lab 5: circulatory system part 3 (arteries) dr. kim wilson

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Dr. Kim Wilson

Part A Major Arteries of the Human Lab manual reference - Exercise 32, pg.

472 - 475PART A: MAJOR ARTERIES OF THE HUMAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Use the section below titled, "Major Arteries of the Human Body", and locate each of the indicated arteries on pictures in your textbook. As many as possible of these arteries should also be located on the torsos and other indicated references (ADAM). 2. Answer related questions on the Questions Sheet.

Major Arteries of the Human BodyMAJOR ARTERIES OF THE HUMAN BODY 1. Ascending Aorta ---> Coronary Arteries (L&R) 2. Aortic Arch ---> a) Brachiocephalic Artery b) L. Common Carotid Artery c) L. Subclavian Artery 3. Brachiocephalic Artery ---> a) R. Common Carotid Artery b) R. Subclavian Artery 4. Subclavian Arteries (L&R) ---> Axillary Arteries (L&R) ---> Brachial Arteries (L&R) ---> a) Radial Arteries (L&R) b) Ulnar Arteries (L&R) 5. Radial and Ulnar Arteries (L&R) ---> Palmar Arches (L&R) 6. Common Carotid Arteries (L&R) ---> a) External Carotid Arteries (L&R) b) Internal Carotid Arteries (L&R) 7. Descending Thoracic Aorta 8. Descending Abdominal Aorta ---> a) Celiac Artery b) Superior Mesenteric Artery c) Renal Arteries (L&R) d) Testicular/Ovarian Arteries (Gonadal)(L&R) e) Inferior Mesenteric Artery f) Common Iliac Arteries (L&R) 9. Common Iliac Arteries (L&R) ---> a) External Iliac Arteries (L&R) b) Internal Iliac Arteries (L&R) 10. External Iliac Arteries (L&R) ---> Femoral Arteries (L&R)

---> Popliteal Arteries (L&R) ---> a) Anterior Tibial Arteries (L&R) b) Posterior Tibial Arteries (L&R) 11. Anterior and Posterior Tibial Arteries (L&R) ---> Plantar Arches (L&R)

Major Arteries of the Human Body

Major Arteries of the Human Body cont.

MAJOR ARTERIES OF THE HUMAN BODY 1. Ascending Aorta ---> Coronary Arteries (L&R) 2. Aortic Arch ---> a) Brachiocephalic Artery b) L. Common Carotid Artery c) L. Subclavian Artery 3. Brachiocephalic Artery ---> a) R. Common Carotid Artery b) R. Subclavian Artery 4. Subclavian Arteries (L&R) ---> Axillary Arteries (L&R) ---> Brachial Arteries (L&R) ---> a) Radial Arteries (L&R) b) Ulnar Arteries (L&R) 5. Radial and Ulnar Arteries (L&R) ---> Palmar Arches (L&R) 6. Common Carotid Arteries (L&R) ---> a) External Carotid Arteries (L&R) b) Internal Carotid Arteries (L&R) 7. Descending Thoracic Aorta 8. Descending Abdominal Aorta ---> a) Celiac Artery b) Superior Mesenteric Artery c) Renal Arteries (L&R) d) Testicular/Ovarian Arteries (Gonadal)(L&R) e) Inferior Mesenteric Artery f) Common Iliac Arteries (L&R) 9. Common Iliac Arteries (L&R) ---> a) External Iliac Arteries (L&R) b) Internal Iliac Arteries (L&R) 10. External Iliac Arteries (L&R) ---> Femoral Arteries (L&R)

---> Popliteal Arteries (L&R) ---> a) Anterior Tibial Arteries (L&R) b) Posterior Tibial Arteries (L&R) 11. Anterior and Posterior Tibial Arteries (L&R) ---> Plantar Arches (L&R)

Major Systemic Arteries of the Body

Aorta – largest artery Ascends upward from the ascending aorta from the left ventricle and

then goes down to the descending aorta through the thoracic cavity Ascending aorta

Branches are right and left of the coronary artery Aortic arch

Brachiocephalic trunk is the first branch of the arch Divides into the right common carotid artery and right subclavian artery

2 other branches Left common carotid artery

Divides to form the internal carotid artery (serves the brain) and the external carotid artery (supplies extracranial tissues of the neck and head via the superficial temporal, ophthalmic, maxillary, facial, and occipital arterial branches)

Left subclavian artery Note: In armpit the subclavian arteries become the axillary arteries (left and


Major Systemic Arteries of the Body

Vertebral artery Runs from posterior neck to supply the

cerebellum, part of brain stem, and posterior cerebral hemispheres

Thyrocervical trunk Location: lateral to vertical artery Function: serves thyroid gland and some

scapular muscles and the costocervical trunk

Major System Arteries of the Body Arteries Serving the Thorax and Upper Limbs Axillary artery

Becomes the brachial artery as enters arm Brachial artery divides at the elbow to becomes the

radial and ulnar arteries Runs through axilla and gives off several branches

in the chest and shoulder girdle Thotacoacrimal artery (shoulder and pectoral regions) Lateral thoracic artery (lateral chest wall) Subscapular artery (scapula and dorsal thorax) Anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries

(shoulder and deltoid muscles)

Major Systemic Arteries of the Body

Arteries Serving the Thorax and Upper Limbs cont.

