kuta weekly-edition 274 "bali"s premier weekly newspaper"

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  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Kut a Townhouses

    ali arleyB HoctorD


    A s e r i e s o finterviews withan inmate and aformer inmatehave revealedthat KerobokanP e n i t e n t i a r y ,Bal i ' s largesta n d m o s to v e r c r o w d e dp r i s o n , i sarguably alsothe count ry 'sm o s tc o m f o r t a b l eprison, at least for inmates witha lot of cash to spare and share.

    Illegal levies are a commonand accepted fact of life behind thebars of Kerobokan. An inmate mustpay for a list of strange things, such asa Rp 20,000 (US$2.20) monthly fee inthe women's block for the right to usethe clotheslines, and a Rp 100,000 feefor a guard to bring you 100 grams ofdrugs.

    For a Rp 15,000 monthly fee, aninmate can carry around a cellularphone with him 24 hours a day, sevendays a week.

    Those who cannot afford acellular phone can rent one from theguards for Rp 10,000 per day. Do notworry about the signal jammer theauthorities installed in 2008 to preventinmates from running drug trading ringsfrom inside the prison.

    Continue to page 11

    KUTAWEEKLYVolume 6, Issue 274



    1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

    Money rules in Kerobokan

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  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    many var iat ions st art ing at $ 65.00 to $ 150.00.Cal l today

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    increased quickly over thepast few weeks. This has had anex t raord i nary e f f ec t on t heeconomies of many countries,including Indonesia, explained theIndonesian President as he opened acabinet meeting last week.

    On Wednesday, the price of

    crude oil in Singapore for delivery inApril hit US$106 per barrel. At thesame time, the price of crude (ICP)reached US$110 in Indonesia, afigure well above the assumed cost ofUS$90 per barrel contained in StateBudget (APBN) in 2012.

    The President admitted thatthe increase in crude oil prices hasdelivered a significant blow to theIndonesia economy. Responding tothe current situation, Yudhoyonosaid, We must respond and developa number of options and policiesaimed at saving our economy, theState Budget (APBN) and the fiscalcondition.

    Faced with the certainty ofan increase in Indonesian fuel prices,

    the President said he will continue tourge vehicles be converted toliquefied gas consumption.

    The government earlierannounced that subsidies on fuelwould end on April 1, 2012. The threeoptions before the Governmentinclude increasing pr ices ofsubsidized fuel at the pumps,converting use from gasoline tonatural gas, and compelling privatevehicle to only use non-subsidizedPertamax fuel.

    Sorry, But this May HurtNews Corner

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    i n c r e a s e f u e l c o s t s ,however, may be hampered bySection 7 of the 2012 Law on theState Budget , which forbidsincreases in fuel costs. In theory,before any increase in fuel costs cant a k e p l a c e t h e H o u s e o fRepresentatives (DPR) and theExecutive Branch must revokeSection 7 to clear the way for priceincreases.

    Protests Ahead?S e p a r a t e l y , t h e

    Coordinating Minister for Politics,Law and Security Djoko Suyanto saidthat protests and demonstrations bythose opposed to the government'splans to increase fuel costs are notforbidden. Protests are allowed,what's important is that any protestsbe non-violent; as long as protestsare proportional, do no damage anddo not disturb publ ic order,explained Djoko.

    Both Wacik and Djokoof fered assurances that theg o v e r n m e n t w i l l p r o v i d e

    compensations to the public directlyaffected by any increase in fuel costs.President Yudhoyono has

    repeatedly underlined that thedecision to increase the subsidizedprice for fuel cannot be separatedfrom the current world economiccrisis. In the midst of the ongoingeconomic disruption in the Eurozone, there is also rising politicaltension in the Middle East involvingIran, the U.S. and Europe. Thedecision by Iran to halt oil sales to allEuropean nations has resulted in anincrease in global fuel prices.

    1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

    Indonesian Cabinet ManagerApologizes for Imminent andInevitable Increase in Fuel Prices

    Indonesia's Minister ofEnergy and Mineral Resources JeroWacik warned everyone what'scoming, but, to his credit, he has alsoapologized in advance. Quoted byKompas.com, Wacik said, Apologiesto the people of Indonesia becausethe price of fuel will increase.

    The Minister's apology wasmade to a group of reporters whileWacik was accompanying PresidentSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono at a

    session to brief and instructIndonesian diplomats of the Ministryof Foreign Affairs.

    Wacik told the press that thegovernment is still in the process ofcalculating the size of the hike in fuelprices. We are in the process ofcalculating what's best for the people.The Country will be efficient. Thereare a couple of government projectswhich will be postponed, explainedthe Bali-born Minister.

    He continued, saying theGovernment would soon discuss thesize of the hike in fuel costs. Plans to

    Kuta Weekly

    2 39

    In an age when celebrities areborn overnight via YouTubeand reality TV, to call Belgian-A u s t r a l i a n e l e c t r o - p o pmusician Gotye an internetsensation may be to do him adisservice.

    Long before his catchy"Somebody That I Used To Know"and accompanying "paint byn u mb e rs " v i d e o n o t ch e d84,487,757 (and counting) hits onYouTube, he was a musicalexperimenter enjoying limitedsuccess in Australia.

    He released his first twoa lb u ms in d e p e n d e n t l y - -"Boardface" in 2003 and "LikeDrawing Blood" in 2006 -- and alsoplays in a band called The Basics.

    Now Gotye is a name towatch who has signed a deal withthe world's largest record labelUniversal and is heading to the

    United States for a four-week tourculminating in two dates at theCoachella music festival in April.

    While the 31-year-old isembracing his new-found globalfame, part of him hankers for theway things were.

    "I put out my first tworecords totally independently inAustralia, and the second record,with alternative radio airplay andgreat word-of-mouth, it eventuallywent platinum," He wasq u o t e d a s sa y in g b ytelephone from Hamburg,where he was on the lateststop of his European tour.

    "There was not even aposter on a wall, people justheard it. Part of me really likesthat purity."

    Gotye, whose realname is Wouter De Backer, isalso curious to see if his risingreputation and internationalchart success will influence hismusical style.

    "I will be interested to see,when I am writing new material,

    whether it will have abearing -- am I going to be writingfor 10 million people or justmyself, which is how I've alwaysdone it?

    "I may be drawn to makemore underground music inresponse to how big this song andalbum has become," he added.Somebody That I Used To Knowcomes from the album "MakingMirrors" which was released inAustralia last August.


    Gotye was bo rn inBelgium in 1980 and moved toAustralia with his family when hewas two. According to onlinebiographies, he formed a band athigh school and released a 50-copy-only four-track CD in 2001.

    Boardface, his debutalbum, followed in 2003, andthree years later came "LikeDrawing Blood," a record whichfeatured in radio listeners' pollsand was nominated for, and won,several awards in Australia.

    Making Mirrors topped theAustralian album chart, but it wasthe viral success of break-up songSomebody That I Used To Know,aided by Twitter endorsementsfrom celebrities like AshtonKutcher, that launched Gotye on

    the global stage.Likened to artists Peter

    Gabriel and Hall & Oates, musiccritics have welcomed Gotye's

    Singer Gotye's YouTube hit no overnight sensationdifferent sounds and

    styles, setting him apart from the"manufactured" feel of many malesolo artists.

    His fascination for soundsboth real and synthesized -- hefeatures recordings of frogs andfence strings on a windy night in hissongs -- is summed up by MakingMirrors track "State of the Art."

    Warped vocals deliver lineslike "I t 's a genuine homeentertainment revelation" and"The Magic Swing Piano really isastounding" to describe his LowreyCotillion electric organ, to whichthe track is a humorous ode.

    One side effect of Gotye'spopularity is the number of coverversions of his songs surfacing onthe internet.

    One, by Canadian indieband Walk Off the Earth, madeheadlines with a version ofSomebody That I Used to Know inwhich five band members performthe song on the same guitar at thesame time. It passed 60 millionYouTube hits.

