march 2019 purim 2019! · more information pg. 11 saturday, march 9 9:30 a.m. torah study and...

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The BulletinC O N G R E G A T I O N S H A A R E E M E T H

March 2019

DON’T MISS Congregation Shaare Emeth


PURIM 2019!

S A V E T H E D A T E !

Family-friendly 2nd Night Passover Sederwith Special Musical Guest, Rick Recht and Our Song-Leaders-in-Training under the Direction of Lucy Greenbaum!

APRIL 20 – 5:30 P.M.

$36 – Adults $15 – Children ages 4-12 Free under 4 years


Turn to page 6

for information

on all of


Shaare Emeth’s

exciting Purim



Worship ScheduleFRIDAY, MARCH 1 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, Simchat Shabbat March Birthday Blessings and Activities for young children

SATURDAY, MARCH 2 9 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Zachary Cohen, son of Susan and Bob Cohen, becomes a Bar Mitzvah 9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Natalie Glidewell, daughter of Darcy and Dan Glidewell, becomes a Bat Mitzvah

FRIDAY, MARCH 8 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, Tzedek Shabbat Guest Speaker: Dorothy Pressman-Tepper, Director of L.E.A.D Promising Youth More information pg. 11

SATURDAY, MARCH 9 9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Ryan Taekens, son of Stacy and Kevin Taekens, becomes a Bar Mitzvah

FRIDAY, MARCH 15 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service

SATURDAY, MARCH 16 9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish

FRIDAY, MARCH 22 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. Symphony Shabbat A free, hour long concert featuring St. Louis Symphony musicians. Open to the public, no tickets or reservations necessary.

SATURDAY, MARCH 23 9 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Ty Adams, son of Courtney and Charles Adams, becomes a Bar Mitzvah 9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Max Chernoff, son of Elizabeth Hawkins-Chernof and David Chernoff, becomes a Bar Mitzvah

FRIDAY, MARCH 29 5:30 p.m. Tater Tot Shabbat 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6 p.m. Prayer Lab: A Mindful Shabbat Experience See back cover for details.

SATURDAY, MARCH 30 9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Margot Epstein, daughter of Deirdre and Jay Epstein, becomes a Bat Mitzvah

Can You Hear Me Now?Camp Emeth is hoping you can, and will help us purchase walkie-talkies for our staff.

Safety and security are critical to our camp program. Walkie-talkies allow our staff to stay connected throughout the day all around the campus.

We need your help to make sure that each of our camp groups has a walkie-talkie.

Can you hear me now? Please say “yes!”

To help fund our walkie-talkies, please contact Rosalie Stein at or 314-569-0010.


“How Can We Help You?”

“Why do you want to be a rabbi?” they asked me during my rabbinical

school interview many years ago. I don’t remember precisely what I said, but 40 years later, I am confident that my answer would be much the same: “I want to be a rabbi because I love helping people.

I love teaching and counseling and accompanying others in times of joy and sorrow along the path of life. I love building relationships that help others discover the joy that can come from finding Jewish meaning. I love bringing our ancient tradition to life. I love leading worship, teaching Torah and other text and ideas and helping people make sense of the wisdom of those who came before us. I love joining with others in putting our Jewish values into action to make our world a kinder, more peaceful and more just place. I love helping others in every way.” In fact, I believe that I and the other rabbis and cantor and each of our Temple staff are motivated by this simple question: “How can we help you?”

And in order for us to help you, we need you to help us. How? There are so many ways. Here are just a few:

You can help us by providing us with the information we need to know how we can help you. You can contact the Temple office to let us know when you or your loved ones or friends are ill, at home, or in the hospital, or, when you or they have moved into a new home, apartment, or other facility.

You can help us by keeping our Temple database up to date with your contact information, your family demographics and more so we can communicate with you and know about the changes in your lives.

You can help us by signing up to receive our weekly “ShaareMail,” by following the congregation on social media, and by opening and reading your Temple mail and email.

You can help us by contacting us before you book a wedding date, caterer, band, florist and venue so that one of the clergy can share your special day with you and help bring Jewish meaning into your simcha. You can help us by including us in other significant life cycle occasions to which we can and want to bring the presence of Jewish tradition and community.

You can help us by fulfilling your financial obligations to Temple when you are able, and by letting us know when you face financial challenges so that we can offer our assistance and support.

You can help us by attending a class, joining us for worship, participating with us in social action, joining us for a program, adding your voice to a committee, giving us your ideas, and showing up to see and be seen.

You can join us in putting our Jewish values into action by seeking and furthering justice, by being kind and compassionate, and by leading lives of humility in a quest to know the Divine.

You can help us to help you, by joining us in our commitment to the sacred partnership we have with each other.

This month we will celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim. Among Purim’s many themes is the idea that we are all responsible for one another. In the famous story of the book of Esther, the heroes of the story, Esther and Mordechai, rise above the apathy that so easily can overcome our lives and they realize that it is up to them to be in relationship with their community, to recognize the power of each individual, and to take action for the well-being of all. Each of us matters. I invite you to help us to help you to create and sustain such a community as well.

James M. Bennett, Rabbi

Counting Our Blessings

S A V E T H E D A T E ! B’chol Dor V’dor: In Every Generation – 11th Annual Shabbat St. Louis

Saturday, April 20For more information, contact, or connect with us on Facebook @shabbatstl.


From the PresidentThe other day I received a

voicemail from a congregant, asking me to call them back. I

don’t know whether it is human nature or just my nature, but my first reaction was “Uh-oh, what did I or the Temple do wrong?”. I returned the call, and to my surprise was greeted by the friendly

voice of a member of the B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh group, asking me to speak at their next monthly meeting. If you are like me, you may not have even known that this group existed. The B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh group has been meeting for years, and is comprised of roughly a dozen Shaare Emeth women who meet monthly to socialize, learn, share, eat, study and build community and friendships. The invitation to speak was sweetened with the offer to feed me dinner at the meeting. I gladly accepted.

I prepared for the meeting by jotting down a few topics that I thought might interest the group, but I really didn’t know what they wanted to hear. As I walked into the meeting, I was welcomed with big smiles and friendly introductions. First things first, as you would expect from a room full of Jewish mothers, they made sure I was well fed. As the meeting started, I asked each of the women how long they had been members of Congregation Shaare Emeth. Many shared their long histories at the congregation or shared a story of a fond Shaare Emeth

memory. Going around the table, I learned a lot about these women, but what stood out the most, was that they loved Shaare Emeth.

As the meeting progressed, I shared some of my planned remarks, such as why I’m passionate about Shaare Emeth, the origins of my “Raving Fans” concept and the idea that we should view membership responsibility as philanthropy. The women listened with great interest, asked thoughtful questions and respectfully made suggestions for desired changes at Shaare Emeth, which I’ll do my best to act upon. We had what I thought was a great, free-flowing conversation, and before I knew it, two hours had passed, and it was time to adjourn (after dessert of course).

