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Dalley Street Lismore NSW 2480 T 02 6621 5185 F 02 6622 2940E

I S S U E 8 I T E R M 4 I W E E K 3 B I 2018

Beautiful GraduationOn 12 September, the Year 8 girls attended a high tea and graduation ceremony for the Beautiful Program at the Summerland House Farm. The food was delicious and the ceremony was lovely.

Thank you to the staff at the Summerland Farm for the wonderful food and to Nancy, our guest speaker. Lastly, thank you to Kelly and all the volunteers at the beautiful program for giving your time each week to teach us about confidence and true beauty.

By Year 8 students: Anika Willson and Isabel Kemp



Dalley Street, Lismore NSW 2480

T 02 6621 5185 F 02 6622 2940



P & C Meeting5 November

Year 12 Formal14 November

Year 6 into 7 Orientation27 November

Award Assembly3 December

P & C Meeting3 December

Year 6 into 7 Orientation4 December

Last Day of Term 419 December

P&C Meeting 1st Monday of each month

We would like to respectfully acknowledge the Elders past and present of the Wijabul Wiyabal people and other peoples of Bundjalung Nation. We acknowledge that they are the first peoples of this land on which our school stands.

Alumni InformationPlease join our Alumni of past Lismore High students and spread the

word! Alumni info can be found at the following:




Next meeting is this Monday 5 November 2018 at 6pm. All welcome.

Year 7 ApronsMizpah Walsh: I was a bit scared of using the machine. At first I messed up but I got better as I went on.

Cyla Hammond: I’ve never used a sewing machine before so I was a bit scared to use one. I messed up a few times but now after using the machine I’m better.

Right: Jaden Grissell and Logan Beddoes

Ryan Parkyn: My sewing of my apron went well and it was fun because I’ve never done anything like it before. It took me awhile to learn to thread up the machine and to know the settings, but I’m good at it now.

Left: Lara Dillon and Cyla Hammond


Executive ReportAs staff and students move into their final term of 2018, Lismore High Campus continues to succeed in so many areas. From our sporting achievements to our commitment to providing students with the best learning environments, Lismore High Campus demonstrates itself as an exciting and innovative school.

Extra Learning Opportunities

Staff at Lismore High are continuing to provide outstanding new opportunities for students to excel at the school. Our students attending the Aged Care home are doing a fantastic job supporting the elderly on a Wednesday, and a big thankyou to Mrs Reece for leading that initiative. Peer Support Training will be conducted in the next couple of weeks with our Year 9 students, to ensure they are ready to support a large cohort of Year 7 students next year. Week 4 will see our 2019 student leadership team come together for a planning day to which our prefects will work with their Year Advisor and the Principal to workshop our school plan, mentoring younger students and developing into whole school leaders. This is a brilliant day, and I look forward to seeing the great ideas for our strategic teams.

Parents, if you are lucky enough to be having a tour of the school, make sure you go and see our brand new agriculture learning area. Construction of this area only started this year, and as part of a student – centred learning experience, has developed into an extensive learning area. Into 2019, we are offering three agriculture Stage 5 classes, where students will be working through horticulture, cattle and chicken farming, and agronomy. The Year 9 students have done an outstanding job in the construction, and a big thank you to Mr Amor and Mrs Miller for their support and expertise.


Even though the year is ending, teachers are still committed to the learning of all students, and we expect that the students are still committed to their school. We pride ourselves on our uniform, and I urge parents and carers to ensure that your children are dressed accordingly. No tights or hoodies, and as always if there are financial hardships with uniform, please come and see me and I can support you.

Most importantly, students are to come everyday for every period. It is too easy for students to slip into a pattern of taking a day a week off, but this can cause major issues with their learning and their success later on in life.

Have a great term, and please if there is anything of concern, please come and see me, and we will ensure that your students have the best learning experience at Lismore High Campus.

Mr Kirt Swanbury

Relieving Deputy Principal

Year 9Trisha Kemp painted landscape (above) Year 9 Zoe Klein photograph (above)


Success at the North Coast National for talented artists

Two Lismore High Campus students had very deserving success at the North Coast National, Lismore Show recently.

Trisha Kemp from Year 9 entered a stunning self-portrait pencil drawing and a beautifully painted landscape of the outback. Trisha has previously lived in Broken Hill before moving to Lismore several years ago, so is familiar with outback scenery.

Trisha won first and third with these two artworks in the 13 years and under 18 years category while Zoe Klein won second prize in the same section with a stunning landscape painting. Zoe also entered photographs in the Photography competition. These are excellent achievements by these two girls, particularly as they were competing against students much older than themselves.

Congratulations to Trisha and Zoe and also to Isabel Kemp who entered an amazing coloured pencil drawing of her father, Alyssa Hamilton with a whimsical watercolour work, as well as Daisy Thompson who entered black and white photos in the photography competition. These students were unlucky to miss out on a prize as it is plain to see from the artworks and photographs how talented they are.

