lhps blog booklet

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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HTULogical Heating & Plumbing Solutions LtdUTH  

Blog Book 















If you are experiencing problems with your HTUcentral heating system UTH, remember that a lot can be solved by simply

HTUpower flushing UTH the heating system. Cleaning the central heating system is essential to its longevity, and the method

of power flushing is popular due to the comprehensive clean it delivers.

You may need to clean the system if you are experiencing one or a combination of problems such as:

• Slow warming of the heating system.

• Some radiators not warming up at all, others with cold spots.

• Boiler cuts out regularly.

• Leaky radiators.

• Sludge in feed or expansion tank.

• Discoloured water when radiators are bled.

When hiring a plumber, they should be able to solve these problems and may recommend a power flush for the

heating system.

The primary aim of HTUpower flushingUTH the central heating is to remove all the sludge (iron oxide) which results in the

radiators not heating up properly and generally blocks all the pipe work connecting the boiler to the radiators.

Removing the sludge and blockage involves draining the central heating system down and introducing chemicals.

Once this process is done, the system is cleaned with fresh water and an inhibitor is added for future protection.

How successful is power flushing? It all depends on the level of heating system corrosion that has occurred

beforehand, as it can cure most circulation problems but cannot undo corrosion and gradual decay.

Heating systems which have been neglected over a period of time or have not been treated with an effective

corrosion inhibitor may have compacted corrosion debris in the pipe work, radiators or boiler. It is possible that even

after the power flush some heating systems may not be fully effective or may cease to work due to the amount of

sludge and debris breaking loose and collecting in the heat exchanger.

When you hire Logical Heating And Plumbing Solutions ltd you will be advised on the pros and cons of power

flushing and all plumbers will be qualified and insured to carry out the work you have requested.


It's important to remember that when you hire a HTUplumber UTH, they are providing a service. If you find yourself hiring the

wrong plumber that doesn't provide the service you require, it might not only be an expensive mistake but you might

find your pipes will never be the same again and may even need replacing.

When hiring a plumber there are three things to consider: reputation, experience and if they are on the gas safety

register. A great place to start looking for a respectable plumber is to look on the HTUCheckatrade reviews sectionUTH, word

of mouth via a personal recommendation or HTUtestimonials UTH posted on the company's website. There's a good chance if

others had a good experience with a plumbing company and have positive reviews, then most likely you will have

the same.

If you are at the point of hiring a plumbing company and have been reading all the online reviews and taking on

board personal recommendations from past customers, here are a few things to keep an eye out before you pick up

the phone.

1. If a plumber/company has been in business long enough, they should have few testimonial reviews on the

website. Please be aware that all reviews on the Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions ltd website or on the

HTUCheckatrade siteUTH are actual customers' reviews and are not from friends, relatives, or someone working for the


2. It important to know how much experience your plumber has had in the industry. If the plumbers have been in the

industry for a few years, have all the qualifications and are on the gas safety register, they should be able to tackle

almost any issue as they will have seen it all before. If you situation is unique and you are not sure if the plumbing

company is able to tackle it, then don't be afraid to call up and enquire and benefit from the accumulated wisdom of

years of experience.

3. When you are enquiring about your plumbing issue, it's important to not only have the correct experienced

plumber that will be able to fix the problem but also to receive impeccable customer service. From the moment you

enquire with someone at an office to when the plumber comes out to your home, you should feel welcome and

respected. Also if any problem does arise you should be able to contact the company problem via phone or email

and be on the way to a resolution.




During the cold winter months we all are trying our best to stay warm in whatever way works best for us. For

instance, when leaving the home, it's a case of finding the right warm clothes and throwing them on – fashion can

sometimes (but not always) go out of the window during the winter season.

The wearing of essential items such as hats, scarves, gloves and thick waterproof coats is a must when outdoors,

but not very practical when you're at home. Instead, when we are at home we tend to put on a fleece or a jumper, a

nice way to stay warm without blasting the thermostat at full capacity. A recent study showed that the average home

owner turns up their thermostat up to 23 degrees Celsius during the winter season.

While this might not seem a huge amount, it does eventually add extra costs to your heating bills. There is little ways

to save money on your heating bills; the installation of a smart programmable thermostat is one step. Having a smart

programmable thermostat installed also can make your home more energy efficient.

