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('('omlnnril from I'trot


g CnotcKA Taptaln llreer. of tbe TlriMNvaM. reporta tit At tleo II Cae. a palnur,SM jeer of .ic, end reaidinj; 11 Trenton, N.

' J , was aelred with llloei el 1 o'clock ye' ttrday at the foot of Chambers atreet, and

a taken to the City Hospital, where theI'tiViicUn pronounced It a cte.r i sa ofrhiilura lite Hoard of Health have bsm

' no it tiedCath.MIi- Imntn run"..rtli? eutcrprt. whi.'h bitsuccessfully carried out, oaud up

evening Notwithstanding the f."lthe principal sttraMuut nl the f.tir.

the contest for tbe cope, the d. iand othr valuable pr hJ preended, aud Ibe tanont stands left

at i.l unattended, the trot da buhibd (ttftom lii.lJ"ti Uat eenm den that of any eeni-it- f '

tbe fair Tie principal uutia tramI tit ttf UinjE wa th. dlpo I a at

of ant eM ! tt tinIIhk The rmr.I prumtial oueert an I

ta&at place tin cr.rau,x .ttbudding promt to le a rttktrrfOa hafttlat etemnc concert mil

ttaif piice, b lb atulet.tsul1 llojt. after which th bui.H

d be dtti..tti-- Tar net receipt of

hare rfn abou. $1"-''- . and tho,Hi., l.titu net probl of

naa nth wtll nbl th

sf the aaurpr.e U furuih in afuffnoj cH.Urta of tbf ctt "Kb

-- Tb fa.rU of ti'

Wint tolk plar rlayWins bfii u If.k if. io.

wbkh i!fp"l la m'Mir.iin

craKj i fff imn . 1 .itUr totiu It u iM'ii'f of.

aj I I r. au.l litcrj. tu-- notwu Tli rutrin t re t .Iia li t lb

J 'ji K Whit, du .1 J:iie I t.

te J tl tear AtlVtfVlurk Vt rlft Iat f 'iitlra-'- fu the

tb rIlor;a; )atlunn utberi Ct Jiuc A II un lio'i,

ltfa-lr- . .1 U'i l'uUto-i- . .Itii.flK I i ; Ifjtwnrt'.i K tf .

UiUrt Ituirt'tti, wIih'i rot-a tiu.n ratau'.ii- Pir J

ma itfrrJ wttU ;.rl triuntneuia' i vf Ktlb, .tl t 'ltr .t v

tbo KM'ua.t on. At L.K pdtt t iik a urtrt-- j fli.'i H II'!11 ''" w

v. Kitthi I c .l I! Mrflu n.' n 1 i . I Mr

u .il.. i, uu-- llf .mhaa U"trr el I In

140 to tb fifth Itllll ftVtij t 'II "tttt tU Smilu.m tli- Ut I lioi

1 .lr..-;.- j . Kir. Mi MM, trlliv,IJuJi of th linrvti of I'm If nr I'mo ,

llpru.inl 'iKiillr, I !ii.Ciil"i h'mIof t.m I'iit nl l'irkfurJ, .i'ht

N .1 . 1 Mr Milium u.i'hJ Pr. Nlliau. Id in. mo

ortHMi w.i t h"rnlit-il- ' K )iii iibi!i wit I'ift !IiiiIIt I'Ui bv t'to

uf i..u tlttir. Alter t1 'i .0Y tbtiKnllier O ili'.llv til

on tl.n iiftnivtl. ilin ( iIi I'f.iuliilli. iaL1 in tin) .ttmi, Willi tiiicb tlio

r iff wcm t lot'-i- , ikSi't Itm rfwi; - n'l'irtW rrtimwil tu M

l ( iIIi.mIimI. wlcid llrnr wtroin tbrt i ult uf Hmj lahnl.v.

Nun Voku am Kom. Nt im llitil"ir.An H'ljoiirncil mcfliu of t'i Nwnn.l Imuj Iil.uxl lirido (' w.n bvLl

tt,r. it Nn 11 I'jiU I'iatr.lumrwr, t' tho ol n iplu- -

-- tvilui to tin r l nil,.l.u irt tlnlttt lor tU'l lr4l

Itf llUlll (t IIO lllHlIO1 taulll tliu liifliiitt iitlputliiod Until4.Uy luoii, tin I'.Mli limt

I I h I'mn iik l iusui iv. I !nii roiimunitft! lit ("viptjui A M. IVu-

lu k. it Lovr ftt tbii port. Mis I (iitrii U.t j

fjr KirMjit'i tlclil', IH'I willMil fT Il'irpr, with L'tii iitttl t tit ill,

bbimt 11i'm!i lutt A' r.inaut 'illpucrn ilircit tt ( lirtinur uu rillvpKnar (iuMubjriiuj;!!. itul nrl tv mlproceoJ lu tbo II iltlo, mi ( i ti Ci.nut.nlt,no

J nr (JctKrii 'ir v llf Aiituorp, wliul 4niiol jrcstL'plv froi

tncrtintowii, litviiu p.itoit on tbotH a cliouiicr ri.'K('l atpaiinT, Ii viii,j two

fiimn'1. M'tppotil t Iio tho 'ial. .r ' "I t rMn:iiMi if iiik 1 iiikiui Cn;u-!- i n

i sms. Tbo f. urth regular monlliW inct-'-

tbft nb m tntiottfl or.iiiu iii.inboM l.itl i".iiiu4 hi tbo lllntO ir i t

I litvcru i'Ut (ti irr'i, the lYotitilent of On'

I ' Ii I'b.irtt Wurre:i. pvvit lin'1 hiit t i ri:iipAr.ituel nw 'ir.iniiti.:-- .

b iiii fouti W t in M trili, r, n'j't m

i in cbarietcr to tbo Cnr.viu Vuitinf llriioMvn. Ttuk of tin u Ijr.

i u t Jurth in thu pi uniiU of m t uati.iil n, U to pi.'iiuio tli-- i irMl itti'l kpiiHii.ilr.'t.uo ol it iiicuiWr. rultlviito u tr Ura il spirit uiiiuTia tbt i.Ui Iplct i1 tlra-H- oftery n.itna nml t?iM, nnl oxtrnl ihoipv Aoy I li fillueitrti of .m irtlvn ,inl i.'iai it

.Ulltlull f.K'll I llB UillrcM if I'lll KMhtrt ntit f a !'r siib'iit, t wo Vnx I iiiIiiiiU,vt S;i'iPi no t, ii Ticai.ii .t, ,i .it imto 1.

vct-iK- . tjriutt n nr.i nlmi.Utl otlii'- upti.ui i't tbo llciir I utttl nn r. (.i.ri tu pi;, ai a n.tul tin n'I u ' ilutlnt m. Al tlm liii i tiny I t crnmiii 4 ( i i n. in i tuiiNiMii'il, tiit uf i'i.t- i l.rI. 'v, Mr. J 'ui iij in t Ilrifoklvii, a ti r wliu'i

hfiTt'ttti anio'itmrtil propm ,U foriiH'inbi i iliii', ol n'li li thcru wrio n l.irgii iibwr. An flit,(iuti nf iiiunWr w.u tbci vt biui.t i.i oi.l. r. wmi prr

ma U iv.ii; b'ia Uiur.ibW n pari. I byI'.i- innn.t,: - . .'.!: . i n ii. ,tt t intu ll.'u1 iiuii. A Hr tn ui tbu i : Tt ot

r iiiiiihiic.tnni4 fr.nii tl o tiifnOi ut th.I nio'i lumitmi (.ottioui 't lh- - ri',it i'lrta40 ritl t:i oiy uf tbo ol. ol tin'

tiely ut(Mlt')i. i,- -t bj U M't'tHi. Ilrp-'Itb, uf lbilluii. IVtiui.i, ul l.iunl.Uii,

Mi lion, of .Vrt'v otk. Hii'l Win. T I'iar'd.r.utorpl tbo J. 1. ;;t a L'iii.i.tun nomp.itifr,

llii- wblL'b b lurrtiiu nIJotirtH'0. I hnDilu rr uf Ib'i I'iM'iii aro, I!n1i.irl W,,rrou,I'rfi-ilpti- ' ; C'lattiiiK, Jr hii.I p ItII. iMrml, ii'i l,v....Iri,l ; II Kvpi. Ii i.i il. t oiiin;hi iiUm4 oii'turv . Wi.Iihui MI, llmuiiltit . (iiltic:t I.I t il. 'i ui.u.iri r, U'jolli. v ,iVI iimo Pin t ui t

hLsi.L t 11 it i t tiv wai tb .inn I

I M.ttjr uf tho l,.tl'l of ilx.W llil., inI .....I ol .iWfU tti tit;: I o:itbo('il II .illt;.i utin r 'i;'l.-.- ' V.rru dinplij

biiii. ff Id i if r 1. xu Thi totalt .y!it n'i t.u a(wt nUul lor tbu ui'iu tit

i't. u;wi: :.r poor of tbp Sii un, n nlmwuit tbo UuoUn uf tbo boutuvru Coni- -

! Ia 71 evil no war cumjiatinlii.v, null tno ilu.s hull.-u- ' l

yt-- ktrrs wlio cuptuu tlm m.uii.iliii C' ol 1r.nlo, &ii(t tbt p I'liitlx ut tbo

'wth tirtt r'Oi'iti-t- l ,i Jar. ruiubirI'UltM Fifty I'MitlH I

pal I Jur unrtbh ti tiniuu. t

Km ltuAi.ii ti:i rocA'ho. l.l,I'liu tb.i year.

m I'Aium: Tbo tonnirftboYutk I'lffjucn' AocnttMii( crm-- i of

Hint 4th alrcrt, will bo oj'vii lom.til 'i'niirtd.Tv iwif, Tlirro will

rxnib.litiu tbo iii-- lluio t'ariJncoI lur ' lmU'iip hIcui" Knuim L'otwNo I, of I'ulumWit. h( On Wtnitf Telling tbo Anoi mlion will Rire .i

i privuto to tbo thbinbfi athlIliruJaol ttiH Aatuci.ilitin, mill uu HmriUt'ibu.v wilt nul( u pubiio purbi prop.irutoryto Ibolr ilopartuio Soutli. Tin t'ommitu--I cava on bttnrilay, tb& 'I Inai , uu tbohtennulilp Mnlmltati, ,mJ will, on tbnir

ut C'bnrlotoii( m rtoelvcU U tba t'iroDciurtineiit of tbat city.

