Fortnight 6. Homecoming – Pairs – A & B One survivor / one relative or friend back home. Create a thought tunnel which show lines they might say about their reunion. Perform thinking about staging – apart then closer then the moment they meet – try to get their emotions into the piece and mark the most important moment. Peer assess.

Fortnight 7. If time, create a TV / Radio interview of a Survivors story. Perform and record.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Create a Still Image and analyse one for meaning

Use Narration / Thought Tracks and explain how they help in drama

Adapt to teacher in role

Sustain a role from within a whole or small group

Work effectively in a group and complete tasks / problem solve

Give feedback to others and use feedback to improve own work

Use the TV show format to present information

Homework: To create a character file. To write a ‘Message in a Bottle’. Create Maps. To bring in pictures that show how they visualise the space they are meant to be creating. To write a diary in role. Costume designs.

Assessment: Self, peer and teacher assessment based on their practical contributions in lessons and the detail and thought and understanding shown in their homework.

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Subject: DRAMA Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Children’s Experience of Conflict (Drama is taught once a fortnight in Year 7 so these are term long schemes)

Description of lessons: Fortnight 8. Introduction and exercises on themes / issues / prior learning on War / Conflict.

Thought Showers. Still Images. Work on Power – Pair work Mirroring and swopping on idea of Power and Powerlessness. Add images together and show to each other.

Fortnight 9. Go through sheets on Anne Frank. Students to note down feelings / reactions to her story and relate to selves – how would I feel if I was locked in like Anne? Keeper of Keys game to focus / concentrate on space. Guided fantasy of living in loft / annexe. Create thought track / short monologue and use the confined space to show. Write up / create images to help create mono.

Fortnight 10. Photo stimuli – real WW2 / Boy in Striped Pyjamas / modern images of hurt and real WW2 / BITSP / modern images of friendship / happiness. Discuss friendship / cruelty. What do they look like? What do they feel like? In small groups create sequences on these 2 themes from still images. Focus on the movement and soundscapes rather than dialogue. Discuss contrast of happy activities shared with friends / family and how being isolated / picked on and how these situations can make people feel. Progress Partner opportunity.

Fortnight 11. Evacuation – watching section from ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ to get ideas. Discuss Evacuation. Quiz on period. Mark 3 Moments in time – telling kids about Evacuation / Leaving for the train station / Waving Goodbye – bring to life for Thought Tracks only. Flash Forward to Evacuation – choose 3 moments to run as Narrated action – 1 as Evacuee NOW, 1 as Evacuee THEN and rest as characters in it – 3 key moments – good or bad. Watch and discuss.

Fortnight 12. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe – watch the opening up to them all entering Narnia. Give out text – get students to either cast, rehearse and perform their own section of it OR devise their own sequence based on it – fantasy world – Focus on the escapist aspect of it. Group preparation.

Fortnight 13. Polished Performance lesson and feedback given as members of audience.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Tell you about the issues

Explain marking moments, narration, whole group role play, soundscape and monologue and how they help in Drama

Prepare effectively as a performer

Assess the success of their own group’s performance and / or that of others.

Homework: To research the stimuli they are using. To present their thoughts on the themes and issues covered. To write in role. To come in to their preparatory lessons with directing / staging / acting ideas for their scene. To complete feedback between sessions as part of the preparation process. Programme /poster designs. To prepare for live polished performance.

Assessment: Self, peer and teacher assessment based on their practical contributions in lessons and the detail and thought and understanding shown in their homework.

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Subject: DRAMA

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Stage Fighting - Oliver (Drama is taught once a fortnight in Year 7 so these are term long schemes)

Description of lessons: Fortnight 14. Whole group Introduction to Stage Fighting (SF) Trust Exercises. Control –

Action & Reaction – develop loss of inhibition – focus on reaction of pain / noises / facial expressions etc. Torture exploration – Magic Finger of Pain exercise – all in Pairs to build up effective working relationships.

