
Post on 21-Jan-2015






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recruitment process..





Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for theMaster of Business Administration

Under the Valuable guidance ofMr. G. Dinesh Babu

Chief Manager- HR, Admin & TQMSRF-PFBI Ltd. SEZ, Indore





Summer training is the most vital part of an MBA course, both as a link between theory

and actual industrial practices as well as an opportunity for hands on experience in

corporate environment. I therefore, consider myself fortunate to receive the training in

an esteemed organization viz. SRF Ltd. Yet the opportunity could not have been

utilized without the guidance and support of many individuals who although held

varied positions, but were equally instrumental for successful completion of my

summer training.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my humble gratitude to Mr. Jeetender

Singh Panwar,HR Admin & TQM , for his kind support and guidance.

I would also like to thank the management, employees and the entire unit of SRF Ltd.,

Indore for their cooperation.

In addition I would also like to express gratitude to the respected faculty member Prof

Archana for her invaluable inputs and direction that rendered success to the project.

I thank my family, friends, mentors and all well-wishers without whose cooperation

this project would not have been a success.


Saloni Mishra



(i) Synopsis……………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) Introduction………………………………………………………………………..

(iii) About SRF Company………………………………………..

(iv) About SRF PFBI Ltd…………………………………………

(v) Recruitment and Induction process…………………..……..…………………

(vi) Recruitment and Induction process at

SRF PFBI Ltd …………………………………………….

(vii) Methodology followed…………………………………………………..... . . . . .

(viii) Appendices……………………………………………………………………..

(ix)Bibliography… ……………………………………………………………………....



The objective of the project was to study and analyze the recruitment and induction

process of SRF PFBI Ltd. The study included analyzing recruitment sources and

methods, changes implemented in the past and their effects, the induction process and

thereby the success of the both the recruitment and induction process. The entire study

was concentrated around recruitment and induction; hence the following would be


Studying the posts to be filled

Planning the Number of persons to be recruited

Duties to be performed

Preparing the job description and person specification

Studying the KSAs ( Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) of the job

Consulting the recruitment policy and procedure of the company

Studying the recruitment sources and methods of the company screening of the


Then, studying the induction process of the company.

At last, analyzing in a comprehensive manner the whole Recruitment and

Induction process.



SRF Ltd., earlier called the Sriram Fibers, has evolved into a modern industrial major. Its roots go back

to over a century, with the establishment of the parent company, DCM (Delhi Cloth Mills) in 1889. Since

its inception in 1974, the company has been improving continuously and has made its mark in the

industry. It is the market leader in its core businesses, namely industrial synthetics and Fluorochemicals.

It also enjoys growing presence in light engineering products, engineering plastics packaging films and

Pharma chemical business.

SRF today operates from nine plant locations in India and abroad and has attained market leadership

position in many of the products it manufactures. SRF’s relentless focus on TQM techniques has resulted

in the company winning the prestigious Deming Application Prize in 2004 (the first nylon tire cord

company outside Japan to be awarded this prize).

To be an inspired, caring organization

To create extraordinary value for all

To pursue excellence and customer loyalty

To always meet tomorrow's challenges today

"We Will Make Our Nation Proud By Being the Best at What We Do"



To be one of the most admired business organizations in India, deeply loved by its people, respected

and sought after by its customers and shareholders.

To be World Leader in at least one of its businesses with global operations and technology leadership.

To be one of the most sought after employers in the country. A Company known for its people

management skills. One that can unlock the talent hidden in each employee and inspire him or her to

take on and accomplish extraordinary future challenges.

To be a shining example of deep commitment and contribution to development of people and society.

Enable customer satisfaction of a high level and a standard higher than that of competition.

Provide good returns to our shareholders and other financial stakeholders.

Continuously enhance the total quality of life of our employees and help them realize their


Contribute to the development of the society and the nation.

THE INDUSTRIAL SYNTHETICS BUSINESS, which manufactures Nylon Tyre Cord Fabric,

and is the 7th largest producer of NTCF in the world and the largest in India.

THE COATED FABRICS BUSINESS, which manufactures high quality fabrics used for non-

tyre applications in the international and domestic market.





THE BELTING FABRICS BUSINESS, which manufactures fabric used to make conveyor

belts, and is the 2nd largest producer in the world and the largest in India.

THE FLUOROCHEMICALS BUSINESS, which manufactures Refrigerant Gases and

Choloromethanes, and is the largest producer in India with exports to more than 50 countries.

THE PACKAGING FILMS BUSINESS, which manufactures Biaxially Oriented Poly Ethylene

Terephthalate (BOPET) also called Polyester (PET) Film, is predominantly used in Flexible

Packaging Applications.

THE PHARMA CHEMICALS BUSINESS, which manufactures intermediates/ advanced

intermediates and provides contract research, custom synthesis & contract manufacturing services

to the Pharma Industry.

PROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS & SERVICES: Procurement of indirect materials requires

organizations to identify and deal with countless suppliers based on imperfect knowledge, in a

market that is highly disorganized. SRF eBIZ provides solutions & services to increase

efficiencies in the procurement of these indirect items (also known as B & C category items).

THE ENGINEERING PLASTICS LIMITED caters to the Nylon engineering plastics

requirements of companies in the automobiles, white goods, electrical goods, telecom

cables, textile machinery, and electronics sectors. The brands which are famous are TUFNYL and



SRF’s people development system follows a scientific process on three fronts:

Need Identification Design and DeliveryEffectiveness Measurement

“Realising that need identification is not an isolated sub-set of the performance management system for an organisation; we derive focused needs from a variety of sources that enable SRF to arrive at the real developmental needs. These are addressed through customised design, delivery of training programs and other developmental initiatives. The development loop is closed through a scientific system of measuring training effectiveness that feeds in to the next design cycle.


At SRF, we believe that leadership is a quality that can be developed. We follow a strength-based methodology of identifying and developing leaders within the organisation. Emphasis is paid on developing leaders adept at the SRF Management Way, and appropriate opportunities are provided to them to utilise their leadership skills. We are in the process of instituting a Leadership Cadre where we will create a pipeline of individuals to man our key leadership positions.

Being a market leader in technology, we understand that technical and domain capabilities need to go hand-in-hand with managerial skills. Our technical training initiatives are designed to enhance the technical skills of our employees, thus allowing us to retain a dominant position in the highly competitive marketplace.

Our developmental activities don't stop at the managerial levels, but percolate down to our 'Non Management Staff'. We have implemented a one year long Management Education Program for our employees for their overall development.

In all, our People Development methodology is a combination of developmental assignments, instructor led training, coaching, on the job modules, development centres and participation in special project teams to enable employees to continuously learn and develop.”


“The HR function at SRF envisions creating and nurturing an organisation where economic prosperity and growth, organizational effectiveness and human well-being go hand-in-hand.