    "This is one of the nicethings the internet gives you,"Gotye said, adding that somecovers were better than others."Culture is free and people canrespond in the way they want , and Idon't think you can try and control

    that too much."Look ing ahead ,

    Gotye said he had no firmplans for new material, butwhen it did come it wasunlikely to live up to the hypesurrounding SomebodyThat I Used To Know.

    "A lot of people askme, do you feel pressure?My genuine response is thatI'm pretty sure my nextsingle is not going to hitnumber one in 10 countries."Of course it's great if it did,

    but my sense is that this song hassomething special that sets itaside.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"





    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)



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    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

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  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    day again folks and here we go at another week in parad ise.This week has seen a heap of activity at the local prison withinmates complaining that the conditions are too crampedG

    and feeling like they should be given more space. I say rightwhack to them as if you are stupid enough to break the law to thepoint that you are going to be ja iled in Indonesia, suck eggs. Let itbe a warning to the rest of the fools that think Indonesia doesn't

    have laws or that they can disregard them at will. Make nomistake the high ranking police Intel department operate a world class regiment and know how toget the job done, and get it done they do. A very professional team to say the least.

    While I'm on the subject of warnings I will offer one to every single person that lives on thisfantastic little island and remind you all to lock your house up while you sleep . It seems there hasbeen a little bit of the old break and enter thing happening, due to a crew of pirates looking for aquick buck or two from unsuspecting home owners. This warning goes not just for expats but isoffered to everyone, including Indonesian nationals. Criminals will not distinguish between race,colour or creed and are just looking for that instant ga in, no matter what the circumstance. It's notall about picking up a few quid, as in some instances there have been brutal bashings when thecrooks have worked out there is no money or valuables to take.

    Again on the subject of crime, which isn't a topic I care to fill my editorial quota with veryoften, but every now and then, must throw it in to remind us all that no matter how small it is, it isactually a problem that exists. I did hear a funny story the other day about a few friends that went fora morning ritual swim and due to a bloody good curry causing an u rgent bowel movement, neededto unload in a hurry. Our old mate, who will remain a phantom, has crept down between the localbroken down fishing boats and done the desperately needed squat then decide to jump into theocean to sort out the left over gribble and in anticipation, has stripped off and bee lined it for the surfso all is good. A five minute grissle scrub later ensures he is ready to redress and head for home,happy in the thought that he is keeping on top of his health by doing his morning walk.

    Old mate has left the briney and walked in a straight line to his clothes, or, where he leftthem, anyway and after about 5 minutes has realized that his kit, which was left neatly piled on thesand had been taken by someone that wanted it more than him. Fearing a naked walk backthrough the street of down town Kuta in the raw, he has called out to his friend who has wandereddown to the water line to get a grip on the situation as best possible, to discover the theft. So folks,it's clear to me that it doesn't matter where you are, you're always vulnerable and make no mistakewe are very much that.Both men have agreed the only solution for our china, is to take the walk of shame back home andget a fresh set of cloths. The journey begins with old mate's bright white rear section being burnedinto his friends mind like the mark of Zorro and after a few minutes of this torture the boys comeacross a set of clothes that look exactly like the clothes our unloaded friend left on the beach,

    mobile phone, wallet and all. It seems my loyal readers, the drift in tide, had dragged our morningwalker down the beach a little separating him from his clobber. I guess this is standard if you're upwith the tides and things, however our doddery walkers are not.

    I guess all that ends well is grea t, but make no mistake, some of you won't be so lucky with asilly mistake like that and will possibly lose your personal and private possessions if you aren'tcareful. I hope the most of you stay healthy, safe and happy and always remember, just when youforgot about it, fear not, the reminder will come.

    Enjoy your week,ALIASJ




    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    C o u p l e s w h o ma y b eheading for a nasty break-up should be careful abouttexting because it could endup as evidence againstthem in divorce court.

    More than 90 percent ofAmerica's top divorce attorneyssaid they have seen a spike in thenumber of cases using evidencef r o m i P h o n e s a n d o t h e rsmartphones in the past threeyears, according to the AmericanAcademy of Matrimonial Lawyers(AAML).

    The rise in texting evidencefollows a similar trend two yearsago when the AAML, a professionalgroup of 1,600 members whohandle prenuptial agreements,legal separations, annulments,custody battles, property divisionsand the rights of unmarried couples,

    noticed a surge in evidence fromFacebook pages."With emails you can think

    about and rewrite them. There is awindow of opportunity to rethinkwhat you are saying but textmessaging is immediate," said KenAltshuler, the president of theAAML. "We get a lot of textmessages that people send outwithout thinking."

    He described texts as"spontaneous venting" that cancome back to haunt people

    because they are written records ofsomeone's thoughts, actions andintentions.

    Even a text message on aphone overlooked by someoneover their shoulder, if the person iscredible, can cause problems indivorce hearings.

    " I h a v e u s e d t e x tmessaging for cross examination,"said Altshuler, who has also

    submitted texts as evidence. "Iwould say in the last six monthsthere have been a lot of textmessages involved in litigation. Forwhatever reason, people aretexting more and not thinking aboutwhat they are texting."

    Text messaging was themost common form of divorceevidence taken from smartphones,

    according to the AAMLpoll, followed by emails, phonenumbers, call histories, GPSand Internet search histories.

    Altshuler believes atleast part of the reason for thesurge in text evidence is

    because people think textmessaging is safe, because itisn't easy to print out.

    "Not everybody canprint out a text message. Youhave to know how to do it," heexplained.

    Altshuler advises hisclients not to use Facebook,which was the main source ofdivorce evidence from socialmedia in a previous poll, butadded that only about halffollow his advice.

    He is equally cautiousabout other emailing.

    "Anything that is inwriting, you have to assumethat someday a judge is goingto see it. So, if it is notsomething that you don't want a

    judge to see, don't write itdown."

    He added it appliesparticularly to text messages.

    "You can erase yoursbut it doesn't mean they erasetheirs."

    Be careful what you text if you're heading for divorce

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

    Woman 'sells' herself on eBayTwo years after she wasmade redundant, a 38-year-old woman is so desperateto find a job that she has

    offered herself on auctionwebsi te eBay.

    Deborah Bowen hasstruggled to meet mortgagerepayments and faces beingevicted from the Gloucesterhouse she shares with herpartner.

    The Brit ish womandecided to "sell" herself on eBayin an attempt to gain the attentionof prospective employers.

    "For sale - a willing andable permanent or temporaryemployee," her ad - whichincludes her CV - states.

    " S a l e sprofessional/BDM/W/house willdo almost anything for work.Please read on, Could you be theright person to give me the rightopportunity?"

    Her post has failed toattract any bidders.

    Ms Bowen said that herh o u s e n e e d e d a l o t o fmaintenance, which preventedthe couple from renting out theirthird bedroom.

    "My partner is employedbut it's only temporary and wedon't pay benefits at all," she said.

    "I thought eBay would be agreat way of reaching a largeaudience and people from alltypes of sectors.

    "I've been to so manyrecruitment agencies, but whenthey see I 've been maderedundant twice they just think I'ma job hopper and refuse to offer meanything.

    "But I will do absolutelyanything, drive a forklift truck oreven clean toilets. I don't thinkpeople understand."

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    Street artists join the war on Manila smogTheir canvas is a stretch ofdingy concrete wall alongManila's main highway,where millions of vehiclesstream past every day,belching exhaust that helps

    t o c r e a t e a n o x i o u s ,unhealthy smog.But the murals now

    blooming under the hands ofstreet artists along Epifaniodelos Santos Avenue (EDSA)are not only there for art's sake-- they arecreated withp a i n t t h a tdoubles as anair purifier.

    A newpaint variantcreated byloca l pa in t

    manufacturerB o y s e nc o n t a i n sm o d i f i e dt i t a n i u md i o x i d e s ,w h i c h a r edesigned tobreak downtoxic fumesinto harmless substances.

    T h o u g h t i t a n i u mdioxide is commonly used inregular paint, its molecules inthe modified version aremicronized, a process thatcompresses them ten-fold toenhance their intrinsic abilityt o b r e a k d o w n t o x i csubstances when activated bylight.

    "It acts as a photocatalyst and in the presence ofsunlight or artificial lighting itbrings down noxious gasessuch as nitrogen dioxides andother VOCs (volatile organic

    compounds) in the air,"said Patrick Negrete, BoysenProject Management Engineer.

