longwall extraction of medium thickness coal seams

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Longwall Extraction of Medium Thickness


www.bucyrus.com Reliability at workLongwall mining allows the most effective underground coal extractionmethod today. A large part of globalcoal reserves is located in seamsbetween 1.5 m and 2.3 m thick; theseare often high-quality reserves. Thequestion is whether the use of ashearer or of a plow longwall systemis economically better. Only a com-prehensive comparison of both long-wall mining methods, looking at thelatest system technology available results in an in-depth analysis of allrelevant geological, technical, proce-dural and economical aspects allowsoperators to find the best solution tomine their individual deposit.Reliability at workLongwall Miningin Seams of Medium ThicknessComparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable ConditionsBy Dr Michael Myszkowski and Dr Uli PaschedagMining Technologyumschlag_hobel_A4_US:Layout 106.02.200911:50 UhrSeite 2Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performanceunder Comparable Conditions By Dr. Michael Myszkowski and Dr. Uli Paschedag Contents 1Importance of coal ............................................................................................... 2 2Underground mining in low seams ...................................................................... 3 3Comparison of the Plow versus the Shearer ....................................................... 4 4Organizational and technological aspects ........................................................... 5 4.1Types of procedures in longwall faces ......................................................... 5 4.2Utilization degrees........................................................................................ 5 4.2.1Time utilization degree.......................................................................... 6 4.2.2Procedural utilization degree................................................................. 7 4.3Area rate of advance.................................................................................... 9 4.4Daily face advance..................................................................................... 10 4.5Coal conveyance........................................................................................ 10 5Technical aspects.............................................................................................. 11 5.1Technical applicability ................................................................................ 11 5.1.1Seam thickness................................................................................... 11 5.1.2Coal hardness. .................................................................................... 12 5.1.3Face inclination. .................................................................................. 12 5.1.4Mining through faults........................................................................... 12 5.1.5Undulations. ........................................................................................ 12 5.1.6Intermediate roof. ................................................................................ 13 5.1.7Intermediate floor. ............................................................................... 13 5.1.8Raw coal size. ..................................................................................... 13 5.1.9Entry dimensions................................................................................. 13 5.1.10Automation. ......................................................................................... 14 5.2Technical capacity...................................................................................... 14 5.3Methane hazards........................................................................................ 18 5.4Coal dust hazards ...................................................................................... 18 6Economic aspects ............................................................................................. 19 6.1Capital costs............................................................................................... 19 6.1.1Roof support........................................................................................ 19 6.1.2Extraction machine.............................................................................. 19 6.1.3Face conveyor..................................................................................... 20 6.1.4Face auxiliary equipment .................................................................... 20 6.1.5Total face equipment costs ................................................................. 20 6.2Equipment lifetime...................................................................................... 21 6.3Operating costs .......................................................................................... 22 6.4Coal production costs................................................................................. 23 7Summary and conclusions ................................................................................ 23 8References........................................................................................................ 25 9Table of figures.................................................................................................. 28 Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 2 of 28 10BImportance of coal Atthepresenttime,coalplaysamostimportantroleinpowergeneration.Andthis roleissettocontinueindecadestocome,whetherwelikeitornot.Coalcurrently fuels 40% of the worlds electricity and this proportion will last for many years. Coal40%Gas20%Hydro16%Nuclear15%Oil7%Other2% Fig. 1: Total World Electricity Generation by fuel in 2005 [46] Coalreservesareavailableinnearlyeverycountryworldwide,withrecoverable reservesinaround70countries.Atcurrentproductionlevels,provencoalreserves are estimated to last 147 years X[46X], while other sources speak of 200 years or more X[14X].Incontrast,provenoilandgasreservesareequivalenttoaround41and63 yearsrespectivelyatcurrentproductionlevels.Accordingtonumeroussources provenreservesofuraniumwillonlylastsome50 yearsatcurrentconsumption levels.Additionally,thenuclearenergyislimitedbyitseconomicsandserious concerns about the treatment of nuclear waste. Hydro energy appears to be reaching its upper limit X[5X]. Implementing a renewable energy generation (today approx. 2%), isvital,maytakealongtimeandcannotseriouslychangethestatisticfromXFig.1X withinthenextdecades.Thus,accordingtoInternationalEnergyAgency(IEA) demand for coal in 2050 should be greater than that today. In the face of environmental issues like global warming and air pollution, the energy generationfromcoalneedstobesignificantlyupgraded.Underthefairassumption thatcoalwillremainaprimaryfuelinpowergenerationandavitalplayerin a balanced energy mix for the future, the following steps seem to be necessary: 1.Thenetefficiencyofcoalfiredpowerplantshastofurtherimprove,the introductionorimprovementofultra-supercriticalsteamconditionsneed advancement. 2.Themoreenvironment-friendlygasificationofcoalshouldgraduallyreplace combustion. 3.Fluegastreatment,whichcanalreadytodayachievevirtuallyanylevelof emissions clean up, needs to be widely established. 4.CO2 capture and storage need to be largely implemented. Thepreviouslymentionedmeasureswillcompulsoryincreaseoperationalcostsof power production. Nevertheless, since they are indispensable, in the long term they will allow generation of clean energy from coal. Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 3 of 28 2Underground mining in low seams Mining of low seams will gain an importance since thick seams have been intensely mined in the past. Therefore, there are numerous reserves with good quality coal in thinseams.XFig.2Xpresentsthedistributionofreservesasthefunctionofseam thicknessintheGermanRuhrDistrict[7].Accordingtothatstatisticapproximately 80%ofdepositsareplacedinseamslowerthan1.5m.Mineablereserveslocated less than 1,500 m below surface in seams between 0.6 m and 1.5 m make up 60% of all black coal deposits.The situation is also similar in other countries. In the USA, the trend toward increased undergroundoutputfromthinnercoalseams(lessthan1,675mmor66 in.)is anticipatedtoaccelerateduringthenextfiveyearsX[44X].Coalreserveslocatedin seams with a thickness lower than 1.3 m in China, are estimated to be 25%.0102030400.3-0.6 m0.6-1.04 m1.05 - 1,50 m> 1.50 m Fig. 2: Distribution of black coal reserves in the Ruhr-District Inordertominethosereserveswitheconomicreliability,efficientextraction technologies are necessary. Thin seams can be mined in different ways. Today there are two underground extraction methods widely used: Room-and-Pillar Longwall Room-and-pillartechnologyiscommonlyusedintheUSA.Intheroom-and-pillar methodroomsarecutintothecoalseamleavingaseriesofpillars,orcolumnsof coaltohelpsupportthemineroofandcontroltheflowofair.Generally,roomsare 6 mto10 mwideandthepillarsupto30 mwide.Asminingadvances,agrid-like patternofroomsandpillarsareformed.Therearetwotypesofroom-and-pillar mining: Conventional mining Continuous mining Conventionalminingistheoldestmethodusedtoday.Inconventionalmining,the coalseamiscut,drilled,blastedandthenloadedintocars.Incontinuousmining, a machineknownasacontinuousminercutsthecoalfromtheminingface, an advantageoustechniquethatobviatestheneedfordrillingandblasting. Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 4 of 28 Room-and-pillar mining in low seams is detrimental in comparison to longwall mining (where some 50% of coal is irrecoverably lost). Besidesroom-and-pillaring,thelongwallmethodisused.Therearetwomain longwall extraction systems: shearer and plow. In the German underground hard coal mining industry, both systems have been used for a long period of time. In the past decades therewereperiodsofdominance ofboth extractiontechnologies.Between the1950sand1980s,plowsclearlydominatedtheGermancoalminingindustry. In thefirsthalfofthe1990s,shearersbecamemorecapableandthusmore important.Sincethen,shearershaveoutbalancedplows.Thissituationlastedover a decade,butnowthetendencyisturningbackforthebenefitofplowtechnology. In the near future, plow systems will again constitute the majority in German longwall statistics X[11X]. Today,thereexistsmanyprejudicesregardingthecapabilityofplowtechnology. In manycountries,baseduponexperiencesfromthedistantpast,awidespread opinion about lower performance of plow systems in comparison to shearers can be heard.Thisapproachtoanobjectiveanalysis,baseduponallavailabledataand a comprehensivecomparison,shouldbringlighttoascience-basedanswerfor medium thickness coal seams: shearer or plow? 32BComparison Plow versus Shearer In the past, there were different approaches to reduce both techniques to a common denominatorandapartialconsiderationwascarriedoutinmostcases.Most frequently, some technical facets of shearers and plows were compared, sometimes thetechnologywasconsidered,butaholisticanalysisisdifficulttofindinthe literature.Nevertheless,acomprehensivecomparisonbetweentwodifferent technologiesmakessenseonlyinthecaseofanintegralanalysisunder consideration of all important technical, procedural, and economic aspects. Fig. 3: Levels of comparison for the shearer and plow technologies The following text presents a compendium of a wide study comparing plows and shearers on multiple levels. EconomicEconomicTechnicalTechnicalCapital costsCapital costsTechnical capacityTechnical capacityOperational costsOperational costsTechnical applicabilityTechnical applicabilityLifetimeLifetimeProceduralProceduralTime utilization degreeTime utilization degreeMethane hazards conditioningMethane hazards conditioningCoal conveyanceCoal conveyanceCoal dustconditioningCoal dustconditioningDaily face advanceDaily face advanceCoal productioncostsCoal productioncostsArea rate of advanceArea rate of advanceEconomicEconomicTechnicalTechnicalCapital costsCapital costsTechnical capacityTechnical capacityOperational costsOperational costsTechnical applicabilityTechnical applicabilityLifetimeLifetimeProceduralProceduralTime utilization degreeTime utilization degreeMethane hazards conditioningMethane hazards conditioningCoal conveyanceCoal conveyanceCoal dustconditioningCoal dustconditioningDaily face advanceDaily face advanceCoal productioncostsCoal productioncostsArea rate of advanceArea rate of advance Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 5 of 28 43BProcedural aspects Fromtechnological(procedural)aspectstherearetwofactorsofmajorimportance foraperformanceofalongwall:firstlytheTimeutilizationdegree(TUD)and secondlytheProceduralutilizationdegree(PUD).Furtherimportantparameters connectedtoTUDandPUD,describingtheorganizationalandtechnological efficiency are the Area rate of advance and Daily face advance. Lastly, a constant stream of coal plays an important role in some applications. 4.18BTypes of procedures in longwall faces A variety of different procedures for cutting sequences, both for shearer and plow faces, exist. These depend upon: Speeds of the shearer or plow in pass to the tail and to the main gate Cutting depths of the shearer or plow in pass to the tail and to the main gate Speeds of the AFC during shearers or plows pass to the tail or to the main gate Commonly, those procedures can be divided into: For a shearer Bi-directional cutting The shearer cuts coal in both directions with two sumping operations at the face ends in a complete cycle.Uni-directional cutting The shearer cuts the coal only in one direction. On the return trip the floor is cleaned and there is only one sumping operation.Half web cutting The shearer cuts full web only at the face ends and in the face it cuts a half web in order to avoid sumping operation.Half/partial opening cutting The shearer cuts a full web in one direction taking the top coal with one drum and the bottom coal with the other drum, it sumps at mid face.Shearers usually cut either full or half web. The volume stream of extracted material (coal) is in most cases regulated by setting a required shearer haulage speed. For a plow Conventional procedure The plow travels in both directions, slower than the AFC with relatively high cutting depths. Combination procedure The plow travels to the tail gate as fast as the AFC and to the main gate slower than the AFC. Overtaking procedure The plow travels in both directions faster than the AFC with relatively low cutting depths. Plows always cut the full height of the face in both directions, although in weak coal, the height of plow body is usually lower than the face height. The volume stream of extracted material can be regulated by setting the required plow speed and/or cutting depth.Thecuttingdepthinbothdirectionsisfrequentlysetdifferentthankstothe moderncontrolsystemsinordertosettheoptimalprocedure.Whenasituation allows, the operation can be carried out without sumping. This can be carried out by making the so-called double cut procedure on both face ends. 4.29BUtilization degrees There are two utilization degrees related to the organizational and technological aspects: Time utilization degree Procedural utilization degree Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 6 of 28 The whole circle as shown in Fig. 4, represents the total working time of the crew on the face. This time can refer to a single shift or like in most cases, to a working day. Theoretically, this is the time when the face could be in operation.Fig. 4: Utilization