may 17, 2020 church news brainstorming 2020: ministry...

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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May 17, 2020 9:30 a.m.


Praise & Worship……………….……..……FCBC Praise Team Scripture…………………………………………………..………Minister

John 20: 24-31


Hymn………………………………………….“Down at the Cross”


Ministry Spotlight Pastoral Concerns/Giving The Word in Song


The Recognition of Returning Sick/Prayer Concerns Altar Call & Prayer……......................................Minister The Word in Song


**The Sermon…………………….Pastor Fredrick A. Davis


*Invitation to Christian Discipleship/ Invitational Selection If you would like to unite with our Church Family, you can do so

during the Hymn of Invitation following the sermon. You may join by

Baptism, Christian Experience, Letter, or as an Associate Member.


*PLEASE STAND IF YOU ARE ABLE and remain standing **Please refrain from walking during The Sermon


FROM PASTOR DAVIS: BIBLE STUDY IS STILL HAPPENING! Join us on Facebook on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.!

FCBC has a current job opening for a Full-time Senior Church Musician. This position will assist the Director of Music Ministries to enhance the overall ministry of First Calvary Baptist Church and work to lead congregations into worship through Spirit-led music for the glory of Jesus Christ.

To apply for this position please submit your resume to: Email resume to: Mail resume to: Attention - Director of Music Ministry First Calvary Baptist Church 1311 Morehead Avenue Durham, NC 27707

If you have questions, please contact the church office at 919-489-4184.

PLEASE NOTE: The Church Office and Building are currently on limited access throughout the week. It is available and open for essential employees only. Please call the Church for any type of information or before all visits. If you need to come to the Church, please be prepared to practice “Social Distancing”, for all our safety.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIDGECREST 2020 (July 20th—24th) REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN TO ALL ADULT MINISTRY LEADERS ONLY (18 years of age and above). Qualifying/interested participants: (1) must be current members of FCBC, (2) must be actively serving in some capacity in a ministry and (3) must not have attended the conference in the last two consecutive years. If you meet these criteria and you are interested in attending this conference in July, EMAIL Minister John Carter at and indicate your current servant position. Availability is limited and openings will be granted on first come first served basis. Registration is open until all slots are filled. The last day to be considered is May 31, 2020.

SCHOLARSHIP: ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: The 2020 FCBC Scholarship Applications are now available. They can be obtained via the Scholarship Ministry website. All applications are to be emailed to scholarship@firstcalvary no later than 7:00 p.m. on June 10, 2020. Please contact Sister Brenda Carter ( or Deaconess Sharyn Davis ( with any questions.

GRADUATE APPOINTMENTS: ALL GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS will need to make an appointment to have a zoom meeting or a telephone conference with the Minister Jacques Wright , Minster to Youth and Children, in order to receive your graduation stipend. This meeting will need to take place by June 7, 2020. Contact Minster Wright at to set up an appointment.

CELEBRATING ALL GRADUATES: ALL KINDERGARTEN, HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE GRADUATES, AND POST GRADUATES: The graduate information form can be found on the Scholarship Ministry web page. Please fill out the form and submit it to no later than June 7, 2020.

FROM THE COMMUNITY: May is National Foster Care Month, which highlights the needs of children and youth who need to be in foster care until they can either safely reunite with their parents or establish other lifelong family relationships. Help us keep our children in their communities by becoming a foster parent in Durham County. For more information, call us at 919-560-8092 or email us at

BRAINSTORMING 2020: The Visionary Ministry invites you to attend the 2020 Brainstorming Session on Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - “NEXT STEPS FOR PASTORAL LEADERSHIP”. Please Join Us as the Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC) shares updates regarding Input Received from FCBC Members/Leaders regarding the Process, and Current Status of the Pastoral Search Committee (PSC), and Next Steps/Timeline for the Pastoral Search. This year our annual session will take place via Virtual Conference Call (ZOOM and Phone).

*Join Zoom Meeting via Phone by dialing: 1-929-205-6099, and entering info below: Meeting ID: 818 4711 9552 Password: 121162

* Join Zoom Meeting via Computer/App by using the link below: Meeting ID: 818 4711 9552 Password: FCBC

You can also physically join us in the Fellowship Hall for the event, with social distancing in place. Please pre-submit any questions and/or concerns you have to, your Deacon, or the Church Office (919-489-4184).

PASTORAL SEARCH COMMITTEE: Want to nominate yourself or a FCBC member to serve as the member-at -large? Submit your name to The deadline to submit eligible nominees is 11:59 pm Monday, May 18. The congregation will elect the member at large at the June 6 brainstorming session.