It is our constant endeavor to create an environment where people feel comfortable in expressing their feelings, opinions, views and suggestions without any fear of reprisal.

SRF provides an open environment to all employees with respect to freedom, empowerment and expression. Our credo of approachability and transparency finds shape in many ways, including an 'open house' where employees can raise their concerns with the management directly.

Every idea is valued, and implementation of new initiatives is strongly encouraged by the organization. Following the philosophy of Kaizen, we believe that every incremental step towards improvement propels the organization towards operational excellence. At the same time, understanding the fact that breakthrough initiatives often enable organizations to leapfrog to the next level, SRF encourages and rewards bigger improvements through other mechanisms.”


SA 8000

SRF is an SA8000 certified manufacturing unit.

SA8000 is a global social accountability standard for decent working conditions, developed and overseen

by Social Accountability International (SAI). Detailed guidance for implementing or auditing to SA8000

are available from its website. SAI offers training in SA8000 and other workplace standards to managers,

workers and auditors. It contracts with a global accreditation agency, Social Accountability Accreditation

Services (SAAS) that licenses and oversees auditing organizations to award certification to employers

that comply with SA8000.

In May 2009 it was verified by SAAS Accreditation that over 1.3 million workers are employed in

SA8000 Certified Facilities around the world.


SA8000 is an auditable certification standard based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Convention on the Rights of the Child and various International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions.

SA8000 covers the following areas of accountability:

Child Labour: No workers under the age of 15; minimum lowered to 14 for countries operating

under the ILO Convention 138 developing-country exception; remediation of any child found to

be working.

Forced Labour: No forced labor, including prison or debt bondage labor; no lodging of deposits

or identity papers by employers or outside recruiters.

Health and Safety: Provide a safe and healthy work environment; take steps to prevent injuries;

regular health and safety worker training; system to detect threats to health and safety; access to

bathrooms and potable water.

Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining: Respect the right to form and join

trade unions and bargain collectively; where law prohibits these freedoms, facilitate parallel

means of association and bargaining.

Discrimination: No discrimination based on race, caste, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual

orientation, union or political affiliation, or age; no sexual harassment.

Discipline: No corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse


Working Hours: Comply with the applicable law but, in any event, no more than 48 hours per

week with at least one day off for every seven day period; voluntary overtime paid at a premium

rate and not to exceed 12 hours per week on a regular basis; overtime may be mandatory if part of

a collective bargaining agreement.

Compensation: Wages paid for a standard work week must meet the legal and industry standards

and be sufficient to meet the basic need of workers and their families; no disciplinary deductions.

Management systems for Human Resources: Facilities seeking to gain and

maintain certification must go beyond simple compliance to integrate the

standard into their management systems and practices. Certification

A facility wishing to seek certification to SA8000 must apply to a SAAS-accredited auditing firm, or

certification body. Assessment of compliance to the SA8000 Standard and the issuance of accredited

SA8000 certifications are available only through SAAS-accredited, independent organizations.

There are four basic types of out of pocket costs associated with certification:

The cost associated with taking corrective and preventive action in order to qualify for

compliance. After this, an organization would seek verification of its compliance.

The cost of preparing for the audit.

The cost of an independent audit by a SAAS-accredited CB.

The cost associated with taking corrective actions to resolve problems (if nonconformance have

been identified).

SAAS Accreditation maintains a public list of SA8000 certified facilities and statistics.

As of September 30, 2010:

Certified Facilities: 2,330

Countries Represented: 62

Industries Represented: 66

Number of Employees: 1,365,236


The industrial sectors with the most certifications include apparel and textiles; building materials;

agriculture; construction; chemicals; cosmetics; cleaning services and transportation. The countries with

the most certification to SA8000 include Brazil, India, China and Italy.


Dominic A. Tarantino, Chairman of Price Waterhouse World Firm described SA8000 in 1998 as "the

first ever universal standard for ethical sourcing... It provides a common framework for ethical sourcing

for companies of any size and any type, anywhere in the world. SA8000 sets out provisions for issues

such as trade union rights, the use of child labor, working hours, health and safety at work, and fair pay."

However, it does not address broader issues of ecology or bribery or other issues which may require

more consumer or executive restraint. Tarantino further argued the need for moral leadership:

"Pricing, products and services are no longer the sole arbiters of commercial success... it is business that

must take the lead in taming the global frontier. Business must take the lead in establishing rule of law in

emerging markets. Business must take the lead in stopping bribery. Business must take the lead in

bringing order to cyberspace. Business must take the lead in ensuring that technology does not split the

world into haves and have nots.”

SRF-PFBI (Packaging Film Business Indore)

Packaging Films Business has emerged as one of the most preferred and trusted business partner in

the Flexible Packaging arena. Engaged in manufacturing of Bi-axially Oriented Poly-Ethylene

Terephthalate (BOPET) Films commonly known as Polyester (PET) Films, it makes life easier by

creating possibilities to pack things in much better, safer and environment friendly way.

Every day it is collaborating with its customers to create modern packaging solutions in cost-effective

and innovative ways and is known as a trustable partner with whom it's always "Easy to Do Business

With". Enabled by the state-of-the-art technologies and TQM driven processes Packaging Films

Business offers its customers unmatched quality and responsiveness to ensure better business for



During a short span of ten years, Packaging Films Business has crafted a significant presence in EU,

Americas, Middle East, ANZ, Russia & CIS, Africa, West Asia & South Asian regions and continues

to expand its list of highly satisfied clientele across the world.

Manufacturing Facilities :

SRF's first 3.2 meter wide PET production line from Celier (France) started operations in 1995 with 5500

MT/annum capacity of producing both thin & thick PET films in the range of 8-150 Microns. Since then

Packaging Films Business has successfully embarked the journey of capacity expansion by adding 8.2

and 8.7 meter wide lines from Dornier (Germany) to become the second largest thin PET film

manufacturer in India with current total capacity of 60000 MT/annum. This is fully supported by

backward integration into PET resin manufacturing plant from Aquafill (Germany).

Two of our production lines are located in Special Economic Zone providing excellent facilitation for the

overseas customers.

PFB - a fact file

   Facility    Capacity

  Polyester Film   60000 TPA

  Metallized PET Film   12000 TPA

  Soft Embossed Holographic PET

Film  1200 TPA

  PET Resin   60000 TPA




Respect for others

Treating our stakeholders with respect and dignity has been a ground rule at SRF. It's the key to building and nurturing a healthy relationship.

Respect for customers and vendorsRespect for employeesRespect for shareholders and investorsRespect for society and environment


Anyone who is associated with SRF, is like a family member. Everyone is equal irrespective or their gender, background and designation. Equal opportunity is a right and shall remain so for every SRFite.