Here are additional changes you can make this winter season that will yield returns, making them worthwhile


Setting the thermostat just right

When you are out of the home for up to 8 hours a day, programme your thermostat to turn down the heating. This

way you can cut up to 10% of your yearly bills. The smart thermostat is where you can programme how much heat

you want in the home when you want it. However, if your home has cast iron radiators or under-floor heating,

whatever you do don't touch the dials as you will be wasting not only money but energy as well, so it's best to leave

them alone.

Having insulation in the home

Having proper insulation installed into the home can cut as much as 50% off your heating bill. If the home is old and

drafty, it's important to put your attention to the attic first as this is where most of the heat escapes. Also fit draught

seal to fill any gaps around external doors.

Working with the weather

A great tip on boosting the efficiency of your home boiler is by installing an outdoor reset control. A weather

sensitive system adjusts the temperature based on how cold it is outside, for example on a 40 degrees day the

boiler could fire up to 180 degree every time you need heat. However it will only work if the temperature is zero

outside. For the best results on this to have the sensor on a north-facing exterior wall away from drying or heating

vents, this way you can watch the saving heat up.























When it comes to your boiler, regular servicing is an important part of its maintenance. What does good boiler

service involve? Here's a 5 step checklist to follow and you will be on your way making sure your boiler is properly


1. Boiler engineers recommend annual servicing for the majority of household boilers. The engineers should be

Gas Safe Registered (this has replaced the common-known-CORGI certificate).

2. The annual service starts with a visual check, this establishes the boiler complies with the rules laid out in

building regulations, electrical regulations, gas-safety regulations and British Standards. All must comply with

present legislation.

3. Your basic boiler service should last around half an hour. If you are unsure, feel free to ask before the

engineers start.

4. If your boiler shows a fault, the engineers should inform you of any additional costs that the repairs will incur.

Any parts that are replaced should only be made by the manufacturer of the boiler, to ensure they're compatible.

5. Once the servicing is completed the final step is the service report. This is a chance for you to check what the

engineers have stated they have done. Only sign off the report if you happy with the work the engineers have done.


As the cold winter season kicks in, the astonishingly hot summer now just feels like a distant memory. It might be

tempting to turn up the thermostat and feel the comforting glow as the radiators begin to warm up, but you do need to

think of the money.

It might not be such a good idea if you're a student, after all you're supposed to be saving money – not spending it! As

we all know the cost of energy is rising and that means your heating bills will be increasing. Our advice would be to

keep that thermostat off. Here are 4 cheap housewarming ideas that should be taken on board.

Electric heaters for local heating

This option isn't the most price-friendly option but if you happen to stumble upon one at a charity shop or your

grandparents have a spare one then it's definitely worth considering. This option is a great way of locally heating a

small area where you spend the most time in.

Leave the oven door open after cooking

This idea might seem like you're wasting energy but really you're not, the warm flow of air from the recently used oven

will heat up the room. So next time you're are heating up a leftover takeaway or frozen food, it might be nice to eat in

the kitchen more often from now on.

Hot Water Bottle

This might sound like a silly idea but if you're trying to save money, you should never have the heating on at night.

That being said, there is nothing worse than crawling into a cold bed. A hot water bottle is nice way to heat up the bed

before getting in, perhaps do this before you have a night out so when you come home you can get into a warm bed.

Little extra you can do:

While you are keeping the thermostat down low, there is a little extra thing you can do that will help. The first thing is

to get your boiler checked over as it controls your hot water so you can run yourself a nice warm bath, getting your

boiler checked also saves you from carbon monoxide poisoning. Another tip is to look for cheap insulation; you can

buy cheap draught proof strips.

Remember, you're only student once. So even if you can afford to turn the thermostat dial up, leave it off and live like

a student for a while.


More than half of the money the typical UK household spends on fuel bills goes towards those that provide the

property with heating and hot water. As fuel costs rise, having an efficient heating system is vital. It's also one of the

main steps to reducing your carbon dioxide emissions.

The most common form of central heating is a boiler and radiators. The boiler heats up water that is then pumped

through pipes to radiators throughout the home, it also provides hot water to the kitchen and bathroom taps.

Most boilers run on mains gas or oil. These are usually the cheapest fuels, and also the lowest carbon dioxide

emissions apart from wood.

