lc part 2: who/when/where q’s rc parts 5 & 6: passive voice

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Slide 2 LC part 2: Who/When/Where Qs RC parts 5 & 6: Passive Voice Slide 3 2 15 TOEIC Test: Part 2 Who Questions: Page 190 Questions/Responses 1. ** 2. 3. Slide 4 2 15 TOEIC Test: Part 2 When Questions: Page 194 Questions/Responses 2.1. 2.1. 2.2. ** Where Questions: Page 196 Slide 5 2 15 TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Page 199: review Test for Part II Questions/Responses 1. 2. 6. 8. 9. 12. ** Slide 6 Game: Taboo Nose face smell ear Slide 7 Most sentences are active: I eat rice. (I active eat!) Passive is the opposite () of active: Rice is eaten by me. (Rice active ?) Why? Sometimes the who is not important: In Europe, bread is eaten more than rice. Slide 8 Page 99 #2: The product _____ of stainless steel. * (A) makes (B) is made #3: The lecture will _____ in the auditorium. * (A) be held (B) hold #7: The event will _____ due to the weather. * (A) be canceled (B) cancel Slide 9 Page 102 #1: The Northbrook Community Center _____ its annual charity bazaar this afternoon. * (A) is held (B) is holding (C) will be held (D) have been held Page 104 #5: Newly hired members who are _____ in receiving regular on the job training should contact the personnel department. * (A) interested (B) listed (C) hopeful (D) enclosed Slide 10 Pages 105~106: Parts 5 & 6 Practice Test #1:At this time, applications _____ for the new marketing coordinator position. * (A) are accepting(B) are being accepted (C) be accepted(D) have accepted #11: We will be sending you a credit card receipt once we confirm your _____. * (A) refund (B) schedule (C) payment (D) interview #12: All of the items you ordered will be _____ to your address within the next 3 to 5 days. * (A) to deliver (B) delivered (C) has been delivered (D) delivering Slide 11 Find someone who (experiences) Slide 12 Table chair desk school Slide 13 Summer hot winter Slide 14 Door open close classroom Slide 15 Chair sit table Slide 16 Computer game Internet Slide 17 Dog pet cat animal Slide 18 House live apartment room Slide 19 Yesterday:Today: I ate breakfast.I have eaten breakfast. I studied English.I have studied English. I didnt meet my friends.I havent met by friends. I went to the store.I have been to the store. Slide 20 1.Predictive text Android: SwiftKey, Google iPhone: SwiftKey, iOS 2.Speech to text and TTS (Text to speech) Android: Google iPhone: iOS 3.Google Translate Android iPhone 4.Duolingo Chatbot: Chatbot roBot Slide 21 9-negative-questions-esl-grammar-education-ppt-powerpoi nt/

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