It is great to see students showcasing their talents in the community when the opportunity arises.

Roslyn Myles

Visual Arts Teacher


On the 26th of September, students from the Year 9 and 10 PASS classes competed in an obstacle course consisting of 16 physically challenging activities, created by the students themselves. Students took on many exercises testing their fitness and showing their strengths within their team to help them cooperate and succeed.

The activities that ran throughout the day included tyre flipping, weighted carries and sleds, rope slams, swings, jump circuits, a 2km jog, and many more! To finish off the circuit, students had to crawl under a net through 6 metres of thick mud and then slide down a long waterslide.

The fastest team completed the course in just 47 minutes. “I found the course challenging, but the mud and slip and slide topped it off!” (Lockyer Wilson, Year 10). Abbey Bailey who assisted on the day stated, “It was a very exciting event seeing students who wouldn’t normally hang out in the playground get together and have a great time”.

This day would not have been successful without Mr Caught and Mrs Sloan who turned our ideas into an exciting reality. All of the students are very appreciative of the time and effort our teachers put into organising something that Lismore High has never seen before. Thank you.

Written by: Lockyer Wilson and Abbey Bailey (Year 10 PASS Class)

Year 9 and 10 Obstacle Course Day


Lismore High Fly High at Netball TrialsOn Monday 29th October we had 11 girls from Lismore High Campus trial for selection for the Rivers College Under 15s Netball team. We travelled to Kadina High Campus to play games with both Richmond River High and Kadina High. The girls played a variety of positions while the teachers were deciding on the best combination of girls to play in the upcoming Zone Combined High Schools Knockout Competition.

All girls played well and represented their school with distinction. We had a plethora of mid-court positions which was great, as Kadina High was really strong in shooting and defence. At the end of the trials we had five LHC girls selected to play with the combined Rivers team: Lara Dillon, Cyla Hammond, Wanika Kelly, Keira MacDonald and Shaniquea Roberts-Welsh. Congratulations to all the girls and best wishes with the knockout competition next week.

Ms Donna Magann

Year 10 student Bobbieann Yuke attended the Rugby Union State Championships from the 11-14 of October where she represented the Far North Coast.

She said it was a very tiring weekend, and they played some very tough games. Bobbieann unfortunately got injured early on, but overall said it was a great experience.

Mrs Whitney Sloan

Year 7 Advisor

PDHPE Teacher

Rugby Union State Championships


At the end of last term Lismore High Campus competed in the Zone Futsal Competition in Casino. We had many girls away on the day unfortunately, so many U14 girls played up into the U16s competition as well!

The U16’s team included Olivia Magnay, Haylie Kumpulainen, Tiger Corkill, Akasha Goodall and Cyla Hammond (GK).

The U14’s team included Tahla Murphy, Chloe Bull, Alexis Ryan and Cyla Hammond (GK)

The U16 girls lost both their games, although Akasha Goodall scored two goals in the first game, and Haylie and Olivia scored a goal each in the second. The U14 girls lost their first game, and won their second game against Kadina with Akasha again scoring two goals.

These young women were a pleasure to take on the day and represented Lismore High Campus with pride. Thank you to the junior girls who assisted our seniors. A big thank you to Cyla Hammond from Year 7 who played goal keeper for both teams, particularly when she has never played futsal or goal keeper before. Well done girls!

Mrs Whitney Sloan

Year 7 Advisor

PDHPE Teacher

Girls Zone Futsal


The Five Senses of War

By Sam Halliday

He sees the vast destruction of war through his eagle like eyes

It devastates him as he sees the bombardment of artillery shells

Raining down like water coming out of a shower

The carnage of the war tears apart a small settlement, turning it from a beautiful farming community

Riddled with lush green grass into a disgusting crater filled valley

Now riddled with rusty old barbwire and rotting dismembered corpses.

He feels the deep depressions filled with dark brown mud

The small yet spacious holes caused by shrapnel from nearby artillery shells

He feels the warmth from the dead soldier’s bodies

As he pulls them on top of him to stop him from freezing to death

In the Siberian like winters

He hears the deafening blasts of Artillery shells as they crash into the sacred Earth

He hears the screams of men as they cry out for help

He hears the squelch of mud

As soldiers fall from the bangs of guns

He hears till’ he can hear no more for his ears are bleeding from the sorrows of war.

He smells the horrendous reek of expired soldiers

As they lie in the pulpous dark mud

He smells the chemicals of the mustard yellow tear gas

As it rapidly destroys his sight and burns his nostrils

All he can smell now is his sweet young blood as he collapses to the ground suffocating from the warm tear gas.

