marias media evaluation 4

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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Evaluation 4:How did you use new

media technology in the construction,

research ,planning and evaluating stages?

Planning and Research:• To construct our entire media project we have used

s site to assemble our progress in an interactive way(for example, Users can comment on blog entries and view). It uses 2.0 web technology and allows us to organise blogs and posts with ease. Blogger is connected through links to social networking sites such as and . This creates shared media. Ways in which Blogger was a useful tool for conveying our media project was: use of html code to transfer film footage in particular, Uploading photos and images, Uploading power points and in order to write about our progress as and when we progressed.

This is the Blogger website format in which we used throughout our AS and A2 media projects.

Using Prezi, we created an ideas page(brain storm) of our initial thoughts and ideas of what our ancillary texts would be based on .

We also uploaded pictures to give us a representation of visual ideas we came up with.

We embedded our brain storm to our blogs in order to make it readily accessible.

PaintWe used Paint to create the

storyboard for our film trailer and for an entire film concept.Using j.peg files we uploaded

the story boards and other pictures stored on paint as the software is ready and easy to


Prezi website

Paint program

Social Networking sites

Facebook and Twitter were used as interactive tools to help reach our target audience (16-18 year olds) by distributing questionnaires and advertising our ancillary sale by viral marketing.Facebook was used to distribute our questionnaire. We used our private users to collate result from our friends who are all of a similar age group within our target audience. We did this in the hope most would come up with similar answers giving a clear indication of what our audience prefer in ancillary items.

We found different types of people within a similar age bracket on each site. This gave us a better chance of gaining interest from our target audience as both sites were able to target our audience effectively. We also distributed our questionnaire and developed the same responses as Facebook. In addition users were able to ‘retweet’ the link to further increase responses.

Face book


Survey Monkey

• Survey Monkey was used as a device to create our initial audience feedback questionnaire. We thoughts of our questions then transferred them onto a survey. We made multiple choice questions so it was easier for the audience to choose on a majority answer. We could then send the surveys through social networking sites mentioned previously, to specific audiences. All results would then be collated through a tally system automated by Survey Monkey. This made creating the audience feedback results so much easier to display.

Survey Monkey

Microsoft Excel

• Using Microsoft Excel, we managed to collate our audience feedback questions into graphs and pie charts to easily show which options from questions were most preferred. This was easy to use as in previous years of our education we used the system sparingly.

• All we then did was copy the information onto paint to save as a j.peg file, then upload onto our blogger as a picture format.

Microsoft Excel system

The Iphone 3GS

The Iphone was used to take shots of the location we decided to film our trailer. We were able to take many shots and look back to see which were suitable. The photos could also be easily uploaded to blogger and our social networking sites(for audience feedback)making it an extremely useful tool.

Google was used bounteously throughout the project for a number of things. We used it to; research films trailers for inspiration and deconstruct, to research film posters and magazines also to deconstruct, search for genre related themes and ideas and to provide access to many different sites(such a film sites)to help us identify what features will best fit in our trailer and ancillary texts.

You tube was a way to access existing film trailers of the same and different genres to deconstruct. As the genre of our film was a mixture of psychological and romantic thriller, each of us chose specific genres to deconstruct. This allowed us to depict what specific features were common of each genre for example in the psychological thriller Shutter Island the lighting used suggested connotations of fear and mystery(common of a thriller).

Construction and Evaluation:

• HD Camcorder:• We used two in sync with each other whilst filming

our entire trailer. The reason for this was so that we could get different angles and shots of effectively the same footage for example a long shot of a character and a close up side shot at the same time. This also was a method of conserving more time to spend on getting many different shots. We also could use effect tools on the camera such as zoom in and out. With both cameras being HD the picture quality was better giving a more professional outcome of the footage.


Digital camera:

We used the digital camera to take picture for our magazine cover and poster. The advantages of using a digital camera, was that the picture quality was of a good standard(better than I phone) and we could instantly look back at photos to choose a suitable one. The pictures could also be easily transferred to computer and blogger which was a great time saver.

Premiere Elements and Photoshop

Premiere Elements

We used premiere elements to edit and complete our entire film footage into a trailer. It enabled us to add special effects such as time-stretching and add sound tracks to the footage. During editing we encountered a few problems. The footage kept freezing and the system broke down a few times. This created a time consuming problem for us however eventually with patience managed to finish our trailer. We couldn't uploaded the finished file straight onto blogger however, so through video sites such as you tube and Vimeo we uploaded and embedded our film trailer to our blog. In terms of software it would be used by low budget(amateur) film makers such as ourselves.

Adobe Photoshop

• Photoshop was used to edit our Ancillary texts of which being a film magazine cover and a film poster. As we used a good quality camera to take our pictures all the editing that needed doing was for example; on the poster adding more clouds and highlighting features of the characters faces such as eye lashes and colour filling in chipped nail polish.

• Features we used included; cloning stamp, colour fill, greyscale tool, font tool etc.

• Photoshop would mainly be used by small production companies as it cost very little to use and the technology could be more advanced.

Slide share

• The main reason I have used slide share in the majority of my evaluation is because its easy to use and I’m able to easily organise slide in a chronological order. It reforms prose text making it less monotonous and a bit more exciting to read(as it includes colours and pictures). Its free and easy to use and you can log in through your Face book account so there's no need to fill in endless subscription pages in able to use and view other presentations. The process of getting a presentation to a blogger post is facile. The presentation in made on PowerPoint, then uploaded to share slide and by using the embed code provided it can be uploaded and accessed through blogger.

• We used YouTube to upload our entire film trailer. Although we used a disclaimer for our soundtrack, You tube removed the soundtrack causing our film trailer to appear to have no sound. This was a problem as that was a key part in portraying the genre and feelings of the trailer. We tried to solve the problem in two ways. We added a different soundtrack which wasn’t copyrighted to the trailer and reloaded it to YouTube. We also uploaded the original trailer to another Video Site called Vimeo.

• YouTube was useful in the fact that it was free to use and download and a vast popularity visit the website to view videos. We could easily target our audience to watch our trailer through this.

• Similar to YouTube, Vimeo broadcasts film footage globally and is free to use .We used this alternatively to YouTube as it didn't remove our original sound and we weren't breeching any copyright laws.

• The problems we faced with Vimeo was that we had problems uploading our film as it was to big in terms of memory to load. That suggested Vimeo is used mainly for short film footage and isn't intended for film productions or professional film makers.

• It how however easy enough to use,upload to blogger and was also (Like YouTube)connected to social networking sites .


You Tube

The EndPresentation By Maria


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