degrees in longwalls Where: tEE- effective extraction time [min/d] tDT- breaks, downtime [min/d] tPL- procedural losses [min/d] T - time utilization degree [-] P- procedural utilization degree [-] 4.2.121BTime utilization degree Thetimeutilizationdegree,alsocalledavailability,showstheproportionof cumulativerunningtimeofashearer/plowtotheworkingtimeinashiftorday.For practicalpurposes,TUDexpressedinapercentageisdeterminedbythefollowing formula: 100ttOTRTP = (1) where: tRT- total daily running time of a shearer or plow [min/d], tOT- daily working time [min/d], T - time utilization degree [%]. Apartfromthescheduledmaintenancetimeorsomespecialnon-productive activities, the rest of the time where the crew is present in the face, could potentially beusedforeffectivemining.Thesesituationsrarelyoccur.Inpracticalterms,there are some breaks in the production. Those breaks can be caused by: Internalreasonslikeoperationsrequiringstandstills,oversizeloadstoppages, methane shutdowns, equipment damages, accidents, etc. Externalreasonsincluding,butnotlimitedto;haulagestoppages,breaksin electric or hydraulic energy supply, communication disturbances, etc. TUDcanvarydrastically.Onaverage,TUDinlongwallsrangesbetween40%and 70% [18], X[36X], X[39X]. The lowest average TUD reported in different sources amounts to 30% X[39X], the highest one reaches over 90% X[26X], X[29X].tDTtEEtPL1. Time utilization degree (TUD)tEE+ tPLT= tDT + tEE + tPL2. Procedural utilization degree (PUD)tEEP= tEE + tPLtDTtEEtPL1. Time utilization degree (TUD)tEE+ tPLT= tDT + tEE + tPL2. Procedural utilization degree (PUD)tEEP= tEE + tPL Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 7 of 28 In German coal mines, the TUD in an average shearer face was slightly higher than an average plow face. This effect was connected to mining activities at the junction, betweenthelongwallfaceandgateroad.Sinceaplowneedslesstimethan a shearer for a full cycle, various time consuming works had been causing production breaks.Thistendencycannotbeconfirmedwhileanalyzingthebesthigh performanceshearerandplowfaces,whereasignificantdifferencebetween shearers and plows could not be found. 4.2.222BProcedural utilization degree Procedural utilization degree also called machine utilization, describes the extent of production equipment exploitation in the face. PUD specifies an equivalent fragment ofthemachineryrunningtime,whileashearerorplowisworkingwithanominal cutting depth at a nominal speed. Theselectionofacorrectprocedureplaysanessentialroleintheperformance optimizationofundergroundlongwalls.Thisallegationisvitalbothforshearerand plow faces. Bothshearersandplowsonlyworkapartoftheirtotalrunningtimewithnominal cuttingdepthandspeed.Intheresidualtimetheyareworkingeitherwithlower speed and/or lower cutting depth or idling in situations like: Cutting 50% of the cutting depth in the Half web cutting procedure Loading coal during a return trip in the Uni-directional procedure Acceleration at the beginning of a pass towards another gate end Slowing down while arriving to the gate Running without cutting (standing) after a direction change Sumping Lowering/raising of ranging arms, rotating of cowls The procedural loses can be divided into: Losses resulting from deceleration Losses connected to lower cutting depth Fig. 5: Losses resulting from a speed reduction XFig.5Xshowsthe mechanismoftimelossesinsituationswhenextractionisrunning withaspeedlowerthanthenominaloneorduringproceduralbreaks.Thus, a shearer or plow after turning on, needs some time to accelerate before reaching its nominalspeed.Plowsusingpole-changeablemotors,switchfirsttoprimaryspeed and after a couple of seconds change to their nominal (secondary) speed. First after acertainperiodoftimetheshearerorplowisrunningatitsnominalspeed.While UphillDownhillacceleration timedeceleration timebrake+vE-vEnominal extraction speednominal extraction speedUphillDownhillacceleration timedeceleration timebrake+vE-vEnominal extraction speednominal extraction speed Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 8 of 28 approaching the face ends, the speed is first reduced to the primary stage and then aftersometime,priortothearrivalofthefaceenditisfurtherdecreaseduntil stopped.Afterashortbreakinthecaseofplowsoralongerperiodoftimeinthe caseforshearers(whiletheoperatorswingsthedrumsandcowls),thecutinthe opposite direction begins. Fig. 6: Losses resulting from a reduction of cutting depth XFig.6Xpresentstheoriginofcuttingdepthlosses.TheAFCpushiscarriedoutfirst after a certain distance behind a shearer or plow. In case of a direction change in the face, theshearerorplowdoesnotcut the facewithinthisdistance.Afterwards,the cutalongthelengthofthesnakeistheoreticallyonlyhalfawebonaverage.Only behind the end of the snake zone, it is working again with its nominal cutting depth. This situation repeats after every directional change.The reductions in reversing losses, of a nominally achievable cutting depth count to this category. The cutback of 50% of the cutting depth during Half web procedure or a return run at zero cutting depth during the Uni-directional procedure rank among web loses.Both types of time losses related to the hypothetical extraction time at nominal speed andweb,constitutetheproceduralutilizationdegree.Thus,PUDcanneverreach 100%,eveninthebestpossiblesituationforbothshearersandplows.Thereason for this is that both machines need to reverse running directions at the face ends. In practical terms, PUD can be easily determined if the total daily running time of the shearerorplowanddailyadvanceareknown.Underconsiderationofthenominal cutting speed and depth the following formula can be used: 10060 t v l lD E WA FP = (2) where: lF- face length [m], lA- daily face advance [m/d], W- nominal cutting depth (web) [m] vE - nominal cutting velocity [m/s] tD - total daily running time of plow or shearer [min/d] P- procedural utilization degree (PUD) [%] PUD varies strongly both for the shearer and plow faces. The following PUDs are known from past experience: plow / shearersnake - cutting into coal facesafety zoneplow / shearerlengthcutting depth losesnominal cutting depth nominal cutting depthAFCplow / shearersnake - cutting into coal facesafety zoneplow / shearerlengthcutting depth losesnominal cutting depth nominal cutting depthAFC Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 9 of 28 For shearers: between 20% and 75% X[16X], X[17X], X[26X], X[38X], For plows: between 40% and 95% X[23X], X[24X], X[30X].Accordingtotheabovestatedstatistic,thePUDsforplowfacesarehigherthan those of shearers. In the case of shearers, the lowest PUDs occur for Bi-directional cutting and the highest PUD for Half-Web procedures X[4X], X[26X], X[35X]. In the event of plows, the lowest PUD arises in the case of sectional plowing. The highest PUD can beachievedwhileplowingfromface-endtoface-endwhiledouble-cuttingtheface ends.Similarly,totheshearerHalfwebprocedure,theplowavoidsdouble reversing in the face, maximizing PUD. 4.310B Area rate of advance Thearearateofadvanceisanimportantfactordescribingtheperformanceof longwalls.Thisindicatordescribesafloororaroofareaexposedoveratimeunit. Thearearateofadvancecanbebaseduponrunningoroperationaltimeandis usually presented in m/min. The area rate of advance is based upon running time is determined by following formula: DA EP E Wtl * l60 * * v * A = =&(3) where: A& - area rate of advance [m/min]. Adapted from German experiences and statistics, the area rate of advance based on running time is essentially higher in plow than in shearer faces. In a comprehensive study carried out in Germany in 75 faces over four years, the area rate of advance in plow faces were 58% higher than in shearer faces X[37X]. 