kompendium pencemaran lingkungan [repaired]

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Dihimpun dan diabstraksikan oleh:Azwar Ali, A. Catharina, Prayitno, Soemarno. PPSUB 2012

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

    Polusi atau pencemaran lingkungan adalah masuknya ataudimasukkannya makhluk hidup, zat energi, dan atau

    komponen lain ke dalam lingkungan, atau berubahnya tatananlingkungan oleh kegiatan manusia atau oleh proses alam

    sehingga kualitas lingkungan turun sampai ke tingkat tertentuyang menyebabkan lingkungan menjadi kurang atau tidak

    dapat berfungsi lagi sesuai dengan peruntukannya

    (Undang-undang Pokok Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup No. 4Tahun 1982).

    Suatu zat dapat disebut polutan apabila:1. jumlahnya melebihi jumlah normal

    2. berada pada waktu yang tidak tepat3. berada pada tempat yang tidak tepat

    Sifat polutan adalah:1. merusak untuk sementara, tetapi bila telah bereaksi dengan

    zat lingkungan tidak merusak lagi2. merusak dalam jangka waktu lama.

    Contohnya Pb tidak merusak bila konsentrasinya rendah. Akantetapi dalam jangka waktu yang lama, Pb dapat terakumulasi

    dalam tubuh sampai tingkat yang merusak.

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    Pencemar udara dapat berupa gas dan partikel.

    Gas HzS. Gas ini bersifat racun, terdapat di kawasan gunung berapi,bisa juga dihasilkan dari pembakaran minyak bumi dan batu bara.Gas CO dan COz. Karbon monoksida (CO) tidak berwarna dan tidakberbau, bersifat racun, merupakan hash pembakaran yang tidaksempurna dari bahan buangan mobil dan mesin letup. Gas COZ dalamudara murni berjumlah 0,03%. Bila melebihi toleransi dapat meng-ganggu pernapasan. Selain itu, gas C02 yang terlalu berlebihan dibumi dapat mengikat panas matahari sehingga suhu bumi panas.Pemanasan global di bumi akibat C02 disebut juga sebagai efek rumah

    kaca.Partikel SOZ dan NO2. Kedua partikel ini bersama dengan partikel cairmembentuk embun, membentuk awan dekat tanah yang dapatmengganggu pernapasan. Partikel padat, misalnya bakteri, jamur,virus, bulu, dan tepung sari juga dapat mengganggu kesehatan.Batu bara yang mengandung sulfur melalui pembakaran akan meng-hasilkan sulfur dioksida. Sulfur dioksida ber$ama dengan udara sertaoksigen dan sinar matahari dapat menghasilkan asam sulfur. Asam ini

    membentuk kabut dan suatu saat akan jatuh sebagai hujan yangdisebut hujan asam. Hujan asam dapat menyebabkan gangguan padamanusia, hewan, maupun tumbuhan. Misalnya gangguan pernapasan,perubahan morfologi pada daun, batang, dan benih.

    umber polusi udara lain dapat berasal dari radiasi bahan radioaktif, misalnyanuklir. Setelah peledakan nuklir, materi radioaktif masuk ke dalam atmosferan jatuh di bumi. materi radioaktif ini akan terakumulusi di tanah, air, hewan

    umbuhan, dan juga pada manusia. Efek pencemaran nuklir terhadap makhluhidup, dalam taraf tertentu, dapat menyebabkan mutasi, berbagai penyakit

    akibat kelainan gen, dan bahkan kematian.

    Pencemaran udara dinyatakan dengan ppm (part per million) yang artinyajumlah cm3 polutan per m3 udara.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    Polusi air dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa jenis pencemar.

    Pembuangan limbah industri, sisa insektisida, dan pembuangansampah domestik, misalnya, sisa detergen mencemari air. Buanganindustri seperti Pb, Hg, Zn, dan CO, dapat terakumulasi dan bersifatracun.

    Sampah organik yang dibusukkan oleh bakteri menyebabkan 02 di airberkurang sehingga mengganggu aktivitas kehidupan organisme air.Fosfat hasil pembusukan bersama h03 dan pupuk pertanianterakumulasi dan menyebabkan eutrofikasi, yaitu penimbunan mineralyang menyebabkan pertumbuhan yang cepat pada alga (Bloomingalga). Akibatnya, tanaman di dalam air tidak dapat berfotosintesiskarena sinar matahari terhalang.

    Salah satu bahan pencemar di laut ada lah tumpahan minyak bumi, akibatecelakaan kapal tanker minyak yang sering terjadi. Banyak organisme akuati

    yang mati atau keracunan karenanya.

    Untuk membersihkan kawasan tercemar diperlukan koordinasi dari berbagaipihak dan dibutuhkan biaya yang mahal. Bila terlambat penanggulangan-nya

    kerugian manusia semakin banyak. Secara ekologis, dapat mengganggu

    ekosistem laut.

    Bila terjadi pencemaran di air, maka terjadi akumulasi zat pencemar padatubuh organisme air. Akumulasi pencemar ini semakin meningkat pada

    organisme pemangsa yang lebih besar.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    Pencemaran tanah disebabkan oleh beberapa jenis pencemaranberikut ini :

    a. sampah-sampah pla.stik yang sukar hancur, botol, karet sintesis

    pecahan kaca, dan kalengb. detergen yang bersifat non bio degradable (secara alami sulitdiuraikan)

    c. zat kimia dari buangan pertanian, misalnya insektisida.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

    . The pressure of diffuse pollution on soils: polluted soils will eventually loose theirimportant function as filter and buffer in the water cycle. Soils are the key element in

    the water cycle determining the quality of groundwater, surface water, and finally

    drinking waterhttp://www.eugris.info/FurtherDescription.asp?Ca=2&Cy=0&T=Diffuse%20pollution&e=91

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    olusi suara disebabkan oleh suara bising kendaraan bermotor, kapal terbangderu mesin pabrik, radio/tape recorder yang berbunyi keras sehingga

    mengganggu pendengaran.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

    Noise Pollution: Definition:Human being can listen the noise up to a level if noise exceed that particular level of

    noise which is harmful for human health and environment which is called Noise


    Causes:There are so many causes of Noise Pollution some of them describing following

    Noise which comes from factories, vehicles, airplanes etc.

    Noise comes from loudspeakers mostly people use loudspeaker in marriages,occasions and festivals.

    On occasion fire works also cause of noise pollution.

    Prevention of Noise Pollution:We should not use horn unnecessary

    We should plant more trees because they absorb noise.

    Diunduh dari: http://vijayshankarsaini.wordpress.com/2012/01/31/noise-pollution/#

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    Dengan mengetahui beberapa parameter yang ads pads daerah/kawasanpenelitian akan dapat diketahui tingkat pencemaran atau apakah lingkungan

    itu sudah terkena pencemaran atau belum. Paramaterparameter yangmerupakan indikator terjadinya pencemaran adalah sebagai berikut :

    Parameter kimiaParameter kimia meliputi C02, pH, alkalinitas, fosfor, dan logam-logamberat.Parameter biokimiaParameter biokimia meliputi BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), yaitu

    jumlah oksigen dalam air. Cars pengukurannya adalah denganmenyimpan sampel air yang telah diketahui kandungan oksigennyaselama 5 hari. Kemudian kadar oksigennya diukur lagi. BOD digunakanuntuk mengukur banyaknya pencemar organik.Menurut menteri kesehatan, kandungan oksigen dalam air minum atauBOD tidak boleh kurang dari 3 ppm.Parameter fisikParameter fisik meliputi temperatur, warna, rasa, bau, kekeruhan, danradioaktivitas.Parameter biologiParameter biologi meliputi ada atau tidaknya mikroorganisme, misalnya,bakteri coli, virus, bentos, dan plankton.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

    Health impacts of waterpollution

    It is a well-known fact thatclean water is absolutely

    essential for healthy living.Adequate supply of fresh and

    clean drinking water is a basicneed for all human beings on

    the earth, yet it has beenobserved that millions of

    people worldwide aredeprived of this.



  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    Menurut WHO, tingkat pencemaran didasarkanpada kadar zat pencemar dan waktu (lamanya)

    kontak. Tingkat pencemaran dibedakan menjadi3, yaitu sebagai berikut :

    1. Pencemaran yang mulai mengakibatkan iritasi

    (gangguan) ringan pada panca indra dantubuh serta telah menimbulkan kerusakanpada ekosistem lain. Misalnya gas buangankendaraan bermotor yang menyebabkan matapedih.

    2. Pencemaran yang sudah mengakibatkanreaksi pada faal tubuh dan menyebabkan

    sakit yang kronis. Misalnya pencemaran Hg(air raksa) di Minamata Jepang yangmenyebabkan kanker dan lahirnya bayi cacat.

