lu liang, peng gong department of environmental science, policy and management, university of...

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Lu Liang, Peng Gong

Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, BerkeleyAnd Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University

2013.6.27Applications and evaluation of global land cover maps International symposium on land cover mapping for the African continentLand cover and land use map applicationsBiodiversity monitoringHealthFood securityDisaster managementEnergy potentialsCarbon sciencesWater resourcesForest degradation

Sibley bookRange map (overall, breeding, wintering)Clip elevations outside observed rangeGROMSdigitize1119 species462 species

Clip boundarySeabird, terrestrial birdClip unsuitable habitat types DEMGlobal migratory bird database

Global migratory bird species biodiversity mapping and monitoringGLC 2000 GlobCover 2005 L. Liang and P. Gong, in preparation

2000 Habitat Overlay (Breeding + Wintering)2005 Habitat Overlay (Breeding + Wintering)

2000 hotspot area (>40 species)2005 hotspot area (>40 species)24% of land areashrink33% of land area

L. Liang and P. Gong. Proceedings of SPIE. 2010

6Validation and evaluation are important in the application of global LULC dataTaken cropland area estimation as a case studyImportant to issues, eg. food security, environmental sustainability Easily confused with other land cover typesRelative good reference data

Four global land cover mapsMODIS Land Cover- 500m- 2001-2011

GlobCover - 300m - 2006, 2009

FROM-GLC - 30m - 2010FROM-GLC-AGG - 30m - 2010

8Validation dataset: National Agricultural Statistics Services (NASS) annual agricultural survey

Figure. 2010 NASS cropland survey at the county and state level. Blank counties contain no reported value or were excluded from analysis. 9Four global land cover mapsMODIS Land Cover

Cropland LegendCropland

Lands covered with temporary crops followed by harvest and a bare soil period. Note that perennial woody crops will be classified as the appropriate forest or shrub land cover type.Cropland/natural vegetation mosaicsLands with a mosaic of croplands, forests, shrubland, and grasslands in which no one component comprises more than 60% of the landscape.MODIS = (cropland+ cropland mosaic)Weighted-MODIS = (cropland*0.6 + cropland mosaic *0.4)GlobCoverCodeCropland Legend11Post-flooding or irrigated croplands 14Rainfed croplands 20Mosaic Cropland (50-70%) / Vegetation (20-50%)30Mosaic Vegetation (50-70%) / Cropland (20-50%)GlobCover = ( irrigated+ rainfed+ cropMosaic + vegMosaic)Weighted-GlobCover = ( irrigated+ rainfed+ cropMosaic*0.6 + vegMosaic*0.35)FROM-GLC & FROM-GLC-AGGCropland LegendRice fields

Land for rice cultivation.Other croplandsThis category includes arable and tillage land.OrchardsParcels planted with fruit trees or shrubs: single or mixed fruit species, fruit trees associated with permanently grassed surfaces.PasturesGrasslands for grazing.Bare herbaceouscroplandsJust harvested, fallow land and all other types of land not covered by vegetation such as lake bottoms in dry season.FROM-GLC= (rice+ otherCrop + orchard + pasture + bareCrop)FROM-GLC-AGG = (rice+ otherCrop + orchard + pasture + bareCrop)County level comparison

Figure. Comparison between NASS cropland survey at county level with estimations from six datasets. Dashed line is 1:1 and the solid line is the regression line. MODISMODIS-weightedGlobCover-weightedGlobCoverFROM-GLCFROM-GLC-agg Figure. Assessment of six datasets with NASS cropland survey at the county scale.

27.7%22.4%24.1%State level comparison

Figure. Comparison between NASS cropland survey at state level with estimation from six datasets. Dashed line is 1:1 and the solid line is the regression line. MODISMODIS-weightedGlobCover-weightedGlobCoverFROM-GLCFROM-GLC-agg

Figure. Significance test and slope estimation based on linear regression model for each state. Each product was indicated by a fixed direction in one pie chart. Four different colors were used to classify the level of the significant slopes according to the following rules: underestimate (slope

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