life of cloudi the cloud

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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5Sangyoon Kim and Abby Hymer


Life of Cloudi the CloudBy: Sangyoon KimandAbby Hymer

Life of Cloudi the Cloud

By: Abby Hymer and Sangyoon Kim

One bright and sunny day over the deep, blue sea, the Sun

heated the ocean. Water vapor rose up through the air, and

condensed. A small Cirrus cloud named Cloudi was born in the


"Wow!" Cloudi said, "I can't believe I'm a Cirrus cloud! They are so white a puffy! I love when people all around the look up at me and see and can tell that I mean good weather!"


All of the sudden Cloudi was swept away by a warm front and travels so far away! "Bye other clouds! See you around!" Cloudi yells behind him as he floats away. And he turned darker and darker into a cummulonimbus cloud.

As Cloudi swirled through the wind with the warm front like a tornado...

along came a big cold front!

The pressure became low. Then, Cloudi stopped moving! There was a little swirling around. It became a stationary front stopping Cloudi from traveling anywhere.

Stationary Front110

"Ow! "Cloudi cried. He stubbed his puffed toe. His tears went down and rained and rained. It precipitated down.

The Sun heated up the land. It circulated and made the air, or wind currents and oceans move. That's called convection! Cloudi was swept away in the process. He hovered over the ocean.


The pressure became low. The air heated along with the water. The air and water rised and circled along with Cloudi. It circled and circled forming a cyclone. A hurricane was born! And Cloudi was in it!

People were worried about the hurricane that was slowly forming and crashing. Satellites were tracking the hurricane as it slowly moved. Scientists took images from satellites and predicted the paths. Cloudi was worried that he was the cause of all the hurricane.

The hurricane crashed the bottom of the U.S.! The wind crashed and the rain fell! But the city was safe! Cloudi was relieved.

Cloudi finally became a smooth-sailing stratus cloud. The pressure was high. But the temperature was lower than the dew point. So Cloudi, the stratus sunk and became fog.

Finally, Cloudi vanished away with the mist. He was gone. Though, the clouds constantly form and die. His future clouds carry on the amazing life of Cloudi the Cloud.

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