mapeh ii

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 MAPEH II


    Republika ng PilipinasKAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON


    Lungsod ng Dabaw

    Third Quarter Examination

    MAPE !!

    S"Y" #$%#& #$%'Name())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Yr*Se+())))))))))))))))


    I.MUSIC. Multiple Choice: Blacken the circle that corresponds to your answer. !"pts.# a b c d

    !. $hich o% the %ollowing &usical instru&ents is an idiophone o% 'outh andCentral (sia which is co&pared to the Philippine suling)

    a. *ayb. +anun

    c. ,udd. Dabakan

    -. ( stringed instru&ent that is co&pared to Philippine banduria.a. *ayb. +anunc. ,udd. Dabakan

    . /he %ollowing are chordophonesE,-EPT one.a. 'hakersb. 0ongs

    c. Lutesd. Xylophones

    1. Maria wants to sing a song %ro& 'outh and Central (sia2 be%ore singing whatshould she has to consider %irst)

    a. 3ocal /i&breb. Rhyth&c. 4or&d. Melody

    5. 'hakers and gongs belong to what group o% &usical instru&ents)a. Chordophone

    b. Me&branophonec. (erophoned. Idiophone

    6. /he 7ocal ti&bre o% Indian is nasal while Iranian is2a. throatyb. headc. sobbingd. &i8ed ti&bre

    9. $hat scale does Central (sian &usic o%ten use)a. Pentatonic scale

    b. Diatonic scalec. Polyphonic scaled. Rhyth&ic scale

    . ( kind o% &usic in Bangladesh that is &ostly linked to prayer.a. Bailab. Banglac. Carnaticd. ;industani

  • 8/13/2019 MAPEH II


    ither instru&ent is co&paredto Philippine2

    a. Banduriab. 'ulingc. Dabakand. 0uitar

    !". /he Philippine dabakan has a rese&blance to the &usical instru&ent o%

    Middle ?ast called2a. /ha&&ata&ab. ,udc. Darabukkahd. ;and Rabana

    II.ART"Multiple Choice: Blacken the circle that corresponds to your answer. !"pts.#

    !. /he 'outh and Central (sian arts are in%luenced by the %ollowing religionsE,-EPTone2

    a. Isla&

    b. Buddhis&c. Christianityd. ;induis&

    -. It is a &onu&ent in India which either shelters a sacred relic2 or &arks thesite o% an i&portant e7ent in the li%e o% a Buddhist saint.

    a. 'tupab. /a@ Mahalc. 0alle 4ortd. Balbal

    . /he per%or&ing arts o% the /urkic people are 7ery di%%erent %ro& other

    traditions. $hat religion in%luenced the& to beco&e uniAue)a. Isla&b. Buddhis&c. Christianityd. ;induis&

    1. /he %ollowing are %a7ored things that the tribes o% Central (sia shared o% intheir no&adic 'cytho(ltaic 7isual arts E,-EPT.a. Beltsb. *aturec. =ewelryd. (ni&als

    5. It is one o% the oldest cra%ts in 'ri Lanka and is still used by thousands o%people as a daily utensil.a. batiksb. @ewelryc. &askd. pottery

    6. (n ele&ent o% art which re%ers to the continuous &ark &ade on so&e sur%aceby a &o7ing point.

    a. Lineb. Pointc. 'haped. 'pace

    9. /he artworks o% Central (sia is &ore on2a. *atureb. (ni&alsc. Religious sub@ectsd. Buildings

  • 8/13/2019 MAPEH II


    . *icoleEs painting is &ore on %airies2 &ountains and ani&als. It is co&&ona&ong paintings in2a. Central (siab. 'outheast (siac. 'outh (sia

    d. $est (sia

  • 8/13/2019 MAPEH II


    characteristic o% a good de%ensi7e block)

    a. it reAuires anticipating the direction the ball will go once the attack takes place

    b. it &ay reAuire calculating the best %oot work to e8ecuting the per%ect block

    c. it reAuires the ability to pre7ent the ball %ro& touching oneEs court

    d. @u&ping and reaching to penetrate with oneEs ar&s and hands o7er the net and into the

    opponents area

    GGGGG. ItEs a sports consists o% ele7en !!# players each tea&s2 the ob@ecti7e is to pass the

    whole circu&%erence o% the

    ball Inside the goal.

    a. basketball b. 7olleyball c. soccer d. baseball


  • 8/13/2019 MAPEH II


    GGGGG!1. ( corner kick is a &ethod o% restarting play. $hen does a corner kick is awarded)

    a. when a ball was kick outside the %ield o% play

    b. when a ball passes o7er the touch line

    c. when a ball passes o7er the goal line

    d. when a ball passes o7er the head o% an opponent

    GGGGG!5. /he tea& scoring the greater nu&ber o% goals during a &atch is the winner. $hen is a

    goal scored in soccer)

    a. when the whole o% the ball passes o7er the goal line2 between the goalposts and under

    the crossbar

    b. when the hal% o% the ball passes o7er the goal line2 between the goalposts and under the


    c. when the goalkeeper passes o7er the goal line2 between the goalposts and under the


    d. when all the players passes o7er the goal line2 between the goalposts and under the


    !/"EALT !!