Gas and oil boilers are combination boilers, heating water when it is needed. Often, the hot water is used

immediately and not stored, but some boilers heat the water and store it in a hot water cylinder that feeds to the


If you have a boiler system like this, then you have plenty of options for energy-saving upgrades.

•Replace the boiler – to a newer and more efficient model.

•Fit better controls - make sure your boiler only provides heat where and when you need it by getting a

programmable thermostat with a 7 day timer.

•Renewable technologies – switch to lower carbon fuel technology such as solar heating for your water, or solar

photovoltaic for your electricity.

•Draught-proofing improvement – thoroughly check all insulation throughout your heating system to prevent heat

wastage, and maybe think about having underfloor heating installation.

•Chemical inhibitors – help maintain central heating system efficiently and save on bills.

•Storage heaters – install new and more controllable heaters.


A central heating system in your property will keep a warm temperature throughout the interior of the building. This

central heating system, when combined with other systems, controls the building climate and the whole system

becomes HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning system).

By law if you have a heating system you should have it regularly serviced, especially if the property is let out for

rental purposes. By servicing your heating system you benefit by ensuring that it doesn't break down and can check

you are not using a faulty boiler which can result in carbon monoxide leakage.

A leakage of carbon monoxide can lead to extreme illness and even death, saving money by avoiding getting your

central heating serviced this is not advisable, it must be carried out annually.

When you service your boiler regularly, it will increase its efficiency which will save you money. It will also cut your

energy bills and perhaps increase your green credentials, which is helpful to the environment.

When hiring a company for your central heating service, if the engineers don't explain what will be done during the

procedure, there are chances that they might be untrained trade engineers who might not carry out proper inspection

and cleaning.

It goes without saying that you should only hire professionally trained engineers who will strip down your boiler and

its major components to be cleaned and tested, this will take an hour to complete. This procedure is especially

important if you have a condensate boiler.

By choosing Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions Ltd you can have a peace of mind that you are choosing a

plumbing firm which is licensed and insured so if there is any problem after the work has been done, you will be



When it comes to electrical work, whatever you do, don't cut corners and to always hire a qualified electrician. Faulty

wiring can cause a fires as well as damage appliances. Wiring a plug might be a simple proposition, but your home's

electrics are a vast interdependent network.

What might seem safe can in fact be dangerous it is poorly designed, take for instant circuits which can damages

the appliances' motors and electronic gear; especially if they are on the wrong amperage. If lights are on an over-

loaded circuit, they can flicker when use, or the fuse might blow making the whole circuit shut down entirely.

Hiring a qualified electrician can help you avoid these problems, so here is a quick guide to help you know what to

look for when making a call.

An electrician's aptitude is easier to guarantee than other servicemen such as carpenters or floor fitters, as you can

be assured that the electrician has certain level of competence when showing their ID card. Here's a list of UK

organisations that runs registered schemes for electrician.

• British Standards Institution (BSI) a scheme for electrical installers.

• ELECSA – a Scheme for electricians.

• National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT) a person scheme registers of electricians.

• NICEIC Certification Services a register of qualified and competent electricians.

The range of jobs that an electrician specialises in depends on the individual, as some work on commercial

premises or concentrate on new construction; while others repair faulty domestic fixtures.

When looking into hiring an electrician ask to see their register card and check whether it is in date, if it isn't but you

still want to hire them then don't be afraid to check references and past jobs.

When judging a person's work, you can often tell how experienced they are based on how neat they are, as a rule of

thumb if a job isn't neat then is most likely isn't safe.

This is because if cables are merged at the service panel in an orderly way it's then easier for the electrician to

match the cable with the correct circuit breaker.

When hiring an electrician it's your money and your budget and you can spend it to how you want to. If you are

doing a home remodelling job and are choosing fixtures and fittings and counting the cost of lightbulbs etc, don't try

to save a few pounds by getting in unqualified cheap labour. This way you can avoid any nasty expensive surprises

down the line.



UWhat is carbon monoxide?U

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause sudden illness and death.

UWhere is Carbon Monoxide found?U

Carbon monoxide is found in combustion fumes produced by cars and trucks, small gasoline engines, lanterns

stoves, burning charcoal, gas ranges and heating systems. Carbon monoxide from these sources can build up in

enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces. People and animals in these spaces can be poisoned by breathing it.

