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Media Pack 2016/17 Healthcare professionals communications and engagement

Industry experience and insight Binley's is probably best known as the UK's leading provider of healthcare contact data. For many years (23 and still going strong!) we have provided pharmaceutical companies, other healthcare suppliers and even the NHS itself with the most up-to-date information available for their marketing, sales and research campaigns. What many don’t know is the full breadth of services that we can offer …

Information, insight and intelligence Over the years we have strengthened this contact information with insight into the UK healthcare market, and intelligence about individuals and target groups of healthcare professionals. On this basis we are ideally placed to support pharmaceutical companies (or agencies working on behalf of pharma) with their campaigns; from profiling and segmentation and the creation of promotional or educational content through to multichannel marketing activity, customer engagement and post-campaign analysis.

Find out more So next time you're planning a pharmaceutical marketing campaign, why not give us a call to find out how we can help you deliver an impactful and responsive campaign that meets your specific sales and marketing objectives.

Perceptions of Pharma Every six months Binley’s carries out its omnibus survey Perceptions of Pharma to garner insight and intelligence from various groups of healthcare professionals (HCPs) including:

→ GPs → Practice nurses → NHS managers (payers) → Retail pharmacists → Practice managers → Hospital pharmacists → Hospital doctors → Specialist nurses

This provides insight into what HCPs information needs are, what they respond to, how they prefer to be communicated to and how they engage with pharmaceutical communications, whether regulatory, promotional, non-promotional or educational. Any organisation using us to inform and deliver their campaigns will benefit from gaining access to this industry insight. Here are a few sound bites from our recent survey (how can pharma help HCPs?):

“Partnerships not products” “Educational support and delivery” “Sponsored learning and meetings”

Look out for our forthcoming Perceptions of Pharma white

paper and industry reports.

Multichannel and closed-loop marketing What are your brand objectives?

How can you reach and engage with target HCPs? A multichannel approach, with a variety of customer touch points, has been proven to deliver the best results

The term ‘closed-loop marketing’ means different things to different people. Our closed-loop marketing model allows pharma to gain insight into healthcare customers’ interests as well as behaviour and their individual preferences. It integrates sales and marketing activity with customer intelligence, allowing pharma to identify and target customer groups as well as to personalise the content and channels of their communications. Over time, this builds a unique and precise profile of their healthcare customers. This model can be scaled up or down to meet your specific needs.

New indications

Knowledge building

Brand launch

Therapeutic awareness

Mature products

New formulations

Direct mail

Promotional content

Educational content

Email marketing


Online channels

Targeting, profiling and segmentation Target audience Over 500,000 healthcare professionals in the UK including:

Why Binley’s? • Exceptional secondary care coverage

• Unrivalled postal reach amongst healthcare professionals

• Ability to communicate with over 66% of the community by


• Target customers by specialty, therapy area, geography,

responsibility or interest

• Maximise coverage by communicating via multiple and

preferred communication channels

• A team of over 30 in-house researchers who continuously

update and validate the contact information as part of a

proactive research cycle

Finding out more about your customers Sometimes knowing 'who' someone is and 'where' they work isn't enough to inform your sales and marketing plans. If you're looking for the next level of detail that specifically identifies what a person does, how they behave and why ... then Binley's can help. Using a wide variety of data sources and intelligence, some exclusive to Binley's, we can help you identify key customer segments for your business, your brand, your product or service, your market or the therapy area that you work in. We can then help you tailor your communications accordingly to ensure you maximise the effectiveness your campaigns and improve your return on investment.

Bespoke customer research Using multichannel research known to generate the best response within your target audience, we can help you build lists of named individuals who: * are key opinion leaders or influencers in their field * treat people with specific conditions or diseases Or we can: * identify prescribing behaviours and referral patterns As members of the BHBIA, our research and list building activities are carried out according to industry guidelines including adverse event reporting and disclosure of payments to healthcare professionals, including honoraria, where applicable.

Hospital Pharmacists


Hospital Doctors




Specialist Nurses




Medicines Management


Channel preference intelligence What is channel preference? Channel preference is the expressed and/or implied preferred medium by which individuals like to receive different types of communications. We have a wealth of channel preference insight for the various groups of healthcare professionals (HCPs) whose contact information we hold on our database. Channel preference insight covers HCPs use of and engagement with websites, apps, mailings, emails and telephone.

