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The Student Kitesurfing Magazine


The Student Ki tesur f ing Magazine Issue 3: September 2010



3 Stop national tourEvents for all skillsChicks only weekends


Kiteloop.indd 1 27/09/2010 11:36





Proud sponsors of the Virgin Active Kitesurf

Channel CrossingVisit shop.!


















Ska_Ion_ad_HR.pdf 1 2010/08/20 3:10 PM

Kiteloop.indd 2 27/09/2010 11:36








6 Student Nationals

8 Beach Break Live

14 2010-2011 Calendar

10 $MVC�1SPmMF��#SJTUPM12 4QPU��-MBOHFOJUI16 1SP�3JEFS��"MJ�#18 The Girl’s (brief) Guide24 Trick Clinic

27 #JH�)JU

Kiteloop.indd 3 27/09/2010 11:36

So, we know it's been a while, but we're back. Like, really back. SKA legends, Alex Hill and )LU�5VYTHU�OH]L�ÄUHSS`�

handed over and given myself and the rest of the brand spanking new SKA committee a massive task to take on. Fear not however eager student kitesurfer, because holy cow have we got a treat for you...

This year will see a three stage national tour take place with each stop hosted by a different uni. The tour will end up in Calshot where Southampton will host the stu-

dent nationals on the 5th and 6th of March. No excuses this time. Make sure you're there! 'What comes before that' I hear you cry? Well, the folks down at Plymouth will be hosting a slider jam and Fe-buary will see a wave event come to Wales. Hood optional. Boots essential.

But what if you don't care about competing and just want to start doing some sweet upwind cruis-ing? That's OK, because this academic year will see multiple beginner events hitting beaches all around the UK for those who


Kiteloop.indd 4 27/09/2010 11:36

OH]L�UL]LY�ÅV^U�H�RP[L�ILMVYL��HUK�also for those who want to nail that boardstart and start shredding. Don't want to travel miles? Never fear, because the SKA will be trav-elling around the country to make sure that everyone get's a slice of the SKA pie.

OK. So you're past boardstarts but you're not quite at competition level? Don't worry trusty interme-diates,: there will be events for you too. We'll be hitting more beaches around the UK just for you guys so you can try out some spankers new kit or even get trick tips from the pros. We'll have you stomping hasslehoffs in no time. Don't know what they are? Google it.

Advanced: Whether you're al-most pro or just a wannabe, we'll be having some weekends aimed at you guys where you can learn everything you need to know from the pros about how to get the best shots taken of you on the water to keep your sponsors happy. Cam-era whores required.

As well as our trusty new events secs, we also have people on the committee who represent every SL]LS�VM�RP[LZ\YÄUN����0M�`V\�OH]L�HU`�questions, then drop them a mail. They love it and get bored if you don't.

(UK� ÄUHSS �̀� L_WLJ[� [V� ZLL� ZVTL�traditionally amazing SKA parties where our media partners expix will be there to record the ensuing mess for all to see.

Not content with all that? OK. We'll be running a holiday abroad too so keep your eyes and ears peeled for updates. This year is going to be big. Very big. Many of you will not have experienced the events which the SKA used to put on for us but if this coming year can be half as successful as the last one which Alex and Ben ran, then I think we'll have done good. Our goal is to run an association which will provide help to every student kitesurfer in the UK, and have the longevity of other Student Associations such as the SWA.

We’d like to shout out a massive thanks to Flexifoil for the free t shirt campaign (if you don’t know what this is you should probably hop to our website) and also a big thanks to the SKA comittee who have been working hard over the sum-mer to get everything sorted for you folks. If you fancy getting in-volved then just click your way to ^^ �̂Z[\KLU[RP[LZ\YÄUN�JV�\R

See you soon.


Kiteloop.indd 5 27/09/2010 11:36

Student Nationals 2010Back in March, when Britain was still in the icy grip of winter, there were rumours down south of something exciting stirring in the Solent. A gath-ering, a battle of epic proportions, the likes of which had never been seen before... Ah, sod it, enough of the dramatic story telling.... The Nationals were SICK!The fact that the weather over the weekend was exceptionally grim and the water temperature was barely above freezing didn’t seem to deter the competitors. The two cat-egories, intermediate and advanced were closely contended. There were tricks ranging from the old school classics such as the ‘hand drag’ and the ‘wave hello’ to the rather more complex ‘roll to revert’, ‘s-bend’ and

even the odd ‘low mobe’ thrown into the mix. Spectators on the beach were kept laughing by the witty com-ments from the panel of judges, pro YPKLYZ� (SP� )HYYL[[�� -YLKKPL� 6SKÄLSK�

& James Boulding and Slingshot’s James Longmuir. They were also kept dancing to the fantastic beats provided by Red Bull from 8.30am to 5pm. Quite a day!With the wind forecast predict-ing no wind on Sunday, the comp organisers went full steam ahead to complete all heats for both cat-

egories and the riders managed to hold out against the elements just long enough to crown the kings (and queens) for the day with Richard Burton (Edinburgh) taking 1st place in the advanced category and Ma-nuel Paiva of Solent University win-ning the intermediates.Then there was the party.And in true SKA fashion, it was a good un’. The evening’s events started off with the prize giving with goods supplied by sponsors King of Watersports, Dakine, Naish, Pro-limit, Aquapac, Beach Break Live, Hooked on and Kamikaze. There

Kiteloop.indd 6 27/09/2010 11:36

Student Nationals 2010were awards for all sorts including the biggest bail (which was spec-tacular!) and best trick. Photos of the day’s events (courtesy of our media partners ExPix) were projected onto the big screen and local band Indigo Sun played an awesome set to kick of the evening’s frivolities and then it got... wild. DJ’s from Red Bull kept the atmosphere hot, while the bar kept things cool... or drool? I can’t remember which.And that was that. Sunday came rather earlier than most would have liked. Fortunately the competition was out of the way and the breeze kicked in just enough for a few riders to get out and have an expression session. Most however lay around in

the sun on huge bean bags or slept under the Red Bull tent dreaming of the awesome events of the previous 24 hours.It was a fantastic event with a great

atmosphere. The guys at SUKS �:V\[OHTW[VU�<UP]LYZP[`�2P[LZ\YÄUN�Society) did an epic job this year and we look forward to what they can WYVK\JL�UL_[�`LHY�� 0[»Z�KLÄUP[LS`�UV[�one to miss so we’ll see you there on the 5th and 6th of March 2011! For a full round-up see the ExPix website:

Words: Al Shepherd, SKA Vice President- EventsImages: Expix

Kiteloop.indd 7 27/09/2010 11:36

A FEWwords

We came. We drank. We conquered. Beach Break Live 2010 saw 17,500 stu-KLU[Z�ÅVJR�[V�7LTIYL �̀�:V\[O�>HSLZ�̂ P[O�hopes and dreams of getting lashed up and seeing some good music. Amongst [OLT�� UPNO� VU� ��� :2(� TLTILYZ� KL-ZJLUKLK�VU[V�[OL�ILHJO�^P[O�H�T`YPHK�of equipment ranging from the small-LZ[� MVPSZ� [V� H� ILHZ[`� ��T�5HPZO� ;VYJO�JV\Y[LZ`�VM�7H\S�:OLWWHYK�MYVT�*HYKPMM�;OL� WYLZLUJL� VM� [OL� :2(� H[� ))3�^HZ� VI]PV\Z� MYVT� KH`� VUL� HZ� ¸JHTW�ÅL_P¹� ZSV^S`� NYL^� MYVT� H� JV\WSL� VM�tents to a mass enclosure, surround-LK� I`� -SL_PMVPS� IHUULYZ� ^P[O� L]LU� H[�[PTLZ� [OL� -SL_PMVPS� KYPURPUN� NHaLIV�-SL_P�OLYVLZ�*YHPN�:WHYRLZ�HUK�>PSS�4J-RLHU�THKL�Z\YL�[OH[�[OLYL�̂ HZ�H�OLHS[O`�Z\WWS`� VM� RP[LZ� [V� NV� HYV\UK� HZ� ^LSS�as taking a hit for the team and look-PUN�HM[LY�HU`�WVVY�THPKLUZ� PU� [OL�^LL�hours who needed help. Good lads.Ian from Expix made sure that the \Z\HS� KY\URLU� KLIH\JOLY`� VM� [OL�:2(� ^LU[� \UTPZZLK� HZ� ^LSS� HZ� [HR-PUN� OPZ� \Z\HS� HTHaPUN� HJ[PVU� WOV-tos on the beach. Well done Ian. >L»YL� PTWYLZZLK� H[� `V\Y� Z[HTPUH�)YPUN� VU� UL_[� `LHY�� 6O� `LH��some wind would be nice too...


Kiteloop.indd 8 27/09/2010 11:36

Kiteloop.indd 9 27/09/2010 11:36


Words by Harry Gregory: BUKS Secretary/SKA Beginner Rep/Instructing God/Super fast pint downer

Bristol University KSociety

:WVUZVYZ!� )YPZ[VS� 2P[LZ[VYL�� /VVRLK�6U� 2P[LZ\YÄUN�� 5PRV»Z� :OPZOH� )HY�Members: 40Regular Spots: SW Wales – Coney Bay, Aberavon, Rest Bay, Llangenith,