    Negrete said that tests inManila and Europe's busiestthoroughfares reported at leastan 18 percent reduction of airpollutants.

    Now, the Manila citygovernment has partnered withBoysen to add more muralsalong the heavily pollutedEDSA, part of a decades-olddrive to combat air pollution

    there.The highway has the

    highest traffic congestion in thePhilippines, with over 2.5mi l l ion vehic les pass ingthrough daily. The World Health

    Organization has reported thatpollution there is four timesgreater than recommendedsafe levels.

    According to the UnitedNations, Manila is one of theworld's five most polluted cities,with an estimated four percentof the vast metropolis 'sdisease-related deaths linked

    to air pollution.Ten local and foreign

    artists were invited to designmurals covering over 8,000square meters of walls,columns and bridges alongEDSA's choke points, or whereit narrows.

    Fanciful flowers areamong the works taking form inthe distinctive green paint.

    Company executivesacknowledge that while the air-cleaning paint does help, it is far

    f r o m ap e r m a n e n tsolution.

    "The bestsolution is toreduce the levelof pollution tostart with, to

    r e d u c ep o l l u t a n t scoming out ofc a r s , " s a i dJ o h n s o nO n g k i n g ,B o y s e n V i c ePresident.

    B u t t h eartists involved in

    c r e a t i n g t h e h i g h w a ym a s t e r p i e c e s w e r eenthusiastic.

    "I hope there would bemany more paintings like these-- not just in Manila, but around

    t he wor ld , " sa id Tap ioSnellman, a Finnish artist andfilm maker who volunteered todesign one mural.

    "Because there's a hugeneed of air-cleaning paintings,and there's a huge need ofvisual stimulation of positiveand inspiring artwork.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Bali Officials Says FutureTourism Pol ic ies Wi l lSeek Qua l i t y Be fo reQuantity

    The State News AgencyAntara quotes a ranking provincialleader as calling for Bali to shift itsfocus from the quantity of touristvisitors to the quality of thoseholidaymakers. The call comes asthe Island's infrastructure isshowing increasing signs offatigue and strain as it copes witha record number of tourists, both

    domestic and international.


    T h e2 n dA s s i s t a n tSecretary forthe Provinceof Bali, KetutW i j a ,

    speaking at ap l a n n i n gmeeting one c o n o m i cdevelopmenth e l d i nL o m b o k ,said, We no longer will prioritizethe quantity of tourist arrivals, butwill now place the emphasis onquality of those visitors.

    Wija explained to themeeting how Bali with 5,632square kilometres of land masscontains only 0.20% of allIndonesian national territory, asmall sliver of land which he

    estimated is occupied by around

    million residents andbetween 5-6 million visitors duringthe course of a single year.

    Authorities estimate thatBali is also suffering an influx ofmigrants from other areas ofIndonesia estimated to add400,000 new residents each year.


    Quality Over Quantity

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Silent Days and Silent NightsNyepi - Bali's Day ofAbso lu te S i lence isFriday, March 23, 2012.Here's Our Guide onWhat to Expect

    Bali 's magical andhighly spiritual day of absolutesilence Hari Raya Nyepi fallson Friday, March 23, 2012marking the first day of the BaliHindu NewYear of Caka1934.

    Unique in all theworld, NyepiD a y i spreceded bya night ofr e v e l r y i nw h i c h

    elaborate lya d o r n e dp a p i e r -mch floatsare carriedthrough Bali'sstreet - withi m a g e sdepicting allmanner of demons and well-known celebrities, carried onthe shoulders of village youthwho have spent the weeksleading up to the festivalcreating the colourful displays.As dawn approaches, the

    celebrants, now rid of their wildimpetuosity, slip away to theirrespective homes for a 24-hourperiod of mandatory solitudeand reflection from which tolaunch the year ahead.

    Nyepi mandates a dayof absolute quietude, based onthe four precepts of CaturBrata:

    Amati Geni:

    Prohibiting the lightingof fires, the use of lighting or thesatisfaction of pleasurablehuman appetites.

    Amat i Karya :Prohibiting all forms of physicalwork o t her t han t hosededicated to spiritual cleansingand renewal.

    Amati Lelungan:Prohibiting movement or travel;

    requiring people to stay withintheir residences.

    A m a t iLelangunan: Prohibiting allforms of enter ta inment ,rec rea t i ons o r genera lmerrymaking.

    In keeping with the stricttraditions of the holy day, Baligrinds to an absolute halt for 24-hours from 6:00 a.m. on Friday,March 23 until Saturday, March24, 2012.

    The observance of theday is all pervasive andincludes:

    The requirementthat Bali visitors stay confined

    within the grounds ofhotels for the 24-hour periodand not leave the premises,except in cases of medicalemergency.

    Hotels are askedto limit outside lighting out ofrespect to the surroundingBalinese communities.

    Employees ofhotels and emergency servicesmust stay confined to their

    p l a c e o femploymentfor the entire2 4 - h o u rperiod.

    A l lstreets areempty andclosed. Allbusinessesare closed.O n l yemergencyvehicles arepermitted onthe roads.

    A l lseaports arec l o s e d

    during the 24-hour period.Bali's airport is

    closed during the 24-hourperiod. No passengers areallowed to land or take off fromthe airport. Technical stops areallowed but no passenger may

    disembark or embark on a flightduring this period.Television and

    radio stations are closed andcable broadcast companies areasked to suspend their signalsto Bali during the proscribedperiod.


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Was Einstein wrong - or was the cable loose?The world of science wasupended last year when anexperiment appeared toshow one of Einstein'sfundamental theories waswrong - but now the lab

    behind it says the resultcoul d have been caused bya loose cable.

    Physicists at theC E R Nr e s e a r c hinstitute nearG e n e v aappeared toc o n t r a d i c tA l b e r tE i n s t e i n ' s1905 SpecialT h e o r y o fRelativity last

    ye a r wh e nthey reportedt h a t s u b -a t o m i cp a r t i c l e sc a l l e dn e u t r i n o scould travelfractions of asecond fasterthan light.

    Einstein's Special Theoryof Relativity, which underpins thecurrent view of how the universeworks, says that nothing cantravel faster than light, and doingso would be like travelling back intime.

    J a m e s G i l l i e s , aspokesman for EuropeanOrgan iza t ion fo r NuclearResearch, or CERN, said thelab's startling result was now indoubt.

    A website run by theAmerican Association for theAdvancement of Science,reported that the surprising result

    was down to a loose fibreoptic cable linking a GlobalPositioning System satellitereceiver to a computer.

    Gillies confirmed that aflaw in the GPS system was nowsuspected as a possible cause for

    the surprising reading. Furthertesting was needed before anydefinite conclusions could be

    reached, he added.The faster-than-light

    finding was recorded when15,000 neutrino beams werepumped over three years fromCERN to an underground Italianlaboratory at Gran Sasso near

    Rome."A possible explanation

    has been found. But we won'tknow until we have tested it outwith a new beam to Gran Sasso,"Gillies said.

    P h y s i c i s t s o n t h eexperiment, called OPERA, saidwhen they reported it lastSeptember that they had checkedand rechecked over many found.

    months anything thatcould have produced amisreading before announcingwhat they had found.

    A second test whoseresults were announced inNovember appeared to provide

    further evidence that neutrinoswere travelling faster than light.But many experts remainedsceptical of a result that would

    h a v eo v e r t u r n e done of thefundamentalprinciples ofm o d e r nphysics.

    Edward B lu ch e r ,chairman oft h eDepartment ofPhysics at theUniversity ofChicago, saidthe originalfinding wouldh a ve b e e nbreathtaking ifit had beentrue. As it was,the researchinspired many

    spirited discussions, if fewbelievers.

    "I don't think I metanyone who said I bet it's goingto be true. I think the people onthe experiment worked as

    carefully as they could and Ithink they ran out of ideas ofwhat could be wrong and theydecided to present it," he said.

    "Maybe they shouldhave waited a few moremonths," he added.