2006200420022000234567area rate of advance [m/min]yearplowshearer Fig. 7: Average area rate of advance in German shearer and plow longwallsF1FThis tendency can be observed in recent years X[42X]. XFig. 7X shows the development ofarearateofadvanceforshearerandplowfacesinthelastdecadeinGerman longwalls in the Ruhr Region. 1 Source: DSK AG Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 10 of 28 4.411BDaily face advance ThecomparisonofthedailyfaceadvanceinGermanshearerandplowlongwalls, generally favors plow faces. Plow faces on average have a 20% to 40% higher daily advance. 20002002200420064567face advance [m/d] yearplowshearer Fig. 8: Average daily advance of shearer and plow longwalls in GermanyF2F ThediagramintheXFig.8Xshowsthedevelopmentoftheaveragedailyadvancein German coal mining industry in the years between 2000 and 2006. 4.512BCoal conveyance The volume stream coming out from a face, plays a vital role in circumstances where theoperationalcapacityofconnectedhaulageinfrastructureislimited.Such a situationcanoccurifanumberofcoalstreams(e.g.fromdifferentfaces)are flowing together on one conveyor belt. Any load peaks can cause an overloading of that conveyor. This type of restriction occurred frequently in the past in the German coal mining industry. A volume stream coming from a face depends strongly on the procedure chosen for thatface.Shearerfacesusuallygenerateirregularvolumestreams.Theshearer travelingfrommaintotailisloadingarelativelythinlayerofloadontheAFC.The reasonsforthatbehaviorarethehighdifferencespeedbetweenshearerandAFC and a restriction caused by limited space under the shearer. On the contrary, the trip fromtailtomaingate,theloadlayerisanalogicallyhigher.Inthecaseof unidirectionalprocedures,periodswithhighloadareinterlacedwithperiodswhere the AFC is almost empty. In case of plow faces, the volume stream is also dependent on the procedure. In the eventofthecombinationprocedure,aconstantvolumestreamcanbeeasily achievedthroughaselectionofcuttingdepthsforbothcuttingdirections.Forthe overtaking procedure, a constant volume stream from the face can be obtained if the plow is running from drive to drive with the same cutting depth and a plow speed of threetimesthatoftheAFCvelocity.Inthecaseofsectionalplowing,anirregular load stream will occur. 2 Source: DSK AG Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 11 of 28 54BTechnical aspects Technicalaspectsofbothlongwallextractiontechniquesconcentrateontopics aroundtheirapplicabilityandmainfeaturesfortheuseinundergroundlongwall mining.5.113BTechnical applicability The technical applicability is an important issue in the course of a selection for an extraction method. Under this category, a number of relevant geological (inclusive tectonic and stratigraphical) and operational conditions are considered.Fig. 9: Important factors regarding the technical applicability of shearers and plows34 The topics stated in Fig. 9X are detailed and discussed in the sections below. 5.1.123BSeam thickness Shearersarecommonlyusedinseamthicknessbetween1.5mandmorethan 6.0 m.Inthepastthereweremanytrialstouseshearerscost-effectivelyinseams lower than 1.5 m. Most of those attempts were unsuccessful regarding the efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The relatively low installed power, difficulties with operation in stronglynarrowedspaceandbadloadingproperties,werethemainreasons.In many cases, shearers operated at cutting heights higher than the seam thickness as they were cutting additional floor and/or roof, increasing rock content and production costs.Inseamswithchangeablethickness,shearerscaneasilyadapttheircutting height. Plows work in seams from 0.6 up to 2.3 m, although plows were used in Germany in seams up to 3 m. Generally, in seams below 1.0 m base plate plows are used, while in seams thicker than 1.0 m gliding plows are in operation. Through their low height, plowsareabletominein-seamtoextractcoalwithoutthenecessityofcutting adjoining rock. Seams with variable thickness are not a problem for plows, as long as theseamshaveagoodpartingontherooforthelayeroftopcoalcanbebrought down by the canopies. The plow body height can also easily be adjusted if required. 3 Application of the GH42 plow system with 1.6 MW installed power 4 Doesnt apply for a plow system with only one drive placed on the main gate Topic Shearer Plow1. Seam thickness 1.5 m up to 6.0 m 0.6 m up to 2.3 m 2. Coal hardness 3. Inclination 5. Undulations6. Immediate roof 7. Immediate floor8. Raw coal size9. Entry dimensionspanel both types of coal extraction systems are comparable3up to 20 up to 45plow can negotiate seam undulations much easier than a shearerfriable roof can easily lead to roof fallssmaller cutting depth allows safe operation even under friable roofthe applicability of both systems is comparable (shearer shields use a base lift,plow shields use a special feature called elephant-step to work in soft floor)plow produces more large lumps shearer produces more fine particlestail drive located inside the face plow normally requires a wider tail entry4uphill up to 20, downhill up to 20 uphill up to 45, downhill up to 204. Mining through faultsboth types of coal extraction systems are comparable310. Automationshearers are not fully automated yetBucyrus plow systems are fullautomation capable and used world-widefaceTopic Shearer Plow1. Seam thickness 1.5 m up to 6.0 m 0.6 m up to 2.3 m 2. Coal hardness 3. Inclination 5. Undulations6. Immediate roof 7. Immediate floor8. Raw coal size9. Entry dimensionspanel both types of coal extraction systems are comparable3up to 20 up to 45plow can negotiate seam undulations much easier than a shearerfriable roof can easily lead to roof fallssmaller cutting depth allows safe operation even under friable roofthe applicability of both systems is comparable (shearer shields use a base lift,plow shields use a special feature called elephant-step to work in soft floor)plow produces more large lumps shearer produces more fine particlestail drive located inside the face plow normally requires a wider tail entry4uphill up to 20, downhill up to 20 uphill up to 45, downhill up to 204. Mining through faultsboth types of coal extraction systems are comparable310. Automationshearers are not fully automated yetBucyrus plow systems are fullautomation capable and used world-wideface Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 12 of 28 5.1.224BCoal hardness Shearerscanoperateinweakandhardcoalseams.Withincreasinghardnessof coal,thespecificextractionenergy(i.e.anamountofenergynecessarytoextract and load of 1 m of coal) also increases reducing the performance of shearers. Plows were used more frequently in soft coal in the past. The main reasons for that issue were low installed power and difficulties to utilize that power. The situation was vastly improved over the last ten years because of following issues: Animplementationofreliableworkingmicroprocessorsbroughtabreakthrough for plows. An incremental plowing now allows a setting of cutting depth with high precision and thus an elimination of previously frequent blockades.Chainbreakageshavebeengreatlyreducedthroughanimplementationof effectively working overload protection systems.Availablepoweronplowsystemwassteadilyincreasing.Todaysplowsystems have up to 1.6 MW installed cutting power. Variablefrequencydrive(VFD)motorsallowinfinitespeedadjustment;together with AFC motors of the same kind, allow the optimization of plow longwalls. Due to the previous facts, the up-to-date plow systems are able to extract the same hardness coal that shearers do.5.1.325BFace inclination Shearers can operate in faces with longitudinal and transversal inclinations up to 20. Onlyspeciallydesignedshearersareabletoworkinlongitudinallyhigherinclined faces. Plows are able to work in faces with longitudinal inclination up to 45and transversal inclination by 45at up-dip and 20at dip face. Faces up to 60longitudinal inclination have been operated before. 