mba interview prep questions

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Packet

    Goals: MBAs should be able to:

    Make small talk. Provide an impressive 90 second introduction. Clearly articulate why they are a fit for a particular career and industry. Provide relevant examples of strengths and explain the steps they are taking to minimize their


    Explain where they see themselves in the future. Discuss their leadership, management, communication, interpersonal, and problem solving skills as well

    as demonstrate their ability to handle ambiguity and overcome obstacles.

    Give multiple examples of their success in working in teams and individually as well as how theycontributed overall to an organization.

    Handle tough or stressful questions. Give examples of why they are the best fit for the position. Ask questions of the interviewer that demonstrates their knowledge of the position, company, and

    industry. Wrap up the interview by inquiring about next steps, communication and collecting contact information.

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Types of Interviews

    Informational Interview

    Research about the industry and the individual Arrange a time and place convenient to the professional - Set time for the discussion (30 minutes) Ask well-prepared questions (TIARA) Offer to pay any bill associated with the meeting (from coffee to dinner tab) Write a personalizedthank you note

    First Interview/Phone Screen

    Human Resource/Recruiter screens candidate to determine if qualifications, experience, workplacepreferences and salary needs are congruent with the position and organization.

    Lasts about 30 minutes Typical Questions include: strengths, weaknesses, review of resume

    Behavioral Interview

    Use the STAR method: Situation, Task involved, Actions taken, Results/outcomes of action Interviews can last 1 2 hours Hiring managers/HR managers use behavioral situations to assess fit for the position and organization

    Conversational Interview

    Interview method used to relax the interview in order to enable them to reveal their life Used to build relationships and to assess fit within the organization

    Panel Interview/Group Interview

    Two or more people interviewing at the same time, taking turns asking questions Questions are usually determined in advance Each interviewer has a separate agenda Goal is to keep each interviewer involved by eye contact

    Series Interview

    Interviews conducted within the same day by various levels of professionals within the organization Usually interview conducted by 1 -2 managers at a time lasting 1 2 hours each (can last in 30 minute


    Meal Interview

    Usually utilized during final interviews to observe social graces/etiquette Relaxed environment, but needing to be more alert

    Case Interviews

    Generally a business problem or estimating exercise designed for critical thinking (think on your feet) Use logic and common sense to solve the problem the process of solving the problem is important Interviewer wants to see how you would under stress, how you formulate answers and brainstorm
  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation


    Confirm the day before Know the plan, arrive early, look great Know the company, the job, the interviewer

    Prepare questions: Individual, department, corporate and industry level questions Practice Interview Stream, mock interview

    Interview Survival Kit:

    Career Portfolio with work samples, resumes, and references, notepad, pen Breath Mints Driving Directions Cell phone not in interview Interviewer contact information

    Closing the interview:

    Thank the Interviewer Reiterate interest Ask if any outstanding concerns Next steps and timing Ask when okay to follow-up Get a business card

    Follow up:

    Handwritten thank you on professional paper (or email if quick decision) Alert your references Continue to interview Follow-up with a telephone call Be patient Continue following-up Use other job offers Don't burn any bridges

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    Dress for Success

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Interviewers can make

    negative hiring decisions in the first 30-60 seconds.


    A classic, tailored suit in a dark color, (gray, navy blue), is an excellent selection. It should fit well andbe in good condition. A moderate length skirt, rather than pants, is preferred for women. For womenwho choose to wear a suit with pants: the fabric should be like that of a standard suit and should fit

    loosely, as mens suit pants fit.

    Choose a solid colored, long sleeved shirt or classic styled blouse in a color such as ecru/beige, white,or very pale blue. The sleeves should extend just a bit beyond the suit jacket.

    Demonstrate moderation and good taste in your accessories. Wear minimal or no jewelry. Select mens ties in subdued or muted prints in a conservative color. Both men and women should wear stockings. Men dark to match shoes. Women panty hose of a

    natural shade is a good choice. Shoes dark dress shoes for men, fairly low heeled pumps for women, (avoid open-toed and open or

    strapped heeled styles).