    3. Pencemaran yang kadar zat-zat pencemarnyademikian besarnya , sehingga menimbulkangangguan dan sakit atau kematian dalamlingkungan. Misalnya pencemaran nuklir.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://gurungeblog.wordpress.com/2009/01/13/polusi-atau-pencemaran-lingkungan/..

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]






    The entire part ofearth's land, soil,

    water &atmosphere in

    which livingorganism are

    found is calledbiosphere


    The combined arealithosphere,

    hydrosphere of &atmosphere is

    known asbiosphere.


    Diunduh dari : .

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    Sun provides energy for plantphotosynthesis

    Amount of solar radiation

    varies with latitude & henceeffects climate. solarradiation also power weathersystems

    Soil [provides habitat including water & air for many invertebrat

    addition many animals have evolved specialist cope with differentsoils for example the feet of camel.

    Volcanic activity ,mountain,ranges etc. can also affectclimate

    Climate interacts with geology soil formation provides waterfor solar climate.

    Plants provides food foranimals

    Dead plants & animals decomposes & return nutrientsto the soil. Nutrients are also returned to the soilthrough animal excrement.

    Vegetation gives off water vapour who helps to stabilize the

    climate of the earth.Climate restricts the type of plants & animals that cansurvive in a particular ecosystem. Water & temperatureare two main climate controls.

    Animals alter vegetation by browsing & grazing. Humanhave significantly altered vegetation patterns throughmodification for agriculture.

    Soil provides water & nutrientsplants together with a physicalbase in which plants can rootthemselves.

    Diunduh dari : .


  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Our current atmosphere is a mixture of manydifferent gases & suspended particles.

    It is almost same every where up to an altitude of80 Kms.The atmosphere is divided in to 4layers-

    Name of

    sphere or layer

    Height in





    ChemicalSpecies (Gas)

    Tropos-phere 0-8 15 to 45 N2,O2,CO2,


    Stratos-phere 8-50 -55 to 05 O3,O2

    Mesos-phere 50-80 -2 to -90 N2+O2

    Ionos-phere 80-400 O2,O+,NO+

    Exos-phere 400-1600 H2,He

    Diunduh dari : .


  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    nstituent Symbol Averageconcentration

    Source Volume

    trogen N2 780900 Biotic 7.809101

    xygen O2 209400 Biotic 2-094101

    gon Ar 9300 Radioactive 9.310-1

    rbon dioxide CO2 318318 Biotic &industrial


    eon Ne 18 Internal

    elium He 5.2 Radioactive 5.210-4

    ethane CH4 1.3 Biotic 1.310-4

    ypton Kr 1.0 Internal 1.010-5

    ydrogen H2 0.5 Biotic &photochemical


    ater H2O 0.25 Physical 2.510-5


    CO 0.1 Photochemical &industrial


    zone O3 0.02 Photochemical 2.010-6

    mmonia NH3 0-01 Photochemical 1.010-6


    NO2 0.001 Biotic &industrial



    SO2 0.002 Photochemical 2.010-8

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    UD R


  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    DIUNDUH DARI: .... 9/11/2012

    PP No.41 ayat 1 Pasal 1 Bab I Ketentuan Umum

    Pencemaran udara adalah masuknya atau dimasukkannya

    zat, energi, dan/atau komponen lain ke dalam udara ambienoleh kegiatan manusia, sehingga mutu udara ambien turunsampai tingkat tertentu yang menyebabkan udara ambien

    tidak dapat memenuhi fungsinya.


  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    PENCEMARAN UDARA:Sumber buatan manusia atau sumber anthropogenic

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/.... 9/11/2012

    egiatan manusia yang menghasilkan bahan-bahan pencemar Udara.l. :

    Pembakaran, seperti pembakaran sampah, pembakaran pada kegiatanrumah tangga, industri, kendaraan bermotor, dan lain-lain. Bahan-bahanpencemar yang dihasilkan antara lain asap, debu, grit (pasir halus), dangas (CO dan NO).

    Proses peleburan, seperti proses peleburan baja, pembuatansoda,semen, keramik, aspal. Sedangkan bahan pencemar yangdihasilkannya antara lain adalah debu, uap dan gas-gas.

    . Pertambangan dan penggalian, seperti tambang mineral andlogam. Bahan pencemar yang dihasilkan terutama adalah debu.

    . Proses pengolahan dan pemanasan seperti pada prosespengolahan makanan, daging, ikan, dan penyamakan. Bahan pencemaryang dihasilkan terutama asap, debu, dan bau.

    Pembuangan limbah, baik limbah industri maupun limbah rumahtangga. Pencemarannya terutama adalah dari instalasi pengolahan air

    buangannya. Sedangkan bahan pencemarnya yang teruatam adalah gasH2S yang menimbulkan bau busuk.

    Proses kimia, seperti pada proses fertilisasi, proses pemurnian minyabumi, proses pengolahan mineral. Pembuatan keris, dan lain-lain. Bahan-bahan pencemar yang dihasilkan antara lain adalah debu, uap dan gas-ga

    Proses pembangunan seperti pembangunan gedung-gedung, jalandan kegiatan yang semacamnya. Bahan pencemarnya yang terutamaadalah asap dan debu.

    . Proses percobaan atom atau nuklir. Bahan pencemarnya yangterutama adalah gas-gas dan debu radioaktif

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    SUMBERNYACombustion of fuel (natural gas, petroleum, coal and


    Industrial process

    Natural process (Volcanic)

    Diunduh dari : http://apesnature.homestead.com/chapter21.html.

    Nitrogen oxides alone do not cause ozone and other oxidants toreach damaging levels; reactions with them are cyclic.

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Pencemar Udara dan dampaknya thd

    kesehatan manusia

    Particulate Matter

    Dust and smoke particles cause irritation of the respiratory

    tract and produce bronchitis, asthma and lung diseases.

    Dust and smoke function as nuclei for condensation of watervapors and produce smog which attract chemicals like SO2, H2S,NO2,etc. Smog not only reduce visibility but is also harmful due

    to its contained chemicals.

    Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/ ...9/11/2012

    Partikel debu dalam emisi gas buang terdiri dari bermacam-macamkomponen, dapat berbentuk padatan dan berbentuk cairan yangmengendap dalam partikel debu.

    Pada proses pembakaran debu terbentuk dari pemecahan unsurhidrokarbon dan proses oksidasinya.

    Dalam debu tersebut terkandung debu sendiri dan beberapa kandunganoksida-logam. Dalam proses paparan selanjutnya di atmosfir, kandungan

    metal dan debu tersebut membentuk partikulat. Beberapa unsur

    kandungan partikulat adalah karbon, SOF (Soluble Organic Fraction), debu,SO4, dan H2O.Sebagian partikulat keluar dari cerobong pabrik sebagai asap hitam tebal,tetapi yang paling berbahaya adalah butiran-butiran halus sehingga dapat

    menembus bagian terdalam paru-paru.Berdasarkan ukuran diameter partikulat dikenal dengan :

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    SMOGSmog is the combination of smoke and fog. It is a man made air pollutant in

    urban areas. The term smog was coined by H.A.Des Voeux

    unduh dari : http://greenvitals.net/greenvitalsnet/2010/1/26/new-us-anti-smog-restrictionraising-debate-over-effects-on.html .

    There is always a lot of

    controversy anytimelongstanding federal

    regulations are changed.

    This time, the uproarcame because the

    Environmental ProtectionAgency announced plans

    to increase the stringencyof national air qualitystandards regarding

    nitrogen dioxide (NO2)emissions.

    NO2 forms quickly from theemissions of cars, trucks,

    buses, power plants, and off-

    road equipment. In addition, thecompound also contributes tothe formation of ground-levelozone (also known as smog),

    and fine particle pollution,which is linked with a number

    of adverse effects on thehuman respiratory system.

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Types of Smog

    Photochemical Smog

    Photochemical smog is a type of airpollution caused by nitrogen oxide,

    hydrocarbons and sunlight. Nitrogenoxide is commonly produced from the

    internal combustion of engines.Photochemical smog is often prevalentn some of the sunnier U.S. cities, suchs Los Angeles. This smog can have illfects on the body and cause coughing,eart palpitations, pneumonia and even

    lung cancer.

    Read more: The Different Types of Smog |eHow.com


    Diunduh dari : http://www.ehow.com/list_6950223_different-types-smog.html .

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Source Pollution



    uel 21%

    ndustries 14%

    Solid wasteisposal


    Other 18% 21%




    s an unwanted change in the quality of earth's earths atmosphere caused byemission of gases caused by emission of gases due to burning of fossil

    fuel,transportation,industrial institution etc.