5.1.426Mining through faults Shearersareabletocuthardrockwhenreducingthehaulagespeed.Althoughin suchasituation,thespecificextractionenergybecomesinevitablyhigher,and a large amount of fine coal and dust is created. Plows, in the past, had difficulties crossing geological faults. This was due to a non-adjustablecuttingdepthandlimitedplowspeedadjustment.Theplowspeedcould only be reduced to either 50% or 33%. The setting of a defined smaller web was in practical terms, almost impossible. Amodernplowsystemequippedwithincrementalplowingandvariablefrequency drives,havingasignificantlyhigherinstalledpowerisabletoset(reduce)precisely bothweb andspeedtoarequiredlevel. Therebymodernplowscancross faults as effectiveasshearersdo.Forexample,atIbbenbrenMineinGermany,aplow systemwascuttingrockat60 MPaUCSonfullheightoveralongdistancewhile crossing a fault with a significant vertical step [1]. 5.1.527BUndulations Shearers are much longer than plow bodies and the AFC pans can bend vertically up to 3. For that reason, shearers have difficulties negotiating undulations. Plow bodies are shorter and plow guides attached to the AFC pans are able to bend verticallyupto6.Thus,plowscanhandlefaceundulationsmucheasierthan shearers [32]. Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 13 of 28 Fig. 10: Saddle on a plow system 5.1.628BIntermediate roof Shearerscaneasilyoperate,iftheroofissufficientlystrongtospanoneopenweb cut. Plowsarebettersuitedtocontroltheroofbyreducingtheshieldadvancingweb,if the roof is friable in front of the shield canopy tip [32]. 5.1.729BIntermediate floor Shearerfacesoperatebetterunderhardfloorconditions.Ifthefloorisweak,more attention needs to be paid for the height control while extracting the face. Regarding the support, problems associated with soft floor can be handled by a base-lift device on the shield. Plows run smoothly in conditions of hard floor and are sensitive regarding the height control if the floor is weak. This problem is technically not an issue through the usage of the adjustable height control system, provided the face crew is trained and has the necessaryexperience.Modernshieldsupportinplowfacesusetheelephantstep (i.e. lifting one of the bases) during advancing in the case of weak floor. 5.1.830BRaw coal size Shearerscrushandmillthecoalandadjoiningrockduringextraction,whichis inevitablyconnectedtotheprincipleofshearingextraction.Thus,theminedcoalis pulverized in comparison to plows [20]. Plowscuttingwitharelativelyhighwebandsmallvelocityachievebiggersizeyield [32], leading to less processing costs later. 5.1.931BEntry dimensions Shearersandplowswithcomparableperformancerequiresimilarsizedentries. Normally,theminimumentrywidthequals4-5mandtheminimumentryheight amounts to 2 m.Plow faces normally are equipped with a tail drive for both the AFC and plow, which islocatedinthetailentry.Thegatedimensionsarethusdeterminedbythesizeof the drives. However, developments are underway to operate the plowwith only one large drive at the main gate. Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 14 of 28 5.1.10 32B Automation Shearers in recent years, use a technique called Memory cut in order to adopt the positionoftherangingarmstolocalsituationsintheface.Nevertheless,evenvery modernshearersneedconstantassistance.Thereby,haulagespeedislimited,as theoperatorsneedtowalkwiththeshearer.Itisexpectedthatshearerswillalso require assistance in the future, even if the technical developments move forward.Plowstoday,arecapableofworkingfullyautomatically.Insomemines,crewsare notpermittedtostayatthefaceduringproduction;thereforetheplowisrunning unmannedusingaremotecontrolfromthesurfacewithoutanyassistanceinthe face.Inmanycoalminesaroundtheworld,plowfaceshavebeenrunning automatically for some time. 5.214BTechnical capacity Technicalcapacityofshearersandplowsworkingunderspecificconditionsin underground seams depends basically on following factors: Hardness of coal Installed power Haulage speed Face height Cutting depth (web) Thehardnessofcoalisdescribeddifferentlyinthesituationofshearersthanwith regard to plows. In the case of shearers worldwide, the most used parameter is the uniaxialcompressivestrength(UCS).Thefollowingscalecanbefoundinthe literature X[32X]: Soft coal UCS < 10 MPa Medium coal 10 MPa < UCS < 20 MPa Hard coal UCS > 20 MPa For the description of the coal hardness with regard to plowing technology, the most recognized scale was developed by the German Research Institute DMT GmbH. The so-called plowability of coal is described by an average cutting force Fs of a single plow bit put in kN. This cutting force is determined during in-situ measurement with aspecialdeviceX[24X],X[28X].Accordingtothatcriteriatherearefollowingplowability categories of coal seams: Good plowable Fs < 1.5 kN Normal plowable 1.5 kN < Fs < 2.0 kN Hard plowable 2.0 kN < Fs < 2.5 kN Very hard plowable 2.5 kN < Fs A correlation between UCS and Fs is weak because during linear cutting, mechanical propertiesofcoalareonlypartiallyresponsibleforthedimensionofcuttingforces. A medium plowability force reckons bedding and joint faces that are present in every humic coal and takes into consideration the influence of strata pressure.Theinstalledpowerbothonshearersandplowsystemswereincreasingsteadily overdecades,althoughinthe1990smorerapiddevelopmentforshearerswas observed. In 2002, with the design of the powerful (1.6 MW) GH42 plow system, plow technologycaughtupwithshearers.Today,shearerswithheightbetween1.5to 2.0 m as a general rule, have a total installed power of up to 1.2 MW. Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 15 of 28 Modern shearers can cut coal with velocities up to 40 m/min (0.7 m/s). Today, plows move with speeds between 2 and 3.6 m/s. The disputable area, where both systems are applicable, is placed between 1.5 and 2.3 mfaceheight.Belowthatrange,plowsystemsaredefinitelytheonlycost-effective option for a longwall. Today, only shearers are used in seam heights above 2.3 m. Shearers cut with a web between 0.8 and 1.2 m. A cutting depth of plows, depending oncoalhardness,installedpower,speedandfaceheightvaries,between5and 25 cm.All five above named parameters are connected to the performance of a shearer or plow, which is adequate to the amount of energy necessary to extract and load one unitofvolumeormass.Thisenergyiscalledspecificenergyandisexpressedin MJ/m (XFig. 11X). The specific energy of shearers varies between 0.7 and almost 10 MJ/m, although in a variety of cases it does not exceed 5 MJ/m X[10X], X[26X], X[32X], X[45X]. Plow systems are characterized by a specific energy ranging from 1.0 to nearly 10 MJ/m, while in most plow faces the specific energy does not go beyond 5 MJ/m as well.Specific extraction energy [MJ/m]0123456789101 2plowshearerSpecific extraction energy [MJ/m]0123456789101 2plowshearer Fig. 11: Specific energy of shearers and plows In case of soft coal, the specific energy is in both cases placed in the lower parts of ranges described above. Thus, based upon numbers shown above it can be stated, that the specific energy for both extraction systems is comparable. An explanation for that fact can be found in: ProcessofcoalextractionPlowscutcoalwithbiggerwebandlowercutting velocity. Thus, plows extract coal more effectively achieving bigger coal sizing. On the contrary, shearers mill the coal through lowerweb and higher speed on bits, which is more energy consuming. Energy transfer efficiency The proportion of energy for cutting and loading to the absorbed electric energy is higher in case of shearers, as in the event of plows a partoftheenergyisconsumedforconvertingtherotationalintothelongitudinal motion and for