knowing god's purpose in our lives

Post on 18-Feb-2022






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Saturday morning “Prayer Watch” - 7.00am to 8.30am

Sherwin Brown, Edris Buchanan-Edwards, Martin Cole, Wilbur Jeffers & Norma Moss; Annie Dzwaka (CPC Secretary) Rev Phyllis Brown, Rev Ethline Henry, Rev Dennis Hines, Bishop Rudolph Parkinson, Rev Virginia Thomas, Rev Phyllis Thompson

Tel. 01604 630 007

Church & Pastor’s Council Members:

Local Ministers:

Senior Pastor: Bishop Donnovan Allen

10th February 2019 at 11.00am

"Knowing God's Purpose in our lives:

Classes Teachers

Splash! Alicia Brown & Geraldine Goode

(3 - 6 yrs) (Kitchen Annex )

Xstream Fiona Edwards & Claudette Williamson

(7- 11 yrs) (Small Hall)

theGrid Lydia Noble-Lawson & Courtney Johnson

(12 -15 yrs) (Large Hall Upstairs )

SUbstance Nastassia Holnes

(16 -24 yrs) (Computer Room , behind the Musicians)

Adults Rev Phyllis Brown, Paulette Peters & Louis Wright

(25+ ) (Sanctuary)

Every Sunday - 10.00-10.50am (except First Sundays)

Sunday School Superintendent: Paulette Wright

This Week’s Commentary Lesson - 10 February 2019

Casting Out Demons

Matthew 17:14-20; Mark 5:1-20; 9:14-29

Central Truth: Jesus came into the world to destroy the works of

the devil.

Focus: Recognise Jesus’ authority over demonic powers

and depend on His power to deliver the demon


Golden Text: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,

that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1

John 3:8)

Next Week’s Commentary Lesson - 17 February 2019

Jesus Heals the Sick

Mark 2:1-12; 3:1-7; John 5:1-16

Central Truth: Jesus provides healing for the body and the soul.

Focus: Examine ways that Jesus healed and believe

God for healing..

Golden Text: “Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went

forth before them all; insomuch that they were all

amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never

saw it on this fashion” (\Mark 2:12)

Weekly Bible Readings

February 2019

Sunday 10th Numbers 7 - 9

Monday 11th Numbers 10 - 12

Tuesday 12th Numbers 13 - 15

Wednesday 13th Numbers 16 - 18

Thursday 14th Numbers 19 - 21

Friday 15th Numbers 22 - 24

Saturday 16th Numbers 25 - 27

Why being Pentecostal Matters to Me

I, Annie, was born and raised in a Christian family and attended Sunday school as a child. During that time, I would only read Genesis chapter 1 and could not read any further as I found it extremely hard to understand the King James

Version of the bible. At Sunday school we were required to recite bible verses and each week my brothers and sisters would write a verse for me and I would practice all week. This was how I got to know the scriptures but frankly speaking I did not understand them at all. At the age of fourteen, I gave my life to Christ and was baptised in a local river in my hometown. My faith grew and I began to understand God’s word better and would attend youth conferences away from home. Chiko accepted Christ in January 2015 and was baptised on 31 March 2016 here at College Street NTCG. She is seeking the Pentecostal experience of the Holy Spirit baptism. As Pentecostals, we have learnt to live and walk by faith and not by sight as the world does. Knowing that Jesus conquered death on the cross at Calvary gives us the hope that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I believe however, that young people today, as older folks, need to know the simple truth of the Gospel of Christ regardless of denominational expressions. As long as the denomination believes in the Trinity, water and Holy Spirit baptism, resurrection and the preaching of the undiluted Word of God to suit worldly lifestyles, we are at liberty to choose to belong to a denomination that helps our spiritual growth. However, being Pentecostal matters to us because it gives us the freedom to worship God in the power and freedom of the Holy Spirit. We can quietly worship and pray in our hearts while in the places that others would not see as appropriate worship places. There are no rituals for worship and

praying that one is required to follow. We can be creative in our worship. Pentecostalism teaches us to live according to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the principles laid down in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit gives us strength and wisdom to manage the challenges we face in life in ways that exceed our expectations. As a Pentecostal mother I have learnt to intercede for my daughter and have witnessed answers to my prayers. During a time of unemployment I sought the Lord’s wisdom in earnest and today I am a witness of the power of the Holy Spirit led prayer. My experience of Pentecostalism at College Street meets my expectations because the church believes in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. We also believe in water baptism and speaking in tongues. During the services, there is freedom to worship as the Holy Spirit leads and lives are being touched and transformed. Chiko is still learning as she grows and some day she will be able to give her own account of the Pentecostal experience. Pentecostalism at College Street is not limited within the church walls and it’s extended to the local community and even abroad through missions. Voluntary feeding of the homeless and donations are given to national charities and to other charities carrying out building projects outside the UK to help the less privileged. The Word of God teaches us not to be selfish but to look out for one another and in doing this we are extending God’s love to God’s people. All Committed Christians seek to serve the Lord outside of the Church but Pentecostals in my experience bring a richer dimension to ministry and mission of the Christian witness especially when the Holy Spirit unctions us to speak to individuals, powers and principalities in society and bring about change for the better.