    Gillies said CERNwould be issuing a fullstatement early next week.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



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    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


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    Heartless thieves pick lovers'padlocks in Germany

    German police caught two thieves breaking open"lovers' padlocks" attached to a bridge over the

    Rhine River in the city of Cologne.The pair were cutting padlocks, left by amorous

    couples to symbolise their eternal love, off a railing

    on the Hohenzollern Bridge presumably to sell asscrap metal, police said.

    "I spotted two men on the other side of the bridgetampering with the lovers' padlocks, so I called forback-up straight away," a police officer said. Themen tried to escape with their loot after spotting

    police but were apprehended on the bridge.Police discovered over 50 padlocks along with lockcutters in a trolley suitcase, wheeled along by themen. The pair will appear in court on charges of

    property damage, police said.Love-struck couples have been fastening padlocks

    to railings of bridges, engraving them with theirinitials or adding a few sentimental words and thentossing the keys into the rivers below to symbolise

    their eternal love.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Aries Mar 20 - Apr 19There's a difference between things going according toplan, which they won't, and there being something toworry about. Waste no time trying to get arrangementsback on track. Circumstances have changed more thanyou realise and for now, you're better off letting thingsdevelop as they must.

    TaurusApr 20 - May 20Tempting as it is to play peacemaker in certainincreasingly tense situations, you'd regret it. True, you've

    a knack for getting even those who're at seriousloggerheads to overcome their differences. However,there are issues behind the scenes of which you'reentirely unaware. These are as deep as they are complex.

    Gemini May 21 - Jun 20Because you tend to be far more aware of new andunexpected developments than others, sudden changesin plans are unlikely to upset you. They could even giveyou an excuse to end certain unrewarding arrangementsand focus on new ones. Initially, however, others areprobably won't see it this way.

    Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22Recent offers were inspiring but distinctly short of details.Now that things have reached a point at which you can askabout such matters, do so. Others may grumble.However, that has far more to do with their sheer laziness,not you. Actually, they'll benefit as much from knowingthese facts as you will.

    Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22When certain rather exciting arrangements fell into place

    last week, you assumed that was that. Since then, thefoundation on which they were based has changed,enough you must rethink those plans. Actually, becausethis is part of an ongoing cycle of change, expect manymore versions before anything can be considered

    Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22Although the Virgo Full Moon doesn't actually take placeuntil the end of next week, you may already beexperiencing the heightened emotions that are so much apart of this cycle. Unsettling as they may be, what youlearn could resolve issues you thought you'd just have tolive with.

    Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22Few things are more disheartening than having to undoplans you've invested considerable time, effort and,perhaps, heart in organising. However, once youunderstand why these can't last, you'll exchange anyfeelings of sadness for delight. Although you may notrecognise it right away, even sudden developments areintroducing badly needed breakthroughs.

    ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21Sometimes questions that seem invasive are no more

    than an effort to make conversation. But at the momentothers may have a very different reason for bringing theseup and pursuing them. That being the case, ask whythese are being raised. What they have to say couldsurprise you.

    Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21Others may be advising you to say an enthusiastic yes tocertain offers but you're unsure. There's no arguing thatthey're worthwhile, but your instincts are telling youthey're only the beginning. Those instincts are right.Explore these and show interest where appropriate butsteer clear of any promises or commitments.

    Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19The line between an alliance or arrangement that's worthreviving and something that's run its course isn't alwaysclear. What is clear is that things can't remain as they are.Knowing that, discuss the situation in question with thosewhose views you respect. The resulting insights will helpyou decide what's next.

    AquariusJan 20 - Feb 18Of the twelve signs, yours has some of the most exciting

    events coming your way. But what's best could also seemmost disruptive, at least now. Only once you've had achance to explore what's arisen and have a betterunderstanding of those developments will you realise justhow brilliant they are.

    Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 19There are times when it's essential that everybodyunderstand why certain decisions are being made andhow they'll influence them. At the moment, however,others are doing no more than seeking your attention,which is far better focused on the changes streamingthrough your life. Ignoring these individuals seems harsh,but it's the best option.

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    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Kerobokan Cleans Up After Days Of RiotingThe recent rioting atKerobokan Prison in Balicaused at least Rp 1.2b i l l ion ($133,000) ind a m a g e s , o f f i c i a l sestimate.

    That's just from theburned-down building,Priyadi, chief of Bali's justice and humanrights office, said onSunday. We haven'taccounted fo r thep r i s o n g u a r d s 'equipment, computers,documents, etc.

    For the first timesince the riot startedlast week, journalists onSaturday were allowedins ide the pr ison,providing a glimpse into the true

    extent of the damage.Officials and inmates

    w e r e p i l i n g u p b u r n e dmattresses and rubble. Otherswere fixing damaged waterpipes.

    Priyadi said a privateauditing firm had been appointedto assess the damage, and moredetails were expected by Friday.

    Prisoners overwhelmedthe 20 guards on duty on 21stFebruary, Tuesday night, forcingthem to flee. The inmates thenset fire to prison offices, includingthe armoury.

    Police and military firedtear gas and rubber bullets in anattempt to quell the violence,injuring three prisoners.

    The riot was triggeredby the stabbing of an inmate

    during a brawl two days earlier.Lax security was blamed for

    allowing a knife into the facility.Two prison officials

    warden Bowo Nariwono and

    chief of security AnangKhuzaini lost their positions lastFriday because of the days-longrioting.

    Gusti Ngurah Wiratna,the new warden, began thedaunting task on Saturday of

    calming the still simmering

    tensions among the prison's1,000 inmates, most of themdrug convicts and hardenedcriminals.

    One of his first initiativeswas to hold a team-buildingexercise for some of theprisoners and prison guards.

    This is important and hasbecome a priority. We want toeliminate the feeling of distrustand fear between guards andinmates, Gusti said. He addedthat the effort got off to a goodstart on Saturday, with theinmates appearing eager to takepart.

    Officials also providedcounselling sessions for femaleand juvenile prisoners who weretraumatized by the rioting.

    Bambang Krisbanu, thesecurity director at Bali's justiceand human rights office, said thatthe authorities were working tor e d u ce o ve r c r o wd in g i nKerobokan , which was designedfor just 300 inmates.

    Eighty-four inmates, he re

    s a i d , h a v e b e e ntransferred to jails in Bali andneighbouring East Java, andanother seven were paroled.

    Bambang Daranindra,the chief consul at the ForeignAffairs Ministry, visited the

    prison on Sunday to ensurethat all 60 foreign inmateswere safe after the rioting.He said most of theforeigners had refused tobe transferred to otherprisons.

    They feel at home[in Kerobokan], he said.They have made friendswith the local prisoners,and moving to a newplace would require someadjustment. They're atease here and their

    families can visit them without

    hassle.For security reasons,prison officials have notallowed inmates to have visitsfrom family members andfriends since the rioting began.

    D a r a n i n d r a s a i ddiplomats from 17 countrieshad expressed concern abouttheir citizens locked up inKerobokan.

    We will meet them andtell them they have nothing toworry about, he said.

    Badung Police ChiefAdj. Sr. Comr. Beny Arjanto

    said that the police woulddeploy 90 officers to guard thefacility.

    We will remove ourofficers only once we're surethe situation is under control, hesaid.


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Surfing BaliBali is part of the Indonesian archipelago of18,700 islan ds and li es approx imately 8Csouth of the equator. The majority of thepopulation of Bali are (Balinese) Hindu, aunique mixture of Hinduism & Buddhism.

    The unique religion and culture of the Balinesepeople is one of the reasons the island remained anoasis of peace and calm throughout the chaotic timesin Indonesia since the fall of the Suharto dictatorship in1999 and has helped sustain the spirit of the islandduring the last few years as Bali and the Balinesepeople have suffered their own turbulent times ofunbelievable sorrow and the resulting economichardships.

    Bali is blessed by nature with a short, hot wetseason and a longer, cooler, dry season and touristsflock here all year round. Many tourists choose toarrive in the dry season - which nowadays appears tocover a longer period from April to late November. Thebusiest period is during the holiday season of August,which is also the coolest month on this Island of theGods.