Internal thoracic (mammary) arteries Arise from subclavian arteries and supply

mammary glands, thorax wall, and anterior intercostal structures via anterior intercostal artery Posterior costal artery

Abdominal aorta Function: serves the abdominal organs and

ultimately lower limbs

Major Systemic Arteries of the Body

Arteries Serving Abdominal Organs Celiac trunk

Unpaired artery, divides into three branches: Left gastric artery Splenic artery Common hepatic artery

Gives off branches to the right gastric artery

Hepatic artery proper Forms from gastroduodenal artery branching off

Right and left gastroepiploic arteries Branches of the gastroduodenal and splenic arteries

(serve the stomach)

Major Systemic Arteries of the Human Body

Superior mesenteric artery Largest branch of the abdominal aorta Supplies small intestines and first half of large intestines

Suprarenal arteries Flank the superior mesenteric artery Serve the adrenal glands

Renal arteries Gonadal arteries

Ovarian arteries or testicular arteries Infereior mesenteric artery

Supplies distal half of large intestines Lumbar arteries Common iliac arteries

Serve pelvis, lower abdominal wall, and lower limbs

Major Systemic Arteries of the Human Body

Arteries Serving the Lower Limbs Common iliac arteries Extend to pelvis and divide into the internal and

external iliac arteries Internal arteries supply gluteal muscles through the

superior and inferior gluteal arteries and adductor muscle of the thigh via the obturator artery

External iliac artery supplies anterior abdominal wall and lower limb Becomes the femoral artery as it extends into the thigh

Major Systemic Arteries of the Human Body

Femoral artery cont. Braches to the circumflex femoral arteries

Supply the head and neck of the femur and hamstring muscles Branches to the deep artery of the thigh

Supply the posterior thigh Branches to become the popliteal artery

Subdivisions: anterior and posterior tibial arteries Supply the leg

Posterior tibial branches into the fibular artery Supplys the lateral calf Divides into the lateral and plantar arteries Supply blood to feet

Anterior tibial artery branches into the dorsalis pedis artery Continues to the arcuate artery which branch into the metatarsal


Major Systemic Arteries of the Human Body

Arteries have thicker walls than veins (tunica media

thicker) expand and recoil as blood passes through

Elastic Arteries Larger arteries need to with stand pressure

fluctuations and have large amounts of elastic tissue in their media

Muscular Arteries Smaller arteries have less elastic tissue and

more smooth muscle in their media

Heart, anterior view

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Heart, posterior view

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Blood Vessels of the Abdomen and Pelvis

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Blood Vessels of the Thorax

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Blood Vessels of the Pelvis

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Arteries of the Forearm and Hand

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Blood Vessels of the Leg

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Part B: Major Arteries of the Cat

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PART B: MAJOR ARTERIES OF THE CAT INTRODUCTION: The general plan of the circulatory system is much the same in all mammals. However, the cat circulatory exhibits 2 major differences when compared with the human circulatory system. These include: 1) differences in the branches of the aortic arch, and 2) differences in the branches of the descending aorta. As part of this lab you should determine these exact differences. The arteries of the cat have been injected with red latex; the veins with blue. In dissecting the arteries, each must be freed from adjacent tissues so that it is clearly visible. A probe is most effectively used for this task. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Use the section below titled, "Major Arteries of the Cat", and locate each of the indicated arteries on pictures in your lab manual. 2. Following this, locate each of these arteries on your cat using your lab manual (Color Photo Gallery) and the Rust lab manual for reference. 3. Answer related questions on the Questions Sheet.

Major Arteries of the Cat

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1. Aortic Arch ---> a) Brachiocephalic Artery b) L. Subclavian Artery 2. Brachiocephalic Artery ---> a) Common Carotid Arteries (L&R) b) R. Subclavian Artery 3. Subclavian Arteries (L&R) ---> Axillary Arteries (L&R) ---> Brachial Arteries (L&R) ---> a) Radial Arteries (L&R) b) Ulnar Arteries (L&R) 4. Descending Abdominal Aorta ---> a) Celiac Artery b) Superior Mesenteric Artery c) Renal Arteries (L&R) d) Testicular/Ovarian Arteries (Gonadal)(L&R) e) Inferior Mesenteric Artery f) External Iliac Arteries (L&R) g) Internal Iliac Arteries (L&R) 5. External Iliac Arteries (L&R) ---> Femoral Arteries (L&R)

Major Arteries of the Cat

Lab manual reference – pg. 733, Activity 4 Identifying the Arteries of the Cat (We will not do the dissection procedure.)

Figure D4.2 Arteral System of the cat. (pg. 732)

Figure D4.4 Hepatic Circulation of the Cat (pg. 737)

Arteries of the Thorax

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Arteries of the Thorax

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Blood Vessels Near the Heart

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Blood Vessels Below the Diaphragm

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Arterial Branches of the Aortic Arch

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Arteries of the Neck

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Blood Vessels Near the Heart

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Branches of the Upper Abdominal Aorta

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Major Blood Vessels of the Lower Abdomen

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Terminal Branches of the Descending Aorta

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QuestionsQUESTIONS SHEET (Include in your lab report) PART A: MAJOR ARTERIES OF THE HUMAN 1. Describe the structure and function of arteries. 2. In the human, what areas are supplied by the following arteries? a. Coronary Arteries b. Common Carotid Arteries c. Subclavian Arteries d. Axillary Arteries e. Brachial Arteries f. Radial and Ulnar Arteries g. Palmar Arches h. Descending Thoracic Aorta i. Celiac Artery j. Superior Mesenteric Artery k. Renal Arteries l. Testicular/Ovarian Arteries m. Inferior Mesenteric Artery n. Common Iliac Arteries o. External Iliac Arteies p. Internal Iliac Arteries q. Femoral Arteries r. Popliteal Arteries s. Anterior and Posterior Tibial Arteries t. Plantar Arches PART B: MAJOR ARTERIES OF THE CAT 1. Describe how the aortic arch branches are different in the cat as compared to the human. 2. Describe how the descending aorta branches are different in the cat as compared to the human.

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