Integrity We have always had strong moral standards. Our ethics have been our assets. We will not compromise it for anyone.




Total excellence in everything that we do should be our aim. Excelling in whatever we do is the benchmark at SRF.

Improvements and BreakthroughsTeamworkSimplicityHard workMeritocracy

Concern for Well Being

Any organization is successful only when the employees are happy. They form the soul of any organization. Motivated and happy employees are crucial to the growth of any organization.

Appreciation for life outside workCare for employeesCreate a happy work environment

Company’s Concerns

Shareholder Interest


They value the trust of shareholders, and keep their interests paramount in every

business decision we make, every choice they exercise.

People Care

They possess no greater asset than the quality of their human capital and no greater

priority than the retention, growth and well-being of their vast pool of human talent

Consumer Focus

They rethink every business process, product and service from the standpoint of the

consumer – so as to exceed expectations at every touch point.

Excellence in Execution

They believe in excellence of execution – in large, complex projects as much as

small everyday tasks. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

Team Work

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts; in their rapidly-changing knowledge

economy, organizations can prosper only by mobilizing diverse competencies, skill

sets and expertise; by imbibing the spirit of “thinking together” -- integration is the

rule, escalation is an exception.

Proactive Innovation

They nurture innovation by breaking silos, encouraging cross-fertilization of ideas

& flexibility of roles and functions. They create an environment of accountability,

ownership and problem-solving –based on participative work ethic and leading-edge


Leade rship by Empowerment


They believe leadership in the new economy is about consensus building, about

giving up control; about enabling and empowering people down the line to take

decisions in their areas of operation and competence .

Social Responsibility

They believe that organizations, like individuals, depend on the support of the

community for their survival and sustenance, and must repay this generosity in the

best way they can.

Respect for Competition

They respect competition – because there’s more than one way of doing things right.

They can learn as much from the success of others as from their own failures


Departments at SRF PFBI







Packing & PPC

Dispatch Materials (DMAT)

Mechanical & Utility (M&U)

Electrical & Instrumentation (E&I)

132 KVA

Purchase & Receiving




External Liasoning



HR , Admin



Organizational Structure

President & CEO (CB & PFB)

Mr. Roop Salotra

Vice PresidentWorks & Projects

Mr. H.K. Singh

Vice PresidentMarketing & RDM

Mr. Prashant Mehra

Associate Vice PresidentHR & TQM

Mr. Sanjeev Asthana

Associate Vice President

ManufacturingMr. Manoj Jain

Associate Vice PresidentAccounts

Mr. Deep Chaudhary
















HR Department In SRF PFBI

At SRF PFBI, they recognize the critical role that their people play in the success and

growth of each of their businesses. It is the skill and initiative of their workforce that

sets them apart from their peers in today’s knowledge-driven economy. It is their

commitment and dedication that lends them the competitive edge, and helps them stay

ahead of the curve.

Their strong team of professionals is among the youngest in the country, and consists

of some of the most dynamic, motivated and qualified individuals to be found anywhere

in the world. First-rate management graduates, highly trained engineers, top-notch

financial analysts and razor sharp

accountants— they have on their rolls some of the brightest minds in the business.

The Department’s Mission

Their transparent HR policies and robust processes are driven by a single overarching

objective: To attract, nurture, grow and retain the best leadership talent in every sector

and industry is which they operate.

Their aim is to create a team of world beaters that is:

Committed to excellence in quality,

Focused on creation and enhancement of stakeholder value

Responsive to evolving business needs and challenges

Dedicated to uphold the core values of the Group

The Department’s Promise

In order to achieve their objective, they offer their people :

Growth opportunities to expand leadership capabilities

True meritocracy and freedom to choose career paths


Opportunities to develop and hone leadership and functional capabilities

An entrepreneurial environment where people can pursue their dreams

Competitive compensation

In addition, they follow a well-defined Rewards & Recognitions programme that

periodically identifies exceptional individual and team achievers among the various

business functions and verticals in the company.

The Department’s Expectations

SRF PFBI encourages it’s employees to take leadership, at all levels of the

organization, and participate in accelerating growth of their businesses to build a

formidable enterprise. Leaders in SRF PFBI are expected to:

Always keep the customers’ needs in mind and constantly innovate

Execute flawlessly and with speed

Sustain and strengthen the company’s spirit of entrepreneurship—taking ownership

and accountability for their actions

Leverage synergies to learn and build on the diverse experiences and skill sets of

their various businesses and teams

Create a true meritocracy with a pervasive commitment to transparent systems and


Do all this with unquestionable Integrity to ensure total compliance with the laws of

the land.





According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates

for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”.

Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers.

Mr. Suresh Tripathi (CEO)

Mr. Sanjeev Asthana (AVP)

Mr. G. Dinesh Babu(Chief Manager)

Mr. Amit Bhagariya(Manager)

Mr. Fattey Singh(HR & Admin)

Ms. Bharti Kathil(HR & Admin)

Mr. Lalit Sharma(HR & Admin – Time


Mr. Jeetendra Singh Panwar

(HR-Admin & TQM)

Mr. Madan Bani(Process Associate)

Mr. R.K Maurya(Sr. Executive)


Recruitment is a linking activity- bringing together jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

A good recruitment program should attract the qualified & not unqualified. Recruitment

is a costly affair. There are legal implications of incompetent selection – negligent

hiring. “Organizations must consider recruitment as a strategic war to attract talent,

and must develop and implement aggressive talent acquisition strategies in order to

dominate the labor market within a given industry. With the impending retirement of

the baby-boomer generation and the lack of availability of high quality senior-level

talent, many companies consider talent acquisition to be the most important business

challenge facing them today”.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a

pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select

the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the

recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of

qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific

vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates

an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.

Purpose & Importance Of Recruitment:

Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization.

Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for

the organization.


Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction

with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.

Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of

visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will

leave the organization only after a short period of time.

Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of

its workforce.

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate


Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting

techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

So, those people who are involved in the process have a high level of

responsibilities .


Management’s Role in Recruitment

Recruitment planning is anticipating and using all available flexibilities and strategies

to maintain the workforce. Human Resources Responsibilities along with the civilian

Recruitment Team can help through this process by further explaining strategies and

helping to find easier ways to accomplish them.

Responsibilities include:

Determining a vacancy exists.

Choosing the right strategies to fill the position.

Defining and capturing the need (understanding the position, its functions, duties,

responsibilities, and skill requirements.)

Initiating the final action.

Recruitment needs are of three types


i .e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.


Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can

predict by studying trends in internal and external environment.


Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.



Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment

processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within

the organization itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other,

promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment.

Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are

known as the external sources of recruitment.



Internal Sources Of Recruitment


The employees are transferred from one department to another according to their

efficiency and experience.


The employees are promoted from one department to another with more benefits

and greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience.

