the university of british columbia · at the university of british columbia ... enquires to: a....

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Page 1: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

The Universityof British Columbia

Page 2: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Creative GivingApril 1978

March 1979The University of British Columbia

Page 3: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Cover.Massive totem poles and B.C. Indianhouses formerly located in Totem PolePark on the UBC campus have now beenmoved to a site adjacent to the Museumof Anthropology, thanks to a generousgrant from the Devonian Foundation ofCalgary. The foundation's grant alsoenabled the University to complete thetheatre gallery, used for meetings andmulti-media presentations, in the interiorof the adjacent museum.Picture by Carol Craig.

Page 4: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

CONTENTSTo Our Friends In The Community 5Introduction 6The University Wants To Serve You 6Wills and Bequests 7Gifts-in-Kind 8Outstanding Student Support 8The U BC Alumni Fund

Alumni Giving From All Sources 9Year Ended 31 March 1979

Donor Designations and Approved Allocations 101978-1979 Campaign

Executive Committee 13Allocations Committee 13Friends of U.B.C. Incorporated (U.S.A.) 13

The U.B.C. Memorial Fund 14Sources of Funds for Capital Construction 15

at the University of British ColumbiaPrivate Support for the University 15Gifts-in-Kind 16Donations Were Made in Memory of 18Gifts, Grants & Bequests 20


Page 5: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575


It gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to extend thethanks of the entire University to our many friends in the communitywho each year provide tangible support for a variety of campus ac-tivities through financial gifts or gifts-in-kind.

While grants from the Federal and Provincial governments are andshould remain our main source of revenue, private gifts play a vitalrole in UBC affairs. Among other things, they enable the University toprovide financial assistance to deserving students, aid in the con-struction of new buildings and the purchase of special equipment andsupport and expand areas of excellence in teaching and research.

In short, private gifts enable the University to do many things forwhich funds are not available from governments. We welcome thisassistance and hope that it will continue to expand.

The University does everything possible to express its gratitude todonors and the general public by making its facilities available forpublic use on a year-round basis. In addition to encouraging attendanceat hundreds of free lectures, concerts, sports events and other activities,a variety of excellent facilities are available for conferences, socialevents, seminars and workshops. Free publications on these activities,prepared by our Department of Information Services and the AlumniAssociation, are available. The University also has resources availableto answer enquiries concerning its teaching and research programs andprovides advice in seeking sources of information and answers toproblems.

I am convinced that the UBC campus is one of the liveliest and mostinteresting places in all of Canada. Much of this is due to the generosityand continuing interest of donors. I know that other members of thecommunity join me in expressing the gratitude of the University todonors for their ongoing support.

I invite you to maintain contact with the University by directing yourenquiries to The Resources Office, The University of B.C.,2075 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5.Telephone (604) 228-3917.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Kenny,President.


Page 6: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575


The University owes much of its stature to private gifts.Research, teaching projects, scholarships and bursaries havebeen supported by individual benefactors, alumni, corporations,students, foundations and associations. Many of the majorbuildings, as well as a wide variety of other projects, serve astestimony to the generosity of those who helped to build UBC.

Gifts have been made anonymously, directly, in memory ofrelatives, in honour of friends and by bequest. Many alumni andother donors contribute annually. During the year benefactorsdonated $8,383,298.

The University is deeply grateful to those who have givensuch generous support and also thanks the many volunteers whohave helped generate gifts.

This brochure does not include the names of 8,210 donors tothe Alumni Fund. Provincial and Federal grants are recorded inother publications.

The University Wants To Serve You

The University wishes to express gratitude to donors in a varie-ty of ways.

We will be pleased to place you on the mailing lists if you donot receive UBC Reports or the Alumni Chronicle.

You may wish to have a list of faculties, departments, schoolsand institutes, information regarding a specific teaching orresearch program, faculty or department, or advice in seekingsources of information or answers to problems.

The published results of research conducted at the Universityare freely available and we are eager that they should be of thewiriPct hpnPf it


Page 7: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

A variety of excellent facilities are open to the general publicfor conferences, social functions, workshops and seminars. Theycater for ten or a thousand persons and are backed by food, ac-commodation and programming services.

The magnificant site, the beauty of the campus and the variedactivities of its community make UBC an outstanding place tovisit. We will be happy to guide a friend or conduct a tour.

Enquires to: A. James Brown, Director of Fund RaisingThe Resources OfficeThe University of British ColumbiaVancouver, B.C. V6T / W5Telephone (604) 228-3917

Wills and Bequests

The University is grateful for the help, understanding andfinancial support of its many friends over the past years. Somehave indicated that support by making direct gifts to the Univer-sity, others by naming the University as beneficiary in their wills.

Our Wills and Bequests Committee was formed to inspire con-fidence in and stimulate the interest of benefactors, potentialbenefactors and of persons concerned with the drawing up ofwills; and to acquaint them with the University's needs and theform of support desired.

Gifts, so made, may be designated to an area of particular in-terest or may be undesignated for use at the discretion of theUniversity.

Various reasons have been given by donors for consideringUBC in their estate planning; the gift is consistent with a lifelonginterest in the University or a particular field; experiences as ayoung person with limited finances struggling to better himself;the desire to memorialize the name of a loved one; or simplythat UBC is an institution worthy of support.

The University will welcome the opportunity of acquainting itsmany friends and their estate planners with the satisfaction tobe had, in making provision for The University of British Colum-bia through their Estate Planning Program.

Enquiries: The Resources OfficeTelephone (604) 228-3917


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Each year, UBC's library and museum collections are ex-panded and enhanced as a result of gifts-in-kind. These generousgifts from individual friends of the University, special-interestgroups, governments and corporations fill gaps in existing collec-tions or form the nucleus of new collections of material whichare used by students and faculty members for teaching andresearch. Gifts-in-kind also benefit the public generally sincemost are on display in museum collections or are availablethrough the UBC library system. The University also holds titleto property which has been received as bequests in wills orwhich has been transferred to the University during an in-dividual's lifetime. The University welcomes enquiries fromfriends on matters related to property.

Outstanding Student Support

This past fiscal year students at UBC contributed $461,063 tothe capital development of the University: $105,958 to theAquatic Centre, $300,000 to the Student Union Building and$55,105 to the Leon and Thea Koerner Graduate Centre.

Since 1928, students have funded or helped fund 11 majorcampus buildings for more than $6.6 million. This outstandingsupport is believed to be unequalled by the students of anyother North American university.

In addition, students have worked for and donated to sixspecial building campaigns in the past decade. Each year thegraduating class supports various campus activities. The class of1979 donated $400 to the Walter Gage Memorial Plaque, $7,500to the UBC Crane Library and $2,000 to the President's Commit-tee on the Concerns of the Handicapped.


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$ 24,54339,03278,900



1971: 1,350

*1974: 925,000


Student Contributions to BuildingsWomen's GymnasiumStadium on East MallBrock Hall (for nearly 30 years the centreof Alma Mater Society activities)The ArmoryWar Memorial GymnasiumExtension of Brock HallPlace Vanier ResidencesThunderbird Winter Sports CentreThe Student Union BuildingAdditions to the Thea Koerner GraduateCentreAsian Studies CentreUBC Aquatic Centre

The UBC Alumni Fund

Alumni Giving From All SourcesYear Ended 31 March 1979

Gifts received through Alumni Fund:Direct $ 230,202Friends of UBC, Inc. (USA) 39,094Exchange on US funds 5,313Interest earned on deposits 13,066

Gifts received from alumni throughthe Resources Office:

Building appeals 9,038Other Gifts 120,823

$ 417,536


Page 10: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Donor Designations and Approved Allocations1978 — 1979 Campaign

Scholarships & Bursaries:N.A.M. MacKenzie Entrance Scholarships $ 25,871N.A.M. MacKenzie Regional College Scholarships 4,800MacKenzie USA Scholarships 1,196Walter Gage Bursary Fund 40,193J.B. MacDonald Bursary Fund 1,620Alumni National Scholarships 5,500NITEP Bursary Fund 1,805Daniel Young Scholarship (USA) 250So. California Alumni Scholarship 500Arkley Librarianship Scholarship 475University Scholarship & Bursary Fund 1,575Jennie Gillespie Drennan Memorial Scholarship 8,303

Special Campaigns:Nursing — Golden Jubilee Scholarship 2,581Jessie MacCarthy Memorial Fund 2,155Walter H. Gage Memorial Fund 52,407Big Block Sweater Fund 3,876Frank Gnup Memorial Scholarship 5,330Wolfgang Gerson Prize Fund 4,935President's Alumni Fund 10,000Aquatic Centre Fund 40,916Geological Sciences Building Fund 85Special Rowing Fund 910Men's Field Hockey Tour 2,460Class of '26 175Walter Gage Student Aid Fund 1,760A.J. Wood Memorial Fund 222George J. Spencer Memorial Fund 160Burke/Penn Memorial Scholarship Fund 100

Other Allocations (over $100 each)Friends of the Library $ 3,582Friends of the Woodward Libary 160Crane Library 362Crane Library (Gage Memorial Gifts) 2,820


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Colbeck Collection 200Arkley Collection of Children's Books 10,725Wesbrook Memorial Lectureships 1,000Men's Athletic Committee 16.627Rugby 230Friends of Rowing 2,101Women's Athletic Committee 4,701Women's Rowing 300Medicine 3,335Geology 290Geology Equipment 355Rehabilitation Medicine 245Commerce 793Agricultural Sciences 268Fine Arts 1,224Education 150Science 405Home Economics 192Pharmacy 120Dentistry 100Forestry 195Applied Sciences & Engineering 105Social Work 340Panhellenic House 436Fairview Committee 100Alumni Association Activities 1,489Dean Blythe Eagles Fund 720Blythe & Violet Eagles Fund 150A. J. Wood Book Fund 250Mineral Exploration Research Fund 1,550David Bell Little Memorial Bursary 100Ethel Johns Memorial Scholarship 510Dorothy Somerset Memorial Scholarship 500Dean of Women 112George S. Allen Memorial Fund 335Robert F. Osborne Book Prize 800Heather Howard Memorial Fund 120Asian Centre 135George Pringle Bursary 100


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Peter Howard Memorial Scholarship 250A.L. Flock Memorial Fund 115UBC Press (Gage Memorial Gifts) 338J. Lewis Robinson Bursary 240J.M. Carr Memorial Scholarship 150Harry Logan Memorial Fund 225Dr. V.C. Brink Book Prize 600J.F. Morgan Book Fund 250E. Francis Gunning Bursary 200Debating Society 600

Other Allocations (over $100 each) continuedEducation Students' Conference $ 520Student Summer Orientation Program 3,063Home Economics Students' Conference 500Chronicle Creative Writing Contest 575Continuing Education Survey 112Medieval Studies Conferences 1,059Mathematics Workshop 2,000Miscellaneous (Projects receiving under $100) 3,998Gifts in Kind 455

Sub-total $ 293,742Designated by donors through Resources Office 129,861Excess of unallocated funds $ 423,603(over allocated funds) 6067

Total $ 417,536


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Executive Committee

Mr. John A. Banfield ChairmanMr. Alan D. Thackray AllocationsMrs. Barbara Hart HarrisDr. William KeenlysideMr. John KeatingMr. E. Roland PierrotMr. Paul L. HazeIIMr. Robert J. SmithMr. Alfred T. Adams

Allocations Committee

Mr. Allan D. Thackray ChairmanMr. John A. BanfieldMr. E. Roland PierrotMrs. Barbara Hart HarrisDr. William KeenlysideMr. Harry J. FranklinMr. Dale T. Alexander

Friends of U.B.C. Incorporated (U.S.A.)

Mr. Francis M. Johnston PresidentDr. Stanley T. Arkley Vice-PresidentMr. Robert J. Boroughs TreasurerMr. John M. GunnMr. Frederick L. BrewisMr. P. Gerald MarraMr. Stewart W. Turner

Enquiries to: Friends of U.B. C., Inc. (U.S.A.)P.O. Box 483Bellevue, Wa. 98004


Page 14: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

The UBC Memorial Fund

The University has established a Memorial Scholarship andBursary Endowment Fund which it is hoped will provide a signifi-cant source of student support in future years.

The purpose of the fund is to encourage memorial donations,and to cater for donations that in themselves would not providesufficient investment income to ensure a meaningful award.