    Grooming/ Hygiene Checklist

    Bathe/shower and shampoo Brush teeth, use mouthwash

    o Dont smoke before interviewo Avoid spicy food for a day before interview

    Wear deodorant, no cologne, perfume or aftershave Clean, trim, file fingernails, no bright polish Style hair conservatively, keep away from face Shave, trim facial hair closely and neatly Apply makeup lightly Clean and press clothes Shine shoes

    Body Language

    Both men and women should give a full, firm handshake Maintain good eye contact when shaking hands (and during the interview) SMILE during the handshake, and often throughout the interview Express enthusiasm and confidence through your voice, eyes and posture Sit slightly forward in your interview chair Avoid crossing your legs, ankles or arms Speak clearly and loudly enough so the employer can hear you well

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Questions

    You should be prepared to answer these types of questions based on your industry of interest.

    1. Why are you interested in this position?2. Why should we hire you?3. Why are you interested in this industry/company?4. What challenges do you think our firm faces?5. What type of work environment do you prefer?6. Why do you want to leave your present company?(remember, never talk poorly of current or previous


    7. By walking us through your resume how have your job/life experiences specifically prepared you toadd value to this position based on the job description?

    8. Where do you see yourself in five years?9. What are your strengths? Weaknesses?10.How would your friends describe you?11.What do you like most about your current or previous job? Least?12.Why should we hire you for this position?13.What are your personal goals and interests?14.Whom do you admire and why?15.How do you feel you have contributed to the bottom line in your current job (if working, or in the last

    job you had)?

    16.From your resume and past work experience give an example of how you dealt with an angry customer(could be inside/outside the organization).

    17.Name three skill sets or values that best describe you (the key is to know the core values of company inorder to match up).

    18.Tell me a story either personal or professional that paints a picture of you.19.If you could change anything from your professional background, what would you change and why?20.How many passengers leave JFK airport on a given day.

    Answer: Estimating JFK has about 100 gates, and a plane leaves from a gate every 3 hours,

    totaling 800 flights per day. The average plane holds 200 passengers

    So: 160,000 per day departing - Actual number is 131,000 Glassdoor (McKinsey Interview).

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Behavioral Questions

    (STAR METHOD: Situation, Task involved, Actions taken on your part, Results/outcomes of action)

    Dealing with Ambiguity:Employers want to know how a candidate will process information and formulate a

    decision when the right answer is unclear or the course of action risky.

    Tell about a project in an area in which you had little or no knowledge, training or experience. Tell about working in unsettled or rapidly changing circumstances.

    Overcoming Obstacles:Every work environment has obstacles and difficult situations that can prevent

    progress. Employers want to know what you will do to rise above these problems and effectively execute the

    strategies and tactics of the company.

    Give an example of a challenging situation. How did you approach the situation? Were you successful? Tell me about a project you worked on in which you had overcome several obstacles.

    Problem Solving/Critical Thinking:It can be easy to use a glitch or problem as a reason not to work with

    integrity or to completion. Employers want to know what type of reasoning, skills and resources you will use

    to go the extra mile and accomplish your goals.

    Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses that tested your coping skills. Describe a time when you faced an ethical challenge at work and how you resolved it.

    Creativity: Employers will look for innovative and nontraditional ways you have worked through situations

    such as scarce resources, multiple projects, information gathering, and process development.

    Tell me about a time you handled multiple responsibilities. How did you get organized? Tell me about a situation where you had to make a decision without much information.

    Communication:Employers want to know how effectively a potential employee expresses their ideas and

    thoughts both written and verbally.

    Tell me about a situation at work in which you experienced conflict and how you resolved it. Describe an example of your ability to listen and be responsive.

    Initiative:When employers are measuring a candidates initiative they want to know what you have

    accomplished (projects, task, etc.) independently without outside influence or control.

    Give an example of a time when you had to motivate yourself to do an assignment that didnt interest you. Provide an example of a time where you had to earn the trust of your stakeholders.

    Teamwork:In all work environments, individuals at some point will be expected to work with their associates

    collectively to complete assignments and projects while each contributing individual parts. Employers want to

    know how well you work with others.