Pembrey, Devon –Brean, Weston

Here at Bristol, we have big plans for expansion with the help of [OL�:2(»Z�LWPJ�\WJVTPUN�`LHY��>L»YL�SHYNLS`�ILNPUULY�KVTPUH[LK�I\[�OH]L�HIV\[�LPNO[�L_WLYPLUJLK�HUK�[OVYV\NOS`�HKKPJ[LK�2P[L-surfers, with of course the usual smattering of hang-on gradu-H[LZ���)YPZ[VS�ZLU[�[^V�YPKLYZ�[V�SHZ[�`LHY»Z�:2(�5H[PVUHSZ�I\[�^L»YL�HPTPUN�[V�NL[�H�T\JO�IPNNLY�[LHT�KV^U�[V�YLWYLZLU[�[OPZ�`LHY��6\Y�[VW�YLZ\S[�^HZ�H��YK�7SHJL�PU�[OL�PU[LYTLKPH[LZ��OV^L]LY�[OL�WPU[�KV^UPUN�YHJL�VU�[OL�WVKP\T�^HZ�\UKPZW\[LKS`�PU�)YPZ[VS»Z�OHUKZ�


;OPZ�`LHY�^L�OHK�VUL�VM� [OL�IPNNLZ[� [\YUV\[Z� [V� [OL�ILH\[P-M\S�ILHJOLZ�VM�:[��0]LZ��>P[O�[OL�^PUK�I\PSKPUN�[OYV\NOV\[�[OL�^LLRLUK�[OLYL�̂ HZ�̂ PUK�MVY�[OL�ILNPUULYZ�HUK�[OL�WYV»Z��:VTL�members making massive improvements. Whether it was wa-[LY�Z[HY[PUN�VY�[Y`PUN�V\[�Z[YHWSLZZ�YPKPUN�HUK�ZRPT�IVHYKZ�MVY�[OL�ÄYZ[� [PTL��6MM� [OL�^H[LY� P[�^HZ�HSS�HIV\[�[OL�))8»Z��ILLY�bongs and the worlds hottest chili sauce. A dangerous combi-UH[PVU��(�WLYMLJ[�^H`�[V�JLSLIYH[L�[OL�LUK�VM�L_HTZ��


Last march we made our third annual pilgrimage to the ‘wind capital of the world’ for [OL�SVUN�Z[HUKPUN�ZVJPL[ �̀�̂ OLYL�RLLU�TLTbers of mixed abilities took their skills to the UL_[� SL]LS�� (U� VWWVY[\UP[`� [V� TLL[� V[OLY�\UP]LYZP[`�ZVJPL[PLZ�HSZV�TLHU[�H�JOHUJL�[V�IVUK�V]LY�RP[PUN�HU[PJZ�HUK�+VU�:PTVU�


Kiteloop.indd 10 27/09/2010 11:37

Words by Harry Gregory: BUKS Secretary/SKA Beginner Rep/Instructing God/Super fast pint downer


Regular Spots: SW Wales – Coney Bay, Aberavon, Rest Bay, Llangenith,Pembrey, Devon –Brean, Weston

0U�[OL�ÄYZ[�[LYT�^L�[Y`�[V�NL[�HU�VMÄJPHS�[YPW�^P[O�H�IPN�NYV\W�going at least once a month, with of course lots of spontane-V\Z�KHZOLZ� [V� [OL�ILHJO�^OLU�^PUK�HUK� [PTL[HISLZ�HSSV^��;OLYL�PZ�HSZV�H�M\SS�^LLRLUK�[YPW�PU�[OL�ÄYZ[�[LYT��[V�TH_PTPZL�[PTL�VU�[OL�^H[LY�ILMVYL�P[�NL[Z�H�[HK�JOPSS`��6]LY�[OL�ZLJVUK�[LYT� P[� [LUKZ�[V�IL�VUS`� [OL�OHYK�JVYL�^OV�RLLW�W\UPZOPUN�themselves before beginner trips start up again in a build up [V�V\Y�,HZ[LY�HUU\HS�[YPW��;OL�WHZ[�ML^�`LHYZ�^L»]L�ILLU�[V�;HYPMH�HUK�[OPZ�`LHY�^L»YL�JVUZPKLYPUN�7VY[\NHS����





Last march we made our third annual pil-grimage to the ‘wind capital of the world’ for [OL�SVUN�Z[HUKPUN�ZVJPL[ �̀�̂ OLYL�RLLU�TLT-bers of mixed abilities took their skills to the UL_[� SL]LS�� (U� VWWVY[\UP[`� [V� TLL[� V[OLY�\UP]LYZP[`�ZVJPL[PLZ�HSZV�TLHU[�H�JOHUJL�[V�IVUK�V]LY�RP[PUN�HU[PJZ�HUK�+VU�:PTVU�


Kiteloop.indd 11 27/09/2010 11:37

Dear MumMissing everyone

at home, but check

out this sick spot!

As far as waves go they never get

too big, most call it 4-5ft on a good

day, but it consistently catches SW

swells and is ideal for learners



something to do if the wind’s not

playing ball. If the wind’s good it’s

a fun beach break, and the shallow

beach means that for the most part


to the shore, so although you’re

unlikely to get in the green room it’s

an ideal place to hone your strap-

less skills and is suitable for free


style if you know what you’re doing.