moving the masses of chain and plow body. Summarizing:Inthecaseofshearers,theirlowercuttingefficiencyiscompensated by a better energy transmission in comparison to the plow. This makes the plow and Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 16 of 28 shearer have a similar specific energy needed to extract a volume unit of coal under comparable conditions. ThediagramintheXFig.12Xpresentsthetheoreticalperformanceofashearerina mediumthicknesscoalseam.Thesaleabledailyproductionispresentedasthe functionofspecificenergyandshearerdailyrunningtime.Thecalculationisbased uponanalgorithmpresentedbyRWTHX[26X],underconsiderationofthefollowing assumptions: Face length 300 m Seam thickness (equal face height) 1.8 m Seam density 1.5 t/m Shearer cutting power 2 x 500 kW Technical efficiency 85% Drum diameter 1.4 m Half web procedure with 0.4 m cutting depth Shearer haulage according to the specific energy X[26X] PUD 60% Fig. 12: Shearer face production referred to specific energy and daily running time The parameters of the shearer were chosen to compliment the face height of 1.8 m. At that height, a suitable drum of 1.4 m diameter and a reasonable installed power for cutter motors of 500 kW were assumed.ThediagraminXFig.13Xpresentsthetheoreticaloutputfromaplowsystemina mediumthicknesscoalseam.Thesaleabledailyproductionispresentedasthe function of seam cutability and plow daily running time. The calculation is based upon an algorithm of DMT X[25X], X[28X], under consideration of following assumptions: Face length 300 m Seam thickness (equal face height) 1.8 m Seam density 1.5 t/mPlow installed power 2 x 800 kW Technical drive efficiency 80% 0,60,81,21,82,63,64,86,27,89,61002003004005006007008000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 Saleable production [t/d]Specific energy [MJ/m]Shearer daily running time [min/d] Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 17 of 28 Plow speed 3 m/s Double cut overtaking procedure Cutting depth according to the coal hardness X[25X] PUD 75% Fig. 13: Plow face production referred to specific energy and daily running time Both calculations are based upon praxis related algorithms, considering realistic field-testedparameters.TheassertedPUDinputnumbersarehigher-than-average values,distinguishingexcellentfacesforboththeshearerandplow.Inbothcases, cutting of coal at full height has been assumed. Thecomparisonofbothdiagramsdisplaysahigherperformanceofaplowforthat faceheightatthesamerunningtime.Thisfactshouldbeexplainedbythehigher specific power on the plow system, which is able to fully utilize its installed power.ThediagraminXFig.14Xpresentsspecificinstalledpowerformodernplowsand shearersworkinginlowandmediumthicknesscoalseams.Thetermspecific denotes that the installed power of a shearer or plow is expressed per unit of the face height. LInstShPP= (4) where: Inst P - total installed power on shearer or plow [kW],hL- longwall height [m]. ThediagraminXFig.14Xshowsthespecificpowerinstalledonashearerorplow versus face thickness. Presented curves are calculated according to the formula (4) for following machinery: Shearers with 600 kW, 1000 kW, 1200 kW, 1500 kW and 1800 kW Plow systems with 800 kW and 1600 kW 1234510020030040050060005.00010.00015.00020.00025.00030.00035.00040.000Saleable production [t/d]Seam cuttability [kN]Plow daily running time [min/d] Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 18 of 28 Fig. 14: Specific shearer or plow power rating vs. face height The diagram clearly presents that in the range between 1.5 and 2.2 m the 1600 kW plow have a higher specific power than shearers. Beyond 2.2-2.3 m, shearers take the lead.Summarizing:Powerandin-seamminingarebothpositiveattributestodayforplow technology in low and medium seams. In contrast, some people have unfair opinions of plow technology bases upon improper interpretations or non up-to-date information X[6X].5.315BMethane hazards Shearers work with lower speeds and larger cutting depths, so the volume stream of crushed coal from the face is much more concentrated on one place in the face than inthecaseofplows.Additionally,aspreviouslystated,shearerscrushandmillthe coal vigorously, releasing in a short time, more methane from a unit of extracted coal. Therefore,ahigherleveloflocalCH4concentrationismoreprobableinashearer thaninaplowlongwallface.Unfortunately,therearenoknown(atleasttothe authors) publications about direct comparison tests, thus a quantitative consideration and comparison of CH4 emission in shearer and plow faces can be only of theoretical nature. 5.416BCoal dust hazards Shearerscreatealotoffinecoaldustconcentratedinarelativelysmallarea[20]. Thereasonsforthatbehaviorareprincipallythesameasdescribedinthesection X5.3X. Coal is crushed and milled by the rotating drum and the coal dust is blown into the surrounding atmosphere. The quantity and quality of dust depends on the type of extractedcoalandonanumberofshearerparameterslikedrumdiameters,type, numberanddistributionofbits,rotationalspeedofthedrum,andshearerhaulage speedX[45X].Inordertosuppressthedistributionofdustintotheatmosphere, sophisticated spray systems are used. In most cases, the nozzles are placed directly 0200400600800100012001400160018000,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3face height [m]specific power [kW/m]plow 800 kWplow 1600 kWshearer 600 kWshearer 1000 kWshearer 1200 kWshearer 1500 kWshearer 1800 kWPLOWSHEARER1.5 - 2.0 m1600 kW1800 kW800 kW600 kW Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 19 of 28 ondrums.Watersprayboomsattachedtotheshearerarealsofrequentlyusedto assist in dust suppression. Incomparisonwiththeshearer,aplowproducesmorelargecoallumpsandless airbornedust.Thepercentageoflargelumpsincreasesandtheairbornedust reduces as the plowing depth increases. The airborne dust produced by the plow is more uniformly distributed in the air along the face [34], [45].While cutting the face, the plow body always pushes a heap of crushed coal in front ofit. Withthistype of system,the plowbits onthebodyarealwayscutting under a coveringofcoal,whichsuppressesdustpropagation[24].Inplowfaces,spraying systemsareusuallylocatedundertheshieldcanopiesandsometimesinthespill plates of the AFC. The plow control system activates the nozzles just seconds before the arrival of the plow body and deactivates seconds after the plow passes. 65BEconomic aspects Economicfacetsareofequalimportanceastechnicalandproceduralaspects discussedinpreviouschapters.Everycomparisonofdifferenttechniques, technologies,orprocedureshastocomprehendafinancialanalysis.Inthepast, many countries subsidized their coal mining industries; hence economic aspects had alowerprioritythantoday.Today,suchasituationisunimaginableandthus,the production costs play the most important role. A comparison between longwall mining withshearersandplowscanbecomprehensiveandcompleteonlyifallcostsare widely considered and precisely analyzed. 6.117BCapital costs Thelongwallminingisdecisivelymoreeffective,butalsomorecapitalconsuming than the room-and-pillar systems. Face equipment consists of extraction machinery, i.e. a shearer or plow, an armored face conveyor (AFC), and a roof support.6.1.133BRoof support The most expensive part of every longwall is the roof support, which is composed of an arrayofshields.Oneshield presentsacost factor of manytensof thousands of Euros. Roof support costs are linearly proportional to the face length. The longer the faceis,thehigherthenumberofshieldsneededtobeused.Ingeneral,thereare minordesigndistinctionsbetweenshieldsforplowandshearerfaces.Themost important differences can be described as follows: Shearer shields have rigid bases, plow shields have split bases. Shearer shields are equipped with base lift cylinders, plow shields not. Shearer shields have much longer canopies (nearly 20 30% longer). Shearer shield canopies are equipped with front cantilevers, plow shields not. Plowshields(evenwhenfullyautomated)mayoperatewithacontroldeviceon everythirdshield.Theadjacentshieldsarecontrolledbythecontrolunitplaced on the mid-shield. It can be stated that shields for a shearer face are slightly more expensive than plow shields for comparable geological conditions. 