Fortnight 15. ‘Pulling by hair’ ‘Pulling by the ear’ Link all learnt so far into a workable Sequence. Choose the setting and the sequence of action themselves. Watch and assess.

Fortnight 16. Introduction to ‘Oliver’ Hinge Question on what is ‘Oliver Twist’ Prior Learning. Watch sequence of really effective child acting from either Musical or Polanski versions. Start on Whole Group Role play – Orphans living on streets – acting to teacher Narration (Spontaneous Improvisation)

Fortnight 17. Discuss and then devise own sequence of lives on the streets for young homeless. Show a ‘Day in the Life’ of in modern day.

Fortnight 18. Introduce section of text from ‘Oliver’ – apply their characterisation from their own devising and their stage fighting work to preparing and performing a section of the text / piece based on the text.

Fortnight 19. Perform. Film. Watch. Assess.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Use SF / Physical Theatre / Improvisational techniques to improve their drama and ask them how these strategies help in drama.

Create a meaningful plot line in drama.

Create and sustain a role across a number of sessions and differing scenarios.

Interact with other roles to create tension / problem solve / move the drama on – how did they do this?

Work in whole group, small group and pair contexts to reach a shared outcome (performing text based piece)

Contribute effectively to their group’s work – what did they do to make things better?

Give constructive feedback to others and work on feedback in their own work

Homework: Health and Safety Poster. Role on the Wall. Research on ‘Oliver’. Annotated scripts / scene outlines. Props / Costume designs.

Assessment: Self, peer and teacher assessment as part of the process – from the practical work completed in class and from the depth and detail of the work produced as home work over the course of the term.

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Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: The Elements of Music

Description of lessons: Classroom expectations, information on ExL clubs and instrumental lessons. The Elements of Music description. Singing techniques and singing ‘Harvest Samba’. Developing performance of ‘Harvest Samba’. Assessment of singing. Instrument families and instrument sounds/timbres. Listening and assessing listening skills. Learning about metre and rhythm. Performing and dictating a rhythm. Composing a rhythm. Developing an understanding of rhythm. Note values. Learning about melody and pitch. Reading notes on treble clef. Learning about harmony, tonality, texture and structure. Assessing an understanding of Elements of Music through listening and theory tasks.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain the term ‘Elements of Music’.

Recognise and describe the nine elements of music.

Confidently sing ‘Harvest Samba’.

Read rhythms and notes on the lines and spaces on the treble clef.


Learn key vocabulary.

Practice singing techniques.

Complete theory exercises.

Evaluate work.


Continual assessment of students’ skills through monitoring and verbal or written feedback.

Formal assessment of listening, performing and composing skills.

Formal assessment of theory tasks.

Test knowledge on key musical characteristics and terminology.

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Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Music from Latin America.

Description of lessons: Recap knowledge and understanding of Elements of Music. Develop reading Western notation. The stave and new symbols. Recap reading notes on treble clef. Learning about Latin American culture with a focus on an induction to music from the Andes. Listening to Andean music. Develop singing techniques. Singing ‘El Condor Pasa’. Develop performances of ‘El Condor Pasa’. Assess singing. Develop keyboard skills. Practice and perform accompaniment parts for ‘Floreo de Llamas’. Learning about syncopation. Practice melody for ‘Floreo de Llamas’. Develop performances by combining melody and accompaniment in pairs or small groups. Perform and assess performances of ‘Floreo de Llamas’. Learning about Bossa Nova and performing Bossa Nova rhythms.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Recognise and describe features of Andean music.

Confidently sing ‘El Condor Pasa’.

Perform in small groups keeping regular metre.

Play and recognise syncopated rhythms.


Learn key vocabulary.

Practice singing techniques.

Complete theory exercises.

Research Latin American music.

Research information on musicians from Latin America.

Evaluate work.


Continual assessment of students’ skills through monitoring and verbal or written feedback.

Formal assessment of listening, performing and composing skills.

Formal assessment of theory tasks.

Test knowledge on key musical characteristics and terminology.