    Diunduh dari : .


  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    1. Gaseous waste: Oxides of nitrogen,SO2,CO2,CO.Cl,Br,I,O3 &smog.

    2. Complex organic chemicals: Benzene, ether.

    3. Acid prop lets: H2SO4, HNO34. Agrochemicals: fertilizers, pesticides,herbicixles,fungicides,

    rematicides,weedicides,bectrecides etc.

    5. Fluorides

    6. Metals: Mercury,lead,Cd,Zn,Fe,Ni etc.

    7. Solid wasre:Garbage,plastic etc.

    8. Radioactive waste: Nuclear reacters,uranium,nuclearexplosion.

    9. Noise waste

    Diunduh dari : http://ecourses.vtu.ac.in/nptel/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-Delhi/Environmental%20Air%20Pollution/air%20pollution%20%28Civil%29/Module-1/3.htm.


    Primary Air Pollutantsive major materials released directly into the

    atmosphere in unmodified forms.- Carbon monoxide

    - Sulfur dioxide- Nitrogen oxides- Hydrocarbons

    - Particulate matter

    Secondary Air PollutantsOzone

    PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate)Photochemical smog

    Aerosols and mists (H2SO4)

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Secondary pollutants :These result from chemicalreactions between two or more air components.

    Formation of secondary pollutants

    2SO2+O2 2SO3

    2SO3+H2O H2SO4(Secondary pollutant)

    Natural Pollutants: The pollution which comes outfrom natural sources such as forest fires volcanic

    eruption decomposition of organic matter & natural


    Primary Pollutants: Harmful chemical that directlyenters the air as a result of human activity. These aredeforestisation burning of fossil fuel industrialization

    warfare etc.

    Diunduh dari : http://isiria.wordpress.com/2008/07/22/air-pollution-causes-widespread-damage-to-ecosystems/.


    Air pollution causes widespread damage to ecosystemsPosted: July 22, 2008 in environment

    There is a lot of focus on CO2when it comes to public awareness about climate change. Apartfrom CO2 though not being the only factor contributing to it, there is also very little awareness of

    the effects of air pollution on terrestrial environments, such as lakes, rivers, fauna and flora.

    The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and The Nature Conservancy in the US has producedthe first major research analysing large-scale effects that four air pollutants are having across a

    broad range of habitat types.

    The four pollutants assessed were sulfur, nitrogen, mercury, and ground-level ozone, largelyoriginating from smokestacks, tailpipes, and (of course!) agricultural operations. While initially

    airborne, these pollutants eventually return to the earth surface, where they contaminate the soiland water. They often travel long distances before reaching the ground

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Green house effect: Increasing global temperature. Scientists predicting that earth's

    temperature will increase by 3-40C by year 2030 if the pollution continues to increase

    at the same pace.

    Ozone depletion: As ozone layer in the upper atmosphere absorbs incoming harmful

    ultraviolet radiation but it is now getting thinner & more UVs are reaching in to earth

    creating different disease like cancer& eye problems.

    Photochemical smog: In 1952 London was covered by smog for 10 days .This smog wa

    caused by fog, smoke, ash,& SO2plus NO2.Sunlight played a great role in the formation

    of this smog .Though deaths occurring at that time were not directly attributed to the

    smog later statistics confirmed that 6,000 more people.

    Acid rain: is caused by oxides of nitrogen & sulphur.It increases acidity of

    soil & effects the growth of trees & plants. The majestic monument TajMahal in India is also affecting by this.

    Diunduh dari : http://isiria.wordpress.com/2008/07/22/air-pollution-causes-widespread-damage-to-ecosystems/ .


    Air pollution is a complex problem.Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and

    nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases from

    smokestacks and vehicles react in theatmosphere to form sulfate (SO4) and

    nitrate (NO3) particles as well as sulfuricand nitric acids in clouds and rain.Mercury (Hg) is also emitted to theatmosphere from coal burning andincinerators. Agricultural activitiescontribute to the nitrogen pollution

    problem by releasing ammonia (NH3). Allof these gases, particles and dissolved

    chemicals can be deposited to naturalecosystems downwind of the sources.Nitrogen can accumulate in ecosystems

    and cause nutrient imbalances, while acidprecipitation can strip important nutrients

    such as calcium (Ca) from the soil andmobilize toxic metals such as aluminum

    (Al). Acid and aluminum harm trees in theforest and fish and other aquatic animals

    in streams and lakes.

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    Acid Rain








    H2SO4 (SulphuricAcid)

    HNO3 (NitricAcid)

    HUJ N S M

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    Methane 18%



    Ozone 12%


    06%reen house gases inatural condition insulateshe earth against extreme temperature by limiting

    oth incoming solardiation & escape of

    eradiated heat in toace.

    This natural balancemay be distorted byGreen House Effectas gases such ascarbon dioxide havebuilt up in theatmospheretrapping more heat





    Somereradiatedheatreflectedback toearth Atmosp





    reradiatedheatreflectedback to ear

    Lessreradiatedheat escapein to space

    Somereradiatedheat escapesin to space


    Contribution ofdifferent gases tocause green house



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  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Polusi Udara

    Emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogenoxides react with the hydroxyl radicals andwater vapor in the atmosphere to form their

    respective acids, which come back downeither as dry acid deposition or, mixed with

    water, acid precipitation.

    Diunduh dari: http://apesnature.homestead.com/chapter21.html

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    Air pollution may be defined as the presence in the air (outdooratmosphere) of one or more contaminants or combinations

    thereof in such quantities and of such durations as may be or

    tend to be injurious to human, animal or plant life, or property,

    or which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable

    enjoyment of life or property or conduct of business.

    Diunduh dari : http://www.tohoku-epco.co.jp/enviro/tea2005e/05/05a.html.

    Air Pollution Control Measures

    The main air pollutants discharged from a thermal plant are sulfur oxide (SOx), nitrogenoxide (NOx), and soot and dust. We are making efforts to control emissions through fuemeasures including the use of high-quality fuel and the facility improvement measuresincluding the installation of denitrification facilities, electrostatic precipitators, and fluegas desulfurization facilities, as well as through the complete combustion managementwhile seeking prevention of air pollution by implementing the operation measures such

    as monitoring of emission sources.

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    Pencemar (Polutan) Udara

    Pencemaran udara diartikan sebagai adanya bahan-bahan atau

    zat-zat asing di dalam udara yang menyebabkan perubahan

    susunan (komposisi) udara dari keadaan normalnya.Kehadiran bahan atau zat asing di dalam udara dalam jumlah

    tertentu serta berada di udara dalam waktu yang cukup lama

    akan dapat mengganggu kehidupan manusia. Apabila

    keadaan seperti itu terjadi maka udara dikatakan telah


    Polutan is a substance or effect dwelling temporarily orpermanently in the air , which adversely alters the environmentby interfering with the health, the comfort, or the food chain, or

    by interfering with the property values of people.

    A pollutant can be solid (large or sub-molecular), liquid or gas .

    It may originate from a natural or anthropogenic source (or both).It is estimated that anthropogenic sources have changed the

    composition of global air by less than 0.01%.

    However, it is widely accepted that even a small change can have asignificant adverse effect on the climate, ecosystem and species

    on the planet.

    xamples of these are acid rain, ozone in the lower atmosphere, and

    photochemical smog.

    Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/.. 9/11/2012.

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    Pencemar Hidrokarbon

    Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/... 9/11/2012


    Struktur Hidrokarban (HC) terdiri dari elemen hidrogen dan karbondan sifat fisik HC dipengaruhi oleh jumlah atom karbon yang

    menyusun molekul HC.HC merupakan pencemar udara yang dapat berbentuk gas, cairanan padatan. Semakin banyak jumlah atom karbon, senyawa HC incenderung berbentuk padatan. Hidrokarbon dengan kandungan

    unsur C antara 1-4 atom karbon akan berbentuk gas pada suhukamar, sedangkan kandungan karbon lebih dari 5 akan berbentuk

    cairan dan padatan.HC yang berupa gas akan tercampur dengan gas-gas hasil buangan

    lainnya. Sedangkan bila berupa cair maka HC akan membentuksemacam kabut minyak, bila berbentuk padatan akan membentuk

    asap yang pekat dan akhirnya menggumpal menjadi debu.

    Berdasarkan struktur molekulnya, hidrokarbon dapat dibedakandalam 3 kelompok yaitu hidrokarban alifalik, hidrokarbon aromatik

    dan hidrokarbon alisiklis. Molekul hidrokarbon alifalik tidakmengandung cincin atom karbon dan semua atom karbon tersusun

    dalam bentuk rantai lurus atau bercabang.