If you’re trying to get up on a board

you’re likely to spend a bit of ti


dodging the white water that makes

its way closer to the shore, but it’s

nice and safe, you can walk out a fair

way and there’s no risk of crowds!

If you’re a chilled out freerider this

beach will suit you down to the

ground, with more exciting conditions

than usual, and nothing likely to scare

you off the water. Anyway, lots of

love and hopefully see you soon...

Ben Gillespie xxSKA VP Liaison

Llangenith, Rhosili Bay

Works in:NNW, NW, W, SW, and if you don’t mind it getting a bit gusty as it comes over the southern tip of the bay then S and SSE too.



until an hour either side of high. Around high

tide you may have to get uncomfortably close

to the dunes to launch and land.

Local Rules:The beach is split into swim, surf and kite

zones, and kiters must stay north of the small river that runs out onto the beach. The

same applies to powerkiters on the beach as

well as kitesurfers.

The Journey!

Kiteloop.indd 12 27/09/2010 11:37

$VVXPLQJ�\RX�ßQG�\RXU�ZD\�ZLWKRXW�WRR�PXFK�WURXEOH��\RX�OO�ßQG�WKH�VPDOO�YLOODJH�RI�/ODQJHQLWK�SODQWHG�DW�RQH�HQG�RI�the massive Rhosili bay, which runs from North to South and forms the tip of the Gower Peninsula in South Wales. If you’ve accidentally parked at the South end of the bay...unlucky, you’ll have to suck it up and drive the 45 mins back inland and round to the North of the bay. Be careful you don’t get lost – even the Welsh can get trapped in the labyrinth of country lanes (for more info speak to our Chick Rep, Char-lotte Davies). It’s either that or walk a couple of clicks up the beach with all your gear.Drive through Llangenith to Hill End campsite and your only clue that this spot provides some of the most consistent VXUßQJ�DQG�NLWHVXUßQJ�LQ�WKH�8.�LV�3-�V�VXUI�VKRS��VLWXDWHG�next to the only pub for about 10 miles, the Kings Head Inn – both of which are worth remembering. 5 minutes down the road you’ll reach Hill End campsite. For a few quid you can park just behind the dunes, and then it’s a short walk to the EHDFK��DQG�KRSHIXOO\�VRPH�VZHHW�NLWHVXUßQJ�

style if you know what you’re doing.

If you’re trying to get up on a board

you’re likely to spend a bit of ti


dodging the white water that makes

its way closer to the shore, but it’s

nice and safe, you can walk out a fair

way and there’s no risk of crowds!

If you’re a chilled out freerider this

beach will suit you down to the

ground, with more exciting conditions

than usual, and nothing likely to scare

you off the water. Anyway, lots of

love and hopefully see you soon...

Zac Andrews, nailing a EDFNàLS�RQ�D�UDUH�QR�wind day

NNW, NW, W, SW, and if you don’t mind it getting a bit gusty as it comes over the southern tip of the bay then S and SSE too.


until an hour either side of high. Around high

tide you may have to get uncomfortably close

to the dunes to launch and land.

The beach is split into swim, surf and kite

zones, and kiters must stay north of the small river that runs out onto the beach. The

same applies to powerkiters on the beach as

James Bowker on his trusty 2005 14m Airush about to session the ‘genith on his strapless stick

Kiteloop.indd 13 27/09/2010 11:37

2010/2011 SKA CALENDARWe know it’s not quite the centrefold you’re used to, but you can still stick this up on your wall and get excited...

��[O���[O�6J[VILY Beginner Event Llangenith

2��UK���[O�6J[VILY Beginner Event Redcar

��[O���Z[�6J[VILY .PYSZ�*SPUPJ Rhosneiger


;)*�5V]LTILY Intermediate Event ;)*


Don’t know which of these events or meets is for you?Hop onto our brand new website and get more info for yourself...7KH�ðUVW�HYHU�6.$�QDWLRQDO�WRXU�VWDUWV�LQ�1RYHPEHU�ZKHUH�3O\PRXWK�XQLYHUVLW\�are hosting a a slider jam with Flexifoil sponsored obstacles. There are prizes and freebies up for grabs (we know how much students hate free stuff) at each WRXU�VWRS�DQG�WKH�ZLQQHU�RI�WKH�VHULHV�ZLOO�UHFHLYH�DQ�H[WUD�SUL]H���.HHQ"��6LJQ�XS�IRU�\RXUVHOI�DW�ZZZ�VWXGHQWNLWHVXUðQJ�FR�XN

BE in tHe KNOW

Kiteloop.indd 14 27/09/2010 11:37

2010/2011 SKA CALENDARWe know it’s not quite the centrefold you’re used to, but you can still stick this up on your wall and get excited...


