kubota japanese style garden in seattle what's growing on htm

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Japanese Style Public Garden Seattle Washington





Kubota Japanese Style Garden in SeattleKabota Garden Seattle

Kubota Garden, a Japanese styled garden is located just a few kms south of Seattle.Washington. About a 3 hour drive south across the border from Vancouver. B.C.  

A short history of the Kubota Garden can be found at the Kubota Garden Foundation web site.

The city of Seattle acquired the garden from the estate of Master Landscaper Fujitaro Kubota in 1987. He began his Japanese style display garden in 1927 combining Japanese Landscape Design and building techniques with plants and building materials sourced locally. 

This lovely 20 acre garden has a mixture of mature Asian, American & European shrubs and trees. There are well groomed trails that meander throughout the park with some trails or steps which take you up a hill where sparkling waterfalls spring forth and cascade down emptying their crystal clear water into streams and pools below.  

Arched stone bridge crossing over pond.

Below, wooden arched Japanese style bridge with red painted railings.

Balance has been obtained by using colour, texture, differing heights of trees, hard stone, painted wood and water.

Huge uncut slabs of stone jut out from each side of the bank and end in the middle of the pond just parallel to each other creating a zig zag bridge to cross over the water.

We came across this unusual group of weeping spruce trees. They almost look enchanted, as if they have stopped in their tracks and are looking down in wonder at the people strolling by. 

The rich jewel toned fall leaves are truly spectacular to behold in this garden.

It wasn't enough to just take a picture of this pine and weeping spruce tree that had grown together to form this hidden cave/den. 

Yes, we relived our childhood exploits and entered a world of make believe and secrecy upon entering this enchanted hide away.

Below a moss covered branch of a Japanese Maple, morphs into an alien type reptile that appears ready to strike at any time.  

Dwarf winged burning bush, Euonymous alata compacta's green leaves turn bright pink to scarlet red in the fall. 

These stripped trees appear to be dancing naked when you stumble upon them in the little clearing. 

All of the plants and trees found growing in Kubota Garden can be found at your local nursery/garden centre. 

Plants grown in the garden are suited to the Pacific North West Coast, Vancouver & the Fraser Valley of B.C. Canada. 

While the weather has cooled off somewhat, you will find this is still an ideal time to plant trees & shrubs before the ground freezes. You will not have to worry about watering newly planted trees for the next 4 months the weather will take care of that for you. Deciduous trees as well as evergreens have entered into dormancy and all their energy is focused into nourishing their root system.

Fall is also a great time to find deals at your local nursery/garden centre. Art's Nursery on 192 Street in Surrey has one of the largest selections of plant material in the Metro Vancouver & Fraser Valley areas. You will find super friendly and knowledgeable sales staff with horticultural training that will be able answer any questions and concerns you may have regarding plant material and plant placement. Art's Nursery is open all year round, they have you covered, and have the best prices as well as exceptional quality. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, hopefully it will entice you to get out to the parks in your community and or inspire you to get that landscape project on the go while there is still time before winter comes along.


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Posted 26th November 2013 by Maureen FrostLocation: Bradner, Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Labels: Art's Nursery Frost Nursery Japanese Garden Kubota Gardens Seattle Vancouver

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