march 1, 2020 - fpc

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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First Presbyterian Church of Kingwood5520 Kingwood Dr. | 281.360.5555 |

March 1, 2020

Contact Us:web:

phone: 281.360.5555facebook: @FirstPresbyterianChurchKingwood

instagram: fpc_kingwood

Adult Ministry Family Discipleship Class for Parents Wednesday evenings, Pastor Chad Erb will lead a discussion-based class on how the church and parents can work together to disciple children. The class will meet from 6:00 to 6:55pm on Wednesdays in the Chapel (during Ignition and Accelerate). Parents are invited to eat dinner with their children in Fellowship Hall before class (5:40pm). For Ignition parents, class will finish in time for you to join your children in the Ignition room for Closing Circle.

Wednesday Morning Footsteps has resumed its study The Challenges of Womanhood I. The lessons are formulated so that they build on a theme, but can also stand on their own – allowing anyone to join in at any time. Join us for fellowship, mission adventures, small group Bible study and life application. Footsteps meets Wednesdays from 9:30 – 11:00am, through April 29. All women are invited to join us for Small Group Bible Study, Fel lowship, Life Application and Mission Adventures. Contact Ginny Crook ( for more information.

Kindred Spirits “Jesus the King” is a study of the Gospels and in particular, the book of Timothy. Keller provides an in-depth perspective with an apologetic bent that is sure to cause everyone to see a different angle of Jesus’ life, death, and purpose.” Join us at 9:35am in the Parlor Sunday mornings.

Sisters in Christ meets Saturdays from 9:30-11:30am in the Conference room. This year we have been using a video + homework based program called “Soul Keeping, Caring for the Most Important Part of You” by John Ortberg. For more information, call Susie Swaner (281.793.3198) or Karen Kilby (281.797.0605).

Senior Ministry Lunch Bunch is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This month we’ll be going to Oriental Gardens at noon on March 10. Find Dorene at the Welcome Center, or contact her if you would like to attend ( or 281.360.5555).

Opera Leggera is celebrating 15 years by having a concert at the Nathaniel Center on March 21st at 7pm. Tickets are limited and are $30 each. Please contact Dorene Breach if you would like to attend ( or 281.360.5555).

Parables: Stories for Lent About a Kingdom and a King. Jesus said that he came that we may have life and have it to the full. While the glory of eternal life awaits those who are in Christ, Jesus is revealing to us a kind of life that can be lived here and now. Jesus’ parables are stories about this kind of life, the Kingdom of God life. As we journey with Jesus to the cross this Lenten season, let’s reflect on the truth that he died so that we may inherit this kingdom life, now and forever...real life! The sermon series begins today.

Promote your ministry team! Starting in this month, during our third Sunday Fellowship Breakfast, we would like to invite approved ministry teams to promote their ministries in the Fellowship Hall! Tables will be set up around the perimeter of the Fellowship Hall for these mini “Rally Days.” Tables are first-come, first-served and will be available when the church opens on Sunday morning.

Prayer Time Join us this Sunday afternoon, at 4:30pm in the Chapel, as we gather to pray for our church. During this time we will be lead by the Spirit focusing on prayers that help make us more like Christ, move us closer to the Kingdom and the truth. We will pray for our church’s future, leadership, and transformation.

In Our Prayers We encourage you to let us know when an illness, birth or death affects your family. Pastors, staff and church members pray for people on our prayer list each day and in our Tuesday morning Care Team meetings. Pastoral Prayer & Care Team includes: Sherry Arrick, Dorene Breach, Lisa Cummins, Mark Smith, Sabrina Hergert and Chad Erb. You can call the church at 281.360.5555 or email or fill out a prayer request card and hand it to an usher as we sing the first hymn. Requests remain on the list for two weeks unless more time is requested.