�[O� [O�1HU\HY` Intermediate Event ;)*

�[O��[O�-LI\HY` 5H[PVUHS�;V\Y��:[YHWSLZZ Rhosneiger


��[O���[O�4HYJO 0U[�)LNPUULY�*SPUPJ ;)*

��[O���[O�1\UL )LHJO�)YLHR�3P]L�*VTW 7LTIYL`

Don’t know which of these events or meets is for you?Hop onto our brand new website and get more info for yourself...7KH�ðUVW�HYHU�6.$�QDWLRQDO�WRXU�VWDUWV�LQ�1RYHPEHU�ZKHUH�3O\PRXWK�XQLYHUVLW\�are hosting a a slider jam with Flexifoil sponsored obstacles. There are prizes and freebies up for grabs (we know how much students hate free stuff) at each WRXU�VWRS�DQG�WKH�ZLQQHU�RI�WKH�VHULHV�ZLOO�UHFHLYH�DQ�H[WUD�SUL]H���.HHQ"��6LJQ�XS�IRU�\RXUVHOI�DW�ZZZ�VWXGHQWNLWHVXUðQJ�FR�XN

BE in tHe KNOW

Kiteloop.indd 15 27/09/2010 11:37

interviewed:After competing in the BKSA tour last year, Ali was named 4th best kitesurfer in the UK. We caught up with him for a quick chat before he started Uni.

What and where are you studying Ali?Southampton Solent, Power Craft and Yacht Design.

/V^�SVUN�OH]L�`V\�ILLU�RP[LZ\YÄUN�MVY&Seven years now.

How did you get into kiting?Originally I just saw all the kites down at the St Annes Kite festival and thought it looked pretty fun getting dragged around the beach and into the air. So I saved up the money from weeks of doing my paper round, and then bought this little 3m kite. 0�[OLU�ÅL^�[OPZ�L]LY`�KH`�MVY�SPRL���TVU[OZ�and then borrowed a landboard from a mate and went from there. It all seems so SVUN�HNV�UV �̂�I\[�0�Z[PSS�YLTLTILY�T`�ÄYZ[�session on the water as clear as today.

Best comp result? 1st BKSA Balmedie event Pros

What are your sponsors?Slinghot kites, Kiteitright,

Favourite Trick?Low Mobe, But anything can look good with your own style. Personally I like to go into stuff with a lot of speed because it

looks better than fannying around slowly. Gotta admit I am abit obsessed with go-ing as big as poss though. Nothing beats that feeling when its 40knts and you just trying to get as high as possible on loops and board offs. I love it all. You need vari-ety in life though. If I keep doing the same stuff I get bored.

Favourite conditions and kite?How longs a piece of string? For freestyle Z[\MM� SPRL� OHUKSL� WHZZLZ� 0� SPRL� NSHZZ`� ÅH[�water and 20knt so 8-10m weather like in Western Oz. But then I love 40-45 knts and massive waves for boosting off which is what you get in Cape Town.

Worst Injury?Busting my MCL a couple of years ago. Couldn't walk for 2 months, and had 4 months off the water. Freakin annoying as you don't really know when its back to strength. You gotta go out on the water and take it easy, but I hate doing that. I also smashed my head open. That was pretty grim. A wave picked my board up while I was body dragging back to it and dropped it on my head. Pretty inconsider-

ate if you ask me. Blacked out for a few seconds and ended up on the beach somehow. Packed my kit up and drove myself to hospital with blood pouring out my head and ended up having 10 stables pinned into my skull. I think getting the staples put in was more painful than any-thing else I've ever had.

What is your party trick?Fire breathing, But the one time I did it I ZL[�T`�^OVSL� MHJL� VU� ÄYL�� )HK� ZOV\[� PM�you ask me. Turning up at college the next day with half a face was interesting. At least I had the vid to show what hap-pened.

What advice would you give to any stu-KLU[�^HU[PUN�[V�NL[�PU[V�RP[LZ\YÄUN&DO IT. Don't hesitate. Although you will ÄUK�`V\YZLSM�L]LU�TVYL�ZRPU[�[OHU�ILMVYL��But its such a good sport. Make friends with someone with a small trainer kite, and just rob that loads. That's the most important bit I reckon. If you have 100 percent control of the kite and don't have to worry about it, then the rest is pretty simple.

Kiteloop.indd 16 27/09/2010 11:37

interviewed:Ali Blooks better than fannying around slowly. Gotta admit I am abit obsessed with go-ing as big as poss though. Nothing beats that feeling when its 40knts and you just trying to get as high as possible on loops and board offs. I love it all. You need vari-ety in life though. If I keep doing the same stuff I get bored.

Favourite conditions and kite?How longs a piece of string? For freestyle Z[\MM� SPRL� OHUKSL� WHZZLZ� 0� SPRL� NSHZZ`� ÅH[�water and 20knt so 8-10m weather like in Western Oz. But then I love 40-45 knts and massive waves for boosting off which is what you get in Cape Town.

