mass 7-8, 2017 chicago st....

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Sacrificial Gift of Thanks and Praise October 7-8, 2017

St. Mary - Adult Envelopes $1,155

Offertory $30

St Patrick - Budget $1,516 Offertory $253.11 Building Fund $10

Please pray for Lupita Montalvo, Jerry Buss, Cindy

Balvanz, Aracely Lobato Wilma Uthe, Jacob and Dena Sudtegte, Jim and Lisette Boylan, Marge Montgomery,

Lyle Dockwell, Patrick Mejia.

Mass Schedule Monday, October 16

St. Mark, Iowa Falls, 8:30am Leila Randall

Tuesday, October 17 No Mass

Wednesday, October 18 Hampton Rehab Center, 9:30

Craig Luther St. Mary, Eldora, 6:30pm

David Andrews Thursday, October 19

St. Mary, Eldora, 8:30am Gertrude & Wallace Wooten

Heritage Care Center, Iowa Falls, 9:30am, August & Hazel Conrad

Friday, October 20 St. Mary, Ackley, 8:30am

Saturday, October 21

St. Mary, Eldora, 4:00pm Lawrence Kadolph

St. Mary, Ackley, 6:30pm Jean Eich

Sunday, October 22 St. Mark, Iowa Falls, 8:00am

Scott Koppes St. Patrick, 10:30am

Ardeth Plendl Spanish Mass- St. Patrick,

Hampton, 5:30pm For the People

St. Mary Saturday, October 21

6:30pm Lector: Jim Wessels, Kristen Huttinger

Communion: Molly Forgy,

Jenny Kuper, Janet DeBerg

Ushers: Bob Burkle, John Schafer,

Pat Scallon, Mike O’Brien

Greeters: Jennifer and Darwin

Pfaltzgraff family

Communion to the Homebound:

Julie Wojcik

Altar Servers: Brianda Gonzalez,

Addison Dennis

Sacristan: Linda Sudtelgte

St. Patrick

Sunday, October 22 10:30am

Lector: Mary Ann Patton

Communion: Judy Nelson(W)/Dick

Nelson(W)/Jean Wolfe/Joe Alonzo/Julie


Ushers: Madonna Weiland/

Jack Kangley

Greeters: John & Linda Angstman/

Tom & Sharon Burman

Communion to the Homebound:

Ruth Ann Kelch

Altar Servers: Ariana Bunston/

Connor Miller

Sacristan: Judy Nelson

Money Counters: Mary Ann Patton/

John & Janice Ripperger

Organist: Leon Kuehner

Liturgy Meeting October 16 at 6 p.m. at

St. Mark, Iowa Falls

Eucharistic Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of

Jesus Christ, who is present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity,

under the appearance of the consecrated host. Each week

Eucharistic Expositions are scheduled to pray for renewal of our

parishes and for vocations (especially in the Archdiocese of

Dubuque) as follows:

Saturday- St. Mary, Eldora - half hour after 4:00pm Mass.

Sunday- St. Patrick, Hampton- 9:45am to 10:25 am.

Monday- St. Mark, Iowa Falls, following 8:30am Mass

Thursday- St. Mary, Ackley- 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

St. Patrick parish will need at least one person present at 9:45am

to be with the Blessed Sacrament. If you are available please

sign up on the sheet in the parish hall.

St. Mary's Annual Turkey Dinner is fast approaching on October

22 from 3:30-6:30 p.m. Tickets are $8.00 in advance (may be

purchased at the ARC, Ibeling's Insurance or before or after

Mass). They are $9.00 at the door with children's tickets $5.00

and 5 and under free. Carry outs will be available in the Parish

Hall. If you have not picked up your envelope concerning this,

please do so. Thank you.

Fr. Kevin invites all St. Patrick 4th graders and older

interested students, to a server training evening on

Wednesday October 25th at 7pm. Thank you for

encouraging your children to participate in this

important ministry of the Church.

If you or an immediate family member is suffering through a serious illness and wish to include him or her in the petitions for the weekend Mass, please let Angi Wright ( know by noon Fridays.

MASS DURING RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mass held at St. Patrick and St. Mary once a month during Religious Education times. St. Patrick’s is scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month at 7:15 p.m. starting October 11 and St. Mary’s is scheduled for the fourth Wednesday starting October 25 at 7:15pm (St. Mary will switch off between the afternoon and the evening classes). Everyone is invited to attend Mass with the youth of the parishes. ST. MARY will have a wine and cheese social following October 28 Mass. Everyone is welcome at attend!

"Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find." (Mt.22-9) Consider helping other couples as they prepare for the sacrament of marriage. Bringing others to Christ in their marriage will help to bring your marriage to Christ as well.

St. Patrick- Starting at Mass on Oct. 8, Bring Non-Perishable

food donations to mass!

During offertory at Mass, There will be baskets available up

front, which people (especially children) will be invited to place

their non-perishable food item(s) in one of the baskets up near

the altar. This will be a regular part of our Sunday collection

every week. All items will support our weekly food pantry.

65% Tax Credit Too Good to be True? Not at all. If you file an Iowa

Income Tax Return, your contributions to the Our Faith School

Tuition Organization (STO) receive a 65% tax credit. That means

for every $1000 you donate, you receive an Iowa income tax credit

of $650, which reduces your Iowa tax liability by $650. In addition,

the entire amount of your gift qualifies for federal deductibility.

And that gift you made? It helps make a Catholic school education

affordable for every child, regardless of their families’ financial

situation. It really is that simple. Visit or call

the Archdiocese of Dubuque at 800-876-3546 ext. 219 or 307 to

learn more.


you know Jean Eich wanted to have a table at the St. Marys

Turkey dinner called "Pumpkin Patch". We have items for

the table and friends to sell items. All are invited to bring

something to donate to sell (knickknacks, baked goods,

etc). The table will be at the back of the church across

from the raffle ticket table.

The Knights of Columbus invites all to the Respect Life Rosary that will

be said at 10am on every Sundays in October. Please join us as we

pray for the dignity of all life.

Msgr. Jim Miller is leading a 9-day pilgrimage to the Holy

Land from May 28 until June 5 of 2018. The cost is $3,699.

We will have a bus from Nativity Parish in Dubuque to

Chicago Contact Fr. Jim for more information at or call him at 641-430-8217.”

LA MISA DURANTE LA EDUCACION REGLIGIOSA se ofrece en San Patricio y Santa María durante el tiempo de la clase de Religión una vez cada mes. La Misa en San Patricio será el segundo miércoles de cada mes a las 7:25 p.m. comenzando el 11 de octubre. Todos están invitados a asistir a la Misa con los jóvenes de las parroquias.

La Adoración Eucarística es un signo de devoción y adoración a Jesucristo, quien está presente Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad, bajo la apariencia de la hostia consagrada. Cada semana se organizan Exposiciones Eucarísticas para orar por la renovación de nuestras parroquias y vocaciones (especialmente en la Arquidiócesis de Dubuque) de la siguiente manera: Domingo- San Patricio, Hampton- 9:45 am a 10:25 am. La parroquia de St. Patrick necesitará al menos una persona presente a las 9:45 am para estar con el Santísimo Sacramento. Si está disponible, regístrese en la hoja de la sala parroquial.

La cena anual de Pavo de Santa María se aproxima rápidamente el 22 de octubre, de 3:30-6: 30 p.m. Los boletos

son de $8.00 por adelantado (se pueden comprar en el ARC, el Seguro de Ibeling, o antes o después de la Misa).

Son de $9.00 en la puerta con los boletos de los niños $5.00 y 5 años y bajo gratis. Comida para llevar estará

disponible en el Salón Parroquial. Si no han recogido sus sobres con respecto a esto, por favor, háganlo. Gracias.

Fr. Kevin invita a todos los alumnos de 4to grado de San Patricio y a los estudiantes interesados en grados superiores, a una clase de formación de servidores, (monaguillos) el miércoles 25 de octubre a las 7pm. Gracias por animar a sus hijos a participar en este importante ministerio de la Iglesia.