    Describe a time when you put your needs aside to help a coworker/classmate undertake a task. What type of team allows you to thrive professionally?

    Leadership: Employers will look for experiences you have had where you directed the activity or project at


    Tell me about a situation at work in which you led a team well. Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively.

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation by Function

    Operations/Supply Chain

    Why are you here?Why do you want to work in this industry?What is the biggest challenge the industry faces?What other companies have you applied for?What do you see yourself doing during the first year at our organization?What have you seen so far of our company that you feel should change?When have you used your technical skills to solve a problem?What do you think gives you an edge over everyone else?What do you have to offer?What is your biggest achievement?Where do you see yourself in the next three years?Recount a time when you had to perform under pressure, and how you responded to it.Explain a situation when you choose integrity over success.When have you been introduced to a new culture, and how you overcame it?Name three things you do not like to do.Tell me about a time when you had a difficult time in a leadership position and how you handled it.What does your GPA tell me about you?Why Bauer?Tell me a time when you failed, and how you dealt with it?What are your goals that you feel will be reached through employment with us?What was your biggest failure on a team project?What would frustrate you about a work environment?Give me a detailed recommendation that you would give your previous employer to improve their overall

    business process.

    Describe your achievements in your previous job, and why are you the perfect match for the job?Tell me when you had to identify and obtain the resources necessary to complete a major task.Tell about a time when you adapted a method used elsewhere, rather than start from scratch.What was the most difficult decision you have had to make in your professional/personal life?Tell me about a time you handled multiple responsibilities. How did you get organized?Provide an example of a time where you had to earn the trust of your stakeholders.Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.One reason to why you wouldn't accept an offer from us?Why should I hire you in a down economy? What is the basis for my investment of $200K in you, when, it is

    likely that the return will not come in this economic cycle?

    Name a time where you introduced a new idea to a situation and the result.How would conduct research, if required?

    Brain Teasers for Supply Chain Interview

    Estimate cost-effectiveness of healthcare platform in Africa and recommend an investment decision.How many ridges are on the outside of a quarter?Would Mahatma Gandhi have made a good software engineer?How would you see if a light in a refrigerator were on if you could not open the door?

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation by Function

    Management Information Systems/Business Analysis/IT Consulting

    Why this organization? Why this industry? Why this position? What do you think this job is about?What are your main areas of competition for the position?Why should we hire you?If after six months you are not satisfied with your employment here, how would you handle your exit


    Tell me about a time you had to work on a project with a difficult team member.What is your biggest failure?How much do you know? How I can use you on my team?What makes you billable?Give me an example of a time when you were tasked with something that you had no idea how to do?List three aspects, skills, or experiences of yours to tell me about.Walk me through an implementation of a project from beginning to end.What makes you think you are qualified for this position?When given a problem, what is your thought process? How would you solve it, in general?What are the new trends you see in MIS/IT?How will you deal with a hybrid team, having high integrity as well?Tell us something unique about yourself?How do you define a "difficult" customer?Name the top 5 organizations in the Fortune 100 and tell me why each company is successful?I spend a little time each day doing things to make my job a little easier or more organized, but most of my

    day managing projects or fire-fighting; If you had to choose between managing a project or planning the

    processes that make your job easier, on which would you spend most of your time?

    From a leadership perspective, how would you handle two employees that had to work together on aproject, but who each had very different ideas about how to go about it?

    Your boss is out of town you will have to make an out of policy decision for a customer, what do you do?When is risk identified in a project/product life cycle?What are three strengths that you feel you could bring to this company?How do you deal with time management?Tell me about a time that you had to handle multiple tasks / projects at once.If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?Describe a time you had to communicate with someone from another part of the world.Who are some of our main competitors?When was the last time you failed?What steps have you taken to acquaint yourself with your chosen profession?What specific technologies do you have a working knowledge of and through what experience(s) were you

    able to gain knowledge?

    What is the process of managing risks? Are there any tools you use?What is your methodology for managing projects? Do you follow any specific processes?Tell me when it was necessary for you to clearly communicate technical information to an audience.