The fund is designed to serve persons willing to leave smallbequests to UBC, to serve lifetime donors and to serve corpora-tions wishing to make gifts in memoriam.

A brochure has been produced listing the persons in whosename contributions have been received, and these brochures willbe given to each student receiving an award from the fund.

From time to time there have been and will continue to beorganized in memoriam funds of sufficient amount to providemeaningful awards over a long period.

A special feature of the Memorial Scholarship and BursaryFund is the help it will give to individuals and small groups ofdonors who are not in a position to make major gifts at the timeof death of a friend or relative but who may hope to make fur-ther lifetime gifts and/or to include an appropriate provision intheir wills. By means of this new fund the name of a deceasedperson will be memorialized regularly from the time the originalgift is made.



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Sources of Funds for Capital Constructionat the University of British Columbia

From 1915 to 31st March 1979From: Province of British Columbia $ 122,235,565

Government of Canada andFederal Agencies 51,966,847

Ancillary Enterprises andGeneral Funds 29,210,477

Private Gifts(Including Students — $6.6 million) $ 44,546,396

Total Investment in U.B.C. Land,Buildings & Equipment $ 247,959,285

Private Support for the UniversityApril 1978 — March 1979

Grand Total $8,383,298Sources Amount No. of DonorsAssociations

& Organizations $ 2,676,965 358Corporations 801,966 325Foundations 2,401,368 58Bequests 941,428 30Individual Donors 1,561,571 1,845**

Total $ 8,383,298 2,616**

DesignationsTo: Capital Items $ 960,659 488

Research 5,009,223 1,209Student Aid 2,125,616 945Teaching 287,800 18

Total $ 8,383,298 2,660**

*Number exclusive of 8,210 donors to the Alumni Fund.**Discrepancy in number of donors caused by some donors

giving to more than one project.


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Gifts-in-KindApril 1978 to March 1979

Abramson, Dr. HarveyAdams, the late Mr. Alfred T.Adams, Mrs. M.J.Ames, Dr. M.A.Aplin, Mr. J.D.B.C. Forest Products Ltd.B.C. Packers Ltd.B.C. Provincial MuseumBarwick, Ms. DianeBeichman, Mr. ArnoldBiely, Dr. JacobBlack, Mrs. WilliamBoag FoundationBodwell, Mr. E.V.Borden, the late Dr. Charles E.Boyes, Mrs. Winnifred E.Brebner, Mrs. MarionBrennan, Mrs. PegeenBryans, Dr. John V.Burndorfer, Mr. HansCanadian Forest Products

CompanyCanadian Merchant Service GuildCalgary, The University ofCameron, Mr. & Mrs. E.F.Carr, Mrs. J.M.Carter, Mr. E.V.Carter, Miss Mary E.Caswell, Dr. J.Chatham Steel Ltd.Clearihue, Miss JoyceCooke, Prof. A.C.Covell, Prof. H.Craig, the late Mr. C.E.Crown Zellerbach Co. Ltd.Cumming, Dr. JohnDavid, Mr. JoeDavis, Miss Judith Mezey, Mr. AlbertEagles, Dr. BlytheEgan, Miss CarolFoote, Mr. A.J.Foothills Pipelines Ltd.Frederick, Mr. TimothyFukuaishi, Mr. K.Gage, the late Dr. WalterGalik, Mr. Frank

Garrett, Mr. RobertGerow, Mr. & Mrs. A.Gibara, Mr. RogerGibson, Dr. William C.Gill, Miss HelenGill, Ms. KuldipGoodall, Miss JoanGose, Mr. E.B.Gray, Mrs. T.W.A.Griffith, Mr. William S.Ham, Mrs. EvaHansen, Mr. G.A.Harland, Mr. GaryHarnetty, Mr. P.Harrison, Mrs. E.Harvey, Mrs. E.M.Hay, Ms. L.A.Hogarth, Dr. DonaldHolden, Mr. & Mrs. R.Holland, Mrs. JoyceHolmes, the late Mr. BoyntonHorner, Frank W. LimitedHumphrey, Mr. KeithHyland, Mrs. N.lida, Dr. S.Isetan Company Ltd.Johnston, Mr. D. LukinKaiser, Mr. GaryKamegaya, Mrs. ChieKidd, the late Dr. HonorKillam, Ms. MiaKingscote, Prof. A.A.Koerner, Mrs. OttoKornai, Dr. SumiyaLadner, the late Mr. Thomas E.Lee, the late Mrs. LouiseLindhelm, Dr. ReneLongstaffe, Mr. J.R.Lowe, Mrs. J.E.McAdam, Mr. D.W.MacDonald, Mr. KennedyMacMillan, the late Mr. H.R.Marshall, Mr. PaulMarsland, Mrs. GeneMarston, the late Mrs. BarbaraMason, Mr. N.J.Mayor of Oga City


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Merivale, Mrs. PatriciaMiller, the late Mrs. J.J.Milsum, Dr. J.H.Mock, E.V.Moe, Mrs. OliveMorden, Mrs. Gladys B.New, Mr. DonaldNomura, Mr. J.Osborne, Mr. R.F.Parker, Mrs. J.G.Patton, Mrs. Merla M.Pearse, Dr. PeterPearson, Dr. RichardPetzold, Mr. A.H.Pierce, Mr. AlanPollack, Mr. BarryPollay, Dr. R.W.Popelik, Mrs. ElsieRayonier Canada Ltd.Razzell, Dr. W.Regeczi, Mr. & Mrs. J.Reid, Mr. BillRichmond Plywood Corp. Ltd.Riddehough, the late Mr. G.B.Roseberry, Dr. R.Rosenthal, Dr. AlexRushton, Mr. Gerald

Safarik, Mr. DouglasSandilands, Mrs. D.Schrack, G.F.Shaneman, Mrs.Shepard, Mrs. Ida J.Sheppard, Mr. Justice F.A.Sherrin, Mr. RobertSmith, Mr. RussellSoka, Mr. G.Sokagakki, TheSoward, Dr. F.H.Stearn, Dr. Wm. T.Swiss ConsulateTamagawa UniversityThompson, Dr. MarkVandewater, Mrs. Anne C.Verner, Dr. CollieWainman, Mr. A.W.Weeks, A.C. Ltd.Weldwood of Canada Ltd.Wescott, Mrs. KathleenWestcoast Transmission Co.Whonnock Industries Ltd.Wilkinson, F.C.Windsor Lumber Ltd.Winch, Mrs. GladysWyeth Ltd.


Page 18: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Donations Were Made in Memory of:April 1978 to March 1979

Adams, Alfred T.Aird, Mrs. T.Albright, William D.Aron, JackAshton, EdithAtkinson, J. ScottBankson, Russell & Ella E.Bawden, Miss R.J.Beaty, John D.Becker, Beverley MaureenBennett, WalterBernard, MadelineBillig, Dr. ErnestBinning, B.C.Bird, W.G.Black, Edgar C.Bodman, P.B.Bonner, R.W.Borden, Charles E.Borden, SteveBrewster, Sharon LouiseBuckson, Edith & JacobBurvis, Mrs. 011ieByrne, Captain Thomas & Harriet

SarahCaldwell, DavidCameron, Ruth E.Carr, J.M.Coffin, Frederick W.Cohen, M.B.Davis, GhentDean, BarbaraDelaney, J.J.Demco, PeterDick, NormaDiespecker, TommyEdwards, MikeEmery, JayEnglish, BarryEvoy, John A.Fouks, DavidFouks, JackFraser, Ken F.Frohlinger, Sharon YocowarGerson, WolfgangGibson, Thomas & Myrtle

Girik, FrankGorvich, C.L.Gould, ManuelGreenall, Dr. MartinGreenwood, GlenGregory, Allan S.Hall, Percy BarrHarlow, NealHeighway, Florence E.Henderson, G.G.Hill, Ernest D.Holt, DorothyHornby, C.A.Huberman, Jeanette DewittHunter, HowardHurford, William L.Hurley, Thomas FrancisIsraels, Dr. SydneyJetter, Dr. Marianne Rose LourieJohns, EthelJohnston, ElmerJones, DixonJones, Harold R.Kania, Ernestine A.M.E.Kenwood, George WilliamKergin, Dr. W.T.Kidd, Robert CampbellKing, LesKinney, EarlKitchen, WilliardKrugel, FredLadner, Leon J.Lambert, Noel D.Lawson, HeatherLee, Constance NicholsonLedingham, GladysLin, ChrisLittle, David BellLyle, BillMacCarthy, Jessie GordonMacGill, Judge Helen GregoryMcHattie, Ellen EthelMcKay, HarrietMcLaughlan, R. SamuelMcLarnon, Rosalyn E.McLarnon, Walter W.


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Mar, Dr. Peter Gee-PanMarcoe, Joel H.Margulius, Dr. Jack M.Mazzoli, Barbara JeanMerrell, MargaretMoberly, WalterMorgan, Dr. Joseph F.Morris, LeoMorrison, RuthMonro, Dr. Alexander StewartMunro, Ernest A.Nagler, VictoriaNeil, Mary WebberNeilson, J.R.Nelms, Percy W.Nemetz, S. & R.Ng, Elizabeth TongNicol, J.O'Brien, DesmondOrchard, Dr. C.D.Paggett, Raymond & DebraPaskins, William A.Peers, ElizabethPegg, J. RoddyPerkins, AlbertPernarowski, Dr. M.Pulleyblank, Winona R.Purvis, Mrs. 011ieRainbow, Edith M.Read, FrederickRedford, GrantReid, Robbie L.Rose, Dr. WilliamRothstein, A.Rowe, William G.Sanders, Guenther FelixSands, JimSearle, Ernest S.Shepherd, Duncan

Shopland, StellaShuer, AbrahamSimpson, MarySleigh, MurielSmith, GilbertStanley, Thomas WardStanzl, FrankStein, Harry L.Stewart, Isabel MaitlandSwan, MacKenzieTassin, Dr. J.J.Taylor, SteveToban, Ronald S.Trapp, EthlynTucker, GilbertVanderleur, AnneVassar, P.S.Vickar, Dr. JosephWalshaw, MelvilleWaterman, M.M.Watson, A.F.Weaver, Myron M.Webb, Christopher E.Whillans, George S.Whitchut, Leslie AnnWhitty, VirginiaWilson, AlbertWilson, Dr. AndrewWine, MyerWinn, E.S.H.Wolochow, Paul & JennieWoodley, Douglas P.Woods, E.L.Woodward, Hon. W.C.Yoshida, ToyozoYoung, E.V.Young, Katherine AnnZivot, Louis & IdaZivot, Sam


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Gifts, Grants & Bequests— April 1978 to March 1979

The following list of donors does not include the names of donors to theAlumni Fund. Provincial and Federal grants, other than special grantssupporting fund raising by private donors, are recorded in other publications.

A.M. Security Ltd.A.U.C.E., Local OneAbbott, Dr. Frank S.Abercrombie, Mrs. W.Aberle, Mr. David F.Ablowitz, Mr. & Mrs. H.Abraham, Ms. D.B.Accounting Development FundActon, Ms. K.Adam, Mr. and Mrs. LlewellyneAdams, the late Alfred T.Adams, Mr. J.R.Aders, Mr. P.Agricultural Sciences UndergraduatesAhepa Family Scholarship CommitteeAhlborn, Dr. BoyeAisenstadt, Nussia & Andre

FoundationAkhurst Machinery LimitedAkrigg, Mr. G.P.Albagami, Mr. A.H.S.Alberni District Guides & BrowniesAlbert, Mrs. IdaAlberta Agricultural Research TrustAlcoa FoundationAlcon Laboratories, Inc.Alcuin SocietyAlexander, Mr. D.L.Alexander, Mr. E.A.Allan, Ms. ElizabethAllan, Ms. J.M.Allen, Dr. C.S.Allen, Mrs. EdithAllen, Mr. Nelson A.Allen, Dr. & Mrs. PeterAllergan PharmaceuticalsAllied Shipbuilders LimitedAllison, Ms. EnidAlma Mater SocietyAlp, Mrs. JacqulineAlpha Gamma Delta FraternityAlpha Gamma Delta Mother's ClubAlpine Garden Club of B.C.

Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd.Alumni Association of U BCAmacher, Dr. K-AAmax Minerals ExplorationAmerican Association of University

WomenAmerican College of PhysiciansAmerican Cyanamid CompanyAmerican Society for MetalsAmerican Trucking Associations, Inc.American Woman's ClubAmherst Lioness ClubAmoco Foundation, Inc.Anderson, Mr. G.Anderson, Ms. JeanAnderson, Mrs. M.Anderson, Mr. R.S.Anderson, Mrs. SusanAnderson, Mr. W.Andrew, Dr. & Mrs. G.C.Andrews, Dr. Leslie G.Andrusiak, Mr. and Mrs. P.Anglo Canadian Shipping (Westship)

Ltd.Annandale, Mr. K.F.Aquitaine Co. of Canada Ltd.Arbanas, Ms. L.Archer, Cathro & Associates Ltd.Architectural Institute of B.C.Argus Industries Ltd.Armitage, Ms. A.Armour, Mr. & Mrs. J.D.Armstead, Mrs. E.M.Armstrong, Ms. ElsseArmstrong, Dr. Richard L.Aron, Mrs. JuliaArrow Transfer Co. LimitedArthritis SocietyAsarco Exploration Co. of Canada Ltd.Asher, Mrs. N.Aspin, Mr. F.Associated Engineering services Ltd.


Page 21: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Association of B.C. ProfessionalForesters

Association of B.C. SchoolSuperintendents

Association of Manitoba Educatorsof the Hearing Impaired

Association of ProfessionalEconomists of B.C.

Association of ProfessionalEngineers of B.C.

Association of Universities andColleges of Canada

Atherton, Mr. DavidAtherton, Mr. WilfredAtrens, Mr. J .J.Au-Young, Ms. GraceAustin-McKillop, Mrs. MardonnaAutomotive Transport

Association of B.C.Avokumovic, Mr. IvanB.C. Association of Hospital

AuxiliariesB.C. Association for the

Mentally RetardedB.C. Association of Social WorkersB.C. Cancer FoundationB.C. Captain Cook Bi-Centennial

CommitteeB.C. Central Credit UnionB.C. Council of Garden ClubsB.C. Dental Hygienists AssociationB.C. Dentists Wives AssociationB.C. Federation of LabourB.C. Floral Art ClubB.C. Forest Products Ltd.B.C. Foundation for Non-Animal

ResearchB.C. Fruit Growers AssociationB.C. Health AssociationB.C. Health Sciences

Research FundB.C. Heart FoundationB.C. High School Boys

Basketball AssociationB.C. Home & School FederationB.C. Hotels AssociationB.C. Hydro & Power AuthorityB.C. Institute of AgrologistsB.C. Institute of TechnologyB.C. Library AssociationB.C. Lung Association

B.C. Medical AssociationB.C. Medical Research FoundationB.C. Motor Transport AssociationB.C. Oto Ophthalmological SocietyB.C. Packers LimitedB.C. Pharmacists SocietyB.C. Real Estate AssociationB.C. Registered Music Teachers

AssociationB.C. ResearchB.C. Society of Internal MedicineB.C. Sugar Refining Co. Ltd.B.C. Surgical SocietyB.C. Teachers Credit UnionB.C. Telephone CompanyBaba, MissBach, Mr. F.W.Backley, Mr. W. AlanBackun, Mrs. M.Bacon, Donaldson & Associates Ltd.Bailey, Mr. H.J.Baillie, Mr. G.C. BlairBaines, Mr. D.W.Baker, E.A. FoundationBaker, Mr. G.J.F.Baker, G.R. Memorial HospitalBalanko, Dr. MichaelBalbi, Mr. RickBalfour, Mr. Charles B.Ballance, Ms. KarolineBallenas Secondary SchoolBalmer, Mr. JamesBandoni, Dr: RobertBank of MontrealBanks, Mr. W.C.Bankson, Mr. D.H.BapOD Paint Ltd.Baransky, Ms. AnnBarazza, Mr. DinoBarber, Mr. Fred G.Barnett Lumber IndustriesBarone, Mr. FrankBarr, Mr. N.K.Barrett, Mr. LaurenceBartlett, Mrs. S.P.Barton, Ms. EthelBasaraba, Dr. NeilBasco, Dr. NormanBasler, Ms. EllenBates, Dr. D.V.Bawden, estate of Miss R.I.


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Baxter, Mr. AllenBaxter, Mr. D.A.Bay, TheBayly, the late Mr. L.J.Bayside Suppliers Ltd.Beak ConsultantsBeales, Ms. Edith H.Beaman, Mr. W.J.Beamish, Dr. K.I.Beaton, Mrs. MaryBeaver, Mrs. G.E.Becker, Mr. R.Beckingham, Mr. W.Begg, Mrs. W.J.Bekker, Dr. J.B.Belinski, Mr. A.Belkin Packaging Ltd.Bell, Mr. GordonBell, Mr. G.R.Bell, Dr. H.M.Bell-Irving, the Hon. H.P.Bellward, Mr. & Mrs. J.Belshaw, the late Mrs. Betty J.Bemi, Mrs. S.M.Bendicson, Mr. D.Benedict, Mr. E.Beneficial Foundation Inc.Bennett, Miss EileenBennett, Mr. H.Bennett, Mr. J.F.Bentley, Ms. LynneBentley, Mrs. W.E.Berger, Hon. Mr. Justice T.R.Berlow, Mr. and Mrs. L.Bernard, Mr. F.P.Bernoe, Ms. JulianneBernstein, Mr. StephenBernstine, Dr. M.Berol Pencil Co.Berry, Mrs. E.M.Berry, Mr. LeonardBerry, Mr. WallaceBest Printing Co. Ltd.Beta Sigma PhiBethlehem Copper Corporation Ltd.Bevis, Dr. R.W.Bickneill, Mr. R.J.Bie, Dr. W.F.Biely, Dr. J.Billig, Mrs. HildaBillingsley, Mr. N.

Bilojelic, Ms. CarlaBinning, Mrs. B.C.Birks Family FoundationBirt, Mr. J.C.Bischoff, Herman FoundationBjerring, Mrs. K.H.Black, Mrs. E.C.Black, Mr. G.C.Black, Mrs. GraceBlack, Mr. R.J.Black, Mr. SamBlack, Mrs. VirginiaBlack, Mr. WesleyBlackbourn, Mr. D.J.Blair, Mr. Gilbert G.Bligh, Mr. S.W.Blinn, Mr. Deam W.Blom, Mr. & Mrs. J.Blott, Mr. G.R.Blue River Lions ClubBlunden, Mr. R.H.B'Nai B'Rith Women's Centennial

Chapter 1022Boag FoundationBodman, Dr. & Mrs. G.B.Bodman, Mrs. P.Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd.Bolton, estate of Mr. F.D.Bond, Miss EthelBorden, Ms. Carol-AnnBorden, estate of Dr. C.E.Borden Chemical (Western) LimitedBossio, Mr. ArmandoBoston, Mrs. S.Bouck, Mr. Justice John C.Bouey, Mr. RobertBoughton & CompanyBoulton, Mrs. S.M.Bourne, Dr. C.B.Bousfield, Mr. E.L.Boving, Mr. Peter A.Bowel! McLean Motor Co. Ltd.Bowling, Mr. & Mrs. G.Bowman, Ms. Audrey J.Boxer, Mrs. E.Boyce, Mr. Harry M.Brackenridge, Ms. M.Bradbury, Mr. RussellBradford, Mr. J.D.Bradley, Dr. L.O.Bramwall, Mr. B.


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Brandon UniversityBrass Ring EnterprisesBrattle, Mr. BillBrebner, Ms. M.K.Bregden, Mr. E.Brennan, Dr. M.J.Brewery & Soft Drink Workers

Local 300Brewster, Dr. B.H.Briggs, Mr. JohnBriggs, Mrs. MaryBriggs, Mrs. R.Briley, Ms. BettyBrinexBrink, Hudson & Lefever Ltd.Brissenden, Mr. P.R.Bristol-Myers Laboratories

GroupBritish Pacific Properties Ltd.Brock, Mrs. MyrtleBrockley, Mr. C.A.Bronfman, the Samuel & Saidye

Family FoundationBrooks, Mrs. N.Brown, Mr. B.S.Brown, Mr. D.G.Brown, Mr. J.T.Brown, Miss MargaretBrown, Dr. T.H.Browning, Mr. C.A.Bruce, Mr. G.Brunt, Ms. LouiseBryans, Dr. F.E.Bryenton, Mrs. Margaret W.Bryer, Mr. VictorBuchan, estate of Mrs.

Edith GraceBuchanan, Mr. J.B.Buchanan, Miss MildredBuckson's Pharmacy LimitedBuell, Ellis, Sargent & RussellBulkley Valley District HospitalBull, the Hon. Mr. Justice E.B.Bull, Mr. E.C.Bull, Housser & TupperBuller, Mr. R.Bullock, Dr. MichaelBurchill, Mr. J.E.Burdiken, Mr. J.J.Burgess, Dr. A.E.Burgess, Mrs. D.G.

Burgess, Mr. D.G.H.Burian, Mr. W.J.Burke, Mr. H.E.Burke, Ms. MargaretBurke, , Mrs. MargoBurnaby Creative Writers' SocietyBurnaby Historical SocietyBurndorfer, Dr. HansBurnett, Mr. H.J.Burrard Yacht Club Bridge ClubBurrell, Mr. GordonBurridge, Mr. K.O.L.Burroughs Wellcome & Co.

(Canada) Ltd.Burton, Dr. Albert F.Burton, Mr. P.Busch, Ms. F.Bush & Bohlman Ltd.Butler Brothers Supplies Ltd.Butler, Mr. R.B.Byrne, Mr. Thomas S.Canada Cement LaFarge Ltd.Canada Law Book LimitedCanada Packers FoundationCanada Trust CompanyCanadian Academy of

PeriodontologyCanadian Anaethetist Society

B.C. DivisionCanadian Army Welfare FundCanadian Association for the

Mentally RetardedCanadian Association of Animal

BreedersCanadian Association of University

TeachersCanadian Bechtel Ltd.Canadian Broadcasting CorportionCanadian Cancer SocietyCanadian Certified General

Accountants AssociationCanadian Committee for Fertility

ResearchCanadian Cystic Fibrosis

FoundationCanadian Daughters LeagueCanadian Dermatology FoundationCanadian Diabetic AssociationCanadian Forces Base ChilliwackCanadian Forest Products Ltd.Canadian Forestry Association


Page 24: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Canadian Foundation for theAdvancement of Pharmacy

Canadian Foundation for Diseasesof the Liver

Canadian Fund for Dental EducationCanadian Industries LimitedCanadian Institute of Child HealthCanadian Institute of ForestryCanadian Jewish CongressCanadian Kenworth Ltd.Canadian Life Insurance

AssociationCanadian Lung AssociationCanadian Marine Drilling Ltd.Canadian Masonry CentreCanadian Mining & Metallurgical

FoundationCanadian National Institute for

the BlindCanadian National Sportsmen's ShowCanadian Natural Gas Processing

AssociationCanadian Occidental Petroleum

Ltd.Canadian Paraplegic Association

(B.C. Division)Canadian Pest Management SocietyCanadian Polish Congress,

B.C. BranchCanadian Pulp & Paper AssociationCanadian Society for Chemical

EngineeringCanadian Society for the Study

of EducationCanadian Stevedoring Co. Ltd.Canadian Superior Exploration Ltd.Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers

CouncilCanadian Union of Public EmployeesCBA Engineering Ltd.C.E.P. Management Services Ltd.CKNW Orphan's FundCP Air Employees Charitable

Donations FundC.U. & C Health Services SocietyCUSOCahill, Ms.Caine, Mr. B.D.Caisse Populaire RimouskiCaldwell, Ms. E.Calhoun, Mrs. Margaret

Callaghan, Mr. Justice H.A.Cameron, Dr. D.S.Cameron, Ms. DoreenCameron, Ms. H.B.Cameron, Mr. Wm. M.Cameron, Mr. W.R.Campbell, Mrs. A.B.Campbell, Ms. Audrey L.Campbell, Mr. C.Campbell, Mr. D.J.Campbell, Mrs. E.F.Campbell, Miss G.Campbell, Ms. J.M.Campbell, Mrs. R.Campney & MurphyCamsharp Management Ltd.Canarim Investment Corporation