Peticiones para la Misa Si usted o un familiar inmediato sufre de una enfermedad grave y desea incluirlo en las peticiones para la misa del fin de semana, por favor avisen a Angi Wright ( al mediodía del viernes. "Salgan, por lo tanto, por las carreteras principales e inviten al banquete a quienes hallen". (Mt.29-9) Consideren ayudar a otras parejas a prepararse para el sacramento del matrimonio. Traer a otros a Cristo en su matrimonio ayudará a traer su matrimonio a Cristo también. ¡San Patricio - ¡Comenzando con la Misa del 8 de octubre, traigan donaciones de alimentos no perecederos a la Misa! Durante las ofrendas de la Misa, habrá cestas disponibles por adelante, para que personas (especialmente niños) estarán invitados a colocar sus alimentos no perecederos en una de las cestas cerca del altar. Esta será una parte regular de nuestra colección del domingo cada semana. Todos los artículos apoyarán nuestra despensa semanal del alimento. 65% de crédito fiscal demasiado bueno para ser verdad? De ningún modo. Si presenta una Declaración de Impuestos sobre la Renta de Iowa, sus contribuciones a la Organización de Matrícula Escolar de Nuestra Fe (STO) reciben un crédito fiscal del 65%. Eso significa que por cada $ 1000 que usted done, usted recibirá un crédito de impuesto sobre la renta de Iowa de $ 650, lo cual reduce su pasivo fiscal de Iowa en $ 650. Además, la cantidad total de su regalo califica para deducibilidad federal. ¿Y ese regalo que hiciste? Ayuda a que la educación escolar católica sea asequible para todos los niños, independientemente de la situación financiera de sus familias. Es realmente así de simple. Visite o llame a la Arquidiócesis de Dubuque al 800-876-3546 ext. 219 o 307 para obtener más información. Comida para llevar estará disponible en el Salón Parroquial. Si no han recogido sus sobres con respecto a esto, por favor, háganlo. Gracias. Mons. Jim Miller conduce una peregrinación de 9 días a la Tierra Santa desde el 28 de mayo hasta el 5 de junio de 2018. El costo es de $ 3,699. Tendremos un autobús de la Parroquia de la Natividad en Dubuque a Chicago. Contactarse con el Padre Jim para más información en o llamarlo en 641-430-8217. "

St. Mary St. Patrick 611 Sherman - Ackley 1405 N. Federal - Hampton 641-847-2329 641-456-4857

Pastor: Rev. Anthony Kruse

Associate Pastor: Rev. Kevin Earleywine

Director of Faith Formation: Jolene Harms

St. Mary -Bookeeping and Main: Brent and Sue Harrenstein

St. Patrick:Secretary/Bookkeeper: Angi Wright Office Hours Tues – Fri. 9-3:30 p.m.

Archdiocese Website St.Mary/St. Patrick Website

E-Mail St Patrick: St. Mary:

Baptism Preparation Dates: November 17, 2017 February 15, May 17, 2018. Contact the Parish office for details.

Marriage Preparation: Contact pastor six months in advance

Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass (travel time permitting)

In case of an emergency requiring a priest, please call 641-425-5736

A note from Fr. Tony As you might know, I have struggled on and off with various health issues. While I have been pretty

vocal in keeping you up to date in the past, in recent months I have not shared as much with you. We have so many parishioners and family members with illnesses that are suffering more than I. So, in respect to them, I decided not to share as much. However, over the past few months, my health has taken a bit of a turn. I have consistently not felt well and have lost so much stamina and energy. It has affected my ministry. I will be out of the office the week of October 23rd visiting specialists to determine a cause and hopefully find a treatment. Thank God that Fr. Kevin is with us because he will be picking up more of the slack in ministry since I am unable to do so. For now, my activities may be limited until I regain my stamina, energy, and strength. Please pray for me and I will pray for you. On a different note, there is no Mass this Tuesday morning in Hampton. Fr. Kevin and I will be attending an all-day archdiocesan meeting in Waterloo on Tuesday. Have a great week.

Una nota del P. Tony

Como ustedes pueden saber, he luchado algunas veces con varios problemas de salud. Mientras que he sido bastante vocal en mantenerles al día en el pasado, en los últimos meses no he compartido tanto sobre esto con ustedes. Tenemos muchos feligreses y familiares con enfermedades que están sufriendo más que yo. Por lo tanto, con respecto a ellos, decidí no compartir tanto. Sin embargo, en los últimos meses, mi salud ha tomado un poco de un giro. No me he sentido nunca bien y he perdido tanto vigor y energía. Esto ha afectado mi ministerio. Estaré fuera de la oficina la semana del 23 de octubre visitando a especialistas para determinar una causa y espero encontrar un tratamiento. Gracias a Dios que el P. Kevin está con nosotros porque va a llenar el vacío en el ministerio, ya que soy incapaz de hacerlo. Por ahora, mis actividades pueden ser limitadas hasta que recupere mi resistencia, energía y fuerza. Por favor oren por mí y yo oraré por ustedes. En otra nota, no hay Misa este martes por la mañana en Hampton. Fr. Kevin y yo asistiremos a una reunión arquidiocesana de todo el día en Waterloo el martes. Qué tengan una buena semana.

October 14-15, 2017

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary


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