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March 15, 2020 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1


Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • C: 586-565-2600 • E: • Parish Centre: 26440 Ryan Road Warren, MI 48091 • 586-758-7711

Email: •

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email:

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email:

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

Regular Schedule of Divine Liturgies Sundays: 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 12:00 noon (English)

Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Saturday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English) Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m. (Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m. (Eng.) Confessions - During Liturgies

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings - make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

VOL. 57 / NO. 11 • THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT • TONE 7 • MARCH 15, 2020

Veneration of the Holy Cross

Troparion: Save your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance; grant victory to Your Church over her enemies and protect Your people by Your cross.

Kontakion: No long does the flaming sword guard the gates of Eden; for on them one finds the most glorious seal, the tree of the Cross. By it the sorrow of death and trhe victory of the Abyss have been conquered. For You, O my Saviour, stood and called out to those in the Abyss: Enter again into paradise.

Prokimen: Save your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.

Tret] Nedil] Postu Xrestopoklinna

Tropar: Spasy, Hospody, l[dej Tvo\x i blahoslovy spadko=mstvo

Tvo=! Daj peremohu blahovirnomu narodovi nad

suprotyvnykamy i xrestom Tvo\m oxorony l[d Tvij.

Kondak: Vwe ne sterewe edems/kyx bram zbro] vohnenna, bo

vony zlu;ylys] v preslavnomu so[zi - xresnomu

derevi, smertne walo j adova peremoha znyqeni. Ty

bo, Spasy mij, z']vyvs], promovyv'y tym, qo v adi: Uvijdit/ znovu do ra[!

Prokimen: Spasy, Hospody, l[dej Tvo\x i blahoslovy spadko=mstvo


We bow to Your Cross, O Lord, and we praise Your holy resurrection.

Xrestu Tvo=mu noklon]=mos/, Vladyko, j sv]te voskresinn] Tvo= slavymo.

March 15, 2020 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2

LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK Veneration of the Cross Sunday, March 15, 2020 (Pr.Bk. pg. 225, 276)(Mol. st. 219, 267) Heb. 4: 14-5:6; Mk. 8: 34-9:1 8:30 #1491 + Ivanka Kuczer — I. Tomkiw 10:00 — For The Parish 12:00 #1326 ++ Petro & Maria Derkacz - Halyna & Odarka

Monday, March 16, 2020 (Mrts. Sabina & Papas) 1 Tim. 6: 17-21; Mk. 14: 53-65 8:30 #1445 ++ Iwan & Mychajlo — P. Szykula #1468 + Michael Malaniuk — Murskyj Family 6:00pm — Stations of the Cross (English)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 (Ven. Alexis) 2 Tim. 1: 1-7; Mk. 14: 66-72 8:30 #1070 + Maria Kuchar-Soroka — R. & A. Pawluch

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 (VBish. Cyril) 2 Tim. 1: 8-18; Mk. 15: 1-21 8:30 #1458 + Hryhori Jurkiw — Daughter

Ukrainian Village 11:00 #1338 + Lubomyr Lypeckyj — E. Repeta

Thursday, March 19, 2020 (Mrts. Chrysanthus & Daria) 2 Tim. 2: 1-10; Mk. 15: 22-32 8:30 #1113 + Marian Babey — M. & R. Wroblewski

Friday, March 20, 2020 (Frs. of Sabbas) 2 Tim. 2: 11-19; Mk. 15: 33-47 8:30 #1532 + Barbara Gorday — R. Dyell #1541 + Anna Kowal (1yr) w/panakhyda — E. Paszkewycz *6:00pm — Stations of the Cross (Ukrainian)

Saturday, March 21, 2020 (Conf. James) Heb. 6: 9-12; Mk. 7: 31-37

9:00 #1469 + Lev Murskyj Sr.— Murskyj Family #1525 + Fr. Jerome Barnych, OSBM — OLPH Sodality — Sorokousty