Worst Injury?Busting my MCL a couple of years ago. Couldn't walk for 2 months, and had 4 months off the water. Freakin annoying as you don't really know when its back to strength. You gotta go out on the water and take it easy, but I hate doing that. I also smashed my head open. That was pretty grim. A wave picked my board up while I was body dragging back to it and dropped it on my head. Pretty inconsider-

ate if you ask me. Blacked out for a few seconds and ended up on the beach somehow. Packed my kit up and drove myself to hospital with blood pouring out my head and ended up having 10 stables pinned into my skull. I think getting the staples put in was more painful than any-thing else I've ever had.

What is your party trick?Fire breathing, But the one time I did it I ZL[�T`�^OVSL� MHJL� VU� ÄYL�� )HK� ZOV\[� PM�you ask me. Turning up at college the next day with half a face was interesting. At least I had the vid to show what hap-pened.

What advice would you give to any stu-KLU[�^HU[PUN�[V�NL[�PU[V�RP[LZ\YÄUN&DO IT. Don't hesitate. Although you will ÄUK�`V\YZLSM�L]LU�TVYL�ZRPU[�[OHU�ILMVYL��But its such a good sport. Make friends with someone with a small trainer kite, and just rob that loads. That's the most important bit I reckon. If you have 100 percent control of the kite and don't have to worry about it, then the rest is pretty simple.

Boots or Straps?When conditions are right then boots are the one. But not every day is for boots. I hate people who say they are. So frustrat-ing. When I want to go out maxed on my 6 to do boosts and loops then straps is where it's at for that type of riding other-wise you're just asking for a broken knee or two.

North or South?Hmmmm. Well you're talkin to a north-erner who's moving south. I'll always be a northerner at heart no matter how much I try otherwise. I like gravy on chips. That's northern right? And nothin' beats Black-pool on a night out. But. My opinions could changed over the next few months.

Blonde or Brunette?Red. like that dark died red is f***in cool... Although there was this one brunette who goes to Southampton Uni.......

(UK�ÄUHSS �̀�^OH[�KVLZ�[OL��)��Z[HUK�MVY&Barrett, bizzle, battered. Depends who I'm with.

Images: Expix

Kiteloop.indd 17 27/09/2010 11:37

a girl’s (brief) guide to kitesurfing/V^�KPK�`V\�NL[�PU[V�RP[LZ\YÄUN&

>LSS��0�ÄYZ[�OHK�H�[Y`�VU�[OL�SHUK�^OLU�I was at University in Southampton. I bought an ancient old 4-line kite along with some friends and we played around with it on the grass at Calshot. But it wasn’t until I lived in Canada [OL�`LHY�0�ÄUPZOLK�<UP�[OH[�0�OHK�H�NV�on the water. After my ski season I ended up working for the summer as Site Manager at Squamish Windsport Society. It was a windsurf and kite-surf club, and getting me into kiting seemed part of their deal!

;OL�ÄYZ[� [PTL� 0� YVKL�\W�^PUK�HUK�NV[�back to where I started I was hooked!! I went home, saved some money, and went to La Ventana in Mexico to just kite all winter. The rest is history…!!


Well number one is you must get les-ZVUZ���([�[OL�LUK�VM�[OL�KH �̀�RP[LZ\YÄUN�is an extreme sport and if you don’t learn the correct safety procedures it really can be dangerous. So… lecture over… the best way is to join your Uni club, get some advice and some les-sons, then lots of practice is the key. 6UJL�̀ V\�OH]L�SLHYU[�[V�Å`�H�RP[L�ZHMLS`�on the land, you should keep practic-ing until it is second nature before you OP[�[OL�^H[LY���;OPZ�^H`�`V\�^PSS�ÄUK�P[�

much easier when you come to think about body dragging up wind and put-ting a board on our feet, as you won’t have to worry so much about what the kite is up to.

What are the best conditions to learn PU&

The best conditions for you to learn in are a light to moderate wind that is steady and not too gusty, with plenty of room around you to make a safe en-vironment. It is of course nice to have warmer water, but a good wetsuit and some jumping up and down will sort you out if it’s a bit nippy!! Please 73,(:,�KVU»[�NP]L�\W� PM� `V\�ÄUK� [OL�ÄYZ[� ML^� ZLZZPVUZ� KPMÄJ\S[�� 0� WYVTPZL�that it is an easy sport to learn and suddenly it will all click together and

© Patrice Moran

Kiteloop.indd 18 27/09/2010 11:37

a girl’s (brief) guide to kitesurfing.........with Johara Sykes-Davies

you will be having the time of your life!


So as I said before, the more you practice on the land before you hit the ^H[LY�� [OL� LHZPLY� `V\�^PSS� ÄUK� P[�� � :V�it might be worth you having a cou-ple of lessons on the land and then buying a land kite between you and some friends so you can practice to your hearts content. (Something like a Flexifoil Sting or Quark will be perfect!)

When you’ve got that mastered, you’ve had some lessons on the wa-ter and your looking to buy some kit, you will need a harness, one or two kites and board, along with the usual wetsuit, waterproof mascara etc!

