media coursework

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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The masthead is large and goes across the page in bold writing which is familiar for audiences as it is a world wide known magazine

The headline is in a bigger font as it shows it is an important section as it also is in a different colour to other sell dates

The image is a close up, and shows a quite arrogant pose which gives the reader and insight in his personality also his head is above the masthead which shows he is more important

Important content is written isIn a different colour to make it stand out to the reader.

Kanye West is looking directly at the reader making the audience feel more involved.

Large image is the focus point of the magazine as it captures the attention of the reader

They include website address which allows the reader to find out more content and advertises it through their magazine

Grey masthead to match what Jay-Z is wearing, the colour grey is then also used consistently throughout the magazine.

Direct eye contact with the audience to build a relationship with audience

They use a consist font through-out the magazine

They used a red font to emphasis certain things, they want to capture the audience’s attention to make it stand out

Jay-Z is placed in front of the masthead as the brand is already well recognised.

Jay-Z is wearing a large ring on his smallest finger to show he is prestige.

There is a transparent V which represents the logo of the magazine. So that the reader is automatically aware of which magazine they are reading about.

The style of text is very common on the ‘contents’ when associated with vibe magazine.

The white colour on the ‘contents’ contrast with the dark background, this was done as it would make it easier for audience to notice.

Certain words are written in bold as they tell the audience what the text is going to be about.

The lighting is in front of the model making the model seems as if she glowing giving her a good appeal to her fans.

The model is wearing silver and gold giving her a classy and wealthy look.

The masthead that reads contents is set up in a nice fashion.

The V behind Kanye West attracts attention from the audience and is a thing constantly used in ‘Vibe’ magazine as a trademark

Kanye west appears to be wearing vintage clothes which gives the reader an insight in his fashion sense and makes the reader know a bit more about him.

They use a medium close up which allows the reader to see his head and his body, he also has a hand over his chest which could suggest she is trying to win over his heart

The listing of the features is written in a very fancy font which makes it look like it’s been written by pen and was written with care

By having a character like Kanye west, Vibe were able to not only include a music aspect to him they were able to focus a small section with fashion.

Bold font and big letters suggest that it will be easy to for people to see and will attract them

The double page spread has a very simple format, and is mainly made up from blocks.

They used the name of the band in the headline as the main headline tells the reader what they will be speaking about.

The large letter starts off the article to attract the reader and give a clear indication of where the article begins.

The include features about the band which gives the reader A closer relationship with the band as they tend to use facts

The main image takes up the majority of the double page spread as it’s purposes is the main attraction to readers

The block of pink text makes the double page spread look more tidy also, it makes the double page spread not consist of just black and white

The text is aligned to left giving it more a professional appeal

They have two images on the double page spread insuring there wont be many blanks and made sure they added text in parts that weren’t covered by the image

The text is broken up into multiple different sections, making it continuous and easier for someone to read.

The pink on the page carries on with the theme of feminism, being girly and having pictures of Alexandra Burke.

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