lc standard - october 2011 issue

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Lifeline Church bi-monthly magazine



Volume 1, Issue 7

October 2011

Super Sunday October 2, 2011

Now 2 Services! 8:30am and 11:00 am

Pastoral Celebration 6pm


From the


Ministry Workers of the



Al Raby—Our Adopted



Gas Giveaway 6

Marriage Retreat &

Women’s Event


Reminders 8

PULSE / Save the Date! 9

In This IssueIn This IssueIn This IssueIn This Issue

From Our Pastor 3 90 Days �


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See Sis. Cathy Upshire

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Welcome to another edition of the “LC Standard”– Lifeline Church—Chicago’s very own in-house newsletter! Thanks to all that have contributed to this issue! The next pages show God’s hand on our house and the Vision that is given to and shared by our Shepard. Pastor Reggie truly cares for ALL his sheep, yes even the One! In case you didn’t know...the Har-vest is here and the Brook is flowing. Jump in, find your place and drink! Thank you for Growing with us!

Be Blessed!—D.V.H.

Submissions? Want to Join the Newsletter Ministry?


Go Team!!


It’s Our Time Hello Precious Partners, A few weeks ago in our midweek service, I declared that this was indeed our time. I know you’ve heard this before and I won’t touch what you heard, how you heard it or who you heard it from. But while on vacation, Holy Spirit encouraged me in this and prompted me to share with our community of believers. So in obedience to the Spirit of God, I released this declaration and Oh My, things have begun to happen. Precious people, know that it is the “Set Time” where God’s free favor shall profusely abound in the lives of His people. Many have been praying, fasting, confessing the Word and simply trusting God to show up in their current situation and demonstrate His power and mighty deeds. Well precious people, God is not about to, but He’s began to do just that; He’s causing unexplainable things to happen on our behalf. Those that have hearkened to the voice of the Lord, obeyed His instructions, walked upright, kept the faith and didn’t waiver when evil reports plagued our senses; this is our season to position ourselves as

Mary and say, “Be it unto me”. The Bible says God won’t withhold any good thing from them that walk upright, so lay it on me

Lord. Not just material things, but it’s our time to prosper in every area of our lives, nothing missing nothing broken. From peace to new teeth, I want everything that belongs to me, LOL! The book of Deuteronomy talks about the blessing not only coming on you, but overtaking you. I don’t know about you, but the body of Christ have been under long enough. It’s time for an overtaking of peace, joy, love, healing, finances, restoration, relational prosperity, nothing missing nothing broken – it’s our time!! This includes our children, so don’t fail to encourage them in this Word. Some of our children have been exposed to and experienced seasonal or consistent struggle, but God’s about to increase them too, more and more! Let me encourage you in the following areas, continue to:

Please God in Your Set Place:

You please God by hearkening to His voice, obeying His commands and submitting to Godly authority. It pleased God to set you here. Now please Him in your set place.

Honor Your Set Man of God:

There is exceptional reward in doing so. You can honor him by

how you see, serve, submit and sow into his life.

Partner with Your Local House:

Be sure you are a fueler and not a drainer. Be sure you’re a sheep and not a goat. Serve in your local house. God’s strength is for service. Get connected. Every partner has something valuable to share with the local house. Don’t just sit, serve!!

Sow into Your Local House:

Be sure you are partnering financially, by being a committed tither and consistent sower (offering). If everyone does their part, we will have no problems carrying out the assignment of Lifeline Church. In closing, remain confident in this, that you shall see the goodness of the Lord. I’m excited about what God is doing in the lives of His people.

Expecting Great Things,

Pastor Reggie

Scriptural References:

Psalms 102:13 (KJV) Luke 4:19 (AMP) 2 Kings 7:6 (NLT) Luke 1:37-38 (KJV) Deuteronomy 28:1-2 (KJV) Psalms 84:11 (KJV) Psalms 115:14 (KJV) 1 Corinthians 12:18 (KJV)

Pastor Reggie’s Corner


Name: LaShaunna Nicole Mitchell

Lifeline Member Since: May 2009

Ministries Serving On: Children’s Church, Marketing Team, and

Foundation Ministry

How Has Serving Impacted Me? It taught me a lot about myself. I used to be shy, but being in ministry has taught me not to hold back. It's really

taught me how to overcome my shyness.

Why Did You Choose to Serve on the Foundation Ministry? I constantly meet new people. It’s also nice to see people who thought they

couldn't do it actually achieve their goals.

One Thing People May Not Know About You? I love playing XBox! I

am a beast with Dance Central!

Just a few Tid-Bits on our Latest Ministry Workers Of the Month

MWOM—July 2011 Name: Adrianne Elaine Stennis

Lifeline Member Since: November 14, 2010;

(Baptized December 29, 2010!)

Ministries Serving On: Clean Team and Foundation Ministry

How Has Serving Impacted Your Life? I do more and I know it’s not about me! With the Clean Team, I am cleaning God's House. And just as if I were cleaning my own house, I don't want guests to come to a dirty house. I want Lifeline guests to come into a clean house. I joined Foundation because I remembered how much fun I had when I went through it. So, I knew I wanted to help with the

next class.

One Thing People May Not Know About You? My hobbies are

archery and throwing darts.

Name: Janice Patrick

Lifeline Member Since: Since it Started

Ministry Serving On: First Impressions Team

Why do you serve on the first impressions team? I like to give and I love people. If I can just give a hug or a smile, or a word of

encouragement! I am a giver.

How Has Your Life Been Impacted Since Joining Lifeline Church?

