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Advanced HumanError Management


Advanced HumanError Management


Online MasterClass 03-04 August, 2020

Why People Make Errors and Mistakes?

Tim Marsh

Learning OutcOmes:

• TounderstandhowHumanErrorfitswithinaholisticriskframework.

• Tounderstandrecentadvancesinunderstandingtheinter-linkedandmulti-facetedcausesofhumanerror

• Toacquireatoolboxofprovenmethodologiesforpro-activelyminimizinghumanerror. +36 1 848

03-04, August, 2020Advanced Human Error Management MasterClass



Recent advances in human error management based on alertness creation dovetail seamlessly with holistic and coordinated approaches to risk management. This two day course covers the recent advances in understanding why people make physical and cognitive mistakes and what pro-active and proportionate steps can be taken to pro-actively manage that risk.

This course is primarily aimed at Director level for SHE and HR professionals but is an interactive and accessable course about people. Therefore it is suitable for anyone with an interest in minimizing risk and maximizing human potential. (Thus anyone from the C-Suite to a safety rep).

CBRE Data Centre Solutions (DCS) is the leading provider of full-spectrum life cycle services to data centre owners, occupiers, and investors. DCS supports customers through consulting services, project management, and integrated data centre operations. A new approach to risk was needed to fully support the sustainable growth of a business specialising in highly critical environments. Adam Wilkinson has been developing the integrated risk model, taking a holistic view of risk to drive efficiency and increase employee buy in. By looking at aspects like operations, people, health, safety, wellbeing, commercial, and environmental risk collectively, significant advances have been made in the effectiveness of risk reduction. The DCS Human Factors Programme, which Adam will present as a case study, is an example of this joined up thinking which has bought tangible benefit to the business.Drawing inspiration from CBRE’s own implementation of ISO 45001, one of the first 10 companies in the world to do so, Wilkinson has developed a holistic risk model for data centre clients, based on operational risk management, a learning culture and management of human factors. A keen athlete, Wilkinson brought his knowledge of using nutrition, hydration and sleep to improve athletic performance to the course content. Applying these insights to managing fatigue and alertness in data centres, which are staffed 24 hours a day in climate-controlled conditions, gave the course an additional element alongside its focus on wellbeing, mindfulness and mental health.



• Havebeenintroducedtoaholisticmodelofthrivingallowinganunderstandingofwhy‘goodworkisgoodforyou’andwhat‘goodwork’is.

• understandthefullrangeofrootcausesoferrorfrommistakesofstrategicthinking,throughmissingopportunitiestoempowerandcreateastrongpositiveculture…tosimplytrippingover.

• understandthatcultureisbehavior,behavioriscultureandexactlywhy‘cultureisking’.• understandhowthebasicmechanicsofcreatingacultureofexcellencerelatetothekeyhabits

ofthemostsuccessfulteamleadersandteammembers…• understandhowtomeasureandbenchmarkorganizationalwellbeingandsafetycultureto

identifyweakareasandtrackprogress.• Beintroducedtothelatesttechnologiesformeasuringthelevelsandcausesofday

todayalertness. +36 1 848

Media Partners

03-04, August, 2020Advanced Human Error Management MasterClass

Tim MarshPhD; msc; cFiOsH; cPsychol; sFiirsm

Prof Tim Marsh, then at UMIST, was one of the team leaders of the original UK research into behavioural safety (in construction) in the early 1990s, is one of only a few Chartered Psychologists who are also Chartered Fellows of IOSH. He is considered a world authority on the subject of behavioural safety, safety leadership and organisational culture, was awarded a “President’s Commendation” in 2008 by the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management and was selected to be their first ever ‘Specialist Fellow’ in 2010. The British Occupational Hygiene Society asked him to give the key note opening ‘Warner Lecture’ at their annual international conference in 2013. In 2014 he gave a key note to the Faculty of UK Medicine and gave the closing key note at the inaugural USA’s Campbell Institute ‘International Thought Leaders’ conference. He gave the opening key note address at Safeguard New Zealand (May 16) and was key note at the inaugural NEBOSH Alumni event.Founder of Ryder Marsh Safety (closed in 2015) he has worked with more than 400 major organisations around the world, including many international oil and gas, utility, chemical, transport and manufacturing organisations as well as the European Space Agency. Made visiting professor at Plymouth University in 2015. Formed Anker & Marsh with Jason Anker MBE in 2018.


Course style

The style of the course is highly interactive. For example, an early flip chart exercise it to get the delegates to define excellent safety leadership in their own words. The output always proves close to 100% generic (see Day 2) and delegate’s own definitions of excellence will be referred back to frequently as the course progresses. Please note that the soft skills element of the course mirrors the content of the soon to be released NEBOSH qualification (well the scope Anker and Marsh wrote for and agreed with the Nebosh leadership. It’s currently with committees). +36 1 848

All dates and times are expressed in UTC/GMT+2 on the Agenda.

03-04, August, 2020Advanced Human Error Management MasterClass

culture and Behaviour

• ThenatureofCulture.(Why‘cultureisking’andhowweallcontributetothecultureallthetimewhetherwewanttoornot)

• ClassicModelsofCulture–Bradley,Cheese,ParkerandHudsonWhyanintegratedandholisticapproachisneeded–andthemanypro-activeopportunitiesitaffords.