    Contrary to popular belief, Bali's waves werebeing surfed by both visiting and local surfers as earlyas the late 1930s and not, as popular surfing legendhas it, that the island of Bali was first discovered as agreat surfing destination by a group of Australiansurfers. Although, when these first Australian surfersbegan arriving on the island of Bali in 1967 theyintroduced the island to the first serious surfingequipment.

    While Bali may no longer be a "frontier" surfdestination, it still lies at the heart of the Indonesiansurfing experience and is a mandatory stopover foranyone on their first surfing trip to Indonesia. Bali isalso the first and last stop for most of the surferstraveling on to some of the legendary breaks in G-Land, Lombok or Sumbawa, or the more distant areasof East Nusa Tenggara, Mentawais and NorthSumatra.

    Bali has traditionally been the starting

    point for nearly all Indonesian surfing tours.Bali boasts over 20 top quality breaks on the southwestand southeast coasts of the island and around theBukit (Uluwatu) Peninsula. Some of these, like PadangPadang & Uluwatu, are world class barreling reef-breaks. Others range from fun waves on the beach-breaks around Kuta and Sanur to serious heavy,sucking waves.

    Having so many surf options available withinsuch a short distance to the Kuta and Legian beacharea means that after your surf you can return to aplush hotel and enjoy a long, lazy meal, lounge by thepool, take a nap in an air conditioned room and watchsatellite TV. Alternatively you can party at the discoseach night, enjoy some of the local brew, all of whichhas definite appeal after spending one or two weeks ona surf charter boat, or in a very basic surf camp on Javaor Sumatra. The peak of the surf season for Bali is April- October when solid swells are produced by theroaring 40's and can be surfed on the reefs aroundKuta, Uluwatu, and Nusa Dua. Unlike most otherareas of Indonesia where it is all heavy reef breaks,Bali also has a lot of beach-breaks on offer which are

    less likely to cause a surfer of novice or intermediateability to get injured as can happen on the larger waveson the reef-breaks.

    The surf in Bali is generally not huge, but mostoften in the 2-6 foot range (shoulder-high to doubleoverhead). Larger waves can occur on some of theexposed reefs, but a mellower surf break can alwaysbe found in Bali by anyone who wishes to avoid life-threatening conditions. Bali has surf breaks both thewest-facing and east-facing coastlines and, becauseof this an offshore wind can be found somewhere onthe island on any given day. Because of the number ofsurf breaks and the quality and consistency of thewaves in Bali, it is still possible to find a many places tosurf with only a small to moderate crowd.

    The surf is always up on the Island of theGod's! Regardless of what country you hail from youwill feel the mystique of surfing Bali's beaches ...with

    so many exotic locations available on the island youcan choose from whitesands, black sands,a m a z i n g s c e n e r y ,traditional fisherman andfishing villages which alla d d t o t h e u n i q u eexperience that comeswith Surfing Bali.


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Continued from page 1The high-tech device has

    been nullified by a wall of stonesplaced around it by the inmates.

    Even love doesn't comefree of charge inside the prison. Thewomen's block is a highly restrictedarea and a male inmate who wantsto see a female inmate for aromantic chat must fill out a formand pay Rp 10,000.

    The guards will then escorthim to the public visiting room,where he can meet his sweetheartand, if he is lucky, spend a shorttime alone with her. In the old days,these jailbirds could consummatetheir love in the toilet in the prison'sinfirmary if both happened to bethere on the pretense of being sick.

    Naturally, money can also

    buy an inmate a better room, abetter mattress and a continuoussupply of delicious meals. To bemoved from an overcrowded cell orblock to a better one costsanywhere from

    Rp 150,000 to Rp 1 million.A large number of foreign

    inmates opted for this solution afterspending several nights in ano v e r c r o w d e d c e l l . I n t h eovercrowded prison, which was

    designed to house 300inmates but currently houses morethan 1,000 inmates, a better roomand mattress can provide an inmate

    with a good sleep as opposed to anightmarish one.

    For inmates who don't haveany cash, Kerobokan can be hell. Itis very cramped, a woman inmatesaid of her 24-square-meter roomthat she shares with 10 otherinmates.

    The rich inmates have aneasy life here; they can evenenslave the guards to do theirbidding, she said.

    Being a poor inmate,however, has its advantages. Thegangs generally spare the poorinmates and focus

    on the rich inmates, who

    are a lucrative market for theirprotection rackets.They usua l ly t a rge t

    inmates who have a rich family.They demand money, or tell theinmate to ask for money from theirfamily. If the inmates refuse,members of the gang will beat themup. Many foreign inmates havesuffered this treatment. Usually, theinmates give in after the firstbeating. They have no choice if they

    want to be safe, a formerinmate said.

    Currently, there are atleast five gangs in Kerobokan,

    four of which are associated withfeared local mass organizationsat large outside of the prison, andone gang comprises inmatesfrom East Nusa Tenggara.

    These gangs also run adebt-collecting service for jaileddrug dealers. Armed withsharpened eating utensils, theirmembers often trigger violentconflicts inside the prison.

    S o m e t i m e s , t h e i rweapons are seized in securitysweeps. But then, it's easy to getthem back. Just give the guardssome money they will bring themback, he added.

    Amid this atmosphere ofdiscrimination and violence, it isunderstandable that manyinmates want to get out of theprison as soon as they can. Yet,most cannot afford to do so asthey have to pay a minimum of Rp850,000 to have their paroleapplication processed.


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

    National Committee Set Up toUndertake Preparations fort h e 2 0 1 3 A s i a - P a c i f i cEconomic Summit (APEC) inBali

    The National government hasset up a special committee to makesure preparations are in order for the

    Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationSummit (APEC) scheduled to be heldin Bali in late 2013.

    The team, comprised of agroup of cabinet ministers, will beheaded by the Indonesian ForeignMinister Marty Natalegawa, StateSecretary Sudi Silalahi, and Tourismand Creative Economy Minister MariElka Pangestu. The group will beunder the overall supervision ofCoordinating Minister for the EconomyHatta Rajasa.

    A recent planning meetingheld at Hatta's office saw FinanceMi n i s t e r A gus Mar towardo j o ,Pangestu, Sudi and Energy andMineral Resource Minister Jero Wacikin attendance.

    Indonesia, as the host for theSummit will propose the themes for theconference, which Indonesia says, will

    be dedicated to improving theeconomic lot of the poor in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Bali is gearing up for theSummit via a number of largeinfrastructure projects that include amassive rebuilding of Bali's NgurahRai Internat ional A i rpor t , theconstruction of a new toll way and thecreation of an underpass at theSimpang Siur intersection in Kuta.

    Because of the many head ofstate delegations expected to attend

    the Bal i Summit, therecently completed SelaparangInternational Airport in nearbyLombok will be used to park theirofficial aircraft during the meetings.

    APEC is an internationalforum comprised of 21 states fromthe Asia-Pacific region whosepopulations represent 40% of the

    world's population.


    Getting Set f or APEC


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    Holy Shit!After getting all of Pope John Paul's luggage loadedinto the limo, (and he doesn't travel light), the drivernotices that the Pope is still standing on the curb.

    "Excuse me, Your Holiness," says the driver, "Wouldyou please take your seat so we can leave?"

    "Well, to tell you the truth," says the Pope, "theynever let me drive at the Vat ican, and I'd really like to

    drive today.""I'm sorry but I cannot let you do that. I'd lose my

    job! And what if something should happen?" proteststhe driver, wishing he'd never gone to wor k that

    morning."There might be something extra in it for you," says

    the Pope.

    Reluctantly, the driver gets in the back as the Popeclimbs in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets

    his decision when, after exitingthe airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the limo

    to 105 mph." Please slow down, Your Holiness!!!" pleads the

    worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to themetal until they hear sirens.

    "Oh, dear God, I'm gonna lose my license," moans thedriver.

    The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as thecop approaches, but the cop takes one look at him,goes back to his motorcycle, and gets on the radio.

    "I need to talk to the Chief," he says to thedispatcher.

    The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him thathe's stopped a limo going a hundred and five.