4:00pm #1153 + Luba Haliw & Eugenia Perih — O. Shalay

Sunday, March 22, 2020 (Pr.Bk. pg. 226, 278)(Mol. st. 220, 269) Heb. 6: 13-20; Mk. 9: 17-31 8:30 #1483 Health & God’s Blessings for Olena Papiz — O. Zanke 10:00 — For The Parish #1145 Health & God’s Blessings for Happy Birthday Jaroslaw & Diana Kusznir

12:00 #1453 + Romana Kohut — A. Bohay

Altar Cleaning: Victoria Maksimowich and Shirley McMellen

Fr. Bernard Panczuk, OSBM, Fr. Lawrence Lawryniuk, OSBM, Sr. Joan Weiss,

Nicholas Allen, Lisa Thompson-Burton, Chuck, Oleh Cieply, Jeanette Cionka, Connie Dorosz, Donna Herrick, Rebecca Holowaty, Eugene Iwasiuk, John Kobasa, Eugen Kondziolka, Christina Lloyd, Nancy McCarthy, Walter Mosuriak, Patrick Nordstrom, Mary Spear, Pat Szymanski, Michael Tereck Jr., Teri Turak, David Tyro, Mark Tyro, Lance Woodliff, George Zwierzycki

- All our elderly parishioners and parishioners that are ill, in nursing homes and home bound. Also for all men & women in Military Duty and for peace in the United States and Ukraine.

Za naqyx star'yx i xvoryx parafi]n kotri ne mowut/ pryxodyty do

cerkvy. A takow za na'yx vo]kiv i za myr v Ukra\ni i v Ameryci.

Please notify us of any updates to the list. Thank you.

+ May They Rest in Peace +

Maria Stefanyuk passed away on February 27, 2020 at the age of 73 and was buried from St. Josaphat on March 6, 2020 at St. Hedwig Cemetery.

Walter Stepanenko passed away on March 2, 2020 at the age of 80 and was buried from Mandziuk Funeral Home on March 6, 2020.

Please Remember Them In Your Prayers


Alexandra Walls daughter of Justin Walls and Oksana Blowytsky was baptized in our church on Sunday, March 8, 2020.

Vivienne San-Blowytsky daughter of Alexander Blowytsky and Alice San was baptized in our church on Sunday, March 8, 2020.

God Bless Them and Mnohaya Lita!

Sorokousty Services during Lent Sorokousty services for your deceased loved ones will be held on Saturday mornings after the 9:00a.m. Liturgy during Lent. Please submit your list of names in the proper envelope and drop it into the collection basket.

Sorokousty pid;as Postu

Molytvy za naqyx pokijnyx (sorokousty) budut/

vidpravl]tys] po subotax, 9:00 rano pid;as Postu.

Bud/ laska podajte imena vaqyx pokijnyx uwyva[;y

ozna;eni konverty.

Memorial Easter Plants

Easter flowers can be ordered that will be placed in church for Easter. Each plant is $25.00. Please contact the church office.

Kvity do Bowoho hrobu mowna zamovl]ty

v cerkovnij kancel]ri\. Cina - $25.00.

