los angeles consistory no. 26 2012 trestleboard

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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2012 Trestleboard for the Website



The Supreme Council reaffirms its unswerving loyalty to the fundamental purpose of Freemasonry, which purpose from

time immemorial has been to improve and strengthen the character of the individual man, and through the individual, the

character of the community, thus under girding the community with those spiritual

values which give it strength and stability. The Supreme Council believes that this purpose is to be attained by laying a

broad basis of principle upon which men of every race, country, sect, and opinion may unite.

Believing that good and true men can be trusted to act well and wisely, this Supreme Council considers it the duty of the

Fraternity to impress upon its members the principles of personal righteousness and personal

responsibility, to enlighten them as to those things which make for human welfare, and to inspire them with that feeling of

charity, or well-wishing, toward all mankind which will move them to translate principle and

conviction into action.

To that end Freemasonry teaches a belief in God and faith in His divine purpose. It encourages the worship of God in conformity

with the dictates of individual conscience. It stands for truth and justice, liberty and enlightenment, fraternity and philanthropy.

This Supreme Council expects of its members strict obedience to the laws of the land, and respect for their country's

flag. Such principles unite men and encourage the pursuit by them individually and collectively of worthy endeavors and the

attainment of purposes inherent in them. In that unity, human character achieves its highest

unfolding and provides man's best hope for peace on earth and good will among men.

To the furtherance of these principles, all our ritual is directed and all our efforts are aimed. To their furtherance each Master

Mason has pledged himself, and at the portal of the Scottish Rite has renewed that pledge. The

Supreme Council discountenances and rejects any attempt by any international groups or confederations of Scottish Rite Supreme

Councils to legislate for individual Supreme Councils.

Recognizing that principles unite men, that programs sometimes divide them, and that the preservation of unity of purpose and

devotion to principle is essential to Freemasonry, the Supreme Council affirms its continued adherence to that ancient and

approved rule of Freemasonry which forbids the discussion within tiled doors of creeds, politics, or other topics apt to excite

personal animosities. The Supreme Council further affirms its conviction that it is not only contrary to the fundamental principles

of Freemasonry, but exceedingly dangerous to its unity, strength, usefulness and welfare for Masonic bodies in their official

capacity to take formal action or attempt to exercise pressure or influence for or against any particular legislative project or

proposal, or in any way to attempt to procure the election or appointment of Governmental officials, whether executive, legislative,

or judicial, or to influence them, whether or not members of the Fraternity, in the performance of their official duties.


“The Cause of Human Progress Is Our Cause, The Enfranchisement of Human

Thought Our Supreme wish, The Freedom of Human Conscience our Mission, and The

Guarantee of Equal Rights To All Peoples Everywhere The End of Our Contention.”



Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals, Grand Inspector Generals, and Sublime Princes, and Brothers of my Masonic

family - I say family because in all my Masonic endeavors, I have never felt more comfortable with and closer to

than all of you with whom I have associated in Freemasonry for so many years.

There are many I owe thanks to today . . .

. . . First, to all of you who have placed your faith and confidence in me by electing me to serve as your

Commander-In-Chief for the ensuing year of 2012. I look forward to serving you all, ever mindful of the trust and

confidence you have placed in me. I hope I can live up to your expectations and continue to build on the strong

foundation established by all of our Past Commander-In-Chief’s. With faith in our believing, hope in our dreaming,

and charity in our giving, we face together the responsibilities, opportunities, and challenges of 2012. I believe

having Proud-Officers working to exemplify the ritual is part of increasing our attendance at Consistory Meetings. I

also believe increased attendance can and will result in increased membership. I also believe Measuring up in our

charity contributions is part of our obligation, and we should do all we can to support our young men and women

through educational assistance and community outreach programs.

My Illustrious Brothers, this Consistory is not a one man show, it is a partnership and it must be developed as such.

