making social media routine and successful in your organization

Post on 27-May-2015



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After the Honeymoon:

Making Social Media Routine and Successful by:

The Ground Rules:

• Tweet stuff via #NACE11 and/or #NACE11sm• I’ll try and leave time for tweets• Tag @douglasLmiller with questions for after• Even though I use “Social Media” I mean

“digital media”

tweet this:

There is no such thing as “Social Media.”

We always use media. Now we do so digitally.

Media is not social. People are.

After the Honeymoon:Making Social Media Routine and Successful by:

Just the beginning.

No long term plan.

Real Life is Real Time.


Aliens have landed.


Omg! I know!-

And then?

Take these with you:

• Make room for the Truth.• Be the Language.• Reverse Engineer Everything.

Step One: Make Room for the Truth

• Prepare by making room for the “alien” truth.• First things first – one thing at a time.• This will be “The Adjustment”

Aliens. #SRSLY.

Ambassadors for Truth.

Ambassador building.

Strategy: me.

Not helpful.

Make it easy.

tweet this:

• Facilitate local buy-in using safe zones of practice and failure.

• Make it ok to experiment.• Give easy options for making room for the


The link is made.

Step Two: Be the Language.

• Establish a way of airing out vocab.• Get questions coming in.• Figure out what is needed, toss the rest.

State your terms.

tweet this:

When it comes to digital media, message is 20% content and 90% context.

Context is THAT important, but content can’t be any LESS important.

Three keys to digital success: curation, currency, and change.

It’s about feeds, not destinations.

Time enough for all of it.

Curation is your feed.

Information is currency.

Change begins measurement.

Step 3: Reverse Engineer Everything.

• Take apart your current content habits.• Examine the traffic you already have.• Investigate new tech backwards from your

users’ POV

tweet this:

Whenever possible, make the machines do the work, but make sure the humans do the relating.

The top of the stream.

Email lives.

Many feeds, one call to action.

A few final words about multi-media:

• Be visual. • Successful video is intensive.• Don’t forget the call to action.

Take these with you:

• Make room for the Truth.• Be the Language.• Reverse Engineer Everything.• Contact me with Questions.

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