Please Pray For The Sick

March 15, 2020 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

Providence sends to each one of us? The answer is quite simple: because without a personal cross there is no personal salvation, just as without the Lord’s Cross, without His crucifixion & suffering there would be no salvation for mankind. By carrying His Cross, our Lord Jesus Christ opened the gates of paradise to us, while each one of us must carry his or her own cross in order to enter these gates. After Adam and Eve, fell into sin and were expelled from paradise, the earth became a vale of tears and suffering. Thus, living on earth in exile, we must well remember that there is no happiness on earth, & that all futile attempts by philosophers, thinkers, sociologists & other human minds to find happiness on earth have been simply a pursuit of a mirage. Happiness can be found only in the Heavenly Kingdom, where there is eternal rapture. On earth we see only glimmers of happiness, which show us what we have lost & what we must seek. For example, we find happiness in charity, when the divine trait of mercy fills our soul with joy. We find happiness in friendship, when the divine trait of love joins our soul with the souls of others. We find happiness in marriage, when our church union follows the example of the union of Christ and His Church. Finally, we find happiness in communion with God through prayer, church services and the sacraments. But all these feelings of happiness and joy are only shadows of true happiness in heaven. True happiness was directly given to Adam and Eve, but they lost it, & now we, their descendants, must earn this happiness by bearing our personal cross. However, we must remember that it is not enough just to carry our cross, i.e. endure the sorrows and suffering that are sent to us. Simply bearing a cross does not yet make it a means of salvation for us. Our personal cross helps us attain salvation only when we turn our cross into the cross of Christ. We must bear our cross in the same manner in which Christ bore His. Let us consider the distinguishing characteristics of the Cross of Christ, & incorporate them into our own life, into our own cross. First, there is complete obedience to the will of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ, being God, could have saved us in any other way, but the will of God chose that which was the most horrifying in human sin, the most cruel, in order to expiate sin completely, & He showed absolute obedience to His Father, in order to fully expiate the disobedience of our forefathers & their violation of God’s will. We, too, must obediently accept all the sorrows which God sends us, & must firmly believe that it is these very sorrows, & none other, which will lead us into the Heavenly Realm. Secondly, Jesus Christ exhibited absolute patience. He suffered terribly & at great length, yet He drank to the last bitter drop the full cup of torment, & endured it patiently and meekly. So should we bear our sorrows patiently and meekly, in the belief that the Lord will never give us more than we can bear. The Lord, seeing our effort, give strength to us and will even lighten our cross considerably, in accordance with His Own words: for my yoke is easy and My burden is light. And thirdly, the Lord bore His cross with joy: joy at seeing the ancient enemy - Satan - being vanquished; joy at seeing mankind liberated from captivity; joy at seeing man - the crown of God’s creation - once again entering the place of bliss that had been prepared for him. Let us, too, each one of us, carry his cross with joy: joy because in this cross is re-vealed God’s love for us; joy because this cross affiliates us to God; joy because this cross opens for us the way into paradise.

“Хrestu Тvo=mu Пoklan]=mos/, Вladyko,

i Сv]te Вoskresinn] Тvo= Сlavymo!”

У половині посту ми беремо хрест, щоб нести його з любов’ю об’єднані у терплячому Христі. У цю третю неділю Святого Посту ми виносимо урочисто хрест, щоб його почитати. Чи можемо ми почитати те, що не любимо? Чи можемо ми цілувати те, що нам не до вподоби? Уважаймо, щоб під цим поцілунком не був “поцілунок Юди”: на зовні одне, а в середині – інше. Сьогоднішній поцілунок хресного дерева нехай буде поцілунком: вдячності за все, що Господь Бог дає, поцілунком любові, котра єднається у милосерді, поцілунком довіри, що виявляє підтримку. Терпіння на цій землі були і будуть Людина після того, як покинула райське життя, почала жити “життям терпіння” і “трудностей”. Що правда дехто з людей пробує створити рай на землі і, можливо, йому це виходить і, можливо, він це показує назовні, але кожна людина в середині своєї душі знає, що справжній рай не існує тут на землі, тут можна відчути тільки частину того, що приготував нам наш Творець. Кожному “земському раю” приходить на заміну терпіння. Доказів цьому непотрібно. Наш досвід життя – справжній доказ. Отже, поки ми є тут на землі, терпіння – це частина нашого життя. До них можемо ставитися порізному: приймати їх, любити їх і використати їх нам на спасіння, або існує інший варіант: це втікати від них, боятися їх, відкидати їх, перекидати на плечі инших, а коли їх не можливо уникнути, тоді приходить хвилина справжнього страждання. Правда тут є проста – нам вирішувати, як ми будемо ставитися до наших незручностей та трудностей, і нам рішати: продовжувати боротися із трудностями чи втікати від них. Христос нас повчає, щоб ми взяли на себе свій хрест і йшли за ним. Ми, християни, учні Ісуса Христа є щасливі, бо маємо чіткий дороговказ в тому, як діяти, коли є терпіння. Найперше – це не відкидати, а “взяти хрест.” Зробити так, як Він це зробив. Друге – це взяти “свій” хрест. Твоє життя – це твій хрест.

