kick start your club

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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Welcome to your Sun Campus Ambassador Orientation!

Kick start your club!
5 key principles to success.

Alexander BelokrylovProgram manager, EuropeSun Microsystems

Do you know who they are? They are the Alice and

which way I ought to go from here?

That depends on where you want to get to,

I dont much care where,

Then it doesnt matter which way you go,

Would you like to be as Alice?

Would you like to be as Alice?


sportsmen are in very good position they obviously has a goal to win the competition or climb mountain, If you are going to win you need to do the same. I make it really simple. It is what you want to be when you grow up. And the most successful clubs in our community already did that, each member of those clubs know the reason of membership.

First of all you need to formalize your thinking and write it down, You might change it from time to time some new thoughts would come to your mind, people would suggest you as well. However if it was not written it does not exists. Usually you statement should income mission or vision. And that what you can see on the page of Edinburgh University. We are a sub community aimed at educating students about importance FOSS and Open Source technologies. We provide students with trainings access to resources to advance their career. That mission statement is a guide line what gives you a framework for implementation. But all of this concentrated on moving to specific goals and objectives. Mission is something that provide you a focus. As you now the direction now you need to be sure that anything you do can be measured, can be changed and can be improved. You can now set specific goals what you need to achieve. But far to often there is a problem with objectives. Very often we do not understand what does goal supposed to be. There is great guideline to make your goal really really clear and really achievable. This plan is SMART criteria.


Smart goals



First of all goals need to be specific. Grow club is not specific. Do presentations is not specific goal. Grow club from 20 to 30 members during a month that is specific. Do 5 tech demos during a spring semester tat is specific




All what you do need to be measurable. How otherwise you can know that you are on the right way? And when you need to make changes in your strategy as the only strategy purpose is to support you in tactic goals. If your strategy does not help you now that is bad strategy





Let take a look what real and add a little bit to it. Do not aim to what you can do, aim to what you want even if it is more. If you aimed to 100 you will get 90 if you aim 80 then 70.





Results driven





Results driven


Timely goals without time lines they are simply fantasies. That probably will never come to pass.





Results driven


So we came to the first principle. To reach anything you need to have a goal and SMART principle helps you to transform your fantasies to your goals. And gives you plenty of power to achieve them

You already have map, that is your strategy what includes mission statement

And you know where to go using this map as you know SMART principle to the goal setting. But we are talking only about you. People do not know about it yet.

Kick start your club!


Check do you have at your promo items information where you are going to conduct your club meetings, do people cam understend it if they from other faculty? Where they could find you to receive an answers for their questions? Do not you forget to share address of events, contact data to contact you for clarification details?



Do you have the information when will event happened? Exact date and time? If you are doing online activity do not forget that about people form other timezones define at what time ad at wht time zome your event is taking place? As well is a good tone to say how much time it take that people cold plan their time.




Is there an information what are you going to do? OSUM monthly meeting it si not enough, SAI introduction is not enought,, JDK 1.7 review is not enough, Glassfish deep dive the same even OpenSolaris install fest is not enough as well as some people might see those words the fist time in their life. And hoever you and your friend are faliliar with progect and product names, people might do not know what it might be? Unser what questin and show it your mon or grany. If they could understent what you mean you did a good job,





People need to see specific names. Build you rband. Names are important. Use your title, You are the Club Leaders. Say it! If you have other spekers at your events they will be happy to see their names at your posters and mailing. They would like to promote their own brands

And finally the most important part.






I said it is the most important question, why is is the smalest one at my slide?






That is much betterWhy should I come at the time you specify to the place you invite me to listen to the topic by the expert Jon Woon? Did you answered my question why should not I go to the pub instead of your event? Why your event better then others? Why it is importatnt for me to be at your event and why people why lost it will regret? Give me a reason to come, to join, to spent their time.For the club meetings you can write how peoples skills will be enhanced after the event? What will they be able to do what they can not do now or how you can help them to help them?

5 W

That is the principle of 5 W you need to use any time you are doing any announcement, advertisement verbally of by email. At poster or at University website at OSUM and at lectures/ Does not matter. For example before the lecture as students will be coming to class you are able to write Date, time, Place ad topic at the class desk and answer Why? question verbally


We can use a Rome figure 5 to come to VW check

That is the second principle always do VW check of any advertisement you do

400 000 times faster

400 times faster

400 000 times faster

humans brain process images then text

Humans brain process images then text.

400 % better

400 % better

Audience recall if presenter used visuals

Audience recall if presenter used visuals. Remember people, that is a part of our phisiology, could not read a text and receive audio information. We do not have a multiprocessing Unfortunately








Sun Academic Initiative


Project Repository


SAI it is a portfolio of webbased extensive tranings on Sun Technologies.You are able to go through them, and pass preliminary exam on-line. Detailed information you will find at OSUM leaders group.If you will be successful, and you would like to receve a real Sun certification for free, we can provide for you that opportunity.

Tech team do a webinars

Technical Demonstrations

Install Fest

Club meetings

Evangelize via blogs and community leadership


Resources for Tech Demos and student projects

Slides, speaker notes, demo scripts

Promotional templates, collateral, media kits, give-aways

Portfolio of hands-on student projects and activities

Welcome kits

Create a vibrant Open Source University Meetup OSUM (club) and connect to Sun's online OSUM Community






They both die

If they STOP

So we are about finishing the webinar. You knew about 4 key principles of successful club building. Hopefully you recall them as you will be planning your activities. And now I would like to share with you fith one. Be hornest you already know it. That secret principle is simple and I can discribe it in 3 words.

Make ideas reality

Make ideas reality. You knew it right? As you all come here you have ideas and you would like to transform them into reality. My father says there are thousands reasons for not doing things and only one to do just which to do it. And other key principles will serve for the 5 one.


Make ideas reality

SMART will help you set specific, measurable, achievable, results driven and timely goals


Make ideas reality

VW check help you to distribute information effectively and promote your ideas


Make ideas reality

Learn, Share and Build community is the principle of using resources you have


Make ideas reality

And finally shark keep shark alive. Do not stop!

Thank you
Learn A Lot
Work Hard
Have Fun Alexander.Belokrylov@sun.comSun Microsystems, Inc.

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Analyst Summit 2004

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