    Hidrokarbon dan oksidan fotokimia merupakan komponen polutanudara yang berbeda tetapi mempunyai hubungan satu dengan yanglain. Hidrokarbon merupakan polutan primer karena dilepaskan keudara secara langsung, sedangkan oksidan fotokimia berasal darireaksi-reaksi yang melibatkan hidrokarbon baik secara langsungmaupun tidak langsung. Masalah yang dihadapi karena adanya

    polusi hidrokarbon harus mempertimbangkan juga adanya polusi

    oksidan fotokimia.

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    Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/... 9/11/2012

    aktor Emisi adalah adalah nilai representatif yang menghubungkan

    kuantitas suatu polutan yang dilepaskan ke atmosfer dari suatukegiatan yang terkait dengan sumber polutan. Faktor-faktor ini

    biasanya dinyatakan sebagai berat polutan dibagi dengan satuanberat, volume, jarak, atau lamanya aktivitas yang mengemisikan

    olutan (misalnya, partikel yang diemisikan kilogram per megagrambatubara yang dibakar). Pada beberapa kasus, faktor-faktor ini

    hanyalah rata-rata dari semua data yang tersedia dengan kualitas

    yang dapat diterima.

    Persamaan umum untuk estimasi emisi adalah:

    E = A x EF x (1-ER/100) E = A x EF x (1-ER/100)

    Keterangan : E = emisi; A = laju aktifitas; EF = faktor emisi; ER =

    efisiensi pengurangan emisi keseluruhan, %.

    misi dapat dikategorikan menjadi:Emisi langsung, adalah emisi yang keluar langsung dari aktifitasatau sumber dalam ruang batas yang ditetapkan. Contoh: emisiCO2dari kendaraan bermotor.

    Emisi tidak langsung, merupakan hasil dari aktifitas di dalamruang batas yang ditetapkan. Contoh: konsumsi energi listrik dirumah tangga.

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    32/176Diunduh dari : http://ultrawomen.wordpress.com/... 9/11/2012

    Contoh-contoh faktor-faktor emisi gas:

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]


    National Ambient Air Quality Standards

    Pollutant Primary Stds. Averaging Times SecondaryStds.

    9 ppm (10mg/m3) 8-hour


    NoneCarbon Monoxide

    35 ppm(40 mg/m


    1-hour1 None

    Lead 1.5 g/m3 Quarterly Average Same as


    Nitrogen Dioxide 0.053 ppm(100 g/m


    Annual (ArithmeticMean)

    Same asPrimary

    50 g/m3 Annual


    Mean)Same asPrimary

    Particulate Matter(PM


    150 ug/m3 24-hour


    15.0 g/m3 Annual


    Mean)Same asPrimary

    Particulate Matter(PM2.5)

    65 ug/m3 24-hour


    Ozone 0.08 ppm 8-hour5 Same as


    0.03 ppm Annual (Arith. Mean) -------

    0.14 ppm 24-hour1 -------

    Sulfur Oxides

    ------- 3-hour1 0.5 ppm(1300 ug/m


    1Not to be exceeded more than once per year.

    2To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the weighted annual mean PM10concentration at

    each monitor within an area must not exceed 50 ug/m3.


    To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the weighted annual mean PM2.5concentrationsfrom single or multiple community-oriented monitors must not exceed 15.0 ug/m


    4To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the 98th percentile of 24-hour concentrations at

    each population-oriented monitor within an area must not exceed 65 ug/m3.

    5To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average

    ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed0.08 ppm.




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    Up to 50 Good None for thegeneral population.

    None required.

    50 to 100 Moderate Few or none for

    the generalpopulation.

    None required.

    100 to200

    Unhealthful Mild aggravation ofsymptoms amongsusceptible people,

    with irritationsymptoms in thehealthy population.

    Persons withexisting heart orrespiratory

    ailments shouldreduce physicalexertion and

    outdoor activity.General populationshould reduce

    vigorous outdooractivity.

    200 to300


    Significantaggravation ofsymptoms anddecreased exercisetolerance inpersons with heart

    or lung disease;

    widespreadsymptoms in thehealthy population.

    Elderly andpersons withexisting heart orlung diseaseshould stayindoors and reduce

    physical activity.

    General populationshould avoidvigorous outdooractivity.

    Over 300 Hazardous Early onset of

    certain diseases inaddition to

    significantaggravation of

    symptoms and

    Elderly and

    persons withexisting diseases

    should stayindoors and avoid

    physical exertion.




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    Short-term exposure at concentrations greater than 3 parts per million(ppm) can measurably decrease lung function.

    Concentrations less than 3 ppm can irritate lungs.

    Concentrations as low as 0.1 ppm cause lung irritation and measurable

    decreases in lung function in asthmatics. Long-term lower level exposures can destroy lung tissue, leading to


    Children may also be especially sensitive to the effects of nitrogenoxides.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.onewalloneworld.com/bulletin.php..

    Noxious Air Pollutants

    Air pollution is putting many things in the air that were not supposed to breathe.Among the most noxious air pollutants are nitrogen oxides, highly reactive gasescontaining nitrogen and oxygen, collectively known as NOx.

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    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.eoearth.org/article/Acid_rain ..

    HUJAN ASAMAcid rain is a popular term for the atmospheric deposition of acidified

    rain, snow, sleet, hail, acidifying gases and particles, as well asacidified fog and cloud water. The increased acidity of these

    depositions, primarily from the strong acids, sulfuric and nitric, is

    generated as a by-product of the combustionof fossil fuels containingsulfur or nitrogen, especially electrical utilities (power plants.)

    Several processes can resuin the formation of acid

    deposition. Nitrogen oxides(NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SOreleased into the atmospherfrom a variety of sources ca

    fall to the Earths surfacesimply as dry deposition. Th

    dry deposition can then beconverted into acids whenthese deposited chemicals

    interact with water. Most weacid deposition occurs whe

    nitrogen oxides (NOx) andsulfur dioxide (SO2) areconverted to nitric acid

    (HNO3) and sulfuric acid

    (H2SO4) through oxidationand dissolution in the

    atmosphere. Wet depositioncan also form when ammon

    gas (NH3) from natural andagricultural sources is

    converted into ammonium(NH4).

    Oxides of nitrogen, in the presence of sunlight, can also react withhydrocarbons, forming photochemical oxidants or smog.

    Also, NOx is a precursor to acidic precipitation, which may affect bothterrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

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    DIUNDUH DARI: http://yqyq.net/82015-Vozdeiystvie_oksidov_azota_na_organizm_cheloveka_i_rasteniya.html..

    Seriously injure vegetation at certain concentrations. Effectsinclude:

    Bleaching or killing plant tissue. Causing leaves to fall.

    Reducing growth rate.

    Deteriorate fabrics and fade dyes.

    Corrode metals (due to nitrate salts formed from nitrogen oxides).

    Reduce visibility.

    Oxides nitrogen NOx may affect plants in three ways:direct contact with plants;

    through formed in the air, acid rain;indirectly - By the photochemical formation of oxidants such as ozone and PAN.

    Direct NOx impact on plants is determined visually by yellowing or browningleaves and needles, what is happening as a result of oxidation of chlorophyll.Oxidation fatty acids in plants, occurring simultaneously with the oxidation ofchlorophyll, in addition, leads to the destruction of membranes and necrosis.Formed in this in cells nitrous acid has a mutagenic effect. Negative biological

    effects of NOx on the plants shown in the bleaching of leaves, wilting of flowers,fruiting and cessation of growth. This action is explained formation of acids when

    dissolved nitrogen oxides in the intercellular and intracellular fluid.

    Botany believe that the initial symptoms of damage to plants nitrogen oxides manifestthemselves in a chaotic distribution of bleaching stains gray-green shade. These spots

    gradually coarse, dry out and become white. Oxides nitrogen are toxic at a concentration of 3million-1. For comparison: sulfur dioxide is affected plants at higher concentrations (5 M-1).

    Violations growth of plants under the influence of NO2 are observed at concentrations of 0.35mg/m3 and above. This value is the maximum concentration. The risk of damage vegetation

    nitrogen dioxide exists only in large cities and industrial areas, where the averageconcentration of NO2 is 0,2 - 0,3 mg/m3.

    Plants more stable (compared to humans) to the effect of pure dioxide nitrogen. This is dueto the peculiarities of assimilation NO2, which is restored chloroplasts and a NH2-group is

    included in the amino acids. At concentrations 0,17 - 0,18 mg/m3 oxides of nitrogen used byplants as fertilizer. This ability to metabolizirovaniyu NOx man not inherent.