3. Others are Upgrading and Demotion of present employees according to their


4. Retired and Retrenched employees may also be recruited once again in case of

shortage of qualified personnel or increase in load of work. Recruitment such

people save time and costs of the organizations as the people are already aware

of the organizational culture and the policies and procedures.


5. The dependents and relatives of Deceased employees and Disabled employees are

also done by many companies so that the members of the family do not become

dependent on the mercy of others.

The advantages of internal recruitment are that:

1. Considerable savings can be made. Individuals with inside knowledge of how a

business operates will need shorter periods of training and time for 'fitting in' .

2. The organization is unlikely to be greatly 'disrupted' by someone who is used to

working with others in the organization.

3. Internal promotion acts as an incentive to all staff to work harder within the


4. From the firm's point of view, the strengths and weaknesses of an insider will

have been assessed. There is always a risk attached to employing an outsider who

may only be a success 'on paper' .

The disadvantages of recruiting from within are that:

1. You will have to replace the person who has been promoted

2. An insider may be less likely to make the essential criticisms required to get the

company working more effectively

3. Promotion of one person in a company may upset someone else.

External Sources Of Recruitment

External recruitment makes it possible to draw upon a wider range of talent, and

provides the opportunity to bring new experience and ideas in to the business.

Disadvantages are that it is more costly and the company may end up with someone

who proves to be less effective in practice than they did on paper and in the interview


There are a number of stages, which can be used to define and set out the nature of

particular jobs for recruitment purposes:


Job analysis is the process of examining jobs in order to identify the key requirements

of each job. A number of important questions need to be explored: the title of the job

to whom the employee is responsible for whom the employee is responsible a simple

description of the role and duties of the employee within the organization.

Job analysis is used in order to:

1. Choose employees either from the ranks of your existing staff or from the

recruitment of new staff.

2. Set out the training requirements of a particular job.

3. Provide information which will help in decision making about the type of

equipment and materials to be employed with the job.

4. Identify and profile the experiences of employees in their work tasks

(information which can be used as evidence for staff development and


5. Identify areas of risk and danger at work.

6. Help in setting rates of pay for job tasks.

Job analysis can be carried out by direct observation of employees at work, by

finding out information from interviewing job holders, or by referring to

documents such as training manuals. Information can be leaned directly from the

person carrying out a task and/or from their supervisory staff. Some large

organizations specifically employ 'job analysts ' . In most companies, however, job

analysis is expected to be part of the general skills of a training or personnel


Job description

A job description will set out how a particular employee will fit into the organization.

It will therefore need to set out:


the title of the job

to whom the employee is responsible

for whom the employee is responsible

a simple description of the role and duties of the employee within the


A job description could be used as a job indicator for applicants for a job.

Alternatively, it could be used as a guideline for an employee and/or his or her line

manager as to his or her role and responsibility within the organization.

Job specification

A job specification goes beyond a mere description - in addition, it highlights the

mental and physical attributes required of the job holder. For example, a job

specification for a trainee manager's post in a retail store included the following:

'Managers at all levels would be expected to show responsibility. The company is

looking for people who are tough and talented. They should have a flair for business,

know how to sell, and to work in a team.

Job analysis, description, and specification can provide useful information to a

business in addition to serving as recruitment instruments. For example, staff appraisal

is a means of monitoring staff performance and is a feature of promotion in modern

companies. In some companies, for example, employees and their immediate line

managers discuss personal goals and targets for the coming time period (e.g. the next

six months). The appraisal will then involve a review of performance during the

previous six months, and setting new targets. Job details can serve as a useful basis for

establishing dialogue and targets. Job descriptions can be used as reference points for

arbitrating in disputes as to 'who does what' in a business. Selection involves

procedures to identify the most appropriate candidates to fill posts. An effective

selection procedure will therefore take into consideration the following:


keeping the costs of selection down making sure that the skills and qualities being

sought have been identified, developing a process for identifying them in candidates

making sure that the candidates selected, will want the job, and will stay with the


Keeping the costs of selection down will involve such factors as holding the interviews

in a location, which is accessible to the interviewing panel, and to those being

interviewed. The interviewing panel must have available to them all the necessary

documentations, such as application forms available to study before the interviews take

place. A short list must be made up of suitable candidates, so that the interviews do not

have to take place a second time, with new job advertisements being placed.

The skills required should have been identified through the process of job analysis,

description and specification. It is important then to identify ways of testing whether

candidates meet these requirements. Testing this out may involve: interviewing

candidates asking them to get involved in simulated work scenarios asking them to

provide samples of previous work getting them to fill in personality and intelligence

tests giving them real work simulations to test their abilities.

The external sources Of Recruitment are:


Advertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and journals are a widely used source

of recruitment. The main advantage of this method is that it has a wide reach.


Various management institutes, engineering colleges, medical Colleges etc. are a

good source of recruiting well qualified executives, engineers, medical staff etc.

They provide facilities for campus interviews and placements. This source is known

as Campus Recruitment.



Several private consultancy firms perform recruitment functions on behalf of client

companies by charging a fee. These agencies are particularly suitable for

recruitment of executives and specialists. It is also known as RPO (Recruitment

Process Outsourcing)


Government establishes public employment exchanges throughout the country.

These exchanges provide job information to job seekers and help employers in

identifying suitable candidates.


Manual workers can be recruited through contractors who maintain close contacts

with the sources of such workers. This source is used to recruit labor for

construction jobs.


Many job seekers visit the office of well-known companies on their own. Such

callers are considered nuisance to the daily work routine of the enterprise. But can

help in creating the talent pool or the database of the probable candidates for the



Many organizations have structured system where the current employees of the

organization can refer their friends and relatives for some position in their

organization. Also, the office bearers of trade unions are often aware of the

suitability of candidates. Management can inquire these leaders for suitable jobs. In

some organizations these are formal agreements to give priority in recruitment to

the candidates recommended by the trade union.



Unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory gate these may be employed

whenever a permanent worker is absent. More efficient among these may be

recruited to fill permanent vacancies.

Apart from these there are some other sources which are nowadays commonly used by

the organizations. These sources are


Third party recruitment

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)


HEADHUNTING is a frequently used name when referring to third party recruiters, but

there are significant differences. In general, a company would employ a head-hunter

when the normal recruitment efforts have failed to provide a viable candidate for the

job. Head-hunters are generally more aggressive than in-house recruiters and will use,

advanced sales techniques such as initially posing as clients to generate names of

employees and their positions and personally visiting candidate offices. They can also

purchase expensive lists of names and job titles. They will prepare a candidate for the

interview, negotiate salary, and conduct closure to the search. In general, in house

recruiters will do their best to attract candidates for specific jobs while head-hunters

will actively seek them out, utilizing large databases, internet strategies, purchasing

company directories or lists of candidates, networking, and often cold calling. Many

companies go to great efforts to make it difficult for head-hunters to locate their


THIRD PARTY RECRUITMENT firms are usually distinguished by the method in

which they bill a company. Outside recruitment agencies charge a placement fee when

the candidate they recruited has accepted a job with the company that has agreed to pay

the fee. Fees of these agencies generally range from a straight contingency fee to a

fully retained service which is similar to placing an attorney on retainer. All


recruitment agencies are defined by the placement of a candidate to a particular job

within a company.