Harness… when you are learning it is easier to wear a seat harness. This helps your body position and makes it easier to learn to ride up wind. Once you have mastered that and are pretty JVUÄKLU[�VU�[OL�^H[LY��`V\�^PSS�WYVI-ably want to swap to a waist harness. ;OPZ�^PSS�NP]L�`V\�T\JO�TVYL�ÅL_PIPSP[`�and it’s easier when you start to learn tricks… plus it looks less like a nappy and allows you to show off your latest boardies ;-) (I wear the Prolimit Pure Girl Edge waist harness which I could sleep in it is so comfortable!)

Kites… you will want to look for a hybrid or bow kite. (A Flexifoil Proton would be perfect.) These kites are easier to relaunch, have more depower, which means they are more likely to get you out of a Z[PJR`�ZP[\H[PVU��WS\Z�`V\�JHU�Å`�[OLT�in a bigger wind range, so you need to buy less kites. Perfect!! More beer money!! You will also have to decide what size or sizes of kite you want to buy. It mainly depends on your weight and what wind strengths you gener-ally go out in. Somewhere between 7 meters and 10 meters for most girls should be good, but have a word with your instructor or your Uni club and they should be able to help you.

continued on next page...

© Jenny Young

© Jonathan Winberg

Kiteloop.indd 19 27/09/2010 11:37

Board… you can pick up some pretty good, cheap second hand boards [OH[� HYL� PKLHS� MVY� `V\Y� ÄYZ[� JV\WSL� VM�years riding. Again, it depends on your weight and your ability. When `V\�ÄYZ[�SLHYU�[V�NL[�\W�VU�[OL�IVHYK�it is much easier if your board is a bit bigger. But as you progress to riding upwind and then doing tricks, you will ÄUK�H�IPN�IVHYK�OHYKLY�[V�THUHNL�HUK�a bit cumbersome. If you can use a ZJOVVS�IVHYK�[V�ÄYZ[�NL[�[V�NYPWZ�^P[O�riding, then look to buy something be-tween a 128 and a 134 that should do `V\�ÄUL����)HSHUJL�KV�H�WLYMLJ[�IVHYK�for girls, the Team 130 and Team 133)


Girls are better than boys because they learn in a totally different way. Girls think about things before they go for them, whereas boys just go for it with muscle and not so much brain! Girls therefore learn things slower but with a lot more grace and style. That is why girls should never compare their level or technique to that of a guy be-

cause they ride and learn in a different way; look to other girls for inspiration!


Being sponsored is both a great hon-our and hard work. It’s an honour because the companies that support you think you are worth giving time and money to. But its also hard work because you have to train hard, keep your results up and make sure you get enough coverage in the media to keep them happy.

I hope every girl out there that reads this goes straight out, joins her Uni club and gets herself some kite les-ZVUZ�� �.PYSZ� PU� RP[LZ\YÄUN� HYL� MHZ[� VU�the increase and we’re beginning to show the guys just how it’s done! With role models such as PKRA Free-style World Champion Bruna Kajiya to look up to, there is no stopping us. So if you get to the beach and there are a group of scary guys looking at you, don’t turn around and skulk back to the car, but strut your stuff right through the middle and show them how its done!! You go girls!!

Johara Xx


© Patrice Moran

Kiteloop.indd 20 27/09/2010 11:37

Kiteloop.indd 21 27/09/2010 11:37


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Kiteloop.indd 23 27/09/2010 11:38

SKA Trick Clinic:

;OLYL�PZ�UV�[YPJR�TVYL�]PZ\HSS`�YLJVNUPZHISL�[OHU�[OL�YHSL`�HUK�MVY�THU`�RP[LYZ�P[�^PSS�IL�[OLPY�ÄYZ[�Z[LW�PU[V�[OL�^VYSK�VM�\UOVVRLK�HUK�^HRLZ[`SL�YPKPUN��;OL�ÄYZ[�[PTL� `V\� SHUK� H� YHSL`� `V\»YL� ÄSSLK�^P[O� H� MLLSPUN� VM�outstanding self satisfaction and achievement and I guarantee nothing will be able to wipe the childlike NYPU�VMM�VM�`V\Y�MHJL��


THE SETUP » Approach the trick with some solid speed. You

should feel in control, not over powered but not hav-ing to work the kite. » Position your kite at about 45 degrees off the wa-

ter; it should remain in this position throughout the trick. Your hands should be as close to the centre of the bar as possible. With them here there is less chance of you redirecting the kite whilst you are in the air. » Come off your edge, stand more upright, ride

slightly towards the kite. Unhook. Riding towards the kite releases the tension on the lines so that you can unhook easily. » There is no need to rush the set up; if you try and

do everything super fast you will lose your composure.