BE SAFE…BE AWARE…BE WELL: Please use caution and be safe during this time in our lives. Wash your hands with soap and water regularly-wash for at least 20 seconds (sing “Happy Birthday” twice or sing the “ABC song”). Use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. Wipe down door handles, light switches, and surfaces with an alcohol based cleaner or Clorox wipe. Drink water throughout the day. Wear a mask when out in public and remember “Social Distancing”, stay at least 6 feet to 10 feet away from others.


Remember our sick & shut-in members with prayers, cards, visits, & calls and share this information with the Pastor and Deacons. Contact the church office with sick & shut in information.


Sis. Dorothy Blakeney Parkview Health & Rehab Center 1716 Legion Road Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Sis. Mildred Gerald Carriage House Assisted Living Facility 3896 N. Elm Street Greensboro, NC 27455

Sis. Gussie Langley Carver Living Center 303 E. Carver Street 27704

Sis. Thelma Lee Sis. Dorothy Waller

Durham Regent Retirement Center 3007 Pickett Road 27703 Crescent Green Assistant Living 624 Jones Ferry Road Carrboro, NC 27510

AT HOME CARE Bro. Danny Blackwell Sis. Mary Bolling

1 Lucas Drive 2200 N. Oakridge Blvd

27703 27707

Sis. Wilhemenia Foster-Long

Sis. Josephine Hayes Sis. Shirley Jackson Sis. Mary Liverman Bro. Frank Lloyd

309 Pearson Drive 709 Berwyn Avenue 2420 Glenbrook Drive 4302 Stonehenge Rd., Greensboro 7 Gwendolyn Circle

27713 27704 27707 28406 27703

Sis. Eliza McCrimmon Sis. Rachelle Nelums Sis. Gwen Smith Dea. John Smith Sis. Kathy Thornton Sis. Conya Thorpe

1207 Gilbert Street 723 Melanie Street 1326 Elmset Lane 1405 Timber Wolf Drive 52 Poppy Trail 2801 Ross Road

27701 27704 27713 27713 27713 27703


CFLR –Community Family Life Center at Lyon Park CFR –Conference Room CRM -Choir Room

CR I -Classroom 1 CR II -Classroom 2 CR III -Classroom 3 FH – Fellowship Hall LIB – Library Sanct-Sanctuary

SUNDAY 7:00 am Intercessory Prayer Service (4th Sun) Sanct 9:30 pm Discipleship Orientation Class LIB 1:15pm 1:15 pm 1:15 pm

1:15 pm

Health & Wellness Ministry (2nd Sun) Evangelism Ministry (2nd Sun) Daughters of Calvary (3rd Sun) Computer Ministry (2nd Sun)


4:00 pm Associate Ministers (each 2nd Sun) CR II 5:00 pm Deacons & Trustee Ministry Mtg. (2nd Sun) CR III/LIB 6:30 pm Official Leadership Team (2nd Sun) FH

MONDAY 6:00 pm Tots of Praise Rehearsal (after 1st) CRM 6:30 pm Psalm 150 (after 3rd & 4th Sun) CRM 6:30 pm Young Adult Choir (after 2nd Sun) CRM 6:30pm Children’s Church Committee (after 2nd Sun) LIB 6:30 pm Sunday School Teachers (1st Mon) CR I 6:30 pm Calvary’s Anointed/Vessels of Praise FH/Sanct 7:00pm Entrepreneur Ministry (TBA) CR III 7:00pm Visionary Ministry (3rd Mon) LIB 7:30pm Male Chorus (after 2nd & 3rd Sun) CRM 7:30pm Young Adult Choir (before 3rd Sun) CRM

TUESDAY 6:00pm Scouting Ministry (every other Tues) ALL AREAS 6:30pm Hospitality Ministry (2nd Tues) CR I 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm

Praise Team Circle of Care (COC) (2nd Tues-Quarterly) Beauty for Ashes


7:00pm Male Summit (Tuesday after 3rd Sun) LIB 7:30pm Music Council (2nd Tues) CR II 7:30pm The Encouragers (1st Tues) CR III

WEDNESDAY 12:00pm Noon Day Prayer LIB 6:45pm Prayer and Praise Service FH 7:00pm Bible Study FH & CR

THURSDAY 6:00pm Nursery Ministry (1st Thurs) Nursery 6:30pm Calvary’s Anointed/Vessels of Praise FH/Sanct 6:30pm Beautification Committee (2nd Thurs) CR I 6:30pm Couples’ Ministry (4th Thurs) CR II 6:30pm Youth Council (4th Thurs) CR I 6:30pm ACT Ministry (3rd Thurs) CR I 6:30pm Young Adult Ministry (3rd Thurs) CR II 7:00pm Singles in Love with Christ (4th Thurs) LIB 7:00pm Sunday Service Choir Rehearsal CRM 7:30pm Drama Ministry CR III

SATURDAY 9:30am Pearls of Praise (2nd Sat) CRM 10:00am Scholarship Ministry (before the 2nd Sun) CR II 10:00am 10:00am