UWhat are the symptoms of Carbon monoxide poisoning?U

· Headache

· Confusion

· Dizziness

· Weakness

· Nausea and Vomiting

· Chest Pain

High levels of inhalation can cause loss of consciousness and death. Carbon Monoxide poisoning can be difficult to

diagnose because the symptoms impersonate other illnesses. People who are intoxicated can die from Carbon

monoxide poisoning before experiencing any symptoms.

UHow does Carbon Monoxide poisoning work? U

Red blood cells pick up Carbon monoxide quicker than they pick up oxygen. If there is a lot of the gas in the air the

body may replace oxygen in blood with carbon monoxide. This blocks oxygen from getting into the body, which

cause damage to tissues and result in death.

UWho is at risk from Carbon monoxide poisoning?U

Everyone whether it people or animals are at risk from Carbon monoxide poisoning. Unborn babies, infants, and

people with chronic heart disease or respiratory problems are more vulnerable to its effects.

How can I prevent CO poisoning from my home appliances?

Have your heating system, water heater and any other gas appliances serviced by a Gas Registered engineers

every year. If you smell an odor from your gas refrigerator's cooling unit have an engineer to service it. This could

mean an odor from the cooling unit of your gas refrigerator can mean you have a defect in the cooling unit. It could

also be giving off Carbon monoxide. Install a battery-operated or battery back-up Carbon monoxide detector in your

home. Always check or replace the battery when you change the time on your clocks each spring and fall.





















What is Illegal Gas Work?

• Gas Work is illegal if it not been carried out a Gas Safe registered engineer. • It’s also illegal for gas work to be done by someone else that is registered but is working outside 

the scope of their qualifications. • Intentionally signing off the work of a non‐registered fitter is also illegal and may result in the 

prosecution of both the registered engineer and the unregistered fitter. 

If you find Illegal Gas Work.

• If you come across illegal gas work, report it asap to Gas Safe Register on 0800 408 5500 or

emailHenquiries@gassaferegister.co.ukH. • If the work is dangerous, make the installation safe but do not correct the defects yourself, a 

Gas Safe Registered engineer will need to attend. Nonetheless, if the customer needs to have the work put right before the Gas Safe investigations officers can inspect it, make sure you record your findings and take photos if possible. Gas Safe Register will then take a statement from you and the customer. 

What Happen Next?

• When you report illegal gas work, someone from Gas Safe Register will send a regional investigations

officer to make a detailed report for the enforcement agencies within 10 working days. • Enforcement agencies, including the HSE and local authorities, will investigate further and 

decide on the most appropriate course of action – this might include enforcement notices or prosecution. 


• Maximum penalty in magistrates’ courts for breaching the gas safety regulations is £20,000 or one year in

prison. • The maximum penalty in the Crown Court for breaching the regulations is an unlimited fine or 

two years in prison. 


Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions Ltd is proud to support Gas Safety Week 2014, it’s an annual event co-originated by Gas Safe Register to promote awareness of gas safety. The Gas Safe Register is the official list of gas engineers who are legally allowed to work on gas.

This year's event runs from the 15th to 21st September, and LHPS Ltd pledge to support and encourage all licensed firms to join in.

Gas Safety Week remind us why gas safety is so important as badly fitted and poorly serviced gas appliances can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning. Every year thousands of people across the UK are diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning. It is a highly poisonous gas. You can’t see it, taste it or smell it, but it can kill quickly with no warning.

By taking care of your gas appliances properly you are taking care of your home and your loved ones. Follow these few simple checks to keep you and your family safe.

• Check your gas appliances every year. Gas appliances should be safety checked once a year and serviced regularly by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Tenants – make sure your landlord arranges this. Set a reminder so you don’t forget at Hwww.staygassafe.co.ukH.  

• Check your engineer is Gas Safe registered. You can find and check an engineer atHwww.GasSafeRegister.co.ukH or call 0800 408 5500.   

• Check your engineer’s Gas Safe Register ID card. Make sure they are qualified for the work you need doing. You can find this information on the back of the card.   

• Check for warning signs your appliances aren’t working correctly e.g. lazy yellow or orange flames instead of crisp blue ones, black marks on or around the appliance and too much condensation in the room.   

• Know the six signs of carbon monoxide poisoning – headaches, dizziness, breathlessness, nausea, collapse and loss of consciousness. 