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    Other sulfur-containing compounds

    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas - rotten eggs. Mercaptans - skunk spray or decayed garbage. (Added in trace

    amounts to natural gas, providing a leak-detecting warning odor.)

    Note: The amount of SO2released from coal fired power plantsdepends on the sulfur content of coal, normally 0.7% to 2% byweight. High sulfur coal sometimes contains as much as 6% sulfurby weight. In India, sulfur content is quite low.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v3/n12/fig_tab/ngeo989_F2.html..

    Illustration of the important reaction pathways connecting SO, SO2,SO3and H2SO4.

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    Sulfur dioxide not only has a bad odor, it can

    irritate the respiratory system. Exposure to high concentrations for short

    periods of time can constrict the bronchi andincrease mucous flow, making breathingdifficult.

    Children, the elderly, those with chronic lungdisease, and asthmatics are especiallysusceptible to these effects.


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    Immediately irritate the lung and throat at

    concentrations greater than 6 parts per million (ppm)in many people.Impair the respiratory system's defenses againstforeign particles and bacteria, when exposed toconcentrations less than 6 ppm for longer time


    Apparently enhance the harmful effects of ozone.(Combinations of the two gases at concentrations

    occasionally found in the ambient air appear toincrease airway resistance to breathing.)



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    Sulfur dioxide tends to have more toxic effects when acidic

    pollutants, liquid or solid aerosols, and particulates are also

    present. (In the past, thousands of excess deaths occurred inareas where SO2concentrations exceeded 1 ppm for a few

    days and other pollutants were also high.) Effects are more

    pronounced among mouth breathers, e.g., people who are

    exercising or who have head colds.

    hese effects include:Health problems, such as episodes of bronchitis requiring

    hospitalization associated with lower-level acid concentrations

    Self-reported respiratory conditions, such as chronic cough

    and difficult breathing, associated with acid aerosol

    concentrations. (Asthmatic individuals are especially

    susceptible to these effects. The elderly and those withchronic respiratory conditions may also be affected at lower

    concentrations than the general population.)

    Increased respiratory tract infections, associated with longer

    term, lower-level exposures to SO2and acid aerosols.

    Subjective symptoms, such as headaches and nausea, in the

    absence of pathological abnormalities, due to long-term




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    Efek SOx pada Tumbuhan

    Sulfur dioxide easily injures many plantspecies and varieties, both native andcultivated. Some of the most sensitive plantsinclude various commercially valuable pines,legumes, red and black oaks, white ash, alfalfaand blackberry. The effects include:

    Visible injury to the most sensitive plants at

    exposures as low as 0.12 ppm for 8 hours. Visible injury to many other plant types of

    intermediate sensitivity at exposures of 0.30ppm for 8 hours.

    Manfaat positif pada konsentrasi rendah,

    dirasakan oleh beberapa jenis tumbuhan padatanah-tanah yang defisien belerang.

    Diunduh dari : .

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    Increases in sulfur dioxideconcentrations accelerate thecorrosion of metals, probably

    through the formation of acids. (SO2is a major precursor to acidic

    deposition.) Sulfur oxides may alsodamage stone and masonry, paint,various fibers, paper, leather, and

    electrical components.

    Peningkatan konsentrasi SO2jugadapat mengganggu penglihatan(visibility). Partikulat sulfat, yang

    berasal dari emisi SO2, merupakan

    komponen utama dari campurankompleks partikulat yangtersuspensi.

    Diunduh dari : .

  • 8/10/2019 Kompendium Pencemaran Lingkungan [Repaired]



    Ozone acts as a powerful respiratoryirritant at the levels frequently foundin most of the nation's urban areas

    during summer months.

    Paparan ozon dapat mengakibatkan: Sesak nafas / nafas pendek. Sakit dada bila menghirup nafas

    panjang. Batuk-batuk.

    Paparan ozon jangka panjang dengankonsnetrasi tinggi dapat mengakibatkan

    gangguan fungsi paru, inflammation

    selaput paru, dan gangguan pernafasan.

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    Air Pollution, ISBN: 978-953-307-143-5

    Ozone Pollution and its BioindicationBy Vanda Villanyi, Boris Turk, Franc Batic and Zsolt Csintalan

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.intechopen.com/books/air-pollution/ozone-pollution-and-its-bioindication

    iplet oxigen is a highly reactive molecule. Naturally it arises in the stratosphere, but it caas well develop through the chain reactions of photochemical smog in the troposphere.

    Photochemical smog occurs in highly polluted urban and industrial areas in the presencehigh solar radiation. Ozone develops in the reaction of oxygen molecules with the single

    oxigen splitting off from nitrogen-oxides in the presence of UV-radiation.

    Formation of ozonehe short wave radiation of solar spectrum is entirely absorbed by stratospheric ozone anmolecular oxygen. The infrared part of the spectrum is mostly absorbed by water vapournd carbon dioxide and some other greenhouse gases. Photochemistry in the tropospheris therefore driven by radiation with wavelengths between 300 and 600 nm (Seinfeld and


    Photooxidants are compounds formed by the oxidation processes of tropospheric gasphase chemistry. They include ozone and other compounds such as HNO3, PAN andaldehydes.

    Overview of photochemistry in the polluted planetary boundary layer (from Staehelin etal., 2000).

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    Diunduh dari : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoke.. 9/11/2012.

    Smoke is a collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates andgases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysisogether with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed

    into the mass.

    It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires (including stoves,candles, oil lamps, and fireplaces), but may also be used for pest

    control (cf. fumigation), communication (smoke signals), defensiveand offensive capabilities in the military (smoke-screen), cooking

    (smoked salmon), or smoking (tobacco, cannabis, etc.).

    Smoke is used in rituals, when incense, sage, or resin is burned toroduce a smell for spiritual purposes. Smoke is sometimes used a

    a flavoring agent, and preservative for various foodstuffs. Smoke isalso a component of internal combustion engine exhaust gas,

    particularly diesel exhaust.

    Smoke particles are an aerosol (or mist) of solid particles andliquid droplets that are close to the ideal range of sizes for Mie

    scattering of visible light.

    Smoke particulates have three modes of particle sizedistribution:1. nuclei mode, with geometric mean radius between 2.5

    20 nm, likely forming by condensation of carbon moieties.2. accumulation mode, ranging between 75250 nm and formed

    by coagulation of nuclei mode particles3. coarse mode, with particles in micrometer range

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    Diunduh dari : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabut .. 9/11/2012.

    Kabut atau halimun adalah uap air yang berada dekat permukaan tanahberkondensasi dan menjadi mirip awan. Hal ini biasanya terbentuk karena

    awa dingin membuat uap air berkondensasi dan kadar kelembaban mendeka100%.

    da beberapa macam kabut:1. kabut adveksi2. kabut angin3. kabut basah4. kabut es5. kabut lembah6. kabut radiasi

    7. kabut uap8. kabut udara tropis


    Istilah "asbut" adalah singkatan dari "asap" dan "kabut", padaperkembangan selanjutnya asbut tidak harus memiliki salah satukomponen kabut atau asap. Asbut juga sering dikaitkan dengan

    pencemaran udara.

    Istilah "smog" pertama kali dikemukakan oleh Dr. Henry Antoine DesVoeux 1950 dalam karya ilmiahnya "Fog and Smoke", di Public Health


    Ada dua jenis asbut. Asbut fotokimia, seperti kasus di LosAngeles, dan asbut Industri seperti di London.

    Kabut Asap atau lebih dikenal smog (smoke and fog), adalah sejeniskasus pencemaran udara berat yangbisa terjadi berhari-hari hingga

    hitungan bulan. Asbut sendiri merupakan koloid jenis aerosol padat danaerosol cair.

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    Diunduh dari : http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-Delhi/Environmental%20Air%20Pollution/air%20pollution%20%28Civil%29/Module-

    1/3.htm.. 9/11/2012.

    Kabut fotokimia adalah campuran polutan termasuk ozon, aldehidadan peroksi-asetil nitrat (PAN) yang dihasilkan dari interaksi

    nitrogen dioksida dan senyawa-senyawa organik mudah menguapdengan sinar matahari dalam suatu lingkungan hangat.

    ua komponen paling merusak dari kabut fotokimia adalah ozon daperoksiasetil nitrat.

    Ozon adalah molekul sangat reaktif yang mengganggu jaringanpernafasan dan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan paru-paru yang

    permanen. Ozon dapat merusak klorofil tumbuh-tumbuhan.Peroksiasetil nitrat dapat menyebabkan iritasi mata.