My evening with the women of the B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh group can only be described as delightful. This is the kind of experience that I did not expect when becoming President of Shaare Emeth. It’s a true “perk” of the job. I’m thrilled that this group exists, and I love that Shaare Emeth is the catalyst for bringing these women together. A couple of days after the meeting, I received a card in the mail from my new friends of B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh. They thanked me for speaking at their meeting, proclaimed themselves Raving Fans of Shaare Emeth, and to my great surprise, made a donation to the Temple in my honor. I’m feeling grateful.

Mike Lefton, President

Andrew Rehfeld to Speak at Shabbat ServicesFRIDAY, MARCH 1

We are pleased to welcome Andrew Rehfeld, Ph.D., President & CEO of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, and President-elect of the Hebrew Union College –

Jewish Institute of Religion to speak about his vision for the College-Institute and its significance for the Reform Jewish community. Please join us to hear Dr. Rehfeld’s vision and to thank him for his contribution to our local Jewish community.


MakomSTL: A Place for Jewish Learning Make Monday Nights your Evening for Learning

March 4 – April 297:30 – 9:30 p.m. Registration required for all classes at

Questions? Contact Debbie Bram, Director of Jewish life and Learning, at or call 314-692-5308

MakomSTL: A Place for Jewish LearningAn initiative from the Adult Learning Committee at Shaare Emeth: Michael Sherberg, chair, Suzi Bayne, Vicki Platke and Bob Taxman in partnership with our Rabbis, Cantor and Debbie Bram, Director of Jewish Life and Learning.

Monday March 4 All the Food That’s Fit to Eat: An Exploration of Modern Kashrut (Kosher) Practices Rabbi Andrea GoldsteinThis class will look at the reasoning behind what it means to keep kosher and how people are finding new relevancy in these traditions today. Sampling and taste tests included. $10 members $15 guests

Monday March 11The Conversation ProjectRabbi Jessica ShafrinJoin Rabbi Jessica Shafrin as she leads a conversation about how to share your wishes for end-of-life care and how to have the conversation with your loved ones about their wishes as well. No charge, but registration required.

Monday March 18Unmasking PurimRabbi Lori LevineExplore texts and traditions around the upcoming holiday of Purim through the lens of hidden identities.No charge, but registration required.

Monday March 25Hungry for Something New for Passover? Aura KavadloAura is a woman who fuses the love of good food and Jewish knowledge...a win-win combination!$20 members $30 guests

Monday April 1Jewish Humor – the Funny and the Sad! Rabbi Jeffrey StiffmanJewish history and humor are unique. We laugh and cry at the same time. Is this meshuggah? No charge, but registration required.

Monday April 8Choose Your Own Adventure: An Easily Accessible Haggadah Making Workshop for Every Kind of Seder Rabbi Andrea Goldstein and Debbie BramParticipants will create a prototype for a unique haggadah (a booklet containing rituals and the Passover story) to fit the needs of any type of gathering. $10 members $15 guests

Monday April 15A Rabbi, A Pastor and an Imam walk into a . . . Rabbi Jim Bennett, Pastor Darren Casper and Mufti Asif UmanJoin the panel for a lively dialogue and discussion about their growing friendship and recent multi-faith adventures in Morocco, Abu Dhabi, Washington D.C. and right here in St. Louis.No charge, but registration required.

Monday April 22One Bam, Three Crack, Mahj Rosalie Stein, Beth Kodner and Susie FrankLearn the basics of the game and what it means when you hear bam, crack or dot. Please note: this class will begin at 7 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. No charge, but registration required.

Monday April 29Unpacking the Israeli ElectionsRabbi Jonah Zinn and Snir Dagan, our Israeli ShinshinTogether we’ll explore the results of the Israeli elections and consider their implications.No charge, but registration required.




10:30 a.m. CHILDREN’S PURIM SHPIELThe Shpiel will end with special recognition for children and adults who come in costume!

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. PURIM CARNIVAL The Purim Carnival Returns! (Just like Mary Poppins!)

Join us for a fun and exciting celebration! Look forward to:

• Lunch provided by MOSHE (Men of Shaare Emeth) cash, check, or credit card only

• Fun and exciting area for preschoolers in the B’nai El Chapel

• Games created by our own 6th grader students

• New and exciting inflatables

Don’t Forget Your Wristbands!

Purchase of a wristband per child is required. Wristband purchase includes unlimited games for the entire carnival.

Early Bird Price: $13 (Pre-sale available in the front office or online at until noon on Friday March 8th.)

Door Price: $15

Children two and under need no wristbands.

NEW THIS YEAR: SPONSOR A GAME BOOTH FOR $54.00!In exchange for sponsorship your name will appear on the booth and in all Purim publicity and you will get two free hamentashen of your choice. Deadline to sponsor a booth is March 5. Sign-up to be a sponsor online at Questions? Email Debbie Bram at

PURIM 2019! Congregation Shaare Emeth is Excited to Host Purim Festivities for all Ages!







Freedom Seder Congregation Shaare Emeth-Ward Chapel AMEWEDNESDAY APRIL 24, 2019 7:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. AME WARD CHAPEL

Using a specially crafted Haggadah, we will tell the stories of enslavement and redemption from both the Jewish and African-American perspectives. We will join together in songs of freedom and share our dreams for a more just and equitable world. Symbolic food will be tasted throughout the seder, but a full dinner will not be served.

Reservations required by Friday, April 18.

Sign up on-line at or by calling Shandi Greve Penrod at 314-569-0010.

Space is limited.

Thank you to the Harvey and Leanne Schneider Interfaith Fund for their help in underwriting this event.

PURIMPALOOZA!WEDNESDAY, MARCH 207 p.m. PURIMPALOOZA! PURIM SHPIEL KEHILLAH CENTERJoin us to welcome the evening of Purim with another hysterical original production from Patrick Siler and the Not-So-Ready-for-Purim Players in a “Purimpalooza!” Game Show!

Delicious hamentashen will be provided after the shpiel.

RSVPs appreciated to

Please bring a box or can of non-perishable food for the Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry to fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot L’evyonim, (gifts for the needy).


Upcoming EventsTorah StudyWEDNESDAYS, 10 – 11 A.M. SATURDAYS, 9:30 – 10:30 A.M.

Join our clergy and others in reading and discussing classic Jewish texts and discovering their meaning in our

lives. We begin with a moment of prayer and, on Shabbat morning, we conclude with Kaddish. All are welcome!

Morning MinyanMONDAYS, 7:15 – 7:45 A.M. THURSDAYS, 7:15 – 7:45 A.M.

Join together in Congregation Shaare Emeth’s Rubin Library for a meaningful early-morning prayer


Choir Rehearsal WEDNESDAYS, 7 – 9 P.M.

Join Ron Cytron for a new musical opportunity! No one is too old or young, no level of musical,

Hebrew, or choral experience is needed or expected – just a desire to sing and learn, and to be part of something uplifting. RSVP to


Monthly Yiddish Club led by members of the community.

Baby ‘n’ MeFRIDAY, MARCH 1, 8, 15, 29 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 13, 27 10 – 11:30 a.m.