I I Km Mi Di;oMtu Ibo botlj of Mr. A.Ili I V Molltili, of tbu city, tallj rea.tlln,; t

V t X'al'j Uulil, wji I'uuiiU iu l!io llii'UaiiA j ltitr, Nenbiirjib, m Suu'Uw lu tboilk to. luta tl lit ruit J.Jinl' S

IWil.'l lltlt J) 111 C"' ''bil' ltd WI'IO Intl. IllW at t'"i mlu'i wa'-- i i.inki ol ir

I I I' r,.H . tli i. yi t,4 mun tl tiuii wl'


t'lTV UDritlt.llHNT.Ponnl f AtiStrinatt Ntlition t'n)iirl

I'abl'f lTmll- - Tlm MirM Trat'rlrurlho( I tin Herrr WIHa !dlo, AfIbialbiard titvl U I 1 M jaitonUj, Mr

Shnnon tu thf Chairpetition frotn proper' y bolilrn on Mnr

rar atrrfl to liivn (but Mrftit JiaVO'l vltb.N'lrttUoti pHTfmci.l, m rforri'l to tbaCoi ti.Utrn on Mrffh

Mr Norton prMntM ft roiolntlun rqti!ID); thf CunttolUr !o jItp k tUtilltl atatouitat uf tlm ftmnunti pnl for puLli. printInt. w th tbft uMiir of tha prioni1tj tbf aituA, tkuoA tlie Ut of .lAninrr, l?Ml S.trton aiI tliat t ni atnfl tbr

bail niflil tl" ' for m bin nrmlinn itltitiit autbrritt. nuil he ilralrnl 'i nt attba trfrl I U rcnlit , n wat al j

Mr ( ji'f,in pritntilwt a r diuttin e

ijitfii n tl.i ( 'ititfiillcr to n p'nt tht atnoiinrrtfitM from t W .ulnnioii mhI WntU il k'M'i Mr'--pt ortf ilnrlnn Il'" tbthi ft pi mIi urr, diirinj

.i.t .ttn,. wa ftilfipilA tt M ilmti tu iltm fi" to ' Kir

tut a 4'hm tit in to h"lp tliftn 1 tM torllir Iiiiva rairii;i tu l lionttfd to th Kirc

tin ol ( ohiii'l'M, ( wai rlrrri I

r'ilutli i fruii tl otbr II ar I. appr pi utiiiK J '.. i fof tba rHthmtloli oltl lilt of .Lii w i IjhI oir

Mr I. t ".Jiitinn, furliiUn. tit a alnof mail lf-i- nfpt 'y Pin tiutit, pint j

or j riinttiii itl pAfl iberfof iri.I r h panmUt ut (') tlm lliat olSntff forr t. h hi f pliiif olttiurc, ttii cllrtl up II r.Norton ml tu nt li,rtvutl tb .itttn alonnl.A't the pntr lu trjiiUto woinht alol j

luiiii. iriliiiuii w lutt. I

i i motion il Air lim, Miir ( imnn,Wh t ,triiiiiu un I Mooro wrrn Hppoiiitia. roimi .tl t m tiukf arrauiMiirnt lor i oilirnln.2 tit 4''i of Jul A'lj'Oirnrtl tu j

Hhim li ootrltatril nf Ctmnrltmtn tii of.lulf Iff

- tfai rittr.l I ta lrrrM .

,Mn Itl V nf to lfi Dovrn Menla lirat Ltraa tffala! ipmbrr, Mrllrme,A r , .VP,'I hn ll.trl of t tiiin'tm.tii luet at 2 I' M ,


Mr t i llm obai.A r 'itio.i n i .Klopff l ro.ptft.iu tbu

f 'rol'.n ..iinliiet ! tntn'it tu tut', tn tufIt.if.l i.i tiatitirr tlm nty i nppli-t- l

vi'it br 'ran atop ock. Va "Wbnthor tyo tr jit t or otnor mo

Tor teaulii:itn uppu: ititu n CiimiiillUnuf th e I in tk arrtiijflin .iti. for :

tua Ith uf July tiul nppropi i.tliutf &.u tullotl tip Mr W II.

Hibrt w'tcil tokuun wbrtthtr iu.Ur tinri nl "uit tbo i ipitmiitnro wn lu.illiol tuf "J11. Tho l'inlmil fc.iwl It wut an litnitr.t t riini't'iiin w.u t'luptc Mr WIt KuU-t- U votui lit tbo iitt4llvo on tborotirtl t mI h i oiitulnit'il lltu ninuniit tun

lkrn Tito -- etiitiatHiri atpoi,itiii n Coinlinttru t tniVrt nriatif iiutii.a tur it rffiatUon ('.if It.i of Jul v. a:i.I Appruari.ttiii I,"JJtli- ii i..r wjt ;.u l mrr

Mr thiiiiM'ti ifi. tc-- ,t rnotn inn in t li in in tht llutl-i- Iti-- r II U to ti roiltitiiit. io i ,tn (boir It. Ntinolitca to tlictipot in Writ ir.ft iluriiu th contiimfinr oftin ii i Yii ift , u'vi tn nA iluniiiijr rtiKfoitltn. M u tbftr v.irimi ilpil. mi p.ttli'tf ftIii'tiiiati loo fur each otnino ul i - piT your,Mtil tu 1) tbtit ii Dm i tn4 try an Itrlu a nltin ii nut , a I .i luariiuliii): tht ifto'iMionml "itttil tiy tin t'tiintiifi i toiiniil tn Kri,pi obit i in llir Mo uf alf it'll Jli I Itb lit uini",

Mr Ilnnry Mnrriy tlnoiht tbu wm itliio etu.toiiliiiiiiy ri'ftuliriolt tti piiMi'iil Httin Iritf Altor nil tb rv Ioip o tnl.i'it bvth'i t' mmiMoo on tin liibhu-i- In i iiuhl notti,riivo Hi lutrti, hon in Mr (l.liioito in ol(rtiiil Hp itpiHH" I, bonov ii, it w.i olno iii-- i bi n ltinp him tn withilr.ivr tt

Mr (Jitiimrn a.thl tiooilriotl thf to iliitlotiin nriuitiitiiro Willi Mr Muu.iy'a iiitiftih Mnri.iy bul, ' oithor onfun'n thu

ur I mi or r.ii.oil llcin ,' tbr rf fori bb fl pmtr'it tl tliro littiiin Anotborrot-'ii-

lur ollirni ll wj, thut tin iiiuti'iiixnttn gt't i'f mi oma I ak ui oil un tnanno, how i tiiil'ul woubl ht it ac ji n tf toit fotttu r tunni Uit lunt if li'iutoa on tho uvrnt.f

Mr HtMiry Murray Iia r.ia fxwaro lh.itMr. liilmuro wa pi 'lv I ltnttl tip Inrat1 ottitta tti.tttfM, but bl triistrtion lutint .it u to tintllonnl, liii b i'l i Imi:u Mi tlninor ' ownliitilhil In wa tniiplnv" ! by utvnar ufbtiuti'A uf iirnatitntiun to aoll tboir pinporlyfn (hit t

Mr ti'lmurn tlftiiml tlut lm bul orrr

Nt ih! npt :tu up tu attFitU 'tttiln hi imio nf ihto cvritotnont tnmuftlt)u 'ir.ii trturoit Mr lout; nutvit

Hit i oluttou hn It wutltxiipn' to '.lu- toll iitnl lut I iiirnitirra

ilei( in tho tttliiuirttivo mi. I IU in tbu hcatl

Mr. liilinoro ollt'rotl .t rraolution that allre tub) lion Im'I.hv I hi ltoril i i vn tuwt U i piiU'iiicuU b." r ft'rrttl to tin emutnitltt'i on I to i'l it p.i oniciit, ilh iltiof-tiui- t

tu .nUcrlift tboir prupjtotl action tirtio iI.i)n in iliit I'.npur.ttiuu pApjti Tho11 ml tln:ti iu!uiiruo'l U I. M. to ilty.A ii aril ol Mrcet I'r.inH merit t"uuirru.

Iho utllio ol Mroot CoutiumtorifTIn Ht'i.ilwAi', wa li3iloai yoator

i lay nltrinotiit, on tbo of thr, uponlug of tiul for nt 'mis ml tmu .uhk

at'op, by n iHrflf rrowl of foiittAftur, tor it tiihblt ut tbo pal. tn, nth'I tii'at bhln fur mntru--t tro Utcfn inn tnibiM, mi I rrrp tor ll liii". cm bin-- .imlrfK'tbitmi; ti.trttou ul trntN two itrtellu riuti p.tila ui tbo inly Ol tint uhuviiiiiiubnr, li" i wit rfji oi mI. .tnd ohvn itrrnnptMituL in,. I ara nuw tuulnr conaulor.itiun'll.fto fun rut uio tu bo awnruVil to tbotow tut bnM'--;nthHIT OCK"IMl IH IHMAIIh'a Ml'.KUM.

Tlo tirn Mntrt'tn erect il titular thel'..initfcf ii nl of M,r lbinvaril, in Ilronlw.i), W.t nnct ojiiMH't! lor tin iift titiif

lal i5t'iiinr to f'lH 'Ti'l f 'tHjr mtrirtlctlutiiltftioo Tho Mum nut, which in aiuttoruttocr htlf n iltiien ru'm niul cool ttllfrifi,wnt c;iUiiliiotl r.irly in tho i rtitit lt tbovi i to i, whu iiftf r.tul wttureicil tho

of Mr Ihnvnr.l a f.unutu pitmr-itu-

ol tbo M."i'. piu, the by in ntn,I y t!i i u tlf rutiipior. h'i v Mr 'pLittbihl .

tti. mvi.ij'.ir, tbr perfunn.ttu'o ut " I

int. mini o if 't Jl hi" mill "tAmii l.tittt"uvt)piitl tuuiuittfur t tic o Ut da)lit priMiiui'i ii lulitrcHN wiittrii ht tho luluJui..n 11. Tutl int. iitnl ilrlivt-rot- l b Mr. II.11 I'hillip-- .

ij i. hh,ill t tl.o niiulbor orraaiuti to ipfitk

Jt lfttth bf tho Nuw Mint.nun. tlio l.ttiuifiiajut tl. i' hour nt which ttif in tiijnr itinj; ru

t'TtinumcuU tiitioluJtitl, protcutiuj any l

tma i norm in;


Mtt Iiunllu ViVatfrii niipijirrjil lait rrcnin, ut ' t'authKi," in I at kntoiif' livtntilr.tlui, " V he i't nun ol thr Thiaurpiv pirt u jnt uiIim'I tu Mia Wfaturii'aI u'liiiitipto pnMi-ta- mill fho wa ll.uteriiilytoKuwi-i- ttiliHi'jliun hy tbu upplnuao of tbo

i aiiiliJUi'u, 41-- ropfatt tbo clmrActer to- -

l.l hiI. mm. txr iiitiv ttt Vi irriuur S'fftm-- j

h pt.'tt ut Aiitwitp, hi vnrpuol, teumhipl 'ili I.UK.u-- t u.utllivru. Ill, atoimh.p Acbhli a, An'worp, '.'i.i, b tt k Aiu:ir.mth,

llrnn-'n- , I'l'i, 1. 7

Cuu MtV Ctr'i-- At an lniuptt hi'MjetttrJ.v ly t'oronfi Scunner oter tbobutly uf Joseph Uiu'k, whu wai run overby loiKiun -' o'i Siinr-btv- tbo ptrytoi.ilcr"! ttonlii t t luiu'iiiiiu lbt iImvit.

'1 ul it lunlu lut.tiit wit luiuitlin tbu N uitli irr uu h tiul , mid Curuucrh .uttnm I tdtl mi tU'pnt j rt i tUy, whentn t put iftulurt'tl Hit upon lcidict ujtuit

tiukiiowu utuiUi'rer

itbu rtinu Lot i.i; l,it tiiubt, tho atuif tlm IVUfK't wi-n-t tUrtnili tbo

ut ' Uuriiiti tbu Antiipiitiita" Aplralii; t.itk t.. tbuid wtui b.itn lutoit ptuzhnj;utci tho 1 hit ktudfiiia iiml ut tboWuitu Monuiiiunt ut M I M , Hiul, tuntlfolby lttotw.ith' H Hid, inuiohfd tu tho CutJc0 In 1 t'i alrrct llfio a pile wali'liituU, und tho pupilt, buuuiiK thu woikul Humor mill Kunitl, cut thtuu lutu tbllniue. Tina i callod " JJuiuiuj; tho Autttiutir," and Uiutic (but Un aludouu latjiu atiun bnto hulthed tbo roadilije uf tbo

I'unTi tiMtn I'lie oicnraioii of Co. II, Btblltviiucnt, wliub vrat to bit to takon pUoojtalcrduy, v4 iotpoubd Iudotluitety ouucu-- at ol tbo w ra the r.