Instead of trying to get more new members in a big way, and don't take me wrong, I think we need new members - I

am planning to spend more time with the members we now have. Why aren't they at Consistory meetings? Have we

called them? Have we visited them? Have we offered to pick up our Brothers and to bring them with us to Consistory

meetings? Let's find out why many of our members do not attend - ask them - and be prepared for some unpleasant

answers. Many may tell us that they return home wishing that they had never gone to Consistory meeting that night.

There was no planned program - there was no leadership shown.

Leadership and preparation are two essentials necessary to keep our membership returning month after month to

interesting and informative meetings. It is my hope that this will be a year of study and improvement. There is much

satisfaction we all enjoy when a task is completed well. Let's Listen and "Do Better".

Finally, As I close, let me leave you with these words: Hold yourself responsible to a higher standard than anyone else expects of you, and Never Give Yourself an Excuse Not To Succeed…...


GIG Joseph L. Norfleet, 33° Illustrious Commander In Chief Los Angeles Consistory No. 26


Los Angeles Consistory No. 26



Illustrious Commander-In-Chief Joseph L. Norfleet, 33°

Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander Marlon Behn, 32°

Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander Maurice G. Smith, 32°

Illustrious Prior Rev. John Z. Smith, 33°

Illustrious Minister of State and Grand Orator John A. Brasfield, Jr., 33°

Illustrious Chancellor Robert M. Hendrix, 33°

Illustrious Treasurer Gregory C. Lawrence, 33°

Illustrious Secretary & K.S.A. Doyl C. Thompson, 33°

Illustrious Hospitaler Erwin L. Beason, 33°

Illustrious Master of Ceremonies Robert F. Simonet, Jr., 32°

Illustrious Standard Bearer Warren Adams, 32°

Illustrious Engineer and Architect Warren L. Johnson, 33°

Illustrious Captain of the Guard Dekoda Ware, 32°

Illustrious Sentinel Levi Smith, 32°

Assistant Treasurer Bernard Roberts, Jr. 33°

Assistant Secretary Willard J. Raleigh, 33°

Assistant Hospitaler Millard Lowe, 33°

Assistant Engineer and Architect O’Shana Walker, 33°

Assistant Engineer and Architect Harold W. Forsha, 33°

31o - 32o


Molay Council of Kadosh No. 26


Grand Commander Bernard Roberts, Jr., 33°

1st Lieutenant Commander Robert F. Simonet, Jr., 32°

2nd Lieutenant Commander Rafael Matos, 32°

Grand Chancellor Robert M. Hendrix, 33°

Grand Treasurer Gregory C. Lawrence, 33°

Grand Recorder Doyl C. Thompson, 33°

Grand Orator Fred Price, Jr., 33°

Grand Almoner Edwin L. Beason, 33°

Grand Captain of the Guard 32°

Grand Sentinel Levi Smith, 32°

Grand Engineer and Architect O’Shana Walker, 33°

Grand Assistant Orator 32°

Grand Assistant Recorder 32°

Grand Assistant Engineer and Architect Warren L. Johnson, 33°

Grand Assistant Engineer and Architect Alexis Eligon, 33°

Assistant Engineer and Architect Harold W. Forsha, 33°

19o - 30o


Mecca Chapter No. 26 Knights of the Rose Croix


Most Wise and Perfect Master Alonzo Hill, 32°

Most Excellent and Perfect Knight Sr. Warden Levi White, Sr., 32°

Most Excellent and Perfect Knight Jr. Warden Donald Corhn, 32°

Perfect Knight Treasurer Gregory C. Lawrence, 33°