RECRUITMENT PROCESS OUTSOURCING (RPO ) is a form of business process

outsourcing (BPO) where an employer outsources or transfers all or part of its

recruitment activities to an external service provider. RPO may involve the outsourcing

of all or just part of recruitment functions and process. The external service provider

may serve as a virtual recruiting department by providing a complete package of skills,

tools, technologies and activities. The RPO service provider is "the" source for in-

scope recruitment activity.

On the other hand, occasional recruitment support, for example temporary, contingency

and executive search services are more analogous to out-tasking, co-sourcing or just

sourcing. In this example the service provider is "a" source for certain types of

recruitment activity differentiating. The biggest distinction between RPO and other

types of staffing is Process. In RPO the service provider assumes ownership of the

process, while in other types of staffing the service provider is part of a process

controlled by the organization buying their services.

e-RECRUITMENT covers a range of Web-based application tools used for the

provisioning (typically) of human resources. These applications assist in the

recruitment of suitable candidates for vacant positions. Some applications do this by

semi-automating the entire recruitment and hiring process. E-recruitment applications

(or software packages that are web-enabled) typically enable recruitment teams to

create job postings, manage job application responses, schedule interviews and manage

other recruitment tasks. This dramatically reduces the labor and money spent improves

the quality and quantity of the applicant pool.

Recruitment Policy Of a Company

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, a well defined recruitment policy is

necessary for organizations to respond to its human resource requirements in time.

Therefore, it is important to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place,

which can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the

right candidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable recruitment policy is the


first step in the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps

ensure a sound recruitment process.

It specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation

of recruitment programme. It may involve organizational system to be developed for

implementing recruitment programmes and procedures by filling up vacancies with best

qualified people.

Components of The Recruitment Policy

The general recruitment policies and terms of the organization

Recruitment services of consultants

Recruitment of temporary employees

Unique recruitment situations

The selection process

The job descriptions

The terms and conditions of the employment

A recruitment policy of an organization should be such that:

It should focus on recruiting the best potential people.

To ensure that every applicant and employee is treated equally with dignity and


Unbiased policy.

To aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential.

Transparent, task oriented and merit based selection.


Weightage during selection given to factors that suit organization needs.

Optimization of manpower at the time of selection process.

Defining the competent authority to approve each selection.

Abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and employment


Integrates employee needs with the organizational needs.

Factors Affecting Recruitment Policy

Organizational objectives

Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.

Government policies on reservations.

Preferred sources of recruitment.

Need of the organization.

Recruitment costs and financial implications.

Selection Process

Selection is the system of functions and devices adopted in a given company to

ascertain whether the candidates’ specifications are matched with the job specifications

and requirements or not. The obvious guiding policy in selection is the intention to

choose the individual candidate who can most successfully perform the job from the

pool of qualified candidates.

Selection of personnel to man the organization is a crucial, complex and continuing

function. The ability of an organization to attain its goals effectively and to develop in

a dynamic environment largely depends upon the effectiveness of its selection

programme. If right personnel are selected, the remaining functions of personnel


management become easier, the employee contribution and commitment will be at

optimum level and employee-employee relations will be congenial. If the right person

is selected, he is a valuable asset to the organization and if faulty selection is made,

the employee will become a liability to the organization.

Selection Procedure

JOB ANALYSIS: Job analysis forms the basis for selecting the right candidate. It

includes a detailed study of the positions for which recruitments are to be made,

in the form of Job Description and Job Specification

HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN : Under this plan estimates are laid for the future

requirement of employees. This forms the basis for the future recruitment


RECRUITMENT : It refers to the process of searching for prospective employees

and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization.

DEVELOPMENT OF BASIS FOR SELECTION : This involves the selection of

appropriate candidates from the applicants’ pool by adopting suitable techniques

for screening.

APPLICATION FORM : This is also known as application blank. This technique

is utilized for securing information from the prospective candidates.

WRITTEN EXAMINATION : Application form is followed by written

examination for the short listed candidates for assessing the candidate’s ability,

aptitude, reasoning and knowledge in various disciplines.

PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW : Preliminary interview is to solicit necessary

information from the prospective applicants and to assess the applicant’s

suitability to the job.

TEST : Test is essentially an objective and standardized measure of sample of

behavior from which inferences about future behavior and performance of the

candidate can be drawn. Tests can be of following type:


o Aptitude Test : This test measure whether an individual has the capacity or

latent ability to learn a given job if adequate training. Aptitude test can be

further subdivided in to

Intelligence test

Emotional test

Skill test

Psychometric test

o Achievement Test : These tests are conducted to measure the value of a

specific achievement when an organization wishes to employ experienced


o Situational Test : This test evaluates a candidate in a real life situation

o Interest Test : These tests are inventories of the likes and the dislikes of the

candidate in relation to the job, work, occupations, hobbies and recreational


o Personality Test : These tests prove deeply to discover clues to an individual’s

value system.

o Multi-Dimensional Testing : Organizations develop such tests in order to find

out whether the candidates possess a variety of skills or not, candidate’s

ability to integrate the multi-skills and potentiality to apply them based on

situational and functional requirement .

INTERVIEW: In this step, the interviewer matches the information obtained

about the candidate through various means to the job requirements and to the

information obtained through his own observation during the interview. Tests can

be of following types:-


o Background information interview

o Job and probing interview

o Stress interview

o Group discussion interview

o Panel interview

o Decision making interview

MEDICAL EXAMINATION : Certain jobs require certain physical qualities like

clear vision, percept hearing, unusual stamina, tolerance of hard working

conditions, clear tone etc. medical examination reveals whether or not a a

candidate possesses these qualities.

REFERENCE CHECK : At this step candidates are required to give the names of

references in their application forms. This is done in order to verify the

information provided by the candidate.

JOB OFFER : After taking the final decision, the organization has to intimate this

decision to the successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. Those selected are

offered the job and the candidate has to communicate his/her acceptance to the

offer. He/she can also approach the organization for the modification of the job

letter and in case things are not working out the offer is rejected by the


EMPLOYMENT : The Company may modify the terms and conditions of

employment as requested by the candidate and thereby place them on the job.




Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ

someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the

organization. Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from

applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post. Recruiting individuals to fill particular

posts within a business can be done either internally by recruitment within the firm, or

externally by recruiting people from outside. The recruitment and selection process at

SRF PFBI begins with management determining the exact need of the posts to be filled.

There are a number of posts which have to be filled, for the different businesses. Then,

the management shortlists the resume of the candidate whose attributes match with the

job description and specification required for the job. The organization gets many

resumes of unsolicited applicants on a daily basis which they shortlist according to the

qualification and experience for a particular post. As the candidate visits to submit his

resume he is asked to fill in the first page of Personal Data Format (PDF) as shown in

Appendix 1, which is forwarded in the interview room.

The recruitment process at SRF PFBI starts with the enquiry/ walk-in management of

the candidate when he submits his resume, which consists of registration of the

candidates and eligibility verification of the candidate’s name, phone number, age,

qualification and experience. It also consists of taking two references of peers and

providing job brief and information regarding compensation, career progression and

expectation setting in the company.

Then, the screened candidates go through testing and evaluation stage . Where

selection tests are a valid method of assessing a candidate (i .e. effectively measures the

job criteria, is relevant, reliable, fair and unbiased – also considering the predictive

capacities of tests), they are an extremely useful tool and are recommended for use.

The candidates undergo a selection test and those who manage to score more than the

cut off make it to the next round. A sample of Aptitude Test is given in Appendix 3.


The Recruiter evaluates the tests and also validates the cut offs for them. The

evaluation sheets are then attached with the PDF sheet and interview assessment sheet

of the respective candidate before going in for the final interview.

As per the plan the final interview of the candidate will be with the management

personnel of the department and business for which the candidate has applied for. The

selected candidates are then made to complete the joining formalities and the rejected

ones are given feedback. A list of selected, shortlisted, on hold and rejected candidates

is also maintained by the organization for future use.


The Recruitment Process

Enquiry/ Walk-in Management

(Registration, References, Eligibility Verification, Job Brief)

Preliminary Interview/ Screening

(Job Understanding, Willingness, Compensation, Functional Knowledge)

Testing & Evaluation

Final Interview (CLIENT)


Advertisement Based Recruitment



Advertisement, Inserts (1 in 1 month)

Message/ Communication(Eng/Local Language)

Medium(Local Newspaper)

Walk-ins(75-100 per day)

Referrals150-200(2 from each walk-ins)




An induction programme is the process used within many businesses to welcome new employees to the company and prepare them for their new role.

Induction training should, according to TPI-theory, include development of theoretical and practical skills, but also meet interaction needs that exist among the new employees.

Benefits of an induction programme

An induction programme is an important process for bringing staff into an organization. It provides an introduction to the working environment and the set-up of the employee within the organization. The process will cover the employer and employee rights and the terms and conditions of employment. As a priority the induction programme must cover any legal and compliance requirements for working at the company and pay attention to the health and safety of the new employee.

An induction programme is part of an organisations knowledge management process and is intended to enable the new starter to become a useful, integrated member of the team, rather than being "thrown in at the deep end" without understanding how to do their job, or how their role fits in with the rest of the company.

Good induction programmes can increase productivity and reduce short-term turnover of staff. These programs can also play a critical role under the socialization to the organization in terms of performance, attitudes and organizational commitment.

A typical induction programme

A typical induction programme will include at least some of the following:

any legal requirements (for example in the UK, some Health and Safety training is obligatory) any regulatory requirements (for example in the UK banking sector certain forms need to be

completed) introduction to terms and conditions (for example, holiday entitlement, how to make expense

claims, etc) a basic introduction to the company, and how the particular department fits in a guided tour of the building completion of government requirements (for example in UK submission of a P45 or P60) set-up of payroll details introductions to key members of staff specific job-role training


Best practice

In order to fully benefit the company and employee, the induction programme should be planned in advance. A timetable should be prepared, detailing the induction activities for a set period of time (ideally at least a week) for the new employee, including a named member of staff who will be responsible for each activity. This plan should be circulated to everyone involved in the induction process, including the new starter. If possible it should be sent to the new starter in advance, if not co-created with the new starter

It is also considered best practice to assign a buddy to every new starter. If possible this should be a person who the new starter will not be working with directly, but who can undertake some of the tasks on the induction programme, as well as generally make the new employee feel welcome. (For example, by ensuring they are included in any lunchtime social activities.



It is always true that there is no end to learning and experimentation, similarly

we can never conclusively say that a study is complete. This study could also have

been more comprehensive but due to paucity of time, the number of vacancy floatations

and inductions were limited to a certain extent. Still the results deduced from the study

are well supported by the data available.

Had time permitted, the study could have also included the analysis of the interview

process and the success of the entire recruitment and selection process by calculating

ratios which were not included.

1. The data gathered over the entire span of this project may not be completely

accurate due to the unpredictability of human nature.

2. A short time-frame of only two months might not be enough to yield the desired

results that were envisioned during the commissioning of this project.

3. The results would had been better reflected if the study would had covered other

locations across the country

4. More representation from several departments at all levels would had given a

good mix to the respondents pool



Having considered all the responses available and the issues set out above, following

recommendations can be made:  

1. Though SRF PFBI follows a strict process for reference check but still at occasions

the existing format proves to be inefficient. The main fault is the type of reference

check used. Resume check is the only method of background check adopted by SRF

PFBI. Verifying the information furnished, with the references provided by the

candidate himself does this. This method is open to ample amount of manipulation.

Candidate may tend to conceal information, which may reflect a negative picture of

his background, and the same could be critical for the organization. For this

purpose SRF PFBI needs to adopt other methods of background check. These could

be of following types:

Criminal check : Here the candidate is checked for any involvement in unlawful

practices. This involves verifying with the local authorities that he/she is not

involved in any criminal activities. Else the candidate can also be asked to get a

certificate verifying the same.

Resume check: This is most common method wherein the information furnished

by the candidate in the resume is cross checked with his/her past employer, or

the references provided in the resume.

Education check : Education check demands the verification of the various

certificates and degrees awarded to the candidate. This pertains to verification of

the educational qualification assured by the candidate.

Drug screening : This is checked by the medium of a medical examination

Physical exam : Physical check is performed for the positions for which strength

and stamina is required. This can again be done by medical check

Psychological testing : A psychological test is a standardized instrument

designed to measure objectively one or more aspects of a total personality by


means of samples of verbal or nonverbal responses. Psychometric assessments

are used to enhance the quality and quantity of available information and to

promote fairness and equality of opportunity for all .

2. Ensure an up-to-date job description which contains information related to : Specific tasks and activities required for a job

The knowledge, skills and abilities required for effective performance by the job


3. Evaluate the recruitment strategy to determine its efficacy. For example: Conduct a cost-benefit analysis in terms of the number of applicants referred,

interviewed, selected, and hired

Compare the effectiveness of applicants hired from various sources.