 • Have an audible carbon monoxide alarm. This will alert you if there is carbon monoxide in

your home. 

Keep an eye out on our various social network page such HFacebookH, HTwitterH and HGoogle+,H we're also writing a special blog over on HTumblrH. You can get involved by using the hashtag #gassafety and #gassafetyweek

For gas safety advice or to find and check an engineer visit the Gas Safe Register website atHwww.GasSafeRegister.co.ukH. Alternatively call the free helpline on 0800 408 5500.  






















Having your boiler maintained maximizes its efficiency for many years, meaning you won't have to worry about it

breaking down in winter or it needing expensive repairs. But how do you maintain your boiler and how do you keep it

being efficient?

When you are having your boiler serviced regularly by HTUa Gas Safe registered plumberUTH, the important thing to

remember is to book it for annual servicing as it generally won't be as expensive as having to pay the cost of

repairing (plus it is a legal requirement if you are a landlord).

The plumbers need to check over the boiler to see if there are any obvious faults, then they will need to remove the

front of the boiler to access the internal parts. It's here the plumbers would conduct a gas tightness test to ensure no

gas is leaking or escaping from the unit. Any gas leakage can be very harmful and potentially lead to fatalities.

The plumbers check all parts of the boiler are working while also cleaning all internal parts. If any parts are not

working or need replacing, the plumbers will ensure that all repairs are being taken care of. Before finishing the

service, they fire the boiler to ensure it's working properly. Once the front unit has been put back on, you are issued

a report confirming all the details of the service.

There are ways to prevent issues with your boiler, mainly by regularly cleaning and properly maintaining your central

heating system. There are simple tasks you can do that require little effort such as bleeding your radiators regularly

and repairing pipe work, radiators and the boiler itself. By ensuring your boiler remains efficient and working at full

capacity your family will remain warm and safe during the winter months.










As summer draws to a close and the cooler autumn months begin, it is time for us to start relying on our gas

appliances to keep us warm. However, before we start to turn on our heating, an important factor to remember is

that gas safety is paramount, and poor boiler maintenance and irregular servicing can increase the chance of gas

leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning. By taking care of your gas appliances, you will be protecting your home and

family so here's a few tips for staying safe.

HTUBoiler servicingUTH

Getting a boiler serviced regularly will increase its efficiency and ensure the safety of those around you, as poorly

maintained gas appliances can result in health problems from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Using approved engineers

By law, all engineers must be listed on the Gas Safe Register. Before any work is done, make sure the engineers

are approved.

Installing a carbon monoxide alarm

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is known as the silent killer as you cannot see, taste or smell the gas leak. The poisonous

gas is produced when a gas applications are fitted poorly or haven't been serviced regularly. Installing a CO alarm is

the best way to stay safe in your home.

Carbon monoxide is a highly a poisonous substance which can kill quickly with little warning. Identifying the

symptoms can be a real life saver – however the symptoms can be hard to spot. The 6 main ways to identify CO

poisoning are: headaches, dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, collapse, loss of consciousness.

If you suspect someone is experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning it's very important to seek help from a doctor or

from your local hospital straight away. The next thing is to get your gas appliances checked by a HTUGas Safe

registered engineer. UTH









There's nothing worse than coming home to find your floor has flooded and you are ankle deep in water having

discovered a burst pipe. While the repair work can be expensive and also time consuming, there's also trying to find

reputable plumbers who are able to solve the problems without charging the earth.

We've all heard the horror stories about cowboys plumbers who charge a fortune and do unnecessary work, making

the situation worse, they also particularly target the vulnerable people.

Fortunately, not all plumbers are cowboys and you can assured that Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions ltd are

respectable HTUfully trained and qualified plumbers UTH.

When choosing the best plumbers it goes without saying that recommendation is the best route – a recent study has

revealed that if someone has good service they are likely to tell 5 other people (while someone who has bad service

will tell 10 people), thus spreading the good news about the service of the business.

Another interesting recommendation is to check out HCheck TraderH, an online website where people can post

reviews and feedback on the service they have received.

If the plumbing work is urgent and there isn't time to read recommendations or reviews, when booking still ask if they

are a member of the Institute of Plumbing or the Association of Plumbers and Heating Contractors (APHC) or you

use HThe Institute Of PlumbingH and search via postcode.