Collating channel preference intelligence Data collection and validation - where HCPs will only provide or validate the contact information for the channels they want to receive communications via. Permission management - collating and managing opt-ins/opt-outs, unsubscribes, expressed permissions etc. Distribution and circulation lists - contracted distribution and/or circulation lists including BNF, MHRA and a number of other healthcare journals and publications. Multichannel marketing and research - We can monitor response rates, returns and interactions for different types of communications (including regulatory, non-promotional, educational and promotional) and by vertical market (including pharma).

Membership services - Our OnMedica membership where expressed permission for different communications and services is given at time of registration, and kept updated within the member profiles Omnibus surveys - Our own research amongst HCPs including our omnibus survey 'Perceptions of Pharma', which reviews channel preference by HCP type and looks at trends Web insight services - Our web insight offering where HCPs register on various healthcare related services including OnMedica and client websites

Why is channel preference important? Channel preference insight is a key success factor if you want to maximise the return on investment of your HCP communications. HCPs are more likely to be responsive if you use a channel that they prefer for the different types of communication that they like to receive.

Accessing channel preference insight Binley's is happy to provide guidance and insight on channel preference for our clients communication plans where Binley's data is used. For those using Binley's channels for their marketing activity this intelligence is applied when selecting target audience, delivering communications and/or developing materials.

Campaign planning

How a multichannel campaign with Binley’s could look An effective multichannel campaign:

→ Is one that has many touch points. It is not a stand-alone communication.

→ Uses a variety of communication channels and is supported by educational content, known to increase the impact of promotional campaigns

→ Starts with precise profiling and segmentation to ensure relevance of audience and messaging

→ Ends with post-campaign analysis to assess impact, ROI and to inform future campaigns

→ Creates a customer journey that starts with awareness and ends in action.

Sample multichannel campaign with Binley's Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Customer research - profiling and segmentation

Development of campaign microsite (hosted in OnMedica)

Sponsorship of clinical article (hosted on OnMedica)

Clinical article email campaign (traffic driving)

Development of two print campaign pieces

Postal mailing 1

Educational webinar - live and hosted

Webinar email campaign (recruitment and traffic driving)

eBulletin hosted on OnMedica

eBulletin email campaign wave 1

eBulletin email campaign wave 2

eBulletin email campaign wave 3

eNewsletter banner sponsorship

Postal mailing 2

Sponsorship of 5-a-day (short eCME course) on OnMedica

eDFU and post-campaign analysis

Educational content Sponsor, commission or licence educational content ‘Face-time’ with busy healthcare professionals is becoming more difficult to secure so the need to look for alternative ways of communicating and delivering information to them is more important than ever. Our recent Perceptions of Pharma survey cited educational content as the most appropriate way pharma could support HCPs. It also suggested that HCPs are more receptive to promotional information and messages if relevant educational content is linked to a multichannel marketing campaign. Sponsored content can be hosted on for the duration of your campaign allowing you to benefit from: → The day-to-day activity driving traffic to OnMedica → Reporting that allows you to understand ‘who’ is viewing your content, ‘what’ they are engaging with and ‘how’ they are using it → The increasing membership activity on OnMedica for healthcare professionals looking for daily news, blogs or medical education

Did you know? In our recent Perceptions of Pharma survey – HCPs expressed a preference in visiting and engaging with independent websites rather than those owned and managed by pharmaceutical companies.

CME modules, short courses, clinical articles and case studies – A piece of educational content, independently written by a key opinion leader (KOL) and healthcare professional specialising in a therapy area can add weight to a promotional campaign - improving understanding and engagement, and maximising the effectiveness and resonance of your message. Microsites - We can work with you to design and develop a ‘campaign-specific’ microsite that is hosted on Webinars – An independent webinar sponsored by a pharmaco, broadcast live and then hosted online over a period of time can increase brand and therapeutic awareness. Delegate numbers depend on a whole host of different factors including: → the exact topic/subject area → the therapy area → the KOL → the number of people in the target audience → the amount of marketing activity leading up to the ‘live’ date etc. The beauty of a webinar is that once the live broadcast has gone out, the recorded version can still be made available online for your target audience to view. This means that the value of the webinar and return on investment is maximised throughout the period of the campaign. Webinars can also be referred to and linked to in promotional materials to add depth and clarity to the project.

Promotional content Getting your message across eBulletins and eDetails are ideally placed to drive home your message in a direct, informative and engaging way, particularly amongst busy healthcare professionals who prefer to view promotional content in their own time and/or who are perhaps too busy to see pharmaceutical representatives on a regular basis. Self/user-directed, these can be hosted on, with relevant healthcare professionals being directed to the eBulletin or eDetail via multiple channels over that period. Reporting provides insight into the user journey including ‘who’ has interacted , ‘minutes on message’ and the routes/choices taken. eBulletins - are short online presentations, normally between 1-2 minutes in length (think TV advert), that can provide topline information regarding a new product or indication, or to reinforce messages as part of a multichannel campaign. eDetails - are longer, interactive online presentations, normally between 2-5 minutes in length (think infomercial), that provide more in-depth information about a product or brand. Branching allows the user to chose different options about ‘what they see next’ depending on preferences, behaviour and/or requirements.