Kuua A tiro iraa diacorortil in tba bootnnd a'lue atoie of HuKh Mrtrtlii, At No. all !, yttatorday ut out

ll.tutiipt to atuck mid luiibllnjiIu'cUtk j ' J liuuii'd lu u I'liiUuelphia

Tin: covinsC ii in CurM' ,ni ioi 'I i p. Su

p uu ( .ut' ll,i . i i, . ,J O'U: t .

.in ' i' t .. illI W i& J vi.ll , i.ji

.HI, Htl, 7M. m W, Ml, 4o7( Ul Iltl.rr. part ii.-- Noa i in, :tA ca :m, Mi.AU, iVitH, wi. iron, PAI, !Ct twt n.v,I'I'K., IfiH, 4.'.i, 7, 3f.', 4'fi Cbamtra- N'ta 17, ull, N HI ftpfcUf Turini'ptn'irffr Nni M, Ui tit laua of I.awnml Kart.Noa f7, 'JI.WI, l. IS'. I'U,mi, p, w, aw, su, yi.t. vr, . m in,

i jo, kii. lie, vm, v.n. un. itvw, a. i,'.' i

Hupfriur Court -- TiUI Turin -- l.trt I --No :vr Vr.i, 3111, .Ui?. . W". .'wi,am. tf-r- 17 m. :uti, '.r;f?, .uii n.i'iPart M o 3 Mi' '?'l 3011, i, !M,ii.'in, ,irt '&)i, .u,t), ii-i- . a:i, j:H, aw-- ,

i:u Xlt

t ..utit.un Plana Trial Tfrm -- Part I

Ailot.riifiI without Pnrtll AdjournM for th.j If un

m i iikiiK Oil I ru ('iMhunAi.Ai.ifvT a i'iimik Ctitriif .Jt ik.k Tbla la

nti brtioti lruibt a;iliit ft Judge of tbof .ur'h ll'itrlcl. a Mr Cbanfy and ulbfira,

charting them lth fritululntly tomlm t

njt t of tho propMtjr of tin Adlron--

u k fMto tnd nnlrortd rouipany to ibfirn n c (It 'I ho roiup'iint an'a out thatlb" i ni.pmiy in which thf ptiiintlll hotdaMo uli tt r iuAd cuntrtct tvlth tloaakranaA. for thi' puitbaao from fncli ofabout .'1.1,1 Hfl uere of laiul ut Urn prfef of 1

pjr afro, tba munny to La paid In luatitt-I- t

till ftttd tho yfodura to bavo th optionou fitdurt of piymant uf ituy inatnliofiiltu dr t. 'ftrf tba routrnft vuhl. and ralalu

it ir.iita alrp.tdr tid na lupinlatrd dimfi;r', tliftt tbo lirat ititf alinoht only brlnpKid, ll a VHttdor f to aua fur apfc t'tr j

rrtof i.iaturt Mid obt.tinad iidoif nla furtbi amount dun tindf r tbflr mtitrats a,

fiiiountiii tui'rthur to uvr i ,N.' I hatboy thru oht.niird fin npiiotntiuf fit of rt

uu ntrr in tbu ault bruu 'lit by Cbtif r, nndtijolhir irrf tfr w. NQppuintfd In nnMbi r '

a nt ut vthlrh Mr. CI tdwlrk wa ptalntHT.(loth ol tlii rouivt-r- iju tlit'fttIt i ihurjEfd tint Judo lUarkr.itiiuftl hi hill it'iirti iu pruroro lu- - i'alrtirliun and ilirftiuna tu tlio Ufffitor, which would pi to tbfiu an ft4vnn j

t.ijo in thf tuirrtiMafj nrf r all otlu-- r I'udfrtl tin uhoiia iii.vlf tu tha t hfttfj ault.tho r oivfjr aohl tba rnin;:tii ' Hi;b' In tholand i.nutnrttly aml Iit Chftify fur (!('.mid thu whul t i. .1 fatatii huld by tbu rumpAny li Tftt ur l.'0,Mis,l, to Chpno,, who

Iialtl It n Jtidiufhi Hi;Aint tboI a.llind that nil tbla wa rotluilvHr

dono helwff ii C'lftif y, ItoMkrntii antl tttaIlfroltfr. Tin (umplaUit furthor nllf iffthat Cboi.oy rtad KtMukrutt aiibautii)iitlyauld tin prujMrty to a new eonipitir, 'I'k l uiupaiiv, thu bond hy thf "ll fur J I'Ml.O'H. of wblfll $ X)

rf lu tmad un intirtif'i2t, niul tba halatirfol I.i Imd fur J I.Mr,inHf In atork, nndJ M.OOi in lontda ol tho hf w rump .Mi v 'I hattin df IfiuUut, Chfiiy mid Kuottkr tu.bivo r i'iuii ain ed tirufi'i-dit- i t tn onfurlit piynu ul ol tbu $ 10 i.'KjO dun ou theirtiortj;ai , in which I r a r h.tvo lu'oun,t..oi.tfd Iho idHiutil) claim that tbrpmpt-rt- uf tbu AtliruiuUrk lint a to ( umpAi.y wia worth fVV'H I In naka that onlrliillut liitutfll ntitl tut luckhul Irri,tbu aim I. and othfr natta jivi n th ih iudnata lur llm portion, 1a didivf red tu IhtIt'ncfiviii uf thu ulJ ruiupauy 'lhornnliuw coin. tip on tlninuriri. thu dludtt'ittt'laliiiin tbu ptaintill hi tniuln nu t.ilur trliff.

Si i i ttin Ct.tmi -- I in ti Tr.iiM NutAitr-Mu- .It mira V utt Imp iK' I i

I It ti ol Vl'illUilt"! Mtttl UK N K tl( 11 A

1' i.t, l'tsm. (liirAivr.ii -- Ihronhlha rightrnfurr uii(nt of tho pi tlty imp nod by

Hn llunur, .luilr Mt'Cunu, on nun nttoinlhi t J irur. ipntn a roiportabto nuiubar tnofintrd thrmphi at tlm opfiilu of thuCourt ratriUy iiioruiu, mid mi4wrrud tulollirtll It will hn ii'iiif mhfrrd t bit nutol it p mot of iV Jurura nllf d nt tbi roininriii-- mmit of thf tfrnt, only litn or aU

Kindtn n't nnh'fr rlturla tu j rocorn thu utlf mlniM-- i uf tbo uuututliin, Judi Mt Cunn ordf rf d tint it linool $.. prrday ho tipp.iard upun tlunu tn tilll.ty put in mi iippuLrmm. 'IhUurdoi bhut u rigidly tuiturci d, mot tbo ri'ult winthat 70 ul thr drlluqtii'nta tifipuarod tnCourt Tfatfi day lu thntlutn

by Uw Soma uf tha (f utln tnonJiaviiiK brrn ulili;iMl to pay f'ii pur dayakin u thn rounin'iii'ttinf ut ut tlm tf rut, liat apruhahly Kurd it nu rxtionniro uj.

C S IhMitn i Cm nt Inr. Cn on tic

Cta OriNiMi mi i itK Put i iit -- I . H

i:it, 'l.l'O uvt ol Chmnpnctif Ti i rair,wlorli la but unn of many alimlnr cuana,

wit rfutnrd tlila inoriiliiic pttrju.t it to nd

Juurntitf nl I'bo riiao fur tbo proai notionun ritpurlftl In ur ia-- ut thv I Ilh lnt.lcstfrdav Mr. Mdtioy Wobalt-- upnuod tboc.iao lur tlio ditfrnaa The main point rnlrdby Mr Wobttor um, tint tho real valiiu oftho wiuoa, on whioh tbo duty ahould be a

aond, wj the net mnuuut rctftvod by thoImport ma, and that tbo imuiret in thnr.ttfa at tbo woro made out in roulurmity with thuan price : tbero wero only throepoint lor the Jury tn pi a upon, the n-odi! tn.irkot Mtlimof the wine at Utiidni,whfthor It w.i Inrolred beluw that valuu.mi'l tf it wore, win tlicra cmllv knuwlodjinon the ti u t ol tlio ' or lor ile rontoudedthat tlioe wiiif bad 1imii pruifrly lutuicrtl nt thfir inarkut aluf, una rcrtillcdlu hy tho r h Cunaut rtt Uhrluia Two noprano r at th t'lHtutti Huuan tettltld ion to the Inrutcoa, oiu of tlmn tt tif v i n r that In lutuicr ol wliir. Importedby t'laimuut protioua to tho oin In ipifituui, the pnoea lu tbu invuirit tallied withthe murkft prioo nt Uhaiutt The Courtthen udjuurited until lull'-pai- l Un o'clock

tiiorninclUNKHPrn v. 'Ilia fultowlnR petition! in

binkriiptcy wrro lilctl J, W Mont,N V.; i:uaha C lllhhard. N V.. PI. dtohl, N. ; W. C hfnitrnburgb, N V ;

Pat id llriiitir?ii,rua.ruro WillUuiabiirgh,place ut butnif, N. ; J C- Cuunnlux.rf aid net' li thwny, N .1 , jdaco of bunicaNo ifi Witbioiuii htrfft, N V. LUhill-ti-

ittnl aai'li will bo t'Uhtitbud when tbola-- f come tfore tbo

t'oiiil DrcI;oua.Common 1', ( hum.-Illl- mtt

WiilUur itjt 1'ho Pi- I luck, I'.tat llruadttnynutl ll.itliry It. tt Co , iu. Union! HtlirincdAlfKitudrr IVtiut-- uj:t .1 M.u jiulcuifntuthrmrd. Win J PimI. nl lium, iiU- -

Kuruld , pidini'iit lilhriiM'tl !' II Kniii'tly, tr. liter, ngt Orubt II Ihurp ; .indic-ium t it llu ai4l. Jaa lUirt nu' P.tuiulItuilwill , jnlinut iitliin-'- d. HtMii v (Irron-bitii-

ntit Alo 1. Sti .1 , judgment Iiibrmrd.S Whllo ngt. J. licctl, juili:infut uir.riuod,I. A tlioaa Ht. 'Ihoiiiua WuxstatT, jud0luent ttthruiod. D1111I Koinbardl ftt. tboMayor juiWiiiout ftl.Hrmed, MuaroKrulni ft (it Oanitd hwettuy, jud(int f- -

linnod, Kmma llupklna uat. I'tizabethJ.iinci, ju Igniont ittlirnifd. Jaa W lUmicrat. 11. II. pLirke, Judji'iiieut ftflirmi'il, JW. At woo. I act. S M 1 Urr I. Judgmout

(. lluwiunti xt. K. po Curator,ordar appealed Irom atliriued, J Kellrujit.Iho Kiulgtaut Industrial havlnu flank,Juilmueut revoraed, A. llm uzf, J. W.II. illei, Jtiilj;nirut romi'ul. ('. tbtro ajjt.the Nurwich A Now Yutk Traiiapurtntiont mnputiy, juiigliiuiit rutotat-tl- . 'Ihunmailc-luilyn- l

ti l, udutr ut It v t aril,M. Iliillagbaii nl. P. llerbuit. Judgment re

1 boma Wnlauit nt J ftlidaire,or.itr tippualed ft um rowrauti, lliriuan1'iU'iiu wgl. tail Puplniitu, uidt-- AppealedItutu lut.'iard, Ctiuuzu J. tltmftitltiK. J.Ibal iti I tl, A M. Juhn, urdrr appualftltrum iithrtut'd. V I'mty ugt Wm. Po

. JU'lgiuettt iilhrinoJ, CarduZu J.I C Scbioiltat L harlutto Cota,

j iii'Muut Mlhrtued.M IKLMK Ctil UT CtlAMttl- Ul - Alfred

Ituirm'y ugt. lkiijutniu K HiitUr. luulluudenied.