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Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: How to Write a Good Song.

Description of lessons: Classroom expectations, information on ExL clubs and instrumental lessons. The ‘How to Write a Good Song’ description and key terms. Singing techniques and singing ‘The Importance of Being Idle’ and ‘Friends Together’. Developing performance of ‘Importance of Being Idle’. Assessment of singing. Listening and performing skills. Learn the main riff part from the ‘Importance of Being Idle’. Revision of notation. Practice and performance assessment of the main ‘riff’ in paired groups on the keyboards. Learning assessment based on ‘The Importance of Being Idle’. A group performance/arrangement based on the main riff and full assessment. Compose and develop you own main riff. Assessing the performance of the composition.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Explain the term ‘riff’.

Recognise and describe the scheme of work descriptions and terms.

Confidently sing ‘The Importance of Being Idle’.

Read rhythms and notes on the lines and spaces on the treble clef.

Perform a ‘riff’.

Compose a ‘riff’.

Listen to a song and understand its structure.


Learn key vocabulary.

Practice singing techniques.

Complete theory exercises.

Evaluate work.


Continual assessment of students’ skills through monitoring and verbal or written feedback.

Formal assessment of listening, performing and composing skills.

Formal assessment of theory tasks.

Test knowledge on key musical characteristics and terminology.

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Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION In Year 7 all students follow a range of different activities during the course of the first half term which will support the setting and stranding each student. From October half term onwards all year 7 students follow a range of different activities during the remainder of the year. To enable staff to manage resources, different groups undertake different activities at different times of the year so not all groups are doing the same activity at the same time. Your child’s teacher will explain the order of the units for their group at the start of the year.

Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Year 7 baseline setting and stranding unit.

Description of lessons:

Lesson Skill Plan Objective - Stranding

Intro Expectations, kit, lesson 1 arrangements: changing

Set expectations and outline procedures.

1 Grouping Lesson

Cross Country split Boys – football Girls – line ball

Gauge ability level and split groups into loose sets.

2 Agility SAQ Speed, agility and quickness.

3 Outwitting Opponents

Games: Line ball, possession, overload situations 2v1 ect. Using a variety of different equipment 1) tennis ball rolling/long barrier 2) netball or basketball passing 3) handball passing 4) football

Movement, use of space, defending, passing, tactics.

4 Fitness Circuit Training Aerobics

Fitness levels, replicating actions

5 Sports skills Coordination Fundamentals Circuit:







Shooting Use variety of equipment form wide variety of sports: tennis, badminton, football, hockey, basketball, handball, netball, rugby

Coordination, skills in a variety of sports.

6 Teamwork 1)Problem solving/Leadership 2) Sports Education style?

Leadership, working together, solving problems, thinking skills, tactics & strategy.

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7 Final Assessment of Strand

Students strand finalised based on last 8 weeks performance. Groups: 7Pe 1: Football or rugby 7Pe 2: Hockey or football 7Pe 3: Basketball 7Pe 4: Handball 7Pe 5: Handball

Students observed in a game situation. Groupings finalised and strands selected.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Experience a variety of sports and activities

Develop a wide variety of fundamental skills

Accurate groupings

Accurate assessment stranding

Familiarise with PE procedures and expectations

Opportunities for Homework:

Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practice skills at home

Take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

Join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

Watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

Search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, e.g.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Netball- Introduction to the Sport, Skills and the Rules of the game.

Description of lessons:

Week 37. Footwork and Chest pass Week 38. Passing Week 39. Dodging and getting free Week 40. Defending skills Week 41. Shooting Week 42. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Be able to play safety and warm up

Know the positions in Netball

Put into operation the principles of attack and defence

Select and apply a sound range of specific techniques consistently and effectively with reasonable speed and precision- chest & shoulder pass, know how to dodge and get free.

Carry out a specific role in a team effectively.

Know the best technique of shooting in Netball.

Have a good understanding of the basic rules of the game.