Our insight shows that HCPs prefer, and engage more, with a series

of eBulletins rather than a longer eDetail.

Banner advertising Web and newsletter banner advertising is available to support promotional or educational campaigns. Ideal for: → Reinforcing messaging and branding → Advertising a supporting campaign event → Promoting and driving traffic to sponsored content

Choose from a variety of options across website or in the OnMedica weekly newsletters. Our three weekly enewsletters for members and non-members and include: → Drugs & Therapeutic Update → On the Pulse → Weekly News Round up

Depending on your campaign objectives, you can target enewsletters banner advertising within our members and non-member groups.

OnMedica What is OnMedica? • A membership of healthcare professionals (HCPs)

• An online community for healthcare professionals

• A panel of HCPs for surveys, polls and market research

• A portal for HCP eCME and online learning

• A library of clinical and therapy-based content

• A go-to place for daily healthcare news and views

• A channel for pharmaceutical marketing communications

• A platform for hosting promotional and educational content

Why OnMedica? OnMedica is often cited as a preferred source of healthcare information and therapy-based content among healthcare professionals. This is because it is an independently-run site, not affiliated with any one pharmaceutical company or professional body. OnMedica-generated content is highly recommended by the Royal College of Physicians A dedicated editorial team, led by Dr Luke Koupparis, medical editor and practising GP, ensures that content is updated daily. Proactive marketing activity, including three weekly newsletters, to inform HCPs about new content and attract new members ensures that regular traffic is driven to the site.

Over 35,000 registered members

2,500 courses, case studies and clinical articles

14,471 content interactions per month

Average 19,116 unique visitors per month

Compliant data, communications and research Binley’s (Wilmington Healthcare Ltd) is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and all UK data is held and collected in accordance with the ICO guidelines and the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) guidelines. As you will know, pharmaceutical communications and research are regulated by the industry bodies, the ABPI, the PMCPA and the BHBIA. Binley’s is a member of the ABPI and BHBIA, and works closely with the regulators to ensure that our communications and research offering are compliant. Binley’s isn’t governed by these organisations but we have developed various models of delivering communications to allow our pharmaceutical clients to maximise compliance and reduce the risk of a complaint or breach. We take data protection legislation extremely seriously so are fastidious in our processes for the collection and management of data, as well as in the licensing of our data to organisations for use in their healthcare communications, or sharing data with approved third-parties. If you would like more information on Binley’s data collection, permissioning and compliance processes then request a copy of our detailed PDF from your account manager.

How does Binley’s collect HCP email addresses? Healthcare professionals (HCPs) email addresses are collected and validated via two methods:

1) In line with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Direct Marketing Guidelines for business-to-business (B2B) communications, and to ensure compliance with current UK data protection legislation. 2) Via the OnMedica community where collection, validation and permissioning is gained at the point of registration. Non-promotional, educational and regulatory email communications from pharmaceutical companies can be sent to B2B contacts direct within the ABPI code of practice. For promotional email communications from pharmaceutical companies, we use a ‘permissioned-at-point of contact’ model.

To date there are 42 UK pharmaceutical companies that have used this model, including seven of the top 10 in the UK This model is known as ‘double opt-in’ whereby the individual has taken two actions to confirm that they are happy to view promotional content. This ensures that no HCP views promotional content without first giving their express permission to do so and therefore complies with clause 9.9 of the ABPI code of practice.

For more information regarding our permissioned at point of contact model – please contact your account manager.

Email communications Getting more from your eCommunications Binley’s provides you with the most up-to-date email addresses available for your target audience, and sends them using a sophisticated email system to ensure the highest delivery rate possible. However, the biggest impact on response rate will come from the elements of the campaign that you are responsible for, so please give careful consideration to the points below so that you can maximise the return on investment from your email communications. For advice and guidance on how you can improve your response rates from e-communications speak to your account manager

Subject line - When the email is delivered, it is the subject line that initially determines whether someone opens your email so make sure that it is short, informative, engaging but not misleading. A misleading subject line may get an email display, but it’s unlikely to result in a positive response Content - The main contributor to getting a positive response is getting the content right. Is it easy to read, engaging and relevant to the audience? Sometimes the temptation is to say more than is necessary, or to get more than one point across, which can dilute the message and potentially result in a non-response. Images – Remember that not all images load when an email is viewed so don’t have any key ‘text’ included in/on images otherwise if the images don’t load the recipient won’t understand what the email is about. Preview panes - Bear in mind that some people don’t always open an email to review – they sometimes view it in the preview pane. If you have your key message in the top left hand corner it is likely to be seen when ‘reviewed’ in this format. If not, then the recipient won’t know what your email is about and may not even bother to open it to find out more.