Choosing the right plumbers is an important decision and one that you should not be done by blindly dropping a pen

on a telephone directory and calling whichever number it lands on. Whether the problem is big or small just be

assured that when choosing Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions ltd you know you have made the right decision

and have one less thing to worry about.





Remodelling a bathroom shouldn't be a nightmare scenario; it should be an exciting time as you can choose the

best tiles, suite and taps. If you are moving into a new home, it's a great way to put your own stamp on it. If you are

a property developer and are refurbishing a home throughout, then ripping out the old designs will offer a sense of

satisfaction, and add years to the life of the property for your clients.

When you're in the process of investing in a bathroom remodelling project, it's important to make sure that the

results not only please you but are able to add value to your home and save you money on energy and water.

When starting a major refit for the bathroom, it's best to brace yourself for potential frustration, noise and unexpected

glitches; it's also a good idea to remember that the bathroom could be out of commission for a minimum of a month.

Here's a brief guide to bathroom remodelling and how Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions Ltd can save you

money and time:

• When planning the basics, it's important to remember that the minute you start moving pipes and outlets is

when you can expect all the unexpected surprises. It's also important to be aware that changes the type of

fixtures can also increase your bills.

• An example would be switching from a floor mounted vanity unit to a contemporary wall-hung one; it will

mean moving the pipes which will be expensive. The best plan of action is to discuss all this with your

plumber before starting anything.

• By discussing any plans with your plumbers, you can avoid nasty surprises such as blockages, burst pipes

and overflows. Any problems can be disruptive and a nuisance, especially if you are attempting to stick to a


• The experienced professionals at Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions can provide a hassle-free

installation of your new bathroom. We only use fully qualified plumbers who are able to fit everything from

the simple – such as taps, toilets and vents – to complicated fittings such as pumps, cylinders, thermostats

and water immersion heaters.

• By liaising with major plumbing suppliers in the industry, the specialists are able to give you expert advice

when you need it the most.

Once the remodelling of the bathroom has been finished, you will finally have the dream bathroom you have always



In the cold winter season, when you are shivering, just home from an icy blast outside and desperate to get warm

despite the rainy grey sky covering all available sunlight. There is one way to stay warm without pushing your

heating bill to its full capacity. HTUUnder floor heatingUTH is a great for removing the clutter of huge radiators taking up

living space, and you can have it installed throughout the home offering a clean decorative finish. It's thought to be

a more efficient way of heating the room because of the way the heat is distributed (this only works well if the

windows and walls are insulated).

The way HTUunder floor heatingUTH works is by pumping heat around a heat exchanger in the floor for it to be released over

a period of time; it works in conjunction with the home thermostat and will only provide heat when the room

temperate drops below a set level. It's important to remember that it can take a while to heat up the room, especially

if you are used to traditional heating system.

There are two types of under floor heating which are Hot Water Systems or Electric Mat Systems:

UHot Water System U

This basically uses warm water from the central heating system, the water is pumped through plastic pipes laid out

on the sub floor before the final surface is installed. This type of system reduces water heating costs as it uses water

at a lower temperature than traditional radiators.

UElectric Mat SystemU

These are generally cheaper to install and cause less disruption to existing floor boards, however they are more

expensive to run than Hot Water Systems. The Electric Mat System features cables that are attached to open-

weave mesh mats that are spread out onto the floor, connected together, and then linked up to the thermostat's

main power supply.

Here are some additional benefits to installing under floor heating:

• It can provide warm cosy tile or stone flooring (perfect when in the bathroom or kitchen).

• It can replace bulky radiators in a room which frees up wall and floor space.

• It's able to cover a vast range of different flooring types with lots of flexible options.

• There is no cold spot or windy drafts in the room, as the heat is evenly distributed.

• The under floor covering is hidden when it is installed so there are no wires or electrical sockets.

The best time for installation is in the summer so start thinking about it before the season changes.



Recent talks about renewable energy have focused on how we should not be so dependent on fossil fuels and how

we all should be going green and looking at other ways to get our energy; solar power is one way to get this

renewable energy. It's clear to see when driving through the neighborhoods of Britain that there has been a huge rise

in the installation of HTUphotovoltaic solar panelsUTH, with homeowners choosing to produce their own electricity.