No Baby ‘n’ Me the week of March 18

Come join us at Shirlee Green Preschool to socialize, share music, enjoy a snack, and

participate in a gentle activity for children up to two years old. There is no cost, but registration is required. Learn more at

B’Yachad Shabbat

Experience forYoung AdultsFRIDAY, MARCH 1 5:30 P.M. NOSH 6 P.M. SERVICE

For more information and to RSVP, visit

Kibitz CaféSUNDAY, MARCH 3 8 – 10:30 A.M.

Handcrafted breakfasts made and served by MOSHE (Men of Shaare Emeth)

Peter and PaulSUNDAY, MARCH 3 4 – 7 P.M. ST. PETER AND PAUL

Monthly volunteer opportunity to cook and serve dinner to the people of the Peter and

Paul Community Shelter. Please contact Jennifer Houser at if you would like to participate.

Room at the InnMONDAY, MARCH 4 | 5 P.M.

Shaare Emeth invites you to get involved with Room at the Inn! We need help with laundry,

children’s playtime, share-time with moms, sleepover planning, and cooking and serving dinner and breakfast.

Questions? Contact: Barb Feldacker at, Ronnie Brockman at or Debbie Bram at


Both the service and the hour-long concert are free and open to all. Please join us!


SERVINGKen's Fam�s French ToastShawn's Sup�b Salami and EggsOutstanding OmeletsBagels and L�Tea, Freshly Brewed Coffeeand much m�e!Always Hot • Always Tasty

M O S H E ( M e n o f S h a a r e E m e t h )

8-10:30 a.m.



12 P.M. Lunch Catered by Pasta House and hamantashen from Kohn’s.

1 P.M. Entertainment by Magical Fun: Magic and Comedy Featuring Laurence “Nothing Up My Sleeve” Levy.

Please let us know if you have any special dietary needs when you make your reservation.

RSVP by March 18, 2019 by mailing in the form that will come to your mailbox or by calling Congregation Shaare Emeth at 314-569-0010.

Please park on the south side of the building. Free Valet service is available.

This program is made possible through a grant from the Nathan Kahn-Ernestine Kahn-Charles Kahn Foundation of Congregation Temple Israel and by the Women’s Auxiliary Foundation for Jewish Aged.

Tater Tot ShabbatFRIDAY, MARCH 29 5:30 P.M.

A Friday evening Shabbat celebration for preschool age children and their families that

includes an interactive, developmentally appropriate prayer experience followed by a kid-friendly dinner and activities. RSVP required. Please RSVP online at

Upcoming Tater Tot Shabbats…


An Evening with J.J. Goldberg TUESDAY, MARCH 5 7 P.M.

We look forward to welcoming J.J Goldberg for an evening of learning at Congregation Shaare Emeth. Goldberg, editor-at-large,

was the Forward’s editor-in-chief from 2000-2007. He previously served as a syndicated columnist, U.S. bureau chief of The Jerusalem Report, managing editor and New York bureau chief of the Forward, managing editor of the New York Jewish Week, editor of the magazine Jewish Frontier and metro reporter for the Los Angeles Hebrew-language newsweekly HaMevaker.

Co-sponsored by the Center for Jewish Learning and Congregation Shaare Emeth


Silent Auction Call for Donations

Shaare Emeth is seeking exciting donations for the silent auction at our upcoming Trivia Night Fundraiser to be held on April 13. Do you have any tickets to the Fox? What about Cardinals seats? Let us know if you’re willing to donate to this wonderful evening by contacting Valerie Cundy or Debbie Bram at 314-569-0010.




The Jewish Food Pantry Needs Our Help

For the month of March the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these specific

items in order to provide well-balanced nourishment for the community in need:

1. Canned Pasta with Meat2. Hearty Soups3. Kosher Foods4. Pasta and Rice Mixes5. Any Type of Canned Fruit6. Macaroni & Cheese7. Personal Care Items (Deodorant,

Hand Soap and Kleenex)

Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry feeds over 6,000 individuals in a month. The need is great so please help in any way you that can. Thank you.

Items should be brought to the collection bins in the Shaare Emeth North Lobby.

For further information, please contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259.


Room at the InnMONDAY, MARCH 4, 5 P.M.

Are you interested in volunteering with Room at the Inn? Our next hosting is February 4th. Please contact either Ronnie Brockman at or Barb Feldacker at to see how you can help welcome our Room at the Inn guests to Shaare Emeth.

Peter and PaulSUNDAY, MARCH 3 4 – 7 P.M. ST. PETER AND PAUL

Our next Peter and Paul is February 3rd. Contribute food to serve the men at the shelter

by contacting Ted and Jennifer Houser at or

Quarterly Tzedakah Recipient

This quarter’s tzedakah donations will go to L.E.A.D. Promising Youth (Leading, Educating & Developing promising youth). This organization inspires and empowers children from disadvantaged backgrounds to continue their education

into college or a job training program. Students who live in some of St. Louis’ poorest neighborhoods begin the program when they are approximately seven years old, and most of the children remain until their high school graduation. L.E.A.D. provides a safe place to enhance a child’s education and mentors students to be confident and productive members of our St. Louis community.

Volunteer with Assisi House

Looking to find a meaningful way to give back in our St. Louis Community with your time and expertise? Assisi House has volunteer opportunities in several areas: working directly with our residents (e.g. rides to dental appointments, assisting with

tax return preparation, preparing and serving meals, etc.), working on deferred maintenance and light construction tasks in our houses, and serving on committees for tasks such as finding and acquiring a building for our next Assisi house. Please contact Debbie Bram at for more information or for other opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunities


Jewish EducationDear Families,

As a child, I loved Purim because the Megillah seemed like a Jewish fairy tale that I could relate to on my

level. A beautiful princess, a foolish king, a righteous hero, and a wicked villain —straight

out of a story book! We encourage our children to dress up and to listen closely, so that they can learn from the story of Esther’s bravery and heroism.

As an adult I began to understand Purim in a totally different way: as a true social justice holiday. At the end of Megillat Esther, the scroll of Esther, we learn that in order to celebrate their triumph over Haman and his plot to destroy the Jews, Esther and Mordechai decreed that the 14th of the Hebrew monh of Adar would be a day of feasting and fun. However, that is not the entire story of the holiday. In the list of traditional commandments Jews must observe to properly celebrate Purim, we find some obligations to others as well as ourselves. The first of these customs is to send mishloach manot, gifts of food, to our neighbors. An explanation of this mitzvah can be found in Terumat Ha-Deshen of Rabbi Israel Isserlein (15th century, Vienna). The author writes: “It appears that the reason for this mitzvah is so that everyone can fulfill the mitzvah of eating a proper, festive meal on Purim.” In other words, the mitzvah intends to guarantee that rich and

poor alike are provided for at the Purim meal—we strive to create equality in our communities. The second custom is the tradition of giving matanot la’evyonim, gifts to the poor. In one book of Jewish law, the Shulchan Aruch, we learn that on Purim, we are so concerned for the joy of others that we give to whomever asks. “However, money given on Purim is distributed freely, and therefore we give [at least a small donation] to anyone who extends his hand.” (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 694:3). Both commandments teach us that the joy of Purim should be shared by all.

On Purim, we turn everything upside down. People might dress up in crazy costumes. We act silly in our usually dignified sanctuaries and push ourselves to be as happy and joyful as possible. The commandments of Purim also encourage us to flip the world as we know it on its head. We see the world as it could be—with everyone having enough to eat, enough resources to celebrate, and radical equality in our community.