Opportunities for Homework:

Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practice skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

Take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

Join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

Watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

Search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, e.g.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Football

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Keeping possession – ball skills Week 2. Turning with the ball Week 3. Passing skills Week 4. Controlling pass & moving to create space Week 5. Improve first touch using a range of techniques Week 6. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform safely and warm up

Select & apply the skills in a range of different types of games

Demonstrate different types of control and passing

Know the different Football positions

Demonstrate the main rules for Football.

Homework: Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

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Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Gymnastics- Travelling

Description of lessons:

Week 1 Rolling Week 2 Advanced rolling and balancing Week 3 Jumping

Week 4 Travelling on small & med apparatus Week 5 Perform a sequence on large apparatus Week 6 Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform safely and warm up

Demonstrate a number of different rolls

Be able to balance on small and large body parts

Be able to jump from different foot sequences

Be able to demonstrate these movements on small, medium and large apparatus

Be able to link movements together to form sequences

Homework: Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, e.g.


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Basketball

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Keeping the ball – skills & Avoiding defender Week 2. Footwork Week 3. Develop shot technique Week 4. Dribble position. Week 5. Correct passes in game Week 6. 1 v 1 skills & Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform safely and warm up

Select & apply the skills in a range of different types of games

Demonstrate different types of passing and footwork

Know the shooting technique in Basketball

Demonstrate how to dribble and change direction with the ball

Demonstrate the main rules for Basketball.

Homework: Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Fitness & Outdoor Education

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Trust skills Week 2. Teamwork skills Week 3. Communication skills Week 4. Problem solving Week 5. Importance of leadership Week 6. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform safely and warm up

Demonstrate how to work as a team

Develop their fitness levels through skills and games

Understand how to communicate in different ways

Know how to be a leader of a group

Understand how to trust and to be trusted in group activities.

Homework: Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Hockey

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Develop dribbling skills Week 2. Develop passing skills Week 3. Making a tackle Week 4. Beating a player Week 5. Getting free and directing a pass Week 6. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Perform safely and warm up

Select & apply the skills

Demonstrate different types of passing and dribbling

Demonstrate how to make a strong tackle

Demonstrate skill on how to beat a player and get free

Demonstrate knowledge of the rules for hockey.

Homework: Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

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Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half


Rugby- Introduction to the Sport, Skills and the Rules of the game.

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Ball handling skills and passing skills Week 2. Support play Week 3. How to take and give a tackle Week 4. Rucking Week 5. Mauling Week 6. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Be able to play safety and warm up

Know the positions in Rugby

Put into operation the principles of attack and defence

Select and apply a sound range of specific techniques consistently and effectively with reasonable speed and precision- pop pass, rucking, mauling.

Carry out a specific role in a team effectively.

Know the best technique of tackling in rugby

Have a good understanding of the basic rules of the game.


Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practice skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

Take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

Join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

Watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

Search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, e.g.


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Swimming

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Multi stokes Week 2. Front crawl Week 3. Breaststroke Week 4. Backstroke Week 5. 15 minute swim Week 6. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform safely and warm up

Demonstrate the skills required for each stroke

Demonstrate that they can analyse other students performance and give feedback for improvement.

Develop their fitness in swimming

Demonstrate that they are able to pace themselves throughout a distance swim

Homework: Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Athletics

Description of lessons: All events will be covered but not necessarily in this order:

Week 1. 100m Week 2. Long jump Week 3. Javelin Week 4. High jump Week 5. Throw- Shot putt/ discus/ javelin Week 6. Relay & Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform safely and warm up

Demonstrate the skills consistently for each event

Name the different components of fitness that are required for each event.

Take measurements & times for each event

Explain the basic rules for each event

Homework: Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Tennis

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Accuracy of Forehand & Backhand Week 2. Baseline play Week 3. Position on the court Week 4. Serving from the baseline Week 5. Doubles Week 6. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform safely and warm up

Demonstrate a knowledge of the skills involved in the different shots

Put into operation the principles of attack and defence

Select and apply a sound range of specific techniques consistently and effectively

Carry out a specific role as an umpire.