4. Continuation of the Employee Referral Scheme and to monitor and expand the

scheme dependent on its success. But other sources should also be Incorporated to

bring high quality of talent to the company.

5. More information about job openings should be circulated at web-worlds all over

the country and the candidates could be screened through video conferencing at the

web-worlds itself so that the candidates don’t have to come all the way to another

city for the first round.

6. Other statistics should also be calculated from time to time to check the success of

the recruitment and selection process. They are:

Selection rate - Percentage hired from a given group of candidates

Acceptance Rate - Percentage of rejected job offers

Success Base Rate -Comparing percentage rate of past applicants who were good

employees to that of current employees.













Appendix 1: Personal Data Format (PDF)



POSITION APPLIED FOR _________________________


Passport size photograph to be


Name(Surname) (First Name) (Middle Name)

Father’s / Husband’s Name

Date of Birth: Place of Birth:

Blood Group: Marital Status:

Cast( Pls Encircle)


Present Address: Permanent Address:

Telephone: Telephone:


Family Details (include spouse, children, parents and dependants, if any):Name Age Relationship Occupation/ Prev.

occupation, if retiredIncome Rs.p.a.*

* approximate income per annum, in case of earning members

Languages Known: Speak:Read:Write:

Passport No.: Date of Expiry:



1. Academic details : (including Class X, XII, Graduation, PG, etc.)From(Mon




College / Institution Course/ Degree

Full/Part Time


Major Subjects/ Specialisation

Class/ %

2. Details of extraordinary achievements in academics, if any:

3. Membership of any professional organisations:

C. 1. EMPLOYMENT DETAILS (start with the most recent)


Organisation Designation Job Profile Reason for changeFrom(Mon &Year)




2. Organisation chart indicating reporting relationships: (current employer)

3. Present job responsibilities: (Please be brief, if required please attached a separate sheet)

4. Details of extraordinary achievements in job, if any:


5. Details of major training undergone or seminar participated in: (of more than 2 days duration)

Course Title Duration Institute, Location

6. Your strengths and areas of improvement:Strengths Areas of Improvement

7. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? What competencies will take you there?


1. I1. Interests / Hobbies / Extra curricular activities:

2. Particulars of material indebtedness (if any):

3. If you have been involved in criminal proceedings, give details:

4. Do you know anyone working with the SRF Group of companies?

5. Have you applied to any SRF Group of Companies earlier? If yes, give the details

6. Locational preference (if any): _______________________________________________


7. References (Do not mention relatives or friends. Please give three references including reference of your reporting authority in the previous organisation if possible. Freshers may give the Head of Department, Principal’s reference):

Name and designation Address Current phone and email


I declare that the information furnished by me is true. If, at any time, I am found to have concealed any information or having provided incomplete or false information my employment shall stand terminated.

lace: Signature

Date : Name


Components Monthly Annual Remarks



Reimbursements and Allowances



Telephone reimbursement

Uniform Allowance (for buying uniform)

Washing Allowance

Medical Insurance premium (if paid by the company)

Any other allowance

Car/Scooter/Bus/Transport allowance


Allowance being paid because of 12 hrs shift

Reimbursement for Magazines


Loan amount (pl mention interest amount also)







Any Exgratia amount (in lieu of bonus etc)

Any other (not included above)

Leave encashment rules

TOTAL (Gross)


1. Please give valuation of all the components ( LTA, Telephone, Magazines etc.)

2. In case you get selected for the position, for our records we would be needing your last salary slip / salary certificate from your company

Remuneration Expected : Rs._______________ p.a.


Appendix 2: Interview Assessment SheetINTERVIEW ASSESSMENT SHEET

Position Specification :  

Position: Unit : Grade: Process:

Personal information:  

Name Age Current salary

Qualification Experience Expected salary


1. Poor 2. Average 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Outstanding


Areas of Strength Area of Concern

1Knowledge about flexible packaging industry


2Knowledge about business candidate is currently working in


3Functional knowledge/Subject Knowledge


4Knowledge about related areas (Apart from his own)

5 Communication Skills      

6 Analytical and logical thinking      

7 General Awareness & IT Awareness      

8 Team Worker

9 Leadership / Initiative      

10 Values      

11 Salary negotiated      

Overall Assessment


Selected Shortlisted Hold Rejected

If not shortlisted/rejected, please give reasons :  


Date of Interview: __________________ Interviewer: ________________


Appendix 3: Sample Aptitude TestPLEASE DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON THIS BOOKLETInstructions to the Candidates:You will be given an Answer sheet separately for marking the answers. Candidates are requested to tick the right answer against the serial number of the question on the answer sheet.

Time allowed: 60 Minutes

There are 3 sections in this paper1. General Intelligence / Test of Reasoning2. Numerical Ability3. General ScienceAll Questions are to be answered.

1. If A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4 etc. what does the number “8514” make?a. HEAD b. IEAD c. EHAD d. HFAD e. none of these

2. A Husband and Wife had five married sons and each of these had four children. How many members were there in family?

a. 32 b. 30 c. 20 d. 27 e. none of these

3. Ram is taller than Shyam and Hari. Mohan is taller than Ram and Hari. Who is the tallest of the four,

a. Ram b. Shyam c. Hari d. Mohan e. none of these

Find out the best suitable answer. (Q 4-5)

4. Rubber is wrapped around electric wire becausea. It renders it easy to handle the wireb. It gives shape to itc. It makes the wire fit easilyd. It is a bad conductor of electricitye. none of these

5. We generally wear white clothes in summer because:a. They look beautiful and brightb. They reflect the rays of sun and keep us coolc. They soon appear dirty and by washing them more often we may keep cleand. They improve prestige e. none of these

6. A tap fills a tank in 10 hours and the other empties it in 8 hours. If both are opened at one and same time the tank will be filled in how many hours?

a. 18 hours b. Can never be filled c. 30 hours d. 40 hours e. none of these

7. Write the number of the choice which provides the answer in the followingIf 8x4=42 6x6=33 2x2=11 44x6=228 then 2x8=?a. 32 b. 16 c. 14 d. 4 e. none of these

Spot the odd man out in each of the following (Q8 – 11)

8. a. Ram b. Shyam c. Suresh d. Captain e. None


9. a. Chair b. Stool c. Book d. bench e. none of these

10. a. Car b. Bus c. Aeroplane d. Scooter d. none of these

11. a. School b. Student c. Factory d. Teacher e. none of these

12. Starting from a point you travel you travel north 4 miles, then turn left and travel west for 2 miles and then left again and travel for 4 miles. How far are you from the starting point.a. 3 miles b. 4 miles c. 2 miles d.1.5 miles e. none of these

13. B is the Father of C, but C is not the Son of B. what relation is C to B?a. Brother b. Niece c. Sister d. Son e. none of these

