lord be with me in my sorrow!

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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I LOVE this Sunday's readings. - I don't know what it is with Mass readings BUT each Sunday they seem to be just PERFECT in the message they give. I pray that all of those who are going through hard times may see that Christ is indeed with us. May the Peace of Jesus reign always in our hearts - but more especially in the hearts of those who are troubled or hurt.


Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

First Reading from the Book of Deuteronomy.

(Chapter 26: verses 4-10)

Moses spoke to the people and said:

Moses spoke to the people and said:

“The priest shall then

take the basket

from your hand and lay it

before the altar of The Lord your God.

You then shall say this before the Lord your God:

“My father was

a wandering Aramaean.

“My father was

a wandering Aramaean.

He went down into

Egypt and

found refuge there.

The Egyptians ill-treated us and enslaved

us with hard labour.

But we called the

Lord, God of our fathers and

the Lord heard our


The Lord saw our oppression and toil. He saw our misery and brought us out of Egypt.

With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great

terror and with signs and wonders He delivered us.

He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land where milk and honey flow.

And now, look, I bring to You the first fruits of my

produce of this land, my Lord.”

Then you shall lay it before the Lord your

God and the Lord your God

you shall


The Word of the Lord!

The Word of the Lord!

Thanks be to


Thanks be to



Be with me Lord

in my sorrow!

Be with me Lord

in my sorrow!

You who dwell

in the shelter of the Most High, who

abides in the shade of the Almighty,

Say to the Lord:

“My Refuge and my

Strength are You,

Lord, my God. In

You I trust!”

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

No evil shall fall upon you,

no harm approach your house for He

has commanded his angels

to watch over and keep you

in all your ways.

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

They shall bear you upon

their hands so that you should not hurt your foot

against a stone. On the lion and snake you shall tread, the young lion and snake

you shall trample.

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

“His love has set on Me so I

will rescue him.

Because he knows and calls My Name I will

protect him.

“His love has set on Me so I

will rescue him.

Because he knows and calls My Name I will

protect him.

When he calls I shall answer saying “I am

with you always.” I will save him in distress and restore him.

When he calls I shall answer saying “I am

with you always.” I will save him in distress and restore him.

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

Be with me Lord in my sorrow!

The 2nd reading:

from St.Paul’s letter to

the Romans. (Chapter 10 verses 8-


The 2nd reading:

from St.Paul’s letter to

the Romans. (Chapter 10 verses 8-


For if you confess with your lips that “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

He who believes with

his heart is made

righteous and he who

confesses with his lips shall

be saved.

There is no distiction

between Jew and Greek for He is Lord of All, bountiful to all those who call on His Name.


“All those who call upon the

Name of the Lord shall be saved.”


“All those who call upon the

Name of the Lord shall be saved.”

The Word of the Lord!

The Word of the Lord!

Thanks be to God!Thanks be to God!

Man does not live on bread alone but on every Word

which comes forth from the mouth

of God.

Man does not live on bread alone but on every Word

which comes forth from the mouth

of God.

Gospel:a reading from the

Good News


to St.Luke. (Chapter 4 verses


In those days, Jesus, filled

with the Holy Sprit,

returning from the Jordan, was led by

the Spirit into the desert.

There He stayed for forty days and was

tempted by the devil.

During that time He ate nothing; but towards the end of those days

He was hungry.

Satan said to Him:

“If you are the

Son of God,

order this stone to turn into a loaf.”order this stone

to turn into a loaf.”

But Jesus said: “It is written:

“Man does not live on bread alone.”

Then the devil took Him to a high point and in a moment showed

Him all the kingdoms of the world.

And he said: “Look, I will give to you all

the power over these kingdoms

together with all of their glory for it has

been given to me and I can give it to

anyone I desire.

Bow down before me and worship me and it will all

be Yours.” it will all

be Yours.”

Jesus replied: “It is written:

“The Lord your God alone you

shall adore. Him alone you shall serve.”

Then the devil took Him to

Jerusalem and set Him on the

highest wall of the temple saying:

“If you are the Son of God, throw youself

down from here.

for it is written:“He will command

His angels to watch over you” and that “in their hands they will

hold you so that you may not hurt your foot

with the stones”

for it is written:“He will command

His angels to watch over you” and that “in their hands they will

hold you so that you may not hurt your foot

with the stones”

Jesus replied:

“It is said:

“You shall not put the Lord your

God to the test!”

Then the devil, who had

tempted Jesus in every way,

left Him,to return at the

appointed time.

The Word of The Lord!The Word of The Lord!

Praised be


Praised be


Jesus said: “It is written:

“Man does not live on bread alone.”

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