Ci cur 01 Oknp.hai. SkMiini -- At tho I

ope uuu of tbo Cuu it yuttcrdny muruiug tbe j

ono ol M.iunco lauuian, rhartfed withtho murder uf hta wife, wa teaumed bofuroHrcudur llackott Tho pruojivr, who

in rxcilUut bfitltb and iuod "pint,tuok it aunt bucouotfl. Win K Kint-iuk- .

nnd Chaltea t fSjMtnccr On Kridaytbu di'liiu'u callrd aovuial cHiii, all ufwbuui a.ild thvy had kunwn tho ncciiHudItuiii btuwfon I i mid 11 )fui. iud be badthu f putHluui ul boiut; a. thuiuujihly buiieat,lohor mid induaiituii man.

(IcorKO W Ciaut, awuru, tt'itlliedl knowJlra. IvJiuilxati and bfr liuahitutl, tbo prinuer; tw her whou itie lay tlcad at thatime I lived with lboui,olept wlltiaiuunnamed '1 ull.r , Mn Ltuniau wa 111 thomaiu room wbeu I and Mr Laanlgaa weulin , abo wtu uot eullrclr aober, aud ha hiut-ae- lt

wqi drunk , bur laoo lookod aa If hurt,tibt ou tbo cheek, tbli wat about ouoo'tluck) Maurice atftuKarod eg tiuat hf r andwent aa It tu atriko bor, 1 aaid, "Mauricediui't atitke bor for llod' tku , iba roputtid the won!, nnd lu'inoK tu me aid,pun t 'o i.way, he wi.l kill mo," tu whichI it p that It vu 11H lioiubu, ui ioiuuliuoj lu tint tic. t t'o " maitted lunt tuli l oto'ii nt II a, a ir rihl funic' ' " '1. t il 4 . t U'll ll .U

i M'it4i lutt m..u umii know ui u.;

botwoen and hU wlfo, eioeptwhat ftroae tbroujzh bar drinklnr; abe badbean ftrno to drinklnr ainoo tbo 17th ofMatflh bo wa perfectly freti led wltbdrink, and wai Io tbe um otato the nightbefore.

Croaa eiamtnedWhen tho prlaonar talktd about Itllllnjf Ida wife at lltfTUna', I don'ttblnk he knot wImI he wa aAjni((.

'Hie faao hf Intf etoaed by the aumtnlnt; upof roiiuaal on both aldaa, and an Impartialcbrx tu the Jury br tha Ittoorder, tbofury rotired at :i.3o P M-- , and up to a latehour laat evf nlnf bad hut arrived at a rerdirt, o tbe KorunUr looked tbftn up. Nuothi r caao came up dunujt the day

I'ol.NH Istxi l biK.sf.n, Thf )fnrritnbin ft Arton Oif Conoael fur Win If

Morton, wbo ii accuaad of haTin aet tire tobl cotton wftrehonae, No Harriaonatri't, on the lidd till., ruiicludfl tu walvttall further etandii itlon b"foro .luatlre n

yeaterday au the priauner wa ointoit-td fur trial Meiartt l.trin on la.tH) badMorton la a natire of Nuw Vurk and Ul

yea' of oe.f'tt' Aamiih flHirer Kuley, of Iho Ifiib

piffluct, while on hi beat iu V7th atrfct,ye iturday morninff, b&d hi rttlfntlon attraded by Ihn report of a pittul On

lu tbe place, he found a man, whotart hi natne u John Xundy, on thepareniefit, hlerdliij; prof'l i ly, and iitterlii ttrout wuiiudiiitlictid on hi Uco mid hrcatt.I he wound In the rheck wi llvu luf b InleiiKlh, having anrered aevfral ainatl ar-

trlf , ramie rin blui tenr wenk from tbe lotiuf bluuil Tbe woundfil man wfttcunroyedtutbn.fewa' Jluapilnl In Vlh atreet, whenIda fujiirioa ttfro tlreateil, ami he prupariyritr.'d for. Attar he had recovered itit-lic- i

ntl.y be informed Ibe oMUer that thedeed waa ruintrlttfd by Thorn a Kialaii, of'MC Wfat '.Tib fttirt!, who waauli4ftpifntlyorreatrd mid broubl be fur 0 Juatico PuiUunt tin JeMcraou Market Puliro an 1 pleailednut fuitt tu the cbari;n, but waa field tubail in the auin of fii.VJO to ftuawer Tbowuundad man li red out of danger,but wrta iimtule to nppear at court to pro ft rcbarjrf 1 njjaintt bia aaaaiUtil.

Aitinttt iriih a AVonf IMwanl Morao, ofNu 711 Mulberry atreet. yrMcrday made anmult upon tiro. William, a n j,ro, whrn

tbe other plrkrd up ft atone and ktiurkedhi naaillant down, In order tu prevent arow Officer ol the Uard I'ullce,nrroated William, and be wa tomirarllyrummltted by tlualloo llonnl, Morau'abead waa aeverely rut

7Af Stuyrtmnt !AUt (ue Tbe etamlnntiuu In the Htuyc,tnt libel cam, aalnattbo New irk Nowi Co., w.i further adjuitrtifil tettnUy until 'IhuraiUy, by a

auti ol tbu itlueai of Mr. Kullertuu, tboil'a cuiiuatd.

Aaj'iultiii'j o Virruiiin -- William lUrrlau-- Htul Joaoph lliuut wire arreatu amiarrinod bolure .Iu!lr 11 y "aterd.ty,iharirrd with naultlnr otlb-e- tluith, ofthe Fourth Prerluri, utt Sunday murnin,with lutont, na utlefod, to rub him uf rt guldwuitb viiliKd ut (Itk't, wtilclt dropped onthe pitfotuunt bnfoio thoy ohtnined pte

ion of It. Juttlcu lloj; tn tuok thu rumplaint ami luuked up the prlaoner lur trial.

Kiriir Cl.iut Illlderbrand, Nu. M Wottltrii.tdwny, Matbew Vuat, '.'I Keuitard atreutnnd I.nnta Tltu 'Slm Clutmbcra etreM,wereiirr.tlucd biifure .luaticu llnmi. fur tiolatin,; the Kxcio law, nnd they wrro hold tJball for trial lu tin auin of ('01 nicb.

Jilt4MUl,- -

Ati-nt- ii i Actir ('I.U11.1IIC nnmint rerfrtltit ol Una club Ukoa ptaro tu dayPull ib'tall wero niven In yMturday'a

fu.t 'I he rutirae wilt bo front tho miohorcn nun thu mouth ul (iuwnnui Creb,

throiish llm Nitrruwa tu tho atakn boat ol!thn South wot Sttit, turning tba atakttbu.itflum Kut tu Wrat, and thenre home, piai.ini: tbo buitiH ataku butt tu the Web Theyurht will at at t at noon. The tteot will be

under tbo rommanrt of ConimoJuro Lymanitud ire Cuiumudore llrahcr The Judge

Mcaaia. Ohvfr C. Curter, Stimifll II.Stewart and Win. C. Cuwlrr.

HtOOliT 1(1 It AT A l'LNRIttl.- - A do, ifr.tto aud bloody debt tuok place iilmut halfpat four o'clurk yuatrrday alliirnoun ooitrCittvary Ccmefry, bflwetm autno peraunwbu had lifru nttemUut; ft fiinoral tuero,iturins; which aovcial uf them were woundcd t four ilaiiKoruualy. Tliu flht waa partlcfpilrd In by women a well aa man, andit reported that n child wna killed. Tboburial party belonged to New York, n hiIho tltfht oiiKtnatcd iu n diacuaaioti lu

to the 111 inly ijualifja of the decoaaedKuivi'i mid atonea wrro frcoly utnul, andthe occupant of bouaea in tha rtflgbburhood iibundoucd their botiioa nnd tookrcfugo lutho wobda Tho Qjbt tnitcd aubum.

liiKlntii ot SuinvoitE ion the Miuin: of Mit Cauii Ihotatool William T.Kkiilmote, undor Indiclmsnt for tho murderof Win II Car r, wa brought up yeatcrdayinurnlnj; brfoie Judio Hai uaid and Juatloeilluyt aud Vuorhff The murder, tt wiltbe remembered wa, na alleged, perpotratudwith an 011 the nlirht oftholit ofMay lnt, ubjut ono o'clock A. M., In (loldatreet, near Johnaon, while on bit roturnbumo from a Maaunlc lodo, oTor tho MechauUV It. ink, corner of Monttuo uudPillion atreet He wa detected iu t'-hunting by otlicer Pwr, and "..ftd by

omcrrNa.h. buth of tUt".ollce Vlfl.lim t, and lorhnj Uj, (ur ft irrtr1(f ,hrtHl'.'tufr. t ftppur, wiia porirlrntod bymeitit of mi 0111111, without nny apptrontmotive. Mr ( arr wt ahotiu the'd from tho wuuud at tbo City lluspiul ali'v tiny a tlieicnflcr

'llm lotirtiuuin yoaterday wm doumdyrruwiledr-a- ll appeatrtl fttixiuua to at 0 thoprisoner W illuti-;b- atrrut, trum the Jailto tho Court lloiut'.wa tltruned hy ,1 luiocrowd. Thn pita mer amoki-- it aeAr, butit waa plainly tn bo teen that hit tutud wnuur.tay, tin hriiiK' aeated in thu Court-loum- ,

Skolniuro evioced cnnaldorahU trul-liit-

iu ti;ard to tbo atatoiuont lu the nowapapf r( uud aeemed to labor uuder the

that iujuattoo bad buou douo tobun.

'Ibe Court bavlug previously aaaiRnedMora. llortiard llughea and lbatuaa K.Pearaall at couuaM, tbo prlaoner declinedto itcrept tbem lu view ol tbe faot that bobail outlawed Meaara. (1. T. Juiika itud J,Tuwnaeud, TbeCuurt vuniidered tint tbopriaunor had ft right to retain hta own coun-sel, ami ao accepted them, Tho paurd ofjurura w;u then called, uud tbo fulluwint;naiufd ittntlomeu wrro nccopted JuaophK. Pill, Jnhn Tyler, Jmuea 11. Moaby ftiitlCoruoliua Kurgutuu. Tbo Court thru mljourued until thi 'iifadny( morning ttt 9o'ulock, when it la oiHotud that tho pun elwill bocomptetod uud tbo tnut proooodod

The lirccNT Mimiukr. Au iuiul wacomuiencetl yeatcrday into (ho clroumatanera attend in j tbu iiuirdor of Jitinca 1'jrtor,

Iwhnwa found In tho K.iat Itivor, at thotout uf CouxruA itret, ou Wednesday ufl.mtwivK with a bullet hulo in hia bcmlMeaara. 1) 1 Hull, drugt-d- , n'idinp at No.