I hope you and your families will come together with us on Sunday, March 10th as we celebrate Purim with our Religious School and our community Purim carnival. I know we will have a fun, topsy-turvy day. I think we might even see a little bit of the world to come. Don’t miss it!

Rabbi Lori Levine, Rabbi Educator

Shalom from Snir! I am so excited that Purim is coming! Purim is my favorite Holiday.

In Israel, Purim is always the happiest time of the year. The holiday starts three weeks before the actual date, and people prepare their costumes sometimes six months in advance! In my high school, Purim is very special. The seniors are responsible for the production of all Purim events.

We start a week before, and every day each grade gets a different theme for their costumes. For example, it can be different countries, or Israeli commercials, or genres of music. Even the teachers take parts and they always come up with the best costumes!

After this, on the first Friday before Purim, all the seniors set up a show for the school. We write the script, record the videos and songs, and even set up the stage and background! After the show, there is a costume contest and the teachers also participate. In other

places in Israel, in Tel Aviv for example, there are Purim parties. There are also festivals that are called Adlo-Yadas. These events are parades with many dancers and big vehicles carrying big colorful structures that have a Purim theme. It is really fun to watch and people come from all over from Israel to these amazing events!

Snir Dagan, STL ShinShin


Shirlee Green Preschool

Camp EmethWe know you have a lot to consider

when it comes to how and where your children will spend their

summer days. The first choice is whether or not to send them to camp...any kind of camp. Next, you must decide if they will go away to a residential camp or stay in town at a day

camp. Lastly, you must decide to register for a specialized camp or a traditional camp experience. You know your child best and should consider all of the available options.

Camp Emeth is a traditional day camp providing our campers with the opportunities to learn new skills, make new friends, discover their strengths, and feel connected, all within the context of Reform Judaism. Our daily camp activities include swimming, art & crafts, music, sports, Israel programming with our resident shinshin, Snir, outdoor activities and more.

Throughout camp, we engage our campers in meaningful Jewish learning and activities, including Israeli dance, Yom Israel (Israel Day), and Shabbat celebrations. Campers also get to choose a chug each week. This is an elective activity in which campers get to participate Monday through Thursday. There is something for everyone at Camp Emeth! Each day is packed full of activities and experiences that allow your child to

grow, foster independence, and make new social connections. Campers will unplug at Camp Emeth and enjoy human connection and human-powered activities.

Summer camp, in any of its forms, is a valuable developmental experience for children. Ninety-six percent of campers say that “camp helped me make new friends,” and 92 percent say, “Camp helped me feel good about myself.” Seventy percent of camp parents say, “My child gained self-confidence at camp” (American Camp Association).

While summer camp experience choices may seem endless, Camp Emeth is a camp experience...where summer lasts a lifetime!

Registration is well underway! It’s time to start thinking about your summer plans now. Registration is a breeze with our new and secure online registration portal. Visit our website at to find the registration link and information for Camp Emeth.

If you have any questions at all, please call me at 314-692-5362.

Beth Kodner, Director of Camp Emeth

Shirlee Green Preschool Opens New Infant Room!

Shirlee Green Preschool at Congregation Shaare Emeth is scheduled to open a third infant room on June 17, 2019 for full-time babies. This addition has the capacity to expand the

overall preschool from 120 students to 150 within the next four years. The infant rooms at Shirlee Green accommodate infants’ needs with a room refrigerator, sound machine, humidifier, soft lighting, and more. We look forward to welcoming new little friends into our brand-new space!



Spotlight: Room at the Inn

The Men of Shaare Emeth (MOSHE) are “Having Fun! Doing Good!” Kibitz CaféSUNDAY, MARCH 3 8 – 10:30 A.M.

Come enjoy a hand-crafted breakfast with live music by MOSHE’s own Board Secretary and Missouri Guitar Champion, Ron Steiner – all while kibitzing with

members of our Shaare Emeth community.

Cook for the Purim CarnivalSUNDAY, MARCH 10

MOSHE needs your help in the kitchen for the annual Shaare Emeth Purim Carnival! Are you able to come help out with cooking and/or serving? Email Ken

Levine at


MOSHE’s board is searching for its next Vice President. Interested in learning more about the role? Email Gene Jacobson, MOSHE President, at, or give him a call at 314-623-1937.

Volunteer with MOSHE

Consider volunteering at Covenant Place’s “Covenant Café” in Creve Coeur by serving and cleaning up a pre-prepared meal, or by providing entertainment. Volunteer

hours are Mondays – Fridays from 4 – 6 p.m. High School students are eligible to earn A+ credits! To volunteer, email Jessica Wax at

“I just want to have a cup of coffee and relax,” she sighed. For twenty years Rita was the Educational Director of a

St. Louis-based children’s home. Now retired, Rita wants to take things a little easier. However, these days, her moments of relaxation are few and far between. Rita is currently homeless.

25 years ago, Congregation Shaare Emeth members asked themselves, “What is our response to homelessness?” Their answer… was “Room at the Inn.”

Every first Monday of the month, since 1994, Congregation Shaare Emeth has transformed into a night-site for the non-profit, Room at the Inn, a local organization that provides temporary housing for families, children, and individuals like Rita that are currently experiencing homelessness. Room at the Inn serves up to 20 clients at a time, housing them in their Bridgeton, Missouri location during the day, and in one of 60 volunteer sites each night.

Barbara Feldacker, who co-chairs Room at the Inn at Shaare Emeth along with Ronnie Brockman and Cindy Heymann, explains that part of the organization’s mission at Shaare Emeth is to convey that Room at the Inn guests are “people very much like our congregants.” She hopes that by having the program at Shaare Emeth, Temple members will realize that “homelessness is not just a problem that is contained out in a building in Bridgeton, but that it seeps into our community all over St. Louis and Illinois.”

Continue reading this Spotlight online at

Want to connect with Room at the Inn? Contact co-chair, Barbara Feldacker at

Tori Luecking, Director of Communications


60 Second Survey Help Us Make Our Temple Communications the Best They Can Be by Taking This Short 60 Second Survey!Please return survey to Shaare Emeth by Monday, March 4, either in person to the Temple Office or via mail, attention: Tori Luecking (11645 Ladue Rd., St. Louis, MO 63141). You can also take the survey online at

Question 1: Which form of communication do you read regularly? Check all that apply.

q The Temple Bulletin (printed newsletter)q ShaareMail (e-news)q Facebookq Shaare Emeth Websiteq Religious School Emailsq Preschool Emailsq Early Childhood Engagement Emails

Other ________________________

Question 2: Which sections of The Bulletin do you read regularly? Check all that apply.

q Adult Programming Sectionq Back Page Calendarq Clergy Articlesq Condolences & Sympathiesq Jewish Education Section

q Mindfulness Sectionq Perpetual Memorialsq President’s Articleq Simchas (Temple Joy)q Tributesq Tzedek (Social Justice) Sectionq Upcoming Eventsq Worship Scheduleq Yahrzeitsq Youth Updates Section


Question 3: We are exploring changes to the Temple Bulletin. How would you feel about the following changes to the Bulletin? Please circle 1, 2, or 3.