Our Cross and the Cross of Christ. 3rd Sunday of Great Lent

Throughout the Sundays of the Great Lent and its preparatory period, the Church teaches us the different aspects of Lent which we must incorporate into our lives. The Church teaches us humility (Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee), repentance (Sunday of the Prodigal Son), the fear of God (Sunday of the Last Judgment), inner prayer, which is the highest form of communion with God (the 2nd Sunday of Lent). The 3rd Sunday of the Great Lent is dedicated to yet another very important aspect of Lent in our lives - the bearing of one’s cross. And, as the supreme example of the bearing of one’s cross - the Cross of our Savior lies before us that entire week. Why is it so important and so necessary for us to carry in our cross, the totality of sorrows & suffering which Divine

March 15, 2020 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 4

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

Helen Senyk, Sonia Kushnir, Sylvia Sukiennik, Maria Zarycky, Maria L. Kohut, Myron Andrash,

Nancy Stasyk, Taras Lichonczak, Roberta Wroblewski, Lydia Nestorowich, Jaroslaw Weliczko, Yaroslava Glinska,

Patricia Blazinski, Lesia Szkilnyk, Taras Rudnitsky, Kristina Chapp, Alexandra Oleksienko, Yuliya Romanyshyn, Madisyn Szajenko

Mnoha] Lita!

Names printed are for birthdays for this week — from Sunday thru Saturday

Sunday Coffee Schedule

1st Sunday - K of C — coffee & sweets

2nd Sunday - Mothers in Prayer Group — borsh, coffee & sweets

3rd Sunday - UNWL Br. 142 — borsh, coffee, sweets …….. 4th Sunday - OLPH Sodality — coffee & sweets

Meetings / Sxodyny

St. Josaphat Knights of Columbus #8441 will hold their meeting on Monday, March 16th - 7:30pm.

Fish Fry - Pyrohy Preparation Schedule:

Tuesday, March 17th (in the morning) We will be preparing the potatoes and onions.

Wednesday, March 18th (in the morning) We will be making the pyrohy.

Please, if you can spare some time during set-up and clean-up — it would be greatly appreciated. Please sign the volunteer sheet before the time your scheduled to work.

Prac] oxotnykiv do Rybno\ Ve;eri

Vivtorok, 17-ho berezn] (rano) —pryhotovlenn] pyrohy.

Sereda, 18-ho berezn] (rano) — robyty pyrohy.

Pidpys: Prosymo vsix pidpysatys] na spystku

pracivnykiv - oxotnykiv u kuxni.

Fish Tales………

Kudos to our “Bakery”. Delectable treats are donated by our parishioners. Torts, pies, cookies, cakes and jello all packaged and presented by our team of bakery workers. Our Ladies of Perpetual Help Sodality prepared and baked 29 apple pies to sell. What a feast!!! Paskas will be available for several weeks. Ready for your Easter baskets. The Bakery takes in thousands of dollars every year. This is all total profit. Amazing!!! Thank you and keep those pastries coming. Also a quick mention and word of thanks to our wonderful busser’s!!! They keep our tables cleared with a smile. They “love their job”. Without them, we would be a mess and could not function. More news to come from the……. Fish Fry Team

Українські Католицькі Школи Непорочного Зачаття


Повний та скороченний день Передшкілля Програма для дітей 3-4 літньої вікової групи

Садочoк та учнів 1-8 класі на 2020-21 навчальний рік.

Зацікавлених відвідати нашу школу запрошуємо звернутись у шкільне бюро (586) 574-2480 чи дзвонити по тел.(586) 907-8552 з 10:00 ранку до 3:00 вечора.