' Alia 111c atioet, .Mia Hatty Ha. don, 10id l' at V.U Henry alieet (whero dfceaaod

bu trdedl ,tud Mr J U, Hullinstuu, ut No.lin Clintuu atrrot, weie rxaiurned aa wt-- I

nroui, but tiutldn whatever waa dlvtiludtothruw nny liitht ou the trmiaactiou, Tbouivciti4sUuu wat pjatpuued uultl FridayUCX.I

AfCttn'.srAL SnooTiNO. About 8 o'clockou Suudnv muruiii):, aovt-ra- biya amuudtbomaelvot by alioJtiu,( ut a iu irk with aputol, iu a yatd lu lluuter ilreot. uoar Ctataon nvenuo. Ouo of the ball narrowlyescaped a servant girl III au adjulutug yard,and another shut tired by tt buy uamod 1Mward T llawktua, eutared the aeound atorywindow ol the bouse of Mr Wm Pudsworth itbo tlnaiiclftl editor ol tbo N CuuMUncltl, AitVhKUSKK) and iutiiutud a severewound lu hia thigh white Iu tba act ot taktug a bath, Tha wouud is of a sever, butnot of a uecessarlly fatal character, Cayt.WnlJy, of tbo 4 llu Police Prooiuot, detailod deteotlvo Wouderly to ascerlalu tho

aud arreit Iho guilty party Hooucceodod iu anetlug tbo boy itawkins,wb'i wai brouclit boforo Justice Com w oil,Otieiauiiiuug into tho circumslaitoes, whichttcio luuud tu bo amdiuilnl, tho Juttlcollui'd biui $J0, whiuh wa puld uud be wasd. harmed.

Wi'MU'a Ai,tui.r William Mullen, a' aboi'innkoi ics it ng it Nu ti Putt atr nti I, V uioil iiihutuiiir u

(erday afternoon, at tbe corner of NorthHeoond and Ktrst atieeta, by a party of ruf-fian, wbo cava no reaaua for their brutalconduct Three of tbe man alleged to havebfon engaged In the astault wrro promptlyarreated by the police of tho 4Vh Precinctand locked up I'he lr name are .bthn Curry, Itiibard MoNally and fleurgf Mellonaid. Mullen waa a Lib bed In one of htaanna and aeverely wounded In the bend.

MnoriKl.r.v MiitiTAl.iTr.-T- he total uunvIcrofdeatba laitwoek was I (I, the prlncfpal aiaoaaas bring . Cona'imptinn, 31 ,

scarlet frvcr, 10 ; maraamus, 7) convulsionnnd pneumonia, G each i inrftslf, t, illaeaatof brain, B, apoplfiy. 4, drowned, 3,rhoiimal.aui, tungestiun of Ittiua, cancerdiarrlur. bronohltfa, malformation, old agonnd liability, 'i each. Are Of men therewrrcSH, women, ICj boyi, ITI j girla, 31,

I'uder one ye ar of age, lit.Waiion Am Mr. Henry Cobb, re

siding ot Nu. r Willetl street. Now York,

waa lait evening precipitated from a wajnnla which be was riding, lu Grand tlrrff, tlP., by collision, at.d veryvitrrely Injurud,Thn witg ui In whioh ha was riding was !

mollthod Ills wife wa with htm at thetime, but etfHpfd wltb alight tnjurifs. Cap--taltt Wugtwui, of tbo Cdb Precinct, t uu It

rhargn of the Injurod man, dreasi-- Idawuuud, nud bad Idai remned to till home.

Kliioiiri. Ibe Lea.y nun of Sundaynight Hooded tho meadows of Hoboken, and two or throe butyl rod bou In

that vicinity were ycatctdoy aurrmtndod bywitter from U to 13 iut be deep.

Hi.tVT KomtMtt A ale am tu en ineer,tiaiiu-- John fJ. Kearuoy, MJ years of age,was arrested by dtdocUve Mo Williams,charged by lit father, John O. Kearney,Captain of a ateam-tu- , with baring rohhtulhim of f HW In greenbacks, a gold watob,valued nt 90. and $JJ In silver aud gold.It appeitra thut on Kriday last tbe ecrutadcame bumo tu bi father a buuto In Mornstrict, Jorsey City, aud after going upataira. Ida atep mother, from a tioiae abohard, was ted to susnel that he waa up toluiachlnf Cpun th lather coining home holunttd that a trunk had i broken openami tbe above property vra tound mlaaiug.Ktaruny was fuund iu New York yesterday,mot taken tutu roludy, uiul was bruugtit toJerey Cttv, whure he wat locked up tuawait tiiumlnatiun i.nstiu - Hie unulveranry fa of thr dedication ol Ht Jamea' It C.

Church, Newark, were oclobrated on Sunday etouiug before a Urge audiouoe. 'Ihoi ten not weru wbully nutalcal.

Km in Puiiw sf.n Mtitr.uioti. Thobody of a boy, ubuut ynra of age, wasfuund lu thn llnrkanaark river, near tbaPlunk bridge, on ihmday afternoon,nud was takiin lit ohnrge by Jiiatirn ICiley,of Ihirgoii. About .'i o'clock ou Sunday

n 111 111 dim oveied the budy o a buynbuut the ne nt tbu nbute lving ontbo bank of tho rlrer, eaat ot thu mllrund,wturo It bid prulmbly brrn bft by thiido, '1 he mini went tu llu Uun City to n

til) the uulhuritif a, uud subsequently returning with Jutice thuy tliacuvcred thai tonic persona bad I a ml fit with abo it at that point nnd the body wua unsung

Cl oi a Lamp A buv II yearof ugo, named I'd ward Appleby, whllo assitting in the plundering woik of the Congrogatlonut Church In t'aat Orange ou Saturdny, wn tery anvrroly burned by Iboetploaluii of un nlrobut lamp which be atlump led to lilt while lighted. '1 It oiploaiuu itutfd the bttrtiitig Ibjuid to Uy uvrhi pcrauu, when ho atarlfd tu ruti out luthe atiret, but waa r.i'ight by u workman,win enveloped Um In a rua,t and tbuemotbercd the llainca Ills brwnst andtdbfrparts tn tho body were bdly burned, butyesterday It wui thuiigltt be would recover.

lll'M.t.u The New llnglaudSudotyof New ur k buhl u inceUug last ereniug,rtMiiinemurative of tbo battle of Hunker

ill . at viblch au i.ddroa was dothered byJudge Koasfll, uf Mam liUHtit.

IncutinAHT Piuk About t o'clock onHi. . day rtorntug, a lira wh discovered In asmnUatablo belonging to Charles (Jabbish,it West Cnd, Hudson City, which wua exttngaUbf'l by the luhnbltauts In the vicinitybeture it hidgatnetl much headway. Thelire was the work of uu Incendiary, and butlur tt rawly dlscuvory miubt h.tvo Involvedtbe destruction of a couauorabto amount ufproperty

CitoM CiiARCrJ). Otlioer Peunison, of tboltergi'it Puttee, ou Similar arretted NichoUaP Vrfclatnl beeper of a publlo boutc, ou ncharge of keeping rt disorderly bouse, andtho nccnaed entered Into .00 bonds in appear fur trial, ibnr (jucntly, Vroelaudt.tued the nrreat ol tbe otbeer on a chargeid hro.iktng Into bis bouo, and Peuuliouwn held tu bail lu n like nmuuat,

Kl iiiKu'rt Cot. ruk. Hutger's Collegecotumenrciuent take placo tlilt week. Koy,P II stryker, P P.. of New York, delitoratbe adilrfas bclure the a In mm at Vi o'clockM. tu day, and Mr llorh-ish- , of llrooktyu,bcloit tbo suclet-e- 111 tho ovoulng.

Iiik.iAi. I.ift.-u- Scu.tsa. l'.itrlck Maniilon, k oeper of a groggery at No. II Itaibroad avomie, Jersey City, was arrested yrstcrd.ty on n cbargo of selling lupiur with-ou- t

a license. Iter order Alartludale finedhf-;;- ,( "

I'Ai.Loi a ItnriMiB 11 New AUK. Yftfrday forenoon, shortly after 10 o i Utfoot biidgo over tbo Murrit ut theWarren street crossing, in Neta.k 'llmwith n crash, and tar nod down villi tt fiurperson a puliceiuait, a woman, it b'lercarrier and n buy. The unlurtuiiAto null

KliuU wrre ti.lied out with no more seriousrraulla than a wettiug The ociurrtncocautud a groat deul uf excite uieut until thofacta Iu tho caso became known.

Au dicii Cot'.NTBiirKtTRK. A carpentern rtm Mi Juel Wilauu was taken beforo U, S.Commissioner Whitehead, of Newark,

on a charge of denling In counterfelt fifty cent currency, uf which, It Isalleged, be gave to his wife yesterday,Tbo accused gave ball In tbe sum of $!,W0to appear for trial,

Tiibbatimno Two New York ruf-fians, named Matbew Leo and John Kitzgorald, who wera ejeotf d from a West

car 011 Sunday evening fur refusingto pay their fare, were yesterday taken bufore lleoorder Aldrhlgo, of Hudson Ctty,and committed to tbe cuunty jail for trial ludefault of f0 bcil cacti, they havingthreatened toshoot the cuudiiotur.

Wicnt to Houikrh. It bu been atocrtuiued that botweeu VOOO and'Ai0 pleat.tire seekrra croaaed oyer tbe Hobukeu forrylruiu New York ou Sunday last.

Thkoimikk AlUc., urrcatod aome weekssimoon ft charge of collusion with n tnauiiamod Wood In defrauding tbe (lovoru-inc-

of tobacco revruuo, was veaterdayiliac barged hy Cutumissiuoor Wbitcboad,Wood, whubas oscaped trum tbe said to be the ouly person retpousiblo mtho matter.

An luinrne I burvh.I'he Ualtimore Amkhioan says there is

now approaching completion lu that cityan Imiuouso ediUce, which will bo occupiedby the St. Jam ot Koman Cut hollo congre-gation. Some Idea of tbo extent uf Ibisbulldittg may be formed from the factthat it required tmo million uud oigbt btiudred thoiuaud bricks iu Its erection, ami Itwill seat cumfortably three thouiaud per-so-

ou the ground floor- - Tbo work offrescoing is duuo by the priest known astbo Krdutupturists, whose principal churchis ut tho oorber of Lombard and Wollestreets. 'Ibe principal sum required tocrtot this ImiuvtiKO specimen of architeoturo was raised by weekly ooutributluusfrom members ut tbe congregation oftwenty tlva cunts each, It Is one of tbemost uitiactUu uud Imposing bulldiugs lutbe city.

SivcttALof tbe leadiug storekeepers ofHurdeutuwn, N. J., wat ewiudled by awotuau last week. BUe would enter tbealoreo ami dispose of a Urge nuautlty ofof butter, wutch nreseuted a very fresh andbeautiful appearanoe, but when the viotlm-Uci- l

store keepers cut tho tolls for a.tlo aday or so afterward, tbo Interior, to tboireutiio dlagust aud ludlgnation, would boluuud to consist of tho must detestablegreasy Tbo Ireah butter was rollod arnitudtbi (jt am nbuut nt. im 'i in ii 'I

MaJla (Itw at Ike PostVsr lorwf br si.tiaers, vl Qjfttee, svt Wsisst

3 r. H,Calltetnta Msl', tif iieitwf, lit, lllh, anrftUl el

arhDiart. Ilea stltJiA. at,rf Nfw UrlSiAt bT IUUnid -- Mill, 4aJlf Si

t tip, II.he mat ml!i test bf m.

rorflfntr U If, Oliralo. Urt faM f,, t'lfckaad I'ttfsivtl'a. t.sJilrale, eslly fHttaltft atep at) tf tftlst IUie, 4ir. M

North Mall, l'tii II ud wi Rvsr k.l'a4) thrratbnt sf Will, ft A. ti, H 4i r.M.

Fast Uallfrla Ma lUrta bsliraaJjft A. II, bJland 6 II.