1 – I would like that 2 – I do not feel strongly3 – I would be disappointed

1 2 3 Including More Feature Stories About Members and Programs 1 2 3 Removing Clergy Articles 1 2 3 Removing Department Articles (Religious School / Camp/ Etc.) 1 2 3 Adding Articles About Past Temple Events 1 2 3 Removing Tributes 1 2 3 Removing Yahrzeit Lists 1 2 3 Removing Life-Cycle 1 2 3 Notifications (Births & Deaths) 1 2 3 Adding Outside Articles From Other Jewish Publications

Question 4: Have any additional thoughts on how we can enhance Temple communications? Let us know below.

Question 5: What is your age? Please check.

q Younger than 25

q 25-35

q 36-50

q 51-70

q Older than 70

Question 6: Are you a Shaare Emeth member?

q Yes q No


Mazel tov to these members…John and Eunice Reichman on the engagement of their granddaughter, Danielle Reichman, to Josh Goodman.

Barbara and Mark Bernstein on the engagement of their son, Scott Bernstein, to Rachael Freeman.

To share your simcha, visit or call Stacy Jespersen in the Shaare Emeth office, 314-569-0010.


We’d like to welcome these new members to Congregation Shaare Emeth:

Lindsay and Adam BrandveinDianna and Richard FineSusan FineBarbara and Joseph KenningtonBecky and Rob Levinson, with children, Maya and LilahGeri and Mike Tyrey

New Members

Nosh SponsorsFRIDAY, MARCH 1 Jackie and Marty Lipsitz in honor of Zachary Cohen becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Stefanie, Tod, Emma and Abby Greenberg in honor of Natalie Glidewell becoming a Bat Mitzvah

FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Stacy and Kevin Taeckens in honor of Ryan Taeckens becoming a Bar Mitzah

FRIDAY, MARCH 22 Jane and Steve Chernof in honor of Max Chernof becoming a Bar Mitzvah

FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Dee Dee and Jay Epstein in honor of Margot Epstein becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Candle BlessingsFRIDAY, MARCH 1 Cohen Family Glidewell Family

FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Taeckens Family

FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Jody and Mickey Waldman

FRIDAY, MARCH 22 Adams Family Chernof Family

FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Epstein Family

GreetersFRIDAY, MARCH 1 Jerri and Bill Livingston

FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Andy and Stan Shanker

FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Sue and Mark Koritz

FRIDAY, MARCH 22 Leonard and Sharon Smith

FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Michele and Patrick Siler

Become a Nosh Sponsor!Would you like to honor someone? Mark a special anniversary? Now you can do so by becoming a Nosh Sponsor! You can sponsor Friday nosh before services. For more information, contact Stacy Jespersen at

Temple Joy


Temple Joy Thinking of You

SympathyCondolencesLorne (Deb) Baker on the death of his mother, Judith Baker

Madi Brown on the death of her mother, Roberta Litt

Penny Engelsman on the death of her aunt, Elise Byfield Gilden

MILDRED PEARL Mother of Brian and Carol Pearl

Condolences to our Temple families who have recently lost a loved one.

Perpetual MemorialsA memorial has been established for:

HINDA GAIL STONE Established by Arthur Stone, Lauren Stone and Brittney Stone

ETHEL LOOMSTEIN GREENBERG Established by the families of Sharon Levitt & Phyllis Faintich

The names of those remembered by a Perpetual Memorial will be read during the Friday Shabbat Services. They will also be remembered by yahrzeit date reminders sent to designated family members’ homes, and are automatically included with the Perpetual Memorials in our memorial book on Yom Kippur. For more information on establishing a Perpetual Memorial, please contact Stacy Jespersen at or 314-692-5302.

Shaare Emeth Tree of LifeWould you like to honor or remember a loved one?A beautiful way to honor and remember your

loved ones at Shaare Emeth is to dedicate

an engraved leaf on our Tree of Life. To learn

about the Tree of Life or order a leaf, call Stacy

Jespersen in the Temple office, 314-692-5302.


MARCH 1Jerome AlfendLeah ApplebaumMarcia BaruFannye BaumDora BeckerAlex BernsteinSylvia BernsteinCelia BiernbaumBarbara BilowHelen BrockmanNatalie CanisIsaac CohenElie DayanEugene DembaSarah DeutchMorris EpsteinCelia FishgallIra FleischmannDavid FriedmanWalter L. FrumsonBirdie FurstenbergIdge GalperinSam GartenbergMarillyn GeffenDavid GersHarry GlassmanSandra GoldBessie GoldsteinEvelyn GoldwasserShirlee GreenRegina GreenbergMorris GrossFlorence GutnickBertha HollanderRose IkinJoseph KenkelLester KlauberJoseph KohnAnnie KrismanElias LaupheimerOscar LehrIsrael LernerMarjorie LesserEllen LevinsonAbe LevyLouis LitePepi LoewCarl LottElsa LowyRachel MagidsonMinnie MankofskyLulu MannisEdwin M. MarcusHenrietta MarkusMilton MathesMaurice Mednik

Joseph MedveJacob NeumanSamuel V. NewmanMarjorie PackFannie PasserRobert PermuterDorothy PolinskyMargo RadloffJacqueline RejcekMillicent RubinHerman SachsAdolph SafronSol SamuelsMax SchucartRaymond SeltzerDora SharneyRobert SigoloffAdele SilkSelma SilvermanMarie Reiter SteinerHinda StoneMartha StoneMichael TurkenThelma WagnerFreida D. WeingartDr. Irvin WiesmanDorothy WilliamsCharles WolffDr. Charles WolffJames YalemIda ZellingerRose ZimmermanVictor Zimmerman

MARCH 8Dr. Hyman AbramsBertha AbramsonIsabella AloeJames ArensonMorris BassMartin BeckerBess BiedermanDavid BirenbaumEdward BlyJoseph BramanFae BreschellHilda BursteinJacob BursteinLeo CohenNatalie CornJacob CroneJack DanskerRosalyn DavisSarah DavisIsadore DerfeldBen EmertLillian Feir

Bess FixlerDavid FleishmanHarry FrankLouis S. FreundPauline FreundRobert GellerRose GlassmanJ. Gerald GoldmanAlvin M. GoldsteinElla GormanEsther GuttinMarvel HaimesThelma Darris HartgroveTheodore HeimanBen HeimannLottie W. HilfEllen HornEmanuel JacobsSam KesslerBruce KidderAnnie KopfSamuel KoplarLeo KrasowJacob KreismanSamuel LandauMildred LeMasterAbraham LevikHerman LevinLeopold LevyRae LindenAnna LoewenthalEvelyn LowensteinDr. Herman MaasBenjamin MarkmanRobert MielzinerPaul MillstoneSarah MillstoneLee MonashkinBen MuskinCelia NelsonMarcel NewmanHarry NussbaumNathan RaderBertha RiceJean RoufaGloria RovakElsie RubinJacob RubinAnna SandersStanley SandersClarence SchwabeHenry SchwartzStephanie SchwartzMildred SeligmanBat-Sheva ShapiroSam ShapiroSusan Shapiro