Demonstrate a good understanding of the rules of the game.


Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Year: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Rounders / Cricket / Softball

Description of lessons:

Week 1. Throwing & catching skills Week 2. Batting skills Week 3. Fielding skills Week 4. Basic tactics of the game Week 5. Full game situation Week 6. Assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Perform the skills of passing, receiving, hitting and bowling

Use these skills in game situations

Be able to help others to field in the correct position and move if required

Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the game relating to scoring, bowling, obstruction and getting players out.


Out of lessons, at home and in the community, pupils could be encouraged to:

Practise skills at breaks and lunchtimes and at home

take part in school sport, either competitively or socially

join clubs in the community and/or use local facilities

watch live and recorded performances to appreciate high-quality performance

search the internet to find information about sports and opportunities to take part, eg


Continual assessment of students’ skills in conditioned practices and in game situation.

Observe pupils’ understanding in game situation of tactics and spatial awareness in variety of positions.

Observation of students

Student role in target setting

Final assessments in week 6 were students will be given a National curriculum level and effort grade for the unit.

Key Stage 3

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The learning programmes for Personal Development cover a wide range of issues that directly impact upon young people as they begin to take their place in society. The aims of the Personal Development course at Neston High School are to provide students with:

accurate and relevant knowledge opportunities to turn that knowledge into personal understanding opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and others’

values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities the skills, language and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling,

responsible and balanced lives

The following is an outline of the topics covered in Personal Development in Year 7

Term Topic/Module & Content

Autumn: 1st half

Social & emotional aspects of learning: settling in to secondary school

Friendships & relationships Building relationships within their tutor group and within

their House Understanding students’ role as part of a community –

encouraging positive engagement Settling in to high school and feeling happy, making new


Autumn: 2nd half

What is Enterprise?

Understanding personal & social enterprise Developing key skills: problem-solving, teamwork &

collaborative working, creativity & innovation, awareness & management of risk, working within a budget

Project: New School Build – working with team members to design the new and improved Neston High School (students design, plan and market their ideas with their classmates)

Spring: 1st half

Healthy Eating

Understanding what makes a balanced diet Investigating the potential short & long-term impact of an

imbalanced or unhealthy diet Issues surrounding diet and health including obesity, dieting

& eating disorders The impact of advertising and the media on choices we

make and our own body image and self-esteem Understanding how to live a healthy lifestyle and being able

to make good choices

Spring: 2nd half

Rights & Responsibilities

Identifying the difference between a right and a responsibility

Identifying & understanding what our rights and responsibilities are as part of our families, our school

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community and our wider community (locally, nationally and globally)

What are human rights? What role do we play within our communities?

Summer: 1st half

Keeping myself e-safe

Understanding the importance of staying safe online Recognising what constitutes risky behaviour & the

potential consequences of this behaviour Recognising cyber-bullying, abuse & grooming, and

developing the skills and strategies to manage being targeted or witnessing others being targeted

Developing the skills to stay safe online and the importance of putting these skills into practice

Summer: 2nd half

Sex & Relationships Education – Puberty & Adolescence (Christopher Winter Project)

Understanding the changes young people’s bodies go through during puberty

Becoming familiar with how things will change & the feelings and worries young people may experience during puberty

Helping students feel comfortable in asking questions in a safe and supportive environment

Supporting students as they develop relationships inside and outside school and helping them understand the qualities and behaviours in a wide variety of positive relationships (including teams, classes, friendships)

Delivery & Assessment: Personal Development lessons are delivered by form tutors, once a week. Delivery & content of lessons is varied and tailored appropriately to the different topics covered, but will include discussion & debate, rich questioning, pair & group work, completion of written tasks and creative & design activities. Students will also have the opportunity to work with other tutor groups and across Houses on a number of different activities and during Breakout Mornings.

Students’ work in Personal Development lessons is assessed by tutors. Lesson observations and learning walks are carried out by the Head of Personal Development and Line Manager for Personal Development.

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