Perfect Knight Secretary Doyl C. Thompson, 33°

Perfect Knight Hospitaler Erwin L. Beason, 33°

Perfect Knight Orator Carl R. Henley., Esq., 33°

Perfect Knight Master of Ceremonies Robert F. Simonet, Jr., 32°

Perfect Knight Guard of the Tower Dekoda Ware, 32°

Perfect Knight Captain of the Guard Levi Smith, 32°

Perfect Knight Engineer and Architect O’Shana Walker,33°

Perfect Knight Assistant Secretary Willard J. Raleigh, 33°

Perfect Knight Asst. Engineer and Architect Warren L. Johnson, 33°

Perfect Knight Asst. Engineer and Architect Alexis Eligon, 33°

Perfect Knight Asst. Engineer and Architect Harold W. Forsha, 33°

15o - 18o


King David Lodge of Perfection No. 26


Thrice Potent Master Leonard C. Ricks III, 32°

Deputy Master, Hiram of Tyre Millard Lowe, 33°

Venerable Senior Warden Joe B. Hawkins Sr., 32°

Venerable Junior Warden Sadradeem Muhammad , 32°

Treasurer Gregory C. Lawrence, 33°

Secretary Doyl Thompson, 33°

Orator Willard J. Raleigh, 33°

Master of Ceremonies Robert F. Simonet, 32°

Engineer and Architect Warren L. Johnson, 33°

Captain of the Guard Giles Hurley, 32°

Senior Expert Dekoda Ware 32°

Junior Expert Cedric Price, 32°

Tyler Levi Smith, 32°

Assistant Engineer and Architect O’Shana Walker, 33°

Assistant Engineer and Architect Alexis Eligon, 33°

Assistant Engineer and Architect Harold W. Forsha, 33°

4o - 14o




1/1 New Year’s Day

1/8 School of Instruction (Election) 3:00 P.M.

1/15 Consistory Round Table 3:00 P.M.

1/16 Martin Luther King Day PARADE 9:00 A.M.

1/21 T.F.L.A.C. Board Meeting 4:00 P.M.

Emeth Club, Super Bowl 5:00 P.M.

Consistory Meeting (Consistory Group Picture 5:30 P.M.) 6:00 P.M.

CIC Acceptance Address, Budget, Treasurer & Secretary

4th Quarter Report, COD Give Away Tickets, TFLAC#26,

Emeth, SOI





4th - 14th Degrees - King David Lodge of Perfection No. 26 3:00 P.M.

15th - 18th Degrees - Mecca Chapter No. 26

Knights of Rose Croix

5:00 P.M.

2/11 3rd Annual Honors Breakfast 10:00 A.M.

2/12 School of Instruction (Lodge of Perfection) 3:00 P.M.

2/14 Valentine's Day

2/18 T.F.L.A.C. Board Meeting 4:00 P.M.

Emeth Club 5:00 P.M.

Consistory Meeting (Lodge of Perfection)

Black History Lecture, 4th Quarter Audit Report, COD Tickets

6:00 P.M.

2/20 President’s Day

2/24 - 2/26 Robert W. Brown-Council of Deliberation, Fresno, CA 3:00 P.M.


3/4 19th - 30th Degrees (Council of Kadosh) 3:00 P.M.

3/11 School of Instruction (Council of Kadosh) 3:00 P.M.

3/17 T.F.L.A.C. # 26 Board Meeting 4:00 P.M.

Emeth Club 5:00 P..M.

Consistory Meeting (Council of Kadosh) 6:00 P.M.





04/1 Palm Sunday

04/5 Maundy Thursday, L. A. Consistory No. 26 7:00 P.M.

4/8 Easter Sunrise Service, L.A. Consistory No. 26 5:00 A.M.

4/14 Robert W. Brown Council Workshop, Northern Area 8:00 A.M.

Los Angeles Consistory No. 26 Bus Trip 10:00 A.M.

4/15 Special School of Instruction (Rose Croix) 3:00 P.M.

4/21 Robert W. Brown Council Workshop, Southern Area

***Consistory Dark***

8:00 A.M.


5/13 Mother’s Day

5/19 T.F.L.A.C. Board Meeting 4:00 P.M.

Emeth Club 5:00 P.M.

Consistory Meeting (Rose Croix) 6:00 P.M.

Treasurer & Secretary 1st Quarter, T.F.L.A.C., 1st Quarter, Honors

Breakfast Report, Bus Trip Report, COD Ticket Report


6/10 School of Instruction (Consistory) 3:00 P.M.

Consistory Rehearsal (Consistory) 4:00 P.M.