6.1.234BExtraction machine Thecostsofalongwallcuttingmachinesuchasashearerorplowsystem,are essentiallylowerthanexpensesforaroofsupport.Theexpensesfortheextraction machine are some 10% to 20% of those for a roof support. Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 20 of 28 A modern shearer is a highly comprehensive machine. Next to an excessive amount ofsteelparts,ashearercomprisesofmanymechanical,hydraulic,electric,and highly sophisticated electronic parts. The price for a shearer is almost irrespective to the face length. Thecostsforaplowsystem,dependincertaindegree,onthelengthoftheface.A plow system consists of: Plow body Plow guidance attached (welded) to the AFC pans Plow chain of 38 or 42 mm thickness and double face length Two drives comprising of plow box, gear box and motor Forplowsystemsinthepast,apole-changeableasynchronousmotorswereused. This type of motor has only two different speeds i.e. low speed and high speed, these speedsareproportionalby2or3times.Sincethebeginningofthisdecade,VFD motorsarefrequentlyusedonplowsystems.Thistypeofmotorallows a continuouslyvariablesettingofspeedandismoreexpensivethanthe asynchronous motor.Asageneralrule,thecostsforashearerareroughlysimilartothoseofaplow system under consideration of comparable face conditions, although the price for the most capable plows can be slightly higher. 6.1.335BFace conveyor AFCcostsdependstronglyonthefacelengthandheight.Longerfacesneed accordingly more pans, longer chain assemblies, and thus more power. More power meanslargerdrivesandaccordinglylargersupplyunits.Higherfacesrequirewider pans in order to accommodate extracted coal.The differences between shearer and plow AFC are fairly distinct. Drive frames for a plowsystemaremorecomplicatedbecausetheplowdrivesareattachedtothe frameontheoppositesidethanthosefortheAFC.Thepansforbothsystemsare comparable, but spill plates have some differences. Additional elements for a shearer are the components of the haulage system i.e. racks. Additional parts for a plow are cylindersfortheheightcontrol(so-calledoutriggersteering).Thosecylindersare commonly placed every second pan in the face, sometimes on every pan. AFC costs for a shearer face are slightly higher than in the case of a plow face. 6.1.436BFace auxiliary equipment Faceequipmentneedsanumberofauxiliaryapparatusliketransformers,switches, control and communication devices, pumps, etc. In the case of both a shearer and a plow face, most auxiliary devices on both faces are the same. The differences occur only with regard to the extraction machine. A plow system needs an additional switch fortheenergysupplyofitsdrivesandashearercommonlyhasitsownswitchon board.6.1.537BTotal face equipment costs ThetableinXFig.15Xshowsageneralrelativecomparisonofcapitalcostsfora comparable shearer and plow face. The face equipment was subdivided into: Extractionmachinei.e.shearerorplowsystem.Ashearerisanintegraldevice, but a plow system has a fragmented structure with plow guidance attached to the Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 21 of 28 AFC containing chains and two (or one) drives placed at face ends and attached to frames AFC being relatively similar in both cases Electric and hydraulic equipment is slightly different in both cases Shields of the roof support. Differences of shields for shearer and plow faces are described in section X6.1.1X.Fig. 15: Comparison of main capital costs for a shearer and a plow face5 ThecompositionofmainlongwallcomponentspresentedinthetableinXFig.15X shows a comparability of capital expenses for a shearer and a plow face. 6.218BEquipment lifetime Modernshearersare verysophisticated. Ashearerconsistsofa frameandin most casestworangingarmswithdrums.Shearershaveon-boardanumberofmotors, gearboxes,andpumpsaswellaselectric,hydraulicandcontrolequipment.All togetheracontemporaryshearerisahybridofdifferenttechnologies.Thishighly sophisticatedmachineiscontinuouslyexposedtodamagingfactorsduring productionlike:vibrations,mechanicalloading,varyingtemperature,moisture, aggressivewater,dust,etc.Inspiteoftherobustdesign,suchcircumstances inevitablycausefrequentdamageandcorrespondingrepairsandoverhauls. Shearershavemanywearingpartslikebits,cuttingdrums,trappingshoes,etc. Generally,duetothehighwearandfrequentreplacementofpars,thelifeof a shearer mining coal is approximately 10 million to 20 million tons. Inthecaseofaplow,thesituationisdifferent.Aplowbodymovesalongtheface cuttingandloadingcoal.The plowbodyconsistsonlyofsteelparts.There areno rotatingpartslikemotors,gearboxes,pumps,whichcanbeeasilydamaged. Althoughtheplowiscomplexindesign,itisindeedjustahunkofsteelthatis resistanttomechanicalforcesandotherdestructivefactors.Eventhoughtheplow body moves a couple of times faster than a shearer and is a subject to higher forces, itsrobustnessmakesitmuchlessvulnerablethanashearer.Thewearpartsofa plowsystemarethebits,glidingpartsoftheplowbody,chainandsprockets.The wear parts will need to be periodically replaced and the plow guidance and plow body will need to be overhauled through welding. The life-span of plow can amount to 35 million ton, depending on working conditions. Longwallequipmenthastobemaintained.Periodicaloverhaulsaretobeplanned andrepairsneedtobeconsideredandbudgeted.Theseperiodsofrepairand 5 Including plow drives, plow guidance, chain and plow body Component Shearer Plow1. Extraction machine less expensive more expensive52. AFC 3. Electric & hydraulic equipmentmore expensiveless expensiveless expensivemore expensive4. Shield supportmore expensive less expensiveTotal comparableComponent Shearer Plow1. Extraction machine less expensive more expensive52. AFC 3. Electric & hydraulic equipmentmore expensiveless expensiveless expensivemore expensive4. Shield supportmore expensive less expensiveTotal comparable Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 22 of 28 overhaul,alongwiththecostsassociatedwiththem,arebasedonprevious experiences.Nevertheless,whileplanningnewlongwall,fundsforthoseoperations havetobeallocated.Basedupontheauthorsexperiences,theaveragecostsand overhaul periods are described below. ShearerRepaircostsforashearer,withinthecourseofalongwallpanel,lie between10%and30%ofthe originalpurchaseprice. Similarexpensesneedto be alsoplannedforanoverhauloftheshearer.Asarule,anoverhaulofasheareris carriedoutaftertheconclusionofalongwallpanel.Onaverage,some4to8 overhauls are performed, within a lifetime of a shearer.Plow system A plow system working under comparable conditions requires similar overhaulperiodsaswhatashearerdoes,althoughtheaverageoverhaulexpenses areslightlylower.Thus,thetotalnumberofoverhaulsduringthelifeofaplowis similar to that of the shearer. 