    I Multiple Choice: ?ncircle the letter o% your answer.

    !. Responsible Parenthood is best describe as

    a. ( socially recogni>ed union between a &an and wo&an

    b. /he ability o% couples or parents to respond to the needs and aspiration o% the %a&ily and


    c. /he %unda&ental social group in the society

    d. /he process o% raising and educating a child %ro& birth until childhood

    -. /o be responsible parent is to

    a. Be physically2 e&otionally2 spiritually ready and be able to deal with the needs o% the %a&ily

    b. Marry at an early age

    c. 0i7e birth to &any children without considering its needs

    d. Pro7ide the needs o% the children but ha7e no ti&e to talk to the&

    . Responsible parents pro7ide the %ollowing to their children e8cept one

    a. Burden in all aspects

    b. 4inancial needsc. Moral and spiritual de7elop&ent

    d. Physical and &ental security

    1. ;e is the &ale parent o% a child

    a. Brother b. 4ather c. Mother d. 'ister

    5. It is the process o% raising and educating a child %ro& birth until adulthood

    a. 4a&ily b. Marriage c. Parenting d. /eaching

    6. 'he is the %e&ale parent o% an o%%spring

    a. Brother b. 4ather c. Mother d. 'ister

    9. ?ncouraging2 caressing2 and hugging a child is pro7iding hi&Hher

    a. ?&otional 'ecurity

    b. 4inancial security

    c. Moral De7elop&ent

    d. Physical 'ecurity

    . It is a socially recogni>ed union between a &an and wo&an

    a. 4a&ily b. Marriage c. Parenting d. /eaching

    !! & Read the 0tor1 and an02er the 3ue0tion0 4e5o2(

    /he Lo7e 'tory o% =oseph and Mary

  • 8/13/2019 MAPEH II


    =oseph and Mary %irst &et during the %irst day o% school when they were on their second year

    college. Both were &agically attracted to each other. =oseph courted Mary and they started dating %or

    the& to get to know &ore with each other. (s years passed by2 their relationship is going stronger and

    they pro&ised to stay no &atter what happens. /hey also pro&ised to %inish their studies and land a good

    @ob and both agreed to be ready e&otionally2 physically2 spiritually2 and %inancially be%ore settling down.

    *ow2 =oseph and Mary were already in their late -"Es.Both ha7e success%ully %inished their studies

    and landed a per&anent @ob. /hey belie7e that they were already ready in all aspects o% li%e. 'ince they

    both lo7e each other and want to enter into a lasting relationship2 they decided to get &arried and li7e a

    happy &arriage li%e./he &arried couple got %our children and they were able to supply all their needs. (s parents2 they

    are childcentered and o%ten &ake a dialog about the rules with their children. (s couple2 both re&ained

    %aith%ul2 honest2 and loyal with each other that is why their lo7e and &arriage last until =oseph departed

    due to old age.

    !. =oseph and Mary started their relationship through

    a. Courtship b. Death c. 4riendship d. $edding

    -. $hy did they decided to get &arried)

    a. Because Mary was pregnant

    b. /heir parents want the& to get &arried

    c. /hey both lo7e each other and want to ha7e a lasting relationship

    d. /hey were both in their late -"Es and do ha7e a per&anent @ob. $hat kind o% parents are they)

    a. (uthoritati7e b. (uthoritarian c. Per&issi7e d. *eglect%ul

    1. /he couple =oseph and Mary is practicing what kind o% &arriage)

    a. ;o&oga&y b. Monoga&y c. Polyga&y d. Polyandry

    5. ;ow did the couple &aintained a happy &arriage li%e)

    a. Both re&ained %aith%ul2 honest2 and loyal with each other

    b. Both always argue on little or big things

    c. Both are lo7ing parents but =oseph has lo7ed another wo&and. Both re&ains %aith%ul but Mary is so sickly because o% poor li%estyle

    6. $ith the nu&ber o% children2 what is the si>e o% their %a&ily)

    a. '&all b. Ideal c. Mediu& d. Big

    9. ;ow did they end their &arriage)

    a. /hrough courtship

    b. /hrough death

    c. /hrough %riendship

    d. /hrough wedding

  • 8/13/2019 MAPEH II


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