    Photochemical smogPhotochemical smog is a mixture of pollutants which includes

    particulates, nitrogen oxides, ozone, aldehydes, peroxyethanoylnitrate (PAN), unreacted hydrocarbons, etc. The smog often hasa brown haze due to the presence of nitrogen dioxide. It causes

    painful eyes.

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    Kabut Los AngelesPhotochemically- produced

    Associated with motor vehicle emissionsBrown in color

    Diunduh dari :http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/A/AirPollution.html .

    Photochemical smogIn bright sunlight nitrogen oxides , hydrocarbons and oxygen

    Interact chemically to produce powerful oxidants like ozone (O3) anderoxyacetyl nitrate (PAN). These secondary pollutants are damaging to plan

    life and lead to the formation of photochemical smog. PAN is primarilyresponsible for the eye irritation so characteristic of this type of smog.

    The figure outlines representative reactions leading to the formation ofphotochemical smog. Radicals are atoms or molecules with unpaired

    electrons. They are very reactive chemically.he catalytic converter in automobile exhaust systems reduces air pollution boxidizing hydrocarbons to CO2and H2O and, to a lesser extent, converting

    nitrogen oxides to N2and O2.

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    Kabut Los Angeles

    Los Angeles Smog: driven by the photochemistryof the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and

    oxygenated nitrogen species (NOx) contained in

    exhaust from combustion engines.Photochemical smog is air saturated with ozone,VOCs and aerosol particles.

    Diunduh dari : http://apesnature.homestead.com/chapter21.html.

    When VOCs are present, reactions lead to accumulation of

    damaging compounds; ozone is the most injurious.

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    Kabut IndustriThe gray air in industrial cities in cold winter areas,

    caused from burning fossil fuel.Industrial smog is in the forms of dust, smoke, soot,ashes, asbestos, oil, lead, heavy metals, and sulfur

    oxides.In 1952, industrial smog held in place by a thermal

    inversion caused the 4,000 deaths in London.

    Diunduh dari : http://apesnature.homestead.com/chapter21.html .

    Industrial smog, or gray smog, occurs where coal is burned andthe atmosphere is humid.

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    Industrial SmogLondon SmogLondon smog:

    fogsoot particlessulfur dioxide


    This forms a highly acidic mist.Some incidents of deaths associated with sulfurous smog:

    1930 Meuse Valley, Belgium 631948 Donora, Pennsylvania 20

    1952 London (5 days) 40001962 London 700

    These deaths lead to a reduction in coal consumption and an

    increasein alternative fuels, such as gasoline...

    Diunduh dari : http://apesnature.homestead.com/chapter21.html.

    This is a simplified model of atmospheric cleansing by the hydroxylradical. The first step is the photochemical destruction of ozone. The

    second step produces hydroxyl that reacts rapidly with many pollutants.

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    Debu (Pneumoconiosis)

    norganic DustCoal Dust - AnthracosisSilica - Silicosis

    Asbestos - AsbestosisIron - Siderosis

    rganic DustsCane Fiber - Bagassosis

    (Bronchi gets affected)

    Cotton dust - Byssinosis(In Textile industries)

    Tobacco - Tobaccosis, LungCancer

    Grain Dust - FarmersLungs

    Diunduh dari : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust .

    Dust consists of particles in theatmosphere that come from variousources such as soil dust lifted by

    wind (an Aeolian process), volcaneruptions, and pollution.

    Dust in homes, offices, and otherhuman environments containssmall amounts of plant pollen,human and animal hairs, textile

    fibers, paper fibers, minerals fromoutdoor soil, human skin cells,

    burnt meteorite particles and manother materials which may be

    found in the local environment.

    Dust may worsen hay fever. Circulating outdoor air through a house by keepingdoors and windows open, or at least slightly ajar, may reduce the risk of hay fever-

    causing dust. In colder climates, occupants seal even the smallest air gaps, and

    eliminate outside fresh air circulating inside the house. So it is essential to managedust and airflow.

    House dust mites are ubiquitous everywhere humans live indoors. Positive tests fordust mite allergies are extremely common among people with asthma. Dust mitesare microscopic arachnids whose primary food is dead human skin cells. They donot actually live on people, though. It is probably not possible to entirely eradicatethem. They and their feces and other allergens they produce are major constituents

    of house dust, but because they are so heavy they are not long suspended in the air.

    Dust in the atmosphere is produced by saltation and sandblasting of sand-sizedgrains, and it is transported through the troposphere. This airborne dust is

    considered an aerosol and once in the atmosphere, it can produce strong localradiative forcing.

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    Asbestos -Asbestosis


    The iris has the "rusty" appearancethat results from

    siderosis.Diunduh dari : .

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    A disease of the lungs characterized by fibrosis and caused

    by the chronic inhalation of mineral dusts, especially silicaand asbestos. When Insoluble Inorganic Material (like silicaand asbestos) enters the lungs, they stay in the lungs and

    cause inflammation and disease

    Diunduh dari : .

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    Ozone - Broncho constriction

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    Sulphur dioxide

    COPD, Asthma

    COPD - diseases ofthe lungs in which

    the airwaysbecomenarrowed

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    Diunduh dari : http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-Delhi/Environmental%20Air%20Pollution/air%20pollution%20%28Civil%29/Module-

    1/3.htm. 9/11/2012


    Smog is caused by the interaction of some hydrocarbonsand oxidants under the influence of sunlight giving rise to

    dangerous peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN).

    Nitrogen Oxides:1. Produced from burning of fossil

    fuels2. Contributes to acid rain, smog3. Automobile engine main source4. New engine technology has helped

    reduce, but many more cars.

    Hydrocarbons1. Hydrocarbons - organic compounds

    with hydrogen, carbon2. From incomplete burning or

    evaporated from fuel supplies3. Major source is automobiles, but some

    from industry4. Contribute to smog5. Improvements in engine design have

    helped reduce

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    71/176Diunduh dari :



    Photochemical smog is an atmospheric condition that produces severe eyeritation and poor visibility, to name just two of the effects. Three ingredients energy from a light source (ultraviolet), hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides --are needed for photochemical smog to be formed. Two of those components

    are produced through the burning of fossil fuels, most notably automobiles.Photochemical smog is also sometimes known as "oxidizing smog", in that ihas a high concentration of oxidizing agents. Ozone is a common oxidizinggent found in photochemical smog. Another type of smog, "reducing smog"

    has high concentrations of sulfur dioxide, which is a reducing agent.

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    72/176Diunduh dari : http://www.zeably.com/Photochemical_smog. 9/11/2012


    Smog is a serious problem in many cities and continues to harmhuman health. Ground-level ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen

    dioxide and carbon monoxide are especially harmful for seniorcitizens, children, and people with heart and lung conditions

    such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. It can inflamebreathing passages, decrease the lungs' working capacity, cause

    shortness of breath, pain when inhaling deeply, wheezing, andcoughing. It can cause eye and nose irritation and it dries out

    the protective membranes of the nose and throat and interfereswith the body's ability to fight infection, increasing susceptibility

    to illness. Hospital admissions and respiratory deaths often

    increase during periods when ozone levels are high.

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    Diunduh dari : http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/slc/climate/TemperatureInversions.php .


    What are temperature inversions?

    On most days, the temperature of air in the atmosphere is coolerthe higher up in altitude you go. This is because most of the

    suns energy is converted to sensible heat at the ground, whichin turn warms the air at the surface. The warm air rises in the

    atmosphere, where it expands and cools. Sometimes, however,the temperature of air actually increases with height. The

    situation of having warm air on top of cooler air is referred to asa temperature inversion, because the temperature profile of the

    atmosphere is "inverted" from its usual state. There are twotypes of temperature inversions: surface inversions that occurnear the Earth's surface, and aloft inversions that occur above

    the ground. Surface inversions are the most important in thestudy of air quality.

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    The term noise is applied to the sound thatcause irritation on hearing of healthy human



    Transport noise--- Originatesfrom road traffic (vehicular), air

    craft and rail traffic.

    Industrial noise--- It produced bypresses; punch and stamp

    machine, pneumatic drills, millingmachines, cutter and routers, dust

    extractors. etc.

    Domestic noise--- It is generatedfrom domestic appliance like

    washing machines, spin dryers,food mixer, sink waste grinder and

    vacuum cleaner.


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    BISINGSound is what we hear while Noise is unwanted sound. In simple words noise is

    defined as any sound that is undesired by the recipient. A particular sound may be

    musical to one but noise to another, pleasant when soft, but noise when loud. The

    ord noise is derived from the Latin word nausea, meaning a feeling of sickness a

    the stomach with an urge to vomit. For humans, hearing is normally limited tofrequencies between about 12 Hz and 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). Noise pollution can be

    defined as unwanted or offensive sound that unreasonably intrudes into our daily

    activities (EPA 1986).