The solar cells are the small sections which convert sunlight into electricity, generating a small amount of power, with

several solar cells fixed together in a frame produce a solar panel – this is what you see on houses around the UK. A

big benefits of a solar powered home is that it can generate between 75% to 100% of its own power, this is beneficial

to the homeowners as it saves money on electricity bills.

The solar energy you don't use immediately will be transferred to the National Grid as credit through an electricity

meter. This means that during the winter or on miserable dull days, when your panels are not producing more energy

than your building needs, energy may used from the Grid, and energy consumption will be offset against earlier

energy production.

HTUPhotovoltaic solar panelUTH doesn't need a lot of maintaining and if they are tilted 15% or more then the panels will have

the benefit of being cleaned by rain water. Installation is best during the summer when the sunlight is at its peak.

It important to remember that solar power is a clean, unlimited and versatile energy source. It can be used to help to

not only heat the home but to help grow food and give us light when it is dark. Our understanding of how to harness

the sun's power (in a cost effective way) has only recently begun, and with more advanced technology, solar panels

will keep getting better.

Logical Heating & Plumbing Solution use MCS Approved and Accredited Installation Team who will be able to install

the panel to your roof. When installation is complete it will be tested to the latest 17th edition wiring regulations and

relevant ELECSA certificate has been completed with the full knowledge that you are happy with the installation and it

is working properly. We won't be leaving you in the dark and we will check up on the panels to see if it giving you the

optiminuim performance.





Every year, the winter seems to get harsher than it was in the previous year and keeping warm is becoming an essential need. There are plenty of ways to keep warm in winters but two of the most popular systems are central heating and under floor heating. In central heating systems, hot air produced from heated water is used. There are plenty of central heating systems but in all of them, the heat that is supplied is produced in a single unit that is then ducted to outlets either on the floor or ceiling. Under floor heating is one type of a central heating system wherein the heat produced by the central heating system is omitted from the floor.

The Advantages

Under floor heating has several advantages and benefits. The first one is that it allows you to control the temperature for each room using easy controls and thermostats. This makes under floor heating a good option if you are looking for optimum comfort. This also allows you to save money and resources because you no longer have to heat up rooms which are empty. The controls allows the home owner to decide which room they want to heat up, for how long they want to heat said room up and how hot they want the temperature to be.

Under floor heating is also starting to become a popular option amongst people who wish to adopt a more energy-efficient heating option. Under floor heating is energy efficient because unlike a radiator system that uses water at extremely high temperature, under floor heating uses water at a lower temperature. It is very much capable of supplying the same amount of heat as a typical radiator can without using up as much energy. This, as a result, makes under floor heating systems cost-efficient as well.

Another advantage of having an under floor heating system instead of a radiator is that it does not interfere with the aesthetics of your house. You can free up your walls and not have that radiator bulging on your wall. If you choose to have an under floor heating system, you have all the freedom in the world to decorate your interiors as you wish.

BecauseT HTTUunder floor heating systems UTHT Tis a form of radiant heating, it gives off a better quality of air compared to those systems which are a form of convection heating. This prevents harmful germs and pollen from circulating in your room. This is a particularly important aspect to consider especially if you have people who asthma patients or have pollen allergies are living in your home.

If your T HTTUunder floor heating system UTHT Tis installed properly by Logical Heating & Plumbing Solutions in Croydon, you should expect it to run properly with little to no maintenance requirements. You do not need to keep checking on it. All the maintenance checks that are required will take place on ground level. The central manifold which is what should be maintained will be located at a place that is easy to access at your home.

The Disadvantages

Like all other types of heating systems,T HTTUunder floor heating systems UTHT Talso have its disadvantages. Albeit they are not alarming or too drastic, it is still important to note them down and take them into consideration if you are planning to call for an under floor heating system installation in Croydon.

Although it is in rare instances that this might happen, if there are leaks or any problems with yourT HTTUunder floor heating systemUTH, it is required that the floors will be opened up for it to be fixed. Now this can be a huge task to undergo and a hassle as well. Another disadvantage is that T HTTUunder floor heating systems UTHT Tdo not heat up as quickly as other heating systems. This means that you may have to pre-heat the room ahead of time before you can use it.


















Unit 2,

Henderson Works,

Henderson Road,



TT T020 8664 9099 FT T020 8664 8699

ET HTTUinfo@logicalheatingplumbing.co.uk UTH



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