6.319BOperating costs All expenses connected to mining activities are combined together and referred to as operating costs. The following list accounts for most of the operating costs: Salaries, wages Materials and consumables Spare parts Energy Depreciation, depletion, amortization Insurances Rents Inordertocompareshearerswithplows,operatingcostsalsohavetobe matched. Forthepurposeofmakingthatcomparisonasobjectiveaspossible,bothlongwall systemsneedtooperateundercomparableconditions.Inthecaseofdifferent conditions, an adequate sample must be taken to produce accurate results.Fig. 16: Comparison of operating costs for shearer and plow faces in Germany InGermany,wherenumerousshearerandplowswereinuse,acomprehensive studyofoperatingcostsamongother factorswascarriedout.Overaperiodof four 91,4 81,001020304050607080901001 2Average of 75 faces Best facesplow shearer plow shearerOperational costs[%]100 10091,4 81,001020304050607080901001 2Average of 75 faces Best facesplow shearer plow shearerOperational costs[%]100 100 Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 23 of 28 years, there were 75 longwalls analyzed. They consisted of 18 shearer and 57 plow faces X[9X], X[37X]. The analysis spanned all faces and specifically focused on the most efficient longwalls. Fig. 16X. shows the results of the analysis.In both cases operating costs of plow faces were lower than those of shearer faces. In the case of all faces, the difference amounted to 8.6%. The comparison of the best longwallsofbothgroupswasevenmorespecific.Inthisgroup,thediscrepancy betweenoperatingcostsofplowlongwallscomparedtoshearerlongwallsscored almost 20%. 6.420BCoal production costs Thefinalminecostsassociatedwithproducingaunitofsaleablecoalisavery importantfactorthatcanshowhowwellamineorcoalcompanyhasperformed during a certain period of time. The total production costs per ton imply all previously said parameters, which in a certain degree are linked to each other. The higher the technical capacities and procedural degrees are, the lower the cost of production will be. On the other hand, the lower the capital and operating costs are, the cheaper one ton of coal can be mined. Thiselaborationwasfocuseddirectlyatthecostoflongwallminingonly.Inmost cases,theexpensesoftheminesareactuallyhigherthanjustthelongwallcosts. Thosecostsareonlyinaninsignificantfigure(orevennotatall)dependingonthe typeoflongwall,sotheywerenotconsideredhere.Thosecostsdoneedtobe consideredinthefinalcalculation,astheydoinfluencethefinalpriceofcoal production. Realminingindustryproductioncostsofashearerandaplowfaceworkingunder comparableconditionsarenoteasilyobtained,buthavingcomparablecapitalcosts andloweroperatingcosts,theplowfaceshowstobethemorefavorablelongwall system. 76BSummary and conclusions Today, coal fuels 40% of the worlds electricity. This percentage is said to last for the next several decades. Coal reserves are decisively larger than oil or gas reserves, so coalwillmaintainanimportantrolethroughoutthefuture.Alargepartofthe remaining coal reserves are located in thin and medium thickness seams, i.e. below 2 m mark. Underground longwall extraction of coal between the height of 1.5 and 2.3 metersispossiblebyusageofshearersor plows.Inthisapproach,authorstriedto conduct a comprehensive comparison of both longwall extraction methods, by having a closer look at relevant aspects. In order to compare the performance of shearer and plow faces in medium thickness coalseams,acomprehensiveconsiderationoftechnical,proceduralandfinancial aspects needs to be carried out. A.Shearersarecharacterizedbyabetterenergytransmission,butalower extraction efficiency than plows. With that said, the specific energy needed for the extractionofacoalunitundersimilarfaceconditionsiscomparableforboth types. B.Withintherangeofupto2.1-2.3 m,modernplowsystemsareequippedwith higher specific power, i.e. installed power related to the face height than shearers.C.Theaverageshearerfacehasahighertimeutilizationdegree(TUD)thanan averageplowface,butreferringtohighperformancefaces,theTUDforboth Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 24 of 28 extraction methods are reaching the same level. TUD ranges in normal situations from 40% to 70%, with the best faces having achieved a value of 90%. D.Plowsareearmarkedbyahigherproceduralutilizationdegree(PUD)than shearers.ThebestplowfacescanreachaPUDofupto95%,whilethemost effective shearer faces top out at 75%. E.Productioncostsdependonfaceperformancealongwithcapitalandoperating costs.Ingeneralterms,itcanbestatedthatforaseamthicknessranging between 1.5 and 2.3 m, modern shearer and plow faces show comparable capital expenditures, but operating costs for plows are lower. Thus, the production costs of plow faces are lower than those of shearer faces.Recap: Longwall face performance is a function of all five factors presented above.Performance = f (A, B, C, D, E) Having lower capital and operating costs, and efficient production numbers, will yield lower total production costs. Takingahighperformanceshearersystem and plowsysteminto consideration,the following conclusions have been drawn: Below a 1.8 m face height, the plow system is the better choice Between 1.8mand 2.3mheight,thechoiceof ploworshearerdependsonthe geological and mining conditions Inlongwallsabove2.3 mheight,shearerspresentthemostsuitableextraction technique Longwall Mining in Seams of Medium Thickness Comparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable Conditions By M. Myszkowski and U. Paschedag Page 25 of 28 87BReferences [1]Beimdieck, J.; Stttner, M.T. Schnellentwicklung eines Strebes am Beispiel der Bauhhe 6/7 Westen, Flz 65/68 Bergbau 1/2008 [2]Bittner, M.; Wei, H-J. Einsatz schwerer Hobelanlagen von der Innovation zum Standard RWTH Aachen 2007 [3]Brandt, J.; Sdunowski, R. Optimierung der Gasabsaugung zur Leistungssteigerung in Abbaubetrieben RWTH Aachen 2007 [4]Bussmann, H. 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Paschedag Page 28 of 28 9Table of figures Fig. 1: Total World Electricity Generation by fuel in 2005. .......................................... 2 Fig. 2: Distribution of black coal reserves in the Ruhr-District..................................... 3 Fig. 3: Levels of comparison for the shearer and plow technologies. ......................... 4 Fig. 4: Utilization degrees in longwalls........................................................................ 6 Fig. 5: Losses resulting from a speed reduction. ........................................................ 7 Fig. 6: Losses resulting from a reduction of cutting depth. ......................................... 8 Fig. 7: Average area rate of advance in German shearer and plow longwalls............ 9 Fig. 8: Average daily advance of shearer and plow longwalls in Germany. .............. 10 Fig. 9: Important factors regarding the technical applicability of shearers and plows 11 Fig. 10: Saddle on a plow system............................................................................. 13 Fig. 11: Specific energy of shearers and plows. ....................................................... 15 Fig. 12: Shearer face production referred to specific energy and daily running time. 16 Fig. 13: Plow face production referred to specific energy and daily running time ..... 17 Fig. 14: Specific shearer or plow power rating vs. face height.................................. 18 Fig. 15: Comparison of main capital costs for a shearer and a plow face................. 21 Fig. 16: Comparison of operating costs for shearer and plow faces in Germany...... 22 www.bucyrus.com Reliability at workLongwall mining allows the most effective underground coal extractionmethod today. A large part of globalcoal reserves is located in seamsbetween 1.5 m and 2.3 m thick; theseare often high-quality reserves. Thequestion is whether the use of ashearer or of a plow longwall systemis economically better. Only a com-prehensive comparison of both long-wall mining methods, looking at thelatest system technology available results in an in-depth analysis of allrelevant geological, technical, proce-dural and economical aspects allowsoperators to find the best solution tomine their individual deposit.Reliability at workLongwall Miningin Seams of Medium ThicknessComparison of Plow and Shearer Performance under Comparable ConditionsBy Dr Michael Myszkowski and Dr Uli PaschedagMining Technologyumschlag_hobel_A4_US:Layout 106.02.200911:50 UhrSeite 2

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