Ma'ifTl4.Nt Itsrta VTi; tJA. U. sai tJV. y.r.Ml Mall (vis Natvti.n4 rati Mfr) 4 ao4 P M.rtruth MalL Ihrosah, 6.1,1', M,PaUtdsjpkia, war asil, ft A- - C OX eai UStIts'liiaar'saot tMhrjtlon UJ1, 8 A W. IDJ 13). at J I9.WI. U.Aliaiti. Aota'ti, Calamba. Msaatt, tlftapMt.

lUaUtoaa', HsbUs, risvaaoab, sloas dallft ft.?1'V U

C'h rlitan, lUlatffh, Wi.'mlDiion. aai Nstrbsra, N.c,iur. tillN Jmtr Wa Mali. 6 A. li. ant 4.31 r. tf,

s JrtrDtril Usl,a a.m. itllDCU,Mirrfl ani Ksiat Mali. I A. M. aa4 1 p Jl.Sortbsre Kslirnat M Ni Jataar (Unl) 3.Ji P, Ur.i.s Ksllrsid Mail, U.U.MiUlir. II.Krt KallmsJ f Wir) ft A, M. ass 3l U..Ns YeikCtairslKsbrostUsJI, ft A. St. a4 tUUsi UUod Mill.f A. wlioas faliaa Mall fio U.nsola. Ilsuattasi, Jsmslss,

sal 5roMll, A A, M. ant t.3j I', X.Itillfm Ksilrota Ua.Lft A. M.llrot,k.ra Mall. ba4 4 A. U.. 1. taal 4.3) P. M.AttMla Mall, A, U.anl .3J V. M.tlsbskfa mx b A, U, arl.Mo I. M.

it sn Used alsll, ft A.M4al P. ll.( tssbeltl sad Kf tvl Mtil. 1.11 P. IICaasdarKsati M fU stcaal oa ft A. M salC:BSta(Wftt) Wt'l ft K fcf,s4 3 tt P. Ut'aaals fr.utjaa r.ltltvs, ft A M.foUP U.Wllljsmaburib aai OiastptlaU i A. U. ssJ 1 P. ftf.Sots Mo'li aaj Ntirfaailsal, ft A tl., 1.3 aai

ik M'stt.ft.ll A.M.. tail 4,JflP 11.Jrr Cltt alsllslcas. ft A M , I I) aai 4 I) V. M


Pert of .New Vera, Jane IS,

Hun Itif. Han Hot. Moon Ituwj. llljli Watnr.Juul7.. t ! I 7 III I 7 41 I 8Juurll.Ui 7 :il H !W I U asJiiiiel!'..!'. I 7 rti I y 1 I P to


At Htinrlae, At Mr rldlsa. At Sunaet,H. K. H. K. H. W.

CT.KAKKDHllirsIntrfpkl, Wlndaur, fir Han Franciafo.llAltKH-Cstall- na. Pa!tnt, Nfa.ltia: Colitmhn,

llllrmr, Mr men, (,'nb, Havana; W.Trowbridge, Yoinp, llsrhilf.

ItltKW. Wltd Fluwcr, Duncan, Antigua;lker, Nuaiu.

HCIIOONKII- '- NrllkOiHrr.Cnrrlf", Oibfa-to- n; i; treks, Li IHtnr, OIce Hy:

iWlmloctuu; Lsuratiirlrude, Uantptieit, Mubllf,Tho. Win an, tlului? Nurtu'.k.

Altl IVliP.K'PWHIIII'S Mty of Antwerp, lHrehune,

LlvtriHi. Mh v tiieratown tih, al I 4.1 I. M.with iu. I ft and pAf'u,'-- lu Jilm tl, DaV. nibInaU tut 46 AO, Ion , ptf t'r. bark Khimn-k- ,

of Wbl thy. UniLd Y. 13th, Lit t'J IT, fori St I.i, aa h'inr riggfit ate amfr, two Hroela, SrnriJ (.I hahlylhtMjii.tkcrCllV.1 ICttt, lat 41 M, Ion CI

H, a brft rlsfgid siritnur, aiipjuneil the CI 17 ofCork, and fit nmcr Medway, both hound V. 1Mb,1'onioVaK. of Handy llMk, stcauur City nf Pari,171 lull'-- I'-- of Rt'idy tlouk, mmrvr Itiltlr ;

nilbt uf Snndy lluuk, stcatwr t'nitnt Kingdom,all iNiurnl l'H

Irglnhk MiyJer, Waithlrutoft, D. C, with indeto J nut 1111 1.

AltM'titHrh' Itourw, UU huioud, Ac, to N. I.MiCto-td- A Co.

KlUAior, J..f.kawy, Itut-n- .

Ctlv uf Curk, lltr.l Matrilni, LlTfrpoot lat lnUaad i)ii' ei ttown 11, with iude and f.Jt ta nfiia lu John tl. lute. Ilth lnt, 10 A. M., I ttr.t. tun 41 M, a bark rlwd ate iwr, liotind!:. I lib. a X P. M., lit ti 33, Ion M 67, paard

I ti unirr lL,nn., lmitd VL t Ilh, lat 4i Id, Ionsi itb'p liwttf.i, f. r New York. 16lh, lit

M u, hmg (!J ., patted fhlp Albert (IslUUn,bound IVitU

Norfolk, Vatite, Alexandria, with mdrr and a

a"iigira tti Jitiitt'a llnnt.IjulWti.t, Wrbil.T, LltrivNd May Wlli and

Qtnntuw th, with ind-- e aud 415t P. V. T. llnmU

Italelch, Nftr Orlrans lh. HavanaUlh, with tmlc and ptcngets to IJtlugston,Tux ,"t Co.

Perdu-- (Kr.l Tucbfnf, lUrrc 6th and ItnatMih ln-- t, at 4 P. M., with mdr aud llvpasnengccstu K, Cunard

Tarlft, lr. Mtirphv, Llvfrpoid 4th, (Jnffn.townfiih luat, with mdc and iit fwiiKngcrs to K.Cunard.

Palrhauka, Hunter, NYllmlrirteo, N. C.Sdtys,with mdH! and pnentrr tu Jato'' Ilantl.

Medwty, llsriia, Antwerp ! days with mdeand UI prtxrengers tu HlUrr JL Co.

MMtKH itttttchj Von Linden,Pedin Kc. ti tl St IKletia Miy P), with coffeeto lbirfauw A, Ibinln,

Atnaramti, llfblunt, o( in d fruin liremf n M d,with inile and 3t) ptKM'ugfrs to Charter LullugA' Cu,

Vnlot., I ttltno, Cvt Hay tl data, with roal toK P. Sr.tll A Co, llth lout, lat 4110, Ion CG C,

fukebark Prlnco Albert, of Hull, fioin forNew I! t nl, atujt of prmUloii and waler. andfUplie.lhir I4tb, lat 4' &, lull UT l aw brig Mari-j- h

ft a, alirrlui N. IkHex, INurw Jcnwn, CfinllfTM day. wlth--0-

to Kuurh, McliKke Wecdt.IlllUS-Mln- nrt, Hwe.Uhl Kngatni-;- , plo .T.

iielm ii days, wllhcotTrrtOtiudoiansni Frang- -

Iuni, Ittr.i JMbop, DorchffVr. N. Ik, 11 days,wlih at 000 tu P. I. Son

Iteitlo, lltr.l Cux, Trinidad 1C days, with mgar tu J, F. WfiltiH-- t Ui.

llratteh. Card, or drnwtllla, from Wlndaor 11days, with plaster Vo IVnlaiun t Co.

Ida, Oray, KU ';ruU I'J Caya, with fQnif.I reltaa lnsoa, tl'ortj Cundo, lKmrara M da.HCIIOO;o;kS Marr A. bint, flonard, Heu.tlifrn a day, with friilt It. E. Htitcheaon Jt Co,1 rank Palmer, luiir'c, of luth, Me, from

tbiya,-1i- h nubogsuytu C. C. UuucanA Cr, Ufl "no vcweU

Chirlcft r.uaoll. Moore, ClaWcaton 23 dtt. withbi Soofforu, Tileftun ft Co. Had heavy

wca'Vr, loat Jih lum and anll4.K V. I In nn II, Hunnell, Alexandria.Sarah Marl.t. Cnderhlll, llaricoa m data, with

fruit tu J, A T. Prnr-al- l. llth lnt, lat Zi H, luu74 W, saw ecbrwm. Hulmca, Ixntiid M.

Hb lluttert, Pargou, uf Arlchal, fm (Usee Hay 13day- -, with roal tu II. F. Small A Co,

Orpioru Jloarjc, V, -- blngton, N. 0 4 ib), withDUvsl store bi ThuniAN A, lluhucti.

J. lUirley, William, Wlhulntrton, N C, ttdays,with uavvl eiuie tu Thunit A lloJinc. d Frye, (u,w) Laulcj ;VCIJt ballaet tou. u .ryr.

a. u. Hctill, HAnl, of 0. Kfi Hsrltor, fm n

Jdy, w'lh palm ull tu (lutdtuwaltv A' Orcitou.rrincea, liwell,Mlptdght, Hawea, PenancolaH. It Jamlfauu, llibhUe, Lingsn, C. II., 9 d,

with con! to V. h. Itrowu t Co,I'.iflrlc, Was", Addition, with timber And Uth

to F Talbot A Co.Irlriud Hume, Carter, Llnjisu, C. P., liu, with

cal tu O. II. Swain. The brig V S. Hlnklcy nndethrsMoidion aud Mary Urcwcr, fur N, York, sail-ed

I1KLOW.Rhln It'tolnte, from Liverpoolllatk Pcincc Albert, from for N. IIavcd.

Domeaile Fen a.

Uohtai, June IT -- Arrived, ate amahlpa McCtfbIan, from Italtlmore; Kuman, rhlUiVlpliU! KeyVent, New York; Nereu. b; brig Vnlcurn, hu.rluanii Meteor, HaAan; llrleu, (Irand Turk; Lu-cy Ann, lUlltmore; echr Clara, Oalrfflon.

Utioa, Jone heavy rains on SaturdayMerit It- -t washed away about sfventy feet of tbeKrte Caual. nesr Orlsksny. Negation la Inter-nipl- e

I and cannot probably be resumed In fire orsix days,

Haa PmAvoiaoo, Jnne 14 Tbe American whal-ing ship Canton Packet was wrecked near

tay M. Fire live were loaL nanielytJan. F.ilrbtinka, of Ualtimore, and Ave Hawalan,The vrel wis a total She w owned In N,lied ford. Captain Fatrbanka arrived by the Celo-ruj-

The crew are -- Ull at Ilskodadl, waiting fortransportation to tbli port.

The ships Benefit! re and Hsrelock wrre atYokobsma, hmdlng for New Yutk.

Tho ship Condor sailed from Sbsnghse fur N.Yurk on the SOtb of April.

Tbe fhlp Wylle waa at Hong Kong, loading.Tbe ship ItilUer, lit days, and tbe Othcliu, M

day from New Yurk, have arrived here.Also arrived, ship A. H. Wtmvi, irom e,

aud lloe, from Phlladolpbla.

ii:.vrns.HAUTNKY On Juue ITlh, Simncl lUrtney,

ope.1 41 yearn.The finif nil will take place on Wcdnesjay afier-noo-

i'lll lusl, at IS o'clock, from his late resi-dence, IHO Orchard at, 5 S3

KEENAN -- SndJcnty, In Hrooklyn, on Monday,Jnnc llth, Tatrtck Kecuan, Ewi., In theS3dteiror bis ago; fur the last li sears a resident uf tbcttli W ard.