    DIUNDUH DARI: .tp://envis.maharashtra.gov.in/envis_data/newsletter/scilence_zone%20html/zone%20intr


    Some Typical sound levels in dB of various noise sources are given below

    No. Sources Noise levels (dB)

    1 Rusting of leaves due to gentle wind 20

    2 Normal Conversation 50-60

    3 Average Office noise 55

    4 Small Shop 60

    5 Printing Press 80

    6 Heavy traffic 807 Large Factory 90

    8 Train whistle 90

    9 Boiler Factory 110

    10 Firecrackers 110

    11 Aeroplane noise (at a distance of 3 meters) 130

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    Effects Of Noise PollutionHearing damage from noise exposure

    Pathological and Physiological disorders

    The impact of noise may cause permanenthearing loss due to the exposure to noiselevels exceeding 90 dB

    DIUNDUH DARI:tp://envis.maharashtra.gov.in/envis_data/newsletter/scilence_zone%20html/zone%20intr


    Auditory Effects -The most acute and immediate effect of noise pollution is impairing of hearingwhich may cause auditory fatigue and may even finally lead to deafness.

    Auditory fatigue occurs when exposed to noise levels of 90 dB or above. In metrocities, most of the shopkeepers, cobblers, fruit sellers complain tinnitus in ear.Deafness occurs when exposed to loud noise. The workers working in the noisy

    workplace environment may suffer from Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Hearingloss may be temporary or permanent. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels leads

    to permanent deafness.

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    Noise pollution

    This era has rightly been called as the era of

    noise.because heavy industrialization we are exposed toa high level of noise all around us. Noise has become a

    very important stress factor in modern life.it leads manyhealth hazards.Some of the sources of noise pollution

    are aircraft,automobiles,factories,loudspeakers& pop&Rock-n-Roll music in clubs

    . Noise produces following health problems-1)Auditory fatigue

    2)Deafness or impaired vision

    3)Rise in blood pressure, pulse rate


    5)Nausea6)Disturbed sleep

    7)Emotional disturbances

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    Space vehiclelaunch


    Jet take


    Very High abovethan


    Loud Conversation

    Heavy Traffic


    Quit Conversatio


    Pleasant belowthan 80dB

    Quit RainingSports car

    Diunduh dari : .


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    Noise Source Noise


    Noise Source Noise


    reathing 10db Traffic noise 60-90db

    Winds in trees 20db Sports car 80-90db

    Quit conversation 20-30db Heavy truck 90-100db

    icking clock 10db Motor cycle 105db

    House in quiet


    35db Thunder storm 110db

    adio music 50-60db Beat music (Electrically



    oud conversation 60db Air craft noise 90-120db

    Office noise 60db Jet take off 120db

    hildren play 60-80db Jet engine 140db

    awn mower 60-80db Space vehicle launch

    (From a short distance)



    Vacuum cleaner 80db



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    ead more: Noise Pollution - effects, environmental, United States, impact, EPA, industriaworld, human, life, healthhttp://www.pollutionissues.com/Na-Ph/Noise-



    oise pollution is the intrusion of unwanted, uncontrollable, and unpredictable sounds, nonecessarily loud, into the lives of individuals of reasonable sensitivities.

    To understand noise, one must know something about sound and how loudness ismeasured. Sound that travels through the air in waves has two major properties: the

    requency or speed at which the waves vibrate and the intensity of each vibration. It is thetensity, or how many molecules are packed together with each vibration, that for the mos

    part produces the sense of loudness, although frequency also contributes to thedetermination of loudness, with higher-pitched sounds sounding louder.

    Loudness is measured by a decibel scale (expressed as dB), but to reflect human hearingmore accurately a modified version of this scale, known as the A scale, has been

    developed. On the A scale, loudness is measured in dBAs.The scale increases logarithmically so that an increase of 10 dB indicates a doubling of

    oudness, and an increase of 20 dB represents a sound that is four times louder. Whispers

    easure 20 dBA, normal conversation 50 to 60 dBA, shouting 85 dBA, and loud music ove20 dBA. Continuous exposure to sounds over 85 dBA may cause permanent hearing loss

    afe Sound Level vs. Times Allowed per Day Over 85 dBA, over time, can cause permanent damage

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    DIUNDUH DARI: http://syahrilfisika.blogspot.com/ ... 8/11/2012

    Gelombang adalah energi yang merambat.

    Bentuk-bentuk gelombang ada dua yaitu :

    (1) TransversalGelombang transversal adalah yang arah rambatnya relatifegak lurus terhadap arah osilasinya. Bentuk gelombang inisesuai dengan kurva sinus, sehingga gelombang ini sering

    disebut sinusoidal.

    satu panjang gelombang dikatakan sebagai jarak antara 1bukit dan 1 lembah atau jarak antara dua lembah atau jarakntara dua bukit. sedangkan satu periode adalah waktu yangdibutuhkan untuk menmpuh satu gelombang. Fenomena-fenomena alam yang sesuai dengan bentuk gelombang ini

    adalah gelombang elektromagnetik, gelombang cahaya, dangelombang laut pada ombak.

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    83/176DIUNDUH DARI: http://syahrilfisika.blogspot.com/ ... 8/11/2012

    (2) Gelombang Longitudinal

    Gelombang longitudinal adalah gelombang yang arah

    rambatnya relatif sejajar dengan arah osilasinya. Satupanjang gelombang didefimisikan sebagai jarak antara 1

    rapatan dan 1 regangan, jarak antara 2 regangan atau jarakantara 2 rapatan.

    Contoh fenomena fisika yang sesuai dengan prinsip

    gelombang longitudinal adalah gelombang bunyi di udara,elombang air ketika ada suatu benda yang jatuh ke air yang

    tenang. berikut ini animasi gelombang longitudinal


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    IUNDUH DARI: http://nenysmadda.ucoz.org/news/sifat_dasar_gelombang_bunyi/2010-1003-25 ... 8/11/2012

    Intensitas bunyi, kenyaringan dan tingkat intensitasbunyi

    Ketika gelombang merambat, gelombang tersebut memindahkanenergi dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain.

    Gelombang tiga dimensi adalah gelombang yang merambat kesegala arah, misalnya gelombang bunyi

    Jika seseorang berbicara maka orang yang berada di depan,belakang, samping kiri, samping kanan, di atas atau di bawah bisamendengar pembicaraanmu. Hal ini dikarenakan gelombang bunyi

    merambat ke segala arah.

    Pada saat merambat, gelombang bunyi juga membawa sejumlahenergi, karena arah perambatan gelombang bunyi ke segala arah

    maka hal yang penting adalah intensitas.

    Intensitas merupakan energi yang dibawa oleh gelombang per

    satuan waktu, melalui satu satuan luas yang tegak lurus dengan

    arah perambatan gelombang.

    Energi per satuan waktu adalah daya , sehingga intensitas

    merupakan daya yang dibawa oleh gelombang, melalui satu satuanluas yang tegak lurus dengan arah rambatan gelombang.

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    Teknologi pengendalian bising (noise contro l technique) adalah teknikmengendalikan gelombang suara berupa noise (bising) untuk mereduksibahkan menghilangkan bising. Sesuai arti terminologinya, bising berarti

    gelombang akustik yang tidak diinginkan, sehingga harus direduksi atauhilangkan. Saat ini telah berkembang banyak teknik pengendalian bising da

    skala sinyal maupun pada tingkat intensitas suara yang tinggi.ecara konsep, cara menghilangkan kebisingan adalah dengan terlebih dahulmengetahui karakteristik propagasi gelombang akustik sendiri, yang terdiri

    atas refleksi, refraksi, absorpsi, dan transmisi.

    Refleksi adalah peristiwa pemantulan gelombang bunyi saat ia bertumbukan

    dengan sebuah permukaan. Misalkan kita tinjau sebuah titik permukaan yangditumbuk gelombang akustik. Jika gelombang datang dengan sudut datang i

    maka akan dipantulkan dengan sudut rdengan i = r, sesuai hukumpemantulan.

    Selanjutnya kita tinjuan permukaan secara lebih besar. Kita akan melihatbahwa pemantulan yang terjadi akan dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kekasaran

    permukaan tersebut. Permukaan yang rata sempurna menghasilkan

    pemantulan yang teratur. Sebaliknya, permukaan yang kasar akanmemamtulkan gelombang secara baur/difus.

