making my front cover

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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Making my front cover

• First I imported my image, my image has the name of the magazine on it because I wanted it behind her head.

• Then I made 3 circles, 2 red and 1 white, then I layered them on top of each other and grouped them.

• Then I added the word ‘the’ and tilted it.

• Then I added the number 20 in the font chiller, I also made it big so it stood out and made it white so it contrasted

• Then I added the words ‘new indie tracks’ in capitals and also made that black and tilted it at the same angle

• Then I added the words ‘ you must hear’ made it white and made it stretch over the circle and made it tilt at more of an angle.

• Furthermore after the circle was complete I added the next bit of text in white, then I made the spacing really close so everything would just about fit in. I made this white as its easier to read then in black and I didn’t want it red as there was already too many red things on the page.

• Then I added her name in caps, and made it yellow, the font is different as it makes her name stand out, I made the word taller and the spacing quite close. Yellow is In my colour scheme and stands the most on the page.

• In addition I added the words ‘more from…’ and made this white.

• Then I added some Indie/rock bands at the bottom with some space apart

• Then I added small red times between the artists names and up the right hand side

• Then I added text over two lines at the top right corner, I made this black because there wasn’t any black on my front cover yet

• Then I added a small cross to break up the heading from the rest of the text that I am going to add

• Then above every red line I added the names of some artists involved in my magazine, Damion Allen being first as my DPS is on him.

• Then I added a part of text about what is said about them in the magazine.

• Finally I added a barcode and price in the corner, I went for a barcode without a white background as it is subtle.

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