knowlarity case study : how coffee farmers are benefiting from cloud communication

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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Knowlarity Case Study - Using Cloud Communication to help farmers make better Agricultural Decisions

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� Trusted by over 15000+ businesses across 65+ countries, Knowlarity is the leading cloud communications provider in emerging markets.

� The company was incorporated in August 2009 and has grown from scratch to a global venture of 420+ employees.

� Backed by Sequoia Capital and Mayfield, two of the most prestigious Venture Capital firms worldwide, Knowlarity is headquartered in Singapore; and has offices located in India, Turkey, Dubai and the Philippines.

How Coffee Farmers Are Benefiting From Cloud Communication Technology?

Coffee is a universally loved beverage – be it your dark, strong shots of espresso or frothy filter coffee in a steel tumbler. What better way to wake up every morning than to the smell of this freshly brewed delicious dark liquid?

But have you ever wondered where your coffee comes from? What are the challenges that farmers face, protecting their crops from diseases and bad weather conditions to get that bean to your cup?

Luckily you don’t have to!

Knowlarity provided an automated solution that connects farmers and crop experts to collect and disseminate information respectively,using its flagship product Smart IVR

� CABI associated with Coffee Board of India and Knowlarity to launch the Café Móvel - a mobile-enabled initiative to provide information needed by coffee producers in southern India.

� If a farmer calls, s/he can listen to latest alerts on weather, developments in farming techniques, information on combating crop diseases, or the latest world market price of different types of coffee in order to support real-time decision making.

� CABI understands the importance of mobile technology in reaching remote communities in countries like India.

� This mobile advisory service has been embraced by thousands of farmers.

� Farmers view mobile delivery of agricultural information beneficial, enabling them to access up-to-the-minute data in order to improve their crop yield and in turn their livelihood.

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