Tbo relatives and friend of bis family, and alsothe Father Matbew T, A. It. Society, tbc Fire Do.pirtmcnt of Ibe Y, !., the I. O. of O. F., and thefritteruiir geuerally, are tatltcd to attend Us fu-neral, tub Ttieaday aftcrnmm, at 1 o'clock, fromIds tale renldeuco, cur, or Paclilc and Columbiasta, Hrixtklju. County Clare, Ireland, town ofKunts papers please copy, 43

WA.Miai.mO CnACKKU hahkrs--firs- anp hb- -X cond bands wanted to go a fevr miles In thecountry. Apply bet. 9 and 10 o'clock on boardHondout boat, foot Harrison st, M

WANTED -I- N A PRIVATK FAMILY,"Acook, wash aud Iron ; also a

who Is wtlllug to msko herself generallyuseful lloth tnnat be terr clesu to tbelr persons,snd with reference. Apply after o'clock at IUWeat tothatj beU 8th and Weaves, UiWANTED-lttrnnHIt- H, CAItlUAOK

bfljw r, and a trimmer. CallIhla morning at IlANPrOHll'S Kxpresa offloe, cor.of West and Murray at, or at tbo dlulug ssloounext sihave. rallruad depot. 01


.i:.M:n.i, ni;ss.-vKs.i-.


u a i"i)iiKy ii.mii !


Till. ei;e'.len prepnrill i i for ICtorliK to lt (Iriitlnul (..'. ,r I i nv-- l Willi uleeliWdruive.., K.ery one Him In. iim.1 Ii a.f.k of ita '

in. da Ill the et '.I lill'uiii tinna. Aa It act.

Miiwrxn ron thu ii.mii.a. well it a Ite.toratl.e. it Jtut the ar.lcl. thatha. U'cu no loiiLt neeJcj by llu Lmlie ..

It I. not a atuky, dli uii'eal.l.' preparation, butone that la ivrfei'lly free fioni ail iiijurl ma liuicdlcnla, ahd iiltke. tlie nivt h.u.h an viliy lutr

bOlT AND (1U1V.Y.After u.ln: Ihe CAl'll.I.LAllll'M a hort time

Ihe N'alp l.Miiiiea ch'J.i nnd frii from DANDHL'l'F, and aiulnr Natural aud IIeilihaction, rau.lnir it to if irr? out tl.e ncreilon aoaleoluic!) r.e..ary for tbe uj crubol,llehrueiit of tbe II ur,

It i. a aure Preventive of Mildnei,It will ruie all Di.el.ei of the Hcllp.ll will I'rcmit the llulr from Kalllnir Off.ll will mike the llilr SiP. (II i.'r mil HcilblJ.It will rt'moie all Di.i Ir.i.T jnd I'.hluj. fIt m ill rcatnre the Natural t fIVpd .it Smiili nvoii.i .in-- i, Wlllhm.lmr'. I

l iw a.le 111 Nd York by Jl I! r A Co., cor of fAllen aud rltanlou rK;ur. of Avennn D tin--

llieimon at. t Alex Menlea, tI liiiduli arc, H W.rornor tl.t .1 , u ui Kiai lln. k ru by Youiij allui'ed, comer Mynle ind Kent an'uie; anl olDruiKl.ta and t uny Jn.d ,le dera rvuerally,

rilH'KlIN'; DliLLAU. Jli)Ai!K sKKtit- - t nioiri: and r.iCAim.

X Kill collecilo u of . ed", C'lllerled by Ibe iiu.W. $

rliined at IheHtnlolcli Ullr.d. dnrlnn' an etlendtsl htrip liter the tfroup ditr'ru the paat idir, coinprla. . IInj about So to r.u .aiiclie- - of I'loe or, h.uubs S.Ttw, aul J'rult heed, the tliu't 'oircllon vvct Softerej ftir prlvalc or publ'c '.ardena audtoilea. They are tcally put up In clotbdlnc 1

p.ckrta aud IiikIcJ wlih fall dirccllont. They '

cm bo aunt by mail or exprea. to my addreaa. .,'

1'rlre from flu to (. payable ln jtold coin or p.ciulial.UM AImi, a collccnou of Ll.foinU WillI'liiwcr aud Califmuh (.'onlfer, or liver.urccn lieed., all tbo qiowih of WW. Price IJ ir';ofor culktlona, poet pull. Ordei acnt throiujh

or cxprev, with ciib oi puatal ortlcra, wilj V

rtauiie prompt atteutton and nvd f irwardeit b,.'earner carerully packet Addreia J. Q. A. WAi, fHIIN, HI M.njomo al, Hm Krindaco, t'al It ffJlUK AMl.'HICAN H A WKLK.A LV JOUIINAL OK AltT, HCIKNC'K,


It conialu. Practical luformitlim cooccnilnir all itbe Iinwtaul ludoatrtal Oiralljui of the Couu.try.

Itcport. of Scientific SocletlcPafcnt Law lKxi.iou, aud Diacuaalona.Alau au omciat Hal of Patent I'lilma, toi;rthai

with numrrou. lllrutrationa of New luicntloua, :

TooU and Machinery j lu Work.hop, au "Manufactorlea,

It baa Ihtu t.iibli.he.1 fjr upward, of Iwrnt) tyrtra, and I. admlttrd to la) thv moat widely clr 1eulated aud but paper of the kiud uow puldlitl-ed.

Two .obimea, of lit pare, cceriiucrtclne January and Jtt'y. nre publUhed e.irh yv.r. .

Tim-rilni;- le bnb-crl- p lona, fS annum: inoiilUi; Ii) coplea lor (ii Cai.adi Iaglwerlber. uiy 25c. ilrj for . rWImtinuoiU'ra acnt free. Ad Ire.

MU.NN A CO., 1'uhV.h. r.,SI p ik i'.oi New York. ,



'Tread rrhtly o'er Iho itranrer's grave,"Let ti tude tolce be braid

Where oVrhjilnM tbe willtwa wave,lly autsnuir breerei M.rrrd

ftl no rude fotsep e'rr Inlruda'J bat peaceful, quiet spot

No friendly tar tba duct bedewed,Hut, oh ' disturb It not!

Far from the loved one of bis bf art--

soothing volcea nigh -

He bfftrd thn aiimtuoua tu depart.And laid him down to die.

From sin and care, Death' aogel gaveIlls weary anttl rcleaa,

And In thi ralnt, aeclnde! graveThe aabea reat in peace.

Far from bi llrlhplacn. tbero la leftNo tribute to hi worth

Or home, of friend, of biro bereft.1 bio is the em) of firth'

Ln 'inbt hayo h' uut abal! reat.And willow oV. It wave

Hi hert, no mure by can ui proas edTreal lightly o'er his grave

Ending of Kovels.

With a very numcrom rlxv of readerthe 1rte.1t crttorlou of the oxciUeuoe of anovel t the manner of Ui e inline Wbtrvi-- may be the tUmerit of tha wLjL con

crpllnj, and however tbe Interest may llgthroughout tho fUl eoutl vuliiin. If tbeectioluiiou only aitie faftory, a vorylarga. cln n of tbo uovel reading jubtto la ruadyto.rondone Mnr such Piling abor (comings.And, converiely, bowaver full It i of Iml-din-

however carefully executed. If trndrfeeling aie shucked by an itncoiiTon'iou .V

ending, tha author baa n .urv po.)r chanceof the sitflragfaof ordinary teller nelngreronled In bis fnviH With taai an un-happy ending I as unpardonable a aoleclaruas Htlulatluti of the law of pauee In nnIambic would bi t cbtaaioal nxininer.1 bl being the ease, and tho aU of the'.rworks being, afif r all, a matter of Import-ance to ren tbe greatea of ttorrllils,it la nut Atuulhlng tint thi tJtr for liter-ary aiigar plum tuts mon uf Itte year pam-pered with tu anolt nn ettint, th tt a reaotion from It ha ItM'ome mMwaumm ttiotttevuulty tu ! whed

'Ibe ending uf iitneteen nor el out oftwenty hat 0 004 hem (tnd mightlute been foretold with iunide r.tblc act Jracy before they from thu pre.Thevditler about at much a ihi tranrirmattou scene :it the varb ptntumimeaA little variety it rurtalnly IntriMlucedevery liuw ami then by tbo meting" it utpoetical Jutlre to tbo WH.tln nf the piet .

that la to aay, be i m.tdo lu die of riVint nfrvitifiis, or it train runs over bim or atunetiiiil'y uuplfiint nreidfiil retuutei bintIrom the aueiio ol 1i:a inhpiitlf an hit

Hut tbi P not often thn eve ,h is generally permitted to rtit In poce.and thecurtain lalls hofure a liappy groupof the remaining character, atitnding tut't'telul puattliea and bow. tig their farews, with thf hero end heruiun kissing 111

tbe centre, ami the conventional roan lightabed aero tbo whole scene. Ity tbe manwho is tastlug a novel for tho flrt tim tobis life, thia ll lm dutibt regatdnd a ascene superlatively Irvely, and ijuitofairy Ilk 0 in Its unexpected be.tuty, butupon tbe ordinary reader, wbo rememberseme hundred precisely similar situations,the effect produced somewhat iltiterentTliu most pleasurable sensation which itoan possibly arouse I a transiejt fooling ofplacid satisfaction. He knew nil along howit ought, ftorordlng to hi ideas, to cud, undIlia author has nut ventured tu do violenceto bis feelings by running counter tu bisexpfCtftUoua. It baa not excited htm veryto ich, but tt baa scredi to wile away tbelimo, and has bad 11 (oirully soothing effeot upon bis lie mo. Ho Uy the 00 ikaside, aud, as a lulouover gives ll an uth orthought.

Tbe Inventor of the veir polj tvitlmgsmust, 110 doubt, Vo regardeu fm the wbulo hsa benefactor ta( bis kind. He deten u (pbe wurabippe4ft a ttatrtm Wity by nil treble uud ttwiglnatlvu writrs. 'ibu cuslmAiof marulng otto's characters happily batbecome so very coiumon that au authormay bow adopt It without uny Irur.if "incurring a cbaigo of plagiarism.Thia Is not tho caao wltb nny tr.tglo ondingthat we are aware of. 1 bore is no ouven-ttona- l

receipt for tnakiug tbe hero and heroiue uubappy for life, 'ibere la 11110 10 oveutthat can well conttlldto ao c'J'ectiro a turning point in their (.ilttenco a tlu cunsum-matiu-

of a happy marriige. Tbe onlywiys of avoiding the usual tormina

tion are io kill uue of tbe pilnetpal cbaracttr, to uurry tho lady to tbo wronjr person,to Immure ber Iu a nunnery fur life, or tomake bor Join tbo Sialeri of Morcy, noueof which courses will at prrsont fall toroute the nugry hisses of tbo dlaitppuiutcdaudience

It is perhaps ude to expect that thotrCaout patt-jr- of u wilt ever

altered. Tu the end of thochapter the virtuous must ever be rewardedin (lotion, uud tbe two leading cbarictt rsinovitab' 7 pair off Jn the majority of

the cut torn undoubtedly baa It advaiitnges, but we cannot help thinking thatan occasional exception to this rule is verydelightful, and that the multiplication ofsuch oiocptinns should be eucouruw ml

The Ant object vl uor't , tu K'ite ,,,.,.uro to J;a reader. Directly it censes to do

this, It Is a fnilure as a wrk of urt. Pu auovol tuny very paiuful emotion,and by tbe mora fact of Its doing

lucre h e the amount of pleasure derived?u 111 piTJi!. i'Jf'-?-1!- 1 Ji YCV Com.plox avnaatiun Many ol tbe higher foriniof it are inrp trabte from it rrrtuln admixlure of pain, To road u pal betic paaufrom r. first rate uu'.lior Is certainly nroduotlve ol pain, but tbo acoomp tny lug pleasurefar moro tbau coupon nates fur it. Aud ifthia is the rase in isolate I passage, it laeven more true wbeu tbe whole tone of ibeuovel is pathetic, and wiuds up with whatwould generally bo cousideted a unloadi-ng A permanent impresaiuu of pathos itleft oil the reader's mind, wherc.t a happyending la. tor tbe mot part, r?gardid a amatter uf cuune, that is tu say, it reallyproduces 110 impression nt alt.