Annie and Chiko Dzwaka



DATE: Saturday March 30, 2019


Profile Isiah Raymond Dyer Evangelist Isaiah Raymond Dyer is a multi-faceted individual,

primarily recognized for his musical abilities. In the early ‘90s,

Isaiah-Raymond Dyer found himself in trouble with the law and

doing time in prison. The incarceration had a profound effect on

him and he left prison a changed man with a renewed

commitment to his faith in Jesus Christ. He returned to Church, joined the choir,

and in 1994 formed the gospel group Raymond & Co. He thus became

internationally known as the Founder of the renowned multi award winning UK

Gospel group ‘Raymond & Co’ & later Founder of UK Worship Unit 'Isaiah-

Raymond & Friends'

Born and raised in The Ministry of Restoration International Pentecostal Church

in London, England Isaiah-Raymond is an Evangelist/ motivational speaker & is

noted as ‘a bridge between two generations’ and is able to communicate

principles to audiences of all ages

Isaiah Raymond has preached in the UK, USA, Jamaica & Africa and carries a

clear anointing to declare the Gospel to all ages. Noted for his wit, energy and

ability to make the truth of God's Word easily understood, Isaiah Raymond has a

passion to share Jesus Christ and His powerful message. As an Evangelist

under Love Life UK Outreach a part of his audience lies beyond the Church walls

in prisons/ broken communities and Isaiah-Raymond's ministry is noted for his

ability to lead praise and worship, his unique style, fervour and anointing leaves a

notable impact time after time. This coupled with his ability to share powerful

exhortations touches audiences across cultures.

As the Founder of The Rise of The Worshipping Warriors Conference Concept,

Isaiah-Raymond has presented a travelling Worship Conference partnering with

Ministries in the UK, Jamaica & South Africa and is seeing The Rise of The

Worshipping Warriors in Nations.

Isaiah Raymond is married to Evangelist Susan Dyer and is the Father of Divine,

Nebiyah & Joshua-Nabiy.

Sunday Morning 11.00 – 13.00 Moderator: Nastassia Holness Praise and Worship

Opening Prayer: Cindy Glen

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 16: 23 - 31 Read by: Monique Welds

Ministry in Song: Aundrae Jordine

Reflection: Fatima Bah

Ministry in Mime: Speechless Mime and Crew

Worship in Giving

The Word: Isaiah Raymond Dyer

Lunch Break: 13:00 – 15:30

Sunday Evening 15:30 – 19.00 Moderator: Nastassia Holness Praise and Worship

Opening Prayer: Caleb Hyder

Worship in Song: Ashannique & Friends

Scripture: Psalm 95: 1 - 7 Read by: Sis Brown

Worship in Giving

Ministry in Song: Aundrae Jordine

Reflection: Richard Holness

Ministry in Mime: Speechless Mime and Crew

The Word: Isaiah Raymond Dyer

Strengthening our Grip in Prayer in 2019 & Growing In Prayer Together!

You are invited to join in prayer on our local church family’s new Telephone Prayer Line now set up and in use.

Let us continue Strengthening our Grip on Prayer and Growing in Prayer Together based on the written word of God.

Join us weekly on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 1 hour Prayer Watch: 6:00am - 7:00am.

Below are the telephone number and the access instructions:

1) Dial Tele number: 033 3443 3443

2) Then enter Room Password: 488 52205#

3) Finally enter the Pin number: 1053#

Please Note: DO NOT forget to enter the # key in Steps 2 and 3


May God bless us abundantly in our prayer lives this year as

individuals and a church family!

The Local Church Prayer Ministry Team

Please continue to

PRAY for and

visit those who are

experiencing illnesses or


February Recognition

Is your Birthday in February?

Is there something you would like us to celebrate

with you?

Please contact a member of the Comms Team or email and we will include your news in

the weekly notice sheet - all items to be submitted

by 5pm on Wednesday

Notes Page

Notes Page


Please submit any items by 5pm on Wednesday for inclusion in the Notice Sheet

Email all items to

If it is a paper item such as a leaflet then please hand it to one of the Team (Sandra Heath, Viv Welsh & Paulette Wright) by the deadline.

Items received after the deadline will be forwarded to the following issue at the discretion of the Team

(This means that any items given on a Sunday morning for display will not be used as it will not be consistent with the published


Please make full use of the Notice sheet by sending your Testimonies, words of encouragement and articles


If you have any concerns, queries or would just like to speak with Pastor, please book an appointment with Annie Dzwaka on 01604 630 007 Surgery runs from 10.00am - 3.00pm & 6.00pm - 8.00pm on THURS

NTCG College Street Mission Statement The Mission of NTCG College Street is to Train and Develop all members to Communicate the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19, 20) in the Spirit and Power of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4, 6, 13-18)

Together we will fulfil the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by helping people to become fully functioning followers of Christ.

We aim to help every believer to discover the gifts and talents God gave them (Ephesians 4:11-16).

Are you making a donation, paying Tithes or Offering by

Debit Card? Please speak to a Steward at any time before the

start of Service. Thank You.

Notice Sheet also available at

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