Martha SlotkinDaisy SpitzMarion ‘Toby’ TaxmanMeyer TonopolskyMax WeilWilliam WeimanGertrude WeinerLouis WeinsteinJosephine WeissGertrude WolffMildred WolffCharles YalemBenjamin F. ZellingerBetty ZermanOtto Zuckerman

MARCH 15Eva AlfendDave AppelmanMillie BearmanJoseph BishopEdward BleiweissLeon BlumoffJonas BronerAnita BurmanKate BurmanErvin BuxnerRichard CervelliFrances ChervitzMax CohenSidney CohenAnnie G. CohnJack L. CohnRobin ColbertWilliam CytronVeronica DanielIda EngelIgnatz EpsteinYetta EsrockChuna Yankel FaintichEffie FeistDr. Jonathan Mark FeldmanJake FishmanCharles J. FrancisHelene FrancisCelia FriedmanEly GidlowWilliam GillermanEugene GlaserSam GlazerEdith GodinerDorothy GoldmanMaurice GoldmanLena GoldsteinWilliam GordonHerman Gottlieb

Lena Wolfort GuggenheimCaroline GuntzlerSamuel HaffnerEdward HarrisJacob HeinerMorris HoffmanSarah HollanderDr. Sidney HollinHyman HorwitzFlora HymanJonathan JonasBessie KandelBen KaufmanCorinne KellerHarris KramerSandra KrausTodd-Jason KronemerDella KrugmanMarcella LazarusRose LermanCyril D. LeveySam LewinSusan LewisHoward Lite, M.D.Max LorberLawrence LuxMilton MandelEsther MellmanEmma MiodowskiJon MolaskyVicki Norberg-BohmFlorenze NusholtzClara PearlBeatrice PerlmutterMildred PevnickDr. Morris PopperSidney ReiterMaxine RosenblumHenry RothLeah G. SchoemannCaroline SchwartzSara SchwartzJulius G. SchwarzSylvian SegalMartin SeidelMollie ShanfeldMelvin ShankerBen ShenbergHerman ShermanEric ShieldRosetta SiegfriedSamuel SieversWieder SieversHarlan SilbergeldElizabeth SilversteinBetty SokolikSheldon Suroff



Albert SusmanMorris TaryleSarah TaryleLola S. TobiasMax UhrmacherHarry VictorLeonard VogelHannah WhiteLena WilliamsSara WrobelMarion ZimmermanIda Zvibleman

MARCH 22Ethel BeanGertrude BluestoneAranka BohmJean BrandveinGussie BrasloffNathan BrasloffMartin BronsonShirley CohenSarah CollingerEva ColonnaFannie CooperSam DardickJanet DornBertha DruckIrven DubinskyAnna EberhardHenrietta EttmanJulius FeistHenry FimanShirley FishmanSolomon FishmanSophia P. FreemanEdythe FriedmanLena Spector GlazerRuth GleserSarah GoldmanSamuel GolubLena GoodmanJulius GreenbergMolly HianMelvin HilbAudrey HirshMorris KalmonMargaret KlauberIsaac KleinBen KoslowAnn KrishtalkaMarion LevinArthur LevyStuart LinkemerHarry LissIrene F. Loew

Franz LoeweRuth LourieRudolf LowyAugusta MargulisLeon MargulusBertha McFarlandFrederika MeissnerGeraldine H. MillerMeyer MillnerRosa MosesMax NelsonDavid PetrofskyLeonard PetrofskyRose PlattnerSol PlattnerRichard PoletskySamuel ReynoldsMartin RodenbergMorris RodenbergWilliam RubinBernice SandweissRay SchapiroL. Howard SchwanderHarry SchwartzMary ScissorsMorris ShapiroBernice ShepardSara ShermanLillian ShipmanIsaac SieversHarold W. SparksAnna SteinbachArthur SteinerEsther StockhamerMinnie StoneJeane SusmanHortense TarkowLouise TeperMinette TishkSamuel UngarMorris WaldmanAbraham WassermanMurray WeidenbaumJune WeilEstelle WexelmanPhyllis WolfRichard WolfAnna WrobelJennie Zelden

MARCH 29Bernice BabchickTerrye BalinBen BalkSamuel BendixSara Ann Block

George CharnasKenneth CherryLibby CohenAnna EttensonViola FeitMilford FeldmanMollie Ruth FingerHerman FishmanEssie FleishmanBeatrice GeffenIsadore GersHarry GoldbergDavid GoldenhershGerhard Gruenfeld, M.D.Gertrude HarrisMignon HeidenreichMoritz HerrmannHugo HerzbergGloria HirschRose HughesFrank JosephsonCaroline KahnAnnette KalishmanGustav KamilJeffrey KlamenBertha KlauberSamuel KlingRalph KushkinLouis LevyMichael LevyMel LoewensteinMax LubinBluma LyssAlvin MarshallMary MayerSally MayerSidney MidowsCecile MontellJoseph S. MorrisPhillip MorrisIda MuchnickMorris OrensteinLeah PolskiAlbert PriceBeulah RachlinGladys ReichenbachZelda RogulEmil RoodmanJeffrey RosenStanley RosenfeldLouis SatanovskySelma ScharffHenry SchulmanJeannette SherRonald SherEdna Siegel

Louie SiegelSam SilbersteinPhillip SitemanEssye SteinerSarah StorozumMorris SurinskyAnna TreichlingerMillie TroppShraga WeismanMark WillnerNathan WinnermanNorbert WisemanGloria Zelson

APRIL 5Marjorie BeckerAugust BensingerRalph BrandonAaron CarafiolFrank ChervitzSamuel CollierCelia CytronJulius CytronIda DardickSidney DawidoffJack DubinskyRalph EngelsmanSally EngerDr. Harry Epstein, ODFrieda FermanFannie FersterIda FinemanDr. Israel FlanceMinnie FleischerEmma Newman FrancisNathan FrankSelma FrankArthur FriedmanDora FriedmanSamuel FriedmanBen GershonFrances GlazerNorman A. GoldbergJoseph GoldfarbMorris GoldsteinMarion GoodmanFlora GottschalkKarl HeidenbergDorothy HilbIsador HochmanAlbert HollinArthur KahnNat KahnAdolph KamenetzkyLillian KatzmanJoseph Kaufman

Annie KlarbergRosa KlauberMoritz KohnerGeorge KoppelSadae LandauArnold LermanHilde LevyRobert LibrachEscher LincoffJoseph LitvagKatie MachtingerDavid MagidsonIrene MargulisJessye MathesRosa MathesRobert MeyersZelda MichelsonEugene MossFannie MullerMaurice MushlinPaul NelsonEugene NovorrEdward PolinskyLouise PultmanAl RabenJosephine RacitiGussie ReynoldsDora RobnakMiriam RosenstrohAlvin RoufaLeon RubensteinMorris RudolphDorothy SafronNathan SarasohnLazarus ScharffGabe ScheinerAaron SchneiderRuth Leslie SchwartzVivian SiegelHerbert SilkAlfred SilversteinRubin SilversteinRose SleinLouis Stein, Jr.Rae SteinerHarry StoneMary SvarinAlfred TrommlerHilda TuckerRose WiseMinnie WohlCharlotte WolffBen WoolPearl YatkemanJoseph ZelsonLee Zimmerman