14. The sun rises to your left, which direction are you facing?a. East b. West c. North d. South e. none of these

15. A girl was required to meet his doctor in the evening every Sunday. The first time she came at 4.30, the next time at 5.20, then at 6.30, then at 8.00. When did she turn up after that?a. 9.20 b. 8.34 c. 9.54 d. 9.50 e. none of these

16. Which word comes first in the dictionary?a. Retain b. Retention c. Recalcitrant d. Reclaim e. none of these

17. A is seventh in the line from either end. How many people are there in the line?a. 15 b.14 c. 12 d. 13 e. none of these

18. What is 50% of ½a. 0.25 b. 0.50 c. 1.0 d. 0.1 e. none of these

19. What is the value of 1/0.002?a. 500 b. 200 c. 400 d. 150 e. none of these

20. If A=2, B=3, C=1, D=9. Find out the value of “ A2+B2+2C√Da. 19 b. 18 c. 13 d. 12 e. none of these

21. If A=-1, B=2 and C=-3, find out the value of A2+B2+2ABC-Ca. 20 b. –15 c. 10 d. –16 e. none of these

22. In a class of 20 students the average age is 16 years. If the age of the teacher is added to that student the average age of the class becomes 17 Years. Calculate the age of the teacher?a. 24 Years b. 37 Years c. 47 Years d. 57 Years e. none of these

23. The ratio of grandmother’s age and grandson’s age is 8:4. if the sum of their ages is 120 Years, how old is the grand son?a. 18 Years b. 22 Years c. 40 Years d. 42 Years e. none of these

24. If MOHAN is coded as 56237 and UMA is coded as 853, how can HANUMAN be coded?a. 2758373 b. 2378537 c. 2852337 d. 7783532 e. none of these

25. Let PQ = 32 Kms. A man starts from P and walks 16 Kms on the first day. On the second day he walks 8 Kms. On the third day, he walks 4 Kms and so on. (i.e. on each day he walks half of what he walked the previous day) when will he reach Q?a. In 16 days b. In 18 days c. In 32 days d. Never e. None of these

26. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? 25, 36, 49, 65,

a. 25 b. 49 c. 36 d. 65 e. None of these


27. AG is related to IO in the same way “EK” is related toa. MS b. LR c. PV d. SY e. None of these

28. Which number will complete the following series?6, 11, 21, 36, 56…………..

a. 51 b. 91 c. 42 d. 81 e. none of these

29. If ‘+’ means ‘÷‘ ; ‘X’ means ‘-‘, ‘÷’ means ‘+’ and ‘-‘ means ‘X’ than “16÷8X6-2+12=?”a. 22 b. 24 c. 23 d. 20 e. none of these

30. How many 3s are there in the following series which are immediately proceeded by an odd number?5 3 8 9 4 3 7 2 3 8 1 3 8 4 2 3 5 7 3 4 2 3 6

a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 7 e. none of these

31. the jelly like fluid found in eye ball is calleda. vitreous humour b. aqueous humour c. plasma d. CSF e. None of these

32. The phenomenon due to which bottom of tank filled with water appears raised, called?a. Dispersion b. Reflection c. Absorption d. Refraction e. None of these

33. One neno ampere is equal to…….?a. 10-3 b. 10-9 c. 10-6 d. 10-12 e. none of these

34. Unit of measuring electric charge is…….?a. Ampere b. Watt c. Jule d. Coulomb e. None of these

35. Water stored in dams has…..?a. Potential energy b. Kinetic energy c. Chemical energy d. Physical energye. None of these

36. What is the condition(s) necessary for Combustion?a. there must be a combustible substanceb. there must be a continuous supply of supporter of combustionc. the temperature of combustion substance should be above its ignition temperatured. All of the abovee. None of these

37. A natural satellite revolving around the earth is called….?a. Moon b. Venus c. Pluto d. Mars e. None of these

38. A cluster of billions of stars is calleda. Constellation b. Cassiopeia c. Galaxy e. Orion e. None of these

39. A gas present in air which turns lime water milky is called….?a. Carbon mono oxideb. Oxygenc. Carbon dioxided. Nitrogene. None of these

40. The temperature at which a solid starts changing into its liquid state, without any rise in temperature is called its…………

a. Melting point


b. Boiling pointc. Critical temperatured. Absolute temperaturee. None of these

41. ‘Na cl’ is called as ……a. Sodium chloride b. Rock salt c. Common salt d. All of the above e. None of these

42. Chemical composition of Chalk is….a. CaCo3 b. Na2Co3 c. CaO d. NaHCo3 e. None of these

43. Calculate the number of neutrons in Oxygen atom having Mass number = 16 and Atomic Number = 8.

a. 24 b. 8 c. –8 d. 4 e. none of these

44. Formation of Na ion takes place bya. Addition of 1 electronb. Addition of 2 electronc. Removal of 1 electrond. Removal of 2 electrone. None of these

45. Amount of Silver present in German Silver isa. 90% b. 15-20% c. 75% d. 10% e. none of these

46. A pure diamond is a. Colorless b. Transparent c. Brittle d. All of the above e. None of these

47. Cell wall presents in a. Animal b. Plant c. Bacteria d. Option b & C e. None of these

48. Malaria is caused bya. Virus b. Bacteria c. Protozoan d. Fungi e. None of these

49. Which one of the following is water borne disease?a. Malaria b. Cholera c. Chicken pox d. All of the above e. None of these

50. 1 mm = ___________ Micronsa. 10-2 b. 10-3 c. 10-6 d. 10-9 e. none of these

Answer Sheet for Evaluation

Q. No. Options  

Q. No. Options


1   b c d e 26 a b c   e2   b c d e 27   b c d e3 a b c   e 28 a b c   e4 a b c   e 29 a b   d e5 a   c d e 30 a b   d e6 a   c d e 31   b c d e7 a b   d e 32 a b c   e8 a b c   e 33 a   c d e9 a b   d e 34 a b c   e10 a b   d e 35   b c d e11 a b   d e 36 a b c   e12 a b   d e 37   b c d e13 a b c d   38 a b   d e14 a b c   e 39   b c d e15 a b c   e 40   b c d e16 a b   d e 41 a b c   e17 a b c   e 42   b c d e18   b c d e 43 a   c d e19   b c d e 44 a b   d e20   b c d e 45 a b c d  21 a b   d 46 a b c   e22 a   c d e 47 a b c   e23 a b   d e 48 a b   d e24 a   c d e 49 a   c d e25 a b c   e 50 a   c d e



Tripathi, P.C., Human Resource Development, New Delhi, Sultan

Chand & sons, 2003.

Rao, V.S.P., personal management, New Delhi, Sultan Chand &

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Business Research Methods by William G. Zikmund



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