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Post on 11-Nov-2014






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Oral communication

Meaning :-

Known as verbal communication

Interchange of verbal messages

Speech precedes writing

Studies say that 70% of our time goes in communicating out of which 45% relates to listening and 30%to speaking

Need for Learning :-

To help problem solving

To resolve conflict

Influence people to work together

Persuade others

Assertive without being aggressive

Develop listening skills

Be an effective negotiator

Make a proposal

Principles :-

One has to know when to talk, and when not to talk but listen

How to talk – tone, pitch, modulation

Be able to interpret the listener’s facial expressions, physical gestures, movements, attitude

Control over own body talk

According to the research conducted by Albert Mehrabiam,

A speaker’s total message comprises of –

Verbal – 7%

Tone of Voice – 38%

Visual – 55%

Characteristics of effective OC :-

Consider the objective

Interest level of the receiver

Be sincere

Simple language, familiar words

Be brief and precise

Generalize- avoid vagueness

Give full facts

Do not assume

Polite tone and words

Cut insulting message

Give time to respond

Barriers to effective OC :-

Listening is psychological act affected by several factors-

Status – feeling of superior

Halo effect –based on impressions of the listener

Complexes - lack of confidence

Closed and all knowing mind

Poor retention

Premature evaluation ,hurried conclusions

Abstracting – partial or selective listening

Slant - biased presentation

Cognitive dissonance - failing to accept any thing new

Language barrier

Conversation Control

Is an art

Ability to listen and reply smartly, positively at appropriate time

Includes technique of changing the direction of conversation smoothly

Ability to allow a discussion uninterrupted

Result of mutual understanding and agreement

Factors that help conversation control

Ability to notice cues and clues

Recognizing cues and clues

Interpreting signs and signals

Parallel conversation

Sequential conversation

Reflection and empathy

Sense of time as a skill


Applications of conversation control


Agenda as a control-

- Advance circulation of agenda papers

- The chair person

- The procedure

Be assertive without being aggressive

Conversational attack and controlled response

Negotiations through conversation control

Non Verbal Communication

Which does not involve words or speech

Involves medium of gestures, signs, bodily movements, facial expressions, tone of voice, colour, time, space, style of writing, choice of words


• 70-90% communication is non-verbal

• Words—objective information

• Actions speak louder than words

• Words conceal actions reveal

• Non-verbal—true feelings and attitudes

• Central to interpersonal relationships

• Leaders and managers—to create impression, manage


• Greater impact

Characteristics of non verbal communication

Instrumental body movements

Conscious or unconscious

Classification of non verbal communication:-

Symbols of body language- emblems, illustrators, body manipulators, facial expressions, regulators (eye movements)

Face facts

Positive gestures

Negative gestures

Signs of nervousness - hands in pockets, covering mouth with hand , scratching, biting nails, glancing sideways, drumming fingers, tapping your foot, sitting on the edge of the chair, rocking your legs, straightening your tie, setting hair, etc

Some more are- adjusting glasses, blinking a lot, playing with jewellery, clicking pen, frequently sipping water, starting to smoke etc

Gestures showing aggressiveness- staring, pointing at someone, showing a fist, folding both arms, bending over someone

Gestures of rudeness- shake hands too hard, give a limp handshake, stand too close, puff, whisper in a gathering, yawn, smirk, look at watch, work while someone talks etc.

Gestures of self importance- eyes closed while talking, head bent backwards while talking, steeping with fingers, peering over glasses, waving key rings etc

Lack of good sense - banging table at a joke, chewing pens, air quoting, waving hands around you, wringing hands, wiping hands across face etc.

Showing superiority of position – shouting orders, smoking in someone’s space, unwanted touch, continuing to work as others speak etc

Lateral gestures – wordless signs of power, position, taste, culture such as decoration, size of office, dress, grooming

Also include broad categories like- physical setting, dress-clothing and shoes, personal space

Personal space can be categorized as – public zone, social zone, friendly zone, intimate zone

Advantage of learning Non Verbal communication

Ability to act as a victim of power posturing

Reassuring actions and gestures

Avoid the double cross, use comfort gestures skillfully

Using comfort gestures skillfully

Reassuring standing postures

Types of Non-verbal Codes

• Kinesics

• Oculesics

• Haptics

• Proxemics

• Appearance & Artifacts

• Paralanguage / Vocalics

• Chronemics

• Kinesics

Articulation of body

• Facial expressions : Infinite in variety; Neutral, relaxed, tense, uplifted, droopy; 55% impact

• Postures : Right posture: Head position, legs, angle of the body, body relaxation and tension, height; Perceived competence

• Gestures : Arms & Hands; Conscious & Spontaneous

• Oculesics

Eye Contact

• Direct and powerful form; most noticeable

• Effect on three components of credibility: dynamism, competence, trustworthiness

• Avoidance of eye contact

• Gaze and mutual gaze

• Differ among cultures

• Helps both the sender and receiver


Spatial Relationships

• Personal space / personal bubble / comfort zone

• Territorial boundaries directly influence daily encounters

• Distance is crucial to send right signals

• Intimate, personal, social, public

• Culture-specific

Appearance & Artifacts

• Crucial first impression / Creates an image

• Major factor in judging a person / provides the first available data

• Clothing, grooming, accessories

• Status, personality, credibility, capability

• Inferences are made—right or wrong

• Necessary to pay attention

• Paralanguage / Vocalics

• Voice communicates something beyond language

• Paralanguage: all vocally-produced sound that is not a direct form of linguistic communication

• Non-lexical vocal communication: Tone, inflection, pitch, intensity, articulation, rhythm, quality

• Dysfluencies / pauses , tempo / pacing

• Chronemics

• Use of time as a message system

• Punctuality, deadline, waiting time

• Create an impact

• Amount of importance we give

• Rules and customs vary in cultures

• Haptics

Touch / Tactile Communication

To comfort

To establish dominance

To establish bonds

Intentions, feelings, relationship, respect

Functional , social, friendship, love

Important means—convey warmth, comfort, reassurance

Guidelines for developing non verbal communication

Watch and read the non verbal cues

Know your own body language

Touching and its context

Communication break down

Lack of rapport- key word is harmony

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