Rochelle & R. Randal AaransonHelp for those not getting paid during the government shutdown

Judith & Malcolm Barnett; Alison Bourey; P.A. & E.S. Kahn; Hadassah & Buddy Lebman; Suzanne & Donald Levin; Stephanie & Stephen Newman

IN APPRECIATION OF Rabbi Bennett Barry MilderRabbi Bennett for his home visit, presiding over the funeral service, and attending shiva

Gay Jaffe Ackerman, Guy Jaffe & Judy Schwartz Jaffe

Rabbi Bennett for officiating the funeral of Lowell Sennett Julie TzinbergRabbi Bennett for the funeral service for Jackie Bergmann

Debra Dill-Bergmann & Daniel Bergman

Rabbi Bennett speaking to the Men’s Club of Mary Queen of Peace Church

Men’s Club of Mary Queen of Peace Church

Rabbi Goldstein helping prepare Mason Bedell to become a Bar Mitzvah Alison BedellRabbi Goldstein officiating the stone dedication for Merle Friedman

Friedman-Siler Family

Shaare Emeth Staff helping prepare Lila Solomon to become a Bat Mitzvah Miriam & Leonard HassonRabbi Zinn for the baby naming for Aria Scaduto Carly & Frank ScadutoRabbi Zinn helping prepare Jonah Loiterstein to become a Bar Mitzvah Lara & Daniel LoitersteinIN HONOR OF Birth of Benjamin Ezra Levin, grandson of Carole Levin Jerri & Bill LivingstonRabbi Bennett Jeanette & Alan NissenbaumBill Elliot on a special birthday

Lisa & Rick Gans; Susan & Harry Burack

Carole and Jay Goldstein on their 50th wedding anniversary

Arlene Goodman; Lee & Mark Scissors

Ben Prywitch receiving an academic and baseball scholarship to Maryville University Barbara GermanMarilyn Ratkin on a special birthday Ellen & Michael RumeltMark Rubin for a speedy recovery Mimi WachsmanIN MEMORY OF Allyn Aach Marci & Ken BluestoneBarbara Pessen and Geoffrey Belgeri Marjorie & Syd PessenBruce Kidder Nancy & Glenn GoldbergSandy Kootman Jerry KootmanRoberta Litt Rina & Paul KenkelLorraine Robin Lauren Mielziner Bubis & FamilyPearl Salzberg Esther LangsamWilliam Smith Sharon & Leonard SmithDavid S. Weinreich

Nancy & Steve Weinreich; Andrea & Gill Luppi

Raymond H. Wittcoff Roma B. Wittcoff

CANTOR’S SPECIAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF Cantor Warner for helping prepare Jonah Loiterstein to become a Bar Mitzvah Lara & Daniel Loiterstein

Cantor Warner helping prepare Lila Solomon to become a Bat Mitzvah Miriam & Leonard HassonCantor Warner helping prepare Mason Bedell to become a Bar Mitzvah Alison BedellIN MEMORY OF Beatrice Arnold Sandy SherJackie Bergman Harold GlassmanCantor Edward Fogel Lynne, Jonathan & Shira FogelFred Reichman Martha Reichman

2019 BEMA FLOWER FUND IN HONOR OFMax Chernof becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Anne & Dick HawkinsMargot Epstein becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Dee Dee & Jay EpsteinNatalie Glidewell becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Sharon GreenbergRyan Taeckens becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Stacy & Kevin TaeckensIN MEMORY OF Grisha Borushek

Brenda & Jay BaronLillian Dalin Debbie & Karl GuyerLillian Itskowitz Friedman Ilene Brooks & SonsMiriam Krupnick Schneider Gail & Charles EisenkramerSamuel Oberdorfer

Marcia & Hans Oberdorfer; Elizabeth & Col. Harvey Meyer

Mildred Speigel Suzanne & Bill BiermanIrl Steiner and Eric Steiner

Sue Steiner; Jenn & Scott Sagett; Alicia & Shaun Margul

2018 BEMA FLOWER FUND IN MEMORY OF Anna Handler Sharon & Richard SafronOlga Oberdorfer

Elizabeth & Col. Harvey Meyer; Marcia & Hans Oberdorfer

Dorothy and Ben Peck Saundra & Bill PeckHerman M. Williams Susie & Leon Kravetz

AL AND EVA FLEISCHER HEALING FUND IN HONOR OF Adrienne Jackson on a speedy recovery B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh GroupIN MEMORY OF Allyn Aach Judy & Stan Kolker

ALAN GREENBERG EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND IN HONOR OF Maya Sagett becoming a Bat Mitzvah Carol & Bill Pomerantz


B’NAI EL TZEDAKAH FUND IN MEMORY OF Lucille Alexander Estate of Lucille Alexander

BEN AND SARA WOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF Robert Aaron Horwitz Suzy Elkins

BROCKMAN-SIEGELMAN GEMILUT HASADIM FUND IN HONOR OF Marilyn Ratkin Jack & Dianne SchwartzIN MEMORY OF Helen and Oscar Brockman, Evelyn and Sidney Goldberg, Wilma and Caroline Siegelman, and George Siegelman Ronnie & Allen Brockman

CHUSED ISRAEL EXPERIENCE FUND IN MEMORY OF Irene Belsky and Dora Greenberg Jackie & Ellis Kantor

LIBRARY FUND IN MEMORY OF Mildred Pearl and Jerry Buchek Roberta & Maury Goldfeder

The tributes listed here are those made for $10 or more and processed between Dec. 22, 2018, and Jan. 31, 2019. A tribute gift made in another’s names is a lovely way to honor a friend for a recent simcha (joyous occasion), to honor the memory of a deceased loved one on their yahrzeit (anniversary of death), or to show appreciation for someone. To make a tribute donation, please visit Hardcopy forms are available in the Shaare Emeth main office and at the South Lobby reception desk or can be printed from


DONNA MEYERS CHILDREN’S BOOK NOOK FUND IN HONOR OF Marilyn Ratkin on a special birthday Judy & Stan KolkerIN MEMORY OF Donna Meyers Rosemary & Michael Roth

ELSIE & FRED DEUTSCH LECTURESHIP IN MEMORY OF Benjamin A. Levin Barbara Levin & Family


GOLDBERG CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF Jodi Miller on her retirement Ronnie & Allen Brockman



Marilyn & Gary Ratkin; Norm Schwesig

IDA STACK SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF Dr. Joseph M. Orenstein Martha & Robert SeniorNorman Stack Cheryl & Jerry Stack

RABBI JEFFREY B. STIFFMAN LECTURE FUND IN MEMORY OF Bernice Jaffe Donna & Rob RothenbergJohn Morrison Bonnie & Norman Solomon

Mildred Pearl Pamela & Stuart KatzBernadine Shucart Merilyn MoonshineSaul Torgove Lois Schrier Richman


