maps! ed 270

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Maps/ MapasGabriela Saldana

(I’m teaching Spanish in a secondary level, the questions will be in Spanish and in English)

I was born in Portland, OR. Where were you born? Yo naci en Portland, OR. Donde nacistes tu?

Locate and name the countries that speak Spanish.Localize y nombre los paises que se hablan en Español.

Where is Brazil located at? Do they speak Spanish? I want to travel to Brazil, where do you want to travel to?Donde esta Brazil localizado? Hablan el Español alli? Yo quiero viajar algun dia allli, y tu donde quieres ir?

My parents are originally from, Tlaxcala, Mexico. Where are your parents originally from?Mis padres son originalmente de, Tlaxcala, Mexico. Do done son tus padres orignalmente de?

Bonus: In what other country do they speak in Spanish at Europe?En que otros paises se habla en Español en Europa?

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