    "So bust him," says the Chief."I don't think we want to do that, he's really

    important," said the cop. The Chief exclaimed," All

    the more reason!""No, I mean really important," said the cop.The Chief then asked, "Who ya got there, the Mayor?"

    Cop: "Bigger."Chief: "Governor?"

    Cop: "Bigger.""Well," said the Chief, "Who is it?"

    Cop: "I think it's God!"Chief: "What makes you think

    it's God?"Cop: "He's got the f***ing

    Pope as a chauffeur!!"

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    Yellow 24.

    A man goesinto the doctorsfeeling a litt le illThe doctor checkshim over and says, 'Sorry, I

    have some bad news,you have "Yellow 24", a really nasty virus.

    It'scalled Yellow 24 because it turnsyour bloodyellow and you usually only have 24 hoursto

    live.There'sno known cure so just go home and enjoy

    your final preciousmomentson earth.So he trudgeshome to hiswife and breaksthe

    news.Distraught, she askshim to go to the bingo withher that evening ashe'snever been there with

    her before.They arrive at the bingo and wit h hisfirst card he

    getsfour cornersand wins$35.Then, with t he same card, he getsa line and wins

    $320Then he gets the fu ll house and wins$1000.

    Then the National Game comesup and he winsthat too getting $380,000 .

    The bingo caller getshim up on stage and says,'Son, I've been here 20 yearsand I've never seenanyone win four corners, a line, t he full- house

    and the national game on the same card.You must be the luckiest man on Earth!'

    'Lucky?' he screamed. 'Lucky? I'll have you knowI've got Yellow 24.

    'F##k me,' saysthe bingo caller. 'You've won themeat raffle as well!!

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Clarke eyes more after securing season aimsHav ing t i cked o f f h ispersonal wishlist for 2011-12, Austra l ia 's cr icketcaptain Michael Clarke nowhopes to surpass thesea c h i e v e m e n t s i n t h e

    coming years.Clarke, who on Mondaynight was awarded the AllanBorder Medal as Australia's best-performing playeracross all forms ofcricket for the pasty e a r , s a i d o nTuesday that 329against India at theSCG had allowedhim to tick off a bigcareer goal.

    The skippersaid heading intothe past year, hehad set himself

    three major goals -to ensure his fitnesswas at a very highlevel, to start well as Test captainand score a Test double-century.

    He believed he hadachieved all three.

    "I'm as fit as I've ever beenin my career. I think my captaincy'sstarted pretty well because I hadthe experience under RickyPonting as vice-captain," Clarketold reporters.

    "And my goals personally,to score my highest Test score wasone of those goals.

    "I hadn't scored a doublehundred for Australia yet and thatwas something I wanted to achievethis summer."

    But Clarke said he still hadplenty to achieve on both apersonal and team level and stillbelieved he could improve as a

    batsman.Asked whether he knew he

    was playing the innings of his life atthe SCG, he said while it was a veryspecial innings for him, he stillhoped to top it.

    "I never knew at any stage itwas going to be the innings of mylife and I hope it's not," Clarke said.

    "I hope I can score more

    than that."He also said there were

    some major challenges comingup for Australia as they sought toagain become cricket's dominantside, notably playing India away,South Africa at home and Ashesin both hemispheres in 2013.

    "I'm going to have to be atthe top of my game to score runs,that's for sure," Clarke said.

    But Clarkes a i d h i simmediate aimwas to ensureAustralia finishedoff the currentone-day tri-seriesstrongly and hewas confident ofreturning from aback injury forFriday's clashwith Sri Lanka.

    "I'm reallyf o c u s e d o ngetting back outthere on Friday

    and hopefully winning thisseries," he said.

    "My back feels like it'simproved over the last couple ofdays. It's still a little bit stiff morethan anything else on Sundaynight so I missed that game. ButI'm confident I'll get the all-clearand be right for Friday."

    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)



    The answer will be published in the next Edition


    1 Presume (anag.)(7)5 Convenient (5)8 Jewelledheaddress (5)9 Apparition (7)10 Rodent kept as apet (7)11 Duke's domain(5)12 Goal (6)14 Sagacity (6)18 Transfer (5)

    20 Wishy-washy (7)22 Supplement to awill (7)23 Burdens (5)24 Drab (5)25 Put on show (7)

    1 Louis Armstrongnickname (7)2 Sacred song (5)3 Stretchy (7)4 Sell abroad (6)5 Hidden stock (5)6 Observed (7)7 Scrumptious (5)13 Species of crow(7)15 Offensiveremarks (7)16 Decency (7)17 Slain (6)18 Cut into cubes(5)19 Fortunate (5)21 Precious stone(5)

    Across Down

    Kuta Weekly Game Corner1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

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    New South Wales will bewithout Wallabies star BerrickBarnes for Friday's Super Rugbyclash with the Melbourne Rebels.

    Utility back Barnes missedthe Tahs' agonising four-point loss tothe Queensland Reds with a groininjury but was expected to playagainst the Rebels in Melbourne.

    However he pulled up sore

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    today after yesterday'sfitness test and will sit out the gamealong with former Australia captainRocky Elsom who has yet to recoverfrom a hamstring inj ury.

    While Elsom is still unsurewhen he will be able to take the field,Barnes is confident he will be able toreturn to action next week against

    the Highlanders in Dunedin.

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    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

    Waratahs dealt fresh blow


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Scott backs AFL tackling rules

    Geelong coach Chris Scott has madeit clear that Cats defender Josh Huntwould not want to suffer a thirdsuspension for his tackling.

    Scott strongly backed the AFL rules

    on Tuesday as the club accepted Hunt's two-match ban for rough conduct against Sydneyyoungster Luke Parker.

    The incident has sparked plenty ofdiscussion. AFL legend Kevin Bartlett, who ison the league's rules of the game committee,said the sling tackle could leave a player witha broken neck.

    A blunt Scott said he had alreadyspoken to Hunt about his tackling style.

    Late in the 2010 season, Huntreceived a one-game ban for a spear tackleon Carlton forward Jarrad Waite.

    "Clearly we're failing in some regardthere, but it's a minor thing we're confident wecan remedy," Scott said of Hunt's latestsuspension.

    The Cats coach was adamant whenasked if there was a grey area in the AFL'srules about sling tackles.

    "There's no grey area. You can't pin aguy's arms and then sling him head-first intothe ground," Scott said.

    "That's really clear."You can tackle really hard in one

    motion and take them to ground, as long asyou don't drive their head into the ground.

    "It is as simple as it can possibly getand it's not difficult for Josh.

    "He understands it and he's really

    confident he can playwithin the rules."

    Scott called the two-game ban "appropriate", withHunt's poor record meaning hecould not reduce the penalty bymaking an early plea.

    "Josh needs to change

    his technique in that area andwe're working really hard onthat," the Cats coach said.

    "We don't have anyissue with the way the rules areworded or adjudicated."

    Also on Tuesday, Swansco-captain Adam Goodesaccepted a one-game ban forr o u g h c o n d u c t a g a i n s tGeelong's Taylor Hunt.

    The two-time BrownlowMedallist remains eligible for the

    award this season, because it is a preseason suspension.Meanwhile, Scott is unsure how many changes the

    Cats will make for Friday night's round-two preseason matchagainst Gold Coast at Carrara.

    The Cats split their two round-robin games last Friday

    night against the Swans and St Kilda after fielding a squadmissing more than half the reigning premiership team.

    Scott is hopeful two members of that side, Tom Hawkinsand Allen Christensen, plus Josh Cowan will return for the Sunsmatch.

    "We're just not sure on those guys yet," he said."In terms of the really experienced players, I don't think

    we'll see too many of those."

    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

    Australian Polit ic s.. ..


    The biggest lobster evercaught in Maine, a 27-p o u n d e r ( 1 2 . 2 5 k g )nicknamed "Rocky" withclaws tough enough to

    snap a man's arm, wasreleased back into theocean after being trappedin a shrimp net last week,marine officials said.

    The 40-inch (one-meter)male crustacean, about thesize of a 3-year-old child, wasfreed in the waters of theAtlantic Ocean, said ElaineJones, education director forthe state's Department ofMarine Resources.

