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Post on 21-Sep-2020






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Media Kit 2020-2021

School Library Connection eNewsletter

School Library Connection Webinars


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Banner $750 $675 $600

Webinar, Sole Sponsor $7,500

Webinar, Joint Sponsors $2,500/sponsor



Average Open Rate 16%

Our newsletter highlights fresh editorial content by leading luminaries in school librarianship, including essential reading, research fi ndings, and training videos. Put your brand and products side-by-side with this week’s hot topics for school librarians.

*As of May 2019. Total distribution fl uctuates throughout the year.

Average Total Preregistrants573

Average Views of Archived Webinar in First Year490

School Library Connection’s popular series of professional development webinars offers an unparalleled platform for engagement with current and prospective school library customers. Sponsors receive the complete registrant list, recognition by the moderator at the beginning and end of the event, and may link their own customers or prospects to the archived recording. Propose your own presenter or work with our editorial team to select a presenter and develop your custom event.

“School Library Connection offers some of, if not the most engaged webinars we have sponsored. The tools used with SLC allows for a conversation between presenters

and attendees, a customized and personalized experience you don’t commonly get elsewhere. Webinars are also

highly promoted, allowing you to provide your story and message to a wide variety of interested prospects.”


WELCOME TO THE SLC COMMUNITY!First-time webinar sponsors enjoy a 10% discount on their fi rst webinar.

ADDED INCENTIVEWebinar sponsors receive one eNewsletter ad free of charge and a 50% discount on additional eNewsletter spaces.

Newsletter banner ad location

Diana Rendina talks makerspaces with hundreds of live attendees.

ARTICLE SPONSORSHIPSSponsor an article or series of articles on a topic relevant to your business. Bring your own author or work with our editorial team to select the perfect one. Pricing by quotation.

ADDED INCENTIVEReserve two or more full-page ads to receive one eNewsletter ad free of charge and a 50% discount on additional eNewsletter spaces.

SLC Magazine

School Library Connection Online

Webpage ad $250/mo

1X 2X 3X

Covers 2, 3, and 4

$2,100 $1,890 $1,680

Full Page $1,750 $1,575 $1,400

2/3 page $1,400 $1,260 $1,120

Half Page $1,050 $945 $840

1/3 Page $875 $787 $700

Our fl agship magazine publishes six times per year in print, featuring a selection of themed “Spotlight” articles, nine popular monthly columnists on topics ranging from technology to reading, and a best-in-class reviews section, covering children’s and YA lit as well as electronic resources. Talk to us about your goals to ensure placement near editorial content most relevant to your audience.

5,000+ readers per issue

Both SLC subscribers and friends can fi nd a variety of continually refreshed articles, professional development videos, reviews, and more online. Contact us to fi nd out how your ad can be featured alongside great SLC content relevant to your business.


Also in this issue

Using Online Resources to

Teach Information Literacypage 7

Librarianship in the Age

of the Filter Bubblepage 26

End Literacy Shaming page 44

Reviewspage 52


Navigating the

Universe of Sources

Creating Trauma-Sensitive

School Libraries

Certifiably Sustainablep. 14

What Is the QFT?p. 34

Sexual Assault in YA Litp. 44


Creating Trauma-Sensitive

Creating Trauma-Sensitive


School Libraries

What Is the Sexual Assault in YA Litp. 44



Also in this issueReconsideration

Policies That Matterpage 12

Crime Scene Connectionspage 24

Engaging Passive Studentspage 34

Reviewspage 52

Research Roundup

Libraries Unlimited147 Castilian DriveSanta Barbara, CA 93117 368-6868

Thank you from our editors! We look forward to partnering with you.

Carl A. Harvey II Leslie B. Preddy Rebecca J. Morris

To advertise with School Library Connection contact:

Christopher M. CohnCohn Media GroupChris@CohnMediaGroup.com607-286-4022

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1/3 PAGE HORIZ8 X 3.3

Attn: SLC Production Manager | Libraries Unlimited, 147 Castilian Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 | Questions? Call us at o� ce 805.961.5178

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800 X 180 PIXELS



August/September 2020The Creativity BugThis month we explore our creative sides. Lately we’ve been adding makerspaces and making the case for STEAM, instead of just STEM, but creativity for school librarians encompasses so much more! From creative collaboration ideas to fun professional development ideas to radically reimagining your library program we want to hear about all forms of library creativity.Reservation deadline: 6/15/2020Artwork deadline: 6/29/2020

October 2020Nobody Left OutWe all think of the library as a welcoming space. We buy diverse books, we support students, but who’s been left out? How can we up our game even more? This month we consider going beyond welcoming to radical inclusion so that no student feels like a stranger.Reservation deadline: 7/22/2020Artwork deadline: 8/5/2020

November/December 2020And the Award Goes To…We love literature and we love recognizing the work that made us laugh, cry, and refl ect. This issue we refl ect on recognition and celebrating achievement. What are you doing to recognize not only great books, but also great achievement or great effort in all areas?Reservation deadline: 8/24/2020Artwork deadline: 10/14/2020

January/February 202121st-Century Collections Robots, 3d printers, craft supplies, what’s next? And how does that impact the school library collection? School libraries have long been more than just books and between new technology and new programs this is more true than ever. From databases and eBooks to the latest tech, how do we catalog, access, and promote less traditional materials? How do we ensure equity, diversity, and inclusion? How do we convince stakeholders that we can’t be replaced by an Internet connection?Reservation deadline: 10/26/2020Artwork deadline: 11/9/2020

March/April 2021Adulting Is HardWhat do you wish you’d learned in school? Did your education really prepare you for life as an adult? As calls have grown for students to be more savvy about “real life,” schools and school librarians have stepped into the breach. How are you helping your students prepare for life after graduation?Reservation deadline: 12/21/2020Artwork deadline: 1/4/2021

May/June 2021Authentic Audiences WantedAs school librarians we recognize the importance of offering students authentic audiences. But, what are the best ways to do that? How do we nudge the traditional research paper into something more relevant? How do we let students lead their own learning? What have you learned from working with “real” audiences?Reservation deadline: 2/22/2021Artwork deadline: 3/8/2021

Editorial Calendar, 2020-2021

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