Дорога громадо, наші Українські Католицькі школи Непорочного Зачаття мають особливу програму для вашої дитини (в штаті Мішіган не існує другої подібної школи), де Ваша дитина може вивчити англійську, українську та іспанську мови, у свому рідному оточенні. Запрошуємо батьків відвідати наші Школи та краще ознайомитися з нашою навчальною програмою.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools 29500 Westbrook · Warren MI 48092 (586) 574-2480 REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2020/21 SCHOOL YEAR

Preschool—Kindergarten & Grades 1-8

Challenging curriculum - Low student to teacher ratio. IC Schools consistently score in the top percentile on the Iowa tests. IC’s seventh grade class scored highest in Math, higher than any other school in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Nurturing, caring and safe environment. Hot lunch and after school programs – Extensive extracurricular activities. Offer religion and language courses.

Immaculate Conception Elementary School and Academy are under the special patronage of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin, in Her particular privilege of the Immaculate Conception. They are directed by the religious order of St. Basil the Great and sponsored by Immaculate Conception and St. Josaphat parishes.

From Preschool through Grade 8, Immaculate Conception is preparing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in high school and the faith and wisdom to succeed.

Immaculate Conception Schools Sponsor a Child program

Our Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools have a financial assistance the program is dedicated to cover the annual tuition costs of specific students with economic need. All donations to the program are tax deductible. To sponsor a child, please make your checks payable to 'IC Schools Sponsor a Child Program'. If you have any questions please contact: Fr. Daniel Schaicoski at 586-907-8552.

Den/ Rybno\ Ve;eri

Pid;as Postu

Every Friday

February 28th thru April 3rd

4:00pm till 8:00pm

serving Fish dinners,

Pyrohy dinners, Baked goods & Coffee

poda=mo Rybu, Varenyky, Solodke i Kavu

St. Josaphat Banquet Ctr Dine in or Carry out 586-565-2600

March 15, 2020 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 5 Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church

St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools

invite you to


in Gratitude and Commemorating

Fr. Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM

Silver Jubilee of Service - 25 Years 22 Years of Service to IC Church and Schools

Program: Divine Liturgy - Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 10:00a.m.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church 11700 McDougall St., Hamtramck, MI

Easter Dinner - Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 1:30p.m. St. Josaphat Banquet Center 26440 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48091

Dinner tickets: $40.00 per adult $15.00 per child (6-12yrs) Tickets available at: Immaculate Conception and St. Josaphat Churches and Immaculate Conception Schools Table Reservations by April 20th — IC Church office 313-893-1710 On this special celebration for our Churches and Schools community, we welcome special donations towards Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools. Help us educate the future leaders of our community. Your tax deductible donations will be acknowledged in our Church and Schools bulletins. Thank you.

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus

took hold of me”. Phil. 3:12

Українська Католицька Церква Непорочного Зачаття

Українська Католицька Церква святого Йосафата

Українські Католицькі Школи Непорочного Зачаття

Запрошують Вас на


і святкування 25-ої річниці священослужіння

отця Даниїла Чайковського, ЧСВВ а також 22-ої річниці його служіння в церквi і школах Непорочного Зачаття

В Пrohrami Сv]tkyvan/:

Урочиста Свята Літургія в неділю 26 квіня 2020р. о 10:00 год. ранку Українська Католицька Церква Непорочного Зачаття

11700 McDougall St., Hamtramck MI 48212

Великодній Oбід в неділю 26 квіня 2020р. o 1:30пп. Бенкетний зал св. Йосафата 26440 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48091

квитки – $40.00 vid osoby $15.00 dity (6-12rokiv)

Квитки можна придбати в церквах Непорочного Зачаття, св. Йосафата та в школі Непорочного Зачаття. Замовлення столів – в офісі церкви Непорочного Зачаття до 20 квітня

“Не тому, що я вже досягнув, або вже вдосконалився, але прагну, чи не досягну я того, чим і Христос Ісус

досягнув був мене” До филип'ян 3:12.

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