learning a foreign language

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Learning a Foreign Language. I. Idea Catching. What does the writer want to tell us?. His experiences of learning English at different stages. WHAT?. How does he make clear his story?. HOW?. By cause and effect writing. II. Understanding Each Paragraph. difficult. rewarding. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


I. Idea Catching

WHAT? What does the writer want to tell us?

How does he make clear his story? By cause and effect writing

His experiences of learning English at different stages



Topic Detail

1 general experience of learning a foreign language: __________yet ___________

2 experience in _____________________ cause & effect ?

3 experience in _____________________ cause &effect ?

4 experience at ____________ cause &effect ?

5-7 experiences about _______________ What? 8 benefits of learning a foreign language cause &

effect ?

difficult rewardingjunior middle school

senior middle school


online learning

II. Understanding Each Paragraph

Para. 2

The kind and patient teacher often praised the students.


Effect:I eagerly answered questions, not worrying about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class.

Para. 3


The new teacher quickly punished those who gave wrong answers.

I lost my eagerness to answer questions and my desire to say anything in English.


Para. 4

Effect: I was afraid to speak. My English seemed to stay at the same level.

Large classes made me only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period. Many students spoke much better than I did.


1. What does online learning require? 2. Why did he carry a notebook with

him?3. Did he have any trouble learning

online ?4. Did he succeed in learning English?

uestions and nswers

2. He listed any new words he heard.2. He listed any new words he heard.

3. Sometimes he made many embarrassing mistakes, cried with frustration, felt like giving up.

3. Sometimes he made many embarrassing mistakes, cried with frustration, felt like giving up.

4. Yes, he reaped the benefits of all the hard work.

4. Yes, he reaped the benefits of all the hard work.

1. It requires time, commitment and


1. It requires time, commitment and


Para. 5-7Para. 5-7


1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

give me the value of hard work

give me insights into another culturecommunicate with more people reach out to others and bridge

the gap between my language

and culture and theirs

Effect:not trade the experience for anything else

Para. 8Para. 8

III. Summary Writing Learning a foreign language was one of the most dif

ficult yet most ( 有意义的经历 ) ____________

__________. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was ( 非常有价值 ) ________ __________. In junior middle school, my foreign teacher ( 表扬 ) _________all of the students. I benefit a lot from this positive teaching method. In senior middle school, the teacher always (惩罚) ___________ those who gave incorrect answers. So I ( 失去乐趣 ) ____________in answering questions and my desire to say anything at all in English. In

college, I had no __________ to speak in class. I




well worth

lost my joy



the effort

felt intimidated. ( 网上学习 ) _______________ changed everything. Although it requires much _________, _____________and _________to keep up with the flow of the course, I succeeded in foreign language learning. Learning a foreign language has been a most ( 艰辛的的经历 ) _________________. I have gained _______ into another culture as well as the language points.

commitment discipline

trying experience insights

Online learning





1. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort. (L2)

ParaphraseParaphrase Although at times, learning a language was

disappointing, it was rewarding enough to spend the time and effort on it.


2. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never

worrying much about making mistakes. (L6)

Paraphrase Paraphrase

Because of the effective and helpful method, I was very willing to answer all the questions I could, and I never worried about making mistakes.



1) Difference between “because of” and “because”

because of + sth./doing sth.

because + a sentence

She had to quit school because of ill health.

He can not remember the new words because he never uses them.


2) “worrying about making mistakes” 是现在分词短语作状语 e.g.

Climbing to the top of the tower,

we saw a beautiful sight.

Not wanting to meet John there,

he refused to attend the party.

When we climbed to the top of the tower,When we climbed to the top of the tower,

Because he didn’t want to meet John there,Because he didn’t want to meet John there,


焦点记忆 :现在分词—主动意义

过去分词—被动意义作状语1. 分词


2. 2. 分词的逻辑主语应与句子主语一致。分词的逻辑主语应与句子主语一致。3. 3. 分词有时也可有自己独立的逻辑主语,这时分词的逻辑分词有时也可有自己独立的逻辑主语,这时分词的逻辑

主语与句子的主语不一致,这种结构称为独立结构。主语与句子的主语不一致,这种结构称为独立结构。4. 4. 现在分词在意思上与逻辑主语是主动关系, 而过去分词现在分词在意思上与逻辑主语是主动关系, 而过去分词


• 现在分词用作状语:表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随状况

• Having finished his homework, he went to play f


• Being sick, I stayed at home.

• He went out shutting the door behind him.

• Because of the positive method, I eagerly answe

red all the questions I could, never worrying abo

ut making mistakes. (Para.2)

• He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper.

• 过去分词作状语:表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随状况

• Born and bred in the countryside, he was bewilder

ed by the big city.

• He went into the building, followed by a man in bla


Make your choice and tell why:

1. His remarks left me ______ about his real purpose.

A. wondered B. wondering

2. You will see this product ______ wherever you go.

A. advertised B. advertising

3. All things______, the planned trip will have to be called off.

B. consideredA. considering

1. frustrate (L2)

v. ① to cause sb. to feel angry or disappointed

Use itUse it

— Was there anything making you frustrated?Was there anything making you frustrated?

— I was frustrated by…I was frustrated by…

近义、同义词近义、同义词 discourage disappoint upset annoy

I. Word Using

1. frustrate (L2)

—② to prevent someone’s plans, efforts from succeeding

The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out.out.




2. positive (L6)

adj.① effective; helpful



Don’t just watch;

give me some

positive advice.

2. positive (L6)

② definite and clear



反义词反义词negative(negative( 消极的,负面的,否定的消极的,负面的,否定的 ) )








The most disabled person in the world is a negative thinker.

3. communicate (L29)

v. exchange ideas

Use itUse it

1) How do deaf people communicate?1) How do deaf people communicate?

They use...They use...

2)When do you communicate with your parents?2)When do you communicate with your parents?

I communicate with my parents when…I communicate with my parents when…


1) sign language; 2)... when I have trouble.../ 1) sign language; 2)... when I have trouble.../

can’t understand... can’t understand...

4. feel like doing (L37)

want to do sth.

Use itUse it

What do you feel like doing when tired?What do you feel like doing when tired?

What do you feel like doing on weekends?What do you feel like doing on weekends?


Enjoying music/doing light reading/…; going Enjoying music/doing light reading/…; going

shopping/visiting my friends/having a picnic...shopping/visiting my friends/having a picnic...

5. benefit (L42) n. advantage; good effect v. be helpful


She has had the benefit of a first class education.She has had the benefit of a first class education.

PhrasesPhrases for sb.’s benefit for sb.’s benefit 为了…… 的利益为了…… 的利益 benefit from benefit from 得益于得益于 ;; be beneficial to be beneficial to 有助于有助于

Use itUse it

What can you benefit from learning English?

6. favorite (L49) a. most loved n. sth. that is loved above all others

Use itUse it

What is your favorite music?

What kind of movie is your favorite?TipsTipsrock and roll/country music/classical music/folkrock and roll/country music/classical music/folk

songs...; detective story/science fiction/cartoon/songs...; detective story/science fiction/cartoon/

kongfu/love story... (kongfu/love story... (More))

After-class assignmentsAfter-class assignments

1:1: Hand in post-reading exercises online.

2. Describe your problems in learning English.

3:3: Provide some good ways of learning English.

4: 4: Look for proverbs concerning learning.Look for proverbs concerning learning.

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