• Introductiontorecentadvancesinintegratedriskmodels• TheGrift(orTriangle)Principle.Wecannotguaranteeluck(inanysphereoflife)butwecangreatly


Why People make errors and mistakes

• Individualstrengthsandweaknesses• frontBrainBackBrain–theydon’tinteractthewayweoftenassumetheydo.• nudge(BehaviouralEconomics)• TheclassicmistakesofthinkingthatapplytoEmotionalIntelligence(forexample,BlackandWhite

Thinking,Catastrophising).• Whywemakemistakesofthinking.(startingwiththefundamentalattributionError).• JustCulture–theprincipleillustratedwithcasestudies(ideallylocalcasestudies,seeabove).

safety Health and Wellbeing Leadership

• ExpandingontheculturalandleadershipaspectsofJustCulture,daytodayculturalandsubtle‘nudg-es’leadersgive(eitherpositiveornegative).

• Thekeymind-setfactorthatlinksbothgoodteammembersandgreatteamleaders(seeleoncini)• Thesecondkeymind-setforsuccess…(seeWalker)• reviewofKeydo’sanddon’tsrequiredoffrontlinemanagementincreatingapro-activeculture.

Overview of strategy and tactics. • anoverviewmodelofholisticandinter-connectedwell-being(seeCampbellInstituteWhitePaper).• latestadvancesinmeasuringwellbeingandindividualalertness.• WhyasuccessfulandholisticWell-beingapproachautomaticallycovers80%ofbehaviouralsafety

issues• fatigue,engagement,ownership,situationalawarenessanddiscretionaryeffort.• CBrECasestudy.Inparticular,areviewofthelearningpointsfromtheprocess








End OF dAy 117:00 END

LunCh BREAK13:00 +36 1 848

All dates and times are expressed in UTC/GMT+2 on the Agenda.

03-04, August, 2020Advanced Human Error Management MasterClass

Practicalities – emotional intelligence (e.i.) applied

• E.I.defined(anditsimportanceillustratedwithcasestudies).• Problemsolvinginteams• Practicalempathytechniquesandmind-sets(activelisteningbasedonaBC,JustCultureprinciplesand

‘myweaknesses,yourstrengths’).• ‘Highvalue’questionstogetintothehabitofasking.

emotional intelligence continued

• E.I.defined(anditsimportanceillustratedwithcasestudies).• Problemsolvinginteams• Practicalempathytechniquesandmind-sets(activelisteningbasedonaBC,JustCultureprinciplesand‘my

weaknesses,yourstrengths’).• ‘Highvalue’questionstogetintothehabitofasking.

mental Health and Wellbeing part 1.

• Howweallhave‘mentalhealth’.anoverviewofkeythemesandholisticmodelsofcauses.• Theill…orjustunhappyissue.• Whyit’struethat‘goodworkisgoodforyou’-theimportanceof‘meaning’,tractionandsuitable

autonomyto‘goodwork’.• Thebasicmind-set,valuesandquestionsetsbehindthe‘it’soKtonotbeoK’approachtomental

healthandthe‘zerosuicide’initiatives.• Howtodevelopindividualresilience(diet,exercise,breathing–or“bikesandbananas”)• Why‘strengthofmind’isnotresilience.(Howthesympatheticandparasympatheticnervoussystem


mental Health and Wellbeing part 2.

• anoverviewfatigueandsleepworkshop• Where‘mindfulness’andmentalhealthfirstaidteamsfitin• Pro-activelytakingcontrolof‘fate’regardinghealthandwellbeing(Heinrich’sprinciplerevisited).

summary• anoverviewfatigueandsleepworkshop• Where‘mindfulness’andmentalhealthfirstaidteamsfitin• Pro-activelytakingcontrolof‘fate’regardinghealthandwellbeing(Heinrich’sprinciplerevisited).








End OF dAy 216:00

LunCh BREAK13:00 +36 1 848

Upcoming Conferences


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PHARMACEUTICAL EVENTS• CMC Biopharma 2.0 MasterClass

• Development of generics: From R&D to GMP MasterClass

• Risk and Pharmacovigilance MasterClass

• LifeScience Micro MBA MasterClass

• Signal and Risk Management in Pharmacovigilance MasterClass

• Digitaliza� on in Pharma 2021


• Advanced Human Error MasterClass

• European HSE Management Forum 5.0

• MBA for HSE Prac� oners MasterClass

• HSE360 Summit 2021

• European HSE Management Forum 6.0

HUMAN RESOURCES EVENTS • Sales Incen� ve Plans MasterClass

• Advanced Compensa� on and Benefi t MasterClass

• Personal Eff ec� veness Tools MasterClass

• Agility in HR

• 15th HR Minds TalentON Forum

• Advanced Organisa� on Design MasterClass

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CROSS INDUSTRY EVENTS • Women in Leadership Summit

• Machine Learning MasterClass

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• Coaching MasterClass

• Situa� onal Leadership MasterClass

• Audit Summit 2020

• Agile Workplace Design Forum

• Supply Chain Management Forum

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Global Leading Conferences (GLC) is an industry leader in the field of business intelligence. We provide interactive & impactful business platforms and networking opportuni-ties for senior level executives by bringing them together for B2B Conferences, Global Summits, Training & Workshops. Being customer focused and having our client’s priorities at the forefront, are amongst our core values and is of high importance to the way we operate our business.Our passion for customer satisfaction and results, drive us to work with industry experts closely - who fully understand their peers interests and day-to-day challenges - in order to deliver the most impactful events. We are specialized in industries such as; Pharmaceutical, Banking & Finance, Energy, Oil & Gas, IT & Communication, Sales & Marketing, Law and Human Resources.Our commitment is to deliver the latest information to our clients, while maintaining highest quality and standards. By attending GLC events your company will be able to apply advanced strategies to your operations, gain the latest know-how’s and benchmark yourself higher against the competition while enjoying a 5 star environment.

03-04, August, 2020Advanced Human Error Management MasterClass

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