latin i lesson 03

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Review Week - Translation PracticeFirst Declension - 5 casesFirst Conjugation - Present Active Indicative



A study of the Latin language and the history, culture and geography of Ancient Rome

The daughter kicks the ball to the boy.

Coach’s daughter kicks the ball to the cute boy.

Coach’s daughter kicks the ball to the cute boy

with (by means of) her foot.

Coach’s daughter kicks the ball to the cute boy

with (by means of) her foot.


Procedure for Translations - Nouns

English to Latin Function in sentence Case and Number Vocabulary word Stem Case ending Latin word

Latin to English Vocabulary word Stem Case ending Case and number Function in sentence English word

Procedure for Translations - Verbs

English to Latin Person & Number (and

tense and voice…) Vocabulary word Stem Personal ending Latin word

Latin to English Vocabulary word Stem Personal ending Person & Number (and

tense and voice…) English word

Putting it all together

Note the possible case/number of each noun.

Note the person and number of the verb(s).

Determine if the verb has a subject.

Fit in the rest of the nouns.

Homework Review

Genitive plural of family

familia, familiae, F: family

Stem = famili

famili + ārum = familiārum

Ablative singular of dinner

Cena, cenae, F

Stem = cen

Cen + ā = cenā

1st Person Singular of love

Amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus: to love

Stem = amā

Amā + ō = amō

2nd person plural of call

Vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus: to call

Stem = vocā

Vocā + tis = vocātis

She is walking 3rd person singular, present active indicative Ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus (1): to walk Stem = ambulā Ambulā + t = ambulat

The sailor loves the queen. Sailor

Subject Nominative singular Nauta, nautae, M: sailor Nauta

Queen Direct object Accusative singular Regina, reginae, F: queen Reginam

Loves 3rd person singular, present

active indicative Amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus

(1): to love Stem = amā Amā + t = amat

Nauta reginam amat.

Portant Portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus (1): to carry Stem = portā Personal ending = nt 3rd person singular, present active indicative They are carrying. (They carry.)

Femina vocatFemina Femina, feminae, F: woman Stem = femin Case ending = a Nominative Singular Function: Subject or Predicative Nominative

Vocat Vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus: to call Stem = vocā Personal ending = t 3rd person singular ending

The woman calls

Feminae vocantFeminae Femina, feminae, F: woman Stem = femin Case ending = ae Genitive Singular, Dative Singular, or Nominative Plural Function: Possession/Indirect Object/Subject or Predicative Nominative

Vocant Vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus: to call Stem = vocā Personal ending = nt 3rd person plural ending

The women call.

(or possibly: They call to the woman.)

Feminās vocatFeminās Femina, feminae, F: woman Stem = femin Case ending = ās Accusative Plural Function: Direct Object

Vocat Vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus: to call Stem = vocā Personal ending = t 3rd person singular ending

He calls the women.

Magistra puellās optat.

The teacher chooses the girls.

We do not love the queen.

Reginam non amamus.

The girl and the female teacher praise the queen.

Puella et magistra reginam laudant.

The queen’s daughter calls a servant.

Filia reginae servam vocat.

The poet gives the girl roses.

Poeta puellae rosās dat.

The sailors fight with feathers.

Nautae pinnīs pugnant.

An inhabitant gives the crown to the queen.

Incola reginae coronam dat.

The island’s inhabitants crown the queen.

Incolae insulae reginam coronant.

Filiae agricolārum ambulant sed regina non ambulat.

The daughters of the farmer walk but the queen does not walk.

Discipulās magistra laudat et feminae amant magistram.

The teacher praises the students and the woman love the teacher.

Serva reginae cenam flammā parat.

The servant of the queen prepares dinner with a flame.


The servant prepares dinner for the queen by means of a flame.

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