Ltd.Cancer Control Agency of B.C.Candido, Dr. E.P.M.Cane, Mr. TedCanfor P & H Social ClubCantell, Mr. E.T.Capilano CollegeCariboo Bar AssociationCariboo Memorial HospitalCarines, Ms. SharonCarlson, Mrs. S.A.Carrier, Ms. BrendaCarrothers, Mr. Justice A.B.B.Carter, Mr. & Mrs. A.W.Carter, Mr. R.J.Case Existological Laboratories Ltd.Cashmore, Mrs. K.A.Cass, Mrs. MaryCassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd.Castillon, Mrs. H.Cattley, Mr. R.E.D.Cayley, estate of Mrs. H.S.Celestino, Ms. J.L.Central Okanagan Bursary Committee

23 SocietyCeramic Tile Contractors

Association of B.C.Chadwick, Mrs. C.Chambers, Mr. E.Chan, Mrs. MaryChan, Mr. Peter King LuenChang, Mr. B.Chant, Ms. NellChao, Ms. Florence


Page 25: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Chapman, Mr. & Mrs. R.Charlton, Ms. JoanChartered Life Underwriters of

Canada, Vancouver ChapterChase, Dr. R.L.Chase, Dr. W.H.Checkik, Mr. V.Chemetics International Ltd.Chemical Engineering SocietyChemical Institute of CanadaCheng, Mr. ColinCheng, Mr. KimCherman, Dr. D.Cherniak, Miss JudyCherry, Dr. & Mrs. S.Chesko, Dr. E.E.Cheslecki, Mr. JohnChevron Canada LimitedChiarenza, Dr. M.Children's HospitalChilliwack General HospitalChilliwack Medical SocietyChin, Harry Lin FoundationChitty, Dr. Dennis H.Chitty, Mrs. HelenCho, Miss S.B.Chown, Mr. E.H.Chown, Mr. Eric V.Chuck, Mr. ChungChung, Mr. Su K.Chung, Dr. WallaceChurch & Dwight Co. Inc.Churchill, Ms. SharonCI BA GeigyClark, Mr. G.S.Clark, Mr. R.Clark, Mrs. RosalynClark, Mr. W.L.Clark, Wilson & Co.Clarke, Dr. B.R.Clarke, H.F. LimitedClarke, Mrs. J.N.Clarke, Ms. M.Clarkson Gordon & Co.Clarkson, Ms. Margaret I.Clerke, Mr. R.C.Clerkson, Mr. DonaldClibbert, Mrs. MarionCliff, Mr. R.L.Clinical Chemistry Trust FundClode, Mrs. M.

Clyne, The Hon. & Mrs. J.V.Clyne, Mr. Norval S.Coady, C.J. & AssociatesCoburn, Mr. I.Coffin, estate of Mr. Frederick W.Cohen, Mrs. M.B.Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. MoeCohen, Mr. T.Cohen, Mr. TedCohn, Mr. W.Coldstream Fire DepartmentCollege of Dental Surgeons of B.C.College of Pharmacists of B.C.College of Physicians &

Surgeons of B.C.Collins BarrowCollins, Mrs. MarkCominco Ltd.Comitas ClubCommittee for Mr. D. GargettCondon, Ms. EnaCongoran, Mr. T.M.Connor, Mr. T.Cook, Mr. A.Cook, Mrs. DaryllCook, Mr. T.A.Cook, Ms. Thelma S.Cooke, Mr. C.A.M.Cooke, Mr. D.B.Cooke, Ms. EdnaCooper, Mrs. GladysCoopers & LybrandCopley, Mr. R.E.Cornett, Mr. AlanCoronado Mortgage CorporationCorris, Ms. ShirleyCorteen, Dr. R.S.Couch, Mr. E.A.Council of Forest Industries of B.C.Coupland, Mr. H.D.Coutts, Dr. K.D.Cowell, Mr. & Mrs. G.Cowichan District HospitalCowichan Valley Hoo-Hoo ClubCowichan Valley Medical AssociationCowin, Mr. RobertCox, Mrs. EvelynCrabtree, the Harold FoundationCraddock, Dr. M.K.Craig, Mr. Justice W.A.Crane, Mr. & Mrs. John


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Craven, Mr. H.M.Crawford, Mr. N.Crawshaw, Mr. M.L.Credit Union Foundation of B.C.Creer, Mr. F.B.Creighton, Mrs. Mary M.Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd.Creston Valley Foods Ltd.Croatian Fraternal Union of

AmericaCrossman Machinery Co. Ltd.Crown Zellerbach Canada FoundationCrows Nest Industries LimitedCrozier, Mr. Lorne H.Cudmore, Ms. NellieCullen Detroit Diesel Allison Ltd.Cumberland Diagnostic & Treatment

CentreCumberland General HospitalCumings, Mr. GeorgeCumpston, Ms. DianaCunningham, Mr. J.R.Cunningham, estate of Mrs.

Myrtle W.Cyprus Anvil Mining CorporationCzaykowski, Mr. B.Czetwertynski, Mrs. ElizabethDewitt, Mr. V.L.Dewolfe, Mrs. HaroldDewolfe, Mr. R.Deyell, Miss JessieDick, Dr. J.Dick, Mrs. Shirley M.Dickey, Dr. M.R.Dickie, Mr. F.B.Dickie, H.W., LimitedDienes, Mr. LeslieDiggins, Miss JoyceDimick, Dr. J.E.Dinsley, Mr. T.H.Divinsky, Miss JudyDixon, Miss G.P.Dobbin, Miss GeraldineDobbs, Mr. 0.Dohm, Mr. Justice T.A.Dolmage, Campbell & Associates

(1975) Ltd.Doman Industries Ltd.Dome Petroleum Ltd.Donald, Mr. R.Donaldson, Mr. F.B.

Doray, Ms. VictoriaDouglas CollegeDouglas, Mr. & Mrs. M.J.Douglas, Mr. PaulDouglas, Symes & BrissendenDove, Mr. A.J.Dow, Mr. A.Dow Chemical of Canada, LimitedDown, Mr. E.Downie, Miss E.Downing, Mr. M.E.Downs/ArchambaultDoyle, Mr. MichaelDoyle, Ms. MinnieDrab, Mr. H.E.Draeseke, Mrs. M.J.Dragon, Ms. HelenDragon, Mr. M.Dronin, Mr. L.Drummond, Mrs. EdithDryer, Hon. Mr. Justice V.L.Dumaresq, Mr. D.J.Dumont, Dr. M.A.Duncan, Dr. C.P.Dunfee, Mr. D.R.Dunford, Ms. B.J.Dunlop, Dr. J.A.Dunn, Dr. & Mrs. W.L.Dunn, Mr. W.M.Dunsmore, Mr. C.E.Du Pont of Canada Exploration Ltd.Durand, Mrs. G.H.Durkin, Ms. GertrudeDurrant, Mr. G.W.Durupt, Mr. H.J.Dvorak, Mr. JamesEast Chilliwack Co-opEaton FoundationEbco Industries Ltd.Econo Mart 73Edelweiss Credit UnionEdmunds, Mr. J.S.Education Students AssociationEducational Research Institute

of B.C.Edwards, Mr. J.A.Edwardson, Mr. & Mrs. A.M.Eggertson, Mrs. CarrollEgli, Mr. MarcelEhling, Mr. L.A.Ehling, Mr. M.A.


Page 27: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

El CirculoEldorado Nuclear LimitedElk Creek Waterworks Co. Ltd.Elliot, Dr. GeorgeElliot, Mr. R.M.Elliott, Mr. C.R.Ellis, Mr. D.V.Ellis, Judge HughEllwood, Mr. E.Elphinstone Secondary SchoolElsevier North-Holland, Inc.Elvin, Mr. R.W.Emery, Mr. P.C.Emmerson, Mrs. JaneEmpey, Mrs. P.M.Eng, Mr. AnthonyEng, Mr. PeterEngineering Institute of CanadaEngineers Wives AssociationEnglish, R.A. & AssociatesEnglish, Dr. W.N.Enright, Mrs. C.Erco Industries Ltd.Ernst, Mr. DavidEta Theta ChapterEureka Lodge No. 103Eurocan Pulp & Paper Ltd.Evans, Mrs. BarbaraEvans, Mr. H.M.Evans, Mr. J.B.Evans, Ms. KathleenEvoy, Mr. & Mrs. H.R.Executive Marketing ServicesFaculty Womens ClubFafard, Mr. TerryFahrni, Dr. B.M.Fahrni, Dr. W.H.Fairclough, Mr. R.Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd.Falconer, Mr. W.B.Fallis, Miss MaryFankhouser, Mr. J.Fanning, Ms. J.M.Farley, Mr. JackFarquhar, Mr. K.B.Farquhason, Mr. BobFarrell, the late Mr. GordonFarris, Mr. J.L.Farris, Vaughan, Wills & MurphyFawcus, Mr. Justice K.S.Fearman, Mr. F.W.

Federated Co-operatives LimitedFederation of Medical Women

of CanadaFesting, Mrs. A.K.Field, Mr. D.C.Field's Stores LimitedFiltness, Ms. J.Financial Executives InstituteFinnegan, Dr. C.V.Finning Tractor & Equipment Co. Ltd.Finnsson, Ms. FlorenceFinora, Ms. SallyFisher, Mr. A.W.Fisher, His Honour Judge T.K.Fishwick, Mr. K.N.Fitzgeorge-Parker, Mrs. ClareFladmark, Dr. K.R.Fleck, Mrs. G.E.L.Fleishman, Mr. N.M.Fleming, Mr. N.A.M.Fletcher, Ms. JeanFlewelling, Mr. L.M.Flick, Ms. JaneFoort, Mr. JamesFord, Dr. DenysFord, Ms. M.Ford, Ms. N.Ford, Mr. W.L.Fording Coal LimitedForler, Miss V.M.Forrest, Mr. StewartFortune, Miss RuthForward, Dr. C.N.Foster, Mr. Ev.Foster, Ms. MarleneFoster, Mr. W.F.Forsyth, Ms. I.Fouks, Mr. & Mrs. ArthurFouks, Mrs. JackFoxwell, Dr. R.G.B.Fowler, Mr. G.A.Fowler, Guy Memorial TrustFrankie Robinson Enterprises Ltd.Franklin, Mr. H.J.Franklin, Mrs. MyrtleFranks, Mr. & Mrs. W.Fraser, Dr. ArthurFraser, Mrs. ElspethFraser Fisheries Ltd.Fraser, Ms. IsabelFraser Valley Dental Society


Page 28: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Fraser Valley Milk Producers'Association

Fraser Valley Regional LibraryFratkin, Dr. L.B.Freeman & CompanyFreeman Foundation Ltd.Freeman, Mr. & Mrs. H.French, Dr. S.W.Frender, Dr. RobertFridriksson, Mr. ThorFriedman, Dr. & Mrs. SydneyFriends of Steve TaylorFrisby, Mrs. K.Frith, estate of Mrs. Bessie C.Frizell, Mr. W.Frobeen, Mrs. L.Frohlinger, Sharon Memorial FundFrosst, Charles E. & Co.Frosst, Merck & Company Ltd.Fruehauf Trailer Co. of CanadaFry, Miss JoyceFugro, Inc.Fullerton, Rev. W.E.Fulton, Miss AndreaFulton, Mr. Justice E.D.Fulton, Dr. E. MargaretFulton, Miss M.Furnes, Mr. H.A.Gage, estate of Dr. Walter H.Gainer, Mr. BobGalitzine, Ms. EveGallagher, Ms. LindaGalloway, Mrs. BertrandGarden Club of VancouverGardner, Mr. D.Gardner, McDonald & Co.Gardner, Mrs. W.J.Garg, Ms. LoriGargett, Ms. Ann E.Garibaldi-Whistler Development

Co. Ltd.Garner, Dr. R.Gaube, Mr. E. OttoGautshi, Mr. E.H.M.Gear, Mr. & Mrs.Gellman, Dr. D.D.General Motors of Canada

LimitedGentlemen Two Men's Wear Ltd.German Canadian Business &

Professional Association of B.C.