Kiteloop.indd 24 27/09/2010 11:38


Keeping your arms bent at about 90 degrees re-engage your edge. » Cut away from the kite driving the nose of the board

upwind by digging in with your back heel. It is this cut-ting motion which gives you the release off the water. » The body position in the air is one that comes when

all elements of the trick come together. The pull of the kite and the initial pop off the water cause the legs to be thrown behind the head. Keeping you head up too much during the trick will kill the momentum of you board and stop you from achieving the true raley position. » You head should go between your arms; this not only

allows you to see and spot your landing early but gives [OL�ZOHWL�[OH[�KLÄULZ�[OL�[YPJR�� » The arms should be kept slightly bent; straightening

the arms makes it harder to pull in on the bar when it comes to landing.

LANDING » You should be spotting you landing almost from the

moment you leave the water. As you reach the top of the raley, start to bring your arms down towards your front hip and your front knee towards your hands. This brings your board underneath you and pointing down-wind ready for the landing. » With the board back underneath you, you will be

coming in hard and fast, bend your knees to absorb the impact and keep your weight balanced on landing. » Continue to ride down wind towards the kite and

hook back in; get back on to your edge, compose your-ZLSM������HUK�JSHPT�P[��@V\»]L�Q\Z[�SHUKLK�`V\Y�ÄYZ[�YHSL �̀�

» RIDER: Ben Gillespie

Kiteloop.indd 25 27/09/2010 11:38

get some air... in fuerte���^P[O�A6*6�[YH]LSFuerteventura (Fuerte) is the second largest of all the

Canary Islands and is famous for its enormous sand dunes, all year round sun & legendry kite and windsurf-ing conditions.

Located just 98kms from the African coast, Fuerte is [OL�WLYMLJ[��ZOVY[�OH\S�^PU[LY�RP[LZ\YÄUN�KLZ[PUH[PVU�HZ�P[»Z�Q\Z[�H���OV\Y�ÅPNO[�MYVT�[OL�<2��,]LU�PU�[OL�TPKKSL�of winter it rarely drops below 20 degrees with around 7 hours a day of sun. As most people think of Fuerte HZ� Q\Z[�ILPUN�H� Z\TTLY� RP[LZ\YÄUN�KLZ[PUH[PVU��^PU[LY�RP[LZ\YMLYZ� JHU� [HRL� HK]HU[HNL� VM� JOLHW� ÅPNO[Z� HUK�look forward to uncrowded beaches. Although not the WYPTL�RP[LZ\YÄUN�ZLHZVU��^PU[LY�^PUK�Z[H[Z�HYL�Z[PSS� MH-vourable with around a 50 – 60% chance of 4bft or over.

9`HU�(PY�HUK�,HZ`1L[�VMMLY�KPYLJ[�ÅPNO[Z�[V�-\LY[L]LU[\YH�HUK�H�YL[\YU�ÅPNO[�PU�^PU-ter can start from as little as £85. ( offers packages for beginners, intermediates and experienced kitesurfers in Cor-ralejo & Costa Calma. Beginner & intermediate packages start from around 600 Euros per week , rental packages start from 310 Euros per week and accommo-dation for experienced kitesurfers from just 149 Euros per week.

The North and South of Fuerte offer something totally KPMMLYLU[�MVY�RP[LZ\YMLYZ��;OL�THPU�HYLH�MVY�RP[LZ\YÄUN�in the North is Flag Beach, just outside the resort of Corralejo. This white sandy beach offers great fre-eride conditions for most of the year and wave riding conditions in winter. The resort of Corralejo offers ex-cellent nightlife with plenty of late night bars.

;OL�THPU�RP[LZ\YÄUN�HYLH�PU�[OL�ZV\[O�PZ�HYV\UK�:V[H]LU-to beach which is also the location of the Kiteboarding World Cup. Thanks to being located in a wind accel-eration zone this is the most consistently windy spot in Fuerte and the mile-long sandy beach never feels crowd-LK��;OL�ZTHSS�SHNVVU�ÄSSZ�H[�OPNO�[PKL�[V�WYV]PKL�H�WLYMLJ[�place for beginners and newbie kitesurfers. The nearby resort of Costa Calma is more low-key than Corralejo but still has a good choice of bars and restaurants with the Fuerte Action Cafe being the most popular meeting point for kitesurfers and windsurfers in the evening.

Up: Zac Andrews4PK!�:[LWO�¸Z\WLYTHU¹�-VZ[LY+V^U!�=HS�4\LUaLS

Kiteloop.indd 26 27/09/2010 11:38


Rider: Carl Bowen-PriceEvent: Student Nationals 2010Photo: Expix

Carl threw down this massive kiteloop at the recent nationals which earned

him the title of “best bail”. He suf-fered a broken wrist and had to be taken to hospital after, although you know what they say; “pain is tempo-rary...”. Nice one Carl.

Above: Carl. Post-crash.


Kiteloop.indd 27 27/09/2010 11:38


Specialising in spares and accessories for our full range of kites as well as Flexifoil fashion, with brand new lines coming soon, pop over and have a look today!
















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Kiteloop.indd 28 27/09/2010 11:38

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