MANN FAMILY HUNGER FUND IN MEMORY OF Celia Eisen Gary BilowJohn Kopolow Myra & Steve RadinskyRobert Berlinger, Michael Levy and Lottie Schneider Leanne & Harvey Schneider

MAX & BERNICE BABCHICK JEWISH FAMILY INVOLVEMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF Bernice and Max Babchick and Mark Babchick Nancy Bormaster

MICAH DAVIS MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF Marilyn Ratkin on a special birthday Nancy & Harvey LehrerMaya Sagett becoming a Bat Mitzvah Susie & Leon KravetzIN MEMORY OF Bernice Jaffe Susie & Leon Kravetz

MICHAEL MATLOF FUND FOR HOMEBOUND SERVICES IN APPRECIATION OF Services streamed on the snowy night of Jan. 11 Sheila CohenIN HONOR OF David Freyman on his retirement Susan Matlof & Michael CohenSue Matlof on a special birthday

David Charak; Michael Cohen; Yvonne & Rick Darrow; Diane & David Freyman; Margie & Martin Jaffe; Harriet Summers, Allen Sherman & Robert Summers

Bob Summers on his retirement Sue MatlofIN MEMORY OF Lee Baris and Glenn Moldafsky Donna & Robert RothenbergEli P. Flusser Wendy Flusser

OPERATIONS ENHANCEMENT FUND A DONATION LuxuryTimeForLess.comIN APPRECIATION OF Yahrzeit candle and in memory of Jerry Goodman Jane Goz GoodmanMichael Lefton speaking to the Rosh Chodesh group B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh GroupIN HONOR OF Birth of the granddaughter of Debbie Gilula Debbie & Kent HirschfelderBill Elliot on a special birthday Paul L. SteinbergSue Matlof Marian Steen & Rick KnoxAndy Speller for his hard work

Simeon Prager & Michael Sherberg

IN MEMORY OF Mother of Paul Stein Vicki & Len RaiffieJacquette Bergmann Ethel & Victor NewmanBecky Berns Suzy & Mel BernsGeri Lapi Susan & Lawrence CarafiolJeanne Milder

Selma & Blair Balk; Barbara & Milton Elis; Betty Rae Epstein; Bettie Gershman; Carolyn Korein; Marlene Maschan & Bonnie Kolker; McKnight Place Assisted Living; Carol & Don Mitchell; Donna & Alan Rosenberg; Marjory Russell

Dolores Kenkel and Irving Muller Rina & Paul KenkelSidney Plattner Dolores FreyRuth Richman and Arthur Richman Carol & Dale BrantAnn Schulman Paula, Mike & Dan GeigermanMelba Shapiro Shirley AppelJeanne Shieber Milder Judy & Jeff Ross

Shirley D. Sparks Perry N. Sparks

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF John Kopolow Natalie & Larry GoldmanHarold Gene Oglander Marilyn Oglander

ROBERT J. SIEGEL SETYG PROGRAM FUND A DONATION Peter J. Poletti, Jr.IN HONOR OF Lila Hope Goldstein becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Simeon Prager & Michael Sherberg; Dr. Arlene Taich

IN MEMORY OF Marilyn Iris Braunstein Herman

Susan Arenberg & Michael Schultz; Iris & Alan DeWoskin; Judy & Larry Deutch; Duvel Moortgat USA; Elaine Goldenberg; Louise Herman & Natalie Brod; Abby & Eric Hochberg & Family; Lipschutz Family; Sherri Lopatin; Barbara & Joel Schwartz; Joan Siegel; Beth & Robert Sklar; Janice Wiley; Karen Wiley, Joel Herman, Elly Herman & Joe Herman

Mildred Pearl Faye Siegel & FamilyMerilyn Siegel Beverly & Kevin Collin


SAM & GOLDYE ROSEN MUSIC FUND IN HONOR OF Charles Eisenkramer for a speedy recovery Rita & Barry WorthIN MEMORY OF Jeanne Milder

Debra & Phillip Gould; Jeanne & Aron Katzman


TributesJOAN AND HARRY SELTZER FAMILY FUND FOR IMPROVING WOMEN’S LIVES IN HONOR OF Courtney Hamilton, Blake Hamilton and Wade Hoffman on their birthdays Joan & Harry SeltzerJill Schupp and Joan Seltzer Cynthia & Garry SeltzerIN MEMORY OF Ruth Hoffman Gilbert Hoffman


Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School

IN HONOR OF Randy E. Green Kathleen & Duane ObertIN MEMORY OF Claude Rosser David WeberGail Weinberg Tobin Cindi & Keith Guller

SHIRLEY SOLOMON PLAY YARD FUND IN MEMORY OF Bonnie Solomon Simon and Adolph A. Solomon Myra & Irl Solomon


STIFFMAN RABBINIC CHAIR FUND IN MEMORY OF Oscar Cohen Estate of Oscar CohenJeanne Milder Marilyn & Gary Ratkin

TEMPLE ENDOWMENT FUND A DONATION God’s blessing Rhea SilkIN MEMORY OF Ann Schulman Judith & Jerold Kreisman

WERNER ART FUND IN MEMORY OF Edna Fiman Debbie & Karl Guyer

WILLIAM SELTZER OLDER ADULT FUND IN HONOR OF Amanda and Michael Stein on their marriage Fran & Rand Glucroft

Listings Dec. 22, 2018, to Jan. 31, 2019Every effort has been made to include accurate, up-to-date information on these listings. To report an error or omission, please call the Shaare Emeth office at 314-569-0010.


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Thank you for supporting The Bulletin

Venmo Us! Use your mobile phone to make a contribution! We are now able to accept donations via the popular online mobile application, Venmo. All you need is a Venmo app, which can be downloaded from your smartphone’s app provider. Giving to the temple is as easy as making a phone call. Simply open your Venmo app, search for us…(@ShaareEmeth) and make a gift. Any contribution amount is helpful!

Be a mensch (good person) without even getting off of the couch!

For questions, please contact Tori Luecking at

Camps of Shaare EmethThe Bulletin is published monthly by Congregation Shaare Emeth. For more information, please call the Temple office at 314.569.0010

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Do You Get Our Weekly E-Announcements? Text SHAAREMAIL to 22828 to sign up for Shaare Mail, Shaare Emeth’s weekly e-newsletter with a summary of the week’s events and breaking news updates.


Board OfficersPRESIDENT Mike Lefton FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Josh Wallach VICE-PRESIDENTS Randy Brodsky Richard Cohen Dana DeBlasi Bill Remis Jill Solomon SECRETARY Rachel Pereles TREASURER Andy Speller ASSOCIATE TREASURER Mark Gubernik IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Renee Silverstein


Prayer Lab: A Mindful Shabbat ExperienceFridays, March 29 and April 26 6 – 7 p.m. Kehillah Center at Congregation Shaare Emeth

Join us for this non-traditional Shabbat service combining contemporary readings and poetry, participatory music, interactive teachings, and time set aside for meditation and personal reflection. Worshippers are encouraged to come with open minds and open hearts. All are welcome.

The Prayer Lab Themes: March 29 – Strength April 26 – Joy

RSVPs are appreciated online at or to Stacy Jespersen at

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