PROJECT F.I.N.E. Onesiphorous Prison Ministry (3rd Sat)


10:30am Deaconess Ministry (1st Sat) LIB/Sanct 11:00am Senior Missionary Ministry (3rd Sat) LIB 11:00am Senior Usher & First Aid Ministry (2nd Sat) CRM/ Sanct 11:30am Culinary Arts Ministry (4th Sat) LIB


What I’m learning in these Pandemic Times is that there is not a day that goes by that God is not in control. I notice that so many of you had a great Mother’s Day Celebration, but it was surely different! And so it was for us all. I concure with David Jermiah who wrote in his newsletter that, “We are learning two lessons during this time: First, how much we love being together with each other in worship and fellowship; second, that we can worship our Great God without buildings and microphones and video screens and live orchestras, etc. ‘God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth,’ John 4:24. “ As we move into our eighth week of Staying at Home, or some semblance thereof, per Quarrentine….I pray that you are in touch with the God inside of you who is still doing all things well! Yes, All Things are working (as Paul taught) for our good, now it might not BE good but it’s working FOR our good! Praise The Lord! First Calvary, you are doing great for such a time as this, and I want to keep encouraging you to take some time for God to be praised! Take time to consider someone who may not have family close by and send them a card, or give them a phone call. Just Do It! We are moving right along in Ministry at First Calvary. Thank you to our Ministry Leaders that have been, and are now, working to offer Ministry events and activities even while we stay at home. We hope that you will participate and stay connected with the Church even in this season. We always thank our Church Staff that has continued to work, from home and staggered in the building, during this time. We also appreciate those who have helped make worship, Sunday School, and Bible Study work. From the Praise Team and Music personnel, to Audio and Visual volunteers, we have maintained our schedule….y’all realize we haven’t missed a week? Thank you to everyone that has helped to make that happen and who keep making it happen.

As we continue to evangelize, we must pause to remember that the Bible teaches that the people of God are unique. Peter called us “a spiritual house for a holy priesthood” and “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession” (I Peter 2: 5,9) That makes us different and set apart. We are also created for “good works” (Ephesians 2: 10) that impact the world around us. First Calvary, how committed are we to doing the “WORK OF THE MINISTRY” (Ephesians 4)? What are we willing to do to get the word out about the cause of Christ! We are called to be ambassadors for Him. The question is “do we accept the call”? I challenge each one of us to witness to at least one person about how salvation came into their heart, even at this time.

This week’s WOW Word is DISCIPLE. The word DISCIPLE defined is a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher. For us, it would mean a student of Jesus Christ. A DISCIPLE seeks to emulate or be a mirror image of their teacher. So, are we doing what we can to be

a true DISCIPLE….and “look like Christ”? He has called us to “make DISCIPLES”, that is, to help others know about Him. It is clear to me that God is watching us in our roles as DISCIPLES. We are to know Him and make Him KNOWN. A true DISCIPLE is a learner, so a DISCIPLE of Christ must learn of Him. We have the opportunity to do this in both Sunday School and Bible Study. Never forget that we are His DISCIPLES…. and we are AN EXCITING CHURCH EXCITED ABOUT ITS MISSION.


Imagine a world without evangelism. The landscape of our world would be barren of hope. Christ desires that we take our knowledge of him and share it with those in need. The lost would never be found if no one took the time to look for them. People would not understand that joy is an option in the presence of despair; and, earth would be viewed as a final destination instead of believing homes have been prepared for us in heaven. Romans 10:14, NIV explains the importance of sharing the Word of God in the following statement. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Everyone has the opportunity to share the good news of Christ Jesus. You may not be a preacher, or teacher; but you could be a good friend and lover of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. We should all strive to help make sure we do our part to make sure the whole world is saved.


Our Tithes & Offerings must be $34,315.00 per Sunday

to meet our budget. Thank you for giving! Our attendance goals: Bible Study-100, Sunday School-200

May 10, 2020 Bible Study N/A Sunday School N/A New Members N/A

Early Worship N/A Worship Service (Streaming) 800

Tithes and Offering $11,160.70 Sacrificial Offering

Food Pantry $315.00 $210.00

Scholarship Gift/Donation

Sunday School Online Giving

Total Giving

$160.00 $50.00 $12.00

$15,193.66 $27,101.36

SOME SCRIPTURES ON DISCIPLESHIP And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on

earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of

all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the

Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I

have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the

end of the age.” -Matthew 28:18-20 ESV

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be

hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but

on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way,

let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good

works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

-Matthew 5:14-16 ESV

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide

in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the

truth, and the truth will set you free.”