Germann, Mr. Z.J.Gerry, Mr. M.C.L.Getz, Dr. LeonGibb, Mr. HarryGibney, Mr. W.H.R.Gibson, Mrs. A.S.Gibson, Dr. E.M.Gibson, Mr. J. GordonGibson, Dr. & Mrs. W.C.Gibson, Mr. W.R.Gilbertson, Mr. J.Giles, Mr. GeorgeGillespie, Dr. H.S.Gillespie, Mrs. WilmaGilley, Mr. H.P.Girl Guides of CanadaGiuliani, Mr. JamesGlaxo Canada LimitedGlenwright, Mr. JohnGlitter GalsGlover, Mr. M.Glyn-Jones, Ms. VivianGoble, Mr. R.A.Godfrey, Mr. L.M.Goel, Dr. D.P.Gold, Dr. A.V.Gold, Ms. JeanGold, Mr. K.M.Goldberg, Mr. M.A.Golden Hospital AuxiliaryGoldenberg, The Hon. Mr. H. CarlGolder AssociatesGoldman, Mr. ReneGoodchild, Mrs. E.H.Gollevitch, Ms. R.Gordon, Mr. C.F.Gordon, Mr. JohnGordon, Mr. J.P.Gordon, Ms. 0.Gordon, Mr. P.J.Gorge Road HospitalGorosh, Mr. & Mrs. JohnGosse, Mrs. DoreenGould, Mr. Justice J.G.Gouldstone, Mr. B.A.Goulet, Mr. G.R.D.Courlay, Mr. C.C.Govan, Dr. W.R.Government of Canada, Minister of

State Fitness & Amateur SportGraf, Mr. J.


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Graham, Mr. IanGraham, Ms. J.Graham, Mrs. J.S.Graham, Ms. SheilaGraham, Mr. & Mrs. V.E.Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M.Granger, Mr. H.M.Grant, Mr. KeithGraphic Arts International

Union Local 210Gray Beverage Company Ltd.Gray, Mr. & Mrs. EarlGray, Dr. G.R.Gray, Mr. J.D.Gray, Mr. L.T.Green, the Hon. H.C.Greenfield, estate of Mr. E.P.Gregory, Mr. AndroGregory Manufacturing Ltd.Griffin, Miss MaryGriffin, Mr. T.F.Griffiths, McLelland & Co.Grippo, Mr. S.Gronlund, Mr. M.D.Cropper, Dr. P.T.Groves, Mrs. M.M.Growe, Dr. G.H.Guild, Yule, Schmitt, Lane

& MurrayGuinn, Mr. W.F.Gunn, Dr. C.C.Gushue, Ms. BettyGyro Club of KerrisdaleHaase, Ms. IreneHacker, Mr. CecilHagen, Mrs. E.Hager, Mr. D.C.Hager, Mr. R.T.Hagler, Mr. R.Haire, Mr. L.A.Haley, Mr. C.M.Hall, Mr. H.U.Hall, Mr. O.J.Hall, estate of Mr. Percy BarrHalliday, Ms. A.Halliday, Dr. & Mrs. F.M.Halpern, Mr. G.R.Hamakawa, Mr. MutusumiHamber FoundationHammermill Paper Co.Handkamer, Mr. R.

Handley, Mr. H.J.Hannah Institute for the History

of Medical and Related SciencesHannay, Miss M.J.Hansen, Mr. & Mrs. T.Hansen, Mr. W.L.Hanson, Mr. MaxHarder, Dr. D.H.Hardwick, Dr. D.F.Hardy, Dr. W.N.Harnetty, Dr. P.Harper, Grey, Easton & CompanyHarris, Dr. G.Harrison, Mr. E.L.Harrop, Dr. T.J.Hart, Miss E.L.Harvey, Mr. & Mrs. W.H.Harwood, Mr. BruceHatch, Professor R.B.Hawthorn, Mrs. AudreyHealth Administrators Association

of B.C.Health Centre for Children SocietyHealth Labour Relations

Association of B.C.Health Record Association of B.C.Heavenor, Mr. RobertHeighway, estate of Mrs. Florence E.Heiss, Mr. U.P.Helliwell, Mr. J.F.Hender, Mr. ByronHendrickson, Miss IngaHeninger, Professor S.K.Henry, Mr. J.A.Hesketh, Mr. AlbertHetherington, Mr. J.D.Hetherington, Mrs. J.D.Hetherington, Mrs. P.Hewitt, Mr. L.Hickling, Mr. M.A.Hicks, Mr. J.B.Hicks, Dr. R.Higginbottom, Mr. R.A.Hill, Ernest D. Memorial TrustHill, Mr. L.E.Hill, Mr. Philip G.Hill, Dr. R.H.Hills, Mr. D.Hinchliffe, Ms. JoHinkson, Mr. Justice E.E.Ho, Ms. Sylvia


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Hoan, Dr. W.S.Hobbs, Dr. E.D.Hobbs, Mrs. V.M.Hobkirk, Mr. H.Hobson, Mr. J.Hoebig, Mrs. P.M.Hoffman-La Roche LimitedHogan, Mrs. MaryHolbrook, Mr. D.R.Holesman, Ms. EdnaHolliday, Mr. E.M.Holm, Mr. D.C.Holness, Mr. T.A.Holsti, Dr. K.J.Holt, the late Mr. ArthurHolt, Ms. P.Holtan, Mr. FrankHoly Family HospitalHomeniuk, Mr. V.A.Hood, Miss MargaretHornby, Mrs. A.L.Horner, Frank W. Ltd.Horner, Ms. J.Horsman, Ms. Nancy C.Hospital Employees Union Local 180Hougham, Mr. G.Hourston, Mr. Wm. R.Housing Corporation of B.C.Housing and Urban Development

Association of CanadaHouston, Mr. J.A.Howard, Dr. BettyHoward, Mr. R.B.Howe Sound Teachers AssociationHowes, Dr. J.F.Howes, Mrs. M.L.Howren, Mr. M.Hudson, Miss W.J.Hudson's Bay Oil & Gas

Company LimitedHughes, Ms. BettyHughes, Mr. J.Hughes, Mr. LS.Hultberg, Mr. C.R.Hume, Mr. LorneHumphreys, Mr. A.N.-Humphries, Mrs. MaryHundert, Dr. E.J.Hunt, Dr. J.E.Huntec (70) LimitedHunter, Mr. Aline

Hunter, Mr. AllenHunter, Mr. HaroldHunter, Mrs. R.A.M.Huntingdon, Mrs. S.C.Hurt, Mr. HowardHurvitz, Mr. L.N.Hutcheon, Judge H.E.Hutton, Mr. J.M.Hutton, Ms. NancyHyams, Mr. RobertHyland, Mr. J.N.IAC LimitedI.B.M..0.D.E. Provincial Chapter.0.D.E. Burnaby Chapter.0.D.E. No. 15.O.D.E. R.C.A.F. Chapter

I.W.A. Credit UnionIkota, Mr. M.Iljamo, Mr. M.Imperial College of Science

and TechnologyImperial Oil LimitedImperial Tobacco LimitedInc() LimitedIndependent Order of ForestersIndustrial Forestry Service Ltd.Inglis, Dr. A.M.Ingo, Mr. K.L.Ingram, Ms. BettyIngram Pharmaceutical CompanyInstitute of Chartered

Accountants of B.C.International Association of

Machinists & Aerospace WorkersInternational Brotherhood of

TeamstersInternational College of DentistsInternational Development

AssociationInternational Hearing Aids (1972)

Ltd.International Longshoremens &

Warehousemens UnionInternational Order of Jobs

DaughtersInternational Sea-Land Shipping

Service Ltd.International Union of Operating

EngineersIrving Clinic


Page 31: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Irving, estate of Mrs. Diana 0.Irving, Ms. M.A.Iverson, Ms. FloJablonsky, Mr. GeorgeJackson, Mr. & Mrs. R.James, Mr. DaleJames, Mr. D.G.L.James, Ms. TeresaJamieson, Ms. AnnJamieson, Ms. C.A.Jamieson, Mrs. E.Jardine, Mrs. Gladys K.Jarowicz, Ms. JuliaJenkins, Mr. BobJenkins, Mr. & Mrs. H.M.Jenkins, Mr. J.R.Jet Equipment & ToolsJetter, Mr. JosephJohnsen Landscaping LimitedJohnson, Dr. A.M.Johnson, Mr. C.W.Johnson, Miss D.Johnson, Ms. Frances M.Johnson, Mr. PeterJohnson, Mrs. N.Johnson, Ms. NormaJohnson, R.D. & Associates Ltd.Johnston, Mr. D. LukinJohnston, Ms. LyndaJohnston, Mr. W.Johnstone, Mr. B.A.Jones, Mr. C.S.Jones, Ms. DianeJones, Ms. HeatherJones, Mrs. ShirleyJopling, Mr. MorrisJordan, Professor R.M.Journeyman Training & General

Industry Promotion FundJull, Mr. E.V.Kaiser Resources Ltd.Kamloops District Teachers

AssociationKamm, Mrs. E.Kania, Dr. J.E.Kaplan, Mr. LarryKapoor Singh Siddoo FoundationKeenleyside, Ms. A.M.Keenleyside, Mr. E.W. IrvineKeenleyside, Dr. Miles H.A.

Keenlyside, Dr. Wm. M.Kelland, Ms. ValerieKellogg, W.K. FoundationKelly, Mr. A.C.Kelly, Ms. GladysKenah, Mrs. K.N.Kennedy, Dr. J.M.Kenny, Dr. D.T.Kent, Charles Chan Golden

Wedding ScholarshipFoundation

Kenwood, Mr. L.G.Keple, Mrs. K.L.Ker, Priestman & Associates Ltd.Kerekes, estate of Mrs. A.P.Keremeos Lions ClubKerley, Miss LindaKerr, Dr. R.B.Kerrisdale Dental GroupKetchum Manufacturing Sales

LimitedKey, Dr. ChapinKidd, Mrs. P.R.Kidney Foundation of B.C.Kidson & CompanyKimberley Legion SocietyKimmins, Dr. J.P.Kincaid, Mrs. T.King, Mr. F.E.King, Ms. M.E.King, Mr. PhilKinghorn, Mr. BruceKirk, Mr. J.M.Kirschner, Mr. W.Kirson, Dr. SidneyKispiox Band CouncilKitchen, Miss E.H.F.Kiwanis Club of SummerlandKiwanis Club of VancouverKjikstad, Edward AgencyKliman, Dr. M.R.Klohn Leonoff Consultants Ltd.Klonoff, Ms. MaryKlowaty, Mr. TonyKnapp, Dr. F.M.Knight, Miss M.Knox, Dr. S.G.Kockums, Letson & Burbee

LimitedKoerner, Mrs. lby


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Koerner, the Leon & TheaFoundation

Koerner, Dr. & Mrs. Walter C.Koffler Stores (Western) Ltd.Kohn Electric Ltd.Kokan, Dr. P.J.Komori, Mr. E.Kootenay Bar AssociationKootenay Lake District Hospital

SocietyKorchinsky, Mr. N.N.Korn, Dr. G.W.Kosciuszko Foundation, Inc.Koslosky, Mr. P.A.Krajina, Dr. V.J.Krause, Ms. DorleenKrebs, Mr. M.Kropius, Mr. WalterKropp, Mr. D.Kuhn, Mr. & Mrs. F.Kurtz, Dr. ChesterKuta, Ms. M.I.Kutney, Dr. J.P.Kydd, Mr. D.W.L & K Lumber (North Shore) LimitedLabash, Mr. JosephLabatt Breweries of B.C. LimitedLabatt, John LimitedLadies Orange Benevolent

AssociationLadies Pharmaceutical Auxiliary

VancouverLadner DownsLadner, the late Dr. Leon J.Ladner, Mr. Thomas E.Laehrm, Ms. H.Laidlaw, Mr. T.K.Laithwaite, Mr. A.B.Lakai, Ms. KathyLakowski, Mr. RomauldLaLond, Mr. CecilLaLonde, Mr. VictorLam, Ms. BettyLam, Mrs. E.Lambda Kappa Sigma AlumniLambert, Ms. L.A.Lambert, Mrs. N.D.Lando, Mr. & Mrs. EsmondLane, Dr. A.Lane, Mr. R.F.Langhammer, Mr. B.