The Family of Joan Condit, (former member) following her passing on 2/21 in Plano, TX.The Family of Bob Potts, (Chad Erb’s grandfather) following his passing.Bob Niendorf, (Anne Niendorff’s husband) regaining strength in rehab facility.Jeremy Kim, (Bonnie & Yup Kim’s son) recovering from motorcycle accident in GA.Chuck Hanebuth, Sr. (father to Chuck & Debbie Hanebuth) prayers for healing.Larysa Rangel, (Jennifer Guzman’s cousin) scheduled for gall bladder surgery.Mary-Katherine (MK) Thibodeaux, (Peggy & Charles Rabalais’ daughter) waiting for results of biopsy.Kent Avery, (Bill & Frances Criner’s Son-in-law) experiencing complications from knee replacement surgery.Judy Crousu, recovering from surgery.

Our military men and women are very important to us. We pray for their safe homecoming daily. This prayer list is for all active duty Covenant Partners or immediate family members who are in combat zones.

Derrick Camino, USN Ryan Camino, USN Matthew Johnson, USMC Stephen Johnson, USMC Brendan Richardson, USAF

Today’s Flowers are given... • by Don & Paula Armstrong, in loving memory of their parents.

God’s Tithes and Our Offerings February 23 Offering ...................................... $33,645 Operating Contributions (YTD) .................... $1,370,380 Operating Budget (YTD) .............................. $1,351,876 February 16 Offering ....................................... $27,276 Communications Transition For publication,

website and other communications needs, an email can be sent to Beginning today the new weekly deadline for communication requests will be Mondays at 8:30am.

This Morning’s Schedule includes 8:15am - Traditional Worship 9:35am - Adult Discipleship Hour 9:35am - Contemporary Worship 11:05am - Traditional Worship 11:05am - All Ages Discipleship Hour 4:30pm - Prayer Time

9:35am Service

Leading in WorshipRev. Chad Erb, Senior Pastor; Rev. Sabrina Hergert, Assistant Pastor; Dr. Mark Smith, Commissioned Lay Pastor;

Roland Zavala, Executive Director and Beth Jewett, Children’s Ministry Director

Worship Team Doran Woods, Worship Leader; David Citron, Cello; Andrew Grant, bass/piano;

Zach Lee, drums, Annie Grant, Vocals, and Bekah Barnett, violin/vocals

At First Presbyterian Church of Kingwood

Upcoming Events at First

Giving Made Easier Grace and generosity come to us through our Lord Jesus. He set aside his infinite riches and was born into the lowest circumstance. Through his humble poverty, we gain great riches (2 Corinthians 8:9). In response to unconditional love, we offer ourselves to the Lord through his tithes and our offerings. We may certainly respond to the Lord by putting a check or cash in the plate when it’s passed. You may also respond through technology by utilizing the giving page on our website. Scanning this QR symbol with your phone will grant quick access to the page where you can schedule regular giving back to God. Let us give joyfully and from the heart as the Lord has given to us.

Art Class beginning Wednesday, March 4, Margaret Grimmer is hosting an all ages art class. The class will start at 6:30pm, and is located in Room 217. Please call the church office to register as class size is limited.

Living Water International We are looking to build a team that will travel to southern Honduras June 7 - June 13. We will meet with a local Living Water team, travel to a community in need, assist drilling a water well, help teach hygiene, bible lessons, and be the hands and faces that share God’s love with others.

This year the Living Water fee is $1700/person. This includes airfare, lodging and meals. (A background check will also be necessary and the cost of this is usually less than $40.) Full and partial scholarship funds are available.

No past water well drilling experience or Spanish language skills are required; just willing hands and a willing heart. Please feel free to contact Cheryl Trobee ( or Mark Smith ( by March 29 with any questions.

Children’s Ministry Kids’ Church is a worship-time experience for children coordinated with the teaching of worship in the Sanctuary. Offered at 9:35 and 11:05am services, Kids’ Church is for children 4 years through 3rd grade, following the children’s message. Parents of first-time participants should accompany their children to the Narthex for check-in.

