lcsh, skos and linked data · 001 sh95000541 150 _aworld wide web 450 _aw3 (world wide web) 450...

Post on 14-Mar-2020






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LCSH, SKOS and Linked Data

Ed Summers, Antoine Isaac, Clay Redding, Dan Krech

Working Group on the Futureof Bibliographic Control

001 sh95000541150 _aWorld Wide Web450 _aW3 (World Wide Web)450 _aWeb (World Wide Web)450 _wnne _aWorld Wide Web (Information retrieval system)450 _aWWW (World Wide Web)550 _wg _aHypertext systems550 _wg _aMultimedia systems550 _aInternet670 _aWork cat.: 94067520 ...

<> a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "World Wide Web"@en ; skos:altLabel "W3 (World Wide Web)"@en, "WWW (World Wide Web)"@en, "Web (World Wide Web)"@en, "World Wide Web (Information retrieval system)"@en ; skos:editorialNote "Work cat.: 94067520 ..." skos:broader <>, <> ; skos:narrower <>, <>, <> ; skos:related <> ; skos:inScheme <> .

001 4865449150 _aWorld Wide Web450 _aW3 (World Wide Web)450 _aWeb (World Wide Web)450 _wnne _aWorld Wide Web (Information retrieval system)450 _aWWW (World Wide Web)550 _wg _aHypertext systems550 _wg _aMultimedia systems550 _aInternet670 _aWork cat.: 94067520 ...

<> a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "World Wide Web"@en ; skos:altLabel "W3 (World Wide Web)"@en, "WWW (World Wide Web)"@en, "Web (World Wide Web)"@en, "World Wide Web (Information retrieval system)"@en ; skos:editorialNote "Work cat.: 94067520 ..." skos:broader <>, <> ; skos:narrower <>, <>, <> ; skos:related <> ; skos:inScheme <> .

001 4865449150 _aWorld Wide Web450 _aW3 (World Wide Web)450 _aWeb (World Wide Web)450 _wnne _aWorld Wide Web (Information retrieval system)450 _aWWW (World Wide Web)550 _wg _aHypertext systems550 _wg _aMultimedia systems550 _aInternet670 _aWork cat.: 94067520 ...

<> a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "World Wide Web"@en ; skos:altLabel "W3 (World Wide Web)"@en, "WWW (World Wide Web)"@en, "Web (World Wide Web)"@en, "World Wide Web (Information retrieval system)"@en ; skos:editorialNote "Work cat.: 94067520 ..." skos:broader <>, <> ; skos:narrower <>, <>, <> ; skos:related <> ; skos:inScheme <> .

001 4865449150 _aWorld Wide Web450 _aW3 (World Wide Web)450 _aWeb (World Wide Web)450 _wnne _aWorld Wide Web (Information retrieval system)450 _aWWW (World Wide Web)550 _wg _aHypertext systems550 _wg _aMultimedia systems550 _aInternet670 _aWork cat.: 94067520 ...

<> a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "World Wide Web"@en ; skos:altLabel "W3 (World Wide Web)"@en, "WWW (World Wide Web)"@en, "Web (World Wide Web)"@en, "World Wide Web (Information retrieval system)"@en ; skos:editorialNote "Work cat.: 94067520 ..." skos:broader <>, <> ; skos:narrower <>, <>, <> ; skos:related <> ; skos:inScheme <> .

001 4865449150 _aWorld Wide Web450 _aW3 (World Wide Web)450 _aWeb (World Wide Web)450 _wnne _aWorld Wide Web (Information retrieval system)450 _aWWW (World Wide Web)550 _wg _aHypertext systems550 _wg _aMultimedia systems550 _aInternet670 _aWork cat.: 94067520: December, J. The World Wide Web Unleashed, c1994

<> a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "World Wide Web"@en ; skos:altLabel "W3 (World Wide Web)"@en, "WWW (World Wide Web)"@en, "Web (World Wide Web)"@en, "World Wide Web (Information retrieval system)"@en ; skos:editorialNote "Work cat.: 94067520 ..." skos:broader <>, <> ; skos:narrower <>, <>, <> ; skos:related <> ; skos:inScheme <> .

001 4865449150 _aWorld Wide Web450 _aW3 (World Wide Web)450 _aWeb (World Wide Web)450 _wnne _aWorld Wide Web (Information retrieval system)450 _aWWW (World Wide Web)550 _wg _aHypertext systems550 _wg _aMultimedia systems550 _aInternet670 _aWork cat.: 94067520 ...

<> a skos:Concept ; skos:prefLabel "World Wide Web"@en ; skos:altLabel "W3 (World Wide Web)"@en, "WWW (World Wide Web)"@en, "Web (World Wide Web)"@en, "World Wide Web (Information retrieval system)"@en ; skos:editorialNote "Work cat.: 94067520 ..." skos:broader <>, <> ; skos:narrower <>, <>, <> ; skos:related <> ; skos:inScheme <> .

Yeah, but so what ...

<> a bibo:Book ; dc:title “Weaving the Web” ; dc:creator “Tim Berners-Lee” ; dc:subject “World Wide Web” ; dc:publisher “Texere Publishing” ; dc:identifier “0752820907” .

<> a bibo:Book ; dc:title “Weaving the Web” ; dc:creator “Tim Berners-Lee” ; dc:subject <> ; dc:publisher “Texere Publishing” ; dc:identifier “0752820907” .

... by treating values as non-literalresources and assigning URIs to them we give ourselves (and others) the hooks on which to hangfurther descriptions.

--Andy Powell

Cool URIs for the Semantic Web

Web 2.0 means using the webas it was meant to be used, andGoogle does. That's their secret.The web naturally has a certaingrain, and Google is aligned withit. That's why their success seemsso effortless.

--Paul Graham

Future of Bibliographic Control

Future of Bibliographic Control Ecosystems

... libraries and related organizationsare well placed to mint persistent andreusable 'http' URIs for much of thisstuff ... provided they drag themselvesout of the old world of text strings oncards and into the new world of theWeb and the URI.

--Andy Powell

Linked Data Design IssuesTim Berners-Lee

Cool URIs for the Semantic WebLeo Sauermann and Richard Cyganiak

SKOS ReferenceAlistair Miles and Sean Bechhofer

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