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation by Function


    Tell me why you are here? Why finance? What is your challenge? Are you willing to work hard for me? How do you manage stress? What leadership experience do you have? What drives you? What is the area of work you feel passionately about? How do you value a business? Tell me about a deal that interests you, and why? Sell me on a stock idea. How would you structure a particular transaction? Tell me about a time when a deal went against you. What did you do? If I gave you $1 million to invest, what would you do with it, and why? Can you explain the difference between a straddle and a strangle? How do you handle stressful situations? How would you streamline the financial structure of a particular business? How doesfree cash flowdiffer from other measures of cash flow? What do you think the Fed will do at the next meeting, and why? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are the different valuation methods? What is 13/16? What is Libor? What is Libors current level? Why are you here? Assess the factors impacting the profitability of the airline industry to develop an investment strategy. Tell me a time when you showed resilience. How would you manage working on 3 clients at time of equal importance? How would you allocate your work? Set priorities? Have you ever been unable to meet deadlines? Tell me what you know about Balanced Score Card. What do you like to do outside of work? Describe a work ethic issue you had and how did you handle the situation? What did you learn during your previous internship that could help you succeed in the future? What sets our company apart from our competitors, besides our employees? How would you manage multiple stakeholders in a complex project and bypass the red tape? What are your career goals? What the most difficult situation you have experienced related to ethical issue? What are the key changes or updates to the accounting and auditing practice in current times? Tell me about some current events. Tell me about your view on fluctuation on Euro. Through the conversation with your clients, how can you find out their problems?

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation by Function

    Marketing What are you all about? In what environment do you perform your best? How do you deal with a high stress job? Why do you think you are qualified for this job? What are your main areas of competition for the position? Why should we hire you? What mistakes have you made? What is the difference between marketing to consumers and marketing to businesses? Describe a product that you think is particularly well marketed and why. If you had to launch a

    competing product, what would be your marketing strategy?

    Have you completed a marketing plan? How would you start? Tell me about your experience in marketing research. How might our company use marketing

    research? Be specific.

    What extracurricular activities have you undertaken that enabled you to practice marketing theoriesand skills?

    What is poor marketing? What is the most unselfish thing you have done? Tell me about a time when you didn't agree with your manager. What did you do? If Germans were the tallest people in the world how would you prove it? Give me an example of reporting you used to track your success. A client demands "X" assignment must be done by 5pm the next day. You find that it is impossible or

    nearly impossible to do so. How would you answer the client? Would you try to deliver?

    What do you consider a weakness? When given a problem, what is your thought process? How would you solve it, in general? How have your studies potentially given you the skills to succeed in this job? How will you deal with a hybrid team, having high integrity as well? Tell us something unique about yourself? How would you describe yourself? What are three strengths that you feel you could bring to this company? How do you deal with time management? If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? Describe a time you had to communicate with someone from another part of the world. Who are some of our main competitors? What would make you quit? What marketing classes did you take in school? Tell me about a time you handled multiple responsibilities. How did you get organized? Define a successful team. Describe a time when you have been a part of a successful team. What have you done to build strong teams? Whom do you admire and why? Give me an example of a particularly demanding goal you have achieved. Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation by Function


    What is your challenge? Are you willing to work hard for me? Why this company? What would you say your weaknesses are? Tell me about your past work experience? If you get a call from your manager that there is a complaint from the client against your team. How

    will you react?

    Assess the factors impacting the profitability of the airline industry to develop an investment strategy. Tell me a time when you showed resilience. Tell me about yourself. What drives you? How would you manage working on 3 clients at time of equal importance? How would you allocate your work? Set priorities? How do you manage stress? What leadership experience do you have? What is the area of work you feel passionately about? Tell us about some research that you might have done. What makes me different from the other applicants applying for the same position? Have you ever been unable to meet deadlines? Name three weaknesses. Why you? Describe a situation where you had to work in a team. Tell me what you know about Balanced Score Card. What do you think the job entails? What do you like to do outside of work? Describe a work ethic issue you had, and how you handled the situation? What did you learn during your previous internship that could help you succeed in the future? How would you manage multiple stakeholders in a complex project and bypass the red tape? What value can you bring? Tell me about a time you challenged the status quo. Where do you see yourself in ten years? Provide examples of how you were able to be successful in meeting an employer's objective when you

    were provided little to no guidance or support.