6/16 Consistory Meeting (Consistory)

1St Quarter Audit Report, Yearbook Ads Due

4:00 P.M.

T.F.L.A.C., Emeth, 31st & 32nd Degree

14th Degree Ring & 32nd Degree Crown Ceremony 7:00 P.M.

6/17 Father’s Day

6/30 Illustrious Deputy, SGIG Billy G. Harrington 33°

Honor’s Luncheon, Location TBA

3:00 P.M.


07/04 Independence Day - Happy Birthday America

7/13 -


MWPHGL Grand Session, Los Angeles, CA

Consistory Dark

7/28 Consistory Family Picnic, Kenneth Hahn Park 10:00-4:00 P.M.





8/18 Consistory DARK

8/18 - 8/23 Imperial Session, New Orleans, LA


9/3 Labor Day

9/9 Prince Hall Day 10:00 A.M.

9/15 T.F.L.A.C. Board Meeting 4:00 P.M.

Emeth Club 5:00 P.M.

Consistory Meeting (Lodge of Perfection)

Treasurer & Secretary 2nd Quarter, T.F.L.A.C., S.O.I. , Yearbooks Due,

Picnic Report

6:00 P.M.

9/29 Annual Bar-B-Que 10:00 A.M.


10/4 - 10/10 United Supreme Council

10/14 School of Instruction (Rose Croix) 3:00 P.M.

10/20 T.F.L.A.C. # 26 Board Meeting 4:00 P. M.

Emeth Club 5:00 P.M.

Consistory Meeting (Rose Croix)

2nd Quarter Audit, Treasurer & Secretary 3rd Quarter, T.F.L.A.C.,

S.O.I. , Bar-B-Que Report

6:00 P.M.

10/28 Founders’ Day Banquet, The Proud Bird 4:00 P.M.


11/11 School of Instruction (Council of Kadosh) 3:00 P.M.

11/15 School Visitation, Normandie Avenue 10:00 A.M.

11/17 T.F.L.A.C. # 26 Board Meeting 4:00 P.M.

Emeth Club 5:00 P. M.

Consistory Meeting (Council of Kadosh)

3rd Quarter Audit, T.F.L.A.C., Thanksgiving Baskets, Founders’ Day

6:00 P.M

11/22 Thanksgiving Day





12/9 School of Instruction ( Consistory) 3:00 P.M.

12/15 T.F.L.A.C. #26 - Board Meeting 4:00 P.M.

Emeth Club 5:00 P.M.

Consistory Meeting (Consistory) 6:00 P.M.

Elections & Installation, T.F.L.A.C, S.O.I.

Rededication Address

12/20 Toy Give-Away

25th Christmas Day


Emeth Club Fund-Raisers

Super Bowl Pool

Honor’s Breakfast

Bus Trip





Consistory Roof

Remodel Anti Room

Consistory Special Events

Church Visitation

Deputy of the Orient Luncheon

Annual Family Picnic

Founders’ Day Banquet

Local School Visitation

Thanksgiving Feast (PHMA)