Langley Chapter of the EasternStar

Langley-Surrey UniversityWomen's Club

Lappin, Mrs. H.Larsen, Mr. F.JLarson, Mr. A.Lassen, Mr. KnudLaurentide Financial

Corporation Ltd.Lauriente, Mr. T.W.Law FoundationLawler, Mr. JamesLawrence, Ms. M.Lawson, Mr. D.J.Laycoe, Mr. RobertLeavitt, Mr. D.LeBlond, Dr. Paul H.Lee, Ms. KathyLee, Robert Ltd.Legal Services CommissionLegg, Mr. Justice Hugh P.Leith, Mr. Murray V.Leliott, Mr. F.Leonard Foundation (Ontario)Lepp, Dr. V.A.Lerche, Mr. JonLeroux, Ms. OlgaLeslie, Mr. & Mrs. S.Lester, Mr. R.A.V.Lester, Mr. & Mrs. R.K.Letham, Ms. I.Leung, Ms. GorettiLeung, Dr. S.W.Lewis, Judge C.J.Lewis, Miss EvaLewis, Miss J.R.Liang, Dr. M.Y.Licenced Practical Nurses

Association of B.C.Lieb, Mr. & Mrs. V.L.Light, Ms. MaryLiley, Dr. N.R.Lilly, Eli and Company (Canada)

Ltd.Lin, Dr. Paul T.K.Lindsay, Miss S.Lions Gate HospitalLippman, Ms. F.L.Lister Bolt & Chain Ltd.Little, Mr. Douglas


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Little, Mrs. EleanorLittle, Mr. J.B.Livsey, Mr. J.B.Loban, Mr. J.A.Local Committee CFBSLofstedt, Mr. & Mrs. R.Lofvendahl, Mr. & Mrs. H.Loncarevic, Mr. BoskoLong, Mr. C.F.Longridge, Dr. D.M.N.Longstaffe, Mr. J.R.Longstaffe, Mrs. MariettaLoomer, Dr. R.L.Loos, Mr. JohnLord, the Hon. A.E.Lorz, Mrs. S.Lougheed, Ms. MarieLouie, Mr. WillisLoutit, Ms. ConnieLoutit, Dr. D.Loutit, Mr. JimLouvie, Mrs. N.Luft, Dr. ErhardtLund, Mr. BonarLusztig, Dr. PeterLynn, Ms. MabelMcAfee, Dr. AnnMcAfee, Harder & AssociatesMcArthur, Mr. H.E.Macaulay, Nicholls, Maitland

& Co. Ltd.MacBean, Mr. D.W.C.McBee, Miss TillieMcBride, Mr. J.A.McBride, Mrs. M.McBryde, Mr. W.McCarter, Nairne & PartnersMcCarthy, Mr. BobMcConnell, Miss B.McConnell, Dr. J.A.McCrae, Mrs. HelenMcCreary, Dr. J.F.MacCrimmon, Ms. MarilynMcCullough, Ms. L.McCullum, Rev. & Mrs. J.A.McCusker, Ms. J.McDermid, Mr. J.C.McDermott, Mr. J.McDevitt, Ms. EvelynMcDonald, Dr. D.M.MacDonald, Mr. H.C.L.

McDonald, Mr. I.McDonald, Mr. Ian W.MacDonald, Mr. J.Macdonald, the Hon.

Mr. Justice J.A.McDonald, His Hon. Judge L.M.Macfarlane, Mr. Justice Alan B.MacFarlane, Mr. Justice M.M.McGarry, Ms. T.McGavin, Mr. Allan M.MacGill, Dr. E.G.McGraw, Dr. R.W.McGreer, Dr. D.E.McGregor, Miss B. LouiseMclllree, Mr. J.N.Maclnnes, estate of Mr. W.H.McIntosh, Mr. A.McIntosh, Mr. G.B.Maclntyre, Mrs. G.Maclntyre, Hon. Mr. Justice W.R.MacKay, Mrs. D.MacKay, Ms. IsabelMackay, Ms. J.MacKay, Mr. K.MacKay, Mr. P.MacKay, Mrs. R.S.McKechnie, Mrs. D.C.McKechnie, estate of Dr. R.E.MacKedie, Mrs. M.McKee, Ms. I.M.McKenzie, Mrs. A.McKenzie, Dr. A.D.McKenzie, Mrs. AgnesMcKenzie, Mrs. B.MacKenzie, Dr. C.J.G.MacKenzie, Ms. HelenMcKenzie, Mr. Justice L.G.MacKenzie, Mrs. M. ClaireMacKenize, Mr. Murray H.MacKenzie, Dr. N.A.M.Mackenzie, Mrs. T.Mackoff, Mr. Justice A.A.MacKoff, Mrs. R.McLachlin, Mr. B.M.McLallen, Mr. J.A.McLallen, Mrs. L.McLallen, Mr. W.McLaren, Ms. M.A.McLarnon, Dr. JamesMcLaughlin, Ms. L.


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McLaughlin, R. SamuelFoundation

MacLean, Ms. AnnMcLean, Mrs. CatherineMcLean, Dr. D.M.MacLean, Mr. F.A.MacLean, Mr. Justice H.A.MacLean, Mr. IanMcLean, Mr. J.C.T.McLean, Mr. J.F.McLean McCuaig FoundationMacleod, Miss A.McLeod, Mr. C.MacLeod, Mrs. H.J.McLeod, Ms. J.McLeod, Mr. M.C.McLeod, Mr. VernonMcLoughlin, Mr. B.W.F.McMartin, Ms. J.McMeekin, Mr. G.R.MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.MacMilan Co. of Canada Ltd.MacMillan Family FundMacMillan, estate of Mr. H.R.MacMillan, Miss IsabelMcMillan, Dr. J.M.McMillan, Mr. KenMcMillen, Mr. M.R.J.McMiller, Mr. A.McMurtry, Dr. M.R.S.MacNab, Mrs. J.L.McNair, Mrs. M.G.McNeely, Dr. J.A.McNeil LaboratoriesMacNiel Management Ltd.McPhedran, estate of Mrs. M.E.McPhee, estate of Mr. D.S.MacPhee, Ms. JennieMacPhee, Ms. JoanMcPherson, Dr. C.D.McRae, Mr. D.M.MacRae Montgomery Spring &

CunninghamMacRitchie, Dr. & Mrs. D.M.Macobson, Mr. N.Madderom, Mr. PeterMafco Imports Ltd.Maggs, Dr. AlexMahon, Andrew FoundationMainguy, Mr. J.W.Mair, Ms.Susan G.

Majar, Mr. R.W.Malcolm, Mr. R.D.C.Malfet, Mr. PaulMalkin, Mrs. MaryMallory, Miss H.E.Malherbe, Mrs. F.L.Malone, Ms. W.Mann, Mr. C.R.Mann, Ms. IvaMann, Dr. R.M.Manners, Mr. G.D.Manning, Ms. J.Mar, Ms. M.A.Marchuk, Mr. W.Marcoe, Dr. K.D.Marcoe, Dr. MalcolmMarks, Dr. E.Marks, Dr. StephenMarocchi, Ms. E.B.Marsh & McLennan LimitedMarshall, Mr. T.C.Marshall, Mrs. W.C.Martin, Mr. DavidMartin, Ms. DorothyMartin, Ms. IreneMartin, Mr. JamesMartin, Mr. JohnMartin, Ms. MaryMarzoli, Mr. P.Massey, Geoffrey ArchitectsMason, Ms. KathleenMather, Mrs. J.M.Mathers, Mr. F.D.Mathiesen, Dr. A.K.Matkin, Mr. J.G.Matsqui-Sumas-Abbotsford General

HospitalMattessich, Mr. R.Matthias, Mr. R.Mattison, Ms. S.Mavinic, Mr. D.S.Monro, estate of Dr. A.S.Moore, Ms. JeanMoorhouse, Ms. A.Morfitt, Mr. GeorgeMorgan, Mr. AlanMorgan, Mr. E.F.Morgan, Ms. MarthaMorgan, Ms. MonaMorgan, Mrs. RoseMorguard Trust Company


Page 35: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Morrey, Ms. R.E.Morrey, Mr. TedMorris, Mr. R.Morrison, Dr. B.M.Morrow, Mr. W.H.Morton, Dr. K.S.Morton, Ms. MargaretMouakes, Ms. DorothyMount Saint Francis HospitalMount Saint Joseph HospitalMowatt, Ms. C.M.Mowatt, Ms. MarjorieMoxon, Ms. M.Moyls, Dr. B.N.Muenster, Mr. L.J.Muir, Mr. D.J.Mullins, Dr. PeterMultiple Sclerosis Society of

CanadaMunday Trailers Ltd.Munn, Dr. MaryMunro, Miss Constance E.Munroe, the Hon. Mr. Justice F.C.Murray, Mr. Justice G.L.Muscular Dystrophy Association

of CanadaMyall, Mrs. R.W.T.N.A.T.O.Nabelb Foods Ltd.Nadeau, Dr. J.S.Naden, Dr. J.R.Nairn, Air Vice Marshall K.G.Nakai, Dr. ShuryoNascardo, Mr. RubenNash, Mr. M.W.Nassachuk, Mr. FrankNational Association of College

Stores, Inc.National Cancer Institute

of CanadaNational Council of

Jewish WomenNational FoundationNational Retinitis Pigmentosa

Foundation of CanadaNative Daughters of B.C.Neen, Mrs. D.J.Negrin, Miss E.L.Nelson, Ms. AnnNelson, Ms. Annette C.Nelson, estate of Mr. Arthur

Nelson, Diocese ofNelson, Mr. M.M.Nelson's Jewellers Ltd.Nemetz, the Hon. N.T.Neroutsos, Mr. C.HNesbitt, Mr. J.D.Nesbitt Thomson & Co. Ltd.Nestle (Canada) Ltd.New, Mr. L.D.New Westminster Public LibraryNew York Life Insurance

CompanyNewby, Prof. F.S.Newman, Mr. W.Newmark, Ms. FlorenceNewmont Mining CorporationNg, Dr. John PaulNichols, Mr. W.F.Nicol, Mr. JohnNishko, Dr. N.Nomad ClubNoonan, Mr. R.W.Noranda FoundationNorden, Mrs. LillianNordlund, Miss E.Nornan, Ms. PeggyNorth Fraser Harbours

CommissionersNorth, Mrs. MargaretNorth, Dr. Robert N.North Shore Medical SocietyNorth West Survey Corporation

(Yukon) Ltd.Northwest Lath and Plaster

BureauNorthwestern Society of

Intestinal ResearchNorthwood Pulp & Timber

LimitedNorton, Mrs. LoisNoton, Mr. J.R.Notre Dame University of NelsonNottingham, Mr. A. MilesNu-West Development

Corporation Ltd.Nystrom, Mrs. P.O'Brien, Mr. KerryOcean Construction Supplies

LimitedOcean Fisheries LimitedOchiai, Mr. K.


Page 36: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

O'Connor, Ms. FlorenceOdium, Mr. R.M.Ohs, Mr. RI.Okamatsu, Mr. & Mrs. Y.H.Okanagan Holdings LimitedOkanagan-Mainline Real Estate

BoardO'Keefe, Mr. M.J.O'Kulita, Mr. V.J.Oldridge, Mr. O.A.Oliver, Mr. E.Omstead, Ms. CarolOne Hundred Mile District

General HospitalOrder of the Eastern Star

Grand Chapter of B.C.Order of Elks of CanadaOrmston, Mr. & Mrs. G.T.Orr, Mrs. GraceOrr, Ms. T.M.Orr, Mr. W.A.Orthodontist's Study ClubOsborne, Mr. R.D.Ostrander, Ms. M.Ottawa Foundation for

Medical ResearchOvermyer, Mr. D.L.Owen, Mr. Walter S.Pacific Coast Fisherman's

Mutual Marine Ins. Co.Pacific National ExhibitionPacific Petroleums Ltd.Pacific Press LimitedPak, Mr. ChinPalaty, Mr. M.Pan American Petroleum

CorporationParents without PartnersParker, Mr. C.H.Parker, Mr. T.Parkhave & G.M.Parnall, Mr. J.E.Parris, Ms. MerleneParry, Ms. Lily M.Parsons, Mrs. LucillePastinsky, Mr. B.Paterson, Mrs. G.S.Patterson, Dr. F.P.Patterson, Mrs. LillisPatton, Mr. W.E.Paul, Ms. Jeanne

Paul, Mr. R.H.Peace Arch District HospitalPearne, Mrs. L.Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.Pedley, Ms. M.E.Pegg, Mr. D.C.Peg's PlacePemberton Securities Ltd.Penner, Mr. G.C.Pennington, Mr. J.M.P.E.O. Sisterhood, Chapter ADP.E.O. Sisterhood, Chapter AMP.E.O. Sisterhood, Chapter APP.E.O. Sisterhood, Vancouver

President's CouncilP.E.O. Sisterhood, Chapter WYPerex, Mr. K.T.Perks, Mr. M.A.M.Permanent, ThePerry, Judge F.S.Peters, Dr. ErnestPeterson, Mr. S.B.Petroleum Research FundPfizer & Co. Ltd.Phi Delta Kappa ChapterPhilips Electronics Ltd.Phillips, Mr. ArthurPhillips Barratt Hillier Jones

& PartnersPhillips, Hager & North Ltd.Phillips, Ms. R.Phillips, Mr. R.J.Phillips, Mr. W.Physics SocietyPhysiotherapy Association of B.C.Pickles, Dr. A.C.Piercy, Mr. J.D.Piffer, Ms. Norma G.Piggot, Mrs. EleanoraPiloto, Prof. A.E.Piltz, Mr. H.K.Pincher FoundationPinder, Dr. G.D.Pinette & Therrien Mills Ltd.Piper, Mrs. E.E.Piper, Dr. M.S.Pirie, Dr. G.E.Pither, Ms. DorothyPitt Polder Ltd.Placer Development Ltd.Planning Institute of B.C.