Au iustance of the purely pathetic novella to be found In llitwthoriie'a Scarlet Lit.tor, a more familiar onelndourge Kliot'sMill on tbe Flos. In the former the pathosnecessarily arises from the oubjeot cliusen.The atory could nut have beeu worthilytreated lu any but an Intensely palhetlo audtragio manner And It Is so treated withperfect atieceee. Ail the humor with whichbe ubouuils Is uf a so tub re aud gloomy oast;anil yet the linpreasiui: lelt ou the tuiuds ofthe majority ut its teadrra Is certainly notan unnleasant ono, iho central characterwould probably bare beeu, Iu life, oneof tbe most rrpulsWe ot mortal, but thoawfully tragic si hut I jo tu which he laplated, aud tbe suddou lusplratiuu of rr-aultowltb which be dually triumphs overhis wrakuess, iuveit hitu with an iut-re-

whlth bo would assure. lly never havearoused bad the uo el oudod iu tbe conven-tional manner.

Iu the Mill on tbo Floss, tbadiatlugtiUhodauthoress choosing, of her own free trill, atragic ending, framed the whole story luaccordance with this Intentiuu. and produced a perfect work of art. Throughouttier career abe ha, tor the moat part, refut-ed to bind beraetf by conrontloual tram-mels. And, by dutug so. sho baa rertaiulylust Iho admlrattou of a large olaas manyread her novels as a msro matter ot duty ,

and their criticisms are atuaziug in the smitencua of their severity 'ibey do not complain of a want of Interest lu her stories, uutbo contrary, they have a great liking furone or two of the chcruotora, particularlythe minor oues. Hut they say that tho novelshould bare ended ditleretitly, aud aioready euougb wltb their uwu clumsy solu-tion of tbo illthoulty. They would re-

write tbo couoluiiou after the sameprinciple that IComeo aud Juliet waiouee rewritten, wltb tbo two tuckless loversrestored to life, aud made happy uud com-

fortable for tbe remainder oftbeirdnyo. An-

other case in point Is Charlotte llronte'sVtllotte, where tbe authoreas bad all alongdetermined on tbe death of the principalchar act sr. but was induced by the persua-sion of a frlond to veil bis fate In oracularwords, ao at to leave It to the discernmentof her readers to interpret tbe meaning,

Of courte, tbe great objection to iuvariably pleasant ending le their evideut arti-ficiality. There all tbe difference between

novel cuuatructed after the ordinaryfashion t nd one composed on a principle ofCDinparMhe freedom, that there Is betweenn piec' fine landsrapn aud ft garden on


ttlrfcb M miMpproarh.ttle 1 Htluo.t f 1

fort. f th inlr' urt. Tl pt'H'tv Itloti for hmtpy f nrlini Ii, no dotiSt, tn Mint 'd.,ro, Him to th nori-- l Ttttor, lli.m...It... Tlx titile of the rr nl tb,prarlics of tbo wrllr rct 011 outitu.lli.r. It it alinott UnaMi!la UnT r!inro ona lt(n anl t othei

Bii.l.. Kor nrmt or olhr IhoinwJoritT f our poiMit.r nnreli.t. reTfr tlt'lel.nt In tu.lainr.l patliatls owfrMan, of Uio .s'lior, of tba m h'.ol r. tiotfirimOr to. And itwould bop.lp. Io look for r1 p.thoi j

lu IiotoU davo-f.- 1 fiolil.irrly to .onipUlltJf plo", and atriV.Inx , lucl I'nta,

it wnuU to tu expect to llud it In on. ofMr. Ilouoie.ult't pU. Tbo old ,tte,'lilfk. .od wirn-uu- t i.otim.nt.1 pUtltudr,do dut fjr It, tint iftrr lliuf. In bothcue. U h.n tlm .ulhor Eixlt Ib'.t tl.apinchbeck lojlutinn rf rerMred br th,public with ni ErMt .tldltj u. tb rjolil whidb it would ro.t hlia .null an rlljrlto collect tnd tf Hi.., u , n.itthf. ondered nt lli.t b .bould xlr. Ih.m a perfect(Iut nf Ibe lufctbir mntul. And wlum th.lxihllc hai fous.l that It rannol, orr.ptin verj r.r. c.j., Kt th. a ild. it I. riuAlixroiiiprrben.llde tbnt it l.mlil, In t.nlt nl rcrijllilua belter.put up with 11- .- p o.lilj.ok, It. tA.te in iinc .'iviil.t bnc.iiue to

IILInk ii, uol lit t. Ma tu tell tbo toiLfcdiu th, iniitAtlon.

'I'll F. V.SU.


Ui" VAII11.1 AMI UX'MAm Join I

PcM.1 PrnpwU for rich cUm. lad tN-J- , Ml'roMiMl. tttr CIm. ;io. (aimo the !m.)fur n, ytril (ntm the j4rd..H will h--rcltnj ottti. until llwliT JIILY 31:11, at1 o'clurk, I'. M ami lb. upln! i tbr kl.ta willIh cuninK'uii.l t tl n'rl.rk, IL, on Hit tuV. m.In? riajr, fx rml.hlni( a oil dHltflij al thwrfral uaj yard. n,ti.d. lb. tr.attrla'e nuilrlo. ruibiarrd In priTM whl Jl will!the firm of offer ini (jui.r.ncc, ifl be fiitulat...!on application, ami pwnl by mail. If ao rrnajlce,Ui tpcron. flflrlnt; to t.fTrr to t.mlract torafljf or

11 4 th elaa-- i.aniil thrtn, ly ihr eommai-d-a-

of IliPlwral h yard, tvr th" Cllaw fofthr ninlcr thrlr cimimaiid. iw by the .r

thcrcl.i, or by the rttircia ft.r anyor all ol th yaM..

TV vrrraf find rr,f.M. fa ffiltl Ih..rr., m bbl rllf rV rftrlt.! ifA.r oiiiMuj r(...M.or mur tha l our irard In voiww ; an

6. t'ttlrh li lint plfffl IH'I etunlUtt ' I..IovYv.ff.Vo loth. Sontit nf nrr n4 ptmrtnhi, avititeh tnHirliuul of a fim wutt .y fta tlj uit'lrH,lr '.

Pl.lil-t- a ate ! IV printed Inatrncllona.bp l.i.lll n farnLhrd nlih ihe Kbcdutoa, and

tll are hereby c.tlllol.1, and par.Wulatly not).tli1, thtt IlirV offta rn'mlrt t mad4 on th.prltiled form i Ibe llnrcin, and aomade I In tl.ui? to lr. i tl.elr diatlojllun before ttt tine empire, fur reroi.lll.; tht'l.l, no trl vtU htcmMuUrfl whiih khatt h rovfr-f- f eVr th l.'jfrtitWiiM. nnrt no fliomt vfi trill Xtt ...ifcle or ttlhtn

th ioP All one mn.t bo rrconip inled bythe bld.lcr'a ll.'en'o. or j rcrtlrtil ciny tlurr.;!and II,- - blilil.-- r mn.t alaie at baiI'aymailrr'a ol'lce be dedie. all bUbllljtoUpill.

1 cuard ftj;jinat offer. orenrd before Ihi-- rtin.e apMilnteit, bldih.f. are limine. I. d to rndor,in ibiMiivclu., aU.vj iLc ediircjs auj druv.a,lln." un 1. r the thurt

"'l lwi, f'.l.l , tafliea the rliu)ir tk,j."l I rtrrt1 of (IMtiw" tte I'

"l'i tbe I'hler of il.e 'Ir.ieftti of yard, nnd l;vU.V lelillllotl. II. iV'I'll. ccnlt..ate to the ptarintora re. g'i,'bll

lly mil, t In. to by the Are'r of lui.rnal Iteicuuc tir tbc dUtrlti in wlilcti thu re.aide.

1 he v hediilc 1.111 atlte the lin.ea within,tt - dtllTireiJ. If. any

article, are named tu the aehediilea 'rMeP "io en .ktiuwn to 1 e In Coinnim and trriir r.l Mi. thif WJ.ler. u 111 a.n r Vr. t.romptlir unelh.r aarbr.n be ociirtdurnot,aoillr thi y cnunnt. W.'ltallied, the tauat Im' te(,the l'an al i

l.lii'e, Ijcfore blda ahall ho rec'lredlI he .iireile. nui.t e'n the lootracV ni Ihell

re...ii.bllity liorerMrlM to Atrr of lnlerual Ive'cuue for tLq ..lairl.t iti 'aUth they re-- ,klde. 'All offca not nude In ,fl f ',eflrrmff; will, tb,Instruction. aee'impaujlJi the aMt,ed'ile ntll, atthe option of tlie llureailfcTo Tr, x,il.

The iUmci urthla Iluuau are uuiubored aa fcIowa j

l laaa Not, Ilnrka, No", Stone; No t. YerVwlino Liiiube., Not, Oak and llaidwuod;,White 1'lne, bpnn... dnulner and fjj.n-aa- rlo T,Mine, H.llr ami 1'1,'aer; No , Cement, No n.tlravel and Nnlii,, Mouldlni; and frroMuoand Klroclayj No In, Mate; Noll, lioas IrogSpike, tirnl Nalltt Noll, !; No plRlrm,h'.iijl. l Ue;No l I'aln (Jll. lliaa;N ,

1, ship tiiandlery; No If, llardm; Nj 11 I.siaUoueiy, Novo, lUy and Mlraw: No, il I'rov Iruder. N,i21, Charcoil) No. tl, Pelllnt'. Parkin. Ii.intlli.oi Ni Sft, s.icrm nnj tubtlcatlus 011.1 SN.i. S. trim Wink, Pipitii, Ac; No so, Auj'ra Itlo'lt, Anihnclte Ooll; No w, ll.itimluoiia Cunv Itrland i.'ml ; No io, Senil.Ulliu.ilii Jita liroaJ ; 1Coal (and I'Hlo.i at lliMton V.r.l); No al, U.iviBi.d Voinpoeltlou Nalla; No HI, Machine; ulToola.


Cla ,V. 1, Holhlni:; No. V. IMIa, n.l ifNiiH, Ac. ; No. S, rril.lona Km 4. (Invi r.eal .Ilia &. Dry llooda ; No. Urn I, Ar, ; Na 7. To 8kbnrco; No. a. Coll; N.i. P. l'.llnl, Olla, (llaaa,Ac; No. II. lumber; No. II. Kliconl; No. 11IV) vcn.ler ; No. (I. Mlaerllanojui, No. n. Hardware; Nj. 10, Ha loucry; No. II. lUUa Ic. Bbouaea,

Tbe follow: re Ihe tlaaaea, by tbelr mnibem,repilre.1 at ihe ro.pcctlie Nary arila nU NlA lum:


10, II, I', W, 11, ntU. as, jj, il, ti, aj, 'm:m yoiii;.

N . 1, r,, 11, li, tl, IS. U, II, ta, !.), 31, ), 3,ti, tl, 0. Jl st.


. II- I' IU IT, Jt, SO, ft, SO, Jl, 30, INAVAL SYL0M. I

Has I, S, I, S, , J, S, 9, 11, 1 IJ, tl, IV 13, p ,

WASiusoTON, n. r. gNo.. 5, t, I, , , ll, 12, 13, 11, 13, IS, II, It, l. a131. 11 , SI, Kl.

rn.s'SAcnr.A. IKo. I, a H, 15, 11, I',, 10, 17, j, rt Jt, 3J. 111. i'M I

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