Student Scholarship


Wilbur E. Massey *Family Member 1970-1971

Othello Wingo 1972

King H. Titus, Jr. 1973

Wendell E. Anderson 1974

Nathaniel Jackson, Sr. 1977

Johnnie Moore 1978

I. A. Harper 1984

Joe Powell, Jr. 1986—1986

Donald F. Jordan, Sr. 1988

John A. Brasfield, Jr. 1989—1990

Raymond J. Fortier 1991

Jasper Blue 1992

Henry F. Davis , III 1996

Jimmie D. Boatright, Jr. 1997—1998

Carl C. Corbin 1999

Erwin L. Beason 2000—2001

William E. Hendrix 2002

Pose R. Banks 2003 –2004

Clarence E. Metcalfe, Jr. 2005

Gregory C. Lawrence 2006

Morris W. Batts, Sr. 2007

Carl R. Henley 2008

Rudolph Wakefield 2009

Fred Price, Jr. 2010


Donald R. Ware 2011

Benjamin F. Warner 1908-1909

Walter J. Miller 1952-1955

Joseph M. Westbrook 1956

Harry A. brewer 1957-1961

Rev. Eddy Jones 1962

Ernest F. Allayne 1963-1964

Frank G. Allen 1965

Roy M. Moore 1966

David C. Horton 1967-1968

James Melton, Jr. 1969


2012 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Advisors : Our Heavenly Father, Erwin L. Beason, Jimmie D. Boatright Jr., Gregory C. Lawrence, John A. Brasfield, Jr., Pose R. Banks, Louis A. Harris, Fred Price, Jr., Robert M. Hendrix, William E, Hendrix, Al Arthur, The Illustrious Deputy of the Orient, Billy G. Harrington and all my Illustrious Brothers. Audit: Marlon Behn, Chairman: Maurice G. Smith, Co-Chairman: Bernard Roberts, Jr., Alonzo E. Hill, Leonard C. Ricks III, Louis A. Harris, Fred Price, Jr., Pose R. Banks, Morris W. Batts, Sr., Willard J. Raleigh, and Robert M. Hendrix Budget: Maurice G. Smith, Chairman: Marlon Behn, Co-Chairman; Gregory C. Lawrence, Doyl C. Thompson, Bernard Roberts, Jr., Alonzo E. Hill, Leonard C. Ricks, III, Louis A. Harris, Fred Price, Jr., Erwin L. Beason, John A. Brasfield Jr., Joe B. Hawkins Sr., and Herbert Marshall Bylaws/Jurisprudence: John A. Brasfield, Jr., Chairman: Gregory C. Lawrence, Co– Chairman; Carl R. Henley, Esq., Marlon Behn, Maurice G. Smith, Bernard Roberts Jr., Alonzo E. Hill, Leonard C. Ricks, III, William E. Hendrix, Robert M. Hendrix, The Illustrious Deputy of the Orient, Billy G. Harrington Church Visitation: Rev. John Z. Smith, Jr., Chairman: Rev. Wendell E. Anderson, Co-Chairman, Rev. Joe Powell, Jr., Bishop Clarence C. Lewis , Joe Davis and Herbert Marshall. Civic/Corporate Affairs: Herbert Marshall, Chairman; Carl R. Henley, Esq., Co-Chairman, Louis A. Harris, Marlon Behn, Maurice G. Smith, Al Arthur, Charles Johnson, Clarence E. Medcalf, Jr., and Rev. John Z. Smith. Contact: Fred Price, Jr., Chairman: Erwin L. Beason, Co-Chairman: Louis A. Harris, Marlon Behn, Maurice G. Smith, Jimmie D. Boatright Jr., Doyl C. Thompson, and John A. Brasfield Jr., Bernard Robert, Jr., Alonzo E. Hill, Leonard C. Ricks, III COD Give-Away: Maurice G. Smith, Chairman; Marlon Behn, Co-Chairman; Leonard C. Ricks, III, and Doyl C. Thompson. Degree Team (31st –32nd): John A. Brasfield,Jr., Chairman; Gregory C. Lawrence, Co-Chairman; Johnnie Moore, Robert M. Hendrix, All Officers of the Consistory; Council of Kadosh, Chapter of Rose Croix, and the Lodge of Perfection. Ill. Deputy of the Orient Luncheon: Joseph L. Norfleet, Chairman, Marlon Behn, Co-Chairman; Jimmie D. Boatright, Jr., Gregory C. Lawrence, Louis A. Harris, Willard J. Raleigh, Fred Price, Jr. Robert F. Simonet, Jr., and Bernard Roberts, Jr.

Equipment/Regalia: John A. Brasfield, Chairman, Warren L. Johnson, Co- Chairman, Alexis Eligon, Harold W. Forsha,

and James A. Wilson.