    "All the weight is in theclaws," Jones said. "It would

    break your arm."The lobster was caughtnear the seaside village ofCushing and brought to theMaine State Aquarium in WestBoothbay. The state restrictsf ishermen f rom keepinglobsters that measure more

    than 5 inches from theeye to the start of the tail.

    Because he becameacclimated to the water nearthe aquarium, the lobster wasreleased in West Boothbayrather than where he wascaught.

    Scientists are unableto accurately estimate the ageof lobsters of this size, saidJones.

    The marine lab has norecord of a larger lobsterbeing caught in the state, shesaid. The world's largestrecorded lobster was a 44-pounder (20-kg) caught offNova Sco t i a i n 1977 ,according to the GuinnessBook of World Records.

    Maine lobstermenhauled in a record 100 millionpounds (45.4 tons) of lobsterslast year, due in part tooverfishing of predators sucha s h a d d o c k , c o d a n dmonkfish.

    Maine's biggest lobster returned toAtlantic Ocean



    Dear Martha,I was watch ing myneighbour's daughtersun baking topless frommy bedroom window. Iwas masturbating whilewatch ing my youngn e i g h b o u r , w h e n In o t i c e d m y w i f estanding there, armsfolded, watching me. Isshe a pervert?John

    John,She is most definitely notthe perver t . She is disgusted in your behaviordear. If I was your wife Iwould have slapped you

    around the head andwalked out.

    If you h ave anyquestions for Martha

    please email tomartha@kutaweekly.com

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

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    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

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    Smith urges Sharks to give Carney supportJeremy Smith has warnedhis Cronulla team-mates tonot sit back and expect ToddCarney to fire the teamto the NRL finals forthe first time since2008.

    The arrival of the2010 Dally M medallistfollowing his release by theSydney Roosters at the endof the last season hasheightened expectations atthe Sharks.

    However, Smith saidCarney will struggle to makean impression if he is notgiven the platform to play bythe Sharks pack.

    "He is a quality player, butwe have to give him quality ball tohelp us perform," Smith said.

    "There is a lot of weight onhis shoulders and we have toperform."

    Despite their on-field woes

    for the past three seasons, the

    Sharks' forward pack, led byNew South Wales skipper PaulGallen, has been the side's strongpoint.

    However, a lack of genuinequality in attack has been theirachilles' heel, something Smithbelieves will not be the case thisyear, with Carney being joined by nofewer than 12 new players in the off-season.

    "We've always had good go-

    a bit of quality at the backend of the field," the New Zealandbackrower said.

    "But now we have it so we'llsee what happens this year."

    The Sharks take onWests Tigers in their seasonopener at Leichhardt Oval on

    Sunday with forwards BryceGibbs and Andrew Fifitareturning to take on the clubthat released them at the endof last season to make wayfor Adam Blair.

    Both players havep u b l i c l y s t a t e d t h e i rdisappointment at beingforced out, and Smithexpects the pair to be moremotivated for the game.

    "I know what it's likewhen you play against your old team,you want to put your best footforward and show them what they'remissing out on," he said.

    "They'll have a bit of extrafire in the belly. They are fit and firing

    and ready to go for Sunday.

    Clarkson urges Tigers to lock up HardwickHawthorn coach AlastairClarkson says Richmondrisks having the contracts t a t u s o f h i s T i g e r sc o u n t e r p a r t D a m i e nH a r d w i c k b e c o m i n g adistraction if the club doesnot quickly re-sign him.

    Hardwick, an assistant toClarkson when the Hawks won theirmost recent AFL premiership, in 2008,is entering the final season of a three-year deal to coach the Tigers.

    The Richmond coach guidedthe club to 15th in his first season and12th last year.

    Tigers president Gary Marchsaid recently the club was pleased withwhat Hardwick has done over his firsttwo years, but declined to say whenthey will consider extending hiscontract.

    But Clarkson said withRichmond finally appearing stable atboard and administrative level, as wellas their football department, they

    should act quickly to shoreup Hardwick's future.

    "They'll be crazy if they don'treappoint him and reappoint himsoon," Clarkson told Fox Footy onMonday night.

    "For the first time, I feel,Richmond have got some stability intheir club.

    " J u s t m a k e t h eappointment."

    Clarkson, who was made towait before being handed a newthree-year deal by Hawthorn late lastseason, said he knew first-hand thedistraction such a delay could cause.

    "The uneasiness we wentthrough last year as a footy club, itdoes disturb the way you go aboutyour business," he said.

    "The sooner those sort ofthings can happen (the better)."

    Meanwhile, the Hawkscoach said it was "laughable" that hisclub, which lost narrowly toCollingwood in a preliminary final lastyear, was rated by many aspremiership favourite this season.

    Clarkson pointed to the factthat reigning premier Geelong hadbeaten them in every meeting sincethe 2008 grand final.

    "We haven't beaten Geelongfor six or seven occasions, we haven'tbeaten them since '08, nor have wehad a great record against theMagpies," he said.

    "So we sit there and find itlaughable that we're touted aspremiership favourites, because weknow we've got so much ground tomake up.

    "We're conf ident we're

    making some ground, but how muchthat ground is we'll have to wait andsee.

    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Wine cache rescues those short of cashFine wines are among theitems they will accept ascollateral for loans, alongwith family jewels and fine art,as a practice common inBritain and France catches onacross the Atlantic.

    Liquidity issues, or a cashshortage, can be found on mostrungs of the economic ladder, apawnbrokers said.

    "You'd be amazed byhow many wealthy individualshave terrible credit ratings.And besides, if you go to abank, it can take weeks ormonths to get a loan. Whenwe make a loan, it's usuallythe same day," said JordanTabach-Bank, head ofBeverly Loan Co.

    In an office above aBank of America Corp branchin Beverly Hills, California,

    home to some of Hollywood'sbiggest stars, the pawnshop for theprosperous regularly lends tohedge-fund managers, bankers,lawyers, doctors - and occasionallyto Oscar winners.

    "Most people have a visionof pawn shops as sad sites. Butthat's not the case here," Tabach-Bank said. "I have a lot of peoplewho come in who have a businessopportunity and they need aninfusion of cash for businesspurposes," he said.

    USGoldBuyers.com, anonline pawnbroker with an office inNew York City's diamond district,

    will also accept fine wines ascollateral, spokesman Jose Cabasaid. While the wealthy like their"expensive toys, unfortunately,sometimes they don't have theliquid assets so to speak, to keepup their toys. That's where wecome in."

    "We don't really want tosell the wine, or any asset that wetake in whether it be gold or fineart," Caba said. About 90 percent of

    the loans made have beenrepaid, he estimated.

    Interest rates and length ofthe loans vary widely.

    A B r i t i s h - b a s e dpawnbroker, borro.com, with anoffice in New York recently lent$120,000 in exchange for 128

    bottles of Chateau d'Yquem. Thegolden Sauternes were actuallyworth an estimated at $250,000.

    Within the last threeweeks, borro.com had taken acase of 1989 Chateau Petrus,valued at about $38,000, for a loanof $24,000, said Chief ExecutivePaul Aitken.

    He then listed severalother loans that were secured withvarious vintages of the five FirstGrowths Bordeaux: Chateau Haut-Brion, Chateau Lafite-Rothschild,Chateau Haut-Brion, ChateauMargaux and Chateau MoutonRothschild. These top wines areregularly sold at auctions wherecases fetch tens of thousands ofdollars.

    His clientele, whose networth ranges from $1 million to $10million, use the loan "for liquidity -no pun intended. They're mostlysmall business owners whobasically are just waiting onpayments and managing cashflows."

    Financial advisers andwealth managers recommendmany of their clients to him, Aitken

    said.There are three publicly

    traded U.S. pawnbrokingcompanies that operate inCanada, the United States andMexico. None takes fine winesas collateral, "though it is aninteresting business model,"

    said Tom Welch, general counselfor EZCORP Inc, which has 670storefronts.

    Prime Asset Loans,based in Durham, UK, has aspecific list of wines it willloan against. In addition tothe First Growth Bordeaux,it will also make loans onB u r g u n d y ' s f a m e dDomaine de la Romanee-Conti and, depending onthe vintage, Australia'sr e n o w n e d P e n f o l d sGrange.