I have really grown. I have established a really good prayer life. I love

to smile and Lifeline keeps me smiling.

One Thing People May Not Know About You? I like to cook and

invite people over.

MWOM—August 2011

MWOM—June 2011


Growing in Giving...

Lifeline Church—Chicago Adopts…..

the Al Raby School for

Community and Environment

One of the initiatives that represent the Heart of God and the Vision for our church to give back is to adopt a school this year– and we’ve chosen Al Raby High


In addition to praying, we as a church plan to give back and partner with Al Ra-by H.S. in terms of financial and spiritual support, mentoring relationships, financial resources, and any other way God leads us. This is an initiative for us all, so let’s get on board and support these youth that

represent our future!

Facts About Al Raby H.S.

3545 W. Fulton Blvd.

Chicago, IL 60624

School Colors: Red, Black, & Gray

School Motto: One Team, One Family

Opened In: 2004 as part of the Small

Schools Initiative

Enrollment: 550 students in grades


Al Raby in the News Courtesy of — Submitted by John Hill

On September 11, 2011 several classes at Al Raby focused their studies specifically on the events of September 11, 2001. Health ailments suf-fered by First Responders, safety and First Amendment rights and freedoms after the attacks were also covered. Students in Civics class were surprised by a visit by members of Chicago’s Fire Department to commemorate the terrorist actions against the United States 10 years ago. A 13-year veteran shared personal memories of his experience on that day with several students and how Chicago sprung into action to

assist New York Emergency Personnel.

The day ended with members of the school’s football team partnering with Chicago firefighters and police officers to plant a Hawthorne tree at the school’s North entrance in memory of First Responders at Ground



Growing in Giving….

Lifeline Church

& L.I.F.E. Outreach Facilities

$5,000.00+ Gas Giveaway CICERO, IL-$5,000.00+ free gas was given to mo-torists on Saturday, September 17th from 10am to 3pm at the CITGO gas station located at 5737 W. Roosevelt Rd. This event was sponsored by

Lifeline Church and L.I.F.E. Outreach Facilities.

Lifeline Church & L.I.F.E. Outreach Facilities hosted this event to promote unity and love in the community providing fuel to 200+ motorists regardless of race, religion, color, religion, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. It was a sea of orange; some holding signs, others giving away food and beverages and washing windows! Some even swiped their

own cards to buy gas!


As our very own Elder Harris told WGN

News.....”It was a beautiful thing!”

See Pastor Reggie’s

Interview on

“The Harvest Show”

“Harvest Interview Gas

Giveaway” on You-Tube


Growing in the Word….

Women of Purpose, Power and Influence On Monday September 26th our very own Elder Yvonne Royal shared her heart to help us become better keepers of our homes, our lives and our husbands and the Boaz’s on the way! She shared practical tips with biblical foundations; not to tear us down but to build us up. We laughed, shared and found ourselves in her counsel. I must admit Elder Royal came down my row with a few of her points! In case you missed it, we were advised


♦ Get Organized

♦ Have a Plan in Place (and see it through!)

♦ Get Rid of Clutter

♦ Not Procrastinate

♦ Learn to Say “No”

With that said, I guess I’ll dust off my cookbooks and take a

second look at my closets! :)


Our Next

Meeting is


Oct. 24th. 7pm We’ll also see how a certain person is doing with her

organizer gift!

Growing in


War Against


Need Details?

Contact Bro. Glenn &

Sis. Jamila Jones


Lifeline Church—Chicago in Action

Winners Circle: Saturdays @ 10:00am-11:00am

Corporate Prayer: Saturdays @ 8:30am-9:30am

Night Ministry: 1st and 3rd Fridays @ 9:00pm

Man Up Mondays: 1st Mondays @ 7:30pm

Women of Purpose, Power & Influence, Women’s

Fellowship, Monday, October, 24th @ 7:00pm

90 Days of Purpose Lifestyle Planning Seminar:

Every Thursday @ 6:30pm

P.U.L.S.E.—Real Talk: Real Word, Powerful Worship,

Fellowship & Fun: Every Friday @ 7:30pm

Founda;on Classes: Sundays @ 8am; Thursdays @


Tutoring: Wednesday Nights 7:30pm


Lifeline Church - Chicago Prayer Classes:

September 2011 – December 2011

Have you just finished foundation classes and you are still hungry for more of God's Word?

Have you been asking God - “How Do I Pray?”

Do you want a deeper understanding of Prayer and the different types of Prayer?

Consider the following Introductory Prayer Classes from 10am - 11am on the dates listed below: Class #2—”The Prayer of Praise & Worship (Saturday, October 22nd) Class #3—Confessions & Prayer Petitions (Saturday, November 19th) Class #4— Spiritual Warfare (Saturday, December 17th)

Sign Up in the Lower Level Today!

Our LC Café is Back!

Open BOTH Services!


Specialty Beverages


Healthy Snacks & More

Wednesday Night Dinners Too!

Now Available!

Conveniently Pay Tithes & Offering



Lifeline Church - Chicago 1321-23 Austin, Cicero, IL 60804

Family Atmosphere—Passionate Worship—Practical Word

Growing in Cultivating our Youth...

It’s Not Your

Average Youth


Bring Some



Check it Out!

Day Service

Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas

at at at at











5 Years!

Celebrating with us…


Mike & DeeDee Freeman

Thanksgiving Day Service

Spirit of Faith Christian Center


We Love You Pastors!!

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to You Both!You Both!You Both!You Both!

Thanks to Everyone for Helping us Celebrate our Man and Woman of God!

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