    Refraksi atau pembiasan, adalah fenomena gelombang akustik saat iamelewati medium yang memiliki kerapatan yang berbeda. Akibatnya, terjadi

    pembelokan arah rambat gelombang berdasarkan persamaan Snellius.Absorpsi adalah peristiwa konversi energi akustik menjadi energi termal padaat permukaan, sehingga akan terjadi pengurangan intensitas bunyi setelah i

    melewati permukaan tersebut. Sementara transmisi berarti diteruskannyagelombang akustik saat ia melewati sebuah lapisan permukaan.

    Dari keempat pola propagasi di atas, yaitu refleksi, refraksi, absorpsi, danansmisi, rekayasa pengendalian bising dapat disusun dengan salah satu ata

    beberapa dari pola tersebut.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://yusalsunjaya.wordpress.com/ ... 8/11/2012

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    DIUNDUH DARI: http://yusalsunjaya.wordpress.com/... 8/11/2012

    Penghalang Bising (Noise Barr iers)

    Penghalang bising biasa diaplikasikan pada tempattempat umumdengan tujuan menghalangi transmisi bising akibat sumber bising.

    Derajat absorbsi dan keterhalangan bising dengan adanyapenghalang bising (no ise barr iers) ini bergantung pada ketebalan,

    ketinggian, dan koefisien absorbsi dinding.Namun, faktor lain yang juga mempengaruhi transmisi bising ini

    adalah :1. Pemantulan dan transmisi lewat tanah2. Angin dan cuaca3. Pembelokan arah rambat pada jarak jauh4. Geometri wilayah

    Peredam (Silencer)

    Pembuluh peredam (ductsi lencer) bekerja berdasarkan

    prinsip pemantulan danpenyerapan.

    Semua gelombang bising

    diarahkan pada pembuluh ini,kemudian memantul dibarengiengan pengurangan intensitasenerginya karena penyerapan,erus menerus hingga teredam.

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    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.megasorber.com/4fold-approach/sound-barrier.html...

    Sound is Blocked by aNoise Barrier

    Lead is known as one ofthe best noise barriers

    available due to itsflexibility and denseness.

    Use of lead materialsthese days, however, is

    nearly extinct due tohealth and environmental


    Megasorber Absorber-Barrier Soundproofing CompositesEnhance the Barrier Performance

    Through years of research and development, Megasorber hassuccessfully developed a special range of soundproofing composite


    Combined with the Megasorber sound absorption techniques and thespecially designed decoupling layer, Megasorber soundproofingcomposites provide a sound transmission loss well above the mass-law


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    Noise Barrier Design Principles

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www4.uwm.edu/cuts/noise/noiseb.htm... 8/11/2012

    Fundamental Elements of Design

    Sound AbsorptionThis method uses plants to entrap or absorb sound vibrations. It is the mostcommonly used, particularly for large scale applications.

    Sound is absorbed by all parts of the plant such as leaves, branches, twigsand wood. The rougher the bark the better it absorbs sound. Experts say theest species for this will have many branches and thick, fleshy leaves with thipetioles (leaf stem). These broadleaf species lose their effectiveness in thewinter when deciduous. Fortunately they leaf out for maximum advantage

    during the months when windows are open and you're spending timeoutdoors. In warm climates many more broadleaf evergreens can be used for

    sound absorption benefits all year around.A sound attenuation barrier is most effective when located closest to the

    source of the sound.Large shrubby trees can also be effective at scattering sound waves. The

    deeper and more dense the barrier the greater its scattering potential. Thisillustrates the biggest problem: your designer needs space for an effective


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    Noise Barrier Design Principles

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www4.uwm.edu/cuts/noise/noiseb.htm... 8/11/2012

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    Plants can be strategically placed to frame views and objects.

    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www4.uwm.edu/cuts/noise/noiseb.htm... 8/11/2012

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    Sound Refraction

    This little known effect occurs when noise is dissipated, diffused odispersed by striking a rough surface on any plain. It's easier to

    nderstand using a room of your house as an example. If it is emptywith a bare floor and walls, every sound bounces off the hard

    surfaces to magnify it or even cause a slight echo as it bouncesaround. Add carpeting and the echo vanishes.

    Outdoor surfaces coated in plants can have much the same effect.It's why freeway sound walls are often planted with clinging vinessuch as Boston Ivy or creeping fig. On the ground plain the most

    powerful tool is lawn, due to its large area and excellent refractionability. Make sure your designer is on her toes to utilize thesesurface coverings whenever possible to keep urban din from

    bouncing around your courtyard.


    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www4.uwm.edu/cuts/noise/noiseb.htm... 8/11/2012

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    DIUNDUH DARI: http://www.avtreefarm.com/files/sound-barrier.htm

    BARIER VEGETASIVegetation can be used to barrier the effects many problems including noise

    ollution. As with plantings for wind or visual barriers, the selection and arrangemen

    of the plant material is key to a successful outcome.

    Noise reduction is achieved by either deflection or absorption of the noise or a

    ombination of the two. Most hardscape barriers work by deflecting sound (example1in pic.). To be effective they should be close to the source of the noise as safety

    lows. With these barriers vegetation serves to soften the visual effect of the barrie

    nd reduce the reverberation of sound. Earthen berms are often used in combinatio

    with trees and shrubs to deflect and absorb sound when the available space is

    limited (example 2.).

    egetation alone can be used where adequate space is available. To be effective th

    lanting must be multiple rows to about 40-75' in depth. Care also must be taken to

    plant the first row at 50' from a roadway or any area- that should not be subject toextra snow deposits.

    Conifers or evergreen broadleaf plants will naturally provide the best year around

    oise reduction. Deciduous trees and shrubs can be added to the planting for variet

    and added summer noise reduction (example 3).

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    Water Facts

    Only about 3% of surface water is fresh


    One-fifth of the world population lackaccess to clean drinking water

    Over 2.6 billion people do not have

    adequate toilets, sewers or latrines

    Water-borne Diseases :o Affect four billion people every yearo Kill five million people including 6000

    children every year


    Diunduh dari : .

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    100/176Diunduh dari : http://zolushka4earth.wordpress.com/2010/08/21/38/.


    Eutrophication is a natural process that occurs in an aging lake or pond asthat body of water gradually builds up its concentration of plant nutrients.Cultural or artificial eutrophication occurs when human activity introduces

    increased amounts of these nutrients, which speed up plant growth andeventually choke the lake of all of its animal life.

    In natural lakes a distinction is sometimes made between natural andcultural (anthropogenic) eutrophication processes. Natural

    eutrophication depends only on the local geology and natural features ofthe catchment.

    Cultural eutrophication is associated with human activities whichaccelerate the eutrophication process beyond the rate associated with

    the natural process (e.g. by increasing nutrient loads into aquaticecosystems).

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    Sources and impacts

    Domestic wastes and sewage-- Sewage of municipalities, boats,

    ships, etc.

    It causes depletion of oxygen

    It produce foul odour and makesthe water oily and brownish.

    Increase the sludge which makethe water unfit for recreational and

    industrial use,

    It induces the growth of algalblooms.

    Diunduh dari : .

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    The pollutants present on the surface of land and fertilizers are washed down into

    water bodies.

    The nitrites enter the blood and combine with hemoglobin to formmethaemoglobin. The latter is unable to transport oxygen and gives rise to diseas

    called as methaemoglobinaemia.nfants are the most affected, showing signs of blueness around the mouth, hand

    and feet, having trouble breathing as well as vomiting and diarrhoea.

    Diunduh dari : http://www.co.portage.wi.us/groundwater/undrstnd/runoff.htm .

    Urban runoff adalah limpasan permukaan air hujan dibuat olehurbanisasi. Urban limpasan ini didefinisikan sebagai aliran sungai ataujumlah limpasan permukaan dan aliran bawah permukaan limpasan


    Limpasan ini terjadi ketika simpanan permukaan dan simpanan tanahtelah penuh, infiltrasi curah hujan berhenti dan selanjutnya air menjadi

    aliran permukaan.Diunduh dari: taufikmohar.f i les.wordp ress.com /2010/06/urban-

    runoff .ppt

    Runoff is thetotal amount ofwater flowing

    into a stream. Itis the umbrellaterm for at least

    six (6) otherterms: surface

    runoff, directrunof f ,overlandf low, saturat ionexcess overland

    f low, interf low,baseflow, andprobably a few


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    Sources of lead pollution

    Paints, smelters, chemical and pesticide industries, petrochemicals.

    Lead poisoning (also known as plumbism, colica pictonium, saturnism, painter's

    colic) is a medical condition caused by increased levels of the heavy metal lead in

    the body.

    Lead interferes with a variety of body processes and is toxic to many organs andissues including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, reproductive and nervous


    DIUNDUH DARI: . http://wondersofebt.blogspot.com/2010_07_01_archive.html.

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    Cadmium causes renal damage, emphysema andhypertension and Itai-Itai diseases.


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