    "We lend up to 70percent of the value of the

    wines and the term isusually seven months," saidRichard Mews, a partner atPrime Asset Loans. "Investorsare using this type of loan moreas it is quick, easy and there areno fees. ... If used properly, it canbe a very cheap way of raisingshort-term funds."

    Credit Municipal deParis, has been offering loansagainst fine wines, champagnesand aged spirits since 2008, saidF l o r e n c e M a r a m b a t , aspokeswoman for France'soldest bank. It can keep morethan 90,000 bottles in its 18th

    century wine cellar."Just deposit your

    bottles against a loan that isimmediately awarded," she said,adding the cellar is fully securedand its humidity and temperatureoptimal. And to reinforce thesupremacy of the region, shesaid Bordeaux were the winesmost frequently offered ascollateral.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Spanish treasure lands after 200 yearsCoins worth nearly halfa billion dollars finallyarrived in Spain onSaturday after lying in asunken warsh ip fo rmore than 200 years and

    following a five-yearlegal battle between theSpanish governmentand a salvage company.

    T h eNuestra Senorad e l a sMercedes, a 49-gun navy frigate,set sail from thecoast of Peru -then a colony ofSpain - w i thcoins to helpreplenish the

    S p a n i s ht r e a s u r y ' scoffers.

    In 1804,British warshipsattacked as thef r i g a t e w a sapproaching theSpanish port ofCadiz and the ship went down,with 249 killed, a Spanishgovernment website said.

    On Saturday, Spanishmilitary aircraft landed at theTorrejon air force base nearMadrid bearing 594,000 gold

    and silver coins recoveredfrom the wreck by U.S.-basedOdyssey Marine Explorationin 2007.

    Spain had argued incourt that it, not the salvagecompany, was the rightfulowner of the cargo and theship, and a U.S. judge orderedthe coins be returned fromFlorida.

    The company said itwould abide by the ruling,although a spokeswoman saidit "flies in the face of all legalprecedent.

    "This a victory for Spainand the United States," lawyer

    Jose Maria Lancho, whoa d v i s e d t h e S p a n i s hgovernment in its action againstOdyssey.

    "For Spain, this sunken

    ship, this archaeological site, isstill a warship and we still have

    jurisdiction over what hashappened to it."

    T h e S p a n i s hgovernment plans to restore,conserve and catalogue the

    contents of the 17-tonne cargo,which it estimates to be worth373 mil l ion euros ($496million).

    Several cities are vyingto put the coins on show, but theculture minister said nodecision had yet been taken.Spain has not said where it willkeep the coins in the meantime,for security reasons.

    for security reasons.While the treasure is

    now in Spain, there is still legalaction pending.

    Spanish news agencyEFE reported the Peruviangovernment planned to appeal

    to the U.S. Supreme Court toclaim part of the cargo.And Malaga-based

    marine archaeology companyNerea, which Lancho also

    works with, hasbeen asking aSpanish courtt o b r i n gc h a r g e sa g a i n s tO d y s s e y o fd a m a g e t oc u l t u r a lh e r i t a g e ,d a m a g e t o

    archaeologicals i t e s a n dtrafficking inarchaeologicalheritage.

    L o c a lmedia cit ingS p a n i s hg o v e r n m e n t

    sources reported part of theship's cargo was still inG i b r a l t a r , a B r i t i s h -administered terri tory ins o u t h e r n S p a i n w h o s esovereignty is disputed by theSpanish government.

    "We are in touch withthe Spanish Ministry of ForeignAffairs. As yet, we do not haveany confirmation that any of thesh ip ' s con t en t s a re i nGibraltar," a British Embassyspokesman said in Madrid.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

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    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


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    AFC Champions League


    Br isbane v FC Tokyo @5.30pm

    Bunyodkor v Adela ide @8.00pm


    Tianin Teda v Cent ra l Coas t @7.55pm

    Kuta Weekly News Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)

    Live : UFC Sydney

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    V8 Supercars

    Clipsal 500

    Friday @11.30

    Saturday - Sunday @10.30am

  • 8/2/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 274 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Suns coach GuyMcKenna was also all smilesafter watching a forwardimpress - much to his pleasantsurprise.

    McKenna sprung ashock when he switched ex-

    All Australian defender Bockto centre half-forward withi m m e d i a t eresults.

    " W ewould need twoor three to coverB o c k ( i ndefence) but ifwe can settleBocky forwardthat would beh a n d y , "McKenna said.

    McKenna also credited

    T a s m a n i a nrecruit AaronH a l l ,K a r m i c h a e l

    Hunt's switch to midfield and18-year-old Jaeger O'Meara'sdebut.

    Meanwhile, Voss' onlycomplaint was the use of thevideo review system - but ithad nothing to do with the facta match-changing result wentagainst him.

    Midway in the secondhalf against Melbourne,Brisbane young gun Pat

    Karnezis appeared to kick agoal, only for it to beoverturned by the videoreview as the Lions went downby three.

    "You could debatewhether it was a behind or notbut the game stopping - I justdon't like that," Voss said.

    "It didn't feel right.There is something clunky

    The likes of youngstersClaye Beams, number eightdraft pick Billy Longer, ElliotYeo and Jared Polec alsoimpressed Voss.

    New Melbourne coachMark Neeld also had no

    complaints with his newforward option Clark.

    A lucrative Demons'offer lured Clark away despiteinitially requesting a trade toF r e m a n t l e d u e t ohomesickness.

    But Clark looked athome in Melbourne coloursfrom the outset, kicking his newclub's first goal on Saturdaynight after a strong marko u t m u s c l i n g e x - D e m o nMatthew Warnock.

    His heroics could not

    stop Melbourne going down bythree points to the Suns in theround-robin opener but Neeldappeared excited by his newacquisition.

    James Magner may beelevated off Melbourne's rookielist soon after dominating in themidfield with impressiveteammate Matthew Bate onSaturday night.

    It seems there was a silverlining to the dark clouds overthe preseason round-robinc lashes a t Ca rra ra fo rMelbourne, Gold Coast andthe Brisbane Lions.

    While even the heartiestfooty fan found it hard to watch thescrappy affair at therain-soaked GoldCoast venue, allthree coaches likedwhat they saw upfront on Saturdaynight.

    B r i s b a n ecaptain JonathanB r o w n m a d e as u c c e s s f u lcomeback, ex-LionMitch Clark hit theground running withMelbourne and theSuns unearthed anunlikely star forward -defender NathanBock.

    Brown did not kick a goal -or even a behind - in Brisbane'stwo-point win over the Suns andthree-point loss to Melbourne.

    However, Lions coachMichael Voss was just happy tohave his champion forward back.

    Brown twice suffered facialfractures in a nightmare 2011 buthe didn not hold back in the wet onSaturday night, throwing his bodyaround in heartening signs forVoss.

    Still Voss will rest Brown fortheir next preseason clash againstAdelaide at Alice Springs onSaturday night.

    "When you get conditionslike that, game style goes out thewindow - it becomes about thecontest," Voss said.

    "I thought our attack on thefooty was first class."

    Forwards shine in preseason cup clashesKuta Weekly Sports Corner 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2012 (274)


    Krakouer to miss 2012 seasonone of the feelgood

    stories of last season.After playing 102 games

    for Richmond from 2001-07, heserved a 16-month jail term forassault.

    A hugely successfulfootball comeback with WAFL

    club Swan Districts in 2010p r o m p t e dCollingwood torecruit him.

    H eprovided a stringof highlights lasts e a s o n a n dkicked 35 goals in23 games for theM a g p i e s ,including threegoals in the grandfinal.

    Krakouer's injury-shortenedVFL appearance

    o n S a t u r d a ycame two weeksafter he was given

    leave from the club to deal withpersonal issues.

    Collingwood's injury lista lso includes Alan Didak(adductor), Harry O'Brien (hand),Ben Reid (shoulder) and BenJohnson (hamstring).

    ACL reconstruction andco-lateral l igament repairsurgery," the Magpies said in astatement.

    "Because of damage tothe lateral ligamen

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