-John 8:31-32 ESV

A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully

trained will be like his teacher. -Luke 6:40 ESV



SUN 3 9:30 AM Worship Service Stream on Facebook & Website

6 7:00 PM Bible Study Stream on Facebook & Website

SUN 10 9:30 AM

MOTHER’S DAY Worship Service Stream on Facebook & Website

12 7:00 PM Bible Study Stream on Facebook & Website

SUN 17 9:30 AM Worship Service Stream on Facebook & Website

22 7:00 PM Bible Study Stream on Facebook & Website

SUN 24 9:30 AM Worship Service Stream on Facebook & Website


29 7:00 PM Bible Study Stream on Facebook & Website

SUN 31 9:30 AM Worship Service Stream on Facebook & Website

TODAY’S MINISTRY THROUGH SERVICE Music: Praise Team Director of Music Ministries Minister Michael Dotson Percussionist: Brother Andre Sanders Videographers: Sister Hilary Fearrington/

Sister Toni McIntosh

Join the Prayer Conference Call on Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m. (712-432-1001, code "494132935#"), Noon Day Prayer (Wednesdays), and Intercessory Prayer (4th Sundays, 7:00 a.m.)

If you are having a medical procedure, or are sick at home for over a week, please contact the church office so that

Pastoral contact can occur as soon as possible or at your request.

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: First Calvary Baptist Church, Durham, NC

JOIN US FOR BIBLE STUDY…. Wednesdays, 7pm

Via the Church Facebook page (First Calvary Baptist Church, Durham, NC) or on

the Church website,

The Abbreviated FC Mission Statement:

E3: Empower spiritual lives, Enhance quality of life,

& Evangelize the lost

"An Exciting Church Excited About Its Mission"



1311 Morehead AvenueDurham, NC 27707 (919) 489-4184FAX (919) 489-3565

Fredrick A. Davis, M.DIV., D.D. Pastor

May 17, 2020

SUNDAY Worship- 7:45am & 10:45amChildren’s Church-10:45am

Sunday School-9:30am

WEDNESDAY Noon Day Prayer- 12:00pm

Prayer & Praise– 6:30pmBible Study–7:00pm



FCBC Visionary Ministry


2020 Brainstorming Session


Saturday, June 6, 2020, 10:00am Virtual Conference Call (via ZOOM / Phone)

Join Zoom Meeting via Phone by dialing: 1-929-205-6099, and entering info below:

Meeting ID: 818 4711 9552 Password: 121162

Join Zoom Meeting via Computer/App by using the link below:

T09 Meeting ID: 818 4711 9552

Password: FCBC

You can also physically attend in the Fellowship Hall, with Social Distancing.

Please Join Us as the Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC)

shares an update:

Input Received from FCBC Members/Leaders Regarding Process (previous Brainstorming Sessions, 2020 Leadership Retreat, and other forums)

Process and Current Status of Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) –

Nominations, Selection, Approval – including voting on Member-at-Large

Next Steps / Timeline for Pastoral Search

Please pre-submit any questions and/or concerns you have to, your

Deacon, or the Church Office (919-489-4184).

We look forward to you Joining In with us.

ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT: First Calvary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mature Adult Zoom Training

Time: Tuesday, May 19, 2020-5:30 PM Thursday, May 21, 2020 -6:00 PM Saturday, May 23, 2020 – 10:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Login Meeting ID: 711 947 6568 Password: 320913

Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 711 947 6568 Password: 320913

First Calvary Baptist Church

Fredrick A. Davis, Pastor

AT HOME ACTIVITIES Here’s a list of five fun things to do at home for you and your family to enjoy while still safe at home.

Plant a Flower or Vegetable Garden There's nothing quite like planting your own garden. Whether you start with seeds or small plants, the whole family will enjoy watering it and harvesting the results.

Start a New Home Project With a different schedule, you may find yourself with more time on your hands. Take advantage of this by starting a new home project. Build a bookcase, re-organize your kitchen, clean out the closets.

Create Your Own Scavenger Hunt Keeping your children entertained 24/7 can be exhausting. If they are desperate for a new game or activity, try making your own scavenger hunt. Put together a list of indoor or outdoor items they have to find. The winner can pick what's for dinner!

Get Fancy in the Kitchen If you're staying away from restaurants, now is the time to cook all the meals and sweet treats you've been dying to try, but never had the time. Make that fancy pasta. Bake your grandmother's famous pound cake. Your taste buds will say thank you.

Take a Walk Outside If you're cooped up inside working and taking care of the never-ending chore list, you'll need some fresh air. Spring is in full-bloom and you'll appreciate the few minutes of quiet time, taking in nature's surroundings.

SERMON NOTES DATE: ___________ Text: _____________ SUBJECT: ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

JOIN US FOR BIBLE STUDY…. Wednesdays, 7pm

Via the Church Facebook page (First Calvary Baptist Church, Durham, NC)

or on the Church website,

Check the Church Website each week for

a copy of the bulletin for the week.

You can also see previous bulletins.

Stay Connected with the Church!!

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