He tastes the blood from his striped throat

The stained pee soaked rag places on his face

He tastes the antibiotics as the doctor amputates his leg

He tastes his salty tears as his sergeant tells him the good news.

You’re going home

You’re going home

You’re going home

Year 10 Poetry


I Love You By Haylie Reynolds

There are no words to explain

The love I have for you

And I hope that you

Really love me too.

I will tell you a bunch

Of reasons why I love you

I have over hundred

But here’s a few.

You know your smile

Shine’s so bright

Like how the moon

Lights up at night.

When I first met you

I knew you’d never break my heart

And now that we’re together

No one can tear us apart.

Year 7 Poetry

I can always see a sparkle

Whenever I look into your eyes

And whenever I hear your voice

I always get butterflies.

There is no words to explain

The love I have for you

And I hope that you

Really love me too. So that was a bunch

Of reasons why I love you

But I have over hundred

They were just a few.


YARN UPOur school Indigenous Parents/Carers/Community are invited to attend a Yarn Up about the possibility of renaming and labelling the Lismore High Campus school blocks using Local Aboriginal Bundjalung names.

In attendance will be Glen Rhodes (Bundjalung Language and Culture Nest), Sharon Templeton (Aboriginal Education Coordinator) and Tamika Stephen (SLSO Aboriginal Students) along with staff invested in this project.

It would be great to hear your ideas and perspectives, so we hope you can make it.

When: Monday 5th November 2018 from 1:30pm

Where: Learning Centre, Lismore High Campus

A light lunch will be provided.

If you are able to make it, please contact the school to let us know (for catering purposes).

We look forward to seeing you there.

If you are not able to make it during this time and would like to contribute your thoughts, please call either myself, Sharon or Tamika.

Ms Stephanie Coble-Runge

Head Teacher Science

Positive Relationships Strategic Team Coordinator


Year 7 PBL

On Thursday 1 November, Year 7 project-based learning students enjoyed a presentation by Lismore City Council’s Strategic Planner, Sally Slater, as part of their introduction to the project ‘Our Place Our Plan’. In this project, the driving question asks students to consider how the ‘liveability’ of Lismore can be improved for residents, before using their research, Geography, Maths and English skills to present their ideas as part of an exhibition.

I was incredibly proud of our students who visited St Joseph’s Nursing Home in Lismore for the first time this week.

Looking smart in their sport uniforms, they took every opportunity to interacted meaningfully with the residents, chatting and playing games.

Our kids asked questions and made connections between the residents and other students at school, discovering grandmas and great grandparents. As we walked back to school, almost every student had a story to share. The residents were very pleased to see ‘the young people’ and loved chatting with our students.

The visit was a resounding success and I can see that both residents and students got so much out of it.

Ms Liz Reece


St Joseph’s Nursing Home


Study Skills: Preparing for Senior StudiesAs many senior students prepare to leave school at the end of this year and embark on further education or a new career, a whole batch of students are preparing to join the ranks of the senior students next year.

As students approach the senior years, they are expected to start taking more responsibility for their own learning. For many students part of this is a realisation that they need to do their schoolwork for their own sake, to keep options open for their own future – so they start to work for themselves, not just because their teacher or parent says they have to. Other students come to realize that in order to cope with the increased workload in the senior years, they need to work more efficiently at home and in the classroom, small changes like changing who students sit next to can make a big difference to how much work is completed in class.

So for students who are commencing their senior studies next year, the final term this year is important in taking stock of your approach to school and your studies. Do you work well in the classroom? Who do you sit next to? What are your listening and research skills like? Do you have systems in place to manage your homework and assignments? Do you know how to study effectively and have you tried different study techniques?

It seems many students think they will wake up Day 1 of their senior studies and suddenly have become a ‘super student’ overnight. This does not happen! Habits take at least a month to change – sometimes longer if they are deeply ingrained.

So for those students commencing their senior studies next year, use the last weeks of school this year to:

- Reflect on how you approach your studies. What do you do well, and what do you need to work on changing? Perhaps choose the top five areas to work on and write these on a card and place it somewhere at home where you will see it regularly and be reminded.

- Complete as many units as you can of This site can help you work out where your areas of weakness are and teach you new skills to try in these areas. In particular, ‘Becoming a Senior Student’. There is a great quiz in this unit that helps you see how ready you are for senior studies This is also a great way to work out where your areas of weakness lie.

Our school’s subscription details to this online study skills website for secondary school students are:

Our School’s subscription details are:

Username: lismorehighPassword: studyskills


Year 7 French - Work by Clay Skinner Please find over the following pages some fantastic work by our Year 7




Year 7 French - Work by Om Tamma



Year 7 French - Work by Chloe Bull


Year 7 French - Work by Harriet Freund


Year 7 French - Work by Skyla Davis


Year 7 French - Work by Satria Grosert




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