Call to action - What do you want people to do when they’ve read your email? Be clear about what you expect from recipients, what they need to do if they are interested in your email and make it very easy for them to act. People can’t respond if they’re not sure what you want them to do next Realistic expectations - What are you expecting as a result of your email, in what timeframe and how will you measure it? To raise awareness (a click-through but not necessarily a response)? To elicit a positive response (how are you defining this – registration, view, download, contact)? Know your target audience - Who are you communicating with – end-users, decision-makers and/or budget-holders? These groups may respond to different messages in different ways so make sure your message suits all or consider different messages for each group to help improve response rates. Understand the market - How does your message and what you are offering add value to the market? Aligning your message with your target audience’s targets, KPIs and objectives is more likely to generate a positive response than one that has no or little perceived value. Message testing - How will your message resonate with the audience? If previously untested why not consider split-testing first. Send two different messages to 50/50 of your target audience and then the reminder to the one that generates the best and most appropriate response rate. Bigger picture - What else are you doing to support your email campaign? A single email campaign, unsupported by other channels, may not give you the outcome you are looking for. Multichannel campaigns are proven to have more impact and improve overall response rates.

Postal communications Getting more from your postal communications Support your multichannel marketing campaign with a postal mailing. A great way to gain more coverage, reinforce your message or to follow up on other channels, whether that is email, online or face-to-face. Binley’s can offer you: → Up to 20% discount on Royal Mail postage rates → Barcode technology for tracking and recording responses → A full range of print services including on-demand → Machine fulfilment for volume and quick turnaround → Hand fulfilment for bespoke and tailored mailings → Royal Mail accreditation to maximise postal discounts Campaign management - Whether you are licensing our data to do a mailing campaign, or using your own data, we can help you with pre-campaign planning to define and segment your audience according to your objectives. Post-mailing we can assess the effectiveness of your campaign with tailored statistics and analysis to help inform your next campaign. Drug/device safety and recall notification services - A pharmaceutical company’s ability to respond and take immediate action is not only crucial in minimising risk but also protects a brand’s reputation. Our ‘Dear Healthcare Professional’ service allows you to plan and react quickly and efficiently should a recall arise – whether that is simple amendments to product information or the more serious withdrawals of products from the market. Sales-team activated mailings - Help free up sales reps/MSLs time by allowing us to carry out follow up mailings to sales calls. Integrated into CRM services, this automated activity ensures that all of your communications are responsive and timely.

Email or print mail? Advantages of email • Our email price includes a reminder send to those who haven’t

interacted with it after initial send, which increases response rates

• We can track engagement number of display/click-throughs to gauge interest

• Number of promotional communications (from pharma) isn’t restricted for emails as it is with mailings

Advantages of mail • There are just some items that you can’t send via email. A glossy,

embossed brochure, an interactive promotional piece, samples and promotional items can only be sent in the post and add a different dimension to a multichannel campaign

• Mailings aren’t subject to the same industry regulations as emails so can offer some flexibility in terms of communications

• Not everyone has an email address or responds to an email. Sending a mailing ensures maximum HCP coverage and/or reinforces messages for those that didn’t open or interact with emails.

Want to know more? Team overview The Binley’s team responsible for working specifically on campaigns and projects for pharmaceutical clients and agencies has a wealth of experience in UK healthcare, industry knowledge, regulation and compliance, and multichannel marketing. James Hall E: M: 07908 563152 Shelley Jessop E: M: 07825 219289

Steve Wilks E: M: 07917 251610

Kathryn Hill E: T: 01268 495600

Emily Nightingale E: T: 01268 495600 Sarah Eglington E: T: 01268 495600

Contact us If you have any questions or would like more information including counts, quotes or campaign proposals then please contact your account manager (where known) or any one of the team listed on the left. Further details about all of Binley’s products and services can be found on Why not follow us on Twitter at @binleysonline or connect with us on LinkedIn. Did you know that Binley’s …? … has been providing multichannel marketing services for more than 23 years … has it’s own ‘full service’ mailing house … has an in-house team of 30 researchers … is part of Wilmington Insight, a division of Wilmington plc

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