Scholarship: Jimmie D. boatright, Jr., Chairman, Millard Lowe, Co-Chairman, Marlon Behn, Herbert Marshall,

Alonzo E. Hill, Leonard C. Ricks, III, Bernard Roberts, Jr., and Sadradeem Muhammad

Bar-B-Que Committee: Giles Hurley, Chairman Joe B. Hawkins, Sr. Co-Chairman Lonnie Johnson, Fred Price, Jr.,

Gregory C. Lawrence, Maurice G. Smith, Leonard C. Ricks, III, Marlon Behn, Louis A. Harris, Johnnie Moore




Founder’s Day Banquet: Marlon Behn, Chairman; Maurice G. Smith, Co-Chairman; John A. Brasfield, Jr., Fred Price, Jr., Erwin L. Beason, Bernard Roberts, Alonzo E. Hill, Leonard C. Ricks, III, Louis A. Harris, Morris W. Batts, Pose R. Banks, Willard J. Raleigh, Herbert Marshall, Jasper Blue, and Robert M. Hendrix. Hospitality: Marlon Behn Chairman; Maurice G. Smith, Co-Chairman, Leonard C. Ricks, III, Harold W. Forsha, Joe B. Hawkins, Sr., Robert F. Simonet, Jr., and Fred Price, Jr. Legal/Security: Carl R. Henley, Esq., Chairman; Alonzo Hill, Co-Chairman, Alvin Arthur, Charles Johnson, and Clarence E. Metcalf, Jr. Liaison (Fraternal): Joseph L. Norfleet, Chairman; Jimmie D. Boatright (Shrine), and Bernard Roberts, Jr.(York Rite) Medical Consultants: Donald R. Ware, and Richard Foster, Media/Newsletter: Joseph L. Norfleet editor: Marlon Behn, Chairman; Jimmie D. Boatright, Co-Chairman, Maurice G. Smith, Robert F. Simonet, Jr., Rafael Matos, and Jasper Blue Membership/Reclamation: Fred Price, Jr., Chairman, Marlon Behn, Maurice G. Smith, Alonso Hill, Jasper Blue, Robert M. Hendrick, John A. Brasfield, Jr., Pose R. Banks, and Gregory C. Lawrence Music: Leonard C. Ricks, III, Chairman, Rafael Matos, and Robert M. Hendrix, Public Affairs: Robert F. Simonet, Chairman; Willard J. Raleigh, Marlon Behn, Joe Davis, Robert M. Hendrix, James A. Wilson,, Bernard Roberts, Jr., John A. Brasfield, Kyler Nathan, III, and Pose R. Banks. Research and Masonic Education John A. Brasfield, Jr., Chairman; Gregory C. Lawrence, Co-Chairman, Jimmie D. Boatright, Jr., Bernard Roberts, Alonzo E. Hill, and Leonard C. Ricks, III

Yearbook: Maurice G. Smith, Chairman; Marlon Behn, Co-Chairman; Fred Price, Jr., Willard J. Raleigh,

Warren Adams, Leonard C. Ricks, III, Kyler Nathan, III, Raphael Matos, Sadradeem Muhammad, Jasper Blue,

Louis A. Harris, Joe Davis, and Gregory C. Lawrence

Thanksgiving Events: Maurice G. Smith, Chairman; Marlon Behn, Co-Chairman, Erwin Beason, Rev. John Z. Smith,

and Harold Forsha

Widows: Erwin L. Beason, John A. Brasfield, Jr., Gregory C. Lawrence, Marlon Behn, Doyl C. Thompson,

James L. Brockman, and Jasper Blue

Honors Prayer Breakfast: Fred Price, Jr., Chairman, Willard J. Raleigh, Joe B. Hawkins, Sr., Marlon Behn,

Bernard Roberts, Jr., Leonard C. Ricks, III, Alonzo Hill, and Louis A. Harris




Los Angeles Consistory No. 26 Notes and Important Information 2012

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

- Plato

As Scottish Rite Masons, may we each undertake the task of so analyzing and purifying our natures, that we too may be as Proud, Noble, August, and Bold as the Eagle which is our symbol, showing our minds the direct path of the ascent into the heavens, carrying our souls aloft to the

very throne of our creator…….

GIG Joseph L. Norfleet, 33° Commander In Chief 2012

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