Taste and See Sacraments Class This parent-child workshop helps prepare children to participate in communion. It’s a 2-session, hands-on workshop that parents and their elementary children do together. It’s coming up Sundays, March 22 and 29 from 12:15 – 2:00pm (pizza lunch provided). For more info, contact Beth ( Register at

Student Ministry If you would like to receive the youth ministry weekly update about what’s going on in the ministry, or would like to discuss how to get students or volunteers plugged in, please email Travis Ziegenbein ( Wednesday Night Fellowship Momentum (middle school) upstairs in the CE wing from 5:30-7:00pm, bring $4 for dinner Octane (high school) upstairs in the CE wing from 7:00-9:00pm, bring $4 for dinner Sunday Morning Momentum (middle school) Sunday School from 11:05am-12:05pm in the Momentum room (CE 206) Octane (high school) Sunday School from 11:05am-12:05pm in the Octane room (CE 221) Youth Sunday School is a time for students and leaders to dive into The Word in a small group setting unpacking what it says and what it means for us in our lives. Every week offers a time of discussion and question-asking centered around a specific text for the week. Students are encouraged to interact with the text and bring their own observations and experiences into the Biblical conversation.

Confirmation begins March 15, for any students currently in 8th grade or higher, and will run through the middle of May. It will be Sunday evenings with one Wednesday evening and one Sunday morning towards the end. If you have a student interested in participating, please email Travis Ziegenbein (

GATHERING TO WORSHIP Songs Of Worship Leaning on the Everlasting Arms/ ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Medley Hosanna HEARING GOD’S WORD Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Special Music I’ve Got Peace Like a River Cherub Choir Scripture Reading Mark 1:9-15 Message “What is the Gospel?” Sermon Text Matthew 13:44-46 RESPONDING TO GOD’S WORD Offering How Deep the Father’s Love For Us

Apostles’ Creed Communion All Creatures Of Our God and King Let Our Faith Be Not Alone Benediction

8:15 & 11:05am Services

Leading in WorshipRev. Chad Erb, Senior Pastor; Rev. Sabrina Hergert, Assistant Pastor; Dr. Mark Smith, Commissioned Lay Pastor;

Roland Zavala, Executive Director; Beth Jewett, Children’s Ministry Director and Lay Readers: Karen Gee (8:15), and Carol Hunt (11:05)

Leading in Music Dr. Todd Miller, Director of Music; Dr. Robert Hunt, Organ; Dr. John Cornelius, Piano/Composer



*Call to Worship L: Welcome to the house of the Lord! P: It is good to be here together and worship in one voice. L: This is a time to offer our praise to God. P: We give praise to God who offers us rest and peace. L: Come, let us worship God who showers us with mercy. P: With joyful hearts, we thank God for our many blessings. *Hymn #2 God, Our Father, We Adore Thee! BEECHER

*Prayer of Confession(based on Psalm 119) Lord, forgive us when we doubt your mercy and your love. We are so caught up in what we want and when we want it. We can be thoughtless and impatient with you. We find excuses to focus on our own desires. We have trouble remembering that it is in the waiting that we hear your voice. Slow us down, Lord. Remind us again of your mercy and your love for us.

*Silent Confession

*Assurance of Pardon L: The Lord hears your cries. P: He heals our wounded hearts. L: God has plans for you. P: He is the Giver of all good gifts. L: The Lord has always loved you and will always love you. P: We will place our trust in God.

*Gloria Patriv

*Passing the Peace L: The peace of the Lord be with all of you. P: And also with you.

Special Music I’ve Got Peace Like a River Traditional American Melody Cherub Choir; Lindsey Herbert, director

Prayers of the People

LISTENING TO GOD’S WORD Scripture Readingv Mark 1:9-15

Anthem You Do Not Walk Alone Elaine Hagenberg Chancel Choir

Sermon “What is the Gospel?” Rev. Chad Erb Sermon Text: Matthew 13:44-46


Offertory Softly and Tenderly Will Thompson Mitchell Hutchins, tenor arr. William Cutter

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION L: The Lord be with you. P: And also with you. L: Lift up your hearts. P: We lift them up to the Lord. L: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. P: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

A Communion Prayer (In Unison)v

The Words of Institution

The Prayer of Consecration

The Gracious Invitation

The Serving of the Bread and Wine

Communion Music Original Arrangements John Cornelius

*The Prayer of Thanksgiving

*The Lord’s Prayerv (Please join hands as we unite our hearts) *Benediction


*Please stand if you are able vWords can be found on the screens

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