    Active or passive strategy in emerging market, why? Which projects have you done which can be helpful to us? Which class do you think was the most difficult for you? Tell me about your experiences in your extracurricular activities. Tell me a time when you had to think outside of the box. What are signs/examples that a company can misstate an account? Why in particular are you attracted to this position? Give me an example of a particularly demanding goal you have achieved. Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation by Function

    Human Resources

    Tell me about yourself. On a scale of 1-10 how weird are you? What is your daily job life going to be like?

    What do you think is the greatest issue facing the field today? Why did you choose HR? What do you think you would bring to this role? Why do you want this job? Describe your strategies for organization and handling multiple projects? Explain, step by step, how you would handle an employee with performance issues. What is the toughest aspect of managing people? How do you try to influence people who disagree with you? What milestones, data, and metrics do you use to monitor the success of your projects or team? Describe a time when you anticipated a potential problem and developed preventive measures to

    address the problem. Tell me about a time when you saw something inefficient. What was the situation and how would you

    have done it more efficiently?

    Tell me the difference between PEO and ASO and tell me the benefits and drawbacks of each. We are impressed with how you answered one of our questions. Do you know which one and why? If you have a disagreement with a business partner, how will you resolve the issue? How can you personally make a change given the slower decision-making process here? How would you ensure the strategic plan of the institution was woven throughout this program? If you are working within the organization in HR would you accept an application from a qualified

    candidate outside of the organization?

    How would you set incentive? Tell me about a time when you had to work with difficult people? Describe how you would handle a sexual harassment case. Tell me one thing you are most proud of in your career. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you? What are your short term and long term goals? Tell me about a time you've worked in a highly political environment. If you won the lottery what would you do? Do you believe in other life in outer space? How have you influenced a business decision? How did you handle unstructured work? Assume the following:

    20% of the resumes you present are approved for phone screen

    20% of your phone screens are approved for onsite interviews

    20% of your onsite interviews are extended offers

    50% of your offers are accepted

    You need to hire 10 people, how many resumes do you need to present?

  • 8/12/2019 MBA Interview Prep Questions



    MBA/MSF Interview Preparation by Function


    Why are you here? What makes you billable? One reason to why you wouldn't accept an offer from us? What do you know about our practice? What have you seen so far of our company that you feel should change? Where do you see yourself in five years? What are you most proud of on your resume? GPA what does it say about you? Why Bauer? What are your goals that you feel will be reached through employment with us? Why should I hire you in a down economy? What is the basis for my investment of $200K in you, when,

    it is likely that the return will not come in this economic cycle?

    Name a time where you introduced a new idea to a situation and the result. What would you like to change about yourself? Name a time you had to convince or persuade someone. Name a time where you asked for feedback to improve your work. How do you manage ambiguity? How do you work through multiple deadlines? How would you describe yourself as a professional? Where do you think you can improve? How would people describe you? What shortcomings do you identify in yourself? How would you make yourself feel better on a lousy day? Tell me a time in your life you had taken on a leadership role and failed. What were the lessons you

    learned from it?

    Tell me about your view on fluctuation on Euro. Through the conversation with your clients, how can you find out their problems?

    Cases/Brain Teasers:

    Estimate the cost-effectiveness of a mobile healthcare platform in rural Africa and recommend aninvestment decision.

    How would you convey information to the CEO versus someone lower down in the company? How many ridges are on the outside of a quarter? How many gas stations are there in Mexico? There's a utility company seeking to increase their market share by 300,000 consumers over the next

    3-5 years. They're looking to buy a Customer Relationship Management System and have come to you

    to choose which one to purchase. Share your thought process as you consider this decision

    A mobile phone company with coverage over three states wants to upgrade its Customer RelationshipManagement system. How should it go about this?

    How should we restructure a telecommunications company with rising costs and falling customerservice reviews?

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