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Plumbley, Mr. & Mrs. W.Police Mutual Benevolent

Association of VancouverPollock, Ms. AnnPollock, Mr. J.R.Poison, Mr. J.A.Pomfret, Mr. JackPomfret, Mrs. Marilyn R.Poole, Mr. W.G.Port Moody Senior Secondary

SchoolPorter, Dr. G.B.Potts, Mr. D.Potts, Mr. & Mrs. J.E.Poulenc Pharmaceutical Co.Pow, Mr. C.G.Powell, Mrs. M.B.Powley, Mr. M.D.Presad, Ms. SheilaPrevette, Mr. GarryPrevost, Mr. M.F.Price, Mr. CurtisPrice, Mr. G.Price, Mr. GeorgePrice Waterhouse & Co.Primer, Mr. M.Prince, Mr. W.Prinsenberg, Dr. SimonPrior, Mr. D.M.Prior, Mrs. PeggyPritchard, Ms. FionaPritchard, Mrs. H.Probko, Mr. DonProbyn, E.R. LimitedProdanchuk, Mr. D.Proskurniak, Mr. P.Prosser, Mr. R.D.Prosser, Mr. R.J.Prosterman, Dr. B.D.Proudfoot, the Hon Madam

Justice Patricia M.Prouse, Mrs. A.Province of B.C., Cultural

Services BranchProvince of B.C., Health BranchPrudential Insurance Company

of AmericaPudlas, Mr. KenPulleyblank, Mr. E.G.Pulp & Paper Research Institute

of Canada

Puppin, Mr. A.R.Purdue UniversityQueen Victoria HospitalQueens Park HospitalRadamaker, Mrs. W.Rae, Mr. Justice G.G.S.Ransford, Dr. PeterRanta, Dr. L.E.Rawlins, Mrs. B.Rayonier Canada (B.C.) LimitedRead, Jones, Christoffersen Ltd.Read, Mr. S.E.Read, Mr. StanleyReal Estate Board of

Greater VancouverReal Estate Institute of B.C.Rebagliati, Ms. M.Rebrin, Miss I.Redmond, Mrs. L.Ree, Dr. RimhakReese, Mrs. G.Reeves, Mr. R.W.Registered Psychiatric Nurses

Association of B.C.Rehabilitation Medicine

Undergraduate SocietyReid, Ms. C.S.Reid, Mr. J.C.Reid, Mr. & Mrs. J.G.Reid, Dr. P.E.Reid, Mr. R.S.Reif, Mr. & Mrs. K.E.Remnant, Dr. PeterResearch CorporationResources for the Future, Inc.Retail Clerks' Union, Local 1518Reubart, Mr. DaleReunion FundRevelstoke Companies Ltd.Rex, Mr. R.A.Reynolds, Mr. A.Reynolds, Mr. P.M.Rhodes, Mr. E.C.Rice, Mr. M.C.Richardson, James & Sons,

LimitedRichfield Properties Ltd.Richmond, Mr. W.O.Ricker, Dr. W.E.Riedel, Dr. B.E.Riedel, Mr. S.


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Riggs, Ms. SusanRiley, estate of Mr. ChristopherRiley, Mrs. M.R.Rimar Holdings Ltd.RIOCANEXRioual, Miss W.Ripley, Mr. PatRisse, Mrs. AliceRoberts, Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey F.Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. DonRoberts, Dr. F.J.Roberts, Mrs. M. VioletRobertson, Mr. Justice A.B.Robertson, Mr. A.W.Robertson, Mr. C.E.G.Robertson, Mr. G.A.Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. J.L.Robinson, Mr. W.G.Robson, Mr. RayRockefeller FoundationRoger, Ms. D.E.C.Rogers, Mrs. A.K.Rogers, Mr. B.A.Rogers, Mr. GeorgeRogers, L.V. Secondary SchoolRogers, Mr. R.G.Rooney, Mr. B.Rooney, Mr. & Mrs. SidRoote, Mr. IanRootman, Dr. JackRose, Mrs. J.Rosenberg, Dr. H.S.Rosevear, Mrs. AnnRoss, Ms. EileenRoss, Mr. H.F.Ross, Mrs. HopeRoss, Prof. IanRoss, Mrs. M.Rotary Club of PrincetonRotary Club of VancouverRothwell, Dr. G.S.Rowe, Mr. W.H.Rowley, Ms. E.Royal Arch Masons of B.C.,

Grand ChapterRoyal Canadian Legion,

Pacific CommandRoyal Canadian Legion, No. 10Royal Canadian Legion, No. 15Royal Canadian Legion, No. 16Royal Canadian Legion, No. 25

Royal Canadian Legion, No. 68Royal Canadian Legion, No. 88Royal Canadian Legion, No. 160Royal Canadian Legion, No. 178Royal Trust CompanyRowell, Ms. B.Rubeck, Mr. R.F.Rudland, Mr. T.Runcie, Mr. A.Runeckeles, Dr. V.C.Runzer, Mr. G.Rushton, Dr. S.J.Russell & DumoulinRussell, Ms. ElmaRussell, Mrs. E.M.Russell, Mr. JamesRussell, Dr. R.D.Rust, Miss M.Rutledge, Mr. EdwardRutledge, Mr. HaroldRuttan, Hon. Mr. Justice J.G.Ruus, Mr. E.Ryan, Dr. J.E.B.Ryan, Dr. J.G.Ryan, Mr. M.M.Ryan, Mrs. SueRyder, Mr. A.G.Sales & Marketing Executives

of VancouverSaltzman, Mr. M.Salvage, Gordon Co. Ltd.Samonte, Ms. G.G.Samuels, Mr. & Mrs. JackSanderson, Ms. EmilySanderson, Ms. IreneSanderson, Mr. R.A.Sandhu, Prof. K.S.Sauder FoundationSauder Industries Ltd.Savery, Mrs. A.G.Savitt, Dr. S.F.Sawada, Mr. ShikyoSawkins, Mr. W.P.Sawyer, Mr. J.E.Schackleton, Mr. L.Schackter, Dr. J.J.Schadt, Mrs. J.H.Schering Corporations LimitedSchilder, Mrs. MarieSchiller, Ms. Moni-ClaireSchinbein, Dr. J.E.


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Schloss, Dr. S.M.Schmoeller, Mr. M.G.School District No. 1School District No. 39School District No. 40School District No. 48School District No. 55School District No. 56Schrodt, Miss P. BarbaraSchuk, Mr. HerbSchuldt, Mr. H.E.Schuman & Harte Co.Schutz, Dr. R.W.Schwab, Mr. B.Schweigel, Dr. J.F.Scobie, Mr. WayneSCOREScotchman, Ms. YvonneScott, Prof. A.D.Scott, Mrs. B.Scott Paper LimitedScott, Dr. W.R.Seaconsult Marine Research Ltd.Seaman, Dr. G.V.F.Seamon, Dr. RogerSeaport Crown Fish Co. Ltd.Searle, G.D. & Co. of Canada

Ltd.Sears, Mr. DavidSears EmployeesSeaspan International Ltd.Seaton, Mr. Justice P.D.Seaton, Dr. R.W.Segal, Mrs. MarySegal, Dr. SydneySelby, Ms. JoanSenay, Mr. GeorgeSenff, Mrs. UrsulaShackleton, Mrs. & Mrs. L.

& familyShafron, Mrs. F.Shafron, Morley Agencies Ltd.Sharkey, Mr. JackShastri Indo-Canadian

InstituteShaw, Mrs. D.Shaw, Miss D.E.Shearer, Dr. R.A.Shell Canada LimitedShepherd, Mr. C.L.Shepherd, Ms. Charlene

Sherman, Mr. MiltSherritt Gordon Mines Ltd.Shim, Dr. S.S.Shima, Mr. KazuoShirran, Mr. A.F.Shoolbraid, Mrs. K.E.Short, Mrs. J.E.Shorthouse, Mrs. F.E.Shuswap Lake General HospitalShuttleworth, Mrs. D.M.Siemens, Dr. A.H.Siddon, Dr. T.E.Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity AlumniSignori, Mr. E.R.Signus Club of VancouverSilva, Mr. AntonioSilver, Dr. J.G.Simpson, Mr. B.Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. J.Simons, H.A. (International) Ltd.Sinclair, Dr. A.J.Singer, Mr. & Mrs. JackSingh, Mr. RajSivertz, Mr. B.Skalbania, N.M. Ltd.Skerl, Mrs. D.M.Slade, Dr. KennethSlanley, Mr. L.B.Slight, Mr. J.S.Slind, Mrs. M.Slinn, Mr. S.P.Sloan, Alfred P. FoundationSloan, Mr. David A.Sloan, Ms. D.E.Small, Mrs. InaSmall, Mr. R.Smallbone, Mr. D.W.G.Smith, Mr. AlSmith, Mrs. C.J.Smith, Mr. David A.Smith, Mr. E.A.Smith, Mrs. EvaSmith, Mr. F.C.Smith, Mrs. GilbertSmith, Mrs. Grace M.Smith, Harry & Hilda FoundationSmith, Horace FundSmith, Mr. J.B.Smith, Prof. J.H.G.Smith, Mrs. K.Smith Kline & French Canada Ltd.


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Smith, Mrs. L.Smith, Mrs. L.M.Smith, Mrs. L.R.Smith, Mrs. M. Paulette L.Smith, Ms. MarionSmith, Mr. V.K.Smith, Hon. Justice W. KirkeSmitna, Mr. JohnSmythe, Mrs. GailSociety of Automotive Engineers,

B.C. SectionSociety of Management

Accountants of B.C.Society of Real Estate Appraisers

FoundationSomerford, Mr. & Mrs. FrankSonntag, Mr. N.Soroptimist Club of New

WestminsterSorrentino, Mr. FulvioSottana, Mr. UmbertoSoulsby, Mrs. E.Southam, Mr. & Mrs. G.T.Southard, Miss HazelSouthard, Mrs. LoisSouthwestern Drug Warehouse

Ltd.Soward, Dr. F.H.Sparling, Mr. W.F.Sparwood Secondary SchoolSpeare, Ms. M.Spears, Mr. DonaldSpears, Mr. T.A.Speidel, Ms. WilmaSpencer, Chris FoundationSpitzer, Dr. R.W.Splane, Dr. R.B.Spry, Mr. F.R.Spur Ranch Ltd.Stainsby, Mr. G.D.Stanill, Mrs. HelenStanley Drug Products Ltd.Stanley Park Lawn Bowling ClubStanton, Mr. TerrillStanzl, Frank Construction Ltd.Starkey, Mrs. ElizabethStarr, Mr. DaleStatham, Mr. AlSteel Company of Canada Ltd.Steele, Mr. R.C.Steele, Mr. R.D.

Steele, Mr. T.Stefanini, Ms. RuthSteiner, Ms. MaryStentaford, Mr. G.R.Stephany, Mrs. E.Stephens, Dr. D.G.Stephenson, Dr. J.M.Sterling, Mr. MarkStevens, Mrs. M.L.Stevens, Ms. ShirleyStevens, Mr. W.W.Stevenson, Mr. J.E.Stevenson, Mr. L.F.Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. D.M.Stewart, Mr. JackStewart, Mr. & Mrs. W.G.St. Anselm's Ladies GuildSt. Clair-Sobell, Mrs. E. JoyceSt. Helen's Anglican ChurchSt. Paul's Hospital Medical StaffSt. Vincent's HospitalStinson, Mrs. E.Storey, Mr. D.Storkcraft Ltd.Strand, Mr. L.M.Strand, Mr. RonStrand, Dr. R.M.Street, Miss Margaret M.Street, Mr. R.H.Strong, Miss M.B.Strongitharm, Judge E.D.Stry Credit UnionStudents Wives AssociationStudio ChoraleSturrock, Dr. F.L.Styra, Mrs. D.G.Subedar, Mr. H.Suen, Dr. C.H.Summerland, Corporation ofSummerland General HospitalSummit Engineering Sales

(Calgary) Ltd.Sun Life Assurance Company of

CanadaSun-Rype Products Ltd.Sunshine Coast Scholarship,

Bursary & Loan SocietySurrey Single Parents AssociationSutherland, Mr. A.K.Sutherland, estate of Mr. B.W.Sutton Braidwood


Page 41: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Sutton, Mr. G.Swain, Mr. HarrySwan, estate of Mr. Wm. G.Swan Wooster Engineering Co.

Ltd.Swedish Canadian ClubSweet, Mr. D.G.Sweid, J.K. and Co.Swencisky, Judge A.H.J.Swinton, Mr. A. HansSwinton, Mr. PaulSykes, Mr. P.J.Szabo, Ms. ChristineTachi, Mr. & Mrs. Y.Taggart, Mr. Justice J.D.Tahsis Company Ltd.Tait, Ms. Anne & ColleaguesTan, Mr. M.Tansey, Mr. J.G.Tape, Mr. BobTarleck, Mr. R.D.Tate, Dr. R.G.Tautz, Mr. A.F.Taylor, estate of Mr. Austin C.Taylor, Mrs. E.R.Taylor, Mr. GlenTaylor, Dr. H.E.Taylor, Dr. I.E.P.Taylor, Mrs. J.Taylor, Ms. J.C.Taylor, Mr. J.P.Taylor, Mrs. J.W.Taylor, Mrs. PaulTaylor, Ms. R.L.Teck Mining GroupTelecommunications Workers

UnionTempleman, Mrs. MurielTessler, Mr. L.Tetlow, Dr. Wm. L.Texasgulf Inc.Thomas, Miss JoThomas, Dr. J.W.Thomas, Mr. M.A.Thomas, Mr. M. ArthurThompson, Berwick, Pratt

& PartnersThompson, David Secondary

SchoolThompson, Mrs. G.Thompson, Dr. G.B.

Thompson, Mrs. M.J.Thompson, Dr. W.J.Thompson, Mr. W.J.Thomson, Mr. G.E.Thomson, Mr. JimThomson, Mr. R.E.Thorne Riddell & Co.Thorsteinsson, Mitchell, Little,

O'Keefe & DavidsonThurston, Mr. F.R.Tickner, Ms. MaryTimbers, estate of Dr. Honor M.Timco, Mr. & Mrs. W.C.Timple, Ms. GraceTindle, Dr. P.Toby Russell Buckwell &

AssociatesTodd, Mr. E.C.Todd, Robert ArchitectsToews, Mrs. E.Tofino Hospital SocietyTohCan LimitedTomlinson, Mr. KenTopping, Ms. WendyToronto Dominion BankTotem Park Residence

AssociationTough, Mr. W.J.Tournemille, Mr. P.Towell, Mr. G.S.Towell, Dr. M.Toy, Mr. Justice S.M.Trail Regional HospitalTrans Mountain Pipe Line

Co. Ltd.Trans-Pacific Fish Ltd.Tredger, Dr. C.N.Tredwell, Dr. S.J.Tremayne, Mrs. N.E.Trewin, Mr. H.E.Trites, Mr. A.E.W.Trout, Mr. R.Trumbull, Mr. L. LymanTrumbull, Madge Hogarth AgencyTrussell, Dr. P.C.Tsetsekos, Mrs. T.Tsze, Dr. Wok M.Tuberculous & Chest Disabled

Veterans AssociationTully, Dr. Wm. A.Tupper, Mr. David


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Tupper, Sir CharlesSecondary School

Turner, Mr. F.J.E.Turnill, Mr. EricTwinning, Mr. M.H.Tyerman, Ms. J.Tyler, Mr. P.UBC Business ReviewUBC Employees Local 116UBC Law ReviewUSV Pharmaceutical CorporationUnderhill, Mr. R.W.Union Oil of CanadaUnited Church of CanadaUnited Fishermen and Allied

Workers UnionUnited Keno Hill Mines Ltd.United Transportation UnionUniversity Club of VancouverUniversity House of BeautyUniversity of MiamiUniversity PharmacyUniversity Women's Club of

New WestminsterUniversity Women's Club of

VancouverUnwin, Mr. R.B.Uphill, Mr. MarvinUpjohn CompanyUpjohn Company of CanadaUpper Island Medical SocietyUpton, Mr. F.M.Ure, Mrs. K.D.Urquhart, Mr. H.B.Utah Construction & Mining Co.Vail, Ms. LynneValentine, Mrs. J.Valley LandscapingVance, Mr. GaryVan Cleve, Mr. & Mrs.Vancouver Bar AssociationVancouver B'Nai B'Rith Hillel

FoundationVancouver Business &

Professional Women's ClubVancouver Centennial MuseumVancouver City Employees

Group CharitiesVancouver City Savings Credit


Vancouver & District DentalSociety

Vancouver Elementary SchoolTeachers Association

Vancouver FoundationVancouver General HospitalVancouver Horticultural SocietyVancouver Jaycees' College

SocietyVancouver Kiwanis Welfare

FoundationVancouver Medical AssociationVancouver Municipal & Regional

Employees UnionVancouver Natural History

SocietyVancouver Policemen's UnionVancouver Stock ExchangeVancouver SunVancouver Symphony OrchestraVancouver Women's

Transportation ClubVaniterson, Mrs. S.Van Messel, Perles & Co.VanSacker, Mrs. GailVan Tel Credit UnionVaughan, Mr. D.L.Vaughn, Mr. & Mrs. W.Vennewitz, Mr. W.A.Versatile Publishing Co. Ltd.Vick Chemical CompanyVictoria Bar AssociationVictoria & District

Parent-Teacher CouncilVogt, Dr. ErichVolkoff, Dr. & Mrs. G.M.Volkoff, Mrs. OlgaVowles, Mr. BobWada, Mr. M.Waddell, Dr. RonaldWade Williams PartnershipWagner Engineering Ltd.Wagner, estate of Mr. MorrisWainman, Mr. A.W.Wakefield, Mr. BobWakeley, estate of Mrs. C.V.L.Waldie, Dr. A.C.Waldman, Dr. & Mrs. RoyWalker, Mr. D.Walker, Mrs. Irene


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Walker, Mr. R.C.P.Walley, Dr. & Mrs. K.Walsh, Mr. J.W.Walters, Mrs. S.Wannop, Mr. Wm. B.War Amputations of CanadaWard, Mr. R.K.Warkenin, Mr. D.L.Warner-Lambert Canada LimitedWarner, Mr. W.L.Warnock Hersey Professional

Services Ltd.Warr, Mr. M.Washington, University ofWatamanik, Mr. P.Watkins, Mr. JohnWatt, Dr. J.G.Watt, Dr. N.S.Weakland, Ms. Jean MarieWeaver, Mrs. MargaretWebb, Mr. J.Webber, Mr. H.C.Webber, Ms. P.G.Weber, Mr. H.J.Weber, Mrs. 0. MelbaWebster, Mrs. C.D.Webster, Ms. DaisyWebster, Mrs. Jean T.Webster, Mr. M.E.Weeks, Mr. GeraldWegenkittle, Mr. F.Wehrhahn, Mr. C.S.Weidendorf, Mrs. M.Weinburg, Dr. F.Weinstein, Mrs. BlossomWeir, Mr. D.H.Weiss, Dr. LeonardWelch, Mr. E.Weldwood of Canada Ltd.Wells, Ms. DonnaWest Coast General HospitalWest, Mr. KenWest Kootenay Medical SocietyWest Vancouver Friends of

the RetardedWest Vancouver Parent Teachers

Council & AssociationWest Vancouver Sketch ClubWestern Canada Fertilizer


Western Canada HydraulicLaboratories

Western Canada Steel Ltd.Western Co-operative Fertilizers

Ltd.Western Optical Ltd. and

Affiliated CompaniesWestinghouse Canada Ltd.Westman, Ms. NoraWestminster County Real

Estate BoardWestern Medical AssociationWeston, the W. Garfield

FoundationWestwood Pharmaceuticals Inc.Weyerhaeuser Company

FoundationWhiddon, estate of Mrs. NellieWhitaker, Mr. RoyWhitby, Mrs. E.C.Whitcutt, Mrs. 0.White, Mr. DonWhite, Mrs. ElsieWhite Spot LimitedWhitelaw, Dr. D.M.Whitelaw, Mr. G.R.Whiteley, Mr. A.S.Whitmar, Mrs. A.Whittaker, Dr. J.V.Whittle, Mr. H.D.Whonnock Industries LimitedWhyte, Mr. M.Whyte, Mr. W.Wickett, Mr. W.P.Wickham, Mr. K.Wiebe, Mr. VictorWight, Miss W.Wilkie, Dr. D.Will, Dr. H.J.Williams, Mrs. C.I.Williams, Ms. EleanorWilliams, Mr. L.G.Williams, Mrs. MaryWilliams, Mrs. S.P.Williard, Mr. J.Williston, Mr. Ray G.Wilson, Mr. A.E.Wilson, Mr. D.C.Wilson, Mr. E.Wilson, Mr. F.


Page 44: The University of British Columbia · at the University of British Columbia ... Enquires to: A. James Brown, ... University Scholarship Bursary Fund 1,575

Wilson, Mr. G.S.Wilson, Mr. J.D.Wilson, Ms. K.Wilson, Ms. MurielWilton, Mr. E.Winch, Ms. P.J.Winnipeg FoundationWinspear, Higgins, Stevenson

& Co.Winter, Ms. JaniceWire Rope Industries Ltd.Wisenthal, Mr. JonathanWold, Mrs. B.J.Wolff, Ms. MargWolochow, Mr. D.M.Wolochow, Dr. MichaelWoloshyn, Ms. LenoreWol ridge FoundationWong, Mr. AlfredWong, Mrs. D.P.Wong, Mr. E.T.Wong, Dr. RoderickWood, Mrs. B.Wood, Dr. W.S.Woodbridge, Mrs. S.Woodward, Ms. F.M.Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. P.A.

FoundationWoodward Stores Ltd.Workers' Compensation BoardWorld BankWorld Wildlife CanadaWosnuk, Mr. J.S.Wouters, Mrs. J.Wu, Mrs. C.S.

Wyeth LimitedWylie, Dr. B.Wynnchuk, Ms. MaryXerox of Canada LimitedYaholnitksy, Mrs. F.Yates, Mrs. A.Yeo, Dr. D.J.Yeung, Dr. EdmundYorkshire Trust CompanyYorque, Ralf SocietyYoshida, Dr. Y.V.Youmans, Mr. V.Young, Mr. G.Young, Dr. J.H.Young, Dr. J.W.Young, Ms. KathleenYoung, Mr. K.G.Young, Mr. MauryYoung, Dr. M.D.Young, Mr. & Mrs. W.M.Youth Bowling Council of B.C.Yu, Dr. W.Yukon, Government of the

TerritoryZack, Ms. BeatriceZack, Mrs. GertrudeZack, Mrs. SidneyZaitzeff, Mr. & Mrs. A.Zbarsky, Dr. S.H.Zeldowicz, Dr. H.C.Zephyr Mercury Sales LimitedZintel, Ms. BessieZivot, Dr. AaronZolbrod, Dr. LeonZonto Club of Toronto


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The University of British ColumbiaVancouver, B.C.Canada V6T 1